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Humans of North County: January

Dnde naci y qu es lo que ms le gusta de su lugar de nacimiento?

Where were you born and what do you most like about your birthplace?

Cul es tu momento ms orgulloso?

What is your proudest moment?

Dnde est el mejor lugar para ir en un da lluvioso?

Where is the best place to go on a rainy day?

Cul es tu punto de venta cuando te sientes mal?

What is your outlet when you are feeling down?

Es un hotdog un emparedado?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Ryan Ackles sharing a laugh with a friend at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, CA.

Es un hotdog un emparedado?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?

A: Creo que un hotdog es un emparedado porque si miras la definicin de un emparedado (mira

para arriba) indica que un emparedado es un alimento compuesto de dos pedazos de pan y de un
relleno entre ellos. Por qu un hotdog no sera considerado un emparedado?

A: I believe a hotdog is a sandwich because if you look at the definition of a sandwich (look it
up) it states that a sandwich is a food made up of two pieces of bread and a filling between them.
Why wouldnt a hot dog be considered a sandwich?

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Shendo Yafuso staring at a faraway object outside a window at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, CA.

Es un hotdog un emparedado?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?

A: Creo que depende de la definicin de emparedado. En mi propia cabeza, debe ser un

emparedado de cara abierta porque es slo un pedazo de pan que rodea el contenido.

A: I think that it depends on the definition of sandwich. In my own head, it must be an open-faced
sandwich because it is only one piece of bread surrounding the contents.

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Junnifer Ngo laughing at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, California.

Dnde est el mejor lugar para ir en un da lluvioso?

Where is the best place to go on a rainy day?

A: El mejor lugar para estar en la lluvia en un lugar nuevo y desconocido. Hago esta cosa donde
voy a vendarme los ojos y simplemente caminar al azar a travs de mi vecindario. Siempre
termino en algn lugar divertido con una frente roja.

A: The best place to be in the rain in somewhere new and unknown. I do this thing where Ill
blindfold myself and just walk about randomly through my neighboorhood. I always end up
somewhere fun with a red forehead.

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Cynthia Chavez glancing up from her phone at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, California.

Cul es tu momento ms orgulloso?

What is your proudest moment?

A: Mi momento ms orgulloso es conseguir contratado en un trabajo porque me ayudar a

apoyar a mi familia ya m mismo, y me ense cmo ser responsable.

A: My proudest moment is getting hired at a job because it will help me support my family and
myself, and it taught me how to be responsible.

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Adrianne Santa Romana throwing up a peace sign at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, CA.

Cul es tu punto de venta cuando te sientes mal?

What is your outlet when you are feeling down?

A: Cuando me siento deprimido normalmente me gusta escuchar msica de Disney. Una vez que
estoy en mi zona me gusta romper a cantar en mi habitacin como nadie me est viendo o

A: When Im feeling down I usually like to listen to Disney music. Once Im in my zone I like to
burst out into singing in my room like no one is watching or listening to me.

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Camila Sanchez taking a look outside a window at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, CA.

Dnde naci y qu es lo que ms le gusta de su lugar de nacimiento?

Where were you born and what do you most like about your birthplace?

A: Yo nac es San Diego y lo que ms me gusta es que hay una gran variedad de lugares de
comida y restaurantes mexicanos.

A: I was born is San Diego and what I most like about there is that there is a variety of food
places and Mexican restaurants.

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text
Anthony Gonzalez giving a stern look to the camera at High Tech High North County in San Marcos, CA.

Es un hotdog un emparedado?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?

A: No creo que un hotdog es un sndwich. Si bien pueden ser una mercanca semejante, un
sndwich formado por dos trozos de pan separados, que contienen a menudo embutidos o se
extiende en el centro. La carne se separa, y est rodeado de vegetacin y los diferenciales de
buen gusto. Un hotdog es ms que un tubo de carne de pur de cientos, si no miles de diferentes
animales. El pan de un pan de hotdogs no est desgarrado entre s. El pan de hotdog no est
apoyando la braut, pero simplemente dejndola descansar en la parte superior. Para un bocadillo,
el pan es el apoyo y el cuidado de los alimentos en su interior. Los hotdogs son una forma
humilde de la vida comparada a un sndwich suave, delicado, y carioso.

A: I do NOT believe that a hotdog is a sandwich. While they may be a similar commodity, a
sandwich consists of two pieces of separated bread, often containing sliced meats or spreads in
the middle. The meat is separated, and it is surrounded by greenery and tasteful spreads. A
hotdog is merely a tube of meat mashed up from hundreds, if not thousands of different animals.
The bread of a hotdog bun is not torn apart from each other. The bun of hotdog is not supporting
the braut, but it merely allowing it to rest on top. For a sandwich, the bread is supporting and
caring of the foods inside. Hotdogs are a lowly form of life compared to a gentle, delicate, and
loving sandwich.

Spanish Questions/Answers: Listed above English questions/answers in standard font

English Questions/Answers: Listed below Spanish questions/answers in italicized text

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