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[ Silence ] Okay. Welcome back to Computer Science S-75.

This is Lecture Six, Ja

vaScript. This seems to be fun to start these classes by asking what we did last
time because no one ever seems to know. So let's go there first. So, last time
on Monday we dived a bit deeper into SQL, talked about a few topics, among which
were? Axle?
Well, joining tables.
Okay, so joining tables which refers to what?
It's defining something in the tables [inaudible].
Which refers to a similar field in another table of these two and [inaudible] jo
in those two together and simply gives you the things associated with that [inau
dible] from one table and puts it next to another one.
Okay, good. So just to summarize, if you have a relational database, inside of w
hich is at least two tables and one of those is a primary key, like an ID, and a
nother of those is the same ID but not in the same kind of relationship. You can
join those two tables on that shared ID so that you get back essentially the un
ion of the rows from this table with the corresponding rows from this table. And
when I said it's the idea is a little bit different in the second table, we cal
l this a foreign key, because it's there not necessarily to uniquely identify th
e row but to somehow link that row back to a corresponding primary key. So what
was an example that we did involving primary and foreign keys?
We had an inputting table and then we had a sales table --
-- so we joined the actual sales to the [inaudible].
Okay, good. So we had an order -- a sales table, an orders -- sorry. We had prod
ucts, we had orders, and there were some keys shared among those tables, for ins
tance, an employee ID. Sorry, we had an employees table, and we had an orders ta
ble, and the shared key between those two tables was some employee identifier. S
o what's an upside of actually factoring out something like an order into an ord
ers table? What was the motivation for introducing two tables on Monday as oppos
ed to just one bigger table? Like if we already have an employees table on day o
ne and we only have that one table, why not just add another column that lists t
he product ID that that person sold? Jack?
[Inaudible] a whole lot of redundant information that's taking up space on where
ver [inaudible].
Okay, good. You could end up with a whole bunch of redundant information. For in
stance, if you clutter the employees' table with all of your orders you might ha
ve Jack, Jack, Jack, just because Jack sold three different items, and we certai
nly don't need three different copies of his name. And alternatively, if we didn
't -- if we weren't as bad as that, if we didn't actually just duplicate Jack's
name or the employee's name again and again, what if we instead just put another
column in the employees' table?
Well that wouldn't be good either because that would be like faking a table beca
use you would have to use commas or some kind of [inaudible] characters to actua
lly identify the individual sales.
Okay. So, okay. So, you've interpreted my proposal of another column, let's call
it the orders column, as potentially containing zero or more order ID's, or pro
duct ID's, and we would have to resort to some kind of hack whereby we just sepa
rate those product ID's by commas and at that point we might as well just have m
ultiple columns. Okay, so let's do that. That was a stupid mistake I made the fi
rst time, let me have one column per order in the employees' table. Why not go t
hat route? Why introduce this additional complexity of a whole other table? Let
me sort of -- let me play naive for a moment. So what would I name this column?
I'm going to call it Order One. What would I name the second column? Order Two.
What do I name the third column? Order Three. Now, start to find faults with my
proposal. Jack?
Well, so you have one customer -- well, one employee that sells, let's say, 300
And another who sells maybe two or three.
First of all, now you have 300 columns in your --
-- table, which is way more than you need for the one who's only sold two or thr
ee items. And let's say if you [inaudible] the customer that sold 300 items but
you want to keep the sales you wouldn't be able to do that because they're all o
n the same page.
Excellent. So a couple problems arise here. One, the table just gets really wide
. For instance, to handle an employee who has sold as many as 300 items you now
need Order One, Order Two, Order dot, dot, dot, Order 300. Which literally means
300 columns, but remember this is a spreadsheet of sorts, it has rows and colum
ns and it has the same number of columns for every one of the rows, so now just
because you have a really good salesperson he or she has 300 orders to his or he
r name, but suppose the norm is far fewer than that. Or you have a guy who's not
doing so well and he only has two orders to his name, well you're wasting it se
ems a huge amount of space. Even if we've not filled in the blanks there's defin
itely some overhead involved in having all of these columns there for all of the
rows. So you just have this very ragged edge to your table whereby it might be
300 orders long, it might be two orders long, but this doesn't feel like the bes
t design. As moreover, as Jack points out, if you delete or fire an employee, yo
u're going to lose in this model all of his or her order numbers, which doesn't
seem ideal. Now we can mitigate that one by instead of deleting the employee we
could just have another field that's called terminated and it's one if yes or ze
ro if no. So that might mitigate that but still this doesn't feel like the clean
est design. So the where we ended up on Monday was pretty good. So the [inaudibl
e] schools table still had some other faults with it but at least this factoring
out of orders and having it as a distinct table from employees was a good thing
because we can always recover the relationships by doing joins, whether implici
tly or explicitly. So what was the analog now for project one? Even though you p
robably haven't dived into it yet project one involves stocks, and portfolios, a
nd users, and so forth, so what's the similarity there with this project? Axle?
Maybe you would want to have one table containing all the portfolios on your ent
ire site.
And another table containing all your user names and passwords.
Okay, good. So maybe you'd have one table for all of your portfolios. And on Mon
day we defined a portfolio somewhat arbitrarily as being a stock symbol, a quant
ity, and it also had one other field associated with it, in the portfolios table
. Stock symbol, quantity, and?
Sales price?
Could have sales price if we wanted to remember that information, but we crucial
ly need one other field in this portfolios table. Yeah?
How much money is [inaudible] sorry.
Okay. Retracted. So I've got my users table, now I've got my portfolios table, a
nd at the moment my portfolios table only has quantity and symbol.
You need to tell -- you need to [inaudible] which user actually has [inaudible].

Exactly. We need the user ID. We need some kind of identification for the user s
o that we know who owns four shares of GOOG, in the case of a Google stock. Now
we could store price if we did care about that history, and that's ultimately up
to you, the [inaudible] allows you to simplify and allows a user to sale all of
his or her shares, not just individual ones. So you don't really have to know e
xactly which of your shares you're selling. But that could be a compelling featu
re. Now in terms of this user ID, let's go there. In the users table we presumab
ly have a username, which might as well be email address, password, or a hash th
ereof. Shouldn't be storing clear text passwords even though we did initially fo
r John Harvard. What should the primary key be in the users table for project on
e? And again, don't take this as law, different designs are possible, but what c
ould be? Yeah?
A unique identifier.
Okay. Unique identifier, I propose an email address. Like it or hate it? Or do y
ou like it or hate it?
Well, you can do email address.
Okay. So you say, okay, you kind of like it. Email address, who dislikes email a
ddress as the unique identifier as the primary key for my users table? Ben?
It seems to be easier just to use a number.
If you're [inaudible] who owns [inaudible] a number [inaudible] link that to an
email address.
Good. So just to recap, the upside of using a numeric identifier, like an int, t
hat just auto increments, would be one, it's a little more efficient because you
just search on a 32, or 64-bit value rather than some arbitrary length varchar.
And you can also index it a bit more readily because there's just less -- there
's fewer bits to actually index. So it feels like that should be higher performi
ng, certainly for large datasets. Jack?
You're also saving space from also repeatedly putting in whatever someone's emai
l is and however long it is when you could just be putting in some sort of --
Exactly, so the space savings can certainly add up because if this user owns a l
ot of stocks and his or her email address was in every row of the portfolios tab
le it just feels kind of ridiculous to store 10 or 12 or 20 characters just too
uniquely identify that user. Moreover there's another problem that would arise.
Suppose that I wasn't this savvy, I didn't use numbers, I just used email addres
s. Think about other corner cases that arise -- could arise, not necessarily in
project one, but if you continue to roll out project one as sort of an actual co
mmercial website. What's a design flaw you might regret a few months later?
Email addresses change, they disappear [inaudible] password.
Good. [ Inaudible Speaker ] Good. So you leave Harvard and you lose your Harvard
.edu address. You leave your company; you just decide you got to stop using that address. You want to change your email address. Now what's the implicat
ion? Well, you the programmer could certainly allow a user to change his or her
email address, but how many different tables or rows are you going to have to up
date now? If they change their email address you have to minimally update what?
You have to -- if you have a separate table for user ID's and emails then it's e
asily done you just need to deal with that table. But if you have it on all stoc
ks it's a mess.
Exactly. Right? You have to do an update on the users table, you have to do an u
pdate on the portfolios table, or wherever else you've used it. And then there's
the issue of well, how do you do that all atomically because it'd kind of be id
eal that this kind of change happen all at once and not a little bit of change o
ver here, then over here, then over here, because for whatever reason if that us
er decides to hit reload in some other browser window in which they're already l
ogged in you could end up with some very funky undefined behavior if some of you
r tables have and other tables have, just becau
se you happen to look at your database while that change was in process. Jack?
And beyond that if you do have some sort of [inaudible] atomic process so it doe
s it all at once you're going to shut down the -- using the SQL database for all
the other users who [inaudible].
Well, good. So if you resort to lock specifically and you're using MyISAM tables
, which was one of the formats that you can have for a table, then you would ind
eed have to lock out other users. In this case you could use NoDB, which now is
in fact the default, and transactions would not be as -- would not have the same
impact on users. So we can at least mitigate that. But there's then at least th
e additional complexity of just updating all of these darn tables just because y
ou made a foolish design decision upfront. So, realize that when I say there's m
any different ways of doing these things, it's fine if you still for this projec
t, for instance, want to use email address as your identifier, but you're going
to have to justify that to us. For instance, in the [inaudible] that you were as
ked for project zero and also now for project one, you're invited to explain you
r various design decision, so if you feel strongly about something that's fine.
But what we're really looking for when evaluating projects is did you give it th
e thought and did you make a judgment call as opposed to just picking something
because it seemed easy without really thinking through the implications? So do b
e mindful of those kinds of things. So in terms of project zero, it has been dis
tributed among the TF's. You should soon, if you haven't already, heard from you
r specific TF. We have a team of four this semester and so they'll be reaching o
ur via email and they'll also be providing you with feedback, both numeric and q
ualitative on the project, and the aim is to get that feedback back to you at le
ast a day or two before the next project's deadline so that you can absorb that
feedback and make any last minute changes to your current code for project one b
ased on any repeated mistakes or decisions you might have made that maybe weren'
t optimal. So feel free to reach out to me and also to your specific TF via emai
l anytime if you have questions. All right, so without further ado we move on to
things more client side. So whereas thus far, we've looked at XML, and we've lo
oked at SQL, and we've looked at PHP. All of that stuff thus far has been server
side, and so we're at the sort of midpoint of the course now where we transitio
n to things more client side. Where we don't do away with all of our server side
capabilities, but we start focusing more on writing code that was going to exec
ute in the confines of the browser. So JavaScript is an interpreted language, ju
st like PHP, and what does that mean, to be interpreted as a programming languag
e? Yeah?
It's read line by line when it's run as opposed to being compiled when it's tran
slated into [inaudible].
Exactly. So there's no step as there is with some languages like C, or C++, or e
ven Java, where you have to compile your code from source code into some other r
epresentation, often zeros and ones. With JavaScript, as with PHP, you just writ
e it and then you hit reload on your browser, or you hit run on the server, you
do some execution of a command that just starts to interpret that file line by l
ine. The upside of this is that there is quite simply no compilation process, ju
st a little more interactive in terms of the programming. But the downside is so
me degree of performance. And so on the PHP side, and we'll talk about this in o
ur scalability lecture, there are ways of mitigating that cost of interpreting t
he same darn PHP file again and again. You can do what's called cache, the up co
des, which is a fancy way of saying that the PHP interpreter can save the result
s of its first interpretation so that the second, and third, and fourth interpre
tations are much faster but that's purely server side. On the client side you mi
ght have noticed in the popular press that when Google comes out with a new vers
ion of Chrome, or Fire -- or Mozilla comes out with a new Firefox version, every
one's touting their various JavaScript performance numbers. And that's in partic
ular because so much more of the web these days is based on client side code and
the faster that code executes the better the user experience tends to be. And t
he more necessary it is to have good JavaScript interpreters, especially in olde
r hardware, or mobile phones, or netbooks where you just have fewer CPU cycles a
nd less RAM to play with. So let's take a look at JavaScript, and you should fin
d overall that syntactically it's pretty similar to what you would find in other
interpreted languages, among them PHP, but there's a few features and a few app
roaches that are generally good to be mindful of out of the gate. So, one, in te
rms of references, these are some okay references. The first two are more author
itative than W3Schools, but you'll find that these links might be some useful re
ading. But today what we'll focus on are some of the core features of JavaScript
, the syntax, most of which you'll find familiar, and then some concrete example
s. And then what we'll do next Monday is focus in particular on Ajax, asynchrono
us JavaScript and XML, although it doesn't necessarily involve XML anymore. Rath
er, Ajax is all about using JavaScript to program more dynamic websites, things
like Google Maps, and Facebook, that even once you have landed on their homepage
they continue to pull in more and more data, whether it's different parts of a
map, whether it's status updates from your friends, and that's all thanks to Jav
aScript and the ability in JavaScript these days to make additional HTTP request
s without reloading the whole page. You can instead make other HTTP requests tha
t get back subsets of content and incorporate that content into an existing webp
age. So we'll also see the topic of DOM and tree structures recur today and next
week as well. So how do you go about writing JavaScript? So JavaScript is not f
undamentally tied to the web or to HTML, but it's generally found inside of webp
ages, or inside of JS files -- .js files that themselves are included in webpage
s. Now as an aside they're increasingly common is to actually use JavaScript ser
ver side. A very popular framework, if familiar, is node.js, which we'll talk br
iefly about toward the end of the semester, but this is an alternative type of t
ool that allows you to actually write JavaScript code on a server, or even on yo
ur Mac, or your PC, and run it locally without actually needing a browser. So ju
st realize that unto itself JavaScript is a full-fledged programming language bu
t tends to be used in webpages and it tends to be used in between script tags th
at look quite simply like that. However, if you actually want to put your JavaSc
ript code, such as the stuff we're going to write, in a separate file you can in
clude it in a separate file by a syntax like this. So the script tag takes an op
tional source attribute, which references a file, and then also a type attribute
which informs the browser what the type of that script is. It's almost always J
avaScript, but in theory other languages could be supported. So without knowing
much about JavaScript, without actually even seeing any JavaScript just yet, jus
t instinctively, why might you want to be able to embed JavaScript code between
script tags in a webpage versus doing it via an inclusion mechanism like this? W
hen might you go one route versus the other do you think? Yeah?
[Inaudible] a user to look at my code.
Okay. [ Inaudible Speaker ] Okay. So we can raise the bar to the user seeing my
code by putting it in a secondary file rather than my .html file, or my .php fil
e. The one pushback there is that because JavaScript is an interpreted client si
de language when used in the web, the reality is we can still see file.js, it's
just not going to be in the body of the main webpage. But for instance, if we us
e Chrome, or IE's, or Firefox's Inspector, it's a little debugging window at the
bottom, we can absolutely still see the contents of my JavaScript file. So it r
aises the bar a little bit but not fundamentally. Jack?
It lets you use the same JavaScript commands on all sorts of different pages.
Instead of having to paste and copy and all that stuff.
Good. So much like CSS it can be used across multiple pages if you factor it out
into an individual file and then include that file with a link tag in the head
of your webpage. Same deal here, with JavaScript if you want to use the same fun
ctions or the same widgets in different webpages, whether it's a .html file, or
.php file, or whatever, you can factor it out here, include this tag in every on
e of those pages so that you can then use that JavaScript functionality anywhere
you want. So there's just an efficiency mechanism to it. One, you don't have to
download the same file again and again, indeed you get the benefits of caching
in this case, because if the browser realizes, wait a minute, I already download
ed file.js before, even if you're including this tag in 20 different webpages of
yours the browser most likely is not going to keep re-downloading file.js. By c
ontrast, if you paste it, a whole bunch of JavaScript code between script tags i
n your HTML, well then that just has to be downloaded again and again, because w
hen you request a file via HTTP you really get the whole thing typically, you do
n't get everything but the part of it that you downloaded before. So there's tha
t mechanism. And then there's just the design opportunity whereby you don't have
to comingle it with your aesthetic markup, your HTML, you can really relegate y
our logic to a separate file and it lends itself therefore to better designs, ce
rtainly for complex projects. So initially we'll start by just embedding everyth
ing in our HTML files because one, we don't care yet about performance because t
hese are going to be tiny little scripts at first. Two, it's a little bit easier
to read pedagogically if it's all in the same file. But as soon as we get to th
e point of doing more powerful things with JavaScript it'll make sense to adopt
this model here. All right, so here is JavaScript in list format. These aren't a
ll the keywords but I tossed these up here in bullet form really just to convey
the message that JavaScript is quite similar to most of the languages with which
you're probably already familiar. So not just PHP but whatever languages you've
used before coming into the class. You have break statements to break out of th
ings like loops, or switches. You have do while, you have for loops, you have wh
ile loops and the like. You have the return statement, switches, throw, try, and
catch, which relate to exception handling, which we talked briefly about on Mon
day and also is quite popular in Java. Var for variable we'll see is a little bi
t different from PHP where we sometimes want to declare explicitly that somethin
g's a variable before using it. And functions are actually going to be quite pow
erful. One of the most powerful and useful features of JavaScript is that it sup
ports anonymous functions and in turn things called closures which for now [inau
dible] are going to let us do some fairly sophisticated things like passing func
tions around as arguments and not just passing variables around as arguments. So
this is quite a fancy feature that's now present in PHP and other languages but
it's quite a very common paradigm in JavaScript. All right, so some basic synta
x. In JavaScript to declare an array, call it a, you can do syntax as simple as
this. Var, which means give me a variable, a, which means here's the name of the
variable, equals open square bracket, closed square bracket, semicolon. That's
it. So this returns to you an empty array. These arrays in JavaScript are only n
umerically indexed. So whereas in PHP we saw associative arrays and you could us
e an array by way of indexing in with numbers, or you could use actual keywords,
like the super globals, get, and post, and session, and cookie are all associat
ive arrays. In JavaScript arrays are by definition numerically indexed. So for n
ow, if I want to add things to an array in JavaScript I can do this in a few dif
ferent ways, I can do a [0] gets equal 'foo'. Totally arbitrary example but it j
ust shows the syntax. If your array is called a, and you want to get at location
zero, even if nothing is there yet, you just go ahead and say gets equals bar -
- or 'foo' in this case, or number, whatever value you want to store there. Same
deal for bracket one and bracket two. The one thing to realize here is that the
y array is actually going to grow automatically for you. You don't have to resiz
e it as you might in a language like C. You don't have to know in advance how bi
g this array is. You can just keep pushing additional items onto it by knowing a
t what index you want to place foo, or bar, or baz. So you can actually be a lit
tle more deliberate and you can actually call functions. So JavaScript arrays ar
e actually objects, even though you're initializing it with this somewhat shorth
and notation of open bracket, closed bracket, they are themselves full-fledged o
bjects in an object-oriented programming sense, and therefore they have methods
associated with them. And one of the methods associated with a JavaScript array
is a push method, which pretty much does what it says, a.push means call the pus
h method inside of the array, called a, and give it an argument in this case of
foo. And that has the exact same effect of just adding foo in this case to the f
irst location in the array. Why? Well the array is initialized to nothing so pus
hing an element onto it means you now have a bracket zero location. Call it agai
n and again, you have bracket one and bracket two. So push appends an element to
an array, it does not prepend the element. As an aside you may also see syntax
whereby you can declare an array with var a equals new Array. So A-R-R-A-Y, capi
tal A, is actually the name of a class, though JavaScript doesn't technically ha
ve classes, it's the name of a JavaScript object that exists but the common nota
tion, daresay preferred notation, is just to use the simpler square brackets. Bu
t realize you might see that in various tutorials. So good, we have arrays, whic
h means we have the ability to store lists of things and arrays are going to be
super useful once we get to Ajax and more generally the retrieval of more data f
rom a server because if you can imagine how something like Facebook is implement
ed or Google Maps, you're often not just getting one thing back from the server,
you want to get back multiple tiles for your map. You want to get back multiple
friend status updates. So you want to get back an array of stuff, so JavaScript
is going to lend itself to that and you'll see it's a common syntactic tool. So
let's do an example and just to see how we might use this, a very common thing
in a webpage is to have a form, like a login form with a username and a password
. And at least me, who is a little uptight, it drives me nuts if upon visiting a
page and being prompted to login I have to manually click with my mouse inside
of the username field just so I can start typing my username. Right? This is com
pletely unnecessary, but if you think about it any of the forms you've implement
ed thus far without using JavaScript code do not automatically give focus to any
given field. You have a text field, text field, and however many more you have
declared in your HTML, but if you want to start typing stuff into those text fie
lds you have to click with your mouse just like we did for the past couple of we
eks when we've been doing form examples in order to start typing. So this is not
the best user experience, right? If I visited, I'm not logged in,
let me just start typing my username and then my password, don't make me click a
nd then type my username and password. So how can we express that idea programma
tically? So this is out of context, just in HTML element, called script, inside
of which is some actual JavaScript code. So here we go, if document.forms.login
.username.value. So, ridiculously verbose and we'll see before long ways to clea
n this up and just make it a lot more straightforward, but what is this referrin
g to? So in the context of a webpage you have a special, super global, really ju
st global variable called document. And this variable is of type object which me
ans it has stuff inside of it, properties inside of it and possibly methods asso
ciated with it. So document actually refers to essentially the DOM that we've be
en talking about. We talked about DOM mostly in the context of XML, but quick re
fresher, what was a DOM? What is document object model all about? DOM, yeah?
It's like the structure of the document.
Okay, it refers to the structure of the document. It was a tree structure, recal
l. In fact we drew a tree in picture form on a slide that represented a snippet
of XML. So DOM is a way of modeling hierarchical data, for instance XML, or HTML
, in a tree structure and the roots of that DOM is generally called the document
node. It was capital D the last time we talked about it, here it's lower case d
, but it's the same thing. So when you're writing JavaScript code inside of a we
bpage, inside of a whole bunch of HTML, you can access that tree structure progr
ammatically by saying document. And document dot means go inside of this object
and access some property inside of it. So for those unfamiliar with object orien
ted programming, though most of you would be from prior experience, realize that
object oriented programming is about having data structures in memory, generall
y called objects, and objects can have both data and methods associated with the
m, our properties and methods associated with them. So, in the case thus far wit
h document it turns out there is a property called forms. Forms happens to be a
collection of all of the forms in that document. And there might be zero forms,
there might be 10 forms. It totally depends on how many form tags are in that do
cument. So document.forms.login specifically means get me the form whose name is
login among all of the forms in the current page, whether there's one or more.
Document.forms.login.username, take a guess here, what is username referring to
in the context of this story thus far? Axle?
Well, [inaudible] field of the ID username inside of that form.
Good, so in this case it's referring to the input called username, happens to be
name as opposed to ID in this case. Username field in the form whose name is lo
gin in the collection of forms inside of the DOM. So there's a hierarchy to thes
e dots, just like in Xpath and in the simple XML API there was this notion of st
epping where the arrow notation that said go deeper, go deeper, go deeper. Same
idea here. Document is sort of the highest level object you have access to, docu
ment.forms dives in a little deeper, document.forms.login a little deeper, and .
username even deeper. Now, username really refers to the node in the tree that's
of type input, so think about how you would make a login form. We've got at lea
st two input HTML elements, username and a password one. So, username is now ref
erring to a rectangle in DOM -- a rectangle in the sense that's how we drew it o
n the screen the other day. So dot value is actually referring to its string val
ue, whatever text is actually in that text field. So let's see this in the conte
xt of some actual HTML. Let me go over to the appliance and let me open up a fil
e called form1.html and let me skip the JavaScript code for a moment and focus o
nly on this. So I propose this as one of the simplest possible login screens we
could have, and I have a few things going on here. One, I have a form. Two, I ha
ve an element called email. Next, I have another input called password1, and the
n third I have another field called password2. So you can imagine this being in
the context of a registration form. So not necessarily login but registration wh
ere you want to ask the user for the same password twice, that'll lend itself to
some validity checking in just a bit. And then lastly I have a submit button. S
o that's it. Well, what if now I want to start getting programmatic access to th
ese various fields, let's do this. Let's open up instead version two of this, fo
rm2, and let me propose the following approach. Down here now let's do a registr
ation form. So I've given this form an ID, registration, and I have given it sim
ilarly an email field, a password field, another password field, and then a subm
it button. But what I want to do this time is when the user tries to submit this
form I want to use JavaScript to actually check the values that they've typed i
n and yell at the user, reject their input if the passwords for instance don't m
atch, or if they haven't filled out this form properly. So we could do this in P
HP, think back a few lectures now where we had those various login examples, and
if the user did not give me a username or a password we would reject their inpu
t and we would check for that server side by checking the value of dollar sign,
underscore, post. So we can already check the validity of a user submission serv
er side, so what's the point of even doing form-checking, or validity-checking c
lient side with JavaScript today?
We can check without even having to reload the page or deal with anything [inaud
ible] can immediately be done [inaudible].
Exactly. So, with JavaScript now, with client side code we can check whether the
form has been filled out correctly immediately client side without even talking
to the server and to be more clear, like what is really the value of doing that
? Yeah?
Well, [inaudible] efficiency, you're not sending any, in this case, useless data
to the server for validation and then receiving it again.
Exactly. Really it boils down to performance. With JavaScript on really any comp
uter, any phone these days, it can execute so quickly that you pretty much get i
mmediate feedback for the user, which means they see whatever problems they've c
reated right away. Moreover you're just not adding extra load to the server for
really no good reason so you can reduce load on the server which can potentially
help with scalability if it has to do less per a given unit of time. So a coupl
e of advantages here. So let's take a look at this form in the browser before te
asing apart how we can impose this kind of error checking. So here's the origina
l form, very simple, very ugly, but it has my email field, password film, passwo
rd again field, and then I also decided I'm going to throw in a terms and condit
ions checkbox, because this really lends itself now to did the user do everythin
g we wanted them to do, a very common certainly on webpages today. But notice if
I don't do anything here except type in malan, but that's not even a valid emai
l address, a password, I'm going to type in whatever, and then this time it's de
finitely not going to match because it's only one character, and I'm not going t
o check this. When I submit version one of this form, which recall had no JavaSc
ript, just the HTML, here's all that happens on the server. I have submitted to
a file on the server called what apparently? Yeah?
Process.php, which clearly does not much at all. All it does is apparently call
the print r function in PHP, the recursive print function, just because I needed
a quick and dirty tool to see what was actually sent to the server. In this cas
e that's what I just typed in on my keyboard. Notice that the checkbox value was
not even sent because it wasn't checked, but the takeaway here is that I could
check on the server whether or not the user cooperated. Did they give me a synta
ctically valid email address? Did they give me two passwords that match? Did the
y check the box? All of those things I can check server side, quite like I did a
few lectures ago with checking if John Harvard gave me the right username and p
assword. So all of that you can sort of do already in PHP. But let's do it bette
r or at least more rapidly in JavaScript. So now, let me go back here to version
two of form and let me not cooperate this time, too. Let me type in a whole bun
ch of nonsense and not check the box and click submit and this time what I want
to see is an error message. So this is sort of like a poor man's approach to err
or-checking where I'm just using the JavaScript alert function. Those of you who
've been using the web for some time will remember these used to be the scourge
of the internet whereby you would visit some website that had spam or wanted you
to click links and whatnot, and you would just get peppered with all of these p
opups, so not the best approach yet, but very easy way of signaling to the user
that an error happens. So we can improve upon this eventually. What's the error?
You must provide the same twice. So that came from me it turns out. So let's ta
ke a look at the JavaScript code that underlies this particular error-checking.
Let me go ahead and open this up. Let me use a different color background here.
We're going to go ahead and open up form2.html. And I'll zoom in here. So here a
gain is the html, here's the form in question. Let me scroll over to the right d
eliberately. What is new or different about this version of the form than last t
ime? Yeah, Axle?
You intercept the submit and run the function validate on submit, which means th
at the submission with PHP is not really done until that function is [inaudible]
Exactly. So in this case I have on submit, which is a new HTML attribute, and it
is attached if we scroll back to the left to the form element, and in this case
I've said form, then ID, and then method, and all that other stuff, on submit e
quals "something." What is the value of this on submit attribute? Well it's mean
t to be actual programing code. Either the name of the function that I want to c
all, or a string of JavaScript that I want to execute and return some value. So
I've literally said return validate open print close print semi-colon, and we've
not written much JavaScript yet, but validate is apparently the name of a funct
ion, and open print close print means it takes no argument, semicolon means that
's the end of the line, though it's not strictly necessary, and return means do
something with this value. And indeed, the way the onsubmit handler is defined,
if I were to read the documentation, is that if the code between quotes returns
true submit the form to the server as usual. If the code between quotes returns
false don't submit the form at all. So here seems to be our mechanism that Jack
proposed, being more efficient. We can yell at the user right away and give feed
back by returning false and maybe triggering an error message but if everything
looks good we just return true and the user doesn't even know we've validated th
eir submission. So it's a nice transparent way of doing something and then maybe
intercepting the form submission. So where is this validate function defined? I
t doesn't come with JavaScript, I had to write it myself, so let's scroll up to
the top here. So here's my script tag, and notice below the script tag I have my
validate function, and here is how you define a function in JavaScript. Inside
that script tag I have function validate open print close print which does what
you would expect. In fact the syntax is pretty much identical to PHP; the only d
ifference is involving how you would declare arguments or these default argument
s and the like. So function validate means here comes a function called validate
. All right, so now I'm using my verbose syntax for now, if document.forms .regi .value equals equals "" then I'm going to yell at the user with a
n alert function which comes with JavaScript, I did not write that one. What it
does is it triggers that popup with the message inside of it, and its argument i
s, "You must provide an email address." And then I return false. So we didn't se
e this one but under what circumstances would I have been yelled at with, "You m
ust provide an email address?" Yeah?
If you didn't enter anything at all in the email field.
Exactly. If I had not typed in Malan, but I just left that field blank at the ve
ry top of the form, I would have been yelled at with this message. And just to b
e clear, why do I not only call alert, I also return false? Isaac?
Well, it has to be false or true on submit.
So it has to return true or false for the sake of the onsubmit handler, but why
false, just to be clear?
So that it doesn't [inaudible].
Good. So that the form rather doesn't submit fully. So it does not initiate an H
TTP get or post, sending the form's data to the server. We want to stop that bec
ause we're not ready to do it. So we don't want to trouble the server just yet.
Okay. So now we have some branching code here. So turns out that if conditions e
lse if [inaudible] in JavaScript pretty much identical in JavaScript to PHP, you
need the curly braces if it's more than one line, and in general I would encour
age always using the curly braces because of the process called minification. Wh
ich we'll talk about later, but that has to do with eliminating unnecessary whit
e space and even shrinking variable names in JavaScript. So generally braces are
a helpful thing. So, else if document.forms.registration .password1.value equal
s equals something, let me scroll over a little further, this is a mouthful, but
in English what is this else if doing for me? Axle?
If the first password field is empty as well it's going to do everything inside
the else if. It's going to alert [inaudible] and then return false to the submit
Exactly. So just like before if the user has this field blank, in this case the
field is password1, and its value is quote unquote, that is they typed nothing t
here, then I'm going to yell at them, "You must provide a password," and also re
turn false. Now realize if the user had not left it completely blank but they ty
ped in a space bar character, would this return false at this point? Yes or no?
No because it's not [inaudible].
Exactly. Because obviously a space is not equal to quote unquote with nothing be
tween the quotes. Its quote space unquote.. This if condition would not catch th
at and so we would not declare the user's input as invalid yet. So already hopef
ully you should be thinking, well there's ways of making this better. Right? If
the user hits space or space, space, space, or space, space, space just to circu
mvent my form validation I should certainly be able to detect that too and it tu
rns out there's functions in JavaScript or I could write a function in JavaScrip
t that lets me trim the user's input. I could trip leading white space, I could
trim trailing white space, and that just means throw it away so that even if the
user's trying to be difficult or annoying by just hitting the spacebar to get t
hrough my stupid prompts I can still catch at least those scenarios. To be clear
though, I'm not doing anything like checking the length of the password, I'm no
t checking whether it has enough alphabetical characters, numeric characters, pu
nctuation characters. There's no like security checking here of the quality of t
he password. We're just seeing if the user gave us anything whatsoever. What abo
ut the third branch here. So else if document.forms.registration .password1.valu
e ! equals ""document.forms .registration.password2 .value then yell at the user
as well. And before I spoil the answer, in English what should the error messag
e probably be? What have they failed to do properly here? Yeah?
You need to enter the same password twice.
Exactly. We need to yell something like, "You need to enter the same password tw
ice." Because the logic I just checked was did password one's value equal passwo
rd two's value? If not, they screwed up again and they typed the wrong thing twi
ce. So, if you've ever been on a website that does exactly that kind of check th
is is similar to the kind of code that they're writing. Theirs is probably a lit
tle more compact, we're doing it the very pedantic way just for now, but the fun
ctionality is the same as you would find on a typical website. What's this last
block doing? "You must agree to our terms and conditions." Why does the code in
that -- how does the code in that branch work apparently? Yeah?
Well it looks for a dot checked on agreement, which is probably the checked box.

And the exclamation mark in the beginning of it says if it's not checked, so the
n you run the alert.
Exactly. It turns out, and this is where DOM again is useful, there's different
types of nodes, different types of objects when you parse a big HTML file and an
input type whose -- an input tag whose type is text has things like a dot value
property. By contrast, something like a checkbox is generally useful because it
has a dot checked property that is true if it's checked, that's false if it's n
ot. So by saying if !document.forms .registration.agreement .checked, by saying
that syntax I'm saying if it is not checked, by inverting the Boolean value then
yell at the user accordingly as well. But if they pass the first, and the secon
d, and the third, and the fourth if condition successfully and we have not yelle
d nor returned false yet, what do I do by default? I return true at the very bot
tom of the code because they didn't screw up, they typed in everything I wanted
them to. Now they didn't necessarily give me a valid email address, they didn't
necessarily give me a password that's anything more than a spacebar character, b
ut we've at least raised the bar to just the user rapidly clicking submit and wa
sting the server's time. We could start to make these more sophisticated and we
will but for now that is one of the easiest mechanisms whereby we can introduce
some JavaScript code to the site and do something useful for the user's sake. Al
l right, any questions, syntactically or otherwise? No? All right, well let's ta
ke a quick look at form3.html. Actually, let's skip form3 that one's kind of bor
ing. No, we can show it, just not that interesting. So in form3 it turns out the
re's this key [inaudible] in JavaScript which actually isn't used all that often
because there's cleaner ways still to do this. But realize the [inaudible] keyw
ord simply says assume the following prefix for any variables in the block of co
de that's to follow so that I can just say something like email.value, password1
.value, and so forth. But again this is not an oft used feature but it's one ste
p toward making what are right now fairly ridiculously long expressions a little
more manageable. So just FYI there. All right, but let's look at form4, which l
ooks a little something like this. I seem to have a fundamentally different appr
oach here, and before we dive in what is different about this function, this ver
sion of validate? Yeah?
It takes the argument that you call f, which is probably going to be everything
before like .command, .form, and everything.
Okay, excellent. So it looks like this version of validate takes an argument fir
st of all, and that argument's apparently called f, because it's in parentheses
there. And I seem to be using f subsequently further to simplify my syntax and m
ore generally because what I'm going to do in this version as we'll see after a
short break is that I can pass around even forms themselves as arguments because
a form in a webpage, once it's read in by the browser, is represented as a node
in a tree, as one of those rectangles that we might have drawn a couple of lect
ures ago. And so I can pass around a reference to that DOM node, that form node,
and indeed this case we'll soon see that the variable f, the local variable f i
s going to be of type node. It's going to be a form element that was passed prog
rammatically. Why don't we go ahead here and take our five minute break and when
we return we'll see exactly how we did this and what more we can do with object
s from DOM's. All right, so the most recent cliffhanger was how does this versio
n four actually work. We're passing this thing called f around, so let's first l
ook at how this function is being called. And notice at the bottom of the form t
hat our html is almost the same as last time except one attribute's value has ch
anged, which is obviously what? Yeah, Axle?
Well, the [inaudible] function is which probably refers back to that particular
node is the DOM.
Yeah, exactly. So in a lot of programming languages, for instance PHP, and Java,
and also JavaScript, there is this special variable called this, which is rathe
r self-referential, whereby if you are in the context of an object or in this ca
se in the context of an HTML element you can specify this and that refers to tha
t context. So the keyword this, in this case, is referring to the element in whi
ch we've mentioned this, and if I scroll back to the left what is the tag name i
n question here? This is the form tag, open bracket, form, action, method, and n
ame, and onsubmit, and there's the beginning of this. So we have this way now in
code to refer to the HTML element that we know eventually will be accessible vi
a that DOM object, that document object. All right, so return validate this. Now
let's look at what the implication is of this calling convention. So if I scrol
l back up to the top where my validate function is defined, recall this is where
we left off a moment ago, and the validate function takes an argument f, arbitr
arily called f, I could have called it foo, bar, or baz. But thereafter I can sp
ecify, f.password1.value, and so forth. So one, my syntax has gott
en a little simpler, which is nice. Two, I now have the beginnings of more reusa
ble code. I now have a validate function that in theory could validate any form
object that has these particular fields of the email, and password1, and passwor
d2, so I've begun to at least start factoring out what could be some common func
tionality. And three, it really demonstrates, hopefully, that via the this keywo
rd we now can bridge the gap between HTML, which is really just markup, and prog
ramming code. And the middleman between those two worlds is this DOM, because th
e DOM is the result of having parsed an HTML file and built up in memory, in RAM
, this tree structure, which JavaScript can then traverse. All right, so the res
t of this code is identical, but any questions on this or the passing thereof? A
ll right, so let's take a look at version five here, which is now starting to gi
ve us some more interesting UI. Let me zoom in on the left portion of this form,
and does anything look new here? Isaac?
Well, there's disabled.
Yeah, so disabled is something that's a little new here and there's a couple of
ways of writing this. The way I've written it looks a little silly these days bu
t was in vogue when XHTML was being popularized. Could just say disabled with HT
ML five, but disabled equals disabled [inaudible] that this element, as you migh
t have guessed, should be disabled. [ Inaudible Speaker ] So what's the implicat
ion of disabling something like a button? What is this actually going to do? Yea
h, Axle? [ Inaudible Speaker ] Okay, good. So, when you check this, let me go up
to this in a browser now. So this is now form5, notice that it's a little subtl
e here, but notice that now that submit button is a little grayer than usual. Al
l right, well maybe that's just a CSS thing, but let's try to click it and be a
difficult user and not fill out anything. I'm clicking, nothing's actually happe
ning because that is in fact disabled. So why is it disabled? Well, this was jus
t a design decision I made in this version whereby I only want the user to be ab
le to submit this form if they have minimally given me what I wanted or at least
minimally checked that box. So let me go over to that checkbox and see what hap
pens. Checking now, and notice the difference at bottom left. Every time I check
or uncheck that box the submit button changes state and once it is black like t
his it seems to let me click it again, I'm not actually letting the form be subm
itted but if I clicked it it would go through. Thankfully I now have some error
checking still in place but more on that in just a moment. So how are we actuall
y doing this? Well, if you were writing the code yourself and you want to tie th
at button somehow to the checkbox, what was the property on the checkbox element
that we want to be checking in order to decide whether or not the submit button
should be enabled or disabled? Yeah?
Dot checked.
Dot checked. So it turns out in addition to dot checked some elements can have a
dot disabled property which literally says should the browser let the user clic
k it or not, is it disabled or not, true or false? So if we go back to version f
ive of this code, let's scroll up here to the very top, or rather, let's first l
ook at this. Notice that on the right hand side here, I agree to these terms and
conditions, then I have input name equals "agreement" as before, and now I have
another event handler. So I've done something a little different here. I'm not
using onsubmit because I don't want this form to change states when I submit the
form because that's too late; I want it to change state when I click on this ch
eckbox. So in English, what does onclick equals "toggle ; mean, or do, do you th
ink? Yeah, Ben? [ Inaudible Speaker ] Exactly, simple as that. Anytime you click
this checkbox call the toggle function. There's no arguments passed in, but as
the name of the function suggests there should probably toggle the state of what
? The checkbox or of the submit button? The submit button hopefully, right? The
checkbox you get for free, you just have to check it, the browser will do that f
or you. So let's scroll up because it sounds like either there's a built-in togg
le function or it's something I myself wrote and indeed it's the latter in this
case. Here's my toggle function. Pretty straightforward, albeit verbose, if docu
ment.forms .registration.button .disabled then set that same property equal to f
alse, else if document.forms .registration.button.disabled -- rather, sorry, els
e set it equal to true. That was not a condition. So in other words if it is dis
abled, make it not disabled, else make it disabled. So really I'm just toggling
the state of that. I could actually do this a little more elegantly if you prefe
r. I could just do something like this. I could say document.forms .registration
.button .disabled equals that. That's a slightly more elegant way of doing it. R
ight? I don't really need the if condition, but it's also still a little verbose
. But again, we'll clean that up next time. All right, so that's the toggle func
tion, simply toggles the state. What is the validate function doing this time? W
ell, it's pretty much identical to the very first version. There's no fundamenta
l relationship between validation and the submitting of this form, all I've adde
d this time is this onclick handle -- handler and implemented the toggle functio
n myself. So in terms of user experience now, is this a good enhancement, bad en
hancement? The fact that there's this relationship now between the checkbox and
the ability to submit the form? Thoughts? Yeah?
I really don't see anything wrong here but I would alert the user and say you ha
ve to click this box [inaudible] nothing's going to happen.
Okay. Good. So, feels okay in your mind but you should at least be more explicit
with the user as to you must click this box in order for anything to happen. An
d I would agree. Like I think it's okay to sort of really get in the way of the
user submitting the form, but frankly I can think of a lot of family friends of
mine who would not know what the heck is going on here because it's not obvious
that there's this linkage between that checkbox and the submit button. Right? Fr
ankly it might be reasonable instead to just let the button always be enabled bu
t allow the user to click it and then be yelled at, informing them at that point
, you must agree to the terms and conditions, especially in terms of accessibili
ty, folks who might have to use screen-readers or the like for reasons of blindn
ess, like disabling things on a webpage that a user, whether blind of not blind,
expects to work, is generally not the best practice even though this is not an
uncommon paradigm. So in short, at least some more explicitness would go a long
way. Yeah?
If you don't even want to enable it can you put some sort of onclick thing so th
at if it's disabled and someone clicks it [inaudible] check off?
So absolutely. We could still listen for clicks. So that's a good question. Let'
s try this because I feel like one or more browsers might actually disable event
handlers if it's disabled. But let's see. Let's try this. So, let's go ahead in
here and add -- I'll zoom in -- onclick equals "alert 'testing 1 2 3'; so let's
just add this just to see if when it's disabled Jack's idea works. So let me re
load the page, and as ever before anytime you make changes to code now that invo
lves JavaScript code you obviously need to reload the page, just like if you mak
e HTML changes you need to see it. And also beware especially when you are inclu
ding .js files via the script source syntax that we saw earlier. Be sure also so
metimes to hold down the shift key and hit reload or even more dramatically clea
r your browser's entire cache just because as with CSS, as with other included f
iles, it tends to get cached by the browser and so you might make some change on
the server in your JavaScript file, but the browser might not see it because it
doesn't realize it's been changed. So, in general a hold-shift reload minimally
when reloading files that are included like that. All right, so now, yeah, unfo
rtunately I'm clicking right now on the submit button and it's not even listenin
g. So it seems to be the case here -- there we go. So unfortunately Jack's idea
does not work, at least in this version of Chrome, because when a form element i
s disabled via its disabled property or the disabled attribute in HTML, it doesn
't even transmit other event handlers like click.
Now while I don't want to go this deeply into it, could you put it inside a DIV
and then have a DIV [inaudible].
Yes. Good question. So those of you quite comfortable with CSS, you could for in
stance put that button in a DIV, or even overlay a DIV [inaudible] absolute posi
tioning or the like, give it a higher Z index and then listen for that. I would
agree let's not ever go down that road. That just feels messy. Yeah?
If you don't want to go down that road, you could also do it all in JavaScript,
don't disable it by doing .disabled, do a check in the validate function that ch
ecks the state of the thing and then alert the user.
I agree. Yeah, let's go that road. So instead, leave the button enabled but just
add a check to the validate function or some other function that's at least sti
ll checking for that error and handling however it wants, but not by just thwart
ing entire form submission. As an aside, nothing we do today unfortunately is go
ing to make your life easier on the server. And by that I mean just because we a
re doing client side validation today with JavaScript and therefore catching err
ors client side, all of these measures are circumventable by a user or more gene
rally an adversary who's trying to circumvent them. In other words, we absolutel
y still have to do server side form validation, we cannot trust that the data th
at's coming from a client just because it had client side validation in JavaScri
pt is actually going to be legitimate. Why is that? How could I circumvent these
kinds of form protections? Yeah?
If you bring up the inspect element thing, you get the developer [inaudible], yo
u could go on the console and then you could inject JavaScript, and then you cou
ld essentially just manually submit whatever you want to the PHP.
Exactly. Anyone who knows how to access more sophisticated tools like the consol
e here could actually execute JavaScript manually or I can even do something lik
e this. If I go into the HTML of this page, let me zoom in and expand the form.
You know what I can do? Why don't I just go in here and just disable -- delete t
his, enter, zoom out, well there you have it. Now my form button is re-enabled.
Right? So you don't even have to be a good hacker to circumvent protections like
a disabled property, you can just change it right there in that fashion. Or fra
nkly, we can be really sophisticated here and if you really want to be a geek we
could do something like, well, if I want to telnet to the server I can telnet -
- rather, if I want to fake a request, recall we can go back to lecture zero in
our HTP request and mimic them ourselves. So telnet is a program that allows you
to collect from a client to a server on any TCP port in this case. I'm going to
connect to port 80 of the appliance. Now notice I've connected to, an
d indeed that's the loopback address. However I could do this to Google, but rat
her I'm going to do this. So I'm going to say, rather, POST to -- oh no, we're u
sing get today. So we're going to use GET /process.php HTTP/1.1. I'm going to sa
y my host is the appliance. And then -- woops, notice I already got back my resu
lts. Oh, [inaudible], yep. So below that, I won't do the whole example here, wha
t I could continue doing here is the equivalent of passing in -- well let's do i
t. GET /process.php? email-malan&password1 equals asasas&password2 equals z HTTP
/1.1, so this is definitely the geekier way of circumventing client side protect
ions. I goofed somehow. Client site php, bad request, ampersand. What did I do w
rong? Password. GET /process.php?email equals malan HTTP/1.1. I'm doing somethin
g wrong. Okay, anyhow, someone smarter than me could actually just mimic the HTP
request to send them from a command line client or from a browser client and ac
tually trick -- oh, that's what it was. Okay. Wait, I can recover from this. Oka
y, telnet, GET /process.php?email equals malan&password1 equals asasas&password2
equals z HTTP/1.1, host: appliance, I forgot that header, enter, enter. Okay, n
ow I got back a 200 and now look at what I sent to the server. So in other words
, if your client doesn't even support JavaScript as my black and white window do
es not, well then you can completely circumvent those protections as well anyway
. All right, so in short, JavaScript good, useful, but it is not a security mech
anism. It is really about user experience and decreasing server load at best. Al
l right, so what other kinds of functionality and event handlers do we have acce
ss to here? Well, so recall that we had -- whoops, recall that we started here.
It turns out that we can do a little better in terms of functionality. So it tur
ns out that like PHP, JavaScript supports a feature called regular expressions v
ia an object called RegEx. So there's some more documentation here, but this is
representative of a type of object that comes built into JavaScript. We talked b
riefly about one already, arrays, and we'll see others, strings, we've used thus
far, but regular expression as well is a class in JavaScript or rather an objec
t in JavaScript that allows us to pattern match on various strings. So for insta
nce, thus far we've just been assuming that if you give me anything for an email
address it's an email address, but case in point, malan is not an email address
, it's missing the @ sign, it's missing a domain name, it's missing a .tld, top
level domain. It's just syntactically not an email address. But with a regular e
xpression we could check for that sort of thing. And so we'll do that in just a
bit. We'll come back and actually say, you have to give me not just something fo
r an email, you have to give me something that looks like
mething. So a regular expression again involves pattern. So we'll see that in ju
st a moment. Strings too have actual properties and methods associated with them
and we'll see that functionality before long. And just to give you a sense of t
he global objects that exist in JavaScript, we have again, arrays, but there's a
lso dates, functions that we've started to use. There's actually a math object t
hat has things like rounding and ceiling and floor and related functionality tha
t's just generally useful to have. Numbers and strings themselves are objects. S
o in short JavaScript is very much about this paradigm of objects having propert
ies and methods as we've begun to see. In terms of objects, what is an object? A
n object is just a container for key value pairs. It really boils down to someth
ing as simple as that. You can think of it as a hash table. You can think of it
as a hash map. You can think of it as an associate of array. These all have slig
ht differences in terms of implementation but the end result is that an object i
n JavaScript is a collection of key value pairs; they're generally separated by
colons as we'll see in just a moment, but that's just a syntactic detail. So how
do you create an object in JavaScript, it's as easy as creating an array in Jav
aScript. In this case I have a variable called obj, to connote object, and equal
s, open curly brace, closed curly brace, semicolon. That gives me an empty colle
ction of key value pairs. So there's no keys, there's no values yet. It's like a
n empty super global; it's like an empty associative array in PHP. How do you as
sign things to an object? You have two syntaxes available to you. You can say ob
ject.key - value and that will create a key called key, and a value of value. Or
you can PHP style notation using square brackets and quotes whereby you index i
nto the object at that key, K-E-Y in this arbitrary case, and then assign it a v
alue. So the upside of the first approach, object.key, is simplicity. It's just
very readable and we've been using it all day long so far, document.forms .regis
tration.email1.value. Been doing that the whole time. However, we could've used
the square bracket notation it just wouldn't have read as cleanly, and moreover
if you ever have keys that have funky characters in them, like spaces or the lik
e, using the quoted notation with square brackets allows you to access those key
s. You can't use the dot notation for more complex looking keys. In general thou
gh it's probably best to avoid anything complex in terms of a key. How can you c
reate an object and assign key value pairs to it all at once? The very last line
here is representative. So if you know in advance that you want to create an ob
ject and you know in advance what your keys and your values are, you can simply
say, var obj equals brackets and then brackets key: value bracket; and if you wa
nt multiple key value pairs just put a comma after the value and do another key:
value, key: value, so it's a way of creating an object on the fly with multiple
properties. So we'll see why this becomes so useful. How about event handlers?
We've seen a couple, onclick. We saw another. What was the other one?
Onsubmit we've used a whole bunch of times. It turns out there's a whole bunch o
f others. Onchange, onfocus, onkeydown, onkeyup, onload, onmousedown, onmouseup,
onmouseout, onmouseover, and so forth. Just to infer based on past experiences,
when or why is something like onmouseover generally used? Even if you've never
heard the phrase until today, when might that be used to detect when the mouse i
s over something?
When you hover with the mouse over a [inaudible] field.
Okay, so when you hover over a mouse with an input field what do you want to hap
Well, I really wouldn't want anything to happen, but if you [inaudible] or somet
hing you could --
So you want to hover over a form field? Be more concrete here. We can recover fr
om this.
You can -- maybe you want to display some kind of info on something you have on
your site, like an image, or a file thing. So if you have say a website that let
s people download files and if they hover over the icon for the file [inaudible]
like the file format and the size and [inaudible].
Perfect. Okay. So in contexts where you want to enable the user to hover over so
mething like an image or maybe even a text field, and then you want to provide t
hem with additional information, or additional functionality, then you can use t
he onmouseover even handler to reveal additional buttons, or to give them the eq
uivalent of a tool tip, a little DIV or something that suddenly appears like a c
artoon bubble that explains what it is they're hovering over. And these are omni
present on the web. If you go to YouTube I think you can hover over most of the
HTML5 controls on a player and see what those symbols represent. If you go to Ne
tflix you can hover over a movie posters and then a little window opens and you
can see more details about that movie. Facebook does this a lot, if you hover ov
er a friend's name a little popup opens up where you see some photos of them or
their related friends and whatnot. So, being able to detect when the mouse is ho
vering over something, hugely useful, at least in terms of user experience these
days. So how do you use that? Very similar, if you have an element, whether it'
s an image or a DIV, or whatnot, that you want to listen for the user's hovering
over it's just onmouseover equals "something". And we'll eventually see too, th
ere are ways of registering event handlers. That is, telling the browser to call
this function when the user does this, using pure JavaScript syntax. You don't
have to put any JavaScript code in your HTML in order to achieve this functional
ity. For now though, we're just using the HTML attributes to keep things simple
and to make clear the linkage between HTML and the JavaScript code. How about on
keydown, or keyup, or onkeypress, which is yet another? When might that be usefu
l? Someone else? Why might it be useful to listen for key presses? Whether the k
ey is going down or going up? Scott?
[Inaudible] how many times [inaudible].
Okay, good. So recording how many times the user types something. Maybe you coul
d use that metric for forms that have only 100 characters or 140, like a tweet o
r something like that. It might be useful to count how many times the user has t
yped. Alternatively you could check string length in the value of a field, but c
ounting might be reasonable. What else?
I've only ever used it once, but when I used it I had like input field and when
users typed anything in input field it updated [inaudible].
On the page -- well, yeah, on the [inaudible].
Okay, good. So if you have a form field where you want to give the user like som
e kind of automatic preview of it, so they're typing over here but you want them
to see what they're typing over here because they're filling out, I don't know,
like an e-card or something like that where you want to see a preview on the fl
y of what they're typing in, well you can use this. Every time they type a chara
cter you grab the value of the text field and then you update some DIV element e
lsewhere, and we'll see how you can update some other DIV or portion of the page
using JavaScript as well, but it's certainly possible because you've probably s
een websites that do this. Key presses can also be used, for instance, if you wa
nt to prevent the user from typing certain characters. If you don't want any spa
ces in a field, if you want to make sure that they have -- if you don't want the
m to type in certain characters at all, or maybe it's a numeric field, you don't
want them typing letters for whatever reason, you can use onkeydown because wha
t you get with this particular event, you're not just informed that the event ha
ppened, you're informed what key the user has typed. So if you detect, wait a mi
nute, that's the letter A, but this is a numeric field, you're supposed to be te
lling me your account number, you can just return false effectively and say, ign
ore that particular A the user typed in. So some websites do this too to prevent
you from pasting. For instance,, absolutely hate their website becau
se my email address is in my Amtrak profile and they have this stupid feature wh
ere you have to confirm your email address, once and twice. And I'm okay with th
e principle of confirming your email address because a lot of people, myself inc
luded, make mistakes when typing it, but their damn website prevents you from hi
tting command or control-V. Which means you can't paste your email address into
the field, even if you are absolutely certain that it is correct from the previo
us field, and that sort of drives me nuts. Other objections I have to people's w
ebsites include -- actually there's an unnamed website at Harvard that when you'
re trying to buy something they want a 33-digit billing code, those of you who w
ork at Harvard might know of these things. It's god-awful; I have never memorize
d a single 33-digit billing code. I copy and paste it. Their website doesn't let
you copy/paste a billing code so you have to manually type it out, which I dare
say is far more vulnerable to mistakes. But anyhow, what's the pedagogical value
of this rant? This is how you would implement such annoying features as those.
There are better of uses of this. Right? If you're a Gmail user you might use so
me of the keyboard shortcuts, C for compose, A for archive, or the like. How doe
s Google listen for those keystrokes? Well they're listening for A, they're list
ening for C, they're listening for other keystrokes as well, and they're not rej
ecting those keystrokes per se, they're actually doing something useful based on
them, and that's all because the web browser world is very much event driven. S
tuff happens, you hover, you click, you type, and you can listen for all of thes
e events, and this is how you make all the more dynamic of a website these days.
How about something like onfocus? What does focus mean in the context of a webp
age? Yeah?
Well if you have an input field and you click it or you tab to it it's going to
be focused and that's when you essentially edit the value of it or type somethin
g into it.
Exactly. So in the context of a webpage only one element ever has a focus at eve
n given time. When, by focus you can think of it very concretely as you've said,
like a text area. When you put your cursor in a text area indeed in some browse
rs it kind of gets highlighted in blue or at least your cursor starts blinking t
here. That means that form element has focus. If you hit the tab key on a webpag
e you'll generally see a little blue or whatnot outline move from element to ele
ment in the webpage. That means that element has focus and it's just a visual in
dicator for accessibility purposes as to what you're actually hovering over, bec
ause generally you can hit enter or the spacebar at that point to activate whate
ver it is you're hovering over, or rather, whatever it is that has focus. Blur i
s the opposite. So when might you care that a user has blurred some form element
? In other words, blurring means it's no longer focused, it doesn't mean it gets
blurry or anything like that. Isaac?
Well you can do form validation after they click another element.
Yeah. Exactly. It might be annoying and it might not be necessary to check a for
m for validity with every keystroke, right? And obviously when I start typing my
email address it's not going to be valid the first few characters, right? You g
ot to give me some time. So maybe we could instead wait until that form field ha
s blurred in order to check whether or not it's a valid email address. Or we cou
ld wait even longer and wait until onsubmit, but onblur gives me that capability
. And others, onresize? Onresize is actually a powerful one. If you're building
a website that really has some predetermined size and you want that size to grow
when the user changes the webpage around, potentially you need to listen for on
resize so that you can do some math on your own webpage and make things wider or
taller or shorter. But generally, you get that functionality for free in a brow
ser, but not -- that's not the case with various JavaScript widgets. For instanc
e, if you embed a video player, it's generally going to have a fixed width and h
eight. So if you want it to grow over time, if the user resizes the page, you ha
ve to listen for a resize event. And then ask the browser, "What's you new heigh
t and width, for instance?" All right, so in short, a lot of power there and rea
lly the fun in JavaScript client [inaudible] programming tends to derive from an
ability to listen to these things. What kinds of things can you do with JavaScr
ipt? Well, you can even make CSS manipulations as well. You don't just have to e
rror check and submit HTTP requests. We can do some more aesthetic things. So fo
r instance, in CSS you have things like borders and colors and underlining and t
he like. In JavaScript, you can programmatically change the style of a webpage e
ven after your CSS has been downloaded from the server. So for instance, if you
think of -- try to think of a website where you filled out a form and not only h
ave you gotten some kind of error message if you filled it out incorrectly, some
times the website will highlight in red all of the form fields that you got wron
g, or green all of the ones that you got right. That's actually using CSS, and w
hat that websites JavaScript code is doing, is if it determines that this form f
ield was inputted incorrectly, it essentially adds a class -- a CSS class to tha
t input element that gives it a red border, or it literally updates the style at
tribute of that input element and says, border colon one pixel red solid, someth
ing like that if you're familiar with CSS. So we have this ability in CSS to do
this, the one downside is what's in it -- what are some examples of CSS properti
es that relate to Aesthetics? Went right off of you, yeah?
Border style.
Border style -- border-style. What else? That's actually a really good one. Yeah
Radius [inaudible].
Okay, radius for like curves around edges, sure. Yeah?
Color, good. Give me some multiple word ones, like border style. Yeah?
This doesn't have to do with border, but text decoration.
Good, text decoration, font family, line height -- there's a whole bunch of prop
erties in CSS that have hyphens because they're multiple words. Well, guess what
a hyphen represents in a programming language like JavaScript? Yeah?
It might be the same thing as doing [inaudible].
Not quite the same as the dot, it's actually more mundane than that. The -- the
hyphen represents subtraction, like the minus sing. Like subtract this variable
from this variable, line minus height. So the whole world gets screwed up now th
at no one really thought this through when they invented CSS. So, the reason for
this funky looking URL is that there is a mapping between CSS properties and Ja
vaScript properties. So that, for instance, border -- what would you say -- bord
er style, border-style in CSS becomes border S style in CSS. So you eliminate th
e hyphen and you capitalize, you camel case the rest of the words in the string.
So this URL has a whole list of those mappings, but again, the heuristic is as
simple as that. Remove the hyphen and capitalize each of the subsequent, but not
the first words. So what's the implication of this? Well, I argue that some of
you are too young to remember, but years ago there was a blink tag in HTML, and
the blink tag in HTML did exactly that. It was one of the most annoying features
of like, HTML 1.0 or 2.0, whatever it was and you put a blink tag around a word
, and it just does this. Even worse, was the marquee tag, which had text going l
ike this across your webpage like a movie banner, right. The web looked awful in
the '90s. And we can bring that functionality back thanks to JavaScript now and
piece these things together. So, I argue that this function resurrects the blin
k tag, which it's actually kind of funny. The various browser manufacturers like
Microsoft and Mozilla and Apple and the like, like consciously decided to kill
that tag and the marquee tag altogether. Few tags have been killed, but those ha
ve. But that's okay, we can override their wishes. So here's a function called b
linker that's supposed to go through a webpage and any element that has a tag ar
ound any text that has a tag around it called blink will have its CSS manipulate
d programmatically. So we can kind of tie a lot of ideas together here. So var b
links equals document.getElementsByID "blink." So there's a few new pieces of sy
ntax and functionality here that are representative of very common paradigms. So
var blinks represents a variable called blinks. The right hand side is document
, that's our DOM object. And recall that I promised earlier that the objects can
have not only properties, but methods, well here's one such method. It turns ou
t that in JavaScript, the document object has a method called get elements by na
me. What does it do? It does that, it gets elements by name, it returns an array
of all of the elements, that is all of the tags in a webpage that match the arg
uments -- the quoted argument. So this will literally return an array of all of
the blink elements in the page. So what does that mean? Well again, think back t
o DOM, when we draw a DOM on the screen, it looks like a tree with like, rectang
ular nodes, even though that's an arbitrary artist's interpretation. So, the arr
ay you get back is an array of those rectangles. They represent all of the blink
elements in the DOM. So at this point in the story, blinks is an array of zero
or more of those tags. What comes next? Well, we have a variable. Notice that yo
u can declare variables inside of a for loop, just like you can in some language
s. So var -- for var i equals zero, i is less than blinks.length i plus plus. We
ll, we have a new feature here of arrays it seems. Blinks.length obviously repre
sents the length of the array, but what is length really? Well, it's a property.
Again, objects have properties and array is an object, so blinks.length is the
length property of the blinks array object. All right? So what comes next inside
of this loop? Well one, I'm iterating over all of the blink tags in the page, a
nd what do I do? If blinks [i].style.visibility equals equals visible, then chan
ge it to hidden. So, this is actually a CSS thing. If unfamiliar, a element on a
webpage can be "visible" or it can be hidden and those CSS properties do exactl
y that. So by default, all elements are visible. So this is saying, if the ith b
link element has a visibility style of visible, what am I obviously doing to it?
What's --
In the if statement?
In the if statement.
Checking whether it's visible.
Okay, so I'm checking if it's visible. And if it is visible, what do I do?
You -- you hit [inaudible] you make not visible.
I make it not visible. I change that same property to hidden. So, what is this e
xposing to us? So it turns out in JavaScript, any time you have an object that h
appens to be an HTML element -- and a blink tag is an HTML element, it has a sty
le property. That's one of the things you get for free. So if you're accessing e
lements in a DOM, like a blink element, that blink element has automatically a d
ot style property. That dot style property is essentially equivalent to the styl
e equals "attribute" that we could have put in the HTML. So it's the CSS styliza
tion for that element. We can now say change the visibility attribute to be hidd
en instead of visible, else, do the opposite, that's all we're saying in the els
e. So just to be clear here, let me bring up a little scratchpad for a moment. J
ust to be clear, if I had done this in my style sheet or in my style tag, I migh
t have something like this. Blink -- this is CSS now, I might say visibility vis
ible, so that's the default, so it would be kind of silly for me to put this in
a style sheet, but that's what I've just done. What the if condition is doing is
it's changing this effectively to this -- on off, on off. So what's the aesthet
ic effect? Well, let's take a look. Let's go back to the browser and let's pull
up this one, which is in a form example, this one here is the blink.HTML and you
can see what it's doing. Right. Hideous tag, you know, it's not all that annoyi
ng here, but if you see -- actually you can still see remnants of this on the we
b, like really crazy looking websites that are trying to use the blink tag, but
it just didn't work. So let me scroll up here because this is actually kind of i
nteresting. Let me zoom in over here and you can see thanks to Chrome exactly wh
at I'm doing.
I have a question.
Is -- are -- on this page, are you using the same script you had in the PDF?
Same -- yes.
Because in the PDF, it iterated over the number of blink elements, which in this
case is just one. So wouldn't that be one -- one iteration, just [inaudible]?
Ah, correct. So, I'm using the same blinker function, but I'm calling the blinke
r function a little differently. So let me open that up. Let me go into blink.HT
ML, here's my blink function, but there's one additional line of code that's nec
essary here. What is this very last line of code in my script tag doing apparent
ly. Jack?
It makes sure that it won't [inaudible] again until, I guess [inaudible].
Good, although let's not put it that way because it doesn't really make sure tha
t it won't call it, because it's only going to call it -- it's not going to call
it at all based on the code I have here.
It makes it call it once in [inaudible].
Good. So, window.setInterval is a method of the window object, which we've not s
een before, but it's another one of these special top level objects. Just like y
ou have document, which represents your actual document, window is a different o
bject that represents like a chrome on the screen, it lets you do things like wi
ndow size redetection and so forth. So window has nothing to do with the HTML, r
eally has to do with the browder -- the browser, the -- the rectangle that is yo
ur browser window. So window.setInterval does that. It sets an interval, which m
eans call the following function again and again, every some number of milliseco
nds. So blinker is the name of my function, 500 means 500 milliseconds or as Jac
k said, half a second. So that line is simply saying, set an interval of 500 mil
liseconds whereby every time that interval happens, every 500 milliseconds, call
the function called blinker. Now notice one key detail. I have not written blin
ker as a function call, I have written it as a function name. So it let me go he
re. This is wrong. I've just added to parenthesis, open paren and closed paren,
that is wrong, but why? What's the difference? Or what would happen in this case
here? Jack?
It would try to see if blinker -- it would actually call blinker right there and
see if blinker has a return value that might be [inaudible] what it wants.
Exactly. So in this case, just like in all of the examples we've done this far,
blinker open paren and closed paren means call blinker, right. There's nothing f
ancy there. The problem with that is that as [inaudible] that will effectively c
all blinker once and that's it. But what you're trying to do here is apparently
set the interval of 500 milliseconds to call whatever the first argument is. Now
does blinker return anything? It actually doesn't return anything at all, which
means you have nothing to call. When it returns, it's not returning function, s
o nothing's actually going to happen on subsequent passes. So this is actually i
ncorrect. By contrast, if I just say blinker without the parenthesis, that means
pass in a function pointer, so to speak, pass in a reference to this function b
ecause what the window.setInterval timer will do is add the parenthesis effectiv
ely itself to call that function every few seconds. So we can do something with
this. Here's how you make a really annoying webpage. But just [inaudible] here,
let's hammer this home. So, let me go ahead and do this. Let me delete my blinke
r function and let me do -- create another function, let's call it annoy. And we
're going to have the annoy function say alert hi. All right, so if I do this he
re -- 500 milliseconds will drive us nuts, so let's actually to like 2000 millis
econds, so 2000 seconds, let's do annoy -- actually let's do it five, otherwise
we'll really go nuts. All right. So this is effectively going to do the same thi
ng, but we'll demonstrate an example this way of another feature in JavaScript t
hat I alluded to earlier. So now I'm going to reload this page, the blink's goin
g to go away because we deleted that. And here we have hi, okay good. I'm going
to click okay. Hi, okay. I'm going to click okay. All right, we don't have to go
through this forever, but this will go on forever, so that's fine. Actually be
careful of doing things like this because if you do it too fast you have to like
force quit the whole browser because you can't actually stop. Anyhow, let's go
and rewrite this slightly differently. So, this -- oh, my God, all right. So her
e, we can fix this. Let's comment this out, let's go back here, reload, okay. So
now we've -- now that should stop. All right, so what don't I like about this?
Well one, the functionality is kind of annoying, but two, it's kind of stupid th
at I defined a function only so that I could reference it the next line down. Ri
ght. This is kind of a waste of your name space, so to speak. In other words, if
you're only going to write a function once, and then call it in one place, it's
not really fundamentally necessary to give it a name, right. The only reason it
has a name at the moment is because I want to define it up there and then call
it down there. But what if I could do both of those at once, especially if this
is a throw away function that doesn't need to be called by anyone else or even b
y me anywhere else? So what if I instead do this? And the syntax is going to loo
k a little weird for a moment. Let me do this. Instead of defining a function th
at way, let me get rid of its name, and let me say var annoy equals function sem
i-colon. So what have I done here fundamentally? So the functionality now is sti
ll identical, it's just that now rather than have defined the function called an
noy with the previous syntax, this time I've said, give me a variable called ann
oy coincidentally, and set it equal to a function. So this is where JavaScript s
tarts to get a little powerful and a little different from some languages. You c
an have what are called anonymous functions whereby you define a function, but y
ou don't give it a name, but you can assign that function to a variable so that
you can still call it. So at the end of the day, this is identical to what I jus
t did, but the takeaway now is that JavaScript has a function called function wh
o's return value is, if you will, a pointer to itself, is a reference to itself.
More concretely, it's the address in memory of where that function lives, thoug
h that's kind of an overstatement. But in other words, it's some return value th
at will subsequently -- subsequently let you call that function or pass it aroun
d to be later called. So in other words, variable is still called annoy, but the
type of that variable is not an int, it's not a float, it's not a string, it's
a type function. So functions are, as they say, first class objects in JavaScrip
t, which means you can pass them around in memory just like you could [inaudible
] typical variable like an int, a char, a float, a string and so forth. So, what
's the next step here? Well, that would work, but this is still kind of silly. N
ow I have a variable called annoy that I'm only using once, feels like I can do
better and I can. Let me adopt this same idea and rewrite setInterval as follows
. I want to define an interval whereby every some number of seconds, the followi
ng function is called. Done. So this is an incredibly common technique in JavaSc
ript whereby now I have truly defined an anonymous function, but that's fine bec
ause I have informed setInterval of the address of that function, all right. Bec
ause the function function -- sorry that that's a little confusing, but the func
tion function returns effectively the address of the function that was just crea
ted. Doesn't have a name, but that doesn't matter because setInterval doesn't ca
re what its name is, it only cares about that reference that can be passed aroun
d. Now this is a little cryptic, it would have been nice if the interval -- if t
he number came first frankly, but whatever, someone chose to put the number seco
nd. So I still need the comma, but notice how I wrote this all on one line. I do
n't even have to be that anal, I can instead put this over here. I can indent it
. I can then put the curly brace on the previous line, so this is actually a ver
y common way of seeing a function. If I really want, I could put this down here,
but it's actually very common in JavaScript to put the curly braces on the same
line as the function. So this actually looks a little cryptic, but it's just th
e natural progression of the various examples we did leading up to it. So in Eng
lish, window.setInterval takes two arguments, one is the address of a function.
The other is number of milliseconds. Doesn't matter how we pass in that alert fu
nction, we can still pass it in -- we can pass it in anonymously. So what we've
just done is used an anonymous function or something more fancily called a lambd
a function, which is simply in this case a function that has no name. But it wil
l still work, so let's try this. Let me go back, save this file. Go back to the
browser. And actually let's do it, instead of every five seconds, let's do every
two. So the story gets told a little more quickly. Hi, hi, hi, browsers thankfu
lly have gotten smarter, so let's ignore this one. Back in the day, you would've
gotten another hi, another hi, another hi, another hi, another hi, at which poi
nt you realize you should -- really shouldn't have visited that website. Java --
Chrome at least, is better about managing duplication, but that is not necessar
ily a given. All right, so any questions on anonymous functions? No. If you real
ly want your mind to be blown, let me do one other thing. This is really just to
show off and to get you thinking about more sophisticated syntax. Let me go ahe
ad and get rid of the interval and just do var f gets function and we'll do the
alert thing like this. So this is similar to before. I'm not called f yet, but i
f I wanted to, I could do this -- f open bracket, all right. So let me go ahead
here. Go to my appliance, reload -- whoops, okay, reload. Oh, there it is. It ha
ppens immediately this time because there's no interval, there it is. Every time
I reload, it starts. Hi, but it just happens once. So that's interesting. And i
f I really want to be fancy here, I can do this, just so you've seen this syntax
because again, you'll see it in online tutorials perhaps. If you have a functio
n like this, you can actually wrap it in parenthesis and then put the trailing p
arenthesis like this. So what is this going to do? And let's change the text jus
t so you believe me that we're actually making some changes here. This is crazy
looking syntax and this is not representative of like JavaScript coding. Don't -
- don't take this too much to heart, but what's this going to do Axle?
I think it's going to call itself.
Good. Yeah, it will call itself in this sense. Not so much recursively, it just
means that the thing between the first set of parenthesis from here to here is a
function reference. The fact that I'm putting parenthesis at the end means that
I'm actually going to call it and indeed, yes, I did just call that function. S
o what's the takeaway? Again, it's not meant to, [inaudible] sort of overwhelm w
ith the very syntax, but it's just to suggest that functions are really no diffe
rent than any other types of variable that you can define. You can pass them aro
und. You can invoke them by using the parenthesis and this is going to be incred
ibly common in various JavaScript libraries that you'll use whereby you'll need
to tell a library like, jQuery, which is a popular JavaScript library, what func
tion to call when an event happens, like blinking or rather like blurring or foc
us or on mouse over, or the like. And indeed you can create these functions on t
he fly as we just did. So what other features will we be able to have access to
here? So the blink example was just really meant to give us a sense of how we ca
n override CSS and nonetheless, navigate a DOM, but libraries give us a range of
much sexier functionality than the blink tag. So here just a few of the most po
pular JavaScript libraries out there today, jQuery is probably the most JavaScri
pt -- the most popular JavaScript library. And frankly, most people these days a
lmost [inaudible] the two. If you are a JavaScript programmer, you minimally kno
w jQuery, and indeed a lot of the syntax we use today is sort of date in that yo
u don't have to type out document.forms.registration. I mean, even I was getting
bored saying [inaudible] phrases that were that long, so libraries like jQuery
as we'll see will dramatically simplify the type of code that we need to write.
Bootstrap is a very popular library that Twitter developed that makes it much ea
sier to do things like icons and tool tips and buttons and menus, and the like.
I'll pull that up in just a moment, Ext JS also similarly has widgets and the li
ke, MooTools and YUI have the same. So what do I mean by this? Well, if we go to
bootstrap, so let me search for bootstrap CSS. Go to the first link there from
Twitter. It's incredibly common these days to not reinvent the wheel yourself an
d implement every single little feature of your website. Implementing buttons is
not a very interesting problem. It might have been once, but not to do it for e
very darn project that you write or menus or tooltips, or these things I rattled
off earlier. So just to give you a sense of what bootstrap comes with, you get
a whole bunch of features. For instance, in bootstrap simply by downloading thei
r JavaScript code, which is open source and available, you can for instance, cre
ate a modal. A modal window is a blocking window that prevents the user from doi
ng other stuff while it's open. Let me click demo modal, something like this whe
re something drops down and then grays out the background. Notice here that I ha
ve a window over it, that's a modal. Well, I can open a modal in bootstrap liter
ally by just calling one line of code like this. We'll see more on this kind of
syntax before long, but dollar sign tends to represent jQuery and .modal here is
a method associated with a div who's ID is myModal, but more on that to come. W
hat else can you do with a library like this? And again, this is representative
of all sorts of things. Let's scroll down to the next example. So things like th
is, little menus that you might want to hover over. This is all very doable usin
g a combination of JavaScript and CSS. In fact, our simple blink example was a s
tep toward using code to manipulate CSS and open things like menus and the like,
but all of this can be done with a JavaScript library. So knowing how to call t
hese functions gives you a whole bunch of functionality. Let me scroll down to -
- oh, let's see. Tabs are very common, so let me zoom in here, implementing some
thing like this is very easy with one of these JavaScript libraries, you simply
have to configure it using code like this here in red and black. Let me scroll d
own further -- tooltips, so I alluded to these earlier, like in Netflix. Which e
vent is this feature apparently using? [ Inaudible Speaker ] Yeah, so this is pr
obably the on mouse over event, right. Because as soon as I move my mouse over w
hat's probably span tag or an anchor tag, something else is popping up on the sc
reen. So that's possible here. This is another similar one where I get an even b
igger box. This is even more Netflix style, where it's a whole window of text. I
n this case, it's a little boring, but it's [inaudible] just black and white, bu
t that's possible. Alerts, we don't have to use the browser based alert, indeed
the JavaScript alert function, generally don't use it. One, it looks different o
n all different browsers and two, it usually says something stupid like, "The we
bpage at says," like it's just not very professional typically using the
built in one, so it's fine for class and debugging and diagnostics, but somethi
ng like this is a little -- let's see, is a little more compelling. Popover -- o
h, not popover, alert -- oh, this example is not working. That button should be
clicking -- oh, maybe it's because I already clicked it, no, let's see. Okay, no
t working as I expected there, for just a moment. And then you have these kinds
of toggles. So in short, by understanding how you can manipulate things like obj
ects and pass functions around and the like, it gives you access to such a broad
er range of functionality so that really your project one or project two can be
all the more engaging as a result of being able to tie these various widgets tog
ether. All right, any questions on objects and libraries and the like. And again
, we'll come back to things like that in the next project. All right, so then a
word on some other features of JavaScript, especially as you look ahead to the r
emaining projects. So there's this notion programming of static code analysis, a
fancy way of saying, checking your code for correctness for some tactic validit
y and consistency with certain rules. When it comes time to actually write your
own JavaScript code, realize that -- and the emphasis to be clear of, project tw
o will be on JavaScript, realize that you can go to a website like this, jslint.
com, paste in your JavaScript code and it will look for common mistakes in your
actual JavaScript code, much like the W3C's validator can do the same for HTML.
So do take advantage ultimately of something like that. But I've eluded to this
concept a couple of times and it's an interesting one when it comes to security.
You've probably gone to a website and seen crazy looking JavaScript code that f
rankly we can't read ourselves tonight, even though you pretty much have seen th
e basic syntax and fundamentals of JavaScript. Case and point, let's go to Googl, let me view the page source here and what does this now look like? We pul
led this up a few weeks ago now. This is all JavaScript code, right. But frankly
, you know, I can't really make heads or tails of most of that code, why? Well,
Google has compressed it or minified it as tends to be the buzzword, which means
they eliminated white space that doesn't need to be there. They have shortened
variable names from something like foo to just f. In other words, they trim func
tion names and a whole bunch of other transformations. Why? Like why has Google
chosen to make their code so unreadable?
Well, the typical user is never going to be looking into finding out why the Goo
gle page works like it does. And on Google's end, this is less that it has to se
nd out to every user that [inaudible] page --
-- Google [inaudible] site, they need to [inaudible].
Yeah, so a couple of reasons. Like one, like you know, normal humans like us, we
don't need to see this, so it doesn't need to be pretty printed or well formatt
ed with good variable names. It needs to be designed well underneath the hood, b
ut aesthetically doesn't matter to us what it -- what it looks like. And then pe
rformance, as Jack says, if you think about -- it's kind of remarkable. If Googl
e gets maybe a billion hits per day on their homepage, imagine if a programmer s
imply accidentally hit the spacebar at the end of the file leaving a single char
acter of white space, not a big deal, right. We've all done it. We all do it qui
te often probably. But if a billion people are going to download index.HTML toda
y and this programmer hit the spacebar, how many more bytes of traffic is that f
or Google to transfer. Yeah.
It's a gigabyte, right, like a single space character for someone as big and pop
ular as Google, it means they're going to have to transfer an additional gigabyt
e of information for no good reason. My God, what if he hit the spacebar twice,
that's two gigabytes, 10 times, that's 10 gigabytes. So there's very real world
implication, certainly for the Google's and Facebook's of the world. But even fo
r your own website, like why bother wasting bandwidth on things like that when y
ou can compress it once, still keep an original copy for your developer so that
humans can actually read it and update it later, but the browser doesn't actuall
y care. So this is a very common technique for that reason. And what's a third p
otential reason for wanting to make your code look more like this? Jack?
If you want to kind of deter competitors from trying to find out how and why you
r code works.
Good. So if you want to deter competitors from how and why their code works, you
can try to make it look a little more like this, very easily. Now realize that
the smartest of people, the smartest of adversaries, the smartest of competitors
, they can still figure out what your code is doing. In fact, there exist tools
that do kind of the opposite of compressing it. They will make it much more read
able. It can't obviously recover variable names. If you have changed the variabl
e from foo to f, these -- these decompilers as we might call them, are not going
to be able to resurrect information that's been thrown away, but we could absol
utely with, you know, a few minutes or in a couple hours time figure out how mos
t of this is actually working. So all you're really doing is raising the bar. Bu
t that's probably enough, right. Because if your -- you're worrying about your c
ompetitor, and your competitor is smart enough to decompile your minified JavaSc
ript code and figure out how your code works, frankly the person is probably sma
rt enough to just go implement it from scratch without wasting time figuring out
how yours works. So, all your trying to do is raise the bar to adversarial atta
cks like this. So to be clear with something like JavaScript, with something lik
e CSS, with something like HTML -- you cannot, cannot, cannot, cannot encrypt it
or prevent other people from seeing it. That's just not the way the web works.
There exists tools that claim to do this, and there exist tools that do actually
do this. These are a few that do indeed minify or compress your code, but they
do not fundamentally change anything because even something like the middle one,
which effectively compresses your -- rather encrypts your code, the thing about
encryption is that if you have a secret key with which to encrypt code, what do
you need to decrypt it? [ Inaudible Speaker ] Oh, yeah, well maybe not generall
y the public key, but the private key, but if we were using what's called symmet
ric -- symmetric key cryptography, the same key. So how do some of these product
s that literally can -- or you can find being sold online to encrypt JavaScript.
How do they work? Yes, they do encrypt your JavaScript code, but they also incl
ude in the encrypted file, guess what? The key, right. So it's idiotic, right. I
t's not fooling anyone who is sufficiently advanced, so just realize that the sh
ort answer protecting your intellectual property when it comes to JavaScript, HT
ML, CSS, all you can do is raise the bar to people figuring out what you're doin
g. But that should be okay in theory, right. If the value of your company or you
r product is that you have users and you can't just steal those by viewing sourc
e, or you have actual databases and data and interesting stuff going on server s
ide, that tends to be where some of the real intellectual property is, more serv
er side than client side. So don't be misled into thinking that these will keep
your code safe, all it will do is save you bytes and raise the bar, which those
of themselves are certainly still valid endeavors. So let's actually try one of
these. Let me go to this one here. This is just a smart guy who's put this toget
her. So these are actually reputable ones, the ones I put up. If you're trying t
o be sold any such tool, I wouldn't pay for it. Let me go into one of tonight's
files so that we can dig up, let's see -- let's go into tonight -- whoops, let m
e pull up, let's see, will that work? All right, let's just try it, we don't nee
d a whole example, we can do it by hand. So let's see -- var annoy gets function
, let's see if this works -- alert hello closed brace semicolon, okay. So here w
e go. We're on this packer site, I'm going to click pack. Okay, so here's what I
've just done to minify my code. You know, it's still quite readable frankly, we
could all probably figure out what this piece of code now does. But what did it
obviously remove? [ Inaudible Speaker ] Okay, so white space is all it removed.
I think this site has a few options here just to make this a little more intere
sting. We can shrink variables, so I've just check the box at right that says sh
rink variables. Let's pack this again. Now that really didn't do anything this t
ime. So let's do base62 encode, what does this do? Okay, so this is what these s
ites tend to do when they claim their encrypting your code. So this is the same
thing. What is that doing? What does that program do? [ Inaudible Speaker ] It p
rints hello, right. That's all it does. Now, all of this though can be reconstru
cted and frankly, this just, it's kind of a cute little [inaudible]. So notice t
his guy has define an anonymous function with the function keyword that takes si
x arguments, p, a, c, k, e, r just because he's being clever with his name. What
is he passing in? Well, if we actually parse the cell, one of these arguments i
s apparently this variable expression e equals string, the next is this if condi
tion, one of them is this split here where clearly this is relevant to the origi
nal code. Again, all we have done is obfuscated the code, made it look complex,
but at the end of the day, a smart adversary could just execute this function an
d see what the result is and piece it back together. Any questions? Whoops, sorr
y. Whoops, sorry. Questions? All right, so let's go ahead and wrap there. Myers
here for section, which will dive a bit deeper into JavaScript, Monday too, we w
ill introduce the server side of JavaScript, whereby we will actually have the a
bility to perform and calls, additional htp requests that will allow us to get m
ore data from the server and do all the fancier things while still using the sam
e client side technique to actually update and not just reverse the DOM and the
local webpage. So more on that to come. I'll stick around for one on one questio

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