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Vedic and Astro Remedies of Everyday Problems The issues and their remedies are mentioned

below. These are primarily based on the suggestions ('aaj ka nuskha') given by Pawan Sinha on his
astro show "Astro Uncle" and "Pawan Sinha Live". For all of you, who don't understand Hindi, we
hope these quick remedies listed below will help you resolve at least some of the problems you're
going through in life. Use your keyboard's CTRL + F keys to search for a keyword you're interested
in and see if it's on the page: People who have probelms with their sinuses in the cold weather should
sleep after putting a bit of "shadbindu" oil in their nostrils. Cinnamon is a spice that greatly improves
the brain's power and body's strength, it can also help reduce lisp (tutlana). Doing deep breathing
exercises along with taking cinnamon will prove even more beneficial. Many dogs (usually stray
ones) run after or bark at some people/children, this is due to their Shani and Ketu being negative.
Such people should tie 7 knots in a black thread and wear that either around their knee or their
ankle. If the dog still runs after/barks at them, they should not run or hit it, but just stand there with
their fists closed and their teeth clenched. If you keep getting a fever, note down the time that you get
the fever. Take 2 green chillies, remove their seeds, and tie them to the toes of each feet with a thread
of any color about 3 hours before you usually get the fever. The fever should get resolved completely
soon. Are you afraid of some unknown fear, then start taking some "ashwagandh" morning and
evening - just let it melt in your mouth on its own slowly. Wearing the root of the "ashwagandh" in a
gray colored thread around the neck will also prove helpful. It will reduce the baseless anxiety/fear
caused by Ketu. People who experience problems in travels or realize that any time they travel for
some purpose, they return home empty handed, need to offer a coconut to Lord Bhairav before their
journey. If your extended family members are not happy with you, then take some rice, supari, white
flowers, and some sweets for them when you go to their home for a visit. Anyone having problems
with severe itching should try the following: take a lot of neem leaves and dry them; grind them; mix
them with coconut oil. Apply this on the skin and cover with cotton. The itching should subside soon
after. Drinking aloe vera juice will also help combat itching especially in winters. If the family
members in your home have a lot of stomach problems, then make sure you light a candle in the
South-East direction of your home in the evenings and also use white "hing"/asafoetida in your food.
If you suffer from anxiety during your exams, ask your mother to put a silver chain around your neck
on a Monday. It wil help you feel more calm and help you remember and express more of what you
had studied. If you experience a lot of pain in joints, add some ajwain to sesame seed oil and warm it
up. Then wrap it in some cloth. Once the oil stops dripping from the cloth, use that as a heat
compress on the areas that hurt. Use this as first aid before getting proper treatment. Gas: It's a
source of many illnesses. To stop gas issues, drink lukewarm water after food. This water should have
half a squeezed lemon, roasted cumin (jeera) seeds, black salt and some asafoetida (hing) in it. To
finish Vaat from stomach: Add black salt to imli water, it finishes vaat from stomach. It also makes
you feel hunger properly. For a good stomach: Boil some rice, but make sure there's water (liquid) in
it. Take the water in a glass and add some black pepper and black salt. Drink it twice a day 1hour
before your meal. This will give you energy and also make you lose weight. Hiccups - if you get too
many hiccups a day, drink water with honey a couple of times a day. If you do get a hiccup, take a
breath and hold it for a few seconds (hence skip a breath), the hiccup should subside. If you feel
thirsty despite drinking a lot of water, put a bit of honey in your water. Gargle and drink it. Then take
a "Laung"and keep it in your mouth. If you feel like vomiting, squeeze a lemon in water and put it
along with pissi hui mishri in water. Drink it (this is shikanji). Alternatively, you can take a few seeds
of green chillies and eat them with the last bite. This will also get rid of vomiting sensations. Clean
ajwain and soak it in the mixture of lemon and black salt. Keep it like that for 2 days. After this, dry it
in the shade. You can then start sucking it. It will get rid of your tobacco addiction. If you have
headache from morning till afternoon. Take 2 spoons of pure honey while eating, this can remove
headache and even migraines. It can also be taken after eating. Students or those people who work
with their brains a lot belonging to the following signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, should take
ground 5 Munakka and 5 Almond with milk in the morning. They need to chew it slowly like a cow.
This is really good for the body and brain. If you have too much of Pitta (too much acidity), then
drink some cold milk slowly. It will help your acidity. Another remedy is to take 2 spoons of amla
juice with the same amount of mishri and drink that slowly. Eating some ghee mixed in with some
lukewarm milk gets rid of constipation and extra heat in the stomach. To get rid of debt and get
wealthy: do this chant "Govvalbhaya Svaha" - when you complete 150 thousand chants, then you will
see changes in your financial situation. If your stomach doesn't feel good after lifting some heavy
weight. Sit down and gently start banging the soles of your feet. Your stomach will start getting better
soon. If you're feeling weakness in the mind (memory problems etc.), then start taking saunf+fresh
coconut+mishri mix at least a couple of times in the day. If you have a headache, break down nutmeg
and mix in some cow's milk. Apply the paste on your forehead. If you do this everyday, twice a day,
then your head ache will eventually go away completely. If you have cracked heels, make a paste from
onion and apply that for relief in 2-3 days. Alternatively, take pure wax and add some mustard seed
oil and apply that for quick relief too. If you have spots on your face, then putting mint juice on them
will gradually get rid of the spots. Take some dried out orange peels, add them to milk and turn them
into a paste - then use them as a face mask. You will see the glow on your face after you wash it off.
Some people feel very cold all the time even in hot weather. Such people should take some ajwain in
any form - add it to your flour or take it with water. They should eat less of yoghurt and rice or they
will either put on too much fat or will become too thin. If they do eat rice, they should always eat
them with laung/cloves. If some work that you had been doing for a while now has come to an end,
then get ready for some change. Start eating walnuts regularly. If you suffer some pain in between
your neck and back, start working on your self-confidence. It will help get rid of your pain faster. Boil
rice - take the water out - keep drinking it twice a day, this will decrease your weight and increase
your strength. If you take it 1 hour before food, then it will get rid of gas. If you add black pepper and
black salt, then it will prove very beneficial for your stomach. If your face seems to have developed a
black spot, start drinking water from a silver glass; make sure the water has been in the silver glass
for about 5 hours before you drink it. If you suffer from acidity, the following tips will lower the
acidity and improve your digestion: 1. boil 4-5 holy basil (tulsi) leaves in water and drink the water
slowly after food. 2. have some jaggery (gud) or fennel (saunf) after food If your child does not feel
hungry, take a whole lemon and rub it around the mid-riff area for 3 to 4 minutes while
remembering your isht. Then smash the lemon and throw it away. Do this for 11 days. Do you forget
where you placed your things after putting them somewhere? Take bel root and wrap it in a white
thread along with ashwagand root which is wrapped in a gray thread and wear them around your
neck on a Sunday or Thursday. If you have a lot of pain in your body, then start taking ginger tea or
start eating it with black salt and black pepper. Also tie a white thread in your left and right big toes
for a few days. Eat after sunset and sleep after 3hours of taking food. Don't take any lentils for about
15 days except red lentils (masoor dal). Don't eat cold and bitter things. Do argala stotra paath or
Hanuman chalisa if you are starting to get a lot of moles on your face - especially around the cheeks.
This shows bad Mars and Saturn and causes obstacles in marriage. Click here for more on moles. If
your enemies start to increase/cause you troubles, then stop eating salt on Fridays. Your enemies will
not be able to do any harm to you then. If you're not getting support from your in-laws, then
establish a "payau"/drinking water facility in the area where the in-laws live. If your neighbors keep
disturbing you - by telling lies or spreading negative comments about you, then start burning 3
candles on your front door everyday with a small prayer where you ask God to save you the agony
from others. This should help your neighbors become more friendly with you. If someone takes a
loan from you and is not returning it, offer a blue flower to your God while saying the borrower's
name and asking God to help you get your money back from that person. Do this for 43 days and
start asking for your money back. If you want to start work in partnership, check whether Rahu and
Mars are in a good position in your chart. If yes, then you can go ahead with the partnership without
any hesitation. If not, then light a candle/deepak for Hanumanji on Tuesdays and on Saturdays put 2
drops of honey on a peepal tree's leaf and let it go in some flowing water. This leaf should be a leaf
that has dropped to the ground - instead of breaking a new leaf from the tree. If you don't have a
sister, then you should make it a point to donate something to some elder poor person or to some
disabled person after Sunset on a Saturday. This should make your life more happy. If you keep
losing expensive items, then start donating some sesame seed sweets (laddoos) wrapped in a skyblue
cloth on Saturdays after sunset. If your kids are starting to tell lies, have the child start offering water
to the Sun. Also, have them lick some honey a few times in the day to reduce their lying. Also note,
that people (including children), who start lying all of a sudden: their Sun becomes negative and
their start developing a negative attitude, such children or even adults should start donating 5
almonds or start throwing them in flowing water - either of these should be done on Sundays for a
extended period of time. How to win in debates/presentation - the day you have to take part in any of
these take some doob grass - creeping grass (Cynodon dactylon) - wash it and keep it with you; keep
looking at it with concentration for a brief period. It will help you win your debate. If your child is
straying - his character and personality are changing for the negative, have the child wear a copper
ball around the neck and also have the child give us food to a dog everyday. The child's character will
slowly start improving. If you keep getting hurt due to your vehicle or if your vehicle keeps getting
into accidents resulting in damage to the vehicle, then take an iron box which can be tightly closed
and fill it with some mustard seed oil (sarson ka tel). This iron box should be kept in your vehicle -
make sure the oil does not spill out of the box. Hopefully, your problems will subside. If the animals
in your home are dying away (inlcuding fish, ants, or any other pets), it's a bad sign. Start doing pitra
dosh yag for 5 years regularly otherwise there will be less chance of success in your home and family
members will start remaining sick. If your father is frequently getting sick or remains sick, start
donating items related to Shani every Saturday for a long period of time; also arrange for a hand-
pump or arrange for a way with which people can get drinking water in your father's area of
residence. If your economic situation is not good from childhood, then you must never take any
gift/donation from anyone; don't take any money for work you have not done; donate 5 almonds to a
religious place every Monday. This should hopefully stop your unwealthy period and start off the
wealthy period in your life. If your eyes hurt a lot, make it a point to give water to the Sun every day
and do gayatri mantra too. You will gradually notice your eyes improving. Children who keep getting
ill - their nails should be massaged with the help of mustard oil and they should do mahamrityunjaya
jap. Start donating kheer on Mondays to stop any quarrels or problems with your mother. If you feel
a lot of pain in your body, then tie a cotton thread of any color on both your feet's big toes in such a
way that it is not too tight, nor too loose. Your pain should slowly subside. If you aren't able to save
money - put a shammi tree's root in an iron container and close it tightly. Keep this in your treasure.
It will prove beneficial in helping you increase your savings. If your investments in the stock market
aren't yielding good results, start keeping shri yantra of kuber yantra with you and worship it
everyday. You should also do ratri-sukt or shri-sukt paath regularly. If you live very close to the jail, it
causes negative effects on you. As remedy, donate a coconut which has water in it to Bhairav Baba
mandir or place it under a peepal tree, then break it and offer it to people and also eat it yourself.
This should be done for as long as you live near the jail. If you feel too much hunger, then start
keeping roasted chana and gud/jaggery with you. Drink some water about 10 minutes later and you
will feel full. If someone dear to you is angry with you because of something you did, make ink from
saffron, turmeric, white and red sandalwood powder. Make a pencil from pomegranate wood and use
that with the ink you created to write the person's name on a piece of paper. Write the name 11 times
and place it in front of your God 11 times a day for 43 days. If God desires, that person will come back
into your life. If you're having troubles changing your job, start worshipping the Sun and throw a
copper coin in flowing water for 43 days. This will get rid of obstacles and will allow a good change.
Some people start crashing or hitting into things, if this is happening, eat an orange each day and
start donating milk on Mondays. If you keep getting into accidents, then you may be under the
negative influence of Shani or Rahu, or you may be going through saade-saati or dahiya phase, as a
remedy, encircle a coconut for 5 Saturdays over your head and then offer it to your isht/personal God
and then distribute it as prasaad. For people who keep getting cold and cough even in a slight change
in temperature: take some black pepper, small "peepal", a little bit of "ajwain", dried pomegranate
skin, and some jaggery (gud). Grind all of them and turn them into powder. Due to the gud, all can
be easily moulded into round balls. Suck 3-4 of these throughout the day. This will gradually get rid
of the cold issues. If you feel heaviness in your stomach, which makes you not want to eat - add a
tablespoon of triphala powder in a glass of water at night and drink it in the morning after straining
it. This will give you energy and make you feel lighter. Otherwise, if you like munakka, then start
eating about 4 munakka which had been pre-soaked in milk. Another remedy is to add a spoon of
honey to a cup of water, stir it and then drink it. All of these will help will you become stronger. If
your children and your father are going through tough times, then offer some food and water to
deer at least 4 times in a year. This should prove helpful. If all of a sudden you start seeing blackspots
on your face, start drinking water from a silver glass - the water should have been in the glass for at
least 6 hours. If your neighbors are disturbing you a lot, then offer sweets made of gram flour/besan
or some pakora to Baglamukhi goddess and ask Ma to do good for you and to help your neighbors
understand that you do not have ill intentions for them. If you are about to join new work/new
position which is at a higher level, ask your father to arrange/make a copper Sun for you and then
have him put it around your neck on a Sunday. This will help your reputation - something which
should remain positive when you are at a high rank. If you have some kind of vani-dosh, take 3 beads
from the kamala-gatta bead and wear them around your neck. Do the mantra "om saraswatyay
namaha". To bring about prosperity in the home, keep kuber yantra and worship it regularly. If a
child has problems studying, then have him meditate for at least 5 minutes in front of Maa Saraswati.
Whenever you feel unstable in your career - fill 5 copper containers with some sweets made of besan
and donate them on a Sunday - do this for 11 Sundays. People whose mind line and life line do not
run together on the palm usually take their decisions on their own without any consideration for
whether the decision will be in accordance to others. If the gap between the 2 lines is big, it causes
problems in one's married life. As a remedy, such people shouldn't wear much of red colored
clothing, donate sweets (batasha) on Tuesdays, and wear a silver chain around their neck to keep
Venus positive. If you have too much pain in the body, stop eating very cold and sour things. Do not
sleep till late and also do not sleep in the time period from afternoon till evening. To get promotion
at the workplace, offer a bead/mala made of supaari to lord Ganesha and meditate on him after
making this offering and ask him for the promotion. If the relations between the husband and wife
are deteriorating, then they should stop eating bananas and instead plant a banana tree together on a
Thursday once a month. If you have ulcers in the mouth, then apply some glycerine on them. If the
ulcers are mature, then apply cow's ghee on them. If you keep getting ulcers, then stop eating cold
and sour things and start drinking more water, make sure you eat within an hour after sunset - don't
eat late in the night, don't eat food that's too hot, and start drinking liquorice tea. If you get allergies
during the winter season, then take some "aamba" turmeric and make small pill-like balls of it by
mixing it with a bit of water. Take 2 of these on an empty stomach in the mornings. It should help. If
a child is ignoring his studies, inclining too much towards electronic devices and is generally
disinterested in things, then have him wear a white crystal bead/sfatik-mala around the neck. This is
so the electronic items don't cause any problems and the child becomes more sensible. If you have
pain in your legs, one of the causes could be gas in the body. Do take some ajwain and hing regularly
and also apply ajwain oil on your legs. If you dream of animals in your dreams - especially if you see
animals that are carnivorous - like lions, then that's a good sign. If you see animals like deer who are
running around, then you need to be careful. Animals that roar but don't do anything to you in your
dreams, show that you will succceed in your endeavors. If you have pain in your bones during
winters then apply sesame seed oil and then take shower. This may be related to high uric acid levels
(hyperuricemia) too so make sure you get some medical advice if the pain persists. If your siblings
keep getting angry with you, then donate red clothes to them or to your aunt (father's sister). Offer
supari to lord Ganesha if you have any confusion about your career and ask your isht for a solution to
the problem you're having. If you need some money in a month/during a period when your finances
are weakened, then start doing the mantra of "aing shring mahalaxmaye namaha" with the help of a
"kamal-gatta" bead morning and evening. You can also pray to kuber yantra or the mahalaxmi or shri
yantra if you wish. If you experience a lot of headache during the winters, add some ginger pieces
and black pepper powder to honey eat this mixture frequently, it should prove helpful. If your left eye
keeps twitching, then donate some cooked food to a poor person and pray to your God to get rid of
the upcoming problem so you don't have any bad effects from it. People who feel very cold in the
winters and very hot in summers may be anemic, but they can do an astrological remedy too. They
should do some donations on Purnamaasi; sit in front of the Moon and chant "om shram shreem
shrom sah chandramasay namah". Also, they should pray to the Sun every morning and only then go
about their daily activities. Doing pranayam and anulom-vilom will also be very beneficial. They
should also eat honey and dalchini regularly. Do you keep getting hurt? Do the following if yes, fill up
some batasha (sweets made of sugar) in a big red cloth and donate it to a poor child or a poor blue
collar worker. Also offer some perfume, (chameli) jasmine oil, and (sindoor) vermilion to Hanuman
ji. This remedy should ideally be done on a Tuesday. If you are going through some tough economic
times, start throwing blue flowers in dirty water for 43 days continuously.

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