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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 75, 081501(R) (2007)

Relativistic glider
Eduardo Gueron*
Centro de Matematica, Computacao e Cognicao, Universidade Federal do ABC, 09210-170, Santo Andre, SP, Brazil

Ricardo A. Mosna
Instituto de Matematica, Estatstica e Computacao Cientfica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, C.P. 6065, 13083-859,
Campinas, SP, Brazil.
(Received 16 November 2006; published 16 April 2007)
We present a purely relativistic effect according to which asymmetric oscillations of a quasirigid body
slow down or accelerate its fall in a gravitational background.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.75.081501 PACS numbers: 04.20.q, 04.25.g, 45.40.f

The motion of extended bodies in general relativity has background. We show that, as a result, the body slows
been a source of unexpected phenomena up to the present. down or accelerates its fall depending on how asymmetric
Although the problem in its full generality is notoriously its internal oscillations are.
complicated [1], approximated analysis of quasirigid We propose a simple model to investigate this effect:
bodies already discloses interesting effects. A remarkable two test particles of mass m connected by a massless strut
example and quite surprising result was recently presented whose length varies periodically, i.e., an oscillating dumb-
by Wisdom, who demonstrated that cyclic changes in the bell. The strut is mathematically implemented as a con-
shape of a quasirigid body may lead to net translation in straint between the particles. Physically, and following
curved spacetimes [2]. Since this takes place in the absence Wisdoms idea (see last section of [2]), the active strut
of external forces, one can portray the body as swimming should be constantly and locally monitored in order to
in spacetime. Later, this effect was shown to dominate over guarantee that the constraints are maintained.
the so-called swinging (Newtonian) effect, whose for- A test particle under the influence of a spherically
mulas are well known, for high enough oscillation frequen- symmetric gravitational field moves, in the context of
cies [3]. The latter is a direct expression of the fact that general relativity, in Schwarzschild spacetime. Its equa-
expanding and contracting a body in a nonuniform gravi- tions of motion follow from the Lagrangian
tational field gives rise to a net work on it (due to tidal v
forces). However, this effect is increasingly suppressed for u     2
u 2GM 2 dt 2 1 drp
higher frequencies, since the gravitational potential felt by L p  mct 1  2 c  2GM
c rp ds 1  c2 r ds
the body is then nearly the same through its complete cycle p

(see Eq. 5 of [3]). (1)

Here we present a purely relativistic effect which (like
the swimming and unlike the swinging effect) is not sup- where m is the mass of the test particle and s is an evolution
pressed for high frequencies, but (like the swinging and parameter (we assume that the body falls vertically towards
unlike the swimming effect) is not related to a gravitational the gravitational source). For the dumbbell, we choose the
geometric phase. It comes about by letting a quasirigid coordinate time t as the evolution parameter and take the
body perform asymmetric oscillations in a gravitational relevant Lagrangian as

   2 v
u 2GM 1 dr u 2GM 1 dr2  

L d  mct 1  2 2
c  1
 mct 1 c 2
  ; (2)
c r1 1 2 2GM
c r1
dt 2
c r2 1 2 2GM
c r2
dt  r2 tr1 tlt

where lt is the constraint as seen by the observer at odic lt such that l0  lT  0, all observers will agree
infinity. In the Newtonian limit, lt represents the length that the worldlines of both particles meet at the end of each
of the strut connecting the particles at time t. This imple- period. In the following, we numerically solve the equa-
mentation of the constraint clearly embodies considerable tions of motion coming from (2) for a family of constraint
simplification (for instance, it fails to be covariant) [4]. functions l t whose members always meet this condition.
However, it is important to note that, by choosing a peri- Of course, different observers will disagree on the symme-
try and shape of a given function lt as measured by them.
With these considerations in mind, we compute the fall
*Electronic address: of the oscillating dumbbell and compare it with that of the

Electronic address: single particle [the particular case when lt  0], both

1550-7998= 2007=75(8)=081501(3) 081501-1 2007 The American Physical Society


with the same initial conditions. Given that the cyclic plotted against the dumbbell oscillation frequency ! 
changes considered here affect a single degree of freedom, 1=T. The relativistic case, corresponding to (1) and (2),
we can anticipate that the swimming effect will not arise in is represented by solid lines, while its Newtonian counter-
this case [5]. Therefore the sought-after relativistic effect part is depicted by dashed lines.
will be isolated once we work in a regime for which Figure 1(b) shows that the Newtonian r is always
(Newtonian) tidal effects are negligible. negative and that it becomes negligible when the frequency
We numerically solved the Euler-Lagrange equations is large enough (as expected from our earlier discussion). It
associated with (2) for the family fl tg portrayed in is important to note that this happens irrespective of the
Fig. 1(a). The asymmetry parameter , ranging from 1 value of the asymmetry parameter . This is in marked
to 1, quantifies how much l t fails to be symmetric about contrast to the relativistic case. Indeed, while the relativ-
its peak: the function corresponding to   0 has its peak istic curve for the symmetric case (  0) is surrounded by
at t  T=2, while a generic l t attains its maximum at Newtonian curves, those corresponding to positive values
t  1
2 T [6]. For each value of , the equations of motion
of  lead to a positive net displacement, a purely relativ-
of the oscillating dumbbell and of the point mass were istic effect. Therefore, a relativistic robot who cannot swim
integrated, with rp 0  r1 0  R and r_ p 0  r_ 1 0  0. may still soften its fall by repeatedly stretching and shrink-
Their separation r  r1 T  rp T after one period then ing its body in an asymmetric fashion. Note that the
yields the net displacement of the dumbbell. Repre- relativistic r does not become negligible for large values
sentative results, for R  120 and l  5  103 , in units of !, and that its sign and magnitude in this regime are
of GM=c2 , are shown in Fig. 1(b), where r  109 was determined by .
It is worth noting that the beginning of the plateaus in
Fig. 1(b) occurs in a frequency domain which is fairly
independent on the oscillation amplitude l [7]. By keep-
1.00 (a) ing l small one can thus obtain the effect in hand for
= + 0.4 reasonably small velocities. It is interesting to note that, by
0.75 = + 0.15
Taylor expanding the Lagrangian (2) in r_ 1 and r_ 2 while

= 0
keeping the remaining (position-dependent) terms unper-
l ( t)

= 0.15
= 0.4 turbed, one needs to retain terms at least up to fourth order

in v=c to capture the effect under consideration. This

0.0 0.2 0.4
t T
0.6 0.8 1.0 should be compared to Wisdoms swimming effect, which
3.0 already takes place when the relevant Lagrangian is ex-
(b) panded up to second order in v=c. The effect presented
here thus arises from an intricate coupling of the gravita-
1.5 tional field to the velocities of the particles.
10 9 (GM c 2 )

From some numerical analysis, we estimate that the net

displacement after one period, in the large frequency re-
0.0 gime (corresponding to the plateaus in Fig. 1), is given by


0 0.02 0.04 0.06
asymmetry factor

oscillation frequency (c 3 GM ) 2.5

FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Family of constraint functions l t 0

[6]. (b) Net displacement r  r1 T  rp T of the dumbbell,
relative to the falling point mass, after one period. The initial 2.5
conditions are set by r_ p 0  r_ 1 0  0, rp 0  r1 0  120
and l  5  103 (in units of GM=c2 ). The relativistic 5
(Newtonian) case is represented by solid (dashed) lines. The
plot shows that the Newtonian r is always negative and that it is 7.5
negligible for ! * 0:03c3 =GM, irrespective of . In contrast, 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75
we see that the relativistic r crucially depends on the asym- asymmetry parameter
metry parameter , and does attain positive values (for positive
). Causality problems (due to large velocities) only start to FIG. 2. Adimensional scale factor  as a function of the
appear at much higher frequencies, not shown above. asymmetry parameter .



l2 GM r=D l!=c2 (4)

r   ; (3)
R2 c2
in this regime. In this way, if the dumbbell is engineered so
where l is the amplitude of l t and  is a dimension-
that l! 0:01c, we get r=D 104 . Therefore, such
less factor associated with the asymmetry parameter , see
result may be within reach of experimental verification.
Fig. 2. This expression was obtained from numerical simu-
This would open the door to new tests of general relativity
lation employing a large range of values for R and l,
by means of local experiments [9].
going from 50 to 107 and 107 R to 102 R, respectively.
We close by noting that, if r=D were to reach 1, the
Equation (3) shows that the effect under consideration can
dumbbell would be able to float in space. However, this is
be orders of magnitude higher than the swimming effect,
apparently not possible, since numerical simulations indi-
which is proportional to l2 =R3 [8]. This result is some-
cate that the value attained by r=D is typically limited to
what surprising since, as discussed above, the swimming
15%. Therefore, it seems that, although this mechanism
effect is already present when the Lagrangian is expanded
cannot be employed to fly, it might be conceivably used as
up to second order in the velocities, while the effect
a relativistic paraglider to slightly soften the landing on an
presented here needs at least a fourth-order expansion in
atmosphereless planet.
It is instructive to calculate the net displacement r in The authors thank G. E. A. Matsas, S. R. Oliveira and
terms of the coordinate distance D traveled by the falling Alberto Saa for fruitful discussions. E. G. is grateful to P. S.
point mass during the period T. Using the rough estimate Letelier for the technical support. R. A. M. acknowledges
D gT 2 , with g  GM=R2 , we immediately see that financial support from FAPESP.

12!t 2
[1] W. G. Dixon, Proc. R. Soc. A 314, 499 (1970); Nuovo is given by l t  l exp
1 2 !t1!t , where ! 

Cimento 34, 317 (1964). 1=T and the overall normalization was chosen so that
[2] J. Wisdom, Science 299, 1865 (2003). the amplitude of l t is l. Other families fl tg with
[3] E. Gueron, C. A. S. Maia, and G. E. A. Matsas, Phys. Rev. diverse shapes were also tested, with no appreciable
D 73, 024020 (2006).
changes in the results.
[4] A related (and also simplified) quasirigidity condition
[7] Numerical simulations indicate that a variation in l of 5
could be defined by imposing that the geodesic length of
orders of magnitude leads to a change of less than 1% in
constant t slices connecting the worldlines of the particles
the characteristic frequency for which the corresponding
be given by the constraint function lt. The obtained
plateau begins.
results are essentially the same for either of these choices.
[8] See eq. (20) of Ref. [2].
[5] It is well known that any geometric phase effect (including
[9] We note that, if M is the Earths mass, then R
the swimming effect, Berrys phase, Hannay angle, etc.)
109 GM=c2 at Earths surface. Although we could
can only happen if at least two parameters are varied along
numerically confirm Eq. (3) only for 50GM=c2 & R &
a (nontrivial) loop in the appropriate parameter space. See,
107 GM=c2 (due to limitations of our integration routine),
e.g., the book A. Shapere and F. Wilczek, Geometric
there is no indication that it would break down at such
Phases in Physics (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989).
[6] The functional form of the constraint functions in Fig. 1(a)


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