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Fall Term 2016

Jacobs University
School of Engineering and Science
Problem Set 4
Dierk Schleicher

Introductory Complex Analysis

Homework Problems
4.1. Partial fraction decomposition of the tangent function.
(a) Show that f (z) = z1 1
n2Z z n + n
converges compactly on C to a
meromorphic function. Where are its poles, what are their principal parts
(b) Compute f 0 and identify its partial fraction decomposition.
(c) Compute the derivatives of tan and cot and find their partial fraction de-
compositions. (How do you deal with the constant in the integration used?)
(d) Compute the logarithmic derivative of the sin function (the logarithmic
derivative of a function g is (d/dz) ln g = g 0 /g). Use this to find a repre-
sentation of sin z as an infinite product. Can you justify that this infinite
product makes sense (as appropriate limit of finite products)?
4.2. An infinite product for the sine and Euler series.
We know that sin is an entire function with simple zeros at Z. If we treat it as
a polynomial of infinite degree, we could try to write it as an infinite product
z(z )(z + )(z 2)(z + 2)(z 3)(z + 3) . . . .
(a) Show that this product does not have a chance to converge on any open
subset of C: this is the wrong approach.
A better approach is to try to define
f (z) = z(1 z/)(1 + z/)(1 z/2)(1 + z/2)(1 z/3)(1 + z/3) . . . .
(b) Define fn (z) = z nk=1 (1 z/k)(1 + z/k) = z nk=1 (1 z 2 /k2 2 ) and
show that this product converges uniformly on compact subsets of C.
(c) Show that the resulting infinite product is holomorphic and find expressions
(in terms of infinite sums) for at least the first two interesting coefficients.
Can you describe the general coefficients?
(d) In fact, f (z) = sin z (which does not follow from these arguments, but should
come out of the previous problem). Comparing coefficients in the power
series, which interesting infinite series do you obtain?
4.3. Mobius transformations.

(a) Show that every Mobius transformation has either one or two fixed points
in P1 (is there an exception?).
(b) Describe all Mobius transformations M that have exactly one fixed point at
1. Show that the orbit of every point z 2 C, that is the set
1 1 1
{z, M (z), M (M (z)), M (M (M (z))) . . . , M (z), M (M (z)), . . . } ,

lies on a straight line in C

(c) Show that if M is an arbitrary Mobius transformation with a single fixed
point, then there is another Mobius transformation T so that T M T 1 has
a single fixed point, which is at 1. In fact, show that every T has this
property that sends the fixed point of M to 1.
(d) Conclude that for every Mobius transformation with a single fixed point,
every orbit lies on a single Mobius circle.
(e) Discuss whether an analogous (perhaps not the same) result holds for Mobius
transformations with two fixed points. Discuss first the case that these two
fixed points are at 0 and 1.

4.4. Geometry of the sine function.

(a) Show that the sine function is injective on the vertical strip S := {z 2
C : |Re z| < /2} and show that it maps S0 biholomorphically onto U :=
C \ {t 2 R : |t| 1}.
(b) Denote the inverse function by arcsin : U ! S and express it in terms of the
logarithm, stating clearly which branch is being used.
(c) Show that arcsin w = w pd 2 for an arbitrary branch in U from 0 to U .
Which branch of teh square root function is being used?

(Depending on preferences, you may find it more convenient to rotate S by 90

and use the sinh function instead.)

Due Date: Tuesday, 22 November, at the beginning of class.

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