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This course is to give a general understanding of what an allergy is, how

the body reacts and why, and some of the diseases related to allergic
reactions. You will find within the material descriptions of standard
medical treatments for managing allergies, both prescribed and over-the-
counter medications, and descriptions of alternative treatments. You will
also learn some of the medical and alternative testing to identify allergies.

Allergy: Refers to the immune systems hypersensitivity upon re-exposure to a

sensitizing agent, which results in the release of inflammatory chemicals and
development of various symptoms. Although the presence of immunoglobulin E has
traditionally been the marker of an allergy, the term allergy is correctly applied
when diagnosing an adverse reaction involving elevation of specific antibodies due
to antigen stimulus.

Adverse reactions can also be termed Sensitivity which refers to adverse reactions
in the body upon exposure to a sensitizing agent in the environment. It does not
involve antibodies, although it may involve other immunological processes. Most
food and chemical reactions are sensitivities. Also called pseudo-allergies.

Other terms include Intolerance, which refers to the absence of a particular

chemical or physiological process needed to digest a food substance. The lack of
the digestive enzyme lactase results in milk intolerance, or the inability to properly
digest milk products. Gastrointestinal upset is often the sign of intolerance.
Intolerance and sensitivity are used interchangeably or are simply referred to as
allergy; however, intolerance is not a true allergy.

*Atopy this describes the inherited tendency to develop IgE-mediated immune
responses. Atopic individuals have a higher risk for developing asthma, allergic
rhinitis, and eczema.

A brief history of Allergies:

The term allergy was first coined in 1906 by an Austrian pediatrician,

Clemens von Pirquet, to describe the altered reactivity some of his patients
had to substances (allergens) that didnt affect most other people. The
concept, however, goes back much further, and we can be fairly certain that
an allergic reaction was what the Roman philosopher Lucretius had in mind
when he stated over 2,000 years ago that One mans meat is another mans

The original meaning of allergy referred to any altered response to a

substance, but by 1925 the majority of American allergists had accepted a
narrower definition to describe an adverse immune system response,
particularly one that could be scientifically demonstrated with the
introduction of a substance, such as pollen, mold, animal dander, and dust,
via a skin prick test. The reactions recorded by this testing method have
become our classic allergic conditions: allergic rhinitis and hay fever,
asthma, eczema, hives, and the life-threatening cascade of symptoms
leading to anaphylactic shock. In the 1960s, scientists discovered that the
skin prick test was actually measuring the presence of an *antibody called
immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the immune system. The definition of allergy
became even more specific: an adverse response that could be detected by
the presence of IgE; in clinical jargon, IgE-mediated. As mainstream
medicine took a progressively more restrictive approach to allergy diagnosis,
several physicians, including Theron Randolph, M.D., began investigating
largely overlooked sources of adverse reactions, particularly food and
chemical agents. They found that IgE was not involved in all types of adverse
reactions, especially those that occurred hours or days after exposure to a
food or environmental substance. Conventional medicine frowned upon what
they construed as an aberration of allergy research, and food manufacturers,
some of whom were funding allergy research, were wary of their products
being implicated in allergies. However, despite discouragement from
mainstream medicine and special interest groups, respected physicians such
as Dr. Randolph continued to research and validate the existence of hidden
or latent food and environmental reactions, calling them sensitivies and
intolerances to distinguish them from antibody-antigen allergies.

These doctors taught that sensitivity reactions to commonly eaten foods
could cause a range of symptoms in susceptible individuals, including
headaches, eczema, fatigue, arthritis, depression, and various
gastrointestinal disorders. Their research further revealed that chemicals in
the environment could have profoundly negative effects on the body.

Historical evidence from Dr. Randolphs work educated the public that the
widespread use of insecticides, herbicides, formaldehyde, plastics, food
additives, petroleum products and other chemicals can and does lead to
sensitivity. Alternative practitioners often use the same therapies and
strategies to eliminate allergy as well as sensitivity.

Testing for allergies:

First, identify your patients allergy:

Identifying Allergy Types

Learn the types of allergies including food allergies (sensitivies), seasonal allergies, pet allergies, and
many more.

One of the most common allergies:

Hay Fever

Hay fever is an immune disorder characterized by an allergic response to pollen grains and other
substances. Also known as allergic rhinitis, there are two types: seasonal, which occurs only during the
time of year in which certain plants pollinate, and perennial, which occurs all year round. (A related
problem, nonallergic rhinitis, shares symptoms with hay fever but is not typically caused by proteins like
hay fever and allergies are.)

Typically, if your client suffers from hay fever in the spring, they're probably allergic to tree pollens. Grass
and weed pollens may be causing allergic reaction during the summer. In autumn, weeds may be the
source, and fungus spores cause problems primarily from late March through November but can be
present year round.
People with year-round (perennial) hay fever are usually allergic to one or more allergens found indoors.
These include house dust mites, feathers, and animal dander as discussed above, all of which may be
found in pillows, and bedding, heavy draperies, upholstery, and carpeting. Another common allergen,
mold, is usually found in damp areas such as bathrooms and basements.
What Causes Hay Fever?

Sufferers from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) have an immune system which views harmless inhaled pollen or
other allergens as dangerous substances invading the body. Their system overreacts, flooding their
bloodstream with chemicals like histamine and leukotrienes, which inflame the lining of their nasal
passages, sinuses, and eyelids and also set in motion other symptoms associated with hay fever, such as
All of these symptoms are meant to protect the body either by trapping and expelling the allergen or by
swelling body areas, such as the nasal passages, so the allergen can't enter. As a result of congestion in
the veins in the lining of sinuses, dark circles, commonly known as allergic shiners, may appear under the

eyes. If your client has perennial allergic rhinitis, they may be present all year round. The swelling of the
nasal membranes may also close the sinus drainage openings, causing sinusitis. Rhinitis may also be
associated with nasal polyps -- small, non-cancerous growths; nosebleeds can also occur during hay
fever attacks.
Hay fever is often an inherited trait (genetically determined). The majority of patients with hay fever have
a parent or sibling who also has allergies. People with asthma or eczema (allergic dermatitis) are more
likely than others to develop hay fever; and about one-third of those with allergic rhinitis also have at least
mild, intermittent, allergic asthma.

Food Allergies (sensitivities)

Food Allergies and Food Intolerance

*Note: Since each of these food allergies or sensitivies is a study on their own, I have just listed a small
amount of detail.

Food allergies or food intolerances affect nearly everyone at some point. People often have an
unpleasant reaction to something they ate and wonder if they have a food allergy.

Milk Allergy

If people suffer from a milk allergy, strictly avoiding milk and food containing milk and milk products is the
only way to prevent a reaction, which can include immediate wheezing, vomiting, and hives.

Note: * Don't get lactose intolerance confused with a milk allergy. They're not the same thing. Lactose
intolerance is when you can't digest lactose, the sugar found in dairy products. You'll often get symptoms
like stomach pain, gas, and diarrhea. With a milk allergy, the symptoms affect more than just your
digestive tract. A milk allergy is when your immune system thinks dairy is a foreign invader and attacks it
by releasing chemicals called histamines. Symptoms can range from wheezing problems to vomiting and

Egg Allergy

Egg allergies -- especially to egg whites -- are more common in children than in adults and reactions
range from mild to severe.

Wheat Allergy

If people are allergic to any wheat protein strictly avoiding wheat and wheat products is the only way to
prevent a reaction, which can include stomach upset, eczema, allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm (asthma-
like symptoms) and even anaphylaxis.

Nut (Peanut) Allergy

If people suffer from a nut allergy, strictly avoiding nuts, including peanuts and tree nuts like cashews and
walnuts, and food containing nuts is the only way to prevent a reaction.

Fish and shellfish Allergies

If you can help your client to identify exactly which type of fish or shellfish cause the allergies, than they
only need to eliminate that species from their diet. For the majority of fish or shellfish allergy sufferers, this
is not an option and all fish must be avoided.

Sulfite Allergy

Sulfites are a group of sulfur-based compounds that may occur naturally or may be added to food as an
enhancer and preservative. The FDA estimates that one out of 100 people is sensitive to the compounds.

Soy Allergy

Soy allergies start with soybeans. Soybeans are legumes. Other foods in the legume family include navy
beans, kidney beans, string beans, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas (garbanzo or chichi beans),
lentils, carob, licorice, and peanuts.

Casein Allergy

If a glass of milk or a slice of pizza causes swollen lips, hives, or other significant symptoms, you may
have an allergy to casein, a protein in milk.

The best way to manage food sensitivies is to do elimination cleanses.

Seasonal Allergies

Each year, 35 million Americans fall prey to seasonal allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever.
These allergies can occur in spring, summer and fall, winter allergies are usually due to colder weather
keeping people in doors and related to dust mites and mold.

Pet Allergies

Dog Allergy
Nearly 40% of U.S. households have a dog. Dog dander gets everywhere, including places where dogs
have never set a paw. So, how can you get through life with an allergy to man's best friend? Here's a
rundown of the causes and treatments of dog allergies, along with tips on reducing exposure.

The symptoms of dog allergies are usually like those of any other nasal allergy. They include:

coughing and wheezing

red, itchy eyes

runny, itchy, stuffy nose


Some people with dog allergies also have skin reactions. For instance, their skin might break out where a
dog licks them. Others with more severe allergies might develop hives on their face or chest. People
with asthma as well as pet allergies can have especially serious symptoms.
Causes of Dog Allergies

You may have heard that some dog breeds trigger allergy symptoms while others don't, or that short-
haired dogs are safe while long-haired dogs prone to shedding are not. But on the whole, experts say that
isn't the case. In fact, two dogs of the same breed can each give off very different levels of allergen.
It's not the dog's hair or fur that's the real problem. Instead, people are usually allergic to the dander --
flakes of dead skin -- as well as the saliva and urine. So, no matter how long or short the hair, any dog
can potentially cause an allergic reaction.
You might wonder why dog dander has such an effect on you. People with allergies have oversensitive
immune systems. Their bodies overreact to harmless substances -- like dog dander -- and attack it as
they would bacteria or viruses. The sneezing and watery eyes are just the side effects of the body's
attempt to destroy or flush out the allergen.

Testing for Dog Allergies

You can do either a skin test or a blood test that will detect allergen-specific iGe (Immunoglobulin E) to
find out if your client has dog allergies. Even if you're pretty certain that theyre allergic, testing is always a
good idea. Some people who assume that they have dog allergies turn out not to have them. Instead,
they're allergic to the pollen or mold that the dog is carrying in on its coat from outside.
While allergy tests are helpful, they're not always conclusive. So if your client owns a dog, you might
suggest they try living without it for a while to see how they improve. It often takes months before the level
of dander in the house drops down to a level resembling that of a house without a dog.

Cat Allergy
About 10% of the U.S. population has pet allergies and cats are among the most common culprits. Cat
allergies are twice as common as dog allergies. But contrary to what you might think, it's not the fur or
hair that's the real problem. People with cat allergies are really allergic to proteins in the cat's saliva,
urine, and dander (dried flakes of skin).
How do these tiny proteins cause such a big allergic reaction in the body? People with allergies have
oversensitive immune systems. Their bodies mistake harmless things -- like cat dander -- for dangerous
invaders, and attack them as they would bacteria or viruses. The symptoms of the allergy are the side
effects of your body's assault on the allergen, or trigger.
Keep in mind that even if you don't have an actual cat allergy, your cat can still indirectly cause your
allergies to flare up. Outside cats can bring in pollen, mold, and other allergens on their fur.
And what about so-called "hypoallergenic" cats? While some breeds -- like the "hairless" sphinx -- are
said to be less likely to trigger symptoms of cat allergies than others, any cat has the potential to cause
problems. This is true regardless of its breed, hair length, or how much it sheds. So if you know that you
or another family member is allergic to cats, getting one -- no matter what the breed -- is not a good idea.
What Are the Symptoms of Cat Allergies?

Symptoms of cat allergies can include:

coughing and wheezing

hives or a rash on the chest and face

red, itchy eyes

redness of the skin where a cat has scratched, bitten, or licked you

runny, itchy, stuffy nose


Symptoms of a cat allergy might develop in just a few minutes or take hours to appear. About 20% to 30%
of people with allergic asthma have severe flare-ups after coming in contact with a cat.

One of the major symptoms that people who are allergic to cats experience is excessive itching. This
occurs as a result of the body's reaction to the cat's fur or dander, and the body's production of histamines
as a defense mechanism to protect them from the perceived threat. Some of the best natural
products that you can suggest to help relieve itching include the following:
Flax seed
Vitamin C
Fish oil
Soaps and shampoos that contain oatmeal
Witch hazel
Evening primrose oil
Aloe vera
Suggest your client apply these oils or other products directly to the skin in order to help relieve
the symptoms of itching.
Cough and Sneeze Remedies
Many people with allergies to cats also cough and sneeze more than they would normally. The following
items can be helpful in removing the tendency to cough and sneeze so much, when it's related to an
allergic reaction to their cat:
Licorice root
Red clover
Apple cider vinegar
Of these, eucalyptus is perhaps the most effective at reducing the full range of symptoms associated
with coughing and sneezing due to cat allergies. This can help to provide your client with general
relief from a variety of sinus and congestion issues, including runny nose, sinus pain and many other
types of problems that cat allergy sufferers typically face.

Vacuums and Air Purifiers

It's very helpful to suggest your client purchase a good quality vacuum cleaner and a good air
purifier for their room or home for relief from pet allergies. A vacuum can be used regularly to help
clean up cat hair. The air purifier will aid in eliminating cat dander and other microscopic particles
that may be contributing to allergies. Both of these types of remedies for cat allergies do not involve

any medications, and they are good choices therefore for people who are opposed to using non-
natural means for dealing with their allergies.

Allergic Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Pink eye caused by bacteria, viruses, or STDs can spread easily from person to person but is not a
serious health risk if diagnosed promptly; allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.

Hives (Urticaria)

Hives, also known as urticaria, are an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps, patches, or welts on the skin
th Hives, also known as urticaria, are an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps, patches, or welts on
the skin that appear suddenly -- either as a result of allergies, or for other reasons.

Hives usually cause itching, but may also burn or sting. They can appear anywhere on the body, including
the face, lips, tongue, throat, or ears. Hives vary in size (from a pencil eraser to a dinner plate), and may
join together to form larger areas known as plaques. They can last for hours, or up to several days before
Angioedema is similar to hives, but the swelling occurs beneath the skin instead of on the surface.
Angioedema is characterized by deep swelling around the eyes and lips and sometimes of the genitals,
hands, and feet. It generally lasts longer than hives, but the swelling usually goes away in less than 24
Occasionally, severe, prolonged tissue swelling can be disfiguring. In rare cases, angioedema of the
throat, tongue, or lungs can block the airways, causing difficulty breathing. This may become life-
What Causes Hives and Angioedema?

Hives and angioedema form when, in response to histamine, blood plasma leaks out of small blood
vessels in the skin. Histamine is a chemical released from specialized cells along the skin's blood
Allergic reactions, chemicals in foods, insect stings, sunlight exposure, or medicines can all cause
histamine release. Sometimes, it's impossible to find out exactly why hives have formed.
There are several different types of hives and angioedema, including:

Acute urticaria and/or angioedema: Hives or swelling lasting less than six weeks. The most
common causes are foods, medicines, latex, or infections. Insect bites and internal disease may also be
responsible. The most common foods that cause hives are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh
berries, soy, wheat, and milk. Fresh foods cause hives more often than cooked foods. Certain food
additives and preservatives may also be to blame. Medicines that can cause hives and angioedema
include aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorymedications (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen), high
blood pressuremedications (ACE inhibitors), or painkillers such as codeine.

Chronic urticaria and/or angioedema: Hives or swelling lasting more than six weeks. The
cause of this type of hives is usually more difficult to identify than those causing acute urticaria and/or
angioedema. The causes can be similar to those of acute urticaria but can also include autoimmunity,
chronic infections, hormonal disorders, and malignancy.

Physical urticaria: Hives caused by direct physical stimulation of the skin -- for example, cold,
heat, sun exposure, vibration, pressure, sweating, and exercise. The hives usually occur right where the
skin was stimulated and rarely appear anywhere else. Most of the hives appear within one hour after

Dermatographism: Hives that form after firmly stroking or scratching the skin. These hives can
also occur along with other forms of urticaria.

Hereditary angioedema: This is painful swelling of tissue. It is passed on through families.

Allergies to Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac

Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are plants that contain an irritating, oily sap called urushiol.
Urushiol triggers an allergic reaction when it comes into contact with skin, resulting in an itchy rash, which
can appear within hours of exposure or up to several days later.

Allergies to Insect Stings (Bee Stings)

Bee, wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, or fire ant stings are the insect stings that most often trigger allergies.
However, most people are not allergic to insect stings and may mistake a normal sting reaction for an
allergic reaction.

Mold spores

Mold Allergy

People with mold allergies, however, may have a reaction if exposed to too much of the fungus.

Sun Reactions of the Skin

Most people's skin will burn if there is enough exposure to ultraviolet radiation. However, some people
burn particularly easily or develop exaggerated skin reactions to sunlight.

Aspirin Allergy (Salicylate Allergy)

Salicylates are chemicals found naturally in plants and are a major ingredient of aspirin and other pain-
relieving medications. They are also found in many fruits and vegetables as well as in many common
health and beauty products.

Cosmetic Allergy

Certain ingredients used in cosmetics, such as fragrances and preservatives, can act as allergens,
substances that trigger an allergic reaction.

Drug Allergy

Many drugs can cause adverse side effects, and certain medicines can trigger allergic reactions. In an
allergic reaction, the immune system mistakenly responds to a drug by creating an immune response
against it.

Dust mites

Dust Allergy

Life with dust allergies -- whether they're yours or a family member's -- comes with a load of questions.
For instance, might a dust allergy explain your child's never-ending cold symptoms?

For creatures you can't even see, dust mites can stir up a lot of trouble. About 20 million Americans are
allergic to these little bugs. You may feel as if you have an endless cold or even asthma.
Medication can help, but there are also simple ways to keep the dust mites away.
Dust allergy symptoms are similar to those of pollen allergies:

Red, itchy, watery eyes

Runny, itchy, stuffy nose


What Are Dust Mites?

To get rid of these tiny creatures in your home, it helps to know about their living habits.

They prefer temperatures of 70 F or higher and humidity of 75% to 80%. They can't survive in
colder, drier places.

In the U.S., dust mite allergies peak in July and August, when dust mite populations are high
because of warm weather.

Dust mites like to eat dead skin from pets and humans. You probably shed enough skin a day to
feed a million dust mites.

Flakes of dead skin in carpeting, beds, and furniture are like snacks for dust mites.

What Causes Dust Allergies?

It sounds nasty, but one piece of dust can contain pet dander, pieces of dead cockroaches, and mold
spores, in addition to dead skin and dust mites.
Both cockroaches and pet dander are common allergy triggers, too. Cockroach waste, saliva, and body
parts are a problem in some homes, particularly in the southern U.S.

How Can I Prevent Dust Allergy Symptoms?

The best strategy is to reduce your exposure to dust. Large numbers of dust mites can gather in
mattresses, bedding, and upholstered furniture.
Start in the bedroom, where you probably spend the most time. Wear a mask while cleaning.
Bedroom Dust-Busting Tips

Put airtight, plastic dust-mite covers on pillows, mattresses, and box springs.

Use pillows filled with polyester fibers instead of kapok or feathers.

Wash bedding in very hot water (over 130 F) once a week. The water needs to be this hot to kill
dust mites. Dry the bedding in a hot dryer.

If your bedroom is in a basement with a concrete floor, move upstairs if you can. Concrete stays
damp and creates the moist, humid environment dust mites love.

Tips for Around the House

Clean bare floors often with a damp mop or cloth.

Vacuum carpets once or twice a week. Use a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air)

Wash throw rugs in hot water.

Vacuum upholstered furniture such as sofas. Wood, leather, plaster, or metal furniture is better for
dust allergies.

Replace drapes with roll-up window shades. If you must have curtains, wash them in hot water
each season.

Get rid of stuffed animals, soft toys, and other dust collectors.

Chemical Allergy

They promise to make your skin soft, your hair shiny, and your laundry springtime fresh, but for some
people the chemicals in shampoos, cosmetics, and detergents trigger allergic skin reactions.

Allergic skin reactions what your doctor calls allergic contact dermatitis -- happen when your immune
system overreacts to chemicals that are normally harmless. These chemicals can be in products that you
are exposed to over and over, like cleaners, colognes, hair dyes, and personal care items.
Even if you've used these products before, you can still have a reaction.
Cosmetics and personal care products have a lot of potential allergens, things you could be allergic to:

Fragrances in soaps, colognes, deodorants, body creams, cosmetics, detergents, and tissues

Preservatives and antibacterials, added to many liquids to keep them from becoming rancid or

Substances added to thicken, color, or lubricate a product

Chemicals in permanent hair dyes and other hair products

Formaldehyde resin, an ingredient in many nail care products

Sunscreens, often found in cosmetic moisturizers, lip balms, and foundations

Symptoms of Chemical Allergies

Your skin is one of the first places where allergy symptoms can show up. They often appear 24 to 48
hours later, but can start as late as a week after exposure. Each person may have different chemical
allergy symptoms. Some of the most common are:

Red skin

Scaly patches

Blisters that ooze

Burning or itching, which may be intense

Swelling of the eyes, face, and genital area



Sun sensitivity

Darkened, "leathery," and cracked skin

The worst of the reaction tends to be where you touched the thing you're allergic to. If you get the allergen
on your finger and then touch another part of your body, like your face or neck, you can set off an allergic
reaction there.
Because the symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis can be similar to other conditions, you should see a
doctor if you have any of these symptoms.
Diagnosing Chemical Allergies
The way to test for chemical allergies is to place small samples of chemicals on your clients back and
check to see if they develop a rash.
Keeping track of their symptoms to help make a diagnosis. You should ask for details such as:

What they were doing in the 24 to 48 hours before the outbreak

Any products they were using before the outbreak

How much of the product they were using and how often

Where the product touched their skin (even places with no symptoms)

Symptoms they have or had

Any previous skin reactions

Penicillin Allergy

A penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction that occurs when the body's immune system overreacts to
penicillin antibiotics. A penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction that occurs when the body's immune system
overreacts to penicillin antibiotics.

Allergy 101: The Basics of Antibody-Antigen Reactions:

As discussed, an allergy is an adverse immune system reaction sometimes mild, sometimes severe to
a substance that other people find harmless. The symptom falls into 2 categories immediate and delayed.
Food allergies tend to be delayed reactions and manifest in 2 72 hours after eating the offending food.
True food allergies occur in up to 5% of children under the age of 3, and in 1.5% of the general
population, amounting to a total of 4M Americans.

Biological Cycles affect Allergic Reactions

Sleep/wake patterns, body temperature, and hormone release fluctuate on a daily basis; heart rates
follow a much shorter cycle measured in seconds; biological cycles also affect the severity of allergic

The severity of allergic rhinitis symptoms follows daily (circadian) rhythms. In one study, 70% of sufferers
experienced a greater intensity in respiratory problems upon waking in the morning; symptoms
dramatically abated by nighttime, only to return in the morning.

True allergy is manifested by symptoms:

Breathing congestion, asthma (reactive airway disease), anaphylaxis, heart palpitations, and irregular
heart beat (arrhythmias), increased heart rate (tachycardia), congestion of chest

Inflamed, watery, bloodshot, or scratchy eyes, blurred vision

Sneezing, runny, bleeding or stuffy nose

Coughing, gagging, hoarseness, itching roof of mouth, sore throat, recurring sinusitis

Earache (otitis media), ear drainage, fullness in ears, fluid in middle ear, hearing loss, itching ears
recurring ear infections, tinnitus

Itching allergic contact dermatitis

Puffy face, flushing cheeks or pallor, dry skin, rashes, contact dermatitis

Dark circles, wrinkles (called Dennies sign) or swelling under the eyes,

Swelling, swelling of hands and feet

Hives - urticaria

Stomachache, mucus n stool, undigested food in stool, inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative
colitis, Crohns disease) celiac disease, colitis, anal itching, constipation, intestinal bloat or
swelling or irritation, gas, cramps, pains, extreme thirst, coated tongue, vomiting

Common health problems associated with allergens:

Allergic rhinitis/seasonal hay fever

Anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock)



Bedwetting, urinary tract disorder symptoms (urgency, frequency)


Ear infections

Eczema atopic dermatitis

Fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, frequent awakenings in the night or inability to return to

Headache, feelings of fullness in the head, dizziness, faintness, migraines,

Hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, inability to concentrate, aggressive behavior, irritability,

confusion, indifference, depression, anxiety, learning disabilities, mental dullness, mental
lethargy, mental nervosa, panic attacks, restlessness, schizophrenia, excessive drowsiness or
sleepiness soon after eating, slurred speech, stuttering

Rapid weight fluctuations

In children: colic, epilepsy, failure to thrive in infants, growing pains


During the early stage, allergens attach to antibody receptors located on mast cells, triggering
the release of chemical mediators into the blood vessels, nerves, and glands. Sneezing, runny
nose, and nasal congestion are symptoms.

During the late phase, the cellular mediators in the tissues stimulate secondary immune
responses within the cells that result in further, more systemic symptoms like fatigue and joint
pains. These pains are the result of antibody complexes being deposited into the tissues. At this
point in the allergic reaction, you may treat the symptoms, by controlling the chemical responses
(the reaction). However, if you do not treat the heart of the problem the cause of the allergy or
sensitivity you risk developing serious health problems and diseases.

What happens in an allergic response:

3 main immune defense mechanisms (called barriers) prevent foreign and potentially harmful
substances from entering the bloodstream:

The mucus membrane barrier (the respiratory system)

The skin barrier (from contact and injected substances)

The gut barrier (including stomach and intestines)

The adrenal and thyroid glands are primary adjuncts to the barrier defense system, since they
provide the hormones and energy essential for the proper operation of the entire immune
system. When any or all of the barrier functions are broken down, due to poor diet, enzyme
deficiency, bacteria overgrowth, and other factors, foreign molecules are able to pass through
the barriers and enter the bloodstream.

First exposure:

The immune system has to determine whether the substance may be harmful to the body. It it
does find the molecule to be dangerous (an antigen), it records the identification information
(cellular memory) and begins the process of producing a type of protein called an anti-body
specifically designed to deactivate the antigen. Then, when exposed again to the same antigen,
the immune system identifies it and mobilizes the release of the pre-selected anti-body, setting
into motion a complex series of biochemical reactions, including inflammation and other typical
symptoms of an allergy response.

The antibody most commonly involved is IgE one of 5 immunoglobulins, or antibody proteins.

Immunoglobulins concentration in the blood according to type:

IgG (80%),

IgA (10-15%)

IgM (5-10%)

IgD (less than 0.1%)

IgE (less than 0.01%)

Mast cells, which produce the allergic response and are found throughout the bodys tissues,
next come into play. They tend to concentrate in the skin, nose, lung linings, gastrointestinal
tract and reproductive organs.

When the IgE senses an allergen it triggers the mast cells to release histamine and 28 other
chemicals. The IgE molecules attach themselves like a key fitting a lock to the allergens.

Both IgG and IgM antibodies neutralize bacteria, viruses, and toxins so they can be destroyed
by other white blood cells.

IgA antibodies which are especially important in the gut, protect mucous membranes and
neutralize antigens before they enter the bloodstream to trigger an allergic response.

IgD immune function is presently unknown.

The immune system guards the body against foreign, disease-producing substances. Its
workers are various white blood cells including one trillion lymphocytes, and 100 million
antibodies produced and secreted by the lymphocytes which are found in high numbers in the
lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and thymus gland.

Inflammatory chemicals:

Histamine causes blood vessels to widen passing more fluid into body tissues resulting in
selling. Also triggers smooth involuntary muscles in lungs, blood vessels, heart, stomach,
intestines and bladder to contract. These are responsible for the inflammation, swelling or
tenderness, in an attempt to heal the body from the effect of the allergen. These responses are
mostly normal methods of the body taking care of itself, even though the person is miserable in

the process. However, if they continue for too long they can adversely affect health in the long

Heparin increases blood flow to the site of inflammation and swelling

Platelet-activation factor this causes blood platelets to group together to release chemicals
in change the diameter of blood vessels, affecting blood pressure.

Serotonin found in the mucous membrane cells of the gastrointestinal tract, is a

neurotransmitter involved in the allergic response to foods.

Lymphokines involves communications among cells, produced by white blood cells


Leukotrienes these are found in cell membranes and make the lung muscles contract which
in turn make the lungs retain more air, such as a bronchial spasm of asthma.

Prostaglandins hormone-like substances that help dilate blood vessels, affecting the smooth
muscle contraction, increase pain and heat up inflamed tissues in affected areas.

Thromboxanes contract blood vessels and bronchial tubes.

Bradykinin supports the cascade of inflammatory symptoms set in motion by the mast cells.

Interleukins antibodies involved in the activity of lymphocytes.

Interferons produced by lymphocytes to regulate the speed of immune responses.

Tests available for allergies: Blood, urine, muscle testing, scratch tests, saliva, hair analysis

Allergy Tests

To pinpoint the allergy problem -- and determine the treatment your doctor will ask questions about your
symptoms and habits. Youll also need various tests.


Allergy Testing: The Physical Exam

The first thing to ask is:

What kinds of symptoms do you have?

How long have you had them?

When symptoms happen, how long do they last?

Do your symptoms come and go throughout the year, or do they last year-round?

Do your symptoms happen when you are outdoors, or indoors -- like when you clean your house?

Do they get worse when you are around pets? Do you have any pets?

Do you smoke? Does anyone in your family smoke?

Do your symptoms keep you from doing things, or from sleeping at night?

What makes your symptoms better? What types of treatments have you tried? What allergy drugs
are you taking now? Do they help?

What other medications are you taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs,
vitamins, and herbal supplements?

What kind of heating system do you have? Do you have central air conditioning?

Do you have any other health conditions, such as asthma or high blood pressure?

Do you have problems with your sense of smell or taste?

Do you get better on the weekend and worse when you go back to work?

You may recommend further tests with a board-certified allergist who specializes in diagnosing and
treating allergies before you recommend anything. Work with a test center so together you can create the
right treatment plan.

Note* Food Allergies: Suspect, Test, Avoid

The nation's major allergy organizations agree on how best to diagnose and manage food allergies. The
"practice parameters," from a panel of allergy experts, are a state-of-the-art guide on how to detect and
treat food allergy.
Food allergies are common -- and commonly misunderstood by doctors as well as patients, says panel
co-chairman Jay M. Portnoy, MD, who is chief of allergy, asthma, and immunology at Children's Mercy
Hospital in Kansas City, Mo., and vice president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma &
"I see patients all the time who go to a doctor, skin-test positive for lots of different foods, and are advised
to avoid all of these foods," Portnoy tells WebMD. "It makes their life miserable. And it turns out they are
not truly allergic to all these foods after all."
Portnoy's complaint rings true with patient advocate Anne Muoz-Furlong, founder and CEO of Food
Allergy Research & Education (FARE).
"Some parents never suspect food allergies until their child ends up at the emergency room -- where they
might be told it is a food allergy, or they might not," Muoz-Furlong tells WebMD. "Or if the child first has
mild symptoms, like eczema, they may not realize it is a food allergy. And then the entire family suffers
until a diagnosis is made and the food is eliminated from the diet."
So, before embarking on the often time-consuming and costly regimen of allergy tests, alternative
medicine physicians typically begin the diagnostic process by conducting a comprehensive patient
interview. Asking patients to carefully describe their symptoms, including when they first occurred,
circumstances surrounding the original symptoms, and if there was any change in diet or environment at
that time. Such meticulous questioning helped a patient of Devi Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac., R.N., PhD.D.,
creator of Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). The patient realized that she
experienced her symptoms of allergic rhinitis only after reading the Sunday newspaper the ink, it
seems, made her sneeze.
When consulting his patients about possible food allergies, orthomolecular physician, Abram Hoffer, M.D.,
of Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, asks his patients if there are any foods or combinations of foods
that cause digestive upset or bloating. He also ascertains whether they have a crazing for a particular
food, which is often indicative of allergic addiction syndrome. He also requests a dietary history. You
have to look for the clues, says Dr. Hoffer of the allergy-testing process. For instance, I had a patient
who couldnt understand why she could eat a steak at home without getting sick but not in a restaurant. A
Dietary history revealed that whenever she ate out, she ordered a large lettuce salad to accompany her
steak, whereas at home she never touched lettuce. It wasnt the meat at all.
Testing is the most controversial aspect of food allergy treatment. Just getting a skin test or a blood test
isn't enough, says guidelines chief editor John J. Oppenheimer, MD, of the UMD-NJ New Jersey Medical
School in New Brunswick.
"My pet peeve is now we have these blood tests and skin tests but without a patient's or a parent's help,
they may provide misinformation," Oppenheimer tells WebMD. "So when a reaction occurs, try to figure

out what you or your child ate over the last several hours. And then tell the doctor your story. Doing
testing blindly can result in more problems than it solves."
The problem is that tests for food allergy are very sensitive. This means that if you do have a food allergy,
the tests are very likely to catch it. But the tests aren't very specific. This means that the tests often are
positive when there's no food allergy.
"People get 100 tests, and many are false positives and they end up chasing their tails," Oppenheimer
The new guidelines help doctors use food allergy tests in the best possible way. And when used properly,
Portnoy says, testing works.
"Don't just assume you have a food allergy. If you suspect one, get it confirmed," Portnoy says. "You have
to make sure you really are allergic. I have seen people with nutritional problems due to avoiding foods
they're not really allergic to."
It's very rare for a person to be allergic to more than one or two foods, Oppenheimer and Portnoy say. So
if testing is used to confirm or reject suspect foods, it is more likely to give meaningful results.
"Unfortunately, the only treatment we have is avoidance," Oppenheimer says. "But I have several
suggestions that help. One is to wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace. And for restaurants, I am big
fan of giving the server a card that shows what you are allergic to, and having the chef sign the card to
make sure you aren't given anything you're allergic to."
Outgrowing Food Allergies

The new guidelines stress repeated testing to see whether a food allergy fades over time.
Many children with food allergies become tolerant to those foods over time. This is most likely to happen
with allergies to cow's milk, hen's eggs, wheat, and soybeans. It's least likely to happen with peanut, tree-
nut, and seafood allergies.

Comprehensive Stool Analysis

The Comprehensive Stool Analysis detects the presence of pathogenic microorganisms such as yeast,
parasites, and bacteria that contribute to chronic illness and neurological dysfunction. It provides helpful
information about prescription and natural products effective against specific strains detected in the
sample. The test also evaluates beneficial bacteria levels, intestinal immune function, overall intestinal
health, and inflammation markers.

Many chronic disorders come from digestive problems and inadequate nutrient absorption. Proper
gastrointestinal function is needed to eliminate toxic substances, pathogenic microbes, and undigested
food particles from the body to prevent health problems. Nutrients require a specific internal environment
to be properly digested and transported throughout the body.

Abnormal intestinal microorganisms in the GI tract are widely known to cause disease. Research shows a
relationship between the GI tract and the neurological, hepatic, and immune systems. For example,
excessive yeast produces toxic substances that can pass through the blood-brain barrier and alter
neurological functioning causing brain fog, behavior problems, and learning difficulties.

Allergy Symptom Diary

To help to identify a clients food allergy, you may ask them to keep a food diary and slowly document
and remove certain foods from their diet to determine exactly what theyre allergic to.


Blood Tests for Allergies

For this test, the doctor will take a sample of the patients blood and expose it to different types of
allergens. You wont learn the results right away. This test can be sent to a lab and results could take a
week or more.

Many doctors don't use it as often. They may use it if they have an idea of what the allergic reaction is to
and it is only one or two specific things. Or they use this test if they are worried the patient may have a
severe allergy.

Neither skin nor blood tests can accurately predict how severe a food allergy reaction may be.

A Controlled Food Challenge Test

This test isnt done very often because it is dangerous for people with severe food allergies.

When is it useful? Doctors will sometimes use this test to confirm a skin or blood test, or to see if a child
has outgrown an allergy. It can be used to eliminate one specific food from the list, too. Why? Sometimes
the patients skin might react to a food, but wouldn't have symptoms if they ate it.

Finally, in some cases a blood test may not be sensitive enough to find out the food trigger. A controlled
food challenge can help sort it out.

For this test, the patient will go to their doctors office or a hospital. That way they can be watched closely
in case they have a severe allergy attack.

The testing doctor will give food samples and watch for a reaction. Or they may offer capsules -- some
with an allergen in it, some without. That way the doctor can be sure that it is the food causing the
reaction. Never try a food challenge on your own because it can be very dangerous without the proper
equipment to help a client or patient if they had a severe reaction.

Candida albicans Scale in IgG Food Allergy Test

Candida problems are caused when the benign yeast form of Candida albicans mutates to its fungal
form. Candida can take over sections of the intestinal wall causing numerous symptoms. As it grows
out of balance it produces toxins that create holes in the intestinal lining, leading to leaky gut
syndrome. After entering the blood, Candida albicans causes an inflammatory immune system
response. A wide range of disorders have been linked to Candida including autism, multiple

sclerosis, depression, and chronic fatigue. Use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, chemotherapy, and
anti-inflammatory steroids greatly increase susceptibility to Candida.

The Candida albicans scale has been updated to account for the observation that Candida-specific
immunoglobulins are present in the specimens of virtually all individuals tested. The new scale is
intended to provide a clearer indication of clinical significance and was established according to
population percentile ranks obtained from a random subset of 1,000 patients. Specifically, the range
of insignificant and low IgG values correspond to the first and second quartiles of the distribution,
while moderate values denote individuals in the 51st to 97.5th percentiles. Those with an IgG value
greater than the 97.5th percentile are considered to have a high concentration of Candida-specific

0-25th percentile: insignificant

26th-50th percentile: low
51st-97.5th percentile: moderate
97.5th and higher: high

Allergy Skin Test:

An allergy skin test is used to identify the substances that are causing your allergy reactions.
Skin testing for allergies is used to identify the substances that are causing the allergy symptoms. It is
often performed by applying an extract of an allergen to the patients skin, scratching or pricking the skin
to allow exposure, and then evaluating the skin's reaction. It may also be done by injecting the allergen
under the skin, or by applying it to a patch that is worn on the skin for a specified period of time.
What Happens During the Allergy Skin Test?

The procedure varies depending on what type of allergy skin test. The three main types of skin tests are
the scratch test, intradermal test, and the patch test.

Scratch test (also known as a puncture or prick test). First, a doctor or nurse will examine the
skin on the forearm or back and clean it with alcohol. Areas on the skin are then marked with a pen to
identify each allergen that will be tested. A drop of extract for each potential allergen -- such as pollen,
animal dander, or insect venom -- is placed on the corresponding mark. A small disposable pricking
device is then used so the extract can enter into the outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis. The skin
prick is not a shot and doesn't cause bleeding.

Intradermal test. After examining and cleaning the skin, a small amount of the allergen is
injected just under the skin, similar to a tuberculosis test.

Patch test. Another method is to apply an allergen to a patch, which is then placed on the skin.
This may be done to pinpoint a trigger of allergic contact dermatitis. If there are allergic antibodies in the
bodys system, the skin will become irritated and may itch, much like a mosquito bite. This reaction means
that they are allergic to that substance.

Advantages widely available and good for inhalants

Disadvantages poor sensitivity and inconvenient.



Advantages - Convenient, moderate cost

Disadvantages Poor reproducibility, limited availability

This method is commonly used by nutritionists to test for type II allergic reactions to
food and some chemicals. A technician mixes a suspected allergenic substance into
a sample of the patients blood and then examines he blood for white cell changes.
Technical error due to fatigue makes this test impractical, thus it is rarely used. The
ALCAT is a mechanical version of cytotoxic testing, or antigen leukocyte cellular
antibody test.

RAST client is exposed to a suspected allergen then has blood drawn. A

radioactive substance is then used to label the IgE and IgG antibodies in the
specimen and the amount is measured RAST identifies classic allergens. Higher
antibody amounts indicate the presence of an allergen.

Advantages convenient, good for inhalants, office kits are available.

Disadvantages low sensitivity, expensive.

ELISA test enzyme-linked immunoserological essay. Requires a small amount of
blood to be taken then sent away within 72 hours to any one of several specialized
labs that perform this test. At the lab technicians process the sample to collect the
IgG antibodies, which are involved in delayed allergic reactions. A drop of this serum
is placed in each of the 102 tiny holding containers, or wells, in a lab testing plate.
Each well contains a single potentially allergic food or component of highly
allergenic foods, such as gluten, which is found in wheat. A computer then analyses
the samples.

Provocative Neutralization (P/N) this is similar to endpoint titration (SET) by its use
of extracts, except they are usually administered sublingually rather than
intravenously. P/N is performed by introducing extracts of the suspected allergens
either into the skin with an injection or as a drop of liquid under the tongue. Weaker
solutions are used and slowly increased until a reaction occurs. The size of the
wheals increase is measured and the physician looks for changes in the patients
appearance, physical or mental functioning, pulse rate, breathing and behavior.
Some double-blind tests have shown that the P/N isnt very reliable.


Electrodermal Screening (EDS) uses an electrical device that measures

conductance. In a session a practitioner places a blunt, noninvasive electric probe at
acupuncture points on the patients hands or feet. If the patients energy response
(conductance) drops or does not reach a normal peak, then that response is
interpreted as positive.

Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing

*Note: Below is taken from Dr. Freddie Ulans site and Dr. Wayne Kohan who is a practicing
NRT doctor:
Many people are interested in a more detailed explanation of Nutrition Response Testing. The
following article, written by Dr. Freddie Ulan, DC, CCN, provides a detailed description of the
process and why it works. Fred Ulan is a Clinical Nutritionist, and a highly skilled Nutrition
Response Testing practitioner and teacher. He is the Director of the Natural Health Improvement
Center, in upstate New York where he and his partner practice Nutrition Response Testing in service
to their extensive local and international lay and professional clientele.

In order for you to begin the healing process we need to
make sure you understand what Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) is right from the start. NRT is
probably very different from anything you may have experienced before. Although it is very precise
and scientific, if we were to analyze you using NRT without an explanation you may find it strange or
mysterious. We felt similarly when we first encountered it and, therefore, have studied it extensively
to see if it really worked. We are happy we did because it has helped us greatly improve our own
health and with NRT, we may be able to help you improve yours. It is important for you to understand
Nutrition Response Testing because it is the foundation upon which we base our
recommendations, and if you dont understand it you may be less likely to follow through with our
advice. To put it simply, if you dont follow through with our advice, you wont get well and if you are
not going to get well, why begin in the first place? The good news is that by using NRT, most clients
experience 90% or better improvement in their overall health.
In medical practice there are two key parts: the diagnosis (identifying and/or naming the disease or
syndrome) and the treatment (drugs, surgery, etc.).
In Nutrition Response Testing we do not diagnose or treat disease but we also have two parts: the
analysis and the personalized health improvement program (using designed clinical nutrition).
The analysis is performed simply by using your bodys own muscle group in combination with
acupressure points to determine where the underlying weakness is in the body and then, using the
same technique we design a natural health improvement program to help you handle what we find in
the analysis.

First the Analysis

The analysis is done through testing the bodys neurological reflexes and acupressure points. The
neurological reflexes are derived from the part of the nervous system whose job is to regulate the
functions of each and every organ. The acupuncture points are selected from the ancient Chinese
system of acupuncture, which is thousands of years old.
NRT is a study of how the different points on the surface of the body relate to the state of health and
to the flow of energy in each and every organ and function of the body. Since human anatomy has
not changed significantly in thousands of years, the utilization of these reflexes and specific points
has become extremely useful in our practice because they are so accurate.

Each NRT reflex represents a specific organ, tissue, or function, and indicates the effect that energy,
or the lack of energy, is having on the body. By testing these reflexes, we have a system of
monitoring your body at each visit that helps us identify what your needs and how well we are
meeting those needs. Doesnt this sound like something you would want for yourself in order to
predict, with certainty, what is needed and wanted by the body to help you reach the next stage of
optimal health?
How Do We Access the Nutrition Response Testing Reflexes in Order to Get This Information?

If we were to hook you up to an EKG machine and take a reading, that would make perfect sense to
you, right? What is actually happening during that procedure? Electrical energy from the heart is
running over the wires. This electrical energy makes the EKG record the energy pattern in the form
of a graph or chart. We could then study this graph and tell you what it all means. In Nutrition
Response Testing, instead of connecting electrodes to the specific points being tested, the
practitioner contacts these points with his/her own hand. With the other hand, he/she will test the
muscles of your extended arm. If the reflex being contacted is active, the nervous system will

respond by reducing energy to the extended arm and the arm will weaken and drop. This drop
signifies underlying stress or dysfunction, which may be affecting your health.

Lets say the liver or kidney reflexes are active, then what?

Our next step is to test specific high quality nutritional supplements against those weak areas to find
which ones bring the reflexes back to strength.
Decades of clinical experience tell us that when we have found the correct nutritional supplements,

as indicated by this procedure, and when we work out a highly

personalized nutritional supplement schedule, we have accomplished the most important first step of
supporting the underlying deficiency or imbalance that caused the reflex to be active in the first
place. By following the program as precisely as possible, you are well on your way to restoring
normal function and improving your health.
Its that simple!
In Nutrition Response Testing we use designed clinical nutrition to address the causes of the
problem, so that the body can regain the ability to heal and support itself.

Having been designed through decades of clinical use on tens of thousands of clients, and on clients
from many different types of health care practitioners, you can be assured that Nutrition Response
Testing is capable of evaluating and possibly solving your health concerns.
A complete NRT analysis can be done on each client on each subsequent visit, thereby revealing the
next layers of dysfunction so these can also be addressed and supported.
In this way, each client gets completely individualized handling in the correct sequence for his or her
Very much like opening a combination lock, you must use the right numbers in the right sequence
and in the right direction at the right time then the lock opens.
By following the correct sequence as revealed through Nutrition Response Testing, you dont
shot-gun your diet or supplements. With a correctly done NRT analysis, we can determine the
correct food supplements for you designed to give your body the best possible chance of getting
well and staying well.
1. Through an analysis of your bodys reflexes, we help you to determine the exact nutrients you
need to supplement your diet in order to bring about balanced and improved health.
2. We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules,

or in powdered form to supplement your current diet. Thats why they are called food
3. Depending on your individual situation, we may also require that you make some specific changes
in your diet & eating habits and in your routines in order to bring about the best possible results.
Many people we see in our practice have eaten themselves into their current state of ill-health, to
one degree or another. Nutritional deficiencies or imbalances lead to a breakdown in resistance, or
immunity, and a loss of the ability to cope with environmental stresses (chemical, microscopic, or
otherwise). The good news is that it may be possible to reverse the process!
Is It Possible to Restore Your Health?

What could be more natural? What could be more correct? Each cell, tissue, and organ in your
body is in the process of replacing itself every day, month, and year. The health of each organ is
dependent on making the correct nutrients available to upgrade or to maintain the health of the body
at a cellular level.
Designed Clinical Nutrition provides the right basic materials.

Nutrition Response Testing tells you when and what to use to bring about the desired results. With
this understanding of what we do, we feel you can comprehend how we are able to work with you to
help you more effectively improve your health. Once that is achieved, do you see how you might be
able to use this approach to stay well?
Now you have the complete 1-2-3 package. You know:

What we do
How and why we do it
What you need to do to gain the potential of restoring your health and staying healthy.
It is important to remember that in the end you are the one responsible for your own condition. And
with our guidance, we feel that if you are a Nutrition Response Testing case your chances of
greatly improving your health can be as high as 90%, or better. In our experience, if our analysis
indicates that you are not a Nutrition Response Testing / nutritional case, then in all probability,
while a nutritional program may give you some benefit, it may not give you the maximum results you
If our analysis confirms that you are a Nutrition Response Testing / clinical nutrition case, then, in
our experience, nothing else may ever compare to what you may achieve by using NRT and
Designed Clinical Nutrition.
We wish you the best of luck in your quest to take back full responsibility for your health. Just
remember to do it one step at a time and that we are here to guide you in that quest.
Once we accept your case, you can count on us to do everything in our ability to help you achieve
your health objectives and to help you achieve a healthier, happier life.

You can talk with Dr. Wayne Kohan about Nutrition Response Training:
Phoenix Nutrition Response Testing

Dr. Wayne Kohan, DC, CCN, DACBN (Licensed in Arizona)

15005 N 40th Lane

Phoenix, AZ 85053

Phone: (602) 374-2762

Fax: (602) 374-2762


Traditional Chinese medicine TCM views allergies as manifestations of blockages or imbalances of qi

in different organs of the body. The TCM practitioner will inspect the complexion, general demeanor, body
language and tongue, aural inspection of voice and tone, body odors, palpation of pulse on wrist and
abdomen, meridians and acupuncture points.


Elimination Diet

The elimination diet involves removing specific foods or ingredients from the diet that you suspect may be
causing the allergy symptoms (common allergy-causing foods include milk, eggs, nuts, wheat, and soy).
Supervise this diet over a few weeks.

Coca Pulse Test developed by Arthur Coca, M.D., a pioneer in the field of environmental medicine. He
concluded that a common symptom of many food allergies is increased heart rate. Pulse is taken before
and after meals.

Omura Bi-Digital O-Ring test developed by Yoshiaki Omura, M.D., an electrical engineer in late
1970s. Similar to applied kinesiology, except it uses a different test muscle. Recognizing the bodys
electromagnetic fields change when a person came in contact with an unhealthy item (such as an
allergen) he recorded weakened finger strength. While making an O with the tip of the index finger and
the thumb of the same hand, a suspected substance is held in the other hand, and pulling the O apart at
the same time. If the substance produces an allergic reaction the O will pull apart easily.

Conventional treatments for Allergies include:


Antihistamines have been used for years to treat allergy symptoms. They can be taken as pills, liquid,
nasal spray, or eye drops. Over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamine eye drops can relieve red itchy eyes,
while nasal sprays can be used to treat the symptoms of seasonal or year-round allergies.
Examples of antihistamines include:

Over-the-counter:Allegra, Benadryl,Claritin, Chlor-Trimeton, Dimetane, Zyrtec, and Tavist. Ocu-

Hist is an OTC eye drop.

Prescription: Clarinex and Xyzal are oral medications. Astelin is a prescription nasal
antihistamine spray. Prescription antihistamine eye drops include Patanol andElestat and Optivar.

How Do Antihistamines Work?

When exposed to an allergen -- for example ragweed pollen -- it triggers the immune system. People with
allergies demonstrate an exaggerated immune response. Immune system cells known as "mast cells"
release a substance called histamine, which attaches to receptors in blood vessels, causing them to
enlarge. Histamine also binds to other receptors causing redness, swelling, itching, and changes in
secretions. By blocking histamine and keeping it from binding to receptors, antihistamines prevent these
What Are the Side Effects of Antihistamines?

Many older over-the-counter antihistamines may cause drowsiness. Newer, non-sedating second- and
third-generation antihistamines are available over-the-counter or by prescription.

Decongestants relieve congestion and are often prescribed along with antihistamines for allergies. They
can come in nasal spray, eye drop, liquid, or pill form.
Nasal spray and eye drop decongestants should be used for only a few days at a time, because long-term
use can actually make symptoms worse. Pills and liquid decongestants may be taken longer safely.
Some examples of decongestants that are available over-the-counter and by prescription include:

Sudafed tablets or liquid, Neo-Synephrine and Afrin nasal sprays, and some Visine eye drops

Combination decongestant and antihistamine medications such as Allegra-D or Zyrtec-D

Combination Allergy Drugs

Some allergy drugs contain both an antihistamine and a decongestant to relieve multiple allergy
symptoms. Other drugs have multiple effects aside from just blocking the effects of histamine, such as
preventing mast cells from releasing other allergy-inducing chemicals.
Some examples of combination allergy medicines include:

Over-the-counter: Allegra-D, Claritin-D, Zyrtec-D, Benadryl Allergy and Sinus,Tylenol Allergy
and Sinus

Prescription: Semprex-D for nasal allergies; Naphcon, Vasocon, Zaditor,Patanol, and Optivar for
allergic conjunctivitis; Dymista combines an antihistamine with a steroid for in a nasal spray for seasonal
nasal allergies.

Steroids, known medically as corticosteroids, can reduce inflammation associated with allergies. They
prevent and treat nasal stuffiness, sneezing, and itchy, runny nose due to seasonal or year-round
allergies. They can also decrease inflammation and swelling from other types of allergic reactions.
Systemic steroids are available in various forms: as pills or liquids for serious allergies or asthma, locally
acting inhalers for asthma, locally acting nasal sprays for seasonal or year-round allergies, topical creams
for skin allergies, or topical eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis. In addition to steroid medications, your
physician may decide to prescribe additional types of medications to help combat your allergic
Steroids are highly effective drugs for allergies, but they must be taken regularly, often daily, to be of
benefit -- even when you aren't feeling allergy symptoms. In addition, it may take one to two weeks before
the full effect of the medicine can be felt.
Some steroids include:

Prescription nasal steroids: Beconase, Flonase, Nasocort, Nasonex, Rhinocort, Veramyst,

Qnasl, Zetonna, and generic fluticasone are used to treat nasal allergy symptoms.

Over-the-counter nasal steroids: Nasacort Allergy 24HR

Inhaled steroids:Azmacort, Flovent, Pulmicort, Asmanex, Q-Var, Alvesco, and Aerobid are used
to treat asthma. Advair and Symbicort are inhaled drugs called bronchodilators that combine a steroid
with another drug to treat asthma. Inhaled steroids are available only with a prescription.

Eye drops: Alrex and Dexamethasone

Oral steroids: Deltasone, also called prednisone

What Are the Side Effects of Steroids?

Steroids have many potential side effects, especially when given orally, systemically, and for a long period
of time.
Side effects of systemic steroids with short-term use include:

Weight gain

Fluid retention

High blood pressure

Potential systemic steroid side effects with long-term use include:

Growth suppression


Cataracts of the eyes

Bone thinning osteoporosis

Muscle weakness

Side effects of inhaled steroids may include cough, hoarseness, or fungal infections of the mouth.


Bronchodilators are inhaled drugs used to control asthma symptoms and are available only with a
prescription. A short-acting bronchodilator is used to provide quick relief for asthma symptoms during an
attack. Long-acting bronchodilators can provide up to 12 hours of relief from asthma symptoms, which is
helpful to people who suffer from nighttime asthma problems.
How Do Decongestants Work?

During an allergic reaction, tissues in your nose may swell in response to contact with the allergen. That
swelling produces fluid and mucous. Blood vessels in the eyes can also swell, causing redness.
Decongestants work by shrinking swollen nasal tissues and blood vessels, relieving the symptoms of
nasal swelling, congestion, mucus secretion, and redness.
What Are the Side Effects of Decongestants?

Decongestants may raise blood pressure, so they typically are not recommended for people who have
blood pressure problems or glaucoma. They may also cause insomnia or irritability and restrict urinary
How Do Bronchodilators Work?

Bronchodilators relax the muscle bands that tighten around the airways. This rapidly opens the airways,
letting more air in and out of the lungs, improving breathing.
Bronchodilators can also help clear mucus from the lungs. As the airways open, the mucus can move
more freely and is then more easily expelled.
Generally, 1-4 puffs of an inhaler relieve the wheezing and chest tightness associated with a mild attack. It
may be necessary to take more puffs for severe attacks. You should speak with your health care provider
about developing an asthma plan.
Some types of bronchodilators include:

Ventolin, Proventil, Pro-Air



What Are the Side Effects of Bronchodilators?

Bronchodilators are potent drugs. If overused, they can cause dangerous side effects such as high blood
pressure and a fast heartbeat.

Mast Cell Stabilizers

Mast cell stabilizers can be used to treat mild to moderate inflammation in the bronchial tubes and other
allergy symptoms. These medications can also be used to prevent asthma symptoms during exercise and
can be given before exposure to an allergen when it cannot be avoided.
Mast cell stabilizers are available as inhalers for asthma, eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis, and nasal
sprays for nasal allergy symptoms. Like with many drugs, it may take several weeks before the full effects
are felt.
Some examples of mast cell stabilizers include:









How Do Mast Cell Stabilizers Work?

Mast cell stabilizers work by preventing the release of histamine from mast cells (cells that make and
store histamine). Some of these drugs also have important anti-inflammatory effects, but typically they are
not as effective as steroids.
What Are the Side Effects of Mast Cell Stabilizers?

Throat irritation, coughing or skin rashes sometimes can occur with inhaled mast cell stabilizers. Some
people associate a bad taste with the use of Tilade. Using a spacer to take the medicine and drinking
juice following treatment may decrease the taste. Mast cell stabilizers in the form of eye drops may cause
burning, stinging, or blurred vision when they are administered.
Leukotriene Modifiers

Leukotriene modifiers are used to treat asthma and nasal allergy symptoms. They can be prescribed
along with other drugs.
These medications are available only with a doctor's prescription and come as pills, chewable tablets, and
oral granules.
Examples of leukotriene modifiers include:

Accolate (zafirlukast)

Singulair (monteleukast)

Zyflo (zileuton)

How Do Leukotriene Modifiers Work?

Leukotriene modifiers block the effects of leukotrienes, chemicals produced in the body in response to an
allergic reaction.

What Are the Side Effects of Leukotriene Modifiers?

Side effects of these drugs are rare, especially for Accolate and Singulair, but may include:

Stomach pain or stomach upset



Stuffy nose





Behavioral issues

Some simple over-the-counter products can help with allergy symptoms. They include:

Saltwater solution, or saline, is available as a nasal spray to relieve mild congestion, loosen
mucus, and prevent crusting. These sprays contain no medicine.

Artificial tears, which also contain no medicine, are available to treat itchy, watery, and red eyes.


Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, may be the most effective form of treatment if someone suffers from
allergies more than three months of the year. These shots expose them to gradually increasing levels of
the offending allergen to help the immune system build tolerance.
Also, the FDA has approved three under-the-tongue tablets that can be taken at home. The prescription
tablets, called Grastek, Ragwitek, and Oralair, are used for treating hay fever and work the same way as
shots -- the goal is to boost a patients tolerance of allergy triggers.

Natural remedies:

Homeopathic Remedies for Allergies:

Homeopathic medicine is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the
ability to heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely
practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of
the body as it attempts to regain health.

Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like cures like." That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a
healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In
theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory processes.

The standard dosage for acute symptom relief is 3 pellets of 30C every 4 hours until symptoms resolve.
Lower potencies, such as 6X, 6C, 30X, may be given every 2 to 4 hours. If the right remedy is chosen,
symptoms should improve shortly after the second dose. If there is no improvement after 3 doses, a
different remedy is given.

The following is a list of homeopathic remedies for allergies. Picking the correct remedy for the specific
symptoms will provide the most effective treatment.
Allium Cepa (red onion) - for clear, burning nasal discharge; frequent sneezing in open air; red and
burning eyes with profuse tearing that is non-irritating to the skin; frequent urge to rub eyes; frontal
headache. You feel thirsty and symptoms worsen in warm rooms, indoors, and in the evening. Your
symptoms are better in the open air.
Arsenicum Album (white arsenic) - for profuse, watery nasal discharge that burns the skin and is worse
on the right-hand side and after midnight; the nose runs freely but feels stuffed; you experiences frequent
and violent sneezing; wheezy cough; burning eyes; loss of taste. You feel chilly, restless, anxious, and
tired. The symptoms are alleviated with warmth.

Euphrasia (eyebright) - for non-irritating watery nasal discharge and copious, burning tears; swollen
eyes; daytime cough that improves at night. The symptoms are worse in open air, in the morning, with
warmth, during windy weather, and when lying down.
Ferrum Phosphoricum (phosphate of iron) - useful in the early stages of inflammation, this remedy often
slows or stops an allergic episode. For runny eyes with burning or feeling of sand in the eyes; watery
nose; flushing of the face; short, hard, tickling cough; complaints on the right-hand side. The symptoms
are worse at night, with cold, and during motion. The symptoms are lessened with warmth and by lying
Gelsemium (yellow jasmine) - for dry nose or swollen nasal membranes; runny nose with irritating watery
discharge; frequent sneezing; flushed and heavy feeling in the face; tired, droopy feeling; aching in the
back of the head and neck; chills along the spine. The symptoms are worse in the morning, with cold, and
during motion, but better from sweating.
Natrum Muriaticum (common salt) - for clear nasal discharge resembling egg whites; sneezing; watery
eyes; loss of taste and smell; dark circles under the eyes. The symptoms are worse at 10 a.m. and from
consolation. Symptoms are lessened by sweating and lying down. You feel thirsty, sad, chilly, and irritable.
Nux Vomica (poison nut) - for dry, tickling nose that is stuffy at night and runny in warm rooms and in the
daytime; frequent sneezing; ticklish sensation at the back of the throat; headache; right-sided complaints.
The symptoms are worse indoors and better in the open air. You are sensitive to the cold, and tend to be
impatient, irritable and easily offended.
Pulsatilla (windflower) - for nasal discharge during the day and congestion at night; itching of the roof of
the mouth at night; not feeling thirsty. The symptoms are worse in a warm room, during hot weather,
during the evening, and while lying down. Symptoms are better in cool rooms, in the open air, and from
cold applications. You act gentle, yielding, emotional and seek attention and sympathy.
Sabadilla - copious, watery nasal discharge; sneezing; itching in the nose; red, runny eyes. The
symptoms improve in the open air or outdoors. You experiences a constant urge to swallow and feels as if
there is a lump in the throat.
Wyethia - For intense itching on the roof of the mouth and behind the nose; the head feels dry and
irritated but the nose is watery and burning.


To reduce allergy symptoms, eat a moderately low-fat, high-complex-carbohydrate diet. Drink 1/2 of body
weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., a 150 lb person would drink 75 oz of water).

Include a lot of the following foods in the diet:

Dark green, leafy vegetables

Deep yellow and orange vegetables

Nettles, bamboo shoots, cabbage, beet tops, beets, carrots, yams

Onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne, horseradish

Eliminate the following from the diet:

Alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products

Bananas and citrus fruit


Food colorings (tartrazine)


Red meat



Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals

Bioflavonoids (e.g., quercetin, catechin, and hesperidin) - Take 2-3 grams daily. When symptoms
are severe, take up to 6 grams. Bioflavonoids are natural antihistamines and strongly anti-allergenic.
Bromelain and vitamin C can enhance the action of bioflavonoids. Combination products are

Flaxseed oil - Take 1 tbsp daily.

Probiotics (e.g., lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus) - Take one in the morning and one in the
evening. Probiotics are bowel microflora organismsmicroscopic bacteria that normally inhabit the
intestines. Buy a quality product that has 1-4 billion organisms per capsule.

Multivitamin High potency and customized if possible.

Vitamin A - Take 25,000 IUs daily.

Vitamin C - Take 1-3 grams 2 to 3 times daily or to bowel tolerance. (Bowel tolerance is the
amount of vitamin C that can be taken without causing diarrhea. This amount is different for each
person and can change if the need increases because the body is stressed, injured, or ill.)

Vitamin E - Take 400 IUs daily.

Zinc - Take 30 mg daily.


Castor Oil Packs

Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Cold cloth to the forehead

Hot foot baths

Nasal lavage

Preliminary research indicates that acupuncture may actually help allergy symptoms. A recent study
conducted in South Korea examined the effectiveness of acupuncture for the treatment of chronic
rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis.

Chronic rhinosinusitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the moist tissues of the nasal
passages and sinuses, which lasts for three months or more. It is associated with perennial allergies, and
can sometimes be complicated by allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, which is generally associated with
seasonal inhalant allergies, triggered by exposure to allergens such as grass or tree pollens.
The South Korean study used patients suffering from both of these conditions. For five weeks, subjects
submitted to two 20-minute acupuncture treatments, administered by experienced traditional medical
doctors with at least seven years of acupuncture experience. Patients symptoms and quality-of-life
scores were assessed at the beginning of the trial, at its end, and again eight weeks after the beginning of
the trial.


Oral Chelation

Guidelines for a successful heavy metal detoxification program using oral chelation

First, do NOT recommend a client to fast during a heavy metal detoxification program and make sure they
ingest a lot of protein. It is very important to have a high protein diet during a heavy metal detox because
the sulfur-bearing amino acids in the protein will greatly facilitate detoxification.

The client must maintain 2 to 3 bowel movements per day. If they are not having this many bowel
movements per day, recommend they increase their intake of psyllium.

Remove toxic metals from the connective tissue with chlorella.

Chlorella is an important part of the detoxification program, as approximately 90% of the mercury in our
bodies is eliminated through the stool. Chlorella is an algae which has high levels of chlorophyll. Because
it is one of the purest, most potent foods on earth, it is almost impossible to take too much chlorella.

Detoxify from mercury using garlic, MSM and cilantro.

Other weapons in our heavy metal detoxification program include: garlic, MSM and cilantro. Suggest the
client start eating garlic daily, the food rather than a supplement, to enhance sulfur stores. 2-3 cloves a
day is an excellent idea. Make sure they CRUSH the garlic to release its active ingredients.

Recommend taking MSM. MSM is a form of sulfur which acts on cell membranes and which will help their
body eliminate the mercury.

Cilantro will help mobilize mercury out of the tissue so the chlorella can bind to it and allow it to be
excreted from the body through the stools. Cilantro is available in most grocery stores. Recommend they
just add to a vegetable juice or smoothie which can be prepared in a juicer.

During heavy metal detoxification, make sure you recommend they take a multi-purpose vitamin which
contains all the essential minerals. It's important to have a generally healthy mineral base.

Throughout the toxic metal detoxification program, it is imperative to first start with a colon cleanse (this
should be the first step of any detoxification program) and maintain the liver in an optimum state.

Also recommended:

Adequate rest and relaxation

Adrenal glandulars and thymus extracts to supportive the adrenal glands and the immune

Desensitization - Bee pollen and homeopathic remedies are used to desensitize people to the
plants to which they are allergic.

Several minutes of vigorous exercise may relieve nasal congestion and stuffiness.

Mind/Body approaches to Allergy

Managing stress responses is crucial for managing allergic responses. During a stress response, the
adrenal glands release high amounts of the hormone cortisol, which shuts off any allergic reactions.
Adrenaline (or epinephrine), another hormone is released if you are frightened or angry, which is why on
the battlefield, people with asthma are generally free of symptoms. If stress becomes chronic, however,
the adrenals can become exhausted and depleted of their natural cortisol. If you also have allergies,
inflammation during allergic responses will worsen as your adrenal glands stop producing cortisol. The
adrenal glands play a central role in maintaining the bodys energy levels. So people can display
symptoms of allergic fatigue, muscle weakness, depression and allergy-induced arthritis. In the case of
anaphylactic shock adrenaline can be administered and many natural practitioners consider the use long-
term and the reliance on these powerful drugs is devastating. These drugs suppress immunity, interfere
with sleep cycles and increase bone and collagen breakdown as well as suppress the proper function and
production of the adrenal hormones and action of the glands.

In some cases schizophrenia, autism, and other mental disorders, as well as anxiety disorder as linked to
allergies. Agoraphobia and other panic disorders may actually be allergic diseases, rather than
psychological events.

Meditation - is a safe and simple way to balance a persons physical, emotional and mental states.

Cognitive Therapy to identify, through maintaining a journal and by introspection the negative self-
defeating inner dialogue of thoughts.

Neuro-lingistic Programming NLP helps people detect unconscious patterns of thought, behavior and
attitudes that contribute to their illness.

Hypnotherapy a therapeutic way to facilitate profound changes in respiration and relaxation to create
positive shifts in behavior and an enhanced sense of well-being.

Guided-imagery/visualization using the power of the mind to evoke a positive physical response,
guided imagery and visualization can modulate the immune system and reduce pain.

Allergy Elimination Imagery Mental health author and visualization expert Patrick Fanning includes
several allergy visualizations in his book Visualization for Change.

HearthMath heart rate variability is the measurement of beat-to-beat changes in the heart rate, it is also
called heart rhythm. Scientists at the institute have developed special techniques that are clinically proven
to turn off the stress response and lower cortisol release.

Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy REST Isolation from sensory input by using a
flotation tank.

Flower Essence Remedies Bach Flower Remedies address a persons emotional state in order to
facilitate both psychological and physiological well-being.

Aromatherapy utilizes the medicinal properties found in the essential oils of various plants.

Qigong stimulates and balances the flow of qi along acupuncture meridians (energy pathways).

Yoga one of the most ancient systems of self-healing practiced today. Yoga teaches a basic principle of
mind/body unity, bringing about harmony and balance.

Herbal supplements:

Butterbur. Butterbur is the Singulair of the herbal world, The herb appears to work as a leukotriene
inhibitor, which blocks some chemicals that trigger swelling in the nasal passages.
Some research shows that an extract of butterbur root (Ze 339) are just as effective at relieving nasal symptoms as
antihistamines like Zyrtec and Allegra. Butterbur has the advantage of not causing sleepiness, a common side effect
of antihistamines, even some so-called non-sedating antihistamines. For someone who is driving a car or flying a
plane and really needs to avoid the sedative effects of an allergy medication, butterbur is a good alternative, Rakel

Note* Do not eat raw, unprocessed butterbur root, which is dangerous. Look for brands of specialized butterbur
supplements that are labeled UPA-free; a certain percentage or milligrams of the helpful compound petasin may also
be mentioned. Keep in mind that experts arent sure about the safety of using any butterbur supplements in the long

Quercetin. Found in wine and many fruits and vegetables, quercetin may work as a mast cell stabilizer. It helps block
the release of histamine that causes inflammation. Quercetin is sort of the herbal equivalent to cromolyn sodium [in
the over-the-counter spray NasalCrom]. Some experts doubt that enough quercetin is absorbed during digestion to
have much of an effect.

Stinging Nettle. Often used as an allergy treatment, this botanical contains carotene, vitamin K, and
quercetin. Theres some evidence that using stinging nettle after the first sign of allergic symptoms can help a bit. Be
sure to choose extracts of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) leaf, not the root, which is used to treat prostate troubles.
Despite its common use, however, theres not much research backing up stinging nettles effectiveness as an allergy
Bromelain. Some studies have found that bromelain is helpful in reducing nasal swelling and thinning
mucus, making it easier for people to breathe. It may be particularly useful when added to drug treatment for sinus

Phleum pratense. A few studies have found that a sublingual tablet made from pollen extracts from Phleum
Phleum pratense can reduce some pollen allergy symptoms, such as eye irritation, in people with asthma, as well as
help decrease symptoms in people suffering from hay fever. It also allowed people to reduce the dose of their allergy
Tinospora cordifolia. Based on one research study, theres some indication that Tinospora cordifolia, an
herbal tablet from India, can reduce allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal discharge. Again, the
evidence is only preliminary and its long-term safety is unclear. Though it appeared safe during the 8-week research
study, more research needs to be done.
Combination allergy supplements. A number of natural allergy remedies contain a blend of botanicals.
Sinupret, a combination of European elderflower, sorrel, cowslip, verbena, and gentian root. Its been long used in
Europe, and theres some evidence that it helps treat the symptoms of bronchitis and acute sinusitis.
Other allergy supplements. People use many other supplements to treat allergies, including echinacea,
grape seed extract, pycnogenol (pine bark extract), vitamin C, EPA, honey, cats claw, albizzia (Albizzia lebbeck),
baical skullcup (Scutellaria baicalensis), goldenseal, and spirulina. However, research hasnt found good evidence
that they help. Be particularly wary of bitter orange (also called Citrus aurantium), which is sometimes sold as a
decongestant. It has compounds similar to those in ephedra and, as a result, may have serious side effects. They
include an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart problems, and stroke.

Alternative Therapies to restore mucus membrane integrity:

Humidify the sleeping space use warm mist models to moisten air, indoor fountains can also help.

Purify your air combination ionization and ozonation oxidizes airborne pollutants and knocks down
floating particulate matter.

Antioxidant supplements supplementing antioxidants, especially N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), beta

carotene, vitamins C and E, and selenium have been shown to improve mucous membrane integrity and
mitigate respiratory allergy and sensory symptoms.

Demulcent Herbs

A demulcent (derived from the Latin: demulcere "caress") is an agent that forms a soothing film over
a mucous membrane, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the membrane. Demulcents are
sometimes referred to asmucoprotective agents. Demulcents such as pectin, glycerin, honey,
and syrup are common ingredients in cough mixtures. These demulcents will coat the throat and relieve
the irritation causing the cough. They can be used to treat any type of cough, but are particularly useful to
treat dry coughs. Some demulcents may not be suitable for diabetics as they are based on sugar. Methyl
cellulose, propylene glycol and glycerine are synthetic demulcents.

Marshmallow (althea officinalis) marshmallow root contains 25% to 35% mucilage it relieves sore
throats, lung congestion, reduces inflammation of the respiratory mucosa. Usually taken as a tea.

Slippery Elm Bark (ulmus fulva) used as a demulcent for the respiratory as well as gastrointestinal

Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) flowers and leaves are used to treat inflammation of mucus membranes,
since they contain mucilage as well as flavonoids and other chemicals that soothe the respiratory tract.
Also has a mild expectorant action to loosen and aid to coughing up mucus and antigens.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) helps heal gastric ulcers as well as Tagamet and other frequently
prescribed anti-ulcer drugs.

Detoxify the respiratory system

Fenugreek and horehound help decrease population and thickness of mucus secretions typical dose is
500 mg daily.

Wild cherry bark is an expectorant typical dose is 250 mg daily.

To strengthen lung tissue, use mullein (500 mg), elecampane (500 mg), and grindelia (250 mg)

Eucalyptus and thyme oil (2-3 drops each) are antiseptics that kill microbial organisms a combination of
these herbs can be taken as a tincture (1/2 teaspoon 3 times per day) also use in Inhalation therapy
steam inhalation over a pot of boiling water with the two oils in the hot water, create a tent with a towel
and inhale the steam vapors.

Exercise also helps the lungs by increasing the perfusion of blood which causes an enhanced intake of
oxygen and increases expiration of waste products.


Healing the gut flora/bacteria

Often allergies are a sign of dysfunctional gut flora, e.g. constipation, food intolerance, autoimmunity,
allergy, that are preceded by antibiotic treatment and not address the compromised species diversity of
the gut. The involvement of gut bacteria in immune system function is documented in the biomedical
literature. The lasting impact of antibiotics on gut bacteria is often the result of allergies and food

Generalizations about Gut Bacteria

Each healthy human maintains a subset of a couple of hundred of the couple of thousand different
species of bacteria found in humans around the globe. The diverse community in each individual may
differ in species, but has approximately the same complement of genes in people sharing the same diet.

1-200 different species of bacteria per person

1-2000 different species of human gut bacteria

1 million different genes among the different bacteria

Most genes are involved in digesting plant carbohydrates, i.e. soluble fiber: inulin, pectin,
fructans, algal sulfated polysaccharides, etc.

Diet diversity, e.g. the Modern American Diet, reduces the diversity of the gut bacterial
community, presumably because the rapid change in foods permits survival of only generalist
bacteria that can digest many different foods.

Simple diets produce gut flora diversity, but only if there is access to diverse bacteria.

Health may result from diverse gut flora developed from a simplified diet and ample bacterial

Obesity and other diseases may result from simplified gut flora developed from a changing,
complex diet and a sterile environment/isolation.

Vegan and paleo extremes can lead to healthy gut flora diversity, if the gut bacterial community is
permitted to adjust to the diet composition by avoiding rapid changes and providing diverse
bacterial sources.

Meat contains complex polysaccharides, e.g. glycosaminoglycans, such as chondroitin sulfate

and heparan sulfate proteoglycans, which are bacterial fodder equivalent to soluble fiber.

Probiotics are unique bacterial species that do not persist in the gut of adults, but dominate the
gut of milk eating babies and stimulate development of the gut and immune system.

Probiotic bacteria can temporarily provide developmental signals for immune system
development that are normally provided by a healthy gut flora.

Damage to Gut Flora is Not Repaired by Diet Alone

Antibiotics leave a gut flora that will remain permanently damaged without systematic, monitored repair. It
might also be suspected that disruption of gut flora by antibiotics and the introduction of large amounts of
new foods, such as high fructose corn syrup and vegetable oils may contribute to or cause the modern
prominence of obesity.

Sources of Bacteria to Repair Damaged Gut Flora

We must eat new bacteria in order to replace bacterial species lost by antibiotics or unhealthy

Probiotics -- specialized bacteria that grow in milk products

Spices and herbs -- plant products abundantly contaminated with bacteria that digest plants

Fresh vegetables -- bacteria are on the surfaces of plants unless the vegetables are cleaned or

Fermented foods -- Bacterial growth leading to acid or alcohol production has been used in the
preparation and storage of many foods and provides a rich bacterial resource.

Environment -- Bacteria are transferred to our hands and face from other people, pets and
surfaces, unless hands and the body are continually washed. Sanitizers and frequent washing of
hands and surfaces eliminate acquisition of environmental bacteria to repair damaged gut flora.
Social isolation and hygiene block repair of gut flora.

Replacement -- experimental replacement of damaged with healthy gut flora (fecal transplant)
has been very effective in curing many diseases without significant risks, but is restricted by the
medical industry.


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