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Resuscitation of the depressed newborn


Raleigh, North Carolina

cardiac output must be redistributed so

The author reviews some of the that the lung receives 90-100% of the
causes of infant depression and right ventricular output instead of the
explores some of the resuscitative 5-10% that it received in utero. Third,
measures available to the anesthetist. the lung, rather than the placenta, must
oxygenate and remove carbon dioxide
The role of the nurse anesthetist as a from the blood. 1
member of the obstetrical team can be Fluids may be removed from the
manifold. Not only are we available to lungs during and after birth by several
assist the obstetrician in providing anes- means. Changes in esophageal pressure
thesia to the mother for the delivery, are related to tidal volumes during the
but often we also are asked to assist in birth process. At the time that the infant's
resuscitative procedures for an infant head is delivered and the shoulders are
who is expectedly or unexpectedly de- still in the vagina, the esophageal pres-
pressed at birth. The purpose of this sure is greater than 60 cm of water. 1
article is to review some causes of in- The large pressure gradient that
fant depression and to provide some exists between the lung and mouth forces
basic concepts on resuscitation of the fluid from the lung into the larynx and
depressed newborn. out the mouth. As much as 60 ml of
"The transition from intrauterine to fluid may be ejected. The intrathoracic
extrauterine life is the most dangerous pressure drops to atmospheric level as
time of our existence." 1 Unless this tran- the thorax is expelled from the vagina.
sition is smooth, serious and permanent During the first breath, a negative pres-
disabilities may result. sure of 60 cm of water is generated; air
Several important changes must oc- is slowly taken into the lungs; the
cur at birth. First, the lung must ex- breath is held for approximately two
pand. Expansion, however, may not be seconds; and the gas is exhaled. "Ap-
a good word, since the lung is not col- proximately 75% of the first breath is
lapsed in utero but is filled with 20-30 retained within the lung as part of the
ml of fluid per kg of body weight. This developing functional residual capac-
fluid, which is made in the lungs and ity."1
secreted into the oropharynx, has a high The next few breaths are very sim-
protein content and a pH of approx- ilar to the first, with lesser amounts of
imately 6.8. At birth, this fluid must be gas retained each time. This pattern of
removed from the lung and replaced ventilation aids not only in removing
with gas. fluid from the lungs, but also ventilates
Second, the fetal circulation must all areas of the lungs. After birth, the
be converted to that of an adult. The fluid that remains in the lungs is either

174 Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

removed by absorption into capillaries Infants born with malformations
and lymphatics or coughed up and swal- that are incompatible with extrauterine
lowed. life sometimes appear normal for the
first few minutes after birth, but their
Dawes' three phases of circulation condition may deteriorate rapidly there-
The changes that occur in circula- after. Some fetal malformations, such
tion at birth are very complex. Dawes as bilateral diaphragmatic hernias, may
divides these circulatory changes into represent exceptions, in that emergency
three phases. surgical correction could be life-saving. 8
The fetal or parallel circulation is Drug-depressed infants hypoventi-
the phase in which blood returning from late and are sluggish and lethargic;
the placenta is shunted through the but, initially, they may present with a
foramen ovale to the systemic circula- good color and have a heart rate which
tion, and pulmonary artery blood is reflects their intrauterine well being.
shunted across the ductus arteriosus to The infant who is narcotized usually
the placenta. The transitional circulation will breathe and cry in response to a
is the phase in which there is decreased sharply painful stimulus. If the infant
flow through the foramen ovale but per- is placed on its side to maintain airway
sistence of some flow through the ductus patency and is stimulated frequently,
arteriosus. The adult or series circula- he will ultimately do well.
tion is that in which the blood flows Infants that are delivered after pro-
from the right heart to the lungs, back longed inhalational anesthesia may be
to the left heart, and then to the body. quite depressed at birth; but most are
The parallel circulation of the fetus essentially anesthetized and merely re-
normally should convert to the series quire standard anesthesiological tech-
circulation of the adult soon after birth; niques, such as ventilatory and circula-
and at this time, the right-to-left ductal tory support for their emergence from
and foraminal shunts are eliminated. Pul- anesthesia. Depression of the infant from
monary blood flow, in addition, increases drugs should be completely reversible
from 10% to almost 100% of right- when the drug is metabolized; and the
sided cardiac output. "Clinically, depres- infant should do well, provided he has
sion of the newborn is failure to estab- expert ventilatory care. The greatest
lish normal ventilation and circulation danger of drug depression is that it
at birth."' places the infant in jeopardy, unless
expert intensive care is available from
Depression of infants the minute of delivery. Normal acid-
Infant depression may result from base balance and benign heart rate pat-
many causes; some of the most common terns in the fetus usually rule out as-
are prematurity, obstetrical trauma, fetal phyxia as the cause of depression.8
malformations, anesthesia, maternal med- Asphyxia neonatorum or birth
ications, and asphyxia. asphyxia has been defined as a condi-
Some of the major problems asso- tion of hypoxia, hypercarbia, and acido-
ciated with the premature infant may be sis that may develop prior to birth or
deficient alveolar surfactant and a poorly between birth and the establishment of
developed musculoskeletal system. Ob- normal breathing, or at any subsequent
stetrical trauma may produce both cir- time in the early neonatal period. 4 It is
culatory and respiratory dysfunction the most serious cause of infant depres-
and should be considered if an infant sion at birth; and unlike drug depres-
deteriorates rapidly, despite good car- sion, asphyxia may produce irreversibly
diovascular and respiratory support. damaged infants. "It has been said that
Birth injuries, such as encephalospinal some degree of asphyxia is present in
injuries, are more prevalent in prema- every infant as a result of either vaginal
ture, breech, or difficult deliveries. 2 or abdominal delivery." 5

April/1976 175
Intrauterine asphyxia may be rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, re-
caused by premature placental separa- flex irritability, and color." 2
tion, excessive uterine contractility with According to the absence/presence
compromise of placental circulation, or and vigor of each sign, a score of 0, 1,
reduced uterine blood flow from either or 2 is assigned. Schnider breaks down
regional anesthesia hypotension or from his classification of depressed newborns
mechanical compression of the umbilical into the following: mildly depressed in-
cord during labor or delivery. Asphyxia fants, those with an Apgar 5-7; mod-
is always present for at least a brief erately depressed, those with an Apgar
period at delivery when the umbilical of 2-5; and severely depressed, those
cord is compressed during fetal expul- with an Apgar of 0-2.2
sion. Once it has been ascertained that
Fetal depression may certainly oc- resuscitation is necessary, time is of the
cur from mixed etiologies. As a result, utmost importance. Resuscitation should
it may be difficult to precisely identify produce in the depressed newborn the
the exact etiology in any given case. same changes as do the vigorous cries
A preliminary evaluation is manda- of the normal newborn infant, that is,
tory upon delivery of every newborn. expansion of the lungs and speedy oxy-
Regardless of what method is used, it genation of the blood. 7
should be done quickly and efficiently. The first consideration is the estab-
In 1953, Dr. Virginia Apgar introduced lishment and maintenance of a clear
a scoring system that has since become airway so that oxygenation can take
almost universally accepted as a means place. As the head is being delivered,
of evaluating the status of the neonate. the mouth and nose should be suctioned
Many use Apgar scoring in the be- with a bulb syringe to remove mucous
lief that it improves the qualities of and blood. The infant should be placed
observation and helps in the retrospec- on his side, with his head down to allow
tive evaluation of the severity of as- gravity drainage of any mucous or fluids.
phyxia. The Apgar score will often pre- It should be mentioned here that
dict which infants will develop the the infant should be placed in a heated
respiratory distress syndrome, and with resuscitator immediately, as significant
some assurance, predict those who will heat loss occurs during the first few
have neurologic problems. Although per- minutes of life. Every minute of delay
fection has never been claimed, the causes considerable loss of heat by con-
Apgar scoring system has provided stim- duction, convection, radiation, and most
ulus for prompt and active resuscitation, significantly, by evaporation of moisture
better communication between medical from the skin. This rapid cooling may
centers, and caused intensive interest result in increased oxygen consumption,
among those in the entire perinatal metabolic acidosis, and respiratory diffi-
sphere." culties. Overhead heating and drying of
the infant may also prevent further heat
Criteria for resuscitation loss. 8
Though careful evaluation of every Nasopharyngeal suction with a
infant at birth is essential before criteria small catheter should be brief and gen-
for resuscitation can be established, the tle. Prolonged suction may cause laryn-
Apgar score is a simple and convenient gospasm, bradycardia, or other arrhyth-
method of evaluating the baby clinically. mias. These are caused by vagal reflex
Each variable of the score should be stimulation and loss of oxygen from ex-
evaluated individually, and the sum of cessive suctioning. The passage of the
the points should be computed and re- catheter through both nostrils may help
corded at one and five minutes after to rule out choanal atresia.
birth. "There are five criteria: heart Some authors advocate, at this time,

176 Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

the passage of the catheter into the nose resuscitation has been performed
stomach to rule out the possibility of with success, most delivery rooms con-
esophageal atresia and to allow removal tain mechanical means of administering
of gastric fluid. Jejunal atresia and other oxygen by intermittent positive pressure.
types of bowel obstruction should be In using a face mask, care must be
suspected if more than 25 ml of fluid taken not to occlude the trachea. The
are obtained. This should only be done head should be in a neutral position,
after respirations are well established.1 for in the newly born infant, the larynx
As soon as a clear airway has been is about four cervical vertebrae further
established, the primary objective be- cephalad than in adults and extending
comes the initiation of expansion and the head may obstruct the airway.
the maintenance of adequate ventilation The lungs can rupture with pres-
in the lungs. Oxygenation may be sures in excess of 25 cm of water, unless
achieved through the stimulation of the duration is short. The briefest and
spontaneous efforts by the baby or, if lowest pressure which will expand the
necessary, through artificial ventilation. lungs should always be used. There is
The precise method of producing this a wide margin of safety in the adminis-
response is dependent upon the condi- tration of short puffs of 100% oxygen
tion of the infant and, especially, upon at 25-35 cm of water pressure for only
that of his heart. Avery and Fletcher one to two seconds. After initial expan-
state that the most sensitive indicator of sion, pressures of 5-15 cm may be effec-
severe hypoxia is the heart rate.8 If the tive for artificial ventilation.
heart rate is less than 100 beats per These pressures are not sufficient to
minute and becomes slower in time, expand the alveoli; however, they may
prompt resuscitation is indicated. As stimulate sensitive stretch receptors in
long as the rate is over 100 beats per the pulmonary tree and initiate a gasp
minute, the chance of spontaneous onset in many cases. Endotracheal intubation
of respiration is excellent. may be indicated if there is no improve-
The largest group requiring some ment. A small pharyngeal airway is rec-
form of resuscitation are the mildly de- ommended to prevent obstruction from
pressed infants, those with Apgar scores the tongue whenever intermittent posi-
of 5, 6, or 7. If the heart rate is more tive pressure breathing is required.2
than 100 beats per minute but the in- The birth of a severely depressed
fant is cyanotic, apneic, or hypoven- infant requires urgent attention. If the
tilating, one can usually obtain a good infant is bradycardic, apneic or has peri-
breathing and crying response with a odic gasps, is pale, cyanotic, and limp,
few gentle slaps across the feet. This and if there is no response to intermit-
type of stimulation should not be pro- tent positive pressure breathing of oxy-
longed. Severe traumatic types of stim- gen by mask, immediate laryngoscopy
ulation should always be avoided. Hy- and intubation of the trachea must be
poxia in this group of infants can performed. Oxygen should be adminis-
usually be prevented by blowing oxygen tered through the endotracheal tube, but
gently over the face and with occasional again, only in the least amount of pres-
stimulation of the feet. 2 sure necessary to facilitate good expan-
sion and exchange.
Artificial ventilation Often, the infant will initiate spon-
If a moderately depressed infant taneous respirations after intubation. If
cannot be stimulated to breathe ad- the clinical condition of the infant im-
equately and the heart rate falls below proves, the endotracheal tube may be
100 beats per minute, immediate arti- removed. In the event that the clinical
ficial ventilation should be administered. condition does not improve, the tube
Although mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to- should be left in place and the infant

April/1976 177
should be ventilated as long as neces- the danger of transecting a coronary
sary. Thick meconium staining of the artery. 1
amniotic fluid at birth or the finding of In some instances, 10-20 mg of cal-
blood and debris in the newborn infant's cium chloride given over a three to five
mouth are indications for immediate minute period in the umbilical artery
endotracheal intubation. 2 or vein improves myocardial contractil-
Proper oxygenation alone may ity and output. Moya and Schnider have
sometimes return cardiac action. How- indicated the infusion of isoproterenol,
ever, if no heart beat is detectable or if 3 mg in 250 ml of saline, for rates less
after 30 seconds of good ventilation, the than 80 per minute despite massage and
rate is less than 100 beats per minute, ventilation.1
external cardiac massage should be un- Narcotic antagonists may be used
dertaken. The first two fingers should with a depressed infant if the drug de-
be placed immediately over the middle pression is due to maternal narcotic
third of the sternum and rhythmic com- administration. These must be used cau-
pression begun. A "thumb pressure" tiously, as they do not reverse barbitu-
technique for cardiac massage on in. rate or other drug overdosage and when
fants has been demonstrated in which used alone (not in the presence of nar-
the hand encircles the thorax, with the cotic overdosage) act as depressants.
thumb on the sternum and the fingers Narcan is the exception, in that it
supporting the back. Regardless of the does not act as a depressant if narcotic
method used, it should be gentle but overdosage is not present. The recom-
effective. 8 mended dosage for Narcan is 0.02 mg.

Chemical resuscitation
Chemical resuscitation may be in-
In conclusion, each newborn should
dicated in the depressed newborn. If
be considered as a serious problem in
possible, an umbilical vessel should be
acute care until it has proved itself
cannulated for drug administration. Um-
healthy. If it is determined that the in-
bilical venous catheter placement is usu-
fant is depressed, treatment should be
ally chosen for an emergency situation,
prompt and effective. Time is of the ut-
since it is technically simpler than um-
most importance.
bilical artery catheterization.
The cardinal principles of infant
Treatment of the severe metabolic resuscitation are: (1) establishment and
acidosis which accompanies cardiac ar- maintenance of a patent airway from
rest should be instituted as soon as pos. birth, (2) early but gentle expansion
sible. Sodium bicarbonate, 3-10 milli- and ventilation of the lungs either by
equivalents per kg of body weight should stimulation of spontaneous respiration
be given over a period of two to five or by artificial means, and (3) con-
minutes. Evans advocates the use of an tinuous evaluation of the condition and
equal amount of glucose to dilute the the response of the infant to resuscita-
bicarbonate for the additional therapeu- tion.
tic goal of minimizing hypoglycemia, During an emergency resuscitation,
which often accompanies severe as- the delivery room is not the place for
phyxia and may itself be a cause of in. jurisdictional dispute. It should be es-
fant depression. tablished that resuscitation is not the
If the preceding therapy fails to exclusive problem of any one specialist.
produce cardiovascular response, epine. And, as a general rule, it is wisest to
phrine, 1/20.1/10 mg may be injected delegate this responsibility to the most
into the umbilical vein or by direct available and experienced resuscitator
intracardiac injection. The latter should present during the emergency, regard-
be avoided if at all possible because of less of his or her specialty.3

178 Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

REFERENCES (10) Duffie, E. R., Jr.; Fagan, L. M.; and
(1) Moya, Frank, and Schnider, Sol M. 1974. Moss, J. A. 1963. Respiratory Distress Syn-
The Anesthesiologist, Mother and Newborn, drome in the Newborn. J.A.M.A. 184:170.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 283 pp. (11) Flowers, Charles E., Jr. 1967. Obstetric
(2) Schnider, Sol M. 1970. Obstetrical Anes- Analgesia and Anesthesia. New York: Harper
thesia, Current Concepts and Practice, Balti- and Row, pp. 200-230.
more: Williams and Wilkins, 247 pp. (12) Lawrence, K. M.; Mapleson, W. W.;
(3) Evans, James A. 1973. Fundamentals of and Rosen, M. 1973. Artificial Expansion of
Infant Resuscitation. In: Schifrin, B. S., Smith, Newborn Human Lung. Brit. J. Anaesth. 45:
Ivor S., International Anesthesiology Clinics, 535-544.
Advances in Fetal Monitoring and Obstetric (13) Lee, J. A. 1973. A Synopsis of Anaes-
Anesthesia. Volume II, number 2. Boston, thesia, 7th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wil-
Little and Brown, pp. 141-161. kins, pp. 700-706.
(4) Bonica, John J. 1969. Principles and (14) Samson, H. H. 1974. Resuscitation of
Practice of Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthe- the Newborn, An Improved Neonatal Resus-
sia, Volume II. Philadelphia: Davis, pp. 1245- citator. South African Med. J. 48:628-630.
(5) Adamsons, K., Jr., and James, T. S. 1964.
Respiratory physiology of the fetus and new-
born infant. New Engl. J. Med. 271:1403.
(6) Hehre, Fredrick W. 1974. Epitomes of
Anesthesiology, Apgar Score Significance. Con-
Gwen Thompson, CRNA, is a 1968 grad-
necticut Medicine 38:308.
uate of the Watts Hospital School of Nursing
(7) Abramson, Harold, 1973. Resuscitation of 1975 grad-
in Durham, North Carolina,anda
the Newborn Infant, 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby,
uate of the North Carolina Baptist Hospital
424 pp.
Anesthesia Program for Nurses in Winston-
(8) Avery, M. E., and Fletcher, B. D. 1974.
Salem, North Carolina. At the time of this
The Lung and its Disorders in the Newborn
study, she was a student of nurse anesthesia,
Infant. Philadelphia: Saunders, 361 pp.
under the direction of Helen P. Vos, CRNA,
Additional references Ms. Thompson presently serves as an anes-
(9) Apgar, V. 1953. Proposal for new method thetist with both Wake Anesthesiology Asso-
for evaluation of new born infants. Anesth. ciates and the Wake Memorial Hospital in
and Analg. 32:260. Raleigh, North Carolina.

April/1976 179

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