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Does Text Structure/Summarization Instruction Facilitate Learning from Expository Text?

Author(s): Bonnie B. Armbruster, Thomas H. Anderson and Joyce Ostertag

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Summer, 1987), pp. 331-346
Published by: International Reading Association
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Accessed: 08/11/2012 05:00

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Reading Research Quarterly.
Does textstructure/summarization
learningfrom expositorytext?
of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign

STUDENTSwere instructed in a particular text structure to see whether it would

improvetheir ability to learn from similarly structuredsocial studies material. Eighty-two
fifth-gradestudentswere assigned either to a structuretraininggroup, which received direct
instructionin recognizingand summarizinga conventionaltext structure(problem/solution),
or to a traditionaltraininggroup, which read and discussed answersto questions aboutsocial
studies passages. As measuredby responses to a main-idea essay question and by written
summariesof two passages, students'ability to abstractthe macrostructureof problem/solu-
tion text read independentlywas improvedby the structuretraining.

Est-ce qu'enseignera'rdsumer/structurer
un textefacilite l'apprentissagea
partir de l'exposd?
UNE CERTAINE structurede texte a 6t6 enseign6e a des 61eves de cinquieme annee afin de
savoir si cela pouvait ameliorerleur apprentissagedu materielde sciences humainespr6sen-
tant une structure semblable. On a soumis 82 61eves de cinquieme ann6e l'un de ces
groupes: soit un groupe d'enseignementde la structure,b6n6ficiantde l'enseignementdirect
d'une structurede texte conventionnelle(probleme/solution),soit un groupe d'enseignement
traditionneldans lequel on lisait puis discutait des r6ponses aux questions pos6es sur des
passages de sciences humaines. Tel qu'evaludepar les r6ponsesa une question d6veloppe-
ment portantsur l'id6e principaleet par les r6sum6s6crits de deux passages, la capacit6des
l6eves pour r6sumerla macrostructured'un texte probleme/solutionlu de faqon ind6pen-
dante 6taitaugment6echez ceux ayantb6neficie de l'enseignementde la structure.

SLainstrucci6npara estructuraci6n/resumende textofacilita el aprendizaje

de texto expositorio?
SE INSTRUYO a estudiantesde quinto grado en una estructurade texto particularpara ver si
6sta ayudabaa mejorarsu habilidadde aprenderde materialesde ciencias sociales estructura-
dos de forma similar. Se asign6 a 82 estudiantesde quinto grado o a un grupo de entrena-
miento de estructuraque recibi6 instrucci6ndirectaen una estructurade texto convencional
(problema/soluci6n)o a un grupo de entrenamientotradicionalque discuti6 respuestasa pre-
guntas sobre pasajesde ciencias sociales. De acuerdoa las respuestasmedidaspor un ensayo
de preguntasde la idea principaly por restimenesescritos de dos pasajes, la habilidadde los
estudiantesde abstraerla macroestructurade texto de problema/soluci6nlefdo independiente-
mente mejor6 con el entrenamientode estructura.

das Erlernenvon erliuternden
Can Textstruktur/Zusammenfassungslehre
angehalten,an einer bestimmtenTextstrukturfestzustellen,ob diese
ihre FRhigkeit,von ihnlichaufgebautemSozialstudien-Material zu lernen, verbessern
wiirde.Zweiundachtzig Schiulerim flinften
Schuljahr wurden entweder einerStrukturlehre-
Gruppezugeteilt,welchedirekteInstruktionen durchkonventionelle Textstrukturerhielt
(Problem/L6sung) oderabereinertradionellen Unterrichtsgruppe,welcheAntworten lasund
diskutiertefiberFragenmit Bezugauf Sozialstudien-Abschnitte. Gemessenan den Reak-
tionenauf eine HauptideeAufsatzfrage undan den schriftlichen Zusammenfassungen von
zwei Abschnitten, die Makrostruktur
die Fihigkeitder Schdiler, vomgelesenen
Problem/Ldsungstext zu abstrahieren,erwiessichals verbessertdurchStrukturlehre.

Most learning from reading, both in and have difficulty forming macrostructures be-
out of school, dependson the ability to readand cause they have trouble identifying important
understandexpository text. Although the em- informationor finding the main idea in exposi-
pirical evidence is weak, experts contend that tory text. Indeed, in the Winograd(1984) and
childrengenerally have more difficulty reading Taylor(1986) studies, ability to identify impor-
expository than narrativetext (Spiro & Taylor, tant information was significantly related to
1980). Many factors may contribute to chil- ability to summarizetext.
dren'sdifficulty with expository text, including Otherresearchon learningfrom expository
insufficient prior knowledge, lack of interest, text has demonstratedthat sensitivity to the or-
and lack of motivation. As suggested by recent ganizationof ideas in text- and hence to the rel-
researchin learning from reading, anothercon- ative importanceof information-is related to
tributingfactormay be that childrenlack sensi- comprehension and memory. For example, in
tivity to text structure-to the way the ideas in several recent studies, researchershave exam-
text are organized. Our focus in this study was ined the effect of readers'awarenessof the au-
to explore the effect of text structureinstruction thor's text structure on their ability to recall
on middle-gradechildren'sability to learn from expository text (McGee, 1982; Meyer, Brandt,
readingexpositorytext. & Bluth, 1980; Taylor, 1980, 1985). In these
Many currenttheories of reading compre- studies, awarenessof the author'stext structure
hension assume, at least implicitly, that skilled was indexed by the readers'use of the author's
readers automatically abstract a higher-order structurein organizing their own recall proto-
structure of text (Meyer, 1975; Rumelhart & cols. In the study by Meyer, Brandt,and Bluth
Ortony, 1977; van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983). This (1980), skilled ninth-grade readers tended to
macrostructure (van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983) use the author'stop-level structurein organizing
representsthe gist of a text organizedinto a co- their free recalls of expository texts, whereas
herent whole. The macrostructureguides en- readerswith low comprehensionskills did not.
coding, recall, and reproductionof the essential Furthermore,readers who employed the strat-
points of the text. Formationof macrostructures egy of using the text's top-level structure re-
is thus a prerequisitefor success in tasks involv- called more information than those who did
ing global comprehension and meaningful not.
learning. Taylor (1980) found the same effect for
Middle-gradechildrenapparentlyhave dif- younger readers. Sixth-gradegood readers re-
ficulty forming macrostructuresfor expository called more from short expository passages af-
text. For example, several researchers have ter two days than sixth-grade poor readers or
shown that children in the middle grades have fourth-gradegood readers. This differentialre-
difficulty producing written summaries of ex- call appeared to be related to the sixth-grade
pository text (Brown & Day, 1983; Taylor, good readers'greateruse of text structure:More
1986; Winograd, 1984). These children may sixth-grade good readers organized their de-

332 QUARTERLY* Summer 1987

layed recalls according to the higher-ordertext cal summarization research. The hierarchical
structurethan did sixth-grade poor readers or summarizationtask consists of first preparinga
fourth-gradegood readers.Also, both good and skeletal outline based on headings, subhead-
poor readers who organized their recalls ac- ings, and paragraphs,and then writing a main
cording to the author'shigher-ordertext struc- idea statementfor every point on the outline. In
ture recalled more than readerswho did not. experimentswith fifth-grade(Taylor,1982) and
Similarly, McGee (1982) found that fifth- seventh-gradestudents(Taylor& Beach, 1984),
grade good readersused the author'stext struc- subjectswho completedhierarchicalsummaries
ture more and recalled more total and tended to outperformcontrol groups on some
superordinateidea units than fifth-grade poor kinds of dependent measures. Although the
readers or third-grade good readers. Finally, results of the researchon hierarchicalsummari-
Taylor (1985) examined the ability of sixth- zation seem promising, a limitationof the strat-
grade and college students to summarize pas- egy is that it is highly dependent on the
sages from a social studies textbook. Compared heading-subheadingorganizationalformat and
to college students, sixth-grade students had on the ability of the headings and subheadings
difficulty understandingimportantideas and/or to convey the structureof the text.
including these ideas in either oral or written A third approachto teaching text structure
summaries. One may conclude from the Meyer is to provide instruction in one or more con-
et al. (1980), Taylor(1980, 1985), and McGee ventional text structures. Conventional text
(1982) studies that age and reading ability are structuresfor expository text include compari-
highly correlatedwith recall of expository ma- son/contrast, cause/effect, temporal sequence,
terial, perhaps because of skilled readers' problem/solution,description,and enumeration
greater awareness and use of the author's (Englert& Hiebert, 1984; Meyer, 1975). There
higher-ordertext structure. are also conventionaltext structuresfor particu-
Other evidence for the importance of lar genres of expositorytext, such as newspaper
awareness and use of text structurein macro- articles and research reports. The potential of
structureformationcomes from studies demon- instruction in conventional text structureshas
stratingthat instructionabout text structurecan been demonstratedin a few recent studies. For
improve comprehension and recall. One ap- example, Brooks& Dansereau(1983) identified
proachto fosteringawarenessof text structureis a structuralschema consisting of the categories
to teach readers to make some concrete repre- of knowledge importantto understandinga sci-
sentationof the organizationof ideas in exposi- entific theory. College students trained in the
tion. For example, in strategies such as use of this schema significantly improved in
"networking"(Dansereauet al., 1979) and map- their delayed recall of a scientific text. In a
ping (Armbruster& Anderson, 1980; Berko- study by Barnett (1984), college students who
witz, 1986), readers generate a diagram received a brief description of the appropriate
representing basic ideas and relationships in text structurebefore reading either a research
text. These strategiesappearto be at least mod- reportor a journal article recalled significantly
erately successful in improvingreaders'recall of more information after two days than either
expository text. One limitation of these strate- subjectswho received the descriptionabouttext
gies is that they do not necessarily help the structureafter readingor subjectswho received
reader identify the macrostructure;the reader no descriptionof text structure.Finally, Bartlett
extractsa structure,which may or may not rep- (1978) found that teaching ninth-gradestudents
resent the gist of the text. four expository text structuresincreased their
Anotherapproachto teachingtext structure ability to identify and use the higher-order
is to teach readers to use typographical cues structure of a text and significantly increased
(headings, subheadings,and paragraphs)as in- the amountof informationthey remembered.
dices of text structure. This was the approach In summary,recent research suggests that
used by Taylor and her colleagues (Taylor, sensitivity to text structureis an importantcom-
1982; Taylor& Beach, 1984) in their hierarchi- ponent in text comprehensionand memory,per-

Text structure/summarization instruction ANDERSON,& OSTERTAG

haps because readers who are sensitive to text Method
structure are better able to form macrostruc-
tures for the text they read. Furthermore, re- Subjects
search suggests that readers as young as Fifth-grade students from four heteroge-
fifth-gradecan benefit from instructionin text neous classroomsin two schools in a small Mid-
structures. western city participatedin the study. Children
In the present study, we gave fifth-grade who were enrolled in remedial reading classes
students instructionon a conventional exposi- or who scored below fourth-gradelevel on the
tory text structure (including instruction on reading comprehensionsubtest of the most re-
summarizing)to see how it would affect their cently administeredGates-McGinitieTest (2nd
ability to comprehend expository text having edition, Level D, 1978) were eliminated from
this structure.Instructionfor the experimental the study, leaving a total of 82 subjects. Of the
group focused on a problem/solutionstructure, two classroomsin each school, we assigned one
an organizational pattern commonly found in to the structuretrainingtreatment,and the other
social studies textbooks. Expositoryprose with to traditionaltraining.
this structureconveys informationabouta prob-
lem thatan individualor groupencounters,how Instructional Materials
they attempt to solve the problem, and the We prepared "workbooks" for both the
results of the attemptto solve the problem. The structure training and the traditional groups.
problem/solutionstructureis described in our The booklets for the structuretrainingsubjects
previous study (Armbruster and Anderson, contained(a) a definitionand descriptionof the
1985) and is mentioned in many other discus- problem/solution text structure along with a
sions of expository text structure(e.g., Meyer, schematic representation(frame) of the prob-
1975). lem/solution text structure(see Figure 1); (b)
In the study, children were taughtnot only explicit rules for how to write a summary of
to recognizethe problem/solutionstructure,but problem/solutionpassages, including a pattern
also to use it in organizing their own written for writing and guidelines for checking the
summaries of what they had read. Structure summary (see Figure 2); (c) 13 problem/solu-
trainingwas comparedwith the more traditional tion passages from fourth- and fifth-grade so-
practice of asking students questions and dis- cial studies textbooks, ranging in length from
cussing the answersafter reading. 100 to 500 words; and (d) multiple copies of
The major hypothesis was that instruction problem/solutionframesaccompaniedby blank
in the problem/solutionstructurewould facili- lines for students to use in writing their sum-
tate the formationof a macrostructurefor text maries of the passages.
with a problem/solution structure. Therefore, The booklets for the traditional training
comparedto the traditionallytrainedgroup, the groupcontainedthe same problem/solutionpas-
structure-trainedgroup should (a) recall more sages as those in the structuretrainingbooklets.
information on an essay (probed recall) test Each passage was accompanied by five ques-
over the passage main idea, (b) recall aboutthe tions. The questionswere similarto those at the
same amountof informationon a short-answer end of textbooklessons or chapters.Some of the
test over specific informationnot necessarilyin- questions were about informationcritical to the
cluded in the macrostructure,(c) write summar- problem/solution structure; thus, they tapped
ies that include more passage main ideas, and informationsimilar to that which would be dis-
(d) write better organized summaries (i.e., cussed in the structuretraininggroup. For ex-
summariesthat have a recognizable structure). ample, the question "What did Governor
An additional hypothesis was that using the Clinton decide to do?" asks about the action
problem/solutiontext structureas an organiza- taken to solve a problem. Other questions
tional framework for classroom discussion tappedparticularfacts in the passage that were
should facilitate students'retentionof the con- not critical to the problem/solutionstructure,as
tent discussed. in the question"Whattwo cities were connected

334 QUARTERLY* Summer 1987

Figure 1



PROBLEM= somethingbad; a situationthatpeople would like to change

ACTION = what people do to try to solve the problem
RESULTS = what happensas a resultof the action; the effect or outcome
of trying to solve the problem

Text structure/summarization instruction ANDERSON,& OSTERTAG

by the National Road when it was completed?" assess students'abilityto rememberinformation
Each question was accompaniedby four blank from a section of their regular classroom text-
lines for answers. book which had been read and discussed in
class. The section described problems encoun-
Test Materials tered by settlers in Jamestown.The test was an
We used two categories of dependentmea- essay question:"Describetwo problemsthatthe
sures for the study.The first focused on learning English colonists faced in the early years of the
from independentreadingof a problem/solution Jamestown settlement. How did they solve
passage. The second focused on learning from those problems?"
whole-class discussion of a problem/solution
text. Instructional Procedures
One of us instructed both the structure
Testsof learningfrom independentreading. trainingand the traditionalgroups in their nor-
The first criterion test was designed to assess mal classrooms with the regular teachers
comprehensionof the higher-orderstructureof present. The instructiontook place over 11 con-
a 525-word passage about homesteadingon the secutive school days, for 45 minutes per day
Great Plains, selected from a fifth-gradesocial per class.
studies textbook. The test consisted of an essay The instruction for the structure training
question constructed to assess comprehension subjects followed principlesof explicit or direct
of the higher-orderstructure:"Whatwere the instruction (Duffy & Roehler, 1982; Pearson,
problemsthatsettlers faced on the GreatPlains? 1984; Pearson& Gallagher, 1983; Rosenshine,
How did they solve those problems?" 1986; Rosenshine & Stevens, 1984). That is,
The second criterion test was a 10-item the instructionfeaturedteachermodeling of ex-
short-answertest that tapped more specific in- plicitly defined procedures, plenty of guided
formationfrom the passage. Some of the ques- practice on increasinglylonger and more diffi-
tions probed recall of specific information cult passages, teacher monitoringwith correc-
relatedto the problems and solutions discussed tive feedback, and independent practice.
in the passage. For example, the question Specifically, the structure training instruction
"What did the settlers use instead of wood to proceededas follows:
build houses on the Great Plains?"asks for a
specific solution to a specific problem. Other Day 1. I (the first author) introducedmy-
questions probed recall of informationnot di- self and provided a rationale for the project
rectly relatedto the problem/solutionstructure, (i.e., that social studies texts discuss many
as in the question "Whatis a homestead?"Two problemsand solutions; so learningaboutprob-
thirds of the 21 possible points on the short-an- lem/solution structureswould help studentsfo-
swer test were assigned to questionsthatprobed cus on main ideas and remember important
recall of informationnot directly relatedto the information).Using the first exampleof a prob-
problem/solutionstructure. lem/solution text in the workbook, the students
The third criteriontest was designed to as- discussed answers to the questions "Whohas a
sess students' ability to write summaries of problem?" "What is the problem?" "What
problem/solutionpassages. The materialsto be actions were taken to solve the problem?"and
summarized were two 200-word passages se- "Whatwere the results of those actions?"I ex-
lected from fifth-gradesocial studies textbooks, plained that these four questions are always as-
one on the problem of obtaining food in Haiti, sociated with problem/solution texts. Then I
and the other on the problemof getting oil from introducedthe problem/solutionframe (Figure
Alaska. 1) and told the studentsthe diagramwould help
them organize answers to the four problem/so-
Tests of learning from structured discus- lution questions. I demonstratedhow answersto
sion. The fourth criterion test was designed to discussion questions could be recorded in the

336 QUARTERLY* Summer 1987

frame. Students filled out the frame in their summaryfrom the class and recordedit on the
workbooks. board. The class used the guidelines to check
Day 2. I conducteda brief review, then led the summary;then the studentscopied the sum-
a discussion of the second passage in the work- mary into their workbooks.
book, recording answers to problem/solution Days 3 - 9. Students continued to work
questions in a frame on the blackboard. I ex- consecutively throughthe workbook, following
plained to students that one way to learn from three steps for each passage: first, they read the
readingtextbooksis to summarizethe informa- passage silently, looking for informationto an-
tion. I explainedthe guidelines for summarizing swer the problem/solutionquestions; then they
problem/solution passages (see Figure 2) and recorded notes on the passage in the provided
modeled writingand checking summariesbased problem/solutionframes; finally, they wrote a
on the two passages already "framed"in the summary of the framed information. Students
workbook. The students copied the summaries graduallyassumed greaterindependencein the
into their notebooks. I then led a discussion of last two steps. As students worked indepen-
the thirdworkbookpassage, recordinginforma- dently in their workbooks, I circulated and
tion in a frame on the blackboard. I elicited a monitored individual work, providing correc-

Figure 2
Guidelines for summarizingproblem/solutionpassages

How to Summarize Problem/Solution Passages

Sentence 1-Tells who had a problemand whatthe problemis.
Sentence 2-Tells what action was taken to try to solve the
Sentence 3-Tells what happened as a result of the action

Patternfor Writinga Summary

of a Problem/SolutionPassage
had a problembecause
As a result,

Guidelinesfor CheckingSummaries
of Problem/SolutionPassages
Checkto see that:
1. Yoursummaryhas all of the informationthat should be in a
summaryof a problem/solutionpassage. (See "Howto Write
a Summaryof a Problem/SolutionPassage.") Compareyour
summarywiththe originalProblem/Solutionpassage to make
sure thatthe summaryis accurateand complete.
2. Youhave used complete sentences.
3. The sentences are tied togetherwithgood connectingwords.
4. The grammarand spellingare correct.

Text structure/summarization instruction ANDERSON,& OSTERTAG

tive feedback and assistance as needed. Stu- Testing Procedures
dents also were reminded to check their own Testingwas begun immediatelyafter the 11
summariesusing the providedguidelines. After days of instruction.On the first day of testing,
studentshad independentlyframedand summa- we asked subjectsto read and studythe passage
rized each passage, I askedtwo or three of them "Homesteadingthe Plains"in preparationfor a
to write their frames and/or summarieson the test. Structuretraining subjects were encour-
board. (Sometimes they gave the summaries aged to use the strategythey had been learning.
orally.) The class then discussed and provided Traditionaltraining subjects were told to use
feedbackon the efforts. By the end of Day 9, all any strategythey wished; notetakingand under-
passages in the workbook had been read, lining were mentionedas possibilities. All sub-
framed, and summarized. jects received blank paper to use in any way
Days 10 - 11. Students returned to their they saw fit as they studied the passage. After
classroom textbook, to the place where regular 18 minutes, the passage and all notes were re-
social studies instructionhad stopped prior to moved, and the essay question was distributed.
the intervention.Discussion after silent reading Subjects had 12 minutes to answer the essay
was organized around the problem/solution question. Then the essay question was col-
frame. I recorded the discussion points in a lected, and the short-answer test was distrib-
frame on the blackboard;then studentssumma- uted. Subjects had 12 minutes to complete the
rized the frame orally. (The topic read and dis- short-answer test. All 82 subjects completed
cussed on this final day of instructionwas the these two criteriontests.
problemsof the early Jamestownsettlers.) On the second day of testing, subjectswere
given one of the two 200-wordpassages to sum-
Meanwhile, the traditionaltraining group marize, and paper containing 50 blank lines.
worked from their own workbooksfor the first Subjectswere told to readthe passage and write
9 days of instruction.Instructionfor the tradi- a summary.They were told that their summary
tional trainingstudentsproceededin the follow- could be shorter,but not longer, than 50 words,
ing manner:After silently readingthe passages, and that they should write the summaryon the
the students discussed the answers to the five provided paper, using complete sentences. A
questions accompanyingeach passage. To con- summary was defined for all subjects as a
trol for effects of practice in writing, I also shorter form of the original passage that con-
asked traditionaltrainingstudentsto write com- tains only the most importantpoints. After 20
plete answers to all questions. As with the minutes, passages and summaries were re-
structuretraininggroup, studentsin this group moved, and the second passage was distributed.
assumed greater independence throughoutthe Subjectswere told to readand study the passage
project; I also provided them with corrective in preparation for writing a summary from
feedback and assistance. On the last 2 days of memory. After 10 minutes, the passage was re-
instruction, the traditionaltraining group also moved, and the paper with the 50 blank lines
returnedto the regularclassroom textbook and was distributed. Subjects had 10 minutes to
studied the same materialthe structuretraining write their summaries. For this criterion test,
group was studying. then, one passage was summarizedwith the text
Thus, instructionfor the traditionaltrain- present, and the other was summarizedwithout
ing group was "traditional"in that it entailed the text. Eighty subjects completed this crite-
reading and discussing answers to questions. rion test (two were absent).
The students read the same material as the The final criteriontest was administered6
structuretrainingsubjects, to control for prac- days after the completion of instruction. Sub-
tice with problem/solutiontext structures,and jects were given the essay question about the
they wrote answers to questions, to control for problemsof the Jamestownsettlers. All subjects
writing practice. had readaboutthis topic in their classroomtext-

338 READING RESEARCH * Summer1987

book and had discussed it on the final day of The summaries were also evaluated for
instruction. Subjects were given 15 minutes to quality of writing, using the Rating Guide for
write their answers. Seventy-ninesubjectscom- FunctionalWritingas developedfor the Illinois
pleted this criteriontest. Writing Assessment Program (Illinois State
Board of Education, 1984). The Rating Guide
Scoring generates subscores for focus, support, and or-
Two of us independentlyscored the essay ganization, as well as an overallholistic, or in-
and short-answertests using answer keys. For tegration, score. Each subscore indexes a
differentfeatureof the writtenpiece. The focus
the first essay test, the total possible score was
score reflects the clarity of the subjectand main
39 points (one point for each of 39 relevant
points; the supportscore indicates the quantity
propositions); for the short-answer test, 21 and quality of the supportinginformation;and
points (one point for each of 21 relevantpropo- the organizationscore reflects the use of struc-
sitions); and for the second (delayed)essay test,
28 points (one point for each of 28 relevant ture, transitions,and logic in the piece. The in-
tegrationscore indexes the overalldevelopment
propositions). Interrateragreementfor the first and integrationof the features. Each scale has a
essay test was 89%, for the short-answertest,
96%, and for the second (delayed) essay test, range of 1 (low) to 6 (high). Typed versions of
the summarieswere scored blind by two class-
85%. Disagreements were resolved in confer- room teachers (not otherwise associated with
the study) who had been trainedby the State of
The summarieswere scored for relativeim-
Illinois in this rating procedure. The teachers
portance of ideas using the following proce- workedtogetherto score each summary.
dure. First, the two passages were parsed into
idea units, which were basically independent Data Analysis
clauses. The idea units were listed in the order Because students had not been randomly
in which they appeared in the passage. Five
adults were asked to read the two passages and assigned to treatment conditions, the mean
then rate the relative importance of the idea reading comprehension ability scores for the
four classrooms were computedand compared.
units using a modification of the procedurein- Scores on the most recently administeredread-
troduced by Johnson (1970). Specifically, the
adult raterswere asked to place a I beside the n ing comprehension subtest of the Gates-
MacGinitie Test (2nd edition, Form D) were
idea units (n = 1/4 of the total idea units) that used for this purpose. The classroom means
were most importantto the meaning of the pas-
(and standarddeviations)were 26.2 (5.8), 30.7
sage, a 2 beside the n idea units that were next (6.3), 30.7 (5.5), and 30.1 (6.3). A one-way
most important,and so on for the four levels of
analysis of variance (ANOVA)with four levels
importance. The adult ratings were then aver- for the four classrooms showed no significant
aged to produce a master scoring key for each difference between classrooms; we concluded
passage. that there were no major differences in reading
Next, the subjects'summaryprotocolswere
ability among the four groupsof students.In or-
parsed into idea units. Two of us sortedthe idea der to examinethe effect of readingcomprehen-
units from the summary protocols into one of sion ability, however, we sorted subjects into
the four categories of importanceidentified on three ability levels (low, medium, and high) on
the masterkey, or into a fifth category,of extra- the basis of their Gates-MacGinitiescores.
neous ideas. Extraneousideas consisted of in- Various forms of mixed analyses of vari-
formation that was not present in the original ance with unweightedmeans were used to ana-
passage, including distortions and intrusions. lyze the data. In all analyses in which the
For a random sample of 50 summaries (about condition of homogeneity of variance was not
one-thirdof the total), interrateragreementwas
satisfied, the Greenhouse-Geisser (1959) de-

Text structure/summarization instruction ANDERSON,& OSTERTAG

grees-of-freedom adjustmentfactor was used, gories: four normed levels of importance(Lev-
and the resulting conservativeF value was re- els 1 to 4) and a fifth category for extraneous
ported. Differences between individual group ideas (Level 5). The score for each category
means were tested by pooling sums of squares was converted into a "percentof total"metric.
and using the Newman-Keulsmultiplecompari- Therefore, these repeated measures composed
son technique(Glass & Hopkins, 1984). an ipsative, ordered set, in that the sum of all
five category scores was equal to 100 for each
student, and the levels ranged in importanceof
Results idea units from 1 (most important)to 5 (extra-
Learning from Independent Reading There were five factors in this analysis.
Essay test. Scores consisting of percentage The three between-groupsfactors were the two
correctof total possible points (39) on the essay schools, two trainingconditions, and three abil-
test for the passage about homesteadingon the ity groups. In addition, there were two within-
Great Plains were analyzed using a 2 (school) subject factors: five levels of importance and
x 3 (ability) x 2 (trainingcondition) between- two summarizingconditions (with and without
groups ANOVAdesign. Significantmain effects text). Because the main dependent measure is
were found for trainingcondition, F(1, 70) = ipsative, the test of the experimentalhypotheses
7.24, p < .01, and ability,F(2, 70) = 17.45, p (representedby the training and summarizing
< .0001. According to the Newman-Keuls condition factors) is whether there are signifi-
tests, the structuretraining group (M = 37.4) cant changes in the patternor profile of the im-
scored higher (p < .01) than the traditional portance factor. Therefore, we are not
training group (M = 25.6). The high-ability interestedin main effects for school, training,
students(M = 46.9) scored significantlyhigher ability, or summarizingcondition; the main fo-
(p < .01) thanthe medium-abilitystudents(M cus of the analysis is on the interactionof the
= 32.6), who scored significantlyhigher (p < importancefactorwith the other four factors.
.01) than the low-ability students (M = 15.2). A significantmain effect was found for im-
There were no other significantmain or interac- portancelevel, F(4, 272) = 45.5, p < .0001.
tion effects. Subjects included a significantly higher per-
Short-answer test. Percentage correct centage of idea units at Level 1 (most important)
scores on the 10-item (21-point) short-answer than at the other four levels. None of the other
test were also analyzed using a 2 (school) x 3 four means was significantlydifferentfrom any
(ability) x 2 (trainingcondition) ANOVAde- other (unweighted M = 40.6 > > 14.7 -
sign. Results showed a significant main effect 13.1 - 14.9 - 16.8).'
for ability, F(2, 70) = 28.8, p < .001. High- We also found a significantTrainingx Im-
ability students(M = 68.6) scored significantly portance interactioneffect, F(4, 272) = 17.5,
higher (p < .001) than medium-ability stu- p < .0001. Unweighted means for the struc-
dents (M = 49.5), who scored significantly ture traininggroup for the five importancelev-
higher (p < .001) thanlow-ability students(M els were 46.7 > > 15.8 - 11.6 > 3.5 < <
= 25.8). No other main or interactioneffects 21.7; unweighted means for the traditional
were significant. traininggroupwere 34.5 > > 13.7 - 14.6 <
Writtensummariestest-Importance levels. < 26.4 > > 11.9. There was a tendency for
For the summaries,we were interestedin a rela- the structuretraininggroup to have more Level
tive index of how subjects chose to distribute 1 (most important)idea units, p < .001, and
ideas across importance levels, given limited fewer Level 4 (least important)idea units, p <
space. Recall that the summaryprotocols were .001, in their summaries than the traditional
restrictedto a maximumof 50 words; most stu- traininggroup. However, the structuretraining
dents wrote to this limit. The protocols were group also included significantly more Level 5
parsed into idea units and sorted into five cate- (extraneous)idea units, p < .05.

340 QUARTERLY* Summer 1987

There was also a significant Importancex structure training group did not have a text
SummarizingConditioninteractioneffect, F(4, available, they included significantly more ex-
272) = 19.07, p < .00001. When subjects traneousidea units than the traditionaltraining
wrote summarieswith text available, the profile group, p < .001; however, both groups in-
of importance level decreases from a high at cluded significantly more Level 5 idea units
Level 1 to a low at Level 5 (unweightedM = withoutthe text than with the text, p < .001.
38.3 > > 21.1 - 17.0 - 17.7 > > 5.9). The interaction between importance level
However,when subjectswrote summariesfrom and ability was significant, F(8, 272) = 4.22, p
memory (textunavailable),the profile of impor- < .0001. The profiles show that the high- and
tance levels shows many Level 1 (most impor- medium-abilitygroups performed at about the
tant) and Level 5 (extraneous) idea units, but same level, whereas the summariesof the low-
few idea units at Levels 2, 3, and 4 (unweighted ability group had significantly fewer Level 1
M = 42.9 > > 8.4 - 9.3 - 12.2 < < idea units thanthose of the high-abilitygroup,p
27.7.) The means for the two summarizingcon- < .05. For the medium- and high-ability stu-
ditions differed significantly at Levels 2 and 5, dents, the differencebetweenthe percentagesof
p < .001. Level 1 and of Level 5 idea units was large and
As shown in Figure 3, there was a signifi- significant,p < .001. However,the low-ability
cant effect of the triple interactioninvolving the group showedno significantdifferencebetween
training, importance, and summarizingcondi- the percentagesof Level 1 and of Level 5 idea
tion factors, F(4, 272) = 3.17, p < .01. As units in their summaries.
discussed above, the significant interactionof The effect of the triple interactionbetween
importanceprofile with summarizingcondition importancelevel, ability,and summarizingcon-
is apparent,but superimposedon that interac- dition was also significant, F(8, 272) = 2.79,
tion is the effect due to training. When the p < .01. As illustratedin Figure4, the profiles

Figure 3
Interactionbetween summarizing,training,and importancelevel factors

50 - Summarizing With Text 50 Summarizing Without Text

45 45 -
40........ Traditional Training 40

0 35 35
i. t
30 0". 30

S25 25

- 20 - 20 - . . . .


10 10 1 2 3 4 5

0 i I I I
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


Textstructure/summarization instruction ANDERSON,& OSTERTAG

of importancelevels when the text was available factors- quality dimension and summarizing
did not differ significantly between the three condition- were within-subjectfactors.
ability levels. The profile curves generally de- There was a significantmain effect of qual-
crease smoothly from Level 1 to Level 5. Only ity dimension, F(3, 198) = 69.3, p < .00001;
the high-ability group included in their sum- unweighted overall means for the four quality
maries significantly more idea units at Level 1 conditions of focus, organization, integration
than at any other level, p < .001. and support/elaborationwere 2.63 - 2.42 >
Profile curves based on the summaries > 1.96 > 1.75. There was also a significant
when the text was not availableshow a very dif- maineffect of ability,F(2, 66) = 6.8, p < .01;
ferent pattern. For each ability group, the pro- the unweightedmeans for the high-, medium-,
file curve is U-shapeddue to higherpercentages and low-ability groups were 2.46, 2.29, and
of Level 1 and Level 5 idea units. However,the 1.82. Finally, there was a significant main ef-
critical difference between these three profile fect of trainingcondition,F(1, 66) = 99.8, p <
curves is that the summaries of the high- and .00001. The structuretraining group received
medium-ability groups included significantly much higher ratings (unweighted M = 2.64)
more Level 1 ideas thanideas at any otherlevel, than did the traditional training group (M =
p < .01, whereasthe low-abilitystudentshad a 1.74, p < .01).
significantly higher percentageof idea units at The effect of the interactionbetween train-
Level 5 thanat any other level, p < .05. ing condition and summarizingcondition was
Writtensummaries test-Quality ratings. significant, F(1, 66) = 6.81, p < .05. Al-
Recall that the summaries were also rated on thoughthe structuretraininggroup wrote better
four dimensions of quality: integration,focus, summaries in both summarizing conditions,
support/elaboration, and organization. These they wrote slightly better ones with the text
measureswere analyzed in a five-way ANOVA. available (M = 2.71) than without it (M =
Three factors-school, training condition, and 2.56). On the other hand, the traditionaltrain-
ability-were between-groupsfactors, and two ing group wrote summaries that were slightly
Figure 4
Interactionbetween ability,importancelevel, and summarizingfactors

55 Summarizing With Text 55 Summarizing Without Text

S 50 50 C

High Ability
Medium Ability so -
I 0- LowAbility
40 -

35 35

30 30 \

25 \
S22 3 4 5

15 goo
15 \ ..
10 10 '

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5



lower in quality with the text available (with marizationinstruction,would facilitatethe for-
text, M = 1.54; withouttext, M = 1.95). mation of macrostructuresfor text having that
The significant effect of the interactionbe- structure.The evidence comes from confirma-
tween quality dimension and trainingcondition tion of four out of the five hypotheses.
shows that the structuretraining group scored The first hypothesis was that, comparedto
significantlyhigher than the traditionaltraining the traditional training group, the structure
group, F(3, 198) = 12.54, p < .00001, on all training group should recall more information
quality categories except the category of sup- on an essay test over the main idea of a prob-
port/elaboration. The mean ratings for the lem/solution passage. Comparedto traditional
structuretraining group on the quality dimen- training students, structure-trainedstudents re-
sions of integration,focus, support/elaboration, called about 50% more of the macrostructure
and organization were 2.34, 3.29, 2.00, and ideas of a 525-wordtextbookpassage read inde-
2.92. The means for the traditional training pendently.Furthermore,the trainingwas effec-
group on those same dimensions were 1.59, tive for all three ability groups, for although
1.97, 1.50, and 1.92, respectively. there were main effects for treatmentand abil-
As for the significanteffect for the interac- ity, treatmentand ability did not interact.
tion between ability and quality dimension, The second hypothesiswas also confirmed.
F(6, 198) = 2.67, p < .05, the ratingson the Although structuretrainingfacilitatedessay test
dimensions of integration, focus, and support/ performance, it did not affect performanceon
elaborationwere not significantly different for the short-answer test. Recall that most of the
the three ability levels (low, M = 1.58, 2.31, items on the short-answertest asked for specific
and 1.48; middle, M = 2.10, 2.81, and 1.82; facts that were independentof the macrostruc-
and high, M = 2.20, 2.77, and 1.97, respec- ture. We did not expect that text structuretrain-
tively). On the dimensionof organization,how- ing would necessarily facilitate recall of this
ever, the high-abilitygroup (M = 2.92) scored type of information.
significantly higher than the low-ability group The thirdhypothesiswas that, comparedto
(M = 1.91), p < .01, but not significantly the traditional training group, the structure
higher than the medium-ability group (M = traininggroup should write Summariesthat in-
2.42); the mean rating for the medium-ability cluded more passage main ideas. Indeed, the
group was not significantly different from that structuretraining group included significantly
for the low-abilitygroup. more Level 1 (most important)and significantly
fewer Level 4 (least important) idea units in
Learning from Classroom Discussion their summaries. Apparently,instructionin the
The percentagesof idea units remembered problem/solution structurehelped students ex-
after a classroom discussion about a problem/ tract the main points of problem/solutionpas-
solution passage were analyzed in an ANOVA sages.
with three between-groups factors: school, However,comparedto the traditionaltrain-
training, and ability. We found only a weak ing group, the structuretraininggroup also in-
main effect for ability, marginallysignificantat cluded more Level 5 (extraneous)idea units in
p = .06, and no significant interactioneffect. their summaries. The tendency for structure
Unweighted means for the low-, medium-, and training students to include more Level 5 idea
high-abilitygroups were 13.7, 14.6, and 21.6. units in their summarieswas especially evident
in the interactionswith summarizingcondition:
Structure training students tended to include
Discussion more Level 5 idea units when the text was un-
available (Figure 3). Also, students of lower
The data analyses provide evidence to sup- ability, in particular, had difficulty when the
port the major hypothesis that instructionin a text was unavailable(Figure4). This effect may
problem/solutiontext structure,including sum- be due to the confoundingof summarizingcon-

Textstructure/summarization instruction ANDERSON,& OSTERTAG

dition with passage (recall that subjectssumma- though the low-ability group did as well as the
rized one passage that was available and a high-abilitygroupon the dimensionsof integra-
differentpassage that was no longer available). tion, focus, and support/elaboration,they did
Therefore, differentialperformancein the two not do as well on the importantdimensionof or-
summarizingconditionscould be attributableto ganization.
passage differences. However, we believe that We qualify conclusions aboutthe qualityof
the following explanationis also consistentwith summarywriting by observing that the Illinois
these results. The structuretraininggroup had Writing Assessment Program's Rating Guide
learned the kind of informationthat is included for FunctionalWritingmay not be very appro-
in a problem/solutiontext and that should be in priatefor ratingsummaries.One reasonfor our
their summaries; however, in the independent suspicion is that the composite means for the
reading situation, it was still up to them to in- ratings were so low: For the high-, medium-,
stantiatethe frame with the appropriateinfor- and low-ability groups, the means were 2.46,
mation. When the text was unavailable, 2.29, and 1.82 out of a possible 6 points. Al-
structure training students may have suffered though these low means could reflect relatively
from one or both of the following problems:(a) poor-quality summaries, they could also indi-
failure to instantiatethe frame with the appro- cate an invalid index of summaryquality. An-
priate informationat encoding, or (b) failureto other reason for our suspicion is that categories
recall the appropriateinformationto instantiate such as focus and support/elaborationdo not
the frame at retrieval. In other words, when seem appropriatefor summaries.Despite possi-
structuretraining students did not sufficiently ble problemswith the ratingscale, however,the
understand or remember the actual passage scores do appear to reflect relative differences
content, they tended to instantiatethe problem/ in the qualityof the writtensummaries.
solution framewith extraneousinformation. Our final hypothesis was that using the
An example of a summary text that sup- problem/solutiontext structureas an organiza-
ports this explanationis the following: tional framework for classroom discussion
should facilitate retention of the content dis-
The Alskanshada problembecausetheycoul- cussed. The datado not supportthis hypothesis.
dentget oil fromtexasthereforetheybuiltpipe The reasonfor this resultmay be thatthe partic-
lines as a resultthe oil waspumpedfromtexas ular classroom discussion that was the basis for
to Alaska.[sic] the criteriontest was very similar for the struc-
ture training and traditional training groups.
This summarywas writtenby a studentfromthe For both groups, the classroomdiscussion cen-
low-ability group when the text was unavail- tered arounda selection from the regularclass-
able. The studenthas clearly learnedto use the room textbook about the settlement of
problem/solutionframe, but is badly confused Jamestown. The selection was clearly about
about the content. (The passage discussed the problemsand solutions; in fact, two of the four
problem of getting oil from Alaska to other subheadings were "What problems did these
states; Texas was mentioned merely as another early settlers have to solve?" (problems) and
oil-producingstate.) "What new plan helped to make the colony a
The results also confirmed the fourth hy- success?"(actions and results). Therefore, a le-
pothesis: Comparedto the traditionaltraining gitimate classroom discussion of the selection
group, the structuretraininggroup should write would have to focus on problemsand solutions.
better organized summaries. The structure In fact, the only real differencebetweenthe dis-
traininggroupreceivedmuch higher qualityrat- cussions for the treatmentgroups was that, for
ings on the dimension of organization, as well the structuretraining group, we recorded dis-
as on focus and integration.However, the sig- cussion points in a frame on the chalkboard-
nificant effect of the ability by quality dimen- apparentlynot a very powerfuldifference.
sion interactionshowed that the instructionwas Another possible explanation is that stu-
not equally effective for all ability groups. Al- dents need to be actively involved in the forma-


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