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Review of Manual Therapy Techniques

in Equine Practice
Kevin K. Haussler, DVM, DC, PhD

Manual therapy involves the application of the hands to the
The realm of manual therapy includes diverse tech- body, with a therapeutic intent.1 Chiropractic, osteopathy,
niques such as chiropractic, osteopathy, physical ther- physical therapy, massage therapy, and touch therapies are
apy, massage therapy, and touch therapies, which have all considered forms of manual therapy techniques that
been developed for use in human beings and the tech- have been developed for treatment of musculoskeletal dis-
niques transferred to horses. All forms of manual ther- orders in humans and transferred for use in horses. Each
apy have reported levels of effectiveness for treating technique has unique origins and different proposed bio-
musculoskeletal issues in human beings, but mostly mechanical or physiological effects; however, all forms of
only anecdotally evidence exists in horses. The purpose manual therapy are characterized by applying variable gra-
of this review is to explore the scientific literature for po- dations of manual force and degrees of soft-tissue or artic-
tential common mechanisms of action and evidence of ular displacement.2 The goal of all manual therapies is to
efficacy and safety for different forms of manual thera- influence reparative or healing processes within the neuro-
pies, with a specific focus on joint mobilization and ma- musculoskeletal system. Therapeutic effects may be gener-
nipulation techniques. A description of a detailed alized to the entire body by inducing relaxation or altering
musculoskeletal and spinal examination using manual behavior, regional effects may include alterations in pain
therapy techniques is also presented. In humans, there perception or neuromuscular control, or effects may be lo-
is an extensive published data base for most forms of calized to specific tissues and cellular responses.1 The chal-
manual therapies; however, the methodological quality lenge is in selecting the most appropriate and effective form
of most studies is poor, which often prevents definitive of manual therapy to produce the desired physiological
conclusions and recommendations. In horses, there effect within an individual patient, such as increasing joint
are too few controlled studies to support most anecdotal range of motion, reducing pain, or promoting general
claims of effectiveness. However, there is limited evi- body relaxation. Anecdotally, all forms of manual therapy
dence suggesting effectiveness of spinal manipulation have reported levels of effectiveness in humans and horses.
in reducing pain and muscle hypertonicity and increas- However, most claims are not supported by high levels of
ing joint range-of-motion. Further research is needed evidence such as randomized, controlled trials or system-
to assess the efficacy of specific manual therapy tech- atic reviews of the published data. The purpose of this
niques or combined treatments for management of review article is to provide a brief overview of the scientific
documented back problems and specific lameness con- literature on the mechanisms of action and effectiveness of
ditions in horses. Additional studies are also needed to the different forms of manual therapy techniques used rou-
define specific treatment parameters required for opti- tinely in humans and to assess how effective and safe these
mal management of select disease processes, such as techniques may be in horses, with a specific focus on joint
the amount of force applied, and the frequency and mobilization and manipulation techniques applied to the
duration of treatment. proximal limbs and axial skeleton.
The physical act of touching someone can induce physi-
Keywords: Manual therapy; Chiropractic; Osteopathy; ologic responses and is often considered therapeutic.3 In
Mobilization; Manipulation human beings, therapeutic touch is used by nurses for nur-
turing premature infants, for supportive care in cancer or
From the Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center, Department of Clinical terminally-ill patients, and for support of the bereaved.4
Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State Some well-known touch therapies in human beings include
University, Fort Collins, CO. Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, and Reiki tech-
Reprint requests: Kevin K. Haussler, DVM, DC, PhD, Gail Holmes Equine
Orthopaedic Research Center, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary niques.5 These techniques are considered a form of en-
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, 300 West Drake Road, ergy-based therapy in which practitioners move their
Fort Collins, CO 80523. hands over the body but do not touch the patient, or use
0737-0806/$ - see front matter
2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. a gentle touch over certain areas of the body with the
doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2009.10.018 goal of facilitating physical, emotional, mental, and

Journal of Equine Veterinary Science  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 849

850 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

spiritual health. People use touch therapies for relaxation, A noncontrolled, clinical trial using eight horses measured
stress reduction, and symptom relief. Reviews of controlled increased stride lengths at the walk and trot compared pre
studies in evaluating effectiveness of touch therapies in hu- and post-massage, but changes were not significant
man beings show promising results for pain relief, but fur- because of a small sample size.17 Manual lymph drainage
ther rigorous studies are needed to define clinical has been described for use in the management of lymphe-
applications and mechanisms of action.5,6 Interestingly, dema in horses; however, no controlled studies exist evalu-
trials conducted by more experienced practitioners seemed ating its effectiveness.18 In a clinical trial in dogs, massage
to yield greater effects in pain reduction. In horses, touch was significantly more effective in increasing lymph flow
therapies have been primarily developed and promoted than passive flexion and extension of the forelimb or elec-
by Linda Tellington-Jones in a collection of techniques trical stimulation of the forelimb musculature.19 More
named the Tellington Touch Equine Awareness Method high-quality, scientific-based evidence is needed to support
(TTEAM) or Tellington TTouch.7 Anecdotally, therapeu- the use of massage therapy in horses.20
tic touch is considered to improve behavior, performance, Passive stretching consists of applying forces to a limb or
and well-being of horses and enhance the relationship be- body segment in order to lengthen muscles or connective
tween horse and rider, but no controlled studies exist to tissues beyond their normal resting lengths, with the intent
support these claims. Similar touch therapy techniques of increasing joint range of motion and flexibility.21 The
have been used in foals at birth to assess the effects of touch amplitude of motion and length of time that an individual
or imprint-training on behavioral reactions during selected stretch is held are gradually increased over time according
handling procedures.8 Conditioned foals were significantly to patient tolerance and ability. Stretching exercises are
less resistant to touching the front and hind limbs and pick- thought to increase joint range of motion, enhance flexibil-
ing up the hind feet at 3 months of age. More controlled ity, improve coordination and motor control, increase
studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of touch blood flow to muscles, and help to prevent injuries. Sys-
theories in managing behavioral or musculoskeletal issues tematic reviews of the human literature suggest that
in horses. stretching may have beneficial effects on increasing joint
Massage therapy is defined as the manipulation of the range of motion, reducing pain, and preventing work-
skin and underlying soft tissues either manually (e.g., rub- related musculoskeletal disorders in different occupa-
bing, kneading, or tapping) or with an instrument or tions.22,23 Randomized studies suggest that regular
machine (e.g., mechanical vibration) for therapeutic pur- stretching increases joint range of motion (average of 8 de-
poses. Massage techniques include many well-known grees) for more than 1 day after cessation of stretching and
methods such as Swedish massage, sports massage, trigger that the effects of stretching are possibly greater in muscle
point therapy, cross-fiber friction massage, myofascial re- groups with limited extensibility.24 Regular stretching has
lease, lymphatic drainage, and acupressure. Clinically, mas- been shown to improve performance by increasing force,
sage and soft-tissue mobilization are believed to increase jump height, and speed.25 Other systematic reviews report
blood flow, promote relaxation, relax muscles, increase tis- that there is insufficient evidence to endorse or discontinue
sue extensibility, reduce pain, and speed return to normal routine stretching before or after exercise to prevent injury
function; however, few controlled studies exist to support among competitive or recreational human athletes.2628
these claims.9 There are many anecdotal reports of the ben- Because of the relatively low methodological quality of
eficial effects of massage on athletic performance; however, most studies, further research is needed to determine the
strong evidence in the form of controlled studies does not proper role of stretching in human sports. Stretching com-
exist which proves the effects of massage on preventing in- bined with strengthening provides the largest improve-
juries, recovery from exercise, or enhancing perfor- ment in nonspecific chronic neck or low back pain in
mance.10 Review of randomized, controlled trials in human beings.29,30 In horses, passive stretching exercises
human beings suggests that massage may be beneficial of the limbs and axial skeleton have anecdotal effects of
for patients with subacute and chronic non-specific low- increasing stride length and joint range of motion and
back pain, especially when combined with exercises and ed- improving overall comfort.31 In a noncontrolled study,
ucation programs.11,12 Massage is also a popular adjunct to passive thoracic limb stretching lowered wither height as
cancer palliation, and systematic reviews suggest that it can a result of possible relaxation of the fibromuscular thoracic
alleviate a wide range of symptoms like pain, nausea, anxi- girdle.32 However, a randomized controlled trial in riding
ety, depression, anger, stress, and fatigue.13,14However, school horses evaluating the effect of two different 8-week
the methodological quality of most massage studies is passive stretching programs reported no significant
poor, which prevents definitive conclusions and recom- changes in stride length at the trot, but reported actual de-
mendations. In horses, massage therapy has been shown creases in joint range of motion within the shoulder, stifle,
to be effective for reducing stress-related behavior and and hock articulations.33 The authors concluded that daily
pain thresholds within the thoracolumbar spine.15,16 stretching may be too intensive in normal horses and may
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 851

actually cause negative biomechanical effects. Additional on the affected limb, without evaluation of specific soft-
studies on the effects of different stretching techniques tissue or joint mobilization techniques.41
and frequency for specific disease processes using objective The chiropractic and osteopathic professions have many
outcome measures need to be completed before any fur- overlapping philosophies, techniques, and potential mech-
ther claims of performance enhancement in horses can be anisms of action related to joint mobilization and manipu-
made. lation. Manual osteopathic techniques use a combination
Mobilization is defined as manually-induced movement of mobilization and manipulation methods to address
of articulations or soft tissues for therapeutic purposes. impaired or altered function of the musculoskeletal system
Soft-tissue mobilization focuses on restoring movement (i.e., somatic dysfunction). From an osteopathic perspec-
to the skin, connective tissue, ligaments, tendons, and tive, somatic dysfunction relates to impaired or altered
muscles with the aim of modulating pain, reducing inflam- function of skeletal, articular, myofascial, and related vascu-
mation, improving tissue repair, increasing extensibility, lar, lymphatic, and neural elements.42 Human osteopathic
and improving function.9 Joint mobilization is character- techniques also include highly controversial methods asso-
ized as nonimpulsive, repetitive joint movements induced ciated with mobilizing cranial bones and abdominal vis-
within the passive range of joint motion with the purpose cera, which have questionable application to horses.43,44
of restoring normal and symmetric joint range of motion, Chiropractic treatment is characterized primarily as the ap-
to stretch connective tissues, and to restore normal joint plication of high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrusts
end-feel.34 Manipulation is a manual procedure that in- to induce therapeutic effects in articular structures, muscle
volves a directed impulse which moves a joint or vertebral function, and neurological reflexes.35 From a chiropractic
segment beyond its physiological range of motion, but perspective, the basic elements of joint or spinal dysfunc-
does not exceed the anatomical limit of the articulation.35 tion include altered articular neurophysiology, biochemical
Therefore, the primary biomechanical difference between alterations, pathologic changes within the joint capsule,
joint mobilization and manipulation is the presence of and articular degeneration. Clinical signs of somatic or spi-
a high-speed thrust or impulse. Spinal manipulation nal dysfunction in horses include asymmetric or restricted
involves the application of controlled impulses to articular joint motion, pain, and muscle hypertonicity.36 Human
structures within the axial skeleton with the intent of re- research has demonstrated reductions in pain and muscle
ducing pain and muscle hypertonicity and increasing joint hypertonicity and increased joint range of motion after chi-
range of motion.36 ropractic treatment.4547
Manual techniques used by physical therapists consist Anecdotal evidence and clinical experience suggest that
primarily of soft tissue and joint mobilization to assess manipulation is an effective adjunctive modality for the
the quality and quantity of joint range of motion and as conservative treatment of select musculoskeletal-related
a primary means of treating musculoskeletal disorders. disorders in horses.48 Therapeutic trials of spinal manipula-
Physical therapists often focus on functional assessment tion are often used because there is currently limited formal
and diagnosis of neurophysiological processes as they relate research available about the effectiveness of osteopathic or
to neuromotor control and the sensorimotor system, such chiropractic techniques in equine practice. Equine osteo-
as proprioception.37 Subjective assessment of the ease of pathic evaluation and treatment procedures have been de-
joint motion, joint stability, and joint end-feel provides in- scribed in textbooks and case reports, but no formal
sights into the biomechanical and neurologic features of an hypothesis-driven research exists.44,49,50 The focus of
articulation. Goniometry is often used to objectively quan- recent equine chiropractic research has been on assessing
tify and document the amount of flexion or extension pres- the clinical effects of spinal manipulation on pain relief,
ent at an articulation. Manually-applied physical therapy improving flexibility, reducing muscle hypertonicity, and
techniques also provide an adjunct to therapeutic exercises restoring spinal motion symmetry. Obvious criticism has
and rehabilitation of neuromotor control, where manual been directed at the physical ability to even induce move-
forces are used to induce passive stretching, weight- ment in the horses back. Pilot work has demonstrated
shifting, and activation of spinal reflexes, which help to in- that manually-applied forces associated with chiropractic
crease flexibility, stimulate proprioception, and strengthen techniques are able to produce substantial segmental
core musculature.38 Peripheral nerve and nerve root mobi- spinal motion.51 Two randomized, controlled clinical
lization techniques and exercises are also used by physical trials using pressure algometry to assess mechanical noci-
therapists for postoperative rehabilitation of low back ceptive thresholds (MNTs) in the thoracolumbar region
pain.39 Few formal studies exist to support the use of active of horses have demonstrated that both manual and instru-
joint or spinal mobilization techniques in horses.40 Most ment- assisted spinal manipulation can reduce back pain (or
mobilization studies in horses involve a period of induced increase MNTs).16,52 Additional studies have assessed the
joint immobilization by a fixture or cast, followed by allow- effects of equine chiropractic techniques on increasing
ing the horse to spontaneously weight bear and locomote passive spinal mobility (i.e., flexibility) and reducing
852 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

longissimus muscle tone.40,53 The effect of manipulation A Neutral joint

on asymmetrical spinal movement patterns in horses with position
documented back pain suggests that chiropractic treat- Physiologic zone
ment elicits slight but significant changes in thoracolumbar
Elastic barrier
and pelvic kinematics, and that some of these changes are Paraphysiologic
likely to be beneficial.54,55 space Anatomical
limit of joint
Pathologic zone
The use of palpation techniques to qualitatively and quan-
titatively assess joint motion requires an understanding of
joint mechanics.56 Joint motion can be categorized into
three zones of movement: physiologic, paraphysiologic, B Neutral joint
position Limit of voluntary
and pathologic (Fig. 1A). The physiological zone of move- joint movement
ment consists of both active and passive joint motion Active range of motion
within all possible directions of movement (e.g., flexion, Passive range of motion Elastic barrier
extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation). Passive
movement of an articulation from a neutral joint position limit of joint
first involves evaluating the range of joint motion that
has minimal, uniform resistance. Then as the articulation
is moved toward the end range of passive joint motion,
there is a gradual increase in the resistance to movement
which terminates at an elastic barrier (i.e., joint end feel).
The end range of motion begins with any palpable change C Active movements
in resistance to passive joint mobilization. Joint end feel is and exercise
often evaluated by bringing an individual articulation to Mobilization and
tension and applying rhythmic oscillations to qualify the stretching exercises
resistance to movement.57 Normal joint end feel is initially
soft and resilient but gradually becomes more restrictive as
the limits of joint range of motion are reached. A patho- Manipulation
logic or restrictive end range of motion is palpable earlier
in passive joint movement and has an abrupt, hard end
feel when compared with normal joint end feel. Each artic-
ulation within the body has unique palpatory end feels for
each of the directions of joint motion (e.g., flexion, exten-
Figure 1. Graphic representations of joint mechanics as
sion, lateral bending, etc.). The goal of palpating passive
it relates to joint mobilization and manipulation. (A)
joint movement is to evaluate each articulation of interest
Zones of joint motion. (B) Active and passive joint
for quality of joint motion, the initiation of resistance to
ranges of motion. (C) Sites of active joint movement,
motion and type of end feel, and the amount of motion
mobilization, and manipulation.
within each of the principle directions of movement. The
paraphysiologic space is bordered by the elastic and ana-
tomical limits of an individual joint. Joint motion into
the paraphysiologic space occurs only with the application Vertebral range of motion in left and right lateral bending
of high velocity forces associated with joint manipulation. or axial rotation is typically distributed symmetrically about
The anatomical barrier of the joint marks the junction a neutral joint position; however, joint ranges of motion in
between the paraphysiologic and pathologic zones of flexion versus extension at certain vertebral levels or limb
movement. The pathologic zone is characterized by the ap- articulations may be quite asymmetrical.58,59 Passive joint
plication of excessive forces or joint motion which causes range of motion can be assessed only with the application
an articulation to move beyond its anatomical limits and of external articular forces. The limit of passive joint mo-
results in mechanical disruption of intra- and periarticular tion occurs beyond the range of voluntary joint move-
structures and subsequent joint instability or luxation. ments and is the site where joint mobilization and
Active range of motion is characterized by the amplitude stretching exercises are applied (Fig. 1C). Joint mobiliza-
of voluntary joint movements (e.g., flexion and extension) tion and manipulation are two types of induced articular
produced by active muscle contractions (Fig. 1B). movements used in musculoskeletal rehabilitation to
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 853

restore joint mobility and reduce pain. Mobilization is manipulation has mixed clinical significance. Some authors
characterized as repetitive joint movements induced within suggest that joint cavitation is highly important and is re-
the normal physiological range of joint motion. Joint ma- quired for successful joint manipulation64 whereas other
nipulation involves the application of force to bring an ar- studies state that joint cavitation is absolutely unimpor-
ticulation to end range of motion (i.e., pre-tension), and tant.67 The published data suggest that any stimulus that
then applying a thrust or impulse to move the joint of in- activates high-threshold receptors within the periarticular
terest beyond the elastic barrier and into the paraphysio- tissues has the potential to initiate unique neurologic re-
logical zone with the intent of stimulating both flexes associated with joint manipulation.68,69 The me-
mechanical and neurophysiologic mechanisms. chanical sensation and audible produced by joint
Joint mobilization and manipulation are thought to pro- cavitation has been used by some individuals to support
duce different physiologic effects; however, the evidence in the misconception of articular malpositioning or the con-
human beings is mixed. Manipulation has been shown to cept of a bone out of place, which is an outdated theory
immediately reduce spontaneous myoelectrical activity, and not supported by current spinal research.70 Palpatory
whereas mobilization has not.60 For neck pain in human changes in osseous symmetry after manipulation are often
beings, manipulation produces significant reductions in associated with soft-tissue alterations and not actual reduc-
pain and disability as compared with mobilization.61 How- tion of an articular misalignment.56
ever, both joint mobilization and manipulation increase
cervical range of motion to a similar degree.47 Other stud-
ies report that neither manipulation nor mobilization is MECHANISMS OF ACTION
beneficial or significantly different for mechanical neck dis- Manual therapy is considered to produce physiological ef-
orders.62 For acute low back pain in human beings, there is fects within local tissues, on sensory and motor compo-
moderate evidence that spinal manipulation provides more nents of the nervous system, and at a psychological or
short-term pain relief than does mobilization.45 It has been behavioral level.1 It is likely that specific manual therapy
theorized that spinal manipulation preferentially influences techniques are inherently more effective than others in
a sensory bed which, in terms of anatomical location and addressing each of these local, regional, or systemic com-
function, is different from the sensory bed influenced by ponents.71 The challenge is in choosing the most appropri-
spinal mobilization techniques.63 Manipulation may par- ate form of manual therapy or a combination of techniques
ticularly stimulate receptors within deep intervertebral that will be efficacious for an individual patient with specific
muscles, whereas mobilization techniques most likely af- musculoskeletal disabilities. If soft-tissue restriction and
fect more superficial axial muscles. Only one study has pain are identified as the primary components of a musculo-
compared mobilization to manipulation in horses, and spi- skeletal injury, then massage, stretching and soft-tissue
nal manipulation induced a 15% increase in displacement mobilization techniques are indicated for increasing tissue
and a 20% increase in applied force as compared with extensibility.72 However, if the musculoskeletal dysfunc-
mobilization.40 At most vertebral sites studied, manipula- tion is localized to articular structures, then stretching,
tion increased the amplitudes of dorsoventral displacement joint mobilization, and manipulation are the most indi-
and applied force, indicating of increased spinal flexibility cated manual therapy techniques for restoring joint range
and tolerance to pressure in the thoracolumbar region of of motion and reducing pain.45
the equine vertebral column. Local tissue effects produced by manual therapy tech-
Joint manipulation often induces a palpable release or niques relate to direct mechanical stimulation of skin, fas-
movement of the restricted articular end feel. An audible cia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules.73
cracking or popping sound may also be heard during Mechanical effects can also influence the vasculature, lym-
joint mobilization or manipulation because the applied phatics, and synovial fluid.74 Direct mechanical loading of
force overcomes the elastic barrier of resistance.64,65 Rapid tissues can alter tissue healing, the physical properties of tis-
articular separation produces a cavitation of the synovial sues (e.g., elongation), and local tissue fluid dynamics asso-
fluid.66 In human beings, radiographic studies of synovial ciated with extracellular or intravascular fluids. Normal
articulations after manipulation have shown a radiolucent tissue repair and remodeling relies on mechanical stimula-
cavity within the joint space (i.e., vacuum phenomenon) tion of cells and tissues to restore optimal structural and
that lasts for 1520 minutes. A second attempt to recavi- functional properties, such as tensile strength and flexibil-
tate the joint with a high-velocity thrust will be unsuccess- ity. Nonspecific back pain is most likely related to a func-
ful and potentially painful until the intra-articular gas has tional impairment and not a structural disorder;
been reabsorbed (i.e., refractory period). Joint mobiliza- therefore, many back problems may be related to muscle
tion has no refractory period because synovial fluid cavita- or joint dysfunction, with secondary soft-tissue irritation
tion is not produced during most mobilization procedures. and pain generation.56 Soft-tissue contractures and adhe-
The presence of joint cavitation induced during sions are unwanted effects associated with musculoskeletal
854 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

injuries and postsurgical immobilization.41 Stretching ex- multifidi muscles and has a more segmental focus.63 Joint
ercises or direct mechanical mobilization of the affected tis- manipulation can affect mechanoreceptors (i.e., Golgi ten-
sue can be used to elongate contracted or fibrotic don organ and muscle spindles) to induce reflex inhibition
connective tissues to improve soft-tissue extensibility and of pain and muscle relaxation and to correct abnormal
increase joint range of motion.72 Tissue viability is highly movement patterns.77 Because of somatovisceral innerva-
dependent on its vascular and lymphatic supply which is of- tion, mobilization and manipulation within the trunk
ten compromised because of mechanical disruption or is- have possible influences on the autonomic system and vis-
chemia. Soft-tissue or joint mobilization may facilitate ceral functions; however, the clinical significance and
flow to and from the affected tissues, help to reduce pain repeatability of these effects are largely unknown.78
and edema, and decrease joint effusion.74 Joint manipula- The effects of touch or massage on psychological issues
tion can improve restricted joint mobility and may reduce such as behavior or emotion are often dismissed as an insig-
the harmful effects associated with joint immobilization nificant component of the overall healing process in
and joint capsule contractures. Limb and joint mobiliza- patients.1 Promoting general body relaxation and reducing
tion can also have direct mechanical effects on nerve roots anxiety may be significant components of some treatment
and the dura mater, which may have clinical application in protocols.79 Behaviors related to pain, depression, or fear
the treatment of perineural adhesions and edema.75 are associated with patterned somatic responses, which
Tissue manipulation has an additional effect of stimulat- may be manifested as generalized changes in muscle
ing regional or systemic changes in neurologic signaling tone, autonomic activity, or altered pain tolerance. Other
related to pain processing and motor control. Manual ther- psychological factors associated with manual therapies
apy can provide effective management of pain and neuro- include placebo effects and patient satisfaction. However,
muscular deficits associated with musculoskeletal injuries, the role of placebo effects in horses and their owners is
alterations in postural control, and locomotory issues re- currently unknown.
lated to antalgic or compensatory gait.1 In response to
chronic pain or stiffness, new movement patterns are devel-
oped by the nervous system and adopted in an attempt to SPINAL EXAMINATION
reduce pain or discomfort. Long after the initial injury The principle goal of the manual therapy examination is to
has healed, adaptive or secondary movement patterns identify whether a musculoskeletal problem exists and to
may continue to persist, which predispose adjacent articu- localize the injury to either soft tissue, articular, or neuro-
lations or muscles to injury.56 Activation of proprioceptors, logic structures. Orthopedic and neurologic evaluations
nociceptors, and components of the muscle spindles pro- are important adjunctive assessments used to identify com-
vides afferent stimuli that have direct and widespread influ- mon causes of limb lameness, spinal injuries, and neurolog-
ences on components of the peripheral and central nervous ical disorders that are more appropriately and effectively
systems that directly regulate muscle tone and movement treated with traditional medical or surgical approaches.
patterns.56 The various forms of manual therapy are Manual therapy evaluation and treatment is not a substitute
thought to affect different aspects of joint function for a thorough lameness examination and diagnostic imag-
through diverse mechanical and neurologic mechanisms.2 ing. However, horses with conditions that are not readily
Alterations in articular neurophysiology from mechanical diagnosed using traditional modalities or with concurrent
or chemical injuries can affect both mechanoreceptor and lameness and spinal dysfunction may benefit from a thor-
nociceptor function through increased joint capsule ten- ough manual therapy evaluation. Some horses present
sion and nerve ending hypersensitivity.76 Mechanorecep- with vague or overlapping signs of neurologic disease and
tor stimulation induces reflex paraspinal musculature musculoskeletal pain, which may be differentiated with
hypertonicity and altered local and systemic neurologic re- a detailed axial skeleton evaluation. The spinal examination
flexes. Nociceptor stimulation results in a lowered pain also helps to identify and differentiate signs of acute and
threshold, sustained afferent stimulation (i.e., facilitation), chronic spinal dysfunction and to localize stiffness, pain,
reflex paraspinal musculature hypertonicity, and abnormal or muscle hypertonicity to a few vertebral segments or an
neurologic reflexes. Touch and light massage preferentially entire vertebral region.
stimulate superficial proprioceptors, whereas any tech- Examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system begins
nique that involves deep tissue massage, stretching, muscle with a thorough medical history, detailed discussion of the
contraction, or joint movement has the potential to stimu- chief complaint, and observation of the patient from a dis-
late deep proprioceptors.1 Massage, stretching, and joint tance for evaluation of conformation, posture, and signs of
mobilization are also considered to affect more superficial lameness. The horses general attitude and behavior are
epaxial muscles, such as the longissimus muscle, and to monitored for signs of pain or discomfort. Many owners
have a multisegmental effect. In contrast, manipulation will report a change in behavior (i.e., pinned ears, swishing
preferentially stimulates mechanoreceptors within deep tail) because a horse with back pain anticipates being
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 855

touched or having the saddle placed on its back. Vertebral and by focusing attention to specific tissues or structures
column conformation is evaluated for proper alignment with discrete palpatory movements. Shapes of structures,
and symmetry, with special attention to the top line, shape transitions between structures, and attachment sites are
and height of the withers, and osseous pelvic symmetry. A also palpated.56 Soft-tissue texture and mobility can be
short-coupled horse is believed to have a higher incidence compared between the skin, subcutaneous tissue, thoraco-
of osseous disorders, whereas a long-backed horse is more lumbar fascia, and muscle; similar to layers of an onion
prone to soft-tissue injuries.80 The horse is made to stand (Fig. 2). Assessing patient response to palpation is espe-
squarely on a hard, level surface and posture is evaluated cially important in evaluating tenderness or hypersensitiv-
for a preferred or shifting stance, head and neck carriage, ity. The epidermis should be evaluated for scabs, scrapes,
vertebral curvatures, and muscular development and lacerations, fly bites (ventral dermatitis), sarcoids, and der-
symmetry. matophilosis (rain scald), which can be primary causes of
Evaluation of spinal mobility during gait analysis focuses back pain or sources of irritation with saddle or girth place-
on observing the overall balance and fluidity of movement ment. The dermis is palpated over the trunk region for the
from head to tail, in addition to assessing thoracic and pel- presence of eosinophilic granulomas or other dermal
vic limb stride length, foot placement, and signs of lame- masses. The subcutaneous tissues are palpated for edema
ness. Gait analysis and lameness examination are typically or cellulitis, masses, fat deposits, and for mobility of the cu-
used to identify and localize limb lameness and to rule tis over the underlying loose connective tissues. The skin
out signs of vertebral dysfunction, although limb lameness and subcutaneous tissues are gently mobilized by a firm,
has been reported in 74% of horses with back problems.81 broad manual contact. Chronic scar tissue, adhesions,
Neck or back motion asymmetries, restricted vertebral or and fibrosis may produce pain or mechanical restrictions
pelvic mobility, not tracking straight, or lack of propulsion if affected tissues are restrained during locomotion or trunk
are a few spinal function characteristics that are evaluated. movements. The superficial fascia is assessed for smooth-
Tape on the tubera coxae or vertebral column midline ness and uniform tonicity or compliance, and typically
may assist in visualization of subtle motion asymmetries. forms an external covering over muscles, whereas the
Normal vertebral column motion during the walk consists deep fascia forms folds of connective tissue between muscle
of small cumulative amounts of segmental motion, which bellies and attaches to deeper osseous structures. The dense
produce an overall smooth curve or movement of the ver- connective tissue that forms the deep fascia is systematically
tebral column. Evaluation of the response to placing a sad- evaluated for masses, rents, scar tissue, and tonicity. Severe
dle on the horse, tightening of the girth, and riding or deep trauma to the myofascial tissues (e.g., kicks, deep
exercise is important for a complete assessment of horses lacerations, abscesses, or hematomas) can produce residual
with potential back problems. Inspection of the tack for fibrosis that limits adjacent muscular movements and fas-
proper fit and use are always suggested on the initial exam- cial extensibility. The thoracolumbar fascia is the most
ination of a horse with back pain or complaints of poor per- prominent fascia of the trunk and is particularly evident
formance. Saddles and restraint devices should be at the thoracolumbar junction as it blends medially with
evaluated for proper fit, positioning, and padding.82 the supraspinous ligament. In the lumbar region, the
A thorough physical examination, coupled with orthope- caudal aponeurotic portion of the thoracolumbar fascia
dic and neurologic evaluation, is used to identify common attaches to the cranial aspect of the tuber sacrale and iliac
causes of lameness or neurological disorders. A detailed wing, deep to the overlying middle gluteal muscle. The
spinal examination helps to identify compensatory or con- tendon of the thoracolumbar fascia is palpable cranial and
current musculoskeletal issues not readily diagnosed or medial to the tubera sacralia as it inserts on the second
treated with traditional medical or surgical approaches. sacral spinous process in conjunction with the dorsal sacro-
The spinal evaluation focuses on evaluating and localizing iliac ligament.84 Other connective tissue structures, such as
segmental vertebral dysfunction, which is characterized tendons and ligaments, are systematically evaluated for
by localized pain, muscle hypertonicity, and reduced joint signs of acute or chronic injury.
motion. The challenge, as with any musculoskeletal injury, The spinal ligaments are systematically palpated for pain,
is to identify the specific musculoskeletal structures that are swelling, thickening, fibrosis, and fiber disruption. Firm
affected and to quantify the associated disability or altered digital pressure is applied dorsally and laterally to the nu-
function present. Palpation is used to localize and identify chal and supraspinous ligaments as they attach to the dorsal
soft tissue and osseous structures for changes in texture, apices of the thoracolumbar spinous processes (Fig. 3).
tissue mobility, or resistance to pressure.80,83 The horses Fascial insertions from the thoracolumbar fascia are also
response to being approached and its anticipation of palpa- palpated as they attach laterally to the supraspinous liga-
tion is often used as a behavioral indication of potential ment. However, most pelvic ligaments are inaccessible to
back pain or hypersensitivity. Soft-tissue layers are evalu- palpation because of their location deep to the gluteal
ated from superficial to deep by increasing digital pressure musculature. The dorsal portion of the dorsal sacroiliac
856 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

Figure 2. Image of the cross-sectional spinal anatomy

at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra. Anatomical
features and thickness of the skin, subcutaneous tissue,
thoracolumbar fascia, and spinal musculature are
illustrated. The epaxial spinal musculature (e.g.,
longissimus and multifidi muscles) lies dorsal to the
transverse processes, and the psoas major and minor
muscles are located ventrally.

ligament and the caudal portion of the sacrotuberous liga-

ment are the only palpable ligaments within the pelvic re-
gion. The dorsal sacroiliac ligaments are palpable in the Figure 3. Palpation of the supraspinous ligament and
croup region as two large round ligaments that originate midline attachment of the thoracolumbar fascia. Firm
from the caudal aspect of the tuber sacrale and converge digital pressure is applied laterally along individual
caudally to insert on the dorsal aspect of the sacral spinous processes in an effort to localize and grade the
spinous processes. Firm digital pressure is applied dorsally severity of pain responses within the connective tissue
and laterally to the dorsal sacroiliac ligaments, both indi- structures.
vidually and bilaterally to localized pain or swelling, indic-
ative of desmitis. Specific mobilization forces applied to the
pelvic prominences (i.e., tuber sacrale, tuber coxae, or over the croup and down the caudal aspect of the thigh.
ischial tuberosity) or the sacral apex can provide an indirect Deconditioning or poor flexibility may contribute to epax-
method of assessing the structural and functional status of ial muscles with the thoracolumbar that are palpably flat
the bony pelvis and the supporting sacroiliac ligaments.85 between the dorsal spinous processes medially and the
The evaluation of muscle begins with observation and ribs laterally. Horses with chronic back pain or poor fitting
palpation of the neck, trunk, and proximal limb muscula- saddles will have a palpable concavity or inward curvature
ture for development and symmetry. Muscle atrophy can of the epaxial muscles at the withers or along the trunk.
be due to partial or complete denervation, disuse, malnu- Asymmetries in epaxial muscle development may be palpa-
trition, metabolic, or immune-mediated disorders.86 ble cranial-to-caudal, medial-to-lateral, or left-to-right
Obese or out-of-condition horses often have accumula- within the axial skeleton. The epaxial and pelvic muscula-
tions of adipose tissue, poor muscle development, and in- ture is further evaluated from superficial to deep, with
distinct myofascial borders, which make myofascial detailed palpation to identify areas of abnormal muscle to-
palpation difficult. Epaxial muscle development within nicity, pain, or fasciculations. Muscle palpation is made
the neck, trunk, and pelvis is assessed by laying a hand with light but firm pressure applied by a broad contact
transversely across the spinal or gluteal musculature with the entire hand and not only the finger tips, which
(Fig. 4). Horses with exceptional spinal muscle develop- may unduly localize the applied pressure and precipitate
ment have a palpable uniform convexity or outward curva- a false positive pain response. Muscles are evaluated for
ture of the muscles along the entire length of the vertebra masses, fibrosis, swellings, or depressions, and affected sites
column from the poll to the scapula, along the trunk, and or muscles are identified. Regional muscle tone of the neck,
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 857

Figure 4. Palpation of muscle development and tone

within the thoracic portion of the spinalis muscle
located over the lateral withers. The presence and
severity of left-right muscle asymmetries, muscle
hypertonicity, and pain responses are documented.

Figure 5. Palpation of the width of the retromandibular

trunk, and proximal limb musculature is assessed and com- space between the caudal ramus of the mandible and the
pared left-to-right. Detailed palpation and a thorough lateral wing of the atlas. Left-right asymmetry is
knowledge of muscular anatomy will help to identify which indicative of possible atlanto-occipital joint dysfunction
muscle or group of muscles are primarily affected, and or structural vertebral abnormalities.
which distant muscles are likely to have secondary guarding
because of common biomechanical or neurological inciting
factors. Muscle tone is categorized as hypotonic, normal, fasciculations are usually indicative of profound muscle
or hypertonic. General muscle tone varies between horses weakness, electrolyte imbalance, or primary muscle pathol-
and breeds. Nervous or excited horses will have overall in- ogy. However, muscles may also fasciculate at characteristic
creased muscle tone, whereas stoic, depressed, or systemi- locations distant to an area of palpation, which is indicative
cally-ill horses will have reduced or sometimes flaccid of referred pain in human beings. Referred pain is difficult
muscle tone. Arabians tend to carry more muscle tone, to truly assess in horses because of the lack of verbal feed-
whereas most warmbloods or draft breeds will allow deep back.87 Muscle spasms are characterized as an acute, severe
palpation of their generally relaxed muscles. Muscle tone form of muscle hypertonicity, with substantial pain, spas-
is an indirect measure of muscle activity or contraction. Di- ticity, and loss of muscle function.
agnostic and kinesiologic electromyography provides Osseous palpation involves evaluating bony structures
a more direct assessment of muscle activity; however, it is for pain, morphology, asymmetries, and alignment. Horses
not readily available in most clinical situations and it is of- with pain localized to the temporomandibular joints and
ten difficult to perform and interpret.86 Muscle hypotonic- hypertonicity of the adjacent muscles of mastication should
ity or flaccidity is indicative of neuropathies, such as disuse be evaluated for potential dental malocclusion or oral pain.
or denervation atrophy. Muscle hypertonicity is the most Osseous asymmetry in the space between the caudal ramus
commonly palpable abnormality in horses with acute or of the mandible and the lateral wing of the atlas can be
chronic back problems, and can have either neural or myo- identified in horses with upper cervical congenital malfor-
pathic origins.86 Muscle hypertonicity may affect a small mations or occipitoatlantal trauma caused by pulling back
portion of a muscle (i.e., trigger point), an entire muscle in cross ties or flipping over backwards (Fig. 5). Individual
belly, or a regional group of muscles. In general, localized cervical transverse processes, articular processes, and thor-
muscle hypertonicity is considered indicative of an acute or acolumbar and sacral spinous processes are palpated for
primary back problem, whereas regional or generalized a painful response to firm digital pressure (Fig. 6).88 Typi-
longissimus muscle hypertonicity is often associated with cal signs of discomfort include avoidance reactions such as
chronic pelvic limb lameness or systemic disease.86 Muscle rapid elevation of the head, extension of the back or withers
858 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

away from the applied pressure, or localized secondary

muscle spasms, indicative of local injury or impinged spi-
nous processes. Pressure algometry of osseous landmarks
provides an objective measure of MNTs and allows moni-
toring of the efficacy of treatment protocols.89 During in-
duced kyphosis, the abaxial borders of each individual
thoracolumbar spinous process and the overlying supraspi-
nous ligament are palpated for pain, thickening, or devia-
tion from midline. Palpable deviations of individual
spinous processes are common, but are typically not associ-
ated with spinous process fracture or vertebral malposition
(i.e., bone out of place), as is commonly believed.90 Paired
bony pelvis prominences are palpated for dorsoventral and
craniocaudal asymmetries and pain response to manual
compression. Small amplitudes of unilateral or bilateral
prominence of the tuber sacrale are common and not con-
sidered clinically significant unless associated with clinical
signs of localized pain, inflammation, or positive findings
on diagnostic imaging (e.g., scintigraphy). The apex of
the second sacral spinous process is a reliable landmark
used to evaluate relative dorsal or ventral tuber sacrale dis-
placement. Fractures of tuber coxae typically produce pal-
pable bony asymmetries and ventral displacement of
fracture fragments, which are readily diagnosed on oblique
radiographs of the pelvis.91 The tail and caudal vertebrae
are evaluated for tone, fractures, and osseous deviations.
A complete musculoskeletal examination includes assess- Figure 6. Palpation of dorsal spinous processes within
ment of active and passive joint ranges of motion for all ax- the thoracolumbar region. Firm digital pressure is
ial and appendicular articulations of interest. Active joint applied dorsally along individual spinous processes in an
range of motion of the axial skeleton is evaluated during effort to localize and grade the severity of the osseous
normal daily activities (e.g., lying, standing movements, pain responses.
or locomotion) or during induced vertebral movements
while using a carrot or other treat to produce active move-
ments of the head, neck, or trunk (Fig. 7). Similar proce- muscle spasms. Joint hypermobility is usually indicative
dures can be used therapeutically as active stretching of articular instability that often requires immediate medi-
exercises to increase neck or trunk range of motion or for cal or surgical evaluation and stabilization and is generally
developing coordination and strength of the muscles re- a contraindication for most forms of manual therapy.
sponsible for trunk stabilization.38 Normal vertebral move- Passive joint range of motion is evaluated by measuring
ments consist of varying amounts and combinations of the amount and characteristics of joint motion beyond
flexion, extension, left and right lateral bending, and left the active range of joint motion (Fig. 1B). Assessing passive
and right axial rotation. Active joint motion within most range of motion requires patient cooperation and muscular
equine limb articulations consists almost exclusively of flex- relaxation because each articulation is moved passively
ion-extension, with occasional joints capable of undergo- throughout its unique ranges and directions of motion.
ing small amounts of internal or external rotation. The goal of palpating joint movement is to evaluate the
Abnormal active joint motion is characterized by weakness, quality of joint motion, the initiation of resistance to mo-
incoordination, asymmetry, restricted, or excessive joint tion and joint end feel, and the amplitude of joint motion
movements. The willingness, coordination, and amount present. Similar palpatory findings can be identified in soft
of vertebral or limb segment motion is compared bilater- tissues, such as skin, connective tissue, muscles, or liga-
ally, and left-to-right range of motion asymmetries are ments.83 Passive joint range of motion is evaluated to de-
documented. Local or regional causes of active vertebral tect whether a particular movement is normal, restricted,
movement restrictions or altered movement may include or hypermobile. Passive joint mobility can be assessed ei-
peripheral or central neuropathies, myopathies, intra-artic- ther segmentally through palpation of individual vertebral
ular pathology (i.e., osteoarthritis), periarticular soft-tissue motion segments or limb articulations or evaluated region-
adhesions, musculotendinous contractures, or protective ally via passive mobilization of vertebral regions or entire
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 859

Figure 8. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of

passive range-of-motion of the mandible during left and
right lateral excursions. The presence and severity of
joint motion asymmetry and pain responses are noted.

the mandible is assessed for amplitude, quality, and sym-

Figure 7. Evaluation of active cervical range of motion metry (Fig. 8). Palpation of mandibular range of motion
in left lateral bending. A carrot or similar treat is directed and audible contact of the cheek teeth are compared bilat-
toward the elbow to assess quality and quantity of erally. The dorsal and lateral excursion of the lingual
overall cervical range of motion. The treat can also be process and basihyoid bone of the hyoid apparatus are as-
directed toward the ipsilateral stifle to assess lateral sessed for restricted motion and pain, indicative of possible
bending of the trunk, which is compared bilaterally. temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. The atlanto-occipital
(Occ-C1) articulation is evaluated in full ranges of flexion,
extension, and lateral bending for signs of pain or resisted
motion (Fig. 9). The atlantoaxial (C1-C2) articulation is
limbs. Causes of restricted articular movement include soft evaluated for altered or asymmetrical ranges of axial rota-
tissue (e.g., capsular fibrosis, muscle spasms, or contrac- tion. The intervertebral articulations of the second to sev-
tures) and osseous pathologies (e.g., malformations, oste- enth cervical vertebrae (C2-C7) are assessed individually
oarthritis, or ankylosis). Restricted vertebral segment for altered joint range of motion and joint end feel during
motion can occur with or without localized muscle hyper- combined lateral bending and rotation (Fig. 10). Articula-
tonicity or pain. Diagnostic interpretations of joint func- tions of the mid-cervical region (C4-C6) are commonly
tion can be implied by combining evaluation of joint restricted and painful in performance horses, presumably
range of motion and pain at the extremes of joint mo- because of locally altered biomechanical influences. The
tion.92 Normal joint motion is painless, suggesting that ar- individual spinous processes of the third to twelfth thoracic
ticular structures are intact and functional. Normal joint vertebrae (T3-T12) are manually deviated from midline,
mobility that has a painful end range of movement suggests while monitoring for signs of reduced vertebral motion,
a minor sprain of periarticular tissues or muscle. Painless localized or generalized pain response, and induced muscle
joint hypomobility suggests a soft-tissue contracture or ad- hypertonicity (Fig. 11). Horses with poorly fitting saddles
hesion, whereas painful joint hypomobility an acute strain (i.e., tree is too narrow) resent palpation and passive
or intra-articular injury with secondary muscle guarding. motion of the affected cranial thoracic vertebrae. The re-
Painless hypermobility of an articulation may indicate maining thoracolumbar region (T13-L6) is evaluated in
a complete rupture, whereas painful hypermobility sug- lateral bending and flexion and extension for similar signs
gests a partial tear of an intra- or periarticular structure. of spinal dysfunction. Normal lateral bending range of
Evaluation of passive joint range of motion within the ax- motion is maximal at the mid-thoracic region and gradually
ial skeleton begins at the head and continues to the tip of diminishes toward the lumbosacral junction.59 Conversely,
the tail. In a relaxed horse, left-right lateral excursion of flexion and extension are minimal within the thoracic
860 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

Figure 10. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of

passive lateral bending and axial rotation at the C5-C6
Figure 9. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of
articulation. The presence and severity of left-right joint
passive lateral bending at the atlanto-occipital
motion asymmetries, muscle hypertonic and pain
articulation. The presence and severity of left-right joint
responses are documented for each individual
motion asymmetries and pain responses are
intervertebral articulation within the cervical spine.

region and gradually increase toward the lumbosacral junc- INDICATIONS FOR JOINT MOBILIZATION AND
tion, which is the site of maximal flexion and extension MANIPULATION
range of motion within the trunk region. Evaluation of Back pain is a common cause of poor performance in
segmental vertebral motion in flexion and extension re- equine athletes. Unfortunately, medical and surgical treat-
quires the clinician to be on an elevated surface to induce ment options are often limited for affected horses. Manual
ventrally-directed rhythmic oscillations over the individual therapy has the potential to provide important diagnostic
thoracolumbar intervertebral articulations (Fig. 12). and therapeutic approaches for addressing equine axial
Horses with impinged dorsal spinous processes strongly re- skeleton problems that are not currently available in veter-
sent any induced extension of the affected vertebral seg- inary medicine. Most of the current knowledge about
ments. The pelvis and sacroiliac joints are evaluated for equine manual therapies has been borrowed from human
motion restrictions and pain during induced joint motion techniques, theories, and research and is applied to horses.
with ventrally-directed forces applied over the tuber coxae Therapeutic trials of joint mobilization or manipulation are
(Fig. 13) or during abaxial compression of the tubera sa- often used because of limited knowledge about the effects
cralia (Fig. 14). The caudal vertebrae are assessed by passive of manual therapy in horses. The indications for joint mo-
range of motion of each intervertebral articulation and by bilization and manipulation are similar and include re-
applying axial traction to the tail. The passive range of mo- stricted joint range of motion, muscle spasms, pain,
tion of all thoracic and pelvic limb articulations is also eval- fibrosis, or contracted soft tissues.34 The principal indica-
uated in flexion and extension, internal and external tions for spinal manipulation are neck or back pain, local-
rotation, abduction and adduction, and circumduction ized or regional joint stiffness, poor performance, and
for signs of restricted joint motion, pain, inflammation, altered gait that is not associated with overt lameness. A
and muscle hypertonicity. Comparisons of the quality thorough diagnostic workup is required to identify soft tis-
and quantity of passive range of motion are evaluated sue and osseous pathology, neurologic disorders, or other
pre- and post-stretching exercises or joint manipulation lameness conditions that may not be responsive to manual
to assess potential therapeutic responses within limb artic- therapy. Clinical signs indicative of a primary spinal disor-
ulations or vertebral motion segments.93 der include localized musculoskeletal pain, muscle
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 861

Figure 11. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of

passive lateral bending and axial rotation of individual
thoracic spinous process that form the withers. The
presence and severity of left-right joint motion
asymmetries, muscle hypertonicity, and pain responses
are documented for each spinous process.

Figure 13. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of

passive lumbosacral, coxofemoral and pelvic motion
induced during a ventrally-applied force over the tuber
coxae. The presence and severity of restricted motion,
muscle hypertonicity, and pain responses are

lameness or poor performance. Manual therapy may help

in the management of muscular, articular, and neurologic
components of select musculoskeletal injuries in perfor-
mance horses. Musculoskeletal conditions that are chronic
or recurring, not readily diagnosed, or are not responding
to conventional veterinary care may be indicators that man-
ual therapy evaluation and treatment is needed. Manual
therapy is usually more effective in the early clinical stages
of disease processes versus end-stage disease where repara-
Figure 12. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of tive processes have been exhausted. Joint manipulation is
passive thoracolumbar extension at each individual usually contraindicated in the acute stages of soft-tissue in-
intervertebral articulation. The presence and severity of jury; however, mobilization is safer than manipulation and
restricted motion, muscle hypertonicity, and local or has been shown to have short-term benefits for acute neck
generalized pain responses are documented. or back pain in human beings.94 Manipulation is probably
more effective than mobilization for chronic neck or back
pain and has the potential to help restore normal joint mo-
hypertonicity, and restricted joint motion. This triad of tion, thus limiting the risk of reinjury.56
clinical signs can also be found in a variety of lower limb Contraindications for mobilization and manipulation are
disorders; however, they are most evident in horses with often based on clinical judgment and are related to the
neck or back problems. Clinical signs indicative of chronic technique applied and skill or experience of the practi-
or secondary spinal disorders include regional or diffuse tioner.34 Few absolute contraindications exist for joint mo-
pain, generalized stiffness, and widespread muscle hyperto- bilization if techniques are applied appropriately. Manual
nicity. In these cases, further diagnostic evaluation or imag- therapy is not a cure all for all joint or back problems
ing should be done to identify the primary cause of and is generally contraindicated in the presence of
862 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

Figure 15. Application of a spring-loaded instrument

Figure 14. Evaluation of a pain response to abaxial (Activator, Activator Methods International Ltd.,
compression of the tubera sacralia. A normal response Phoenix, AZ) to bony or soft-tissue landmarks, with the
consists of mild extension of the lumbosacral joint and aim of inducing high-velocity impulses during
contraction or mild fasciculations of the longissimus and manually-assisted, mechanical-force procedures.
middle gluteal muscles. A positive pain response occurs
when horses unlock their stifles and exhibit dramatic
dropping of the pelvis.
contribute to the rehabilitation of most postsurgical cases
or severe musculoskeletal injuries by helping to restore
fractures, acute inflammatory or infectious joint disease, normal joint motion and function. Horses that have con-
osteomyelitis, joint ankylosis, bleeding disorders, progres- current hock pain (e.g., osteoarthritis) and a stiff, painful
sive neurological signs, and primary or metastatic tu- thoracolumbar or lumbosacral vertebral region are best
mors.34 Joint mobilization and manipulation cannot managed by addressing all areas of musculoskeletal dys-
reverse severe degenerative processes or overt pathology. function. A multidisciplinary approach entails combined
Acute episodes of osteoarthritis, impinged dorsal spinous medical treatment of the hock osteoarthritis and manual
processes, and severe articular instability, such as joint sub- therapy evaluation and treatment of the back problem.
luxation or luxation, are often contraindications for manip- In human beings, adverse effects or risks of complications
ulation. Inadequate physical or spinal examination and associated with joint mobilization are minimal. Mobiliza-
poorly developed manipulative skills are also contraindica- tion is considered safer than manipulation.94 Some authors
tions for applying manual therapy.95 All horses with neuro- suggest that given the higher risk of adverse reactions and
logic diseases should be evaluated fully to assess the lack of demonstrated effectiveness of manipulation over
potential risks or benefits of joint mobilization or manipu- mobilization, manual therapists should consider conserva-
lation. Cervical vertebral myelopathy occurs because of tive mobilization, especially in human patients with severe
both structural and functional disorders.96 Static compres- neck pain.97 In human beings, most adverse events associ-
sion caused by vertebral malformation and dynamic lesions ated with spinal manipulation are benign and self-
caused by vertebral segment hypermobility are contraindi- limiting.98 Potential mild adverse effects from properly
cations for cervical manipulation; however, adjacent applied manipulations include transient stiffness or wors-
regions of hypomobile vertebrae may benefit from mobili- ening of the condition after treatment. Data from prospec-
zation or manipulation to help restore joint motion and tive studies suggest that minor, transient adverse events
reduce biomechanical stresses in the affected vertebral seg- occur in approximately half of all patients during a course
ments. Serious diseases requiring immediate medical or of spinal manipulative therapy.99,100 However, these mild
surgical care need to be ruled out and treated by conven- adverse effects do not cause patients to stop seeking manip-
tional veterinary medicine before any routine manual ulative care. Mild adverse effects usually last less than 12
therapy is initiated, although, manual techniques may days and resolve without concurrent medical intervention.
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 863

Severe complications after spinal manipulation are typically inflammatory phase, stretching should be mostly avoided
uncommon and estimates of the incidence of range from 1 due to the increased risk of tissue injury. During the regen-
in 200,000 to 1 per 100 million manipulations in human erative and remodeling phases of healing, tissues progres-
beings.94,101,102 The most common serious adverse events sively regain tensile strength and applied manual forces
in humans are vertebrobasilar accidents, disk herniation, can be gradually increased. The amount of force applied
and cauda equina syndrome.99 Although there is no evi- during passive stretching is largely based on the patients
dence of increased risk of vertebrobasilar artery stroke asso- response and signs of pain. Musculoskeletal injuries are
ciated with chiropractic care compared to primary medical characterized by multiple tissue involvement, each of
care.103 Even though the complication rate of spinal ma- which has a different healing rate and unique mechanical
nipulation is small, the potential for adverse outcomes response to stretching. Therefore, effective stretching pro-
must be considered because of the possibility of permanent grams are best tailored to address specific soft-tissue
impairment or death.94 The benefits of chiropractic care in injuries and do not only focus on restoring joint motion.
human beings seem to outweigh the potential risks.104 The The duration of the applied stretch is dependent on the
risk of adverse effects associated with joint mobilization or force applied, affected tissue shape and size, the amount
spinal manipulation is unknown in horses. The apparent of damage or fibrosis present, and the stage of tissue heal-
safety of spinal manipulation, especially when compared ing.72 In human beings, the recommended duration for
with other medically accepted treatments for neck or stretching the musculotendinous unit varies from 6 to 60
low back pain in human beings, should stimulate its use seconds.108 Stretching for 30 seconds has been shown to
in the conservative treatment of spinal-related prob- be significantly more effective than 15-second stretches;
lems.102,105 If an exacerbation of musculoskeletal dysfunc- however, structural and functional differences within
tion or lameness is noted after spinal manipulation, then each affected tissue makes general recommendations for
a thorough re-examination and appropriate medical treat- stretching a particular articulation or limb difficult to estab-
ment should be pursued. If the condition does not improve lish.109 The mode of loading during an applied stretch
with conservative care, referral for more extensive varies from continuous to cyclic. Continuous or static load-
diagnostic evaluation or more aggressive medical treat- ing during stretching exercises can be uncomfortable for
ment is recommended. some patients and is not recommended.72 Cyclic or rhyth-
mic stretching is more comfortable and physiologic as it
provides periods of tissue loading and unloading, which
JOINT MOBILIZATION AND MANIPULATION has biomechanical and neurological benefits. Cyclic load-
TECHNIQUES ing also has cumulative effects on soft tissues as a result
Stretching exercises vary according to the direction, veloc- of incremental elongation and stress relaxation within
ity, amplitude, and duration of the applied force or induced each stretch cycle; however, these effects are maximized
movement. However, it is difficult to identify which com- approximately within the first four cycles of loading.108
bination of positions, techniques, and durations of stretch- Therefore, recommendations for optimal passive stretch-
ing are most effective to induce increased joint range of ing include applying four to five repetitions of slow, low-
motion.106 Active stretching involves using the patients load forces held at the end range of motion of the affected
own movements to induce a stretch, whereas passive tissues, with each stretch applied and released in 30-second
stretches are applied to relaxed muscles or connective tis- cycles, without inducing pain. If performed inappropri-
sues during passive soft tissue or joint mobilization. In ately, stretches may cause or aggravate injuries.22 There-
horses, active stretches of the neck and trunk are often in- fore, thorough patient evaluation and proper stretching
duced with baited (i.e., carrot) stretches with the aim to in- program design are required before implementing
crease flexion, extension, or lateral bending of the axial stretches. With minimal training, horses and their owners
skeleton (Fig. 7). It is very difficult to make horses do active can be taught how to do simple but effective passive joint
stretching of the limbs; therefore, passive stretches are mobilization and active stretching exercises (i.e., carrot
most commonly prescribed in horses.31 Stretching should stretches) to improve both limb and axial skeleton
be performed slowly to maximize tissue elongation because flexibility.
of creep and stress relaxation within fibrotic or shortened Selection factors for considering mobilization versus ma-
periarticular soft tissues.72 Sustained, low-load stretching nipulation include the technical training and skill of the
is more effective than rapid, high-load stretching for alter- practitioner, perceived risks versus benefits, the presence
ing viscoelastic properties within soft tissues.107 Rapid of acute pain and inflammation, and pathoanatomic con-
stretching may exceed the tissues mechanical properties siderations.63 Joint mobilization is easier to apply, requires
and produce additional trauma within injured tissues.108 less psychomotor skills, has minimal risks, and can be used
The force applied during stretching exercises should be tai- in the presence of acute pain and inflammation, as com-
lored to specific phases of tissue repair.72 During the acute pared to manipulation. Manual therapy procedures are
864 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

also dependent on the ability of the patient to relax and the the joint capsule, reduced intra-articular pressure, and is of-
patent response to the applied force. Characteristics of ten used to reduce joint luxations.
joint mobilization and manipulation include factors related Manipulation is characterized by short lever-arm, high
to specificity, leverage, velocity, amplitude, direction, and velocity, and low-amplitude forces applied outside of the
prestress of the applied force.2 Additional factors are re- physiological zone of joint motion. Therefore, it is often
lated to joint position and frequency or oscillation of the difficult for patients to resist or guard against the applied
applied forces.34 Levers are used to increase mechanical ad- impulse. Chiropractic techniques are often characterized
vantage and assist in applying force to an articulation or as HVLA thrusts delivered to a specified vertebral process
body segment to induce joint motion. Long levers include (short-lever arm) in a specific direction.2 Osteopathic tech-
using the limbs or head and neck as levers to induce spinal niques also include similar HVLA thrusts applied to single
motion, instead of inducing motion at one or two individ- or multiple articulations with the goal of increasing joint
ual vertebrae by using transverse or spinous processes as range of motion and reducing pain.44 Mobilization and
short lever contacts. Velocity relates to the speed of the im- manipulation forces can both be focused on a specific joint
pulse applied to move a vertebra or body segment, and dis- or anatomical region in a specific direction; however,
placement is the distance over which the applied thrust is mobilization is often considered a general technique and
applied. Amplitude refers to the amount of force applied. manipulation is theoretically considered more specific.
With long-lever techniques, lower amplitudes of force are The therapeutic dosage of applied mobilizations or manip-
required to induce similar joint motion as short-lever con- ulations is modified by the number of vertebrae or articu-
tacts. However, the rationale for using short-lever tech- lations treated, the amount of force applied, and the
niques is to increase the specificity of the applied thrust frequency and duration of treatment. However, there is
because a single vertebral process is contacted on the verte- a lack of good scientific evidence on which optimal dosage
bra of interest with short-lever techniques. With long recommendations for continued care can be based; there-
levers, it is likely that multiple articulations are included be- fore, therapeutic trials are often used on an individual ba-
tween the doctors contact and the body segment of inter- sis.110 The goal of manual therapy is to restore normal
est, which produces a more generalized treatment effect. joint motion, stimulate neurological reflexes, and reduce
Using a specific contact is theorized to address a single pain and muscle hypertonicity. Comparisons of sensitivity
articulation; however, studies on treatment effects indicate to palpation, muscle tone, and joint motion are made be-
that specific contact techniques produce local, as well as, re- fore and after treatment to evaluate the response to and ef-
gional and systemic effects.46 The therapeutic dosage of fectiveness of manual therapy.
joint mobilization or manipulation is also determined by In human beings, the application of manual forces can be
the number of vertebrae or body segments treated and combined with a wide diversity of therapeutic or medical
the frequency of the applied treatments. techniques to produce varying effects. Hand-held,
Biomechanical characteristics of joint mobilization spring-loaded or electromechanical devices can be used
include low peak forces, slow application, low velocity to apply single or multiple impulses to articulations or
movements, and large displacements. Mobilization of the tissues in a series of techniques named manually-assisted,
thoracic spine produces 2-3 cm displacements, whereas mechanical-force procedures (Fig. 15). It has been
manipulation induces 6-12 mm displacements.63 Mobili- reported that approximately 40 N of force is required to
zation is typically applied with long lever-arm, low velocity, activate mechanical and neurologic responses associated
oscillatory forces within or at the limits of physiological with spinal manipulation.111 Manually-applied impulses
joint range of motion without imparting a thrust or im- applied to the human cervical and lumbar spine range
pulse. Mobilization is also performed within the patients from 40400 N and occur over 30150 milliseconds.
ability to resist the applied motion and therefore requires Similar amplitudes of force have been measured with in-
cooperation and relaxation of the patient. Mobilization is strument-assisted manipulations (i.e., 72 N230 N); how-
usually applied in a graded manner, with each grade ever, the impulse occurs over a much shorter time (i.e.,
increasing the range of joint movement. Grade 1 and 2 mo- 0.15.0 milliseconds). It is hypothesized that the velocity
bilizations are characterized by slow oscillations within the of the applied force may be more important than the ampli-
first 25% to 50% of the available joint motion, with the goal tude of the applied force.111 Randomized studies have
of reducing pain. Grade 3 and 4 mobilizations involve slow shown similar effectiveness using either manual or instru-
oscillations at or near the end of available joint motion, ment-assisted treatment techniques.112,113 Using a stick
which are used to increase joint range of motion. Some and mallet or similar percussive device to apply sharp,
mobilization techniques may include a hold and stretch mechanical forces to dorsal spinous processes has been re-
at the end range of motion. Distraction or traction refers ported in horses to reduce back pain and increase spinal
to applying manual or mechanical forces to induce separa- range of motion, but controlled studies are lacking.54
tion of adjacent joint surfaces, which causes stretching of Theoretically, there is an increased risk for injury using
KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009) 865

instrument-assisted techniques or hammers to treat horses prevents mobilization or rehabilitation of the affected re-
because of the possibility of applying excessive forces by in- gion. In horses, one possible indication includes cervical
experienced or lay practitioners, with little or no knowl- facet osteoarthritis, where acute pain and inflammation
edge of spinal or joint biomechanics. can be initially controlled with intra-articular facet injec-
Joint mobilization and manipulation can be combined tions; however, recurrent stiffness and disability are com-
with sedation or general anesthesia, which provides in- mon. Intra-articular injections combined with a series of
creased relaxation and analgesia for evaluation of subtle spinal manipulations, stretching, and strengthening exer-
joint motion restrictions or treatment of joint contractures cises provide the opportunity to increase pain-free cervical
and spinal pain, without the influence of conscious pain or mobility and reduce long-term morbidly or recurrence.
protective muscle guarding.114 Indications for manipula- Controlled clinical trails are needed to assess other possible
tion under anesthesia in human beings include pain that clinical indications and effectiveness of manipulation com-
will not allow conscious manipulation, conditions that do bined with intra-articular injections in horses.
not respond to conscious spinal manipulation within 4 to
8 weeks, chronic joint or soft-tissue fibrosis, acute myofas-
cial rigidity and painful inhibition, severe joint dysfunction,
refractory contained disc herniation, and multiple recur- DIRECTION OF FUTURE STUDIES
rences of a condition.95 The risks of manipulation under A thorough knowledge of equine anatomy, soft tissue and
sedation or general anesthesia include the inability of joint biomechanics, musculoskeletal pathology, and tissue-
patients to provide verbal feedback on pain or to resist healing processes is required to understand the basic
overzealous manipulation because intrinsic guarding principles of the various forms of manual therapies and to
mechanisms associated with voluntary muscle contraction properly apply the associated techniques. There is a severe
are absent, which can produce an increased risk of iatro- deficiency in evidence for using touch, massage, stretching
genic injuries.95 Spinal manipulation under sedation and exercises, and joint mobilization in horses. Spinal manipu-
anesthesia has been used in horses to address reduced joint lation has been shown in several studies to be effective for
mobility; however, controlled studies are lacking.50,115,116 reducing pain, improving flexibility, reducing muscle tone,
In a case series of 86 horses, 88% of horses maintained im- and improving symmetry of spinal kinematics in horses.
proved ranges of pain-free joint motion after cervical mobi- Because of potential misuse and safety issues, mobilization
lization and sustained stretching at the end range of and manipulative therapies should be provided only by spe-
motion while under anesthesia.115 Similar indications and cially-trained veterinarians or licensed human manual ther-
risks associated with the mobilization or manipulation apists. Further research is needed to assess the effectiveness
under anesthesia in human beings are expected in horses. of specific manual therapy recommendations or combined
Although, no significant adverse effects have been reported treatments for management of back problems and lame-
with cervical mobilization under general anesthesia in ness issues. Additional studies are needed to objectively
horses.115 Well-designed, controlled studies are needed monitor both short- and long-term clinical effects and im-
to further investigate the safety and effectiveness of these provements in performance. Currently, there is no vali-
techniques in equine practice. dated equine model for studying the effects of manual
Manipulation combined with epidural analgesia or epi- therapies that would allow characterization of the ana-
dural medications consists of segmental anesthesia with si- tomic, biomechanical, neurophysiologic, pathophysio-
multaneous epidural corticosteroid injection and spinal logic, cellular, or biochemical changes associated with
manipulation.114 Indications for this procedure in human soft tissue and joint mobilization or high-velocity thrusts.
beings include the following: epidural anesthesia is less Further understanding of the local and systemic effects of
costly and is associated with fewer risks than general anes- mobilization and manipulation on pain reduction and tis-
thesia, patients are able to cooperate during treatment, and sue healing is also needed. Additional studies are needed
epidural corticosteroids reduce inflammation and reduce to determine the duration of the clinical effects of manual
fibrosis and adhesions, as compared to manipulation under therapies and to assess if and how these modalities can en-
anesthesia alone. One possible indication for using this hance athletic performance. There is a need of controlled
technique in horses is severe or compensatory spinal pain trials using different forms of spinal manipulation (e.g.,
or stiffness associated with chronic limb lameness. Another manual thrusts versus instrument-assisted thrusts versus
reported technique involves joint mobilization or manipu- manipulation under anesthesia) need to be done to deter-
lation combined with intra-articular injection of either lo- mine which method is most effective for treating specific
cal anesthetic or corticosteroids, which helps to reduce disease processes. New methods of objectively measuring
pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal dysfunction and further studies into the
to more effectively restore joint mobility.114 Indications pathophysiology of chronic pain syndromes are needed
in human beings include recalcitrant joint pain that to help assess the effectiveness of manual therapies on
866 KK Haussler  Vol 29, No 12 (2009)

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