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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160

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Kinetic and mechanistic study of photocatalytic degradation of ame

retardant Tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP)
M. Antonopoulou a,b , P. Karagianni a , I.K. Konstantinou b,
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, University of Patras, 30100, Agrinio, Greece
Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present work, a comprehensive study on the application of TiO2 photocatalysis for the removal
Received 11 October 2015 of the ame retardant tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP) from both ultrapure water (UW) and
Received in revised form 11 March 2016 real wastewater (WW) is presented. All the photocatalytic experiments were conducted using envi-
Accepted 16 March 2016
ronmental relevant concentrations of TCPP, inherent pH and simulated solar irradiation with the view
Available online 18 March 2016
to simulate real environmental conditions. Degradation followed apparent rst-order kinetics with rate
constants varying from kapp = 14.2 102 min1 to kapp = 1.41 102 min1 for initial TCPP concentrations
in the range of 25500 gL1 while mineralization was accomplished in prolonged irradiation times as
Flame retardants
monitored by the release of chlorine and phosphate ions. Scavenging studies were carried out in UW,
Photocatalysis indicating that photogenerated HO in the catalyst surface are the main species participating in the photo-
Scavengers catalytic mechanism. Experiments using secondary treated wastewater showed a signicant retardation
Transformation products of TCPP photocatalytic degradation mainly due scavenging effects and competitive adsorption of aromatic
and phenolic compounds and inorganic ions, such as HCO3 , contained in the wastewater matrix. The
transformation products were elucidated by UPLC-TOF-MS instrumentation and hydroxylation, oxida-
tion, dechlorination and dealkylation have been identied as the principal photocatalytic transformation
routes before complete mineralization. Toxicity assays in UW and WW were also conducted using Vibrio
scheri as tested organism showing a progressive toxicity decrease along the treatment till low values.
Measurements showed a higher initial toxicity and a slower decrease in WW that is attributed to the
more complex matrix regarding chemical pollutants and their transformation products formed during
the treatment as well as scavenging effects.
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction removal of aquatic pollutants belonging to the category of ame

retardants is scarce.
The efciency of heterogeneous photocatalysis for the removal Flame retardants (FRs) constitute a class of emerging contam-
of a great number of organic contaminants from aqueous phase inants as their heavy use in consumer and building products, has
is well-documented in the literature [13]. An increasing num- led to their presence in air, water and sediments at various con-
ber of scientic works are focused on the photocatalytic removal centration levels [812]. FRs are considered to be environmentally
of aquatic pollutants such as personal care products, pharmaceu- persistent and exert ecotoxicological effects at relatively low con-
ticals, pesticides, taste and odor compounds, veterinary products centrations [9,10,12]. In recognition of their adverse effects on
and food additives, among others, demonstrating promising results aquatic ecosystem and human health, various FRs are under eval-
[17]. The efciency of the process has been associated with the uation in the framework of Toxic Substances Control Act from U.S.
generation of various oxidizing and reductive species when the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) [9].
photocatalyst is illuminated with energy greater than its bang gap Among FRs, we have focused on the aliphatic halogenated phos-
[13,7]. Although heterogeneous photocatalysis has become a eld phate ester, tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP), a compound
of extensive research during the last decades, the photocatalytic included in the European Commission fourth priority list [10]. Due
its heavy production and major application, TCPP has also been cat-
egorized as an EU high production volume (HPV) chemical [10].
Recent studies have reported the occurrence of TCPP in natural
Corresponding author.
water bodies and efuents as a result of incomplete removal by
E-mail address: (I.K. Konstantinou).
0926-3373/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160 153

conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) [10,12]. TCPP (50 mg L1 ) was selected based on the low environmental relevant
has been detected in efuent and surface water samples at concen- concentration levels used in the irradiation experiments in order to
trations as high as 24 g L1 and 200 ng L1 , respectively [10,12]. not obtain very fast kinetics and to facilitate the study on the degra-
The main focus of the present work is to provide novel dation kinetics, mechanisms and identication of transformation
knowledge in relation to the applicability of heterogeneous TiO2 products. Prior to exposure to simulated solar irradiation, the sus-
photocatalysis to remove TCPP, a representative ame retardant pension was magnetically stirred for 30 min in the dark to ensure
pollutant, from water matrices that is studied for the rst time. adsorption equilibrium of TCPP onto the TiO2 surface. The radia-
For this purpose, the photocatalytic transformation of TCPP was tion intensity was xed at 250 W m2 for all experiments and the
investigated using concentrations similar to those detected in real incident irradiance dose for 10 min of irradiation was 150 kJ m2 as
efuents and two different aqueous matrices, ultrapure water (UW) provided by an internal radiometer of Suntest instrument. Samples
and municipal wastewater secondary treatment efuent (WW). of about 2 mL were periodically withdrawn from the reactor and
More specically, the photocatalytic transformation of TCPP in ltered for further analysis.
UW and WW, in terms of pollutant abatement and mineraliza-
tion and the effect of the matrix on the transformation process
were evaluated. The contribution of oxidative and reductive species 2.3. Analytical determinations
generated during the process was studied in detail using vari-
ous well-established scavengers. Emphasis was also placed on the TCPP quantication and identication of transformation prod-
identication of the transformation products using ultra pressure ucts was performed by means of UPLC coupled to a time of ight
liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-ight mass spectrome- mass spectrometry (UPLC-TOF-MS) system in positive ionization
try (UPLC-TOF-MS). Finally, the study focused also on the integrated mode. Samples (20 mL) were pre-concentrated by means of solid
evaluation of the treatment process by assessing the evolution of phase extraction (SPE) as reported in our previous study to a
ecotoxicity during the treatment. nal volume of 0.2 mL [5]. The UPLC-TOF-MS system consisted
of an Ultra-High Performance LC pump (Dionex Ultimate 3000,
Thermo) equipped with a C18 AcclaimTM RSLC 120 column, 100 mm
2. Experimental
x 2.1 mm, 2.2 m particle size (Thermo Fisher Scientic, San Jose,
USA), thermostated at 30 C and a microTOF Focus II time of ight
2.1. Chemicals
mass spectrometer (Brker Daltonics, Germany). A and B mobile
phases were methanol and water with 5 mM ammonium formate
TCPP (mixtures of isomers), analytical standard was obtained
respectively, at a ow rate of 0.4 mL min1 . The following program
by Sigma-Aldrich (USA). TiO2 P25 (Evonik, Germany; particle
was adopted: 1% A/99% B at 0 min to 99% A/1% B in 10 min and
size 2030 nm; crystal structure, 80% anatase and 20% rutile;
back to the initial ratio in 13 min. The injection volume was 10 L.
surface area, 56 m2 g1 , zero point of charge 6.36.8) was
The TOF mass analyzer with an electrospray interface was oper-
employed as the semiconductor catalyst in the photocatalytic
ated under the following conditions: dry gas ow rate 8 L min1
experiments. All reagents used (sodium azide (NaN3 ), KI, p-
(nitrogen), nebulizer pressure 2.4 bar, capillary voltage at 4500 V,
benzoquinone (BQ), NaF, K2 Cr2 O7 and Folin Ciocalteu) were
end plate offset at 500 V, hexapole RF 100.0 Vpp, dry temperature
obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. LCMS-grade solvents (acetonitrile,
at 200 C using otof control software. The mass accuracy (5 ppm)
isopropanol, methanol and water) were supplied by Merck and
of the TOF mass analyzer was ensured by an externally calibra-
used for UPLC-TOF-MS analyses. In order to remove the TiO2
tion using sodium formate, in the scan range m/z 501000, prior
particles of the solution samples during the experiments, HA
to analysis. Under the adopted chromatographic conditions, TCPP
0.45 m lters were supplied by Millipore (Bedford, USA). Oasis
retention time was 8.1 min The limit of detection (LOD) and limit
HLB (divinylbenzene/N-vinylpyrrolidone copolymer) cartridges
of quantitation (LOQ) was 50 and 165 ng L1 , respectively.
(60 mg, 3 mL) from Waters (Mildford, MA, USA) were used for the
Aromatic compounds content in WW sample was evaluated
extraction of water samples and the identication of transforma-
by means of the absorbance at 254 nm that was monitored using
tion products. TCPP solutions were prepared both in ultrapure
a UVvis spectrophotometer (Hitachi, U-2000). The total phenols
water (Milli-Q) and secondary (conventional activated sludge)
were determined by the FolinCiocalteau method. The phenolic
treated municipal wastewater samples (WW). Samples of WW
content (TPh) was expressed as mg L1 of equivalent phenol, using
were collected directly from the treatment plant of Patras Univer-
a calibration curve based on standard solutions of phenol. Cl and
sity, West Greece. After collection, the samples were transferred
PO4 3 ions, released during the oxidation of TCPP, were determined
to the laboratory immediately and ltered to remove particulate
by a Dionex ICS-1500 Ion Chromatography system incorporated
matter. Mean values of physicochemical parameters of the WW
with an ASRS Ultra II suppressor. Analysis was performed on an Ion-
were: pH 7.85 0.04; conductivity = 310.51 25.3 S cm1 ;
Pac AS9-HC using an aqueous sodium carbonate (9 mM) solution as
Total suspended solids = 1.07 0.013 mg L1 ; Chemical
mobile phase was at a ow rate of 1 mL min1 .
oxygen demand = 18.9 1.82 mg L1 ; Total organic car-
bon = 6.2 0.18 mg L1 ; TPh = 1.03 0.015 mg L1 ; PO4 3 = 1.85
0.017 mg L1 ; SO4 2 = 30 0.96 mg L1 ; NO3 = 20.5 0.48 mg L1 . 2.4. Scavenging experiments

2.2. Photocatalytic experiments The role of HO , h+ , e aq and O2 in the degradation mech-
anism was assessed by the addition of 1 103 M isopropanol
Photocatalytic experiments were carried out in a solar simu- (i-PrOH), 1 103 M I , 50 103 M K2 Cr2 O7, 1 103 M p-BQ
lator Suntest XLS+ apparatus (Atlas, Germany) equipped with a and 1 103 M N3 , respectively. Photocatalytic experiments with
2.2 kWatt xenon lamp jacked and special glass lters cutting the the addition of 1 103 M methanol as well as using MeCN as reac-
irradiation with wavelengths below 290 nm. In each experiment tion media were also conducted for discrimination between the
250 mL of aqueous solutions with the desired concentration of TCPP oxidation by HO and h+ . To wash HO ads into solution as bulk
and the appropriate amount of catalyst (50 mg L1 ) were loaded in HO bulk , NaF at 0.1 103 mM was used. Finally, aqueous solu-
Pyrex glass UV-reactor at ambient conditions (temperature = 23 C tions of TCPP degassed with high-purity N2 were also subjected
and pH 6.5) under continuous stirring. The catalyst loading level to photocatalytic treatment [13,14].
154 M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160

2.5. Toxicity evolution during photocatalytic treatment

The evolution of toxicity during the photocatalytic treatment

was assessed by the well-described in the literature Vibrio scheri
assay, using a Microtox Model 500 Toxicity Analyzer (Azur Envi-
ronmental) [14,15]. The inhibition of luminescence was recorded
after 5, 15, 30, 60 and 90 min of incubation at 15 C.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Preliminary experiments

Previous to the photocatalytic experiments, preliminary pho-

tolysis, adsorption and hydrolysis experiments were performed in
both ultrapure and WW with a TCPP concentration of 25 g L1 . As
shown in Fig. 1S (Supporting information), no signicant removal
of the investigated ame retardant in the dark and under simulated
solar irradiation, in both matrices was observed. More specically,
the direct photolysis showed that only 4% and 7% of TCPP was
removed after 240 min of simulated solar illumination in ultrapure
and WW, respectively. About 9% of the initial TCPP concentra-
tion was adsorbed onto the catalyst in the dark, after 30 min of
continuous stirring, in both matrices. Similarly, hydrolysis exper-
iments showed negligible transformation of the compound (data
not shown).

3.2. Heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2

Degradation kinetics of TCPP by TiO2 heterogeneous photo-

catalysis at various environmental relevant initial concentrations
(C0 = 25 500 g L1 ) in ultrapure water is depicted in Fig. 1a. TCPP
was completely degraded in ultrapure water after 30180 min of
photocatalytic treatment depending on the initial concentration of
the target compound. As shown in Fig. 1a, increasing initial TCPP
Fig. 1. (a) Degradation kinetics of TCPP (C0 = 25500 g L1 ) in aqueous TiO2 suspen-
concentration has a negative effect on the rst order degradation sions (50 mg L1 ) under simulated solar light (I = 250 W m2 ) in UW, (b) Evolution
reaction rates. With an increase in TCPP concentration, the ratio of Cl and PO4 3 ions ([TCPP] = 250 g L1 , [TiO2 ] = 50 mg L1 , I = 250 W m2 ) in UW.
of available oxidative species (HO and h+ ) to the substrate con-
centration decreases, leading to extension of degradation time.
Moreover, competitive action for the oxidative species between amount is closely reached. A slower release and lower amounts of
target compound and generated TPs could take place as a conse- PO4 3 ions at the end of the process and a rapid release of Cl has
quence of increased intermediates formation at higher substrate also been reported by other research groups which investigated the
concentrations [16,17]. The degradation kinetics of TCPP at the photocatalytic degradation of aliphatic organophosphorus com-
same experimental conditions as a function of the irradiation dose pounds such as dichlorvos [18,19].
(kJ m2 ) measured by Suntest apparatus are also given in Fig. 2S To estimate the effect of water matrix on the photocatalytic
(Supporting information). efciency, real secondary treated WW samples were spiked with
Chloride (Cl ) and phosphates (PO4 3 ) ions were monitored by 25 g L1 TCPP. This concentration was selected in order to simu-
IC during the photocatalytic treatment carried out using 250 g L1 late the highest concentration that has been detected in wastewater
as initial concentration in ultrapure water and the results are efuents. As clearly seen in Fig. 2, a signicant inhibition in the
depicted in Fig. 1b. Similar investigation in WW photocatalytic degradation of TCPP was observed in WW and about 32% removal
experiments was not possible to be conducted due to the inter- was achieved after 240 min. Similar results have been reported by
ferences provoked by its chemical composition. As progressive other researchers [2022], showing that the photocatalytic degra-
mineralization takes place, the heteroatoms present in TCPP dation of pharmaceutical and other organic pollutants was strongly
molecule are released in the form of Cl and PO4 3 ions. Cl and hindered in wastewater matrices. The degradation kinetics of TCPP
PO4 3 reached after 300 min of irradiation about 95.6% and 64.5% in WW matrix as a function of the irradiation dose (kJ m2 ) mea-
of the expected stoichiometric chlorine and phosphorous amount, sured by Suntest apparatus is also given in Fig. 3S (Supporting
respectively. At the same time period the pH of the suspension was information). The observed results may be explained by the pres-
evolved from 6.3 to 5.4. The lack of phosphorous stoichiometric ence of (i) organic carbon that can react with hydroxyl radical (HO
recovery indicated: (a) the presence of P-containing compounds, scavenging reaction rate constants, kHO , with natural organic mat-
at the end of the process prior to TCPP complete mineralization to ter is reported in the range 1.02.0 108 M1 s1 ) [23] and (ii)
CO2 and H2 O; and (b) the adsorption of phosphates ions in TiO2 sur- various species such as inorganic ions that can quench reactive
face as reviewed for organophosphate pesticides elsewhere [1]. An species generated during heterogeneous photocatalysis leading to
adsorption experiment using 150 g L1 of phosphate ions (close to less reactive or non-reactive radical species [24,25] or adsorbed into
the concentration theoretically released from TCPP mineralization) the catalyst surface covering reactive sites.
and 50 mg L1 of catalyst showed about 30% of phosphate adsorp- Considering, the aliphatic structure of TCPP and the documented
tion thus taking into account this percentage the stoichiometric in the literature preference of HO radicals attack on the aro-
M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160 155

1.0 1.0 1.0

AbsUV254 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.4 NAF
0.2 0.2 I
Cr (VI)
I +i-PrOH+N2
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Irradiation time (min) Irradiation time (min)
Fig. 2. Degradation kinetics of TCPP (C0 = 25 g L ) and TPh and evolution of Fig. 3. Degradation kinetics of TCPP (C0 = 100 g L1 ) in the presence of scavengers
absorbance at 254 nm, in aqueous TiO2 suspensions (50 mg L1 ) under simulated in aqueous TiO2 suspensions (50 mg L1 ) under simulated solar light (I = 250 W m2 ).
solar light (I = 250 W m2 ) in WW.

Besides radical scavenging, the competitive adsorption of inor-

ganic anions is considered as an additional potential mechanism of
matic ring in comparison with the attack on the alkyl chain [26], inhibition, covering the available reactive sites of the photocatalyst
the removal of total phenolic compounds as well as the aromatic for reaction with the organic substrate and forming a surrounding
organic content of wastewater was followed in concomitance with layer [22,34]. The competition for the catalyst surface is inuenced
TCPP abatement. Their removal during the photocatalytic treat- by the ionization state of titania thus, a more pronounced nega-
ment is illustrated in Fig. 2. About 70% of total phenols removal was tive effect of inorganic anions on the photocatalytic degradation
recorded after 240 min of photocatalytic treatment and after that of organic substrates was usually recorded for pH < pHPZC of the
time, levels below the detection limits were reached. The relative photocatalyst, as in the present study, since negatively charged
fast kinetics are consistent with the reported high rate constants ions are adsorbed in a greater extent in the positively charged tita-
(109 1010 L M1 s1 ) [27] of HO reaction with phenolics. The nia surface. Finally, some anions (e.g. NO3 , SO4 2 ) may raise the
absorbance at 254 nm appeared to decrease progressively, reach- turbidity of the solution, which could cause the screening of UV
ing a reduction of 75% at the end of the process. The signicant radiation when applying photocatalytic treatments [35]. For exam-
reduction of aromatic and phenolic organic content compared to ple, nitrates absorb light in the range of 300310 nm and in 360 nm
TCPP removal during the photocatalytic treatment can explain par- consequently high nitrate concentrations can limit the effective-
tially the signicant inhibitory effect of water constituents on TCPP ness of the photocatalytic process due to inner lter effect that
removal as well as the importance of pollutants chemical structure lead to the decrease of the semiconductor photoexcitation. How-
for the potential HO radicals attack, in real matrices. Finally, given ever, taking into account the low molar absorption coefcients at
the above mentioned k OH rate constants for NOM and phenolics 360 nm ( = 22.5 M1 cm1 ) and 310 nm ( = 7.4 M1 cm1 ) and the
that are similar or higher compared to the k OH reaction constant concentration of nitrates in the wastewater, the inner lter effect
for TCPP (1.98 108 M1 s1 , [28]) and the much higher concentra- due to NO3 could be neglected. On the contrary, nitrates could
tion of dissolved organic carbon compared to the concentration of participate in photo-reactions that generate HO radicals. However,
TCPP, the signicant inhibition in TCPP photocatalytic degradation the production of HO radicals is expected to have a signicant con-
in wastewaters is fully justied. tribution in the photocatalytic degradation of organic substrates
In addition, inorganic anions, such as phosphate, sulphate, only during irradiation from a short UVC ( > 200 nm) source [36]
nitrate and chloride ions, contained in the wastewater, have that is not the case in the present study.
been reported to retard the photocatalytic of organic pollutants In conclusion, the inhibiting effect of inorganic ions is affected
[4,26,2931]. Retardation effects are related with the reaction by the interplay of kinetic factors such as HO quenching rate
between positive h+ and HO with anions, that behave as h+ and constants and reaction rate constants of the resulting inorganic
HO scavengers. High rate constants for reaction with hydroxyl radicals towards the organic substrate, the competitive adsorption
radicals were reported for chloride ions (k = 4.3 109 L M1 s1 ), towards catalyst surface and the concentration ratio of ions versus
sulfate ions (k = 1.0 1010 L M1 s1 ) and carbonates, bicarbon- the organic substrate or other organic matter present in the reaction
ates ions (k = 3.8 108 and 1.0 107 , respectively), lower for media.
phosphate (k < 1.0 107 L M1 s1 ) and dihydrogen phosphate
(k < 106 L M1 s1 ) anions while NO3 can be considered as 3.3. Contribution of reactive species in the degradation
poor HO scavenger (k < 1.0 105 L M1 s1 ) [27]. Taking into mechanism-Scavenging study
account the reaction rate constant of HO towards TCPP molecule
(1.98 108 L M1 s1 ) and the wastewater media physicochemical The contribution of various oxidizing and reductive species
characteristics the most probable quenching effect are expected generated during the process was estimated through scavenging
for sulphate and bicarbonate ions. The resulting inorganic radi- experiments in ultrapure water, by adding excess of well-
cals such as Cl (2.47 V) NO3 (2.32.5 V), SO4 (2.53.1 V) and documented in the literature quenching reagents. Fig. 3 displays

CO3 (1.6 V) exhibit in most cases a lower oxidation potential than the degradation kinetics of TCPP in the presence of the employed
the main oxidant species participating in the process, h+ (2.6 V) and scavengers. The corresponding kinetic parameters as well as the
HO (2.62.8 V), although in some cases (e.g. SO4 ) present also a reduction of rate constants in scavenging experiments have been
higher selectivity. In addition, some inorganic radicals, e.g. CO3 , compiled in Table 1. i-PrOH (HO scavenger, kHO = 1.9 109 ),
reacts more slowly than HO with most organic substrates [32,33]. methanol (h+ and HO scavenger, kHO = 9.7 108 ), I (h+ and HO
156 M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160

Table 1 Table 2
Kinetic Parameters (Rate constants, correlation coefcients (R2 ), Half-Life (t1/2 )) LCMS-TOF retention times, high resolution accurate mass data ([M + H+ ], molecular
of TCPP in the presence of scavengers ([TCPP]0 = 100 g L1 , [TiO2 ] = 50 mg L1 , formulas and relative error (ppm)) for TCPP and the identied transformation
I = 250 W m2 ). products.

Treatment system k x 102 (min) t 1/2 (min) R2 % k Rt (min) TPs code Molecular formula [M + H+ ]  (ppm)

Control 5.11 13.6 0.9982 8.1 TCPP C9 H19 Cl3 O4 P 327.0083 0.6
i-PrOH 0.32 216.6 0.9419 93.74 7.5 TP343 C9 H19 Cl3 O5 P 343.0029 0.3
MeOH 0.2 346.5 0.966 96.08 7.3 TP307 C9 H18 Cl2 O5 P 307.0270 2.2
NaF 3.47 20.0 0.9756 32.1 7.1 TP211 C8 H20 O4 P 211.1092 0.8
p-BQ 1.5 46.2 0.9175 70.6 6.8 TP323 C9 H18 Cl2 O6 P 323.0213 0
ACN 0.38 182.4 0.8691 92.56 6.7 TP251 C6 H14 Cl2 O4 P 250.9996 2.2
I 0.33 210.0 0.9427 93.54
Cr (VI) 4.03 17.2 0.9882 21.13
I + i-PrOH + N2 0.14 495.0 0.9903 97.26
N3 0.6 115.5 0.9291 88.30 the proposed elemental composition and the exact mass values of
the major TPs identied during the degradation of TCPP. In Fig. 4,
UPLC-ESIMS chromatographic proles after 30 min of photocat-
scavenger, kHO = 1.1 1010 ) [27] ions and MeCN as reaction media alytic treatment for full scan and scan ltered m/z ions are depicted.
were used to discern the participation of holes and HO in the reac- The TCPP molecule (m/z [M + H]+ = 327.0083, C9 H19 Cl3 O4 P+ ) is
tion mechanism. Iodide ion is strongly bound to the TiO2 surface an aliphatic chlorinated organophosphate compound and the
and has been used to estimate the quantum yield of photogen- results clearly demonstrated that the main structural alterations
erated holes [37] while it scavenge also efciently the resulted took place in the chlorinated isopropyl moieties. HO attack at
HO ads radicals. The rate constant decreased by 93.74%, 96.08% one CH3 group of isopropyl chain resulted in the formation of
and 93.54% when i-PrOH, methanol and I ions were added to the hydroxylated derivative with m/z [M + H]+ = 343.0029 (TP 343) and
photocatalytic system, respectively. An inhibition of 92.56% was molecular formula C9 H19 Cl3 O5 P+ . The formation of TP307 with [M
observed when TCPP photocatalytic degradation was performed + H]+ at m/z 307.0270 can be explained by the loss of one Cl atom
in MeCN solution. In the presence of NaF a rate constant equal from TCPP molecule followed by the oxidation of CH3 group. The
to 3.47 102 min1 was obtained, decreasing by 32.1%, due to formation of TP323 ([M + H]+ = 323.0213) indicates the cleavage of
the transformation of HO ads to HO bulk [38]. Based on the above one Cl atom and the simultaneous hyrdoxylation and oxidation of
results, the degradation of TCPP can be proposed to take place at TCPP molecule and can formed from either TP307 or TP 343.
the surface or at least in the intimate proximity of the TiO2 parti- Previous research on the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with tri-
cles whereas the participation of HO in bulk water can be assumed alkyl phosphates has highlighted the preferential H-abstraction at
minor. The above results clearly show the major contribution of the -position relative to the phosphate functions [40,41]. Based
HO to TCPP degradation, the indirect participation of holes for the on the effect of chlorine substitution for the reaction of chloroalka-
generation of HO ads and the limited direct reaction of holes (about nes with HO radicals [42] the chlorine substitution in the alkyl
67%) with TCPP. groups of TCPP has two different effects: (a) an inductive which
A reduction in the rate constant of TCPP degradation of 88.30% decreases the reactivity for H-atom abstraction at least extending
was observed with azide addition, a well-documented 1 O2 and to the carbon relative to the chlorine position and (b) a mesomeric
HO scavenger (k1 O = 4 108 M1 s1 ; kHO = 1.2 1010 ), indicat- effect increasing the reactivity at the a carbon relative to the chlo-
rine position with the rst case to be the dominant effect [42].
ing negligible participation of 1 O2 in degradation mechanism. A rate
Watts and Linden [28] studied the advanced oxidation (UV/H2 O2
constant of 1.5 102 min1 corresponding to 70.6% decrease of
and O3 /H2 O2 ) kinetics of four different alkyl-phosphates namely
rate constant was observed with the addition of p-BQ (O2 and HO
tris-2-chloroethyl phosphate (TCEP), tris-2-butoxyethyl phosphate
scavenger, kO = 1.0 109 ; kHO = 1.2 109 ) [27,39], proving a
2 (TBEP), tributyl phosphate (TBP) and TCPP. They have concluded
partial contribution of O2 to TCPP degradation. that the addition of a Cl atom on the alkyl chain (e.g. TCEP) signi-
K2 Cr2 O7 was used to trap e aq produced at TiO2 conduc- cantly reduces H-atom availability relative to TBP and TBEP and the
tion band leading to a slight decrease of the rate constant to phosphate with the chain structure having the most carbons (TBEP)
4.03 102 min1 . For the elucidation of direct or indirect contri- had the fastest rate of reaction. However, TCPP with one more car-
bution of e aq , experiments in aqueous TCPP solution with I ions, bon on each chain than TCEP, scavenged HO at a slower rate, most
i-PrOH and N2 gas ow were conducted in order to exclude all other likely due to the inuence of the alkyl branched chain of TCPP [28].
species except reductive e aq. Experimental results showed that The H-abstraction is followed by O2 trapping resulting in the for-
the direct participation of e aq was limited (about 3%) as a rate mation of peroxy-radicals that recombines giving rise to hydroxy-
constant equal to 0.14 102 min1 was obtained. These results [43] and keto derivatives [44] or in another mechanism the gener-
are in agreement with the inhibition effect observed with the addi- ated hydroperoxide intermediate dehydrates to the corresponding
tion of p-BQ, proving the indirect contribution of e aq to form O2 aldehyde or ketone derivatives [45]. Finally, H-abstraction and the
after the effective capturing by oxygen (k = 1.9 1010 M1 s1 ). It is resulting carbon-centered radicals could be also followed by the
well established that e aq can react with O2 an electron acceptor addition of water leading to the formation of hydroxy-derivative
adsorbed on catalysts surface or dissolved in water, reducing it to according to the reaction pathways proposed for the isopropyl-
O2 [1,2]. function photocatalytic degradation [45].
The loss of one chloro-isopropyl group leads to the formation of
3.4. Identication of major transformation products by TP251 ([M + H]+ = 250.9996, C6 H14 Cl2 O4 P+ ). One potential mecha-
UPLC-TOFMS and catalyst reuse nism for the formation of TP251 is the direct dealkylation of the
phosphate triester to the corresponding di-ester could be assigned
The screening of the photocatalytically treated samples in UW to an addition of HO radical to the phosphorus center and the
in positive (+) ESI mode allowed the identication of ve TPs with subsequent elimination of the alkoxide radical [43,46]. In an alter-
a high degree of certainty (mass error < 2.2 ppm). The presence of native mechanism, acid catalyzed hydrolysis of the phosphate ester
the characteristic isotopic chlorine pattern in the mass spectrum through the addition of photogenerated H+ to the P = O bond could
of TPs facilitated their identication, as well. Table 2 summarizes be also proposed [43]. Finally, a less probable pathway via grad-
M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160 157

Intens. TPS_TCPP_30min_RA2_01_405.d: BPC +


Intens. TPS_TCPP_30min_RA2_01_405.d: EIC 343.0029 +

Intens. TPS_TCPP_30min_RA2_01_405.d: EIC 307.0270 +
Intens. TPS_TCPP_30min_RA2_01_405.d: EIC 211.10920.02 +

Intens. TPS_TCPP_30min_RA2_01_405.d: EIC 323.02130.02 +

Inten s. TPS_TCPP_30min_RA2_01_405.d: EIC 250.99960.05 +
3 4 5 6 7 8Time [min]

Fig. 4. UPLC-ESIMS chromatographic proles after 30 min photocatalytic treatment for full scan and scan ltered m/z ions.

4 mum area in the rst stages of the process (15 min) and gradually
7x10 TP343
TP323 decreased their abundance until the end of the photocatalytic
4 TP307 treatment. TP323 and TP251 can be considered as secondary trans-
TP251 formation products as they peak up at 30 min, following after a
4 TP211 progressively decay. Finally, the formation of TP211 is likely a
slower pathway reaching its maximum area at 60 min. At 120 min,
all TPs were completed abated.

The identied TPs and their proles are in agreement with the
3x10 slow release of PO4 3 , proving the preservation of phosphate core
of TCPP molecule till more prolonged irradiation times. On the other
2x10 hand, more rapid release of Cl is proved once more by the iden-
tication of dechlorinated TPs. Combining the above results on the
1x10 identied TPs and their evolution proles as well as the evolu-
tion of ions release the degradation could be considered to proceed
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 through hydroxylation, oxidation, dealkylation and dechlorination
pathways and a proposed degradation mechanism is given in Fig. 6.
Irradiation time (min) Taking into account the aliphatic structure of TCPP and the
results obtained in the present study, as nal TPs, compounds such
Fig. 5. Evolution proles of identied TPs ([TCPP] = 100 g L1 , [TiO2 ] = 50 mg L1 ,
I = 250 W m2 ).
as the methyl esters of phosphoric acid, formic, acetic, glycolic,
oxalic acids and phosphates can be considered [18,51]. A great effort
was also devoted to elucidate TPs generated during the photocat-
ual demethylation by oxidation and decarboxylation reactions [47] alytic removal of TCPP using wastewater as matrix. In this case,
could be also proposed. only TP307 and TP251 have been identied. Both TPs emerged at
A dechlorination reaction pathway can be proposed for the for- prolonged treatment times (120 min) and remained abundant in
mation of TP211 ([M + H]+ = 211.1092, C8 H20 O4 P+ ) exhibited the the reaction solution until 360 min showing once more the notable
absence of chlorine isotopic pattern in the mass spectra. A reductive effect of water matrix composition on the photocatalytic process.
dechlorination by superoxide radical ions could be proposed based Since the stability and recyclability of photocatalysts are of great
on previous results dealing with the photocatalytic degradation of importance for industrial applications, the photocatalytic degrada-
chlorinated aliphatic compounds [48], pentachlorophenol [49] and tion of TCPP for three consecutive cycles was investigated and the
halogenated disinfection by-products [50]. In contrast, reductive kinetics proles are presented in Fig. 7. TCPP removal after 60 min
dechlorination by e is supposed to be a minor pathway. of irradiation decreased only about 10% probably due to the accu-
Due to the lack of analytical standards of the identied TPs, mulation of end-product in the surface of the catalyst. The observed
an accurate determination of the exact concentrations was not loss of efciency is similar with that reported in other studies for
possible, thus the relative area of TPs versus irradiation time was
followed. As depicted in Fig. 5, TP343 and TP307 attained its maxi-
158 M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160



Cl Cl




Cl Cl Cl
Cl Cl Cl
TP343 CH3 TP251* TP307* CH3



Cl Cl

CH3 TP211 CH3


Fig. 6. Proposed degradation pathways of TCPP photocatalytic degradation in the presence of TiO2 and simulated solar light in UW (*TPs identied in WW, as well).

applied process in both matrices. Photocatalytically treated sam-

ples at different treatment stages were analyzed to estimate the
percentage of inhibition of each sample after various exposure
times i.e. 5, 15, 30, 60 and 90 min. An increase in the inhibitory
effect was observed up to 30 min of exposure, reaching a plateau
thereafter, thus Fig. 8a depicts the data measured after 30 min of
incubation in UW. The initial solution of TCPP showed an inhibi-
tion percentage of 21%. With the progressively abatement of TCPP,
the percentage inhibition decreases and after 240 min the toxicity
reaches a nal value of less than 2%. This trend indicates that TCPP
degradation proceeds with the formation of less toxic TPs compared
to the parent compound. The lower toxicity can be attributed to the
dechlorinated and more polar generated TPs [54].
Fig. 8b illustrates the evolution of inhibition as a function
of photocatalytic treatment using WW as matrix. As shown in
Fig. 6b, the inhibition of the untreated solution of TCPP (WW
spiked with 100 g L1 TCPP) is 47% that is slightly increased to
55% after 30 min of irradiation. After that time, inhibition percent-
Fig. 7. Photocatalytic degradation proles of TCPP after three consecutive catalytic ages decrease slowly and only after prolonged irradiation time low
cycles ([TCPP] = 100 g L1 , [TiO2 ] = 50 mg L1 , I = 250 W m2 ).
toxicity, less than 14%, was achieved. The results indicate that the
initial toxicity of the solution originates partially, from compounds
the use of TiO2 P25 in three catalytic cycles for the degradation of present in wastewater. This was veried by the initial toxicity of
dyes and phenol [52,53]. the wastewater sample which showed an inhibition of 23%. More-
over near additive effects between TCPP and organic and inorganic
compounds present in the wastewater was indicated. The slight
3.5. Ecotoxicity assessment
increase in 30 min can be attributed to the by-products of wastew-
aters organic content formed during the photocatalytic treatment.
For the complete evaluation of treatment technologies, the eco-
Similarly to our results, an increase in the toxicity during the rst
toxicological tests are considered to be useful tools. The evolution of
stages has also been observed during the treatment of wastewater
toxicity during the photocatalytic treatment was monitored using
with phenolic content by different AOPs [7,55]. Toxicity decrease
Vibrio Fischeri assay in order to provide further evaluation of the
M. Antonopoulou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 152160 159


This research has been co-nanced by the European Union

(European Social Fund ESF) and Greek national funds through
the Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning of the
National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)Research Fund-
ing Program: THALIS (MIS:379409). Investing in knowledge society
through the European Social Fund.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,

in the online version, at


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