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A Comparative Analysis of Advanced Planning and Scheduling and Supply

Chain Management Practices in India and Ethiopia

Prof.Kameswara Rao PorankiMBA.,PhD.,

Professor in Department of Management, College of Business & Economics,
Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa City, Ethiopia
Prof.N.R.V.Prabhu MBA.,PhD.,PDF


In India as well as Ethiopia many companies now a days are more and more moving to low
wage regions as they are highly economical for cost of production. Compared to the cost
reduction is good for any company but effective use of resources are more efficient for and
appropriate for any company. Many organizations are involving on Advanced planning and
Technical Scheduling along with suitable Supply Change Management techniques. The
researchers in this study has found out that the India as well as Ethiopia are following resource
saving concept with major improvements in delivery performance, responsiveness, supply chain
costs, and asset management can be achieved. There are several barriers to a success in India as
well as Ethiopia due to lack of managerial commitment and hierarchies as well as outsourced IT
departments in many companies. We have offered some recommendations to overcome these
barriers by using APS and SCM techniques in both the countries by stressing the importance of
committed managers.

Keywords: Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Material Requirements Planning,

Manufacturing Resource Planning, Enterprise Resource Planning, Financial Costs

Originality/value: The researchers of this paper has conducted a study on A Comparative

Analysis of Advanced Planning and Scheduling and Supply Chain Management Practices in
India and Ethiopia. This is to ascertain the connection between the Advanced Planning and
Scheduling and Engineering concept and the Supply Chain Management, a management concept
by comparing the industrial situation both in India as well as in Ethiopia a Eastern African
country. This is possible as once researcher is living in India and the other is living in Ethiopia as
to make this research possible.

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