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Aktuelle Studentische Arbeiten am IMSAS / Current Student Work at IMSAS

Info: "Art der Arbeit" ist nicht fix und kann individuell gendert werden. Neben diesen Themen gibt es oft weitere Themen. Fragt einfach nach!

Info: "Type of work" is not fixed and can be individually varied. Apart from the topics below there are often more topics. Feel free to ask!

Aktualisiert 24.01.2017

Email Available/
Art der Arbeit / Type
Ansprechpartner (@imsas.uni- Telefon Topic/Thema der Arbeit Short Description/Kurzbeschreibung starting/ab Requirements / Voraussetzung Noch zu
of work vergeben

literature review, sending power to sensor wireless,

Implementation of wireless power supply commercial-based evaluation module solution and RF Communication, PCB design,
kahali@fwbi- Masterprojekt,
Maryam Kahali 62638 and data communication with a material- development kits, designing PCB layout (sensor, at any time electronic design, Ja Masterarbeit
embedded sensor amplifier and PC interface), program firmware, microcontroller programming
prototyping and testing system, optimizing the design

Literaturrecherche zu Tinten mit hohem

Herstellung gedruckter Thermoelemente Bachelorarbeit, Grundwissen zu
Gerrit Dumstorff gdumstorff 62616 Seebeckkoeffizienten, Auswahl einer Tinte, Drucken zu jeder Zeit Ja
auf Stahl mit hoher Sensitivitt Masterarbeit Thermoelementen
und Charakterisieren der Thermoelemente

Phasenverschiebung in fluoreszierenden Aufbau einer Schaltung zur Messung der
Frank Bunge fbunge 62579 Masterprojekt, Sofort GrundwissenSchaltungsentwurf Ja
Filmen Phasenverschiebung in fluoreszierenden Filmen
Entwurf & Fertigung eines Sensorchips &
Auswerteelektronik, der Parameter wie pH-Wert,
berwachung verschiedener Parameter Masterprojekt ErfahrungimBereichSensorik,
Frank Bunge fbunge 62579 Glucosegehalt, etc. berwachen kann und einen Jun 16 Ja
einer Nhrlsung bei der Zellkultivierung Gruppenarbeit Schaltungsentwurf
Wechsel des Mediums anzeigt (geplant als
design (3D CAD) and fabrication of 3D phononic
Frieder Lucklum flucklum 62645 3D phononic crystal cavity sensor Masterarbeit Jul/Aug 16 Inventor/3DCAD Ja
(acoustic) crystal structures
design (3D CAD) and fabrication of microfluidic
3D microfluidic system with integrated Bachelorarbeit
Frieder Lucklum flucklum 62645 systems with arbitrary, freeform geometries and Jul 16 Inventor/3DCAD Ja
valve and pumping components Masterarbeit
freely moving parts
Design, simulation and implementation of electronic
Design of electronic readout system for Bachelor thesis
hardware for autonomous detection of mold growth. As early as
Poorna Papireddy pvinayaka 62605 monitoring air spores in the indoor Master project Master Hardware/microcontroller/programm Ja
Experience in microcontroller programing, electronic possible
environments thesis
hardware is necessary.

Ethylene Gas detection using Bachelorarbeit,
Nayyer Abbas Zaidi nzaidi 62592 Juni Hardware / Labview Ja
Electrochemical gas sensor Masterarbeit

Electrothermal simulation of Gas Bachelorarbeit Designing the GC column in Coventorware and then
Nayyer Abbas Zaidi nzaidi 62592 Juni Coventorware Ja
Chromatographic (GC) columns Masterarbeit caring out electro-thermal simulation

Construction and realization of a adhesive Bachelor thesis Construction and realization of a drive, which moves Inventor/3DCAD,AltiumDesigner,
Roland Blank rblank 62576 Sep 15 Ja
tape drive! Master project the adhesive tape from one roll to a second roll! ProgrammingC#
Email Available/
Art der Arbeit / Type
Ansprechpartner (@imsas.uni- Telefon Topic/Thema der Arbeit Short Description/Kurzbeschreibung starting/ab Requirements / Voraussetzung Noch zu
of work vergeben

salas@fwbi- Design of a demodulator and signal Vertiefungsprojekt Programierung eines Mikrocontrollers und Entwurf Spice Simulation, Eagle,
Mariugenia Salas 62609 Ab Oktober Ja conditioning for a wireless SHM System Masterprojekt einer Analogschaltung Ultiboard, Altium oder hnliches

salas@fwbi- Simulation des Hygroskopischen
Mariugenia Salas 62618 Masterarbeit COMSOL Simulation Ab Oktober COMSOL (Mechanics, Fluidics) Ja Schwellens von RTM6 Harz
Muhammad Waseem Bachelor thesis As Soon As
wtahir 62637 Fungus Classification using Random Forest Classification of fungus spores using Random forest MATLABorC/C++forImage Ja
Tahir Master project possible

Muhammad Waseem Train and Classify fungus spores using Gaussian As Soon As GoodProgrammingskillsin
wtahir 62637 Fungus detection using GMM Master Thesis Ja
Tahir Mixture Model possible MATLAB.BasicknowledgeofGMM

Muhammad Waseem 1. Detect Spores 2. Fourier Analysis of Spores 3. As Soon As KnowledgeImageprocessing.Good

wtahir 62637 Fungus detection using multi sourcing Master Thesis Ja
Tahir Random Markov Field 4. Spores Count possible ProgrammingskillsinMATLAB

Muhammad Waseem As Soon As GoodProgrammingskillsin

wtahir 62637 Generation of detection proposal in images Master Thesis Apply different algorithm of detection proposal. Ja
Tahir possible MATLAB,C/C++andpython.
Bachelorarbeit DieArbeitrichtetsichprimran
graebner@fwbi- Studie zur Wirtschaftlichkeit berwachbarer Wirtschaftlich-technische Beurteilung eines Systems Nach
Daniel Grbner 62575 Masterarbeit Studierendedes Ja Dichtungen in berdrucksystemen zur Zustandsberwachung von Elastomerdichtungen Absprache
Vertiefungsprojekt Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens!

salas@fwbi- Impedanz-Wandler zur Messung eines Bachelorarbeit Programierung eines Mikrocontrollers und A/D Spice SimulationEagle,
Mariugenia Salas 62609 Ab Oktober Nein Feuchtesensors Vertiefungsprojekt Wandlers und Entwurf einer Analogschaltung Ultiboard, Altium oder hnliches

Analog and Operational

Amplifier based Circuit Design
Organic field effect transistors show pressure
Development of a transistor analyzer for (mandatory)
graebner@fwbi- sensitive behaviour. A device for the excitation and As Soon As
Daniel Grbner 62575 the characterization of organic field effect Masterarbeit Hardware Development, Nein characterization of these transistors is to be designed, possible
transistors Programming (XMEGA
build and tested.
microcontroller), Transistor

To read out sensor data in real-time grinding

experiments, a data acquisition system has to be
Good knowledge of strain
created. This can be done by using a microcontroller.
Bachelor thesis gauges and wheatstone bridge
Development of a data acquisition system The software has to be programmed and it has to be
Mridsumita Sarma msarma 62619 Master project Master Apr 16 circuits, signal conditioning Nein
for thin-film sensors using microcontroller implemented in the hardware. Once the
thesis circuits, microcontroller
measurement set-up is ready it can be tested and
progremming, C programming
used to read-out the signals from the sensor in real-
1. Simulation of an aerosol flow which is pumped
through a nozzle to a surface. Deflection of particles
Bachelor thesis at the surface.
Roland Blank rblank 62576 Simulation of particle flow Sep 15 Experience of Comsol. Nein
Master project 2. Simulation of an aerosol flow in an electromagnetic
field. Deflection of particles at the surface based on
the electromagnetic field.

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