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SUI DYNASTY 125 (@) Tai-ching-ching. This is the T'ai ch'ing-shén-chien, a famous old handbook of physiognomy. (©) Hua-t'o Chén-chiu-ching “Handbook of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Dr. Hua T’o”. For Hua T’o see page 71 above. (f) (Huang-ti-) hsia-ma-ching, a work on the same subject as the preceding item. These works are only quoted in a limited number of citations. Below is a translation of the Tung-hsilartatl. A perusal of this text will give the reader an idea of style and content of the ancient Chinese handbooks of sex. THE ARS AMATORIA OF MASTER TUNG-HSUAN I “Master Tung-hstian said: Of al the ten thousand things created by Heaven, man is the most precious. Of all things that make man prosper none can be compared to sexual intercourse. It is modeled after Heaven and takes its pattern by Earth, it regulates Yin and rules Yang. Those who understand its Significance can nurture their nature and prolong their years; those who miss its true meaning will harm themselves and die before their time. 0 “Now the methods of sexual intercourse as taught by the Dark Girl have been transmitted since antiquity; but they give only a general survey of this subject, they do not exhaust its subtle mysteries. When contemplating ‘these prescriptions I often thought of supplementing their lacunae. Gathering ‘esages and established manners I now have compiled this new handbook. Although it does not give all finer nuances, I yet hope that it contains the ‘eSentials. The various ways of sitting and lying together; the postures of stretching and opening the legs; the diverse ways of adjusting the body, and ‘the methods for deep and shallow penetration, all these comprise the Reason ef the sexual union and supply the Rhythm of the five elements. Those who Jet themselves be guided by these rules will attain longevity. Those who act eontrary to them will come to harm and perish. How should that which is ‘ef advantage to all not be transmitted for ten thousand generations ? 1 “Master Tung-hsiian said: Truly Heaven revolves to the left and Earth ‘sevolves to the right. Thus the four seasons succeed each other, man calls and ‘seoman follows, above there is action and below compliance; this is the natural 126 ‘THE HEYDAY OF EMPIRE ‘order of all things. If the man moves and the woman does not respond, or if the woman is roused and the man does not comply, then the sexual act will not only injure the man but also harm the woman, for this runs counter to the established relation between Yin and Yang. If they unite themselves im such a way neither of the partners to the act will derive benefit from it. ‘Therefore, man and woman must move according to their cosmic orientation, the man should thrust from above and the woman receive below. If they unite in this way, it can be called Heaven and Earth in even balance Iv ‘Deep and shallow, slow and quick, straight and slanting thrusts, all these are by no means uniform, each has its own characteristics. A slow thrust should resemble the movement of a carp caught on the hook; a quick thrust should resemble the flight of birds against the wind. Inserting and withdraw- ing, moving up and down and from left to right, interspaced by intervals or in quick succession, all these movements should be properly correlated. One must apply each of them at the proper time and not always stubbornly cling to one style alone to serve one’s convenience. v “When a man and a woman have intercourse for the first time, the man should sit down at the woman's left side and the woman should sit on the man’s right. Then the man crosses his legs and places the woman in his lap. He presses her slender waist, he caresses her precious body, he whispers endearing words and engages in passionate discourse. Both being of the same mind, they hug and embrace—their bodies close together and their lips pressed against each other. The man sucks the woman's lower lip, the woman sucks the man’s upper lip. They kiss each other, feeding on each other's saliva. Or the man softly bites the woman’s tongue or gnaws her lips a little, places her head in his hands and pinches her ears. Thus patting and kissing a thousand charms will unfold and the hundred sorrows will be forgotten. Tum vir mulie= rem adducet ut leva manu Caulem suum iaspium (‘jade’) teneat, cum ipse dextra Portam illus iaspium fricet. Quo facto vim illius Yin experietur Caulisque eius iaspius surget—stabit rigidus sublime eminens similisque solitario montis vertici qui in lacteum orbem arduus attollitur. Mulier autem vim illius Yang experietur et rima cinnabarina largo humoris profluvio madescet, solitario aquarum fonti similis qui in valle oritur demissa. This is the spontancous reaction of Yin and Yang which can never be achieved hy artificial means. As coon as the pair has reached this stage they are in a Sut DYNASTY 137 ‘condition fit for uniting with each other. Viri membrum si surgere nolit aut mulieris vagina madescere si mequeat, ea indicia sunt exteriora interioris alicuius aegritudinis. vI “faster Tung-hsiian said: When a man and a woman have sexual inter- ‘course they should always begin by sitting as described above and only there- after lie down together, the woman on the left and the man on the right. Cum co modo latere ad latus applicato iacebunt, vir mulierem in tergum vyertat supinam cruraque eius divaricet; super eam inscendat seque inter femina eius ingeniculet. Mox inter exteriora Pretiosae portae labia Jaspium ‘caulem immittat, in illam regionem umbrosam humili pineto similem quae fantro profundo oppositus est. Membrum suum in hoc vestibulo ludere cogat, sermone libidinoso numquam intermisso linguamque eius ore fellitans. Aut faciem cius pulcherrimam contempletur vel ab alto despiciat Auream rimam. ‘Ventrem eius et papillas mulceat et Gemmeam perfricet aream. Quo facto vir Sbidine incendetur, mulier mente confundetur. Tum vir Verticem vegetum (Positive Peak’) sursum deorsum moveat, ab imo Jaspias venas illo perfricans, summo Auream rimam, ludere eum cogens per totum Examinationis atrium, fad ultimum ut requiescat in dextra parte Gemmeae areae. Hacc omnia forin- ‘secus sit lusus, antequam in vaginam penetret). vi ‘Cum Cinnabarina mulieris rima largo humore profluat, tum Vegetus vertex ‘e> recta penetret, humorem emittens qui cum mulieris. misceatur, ita ut Sacrum eius campum a summo tinguat, Umbrosam,vallem ab imo, Tum vir ‘alidos motus incipiat celeriter impellens membrum et retrahens, ut, mulier Gesdore amens misericordiam eius imploret. Quo facto vir membrum suum ‘extrahat et linteo panniculo tam suum quam illius detergeat membrum. Tum Jaspium caulem denuo alte inserat in Cinnabarinam rimam, quoad Yang + In 1931 @ small collection of notes similar to those contained in the I-hsin-fang Tess printed in the large Japanese collection Zoku Gunsho-ruija, These notes are entitled Beetiiyoshs “Important notes on hygiene”, compiled by ‘the statesman Fujihara Fenhia (1264-1315 A.D}, and presented to the Court in 1288 by the physician Tambs Fekinaga. Section 18 gives a list of terms relating to the sexual act quoted in the Tweng- Tasaea, with additional explanations and Japanese Aana-readings. These proved {Gest some of my identifications given in ECP are incorrect. The Jewel Terrace”, jui-ta Te the clitoris (Japanese hinasali, written with the two characters ci'u-chien “‘chicken’s Teegue"); the “Jae Veins”, yivt, indicate the place where the labia ment below the Sas; the "Golden Gully”, chin-kow, indicates the upper part of the vulva; and the TEschination Hall’, pi-yung, the right and left sides. Here my translation is corrected laccordingly. 128 ‘THE HEYDAY OF EMPIRE ‘aream tangat. Membrum ipsius simile sit solido saxo vallem demissam claudenti.. ‘Tum mover incipiat et novenis levibus singulos qui in altum penetrent ictus intericiat, varie dirigens eos, nunc lente nunc celeriter, modo alte modo tenuiter, secundum rhythmum viginti unius spirituum (‘breaths’). vu ‘Tum vir ictus celeres et alte penétrantes frequentat, muliere motus subse- quente et rhythmum eius imitante. Vegeto vertice Antrum graniforme aggressus in infimam eius partem frrumpat. Ibi membro suo paulisper circum- acto ad breves paulatim ictus transeat. Mulier vagina humore repleta cum ad summam pervenerit voluptatem, vir membrum suum retrahat. Quod quidem numquam retrahat, languescere cum coeperit; cum adhuc rigebit, retrahat. Retrahere enim languidum cum viro noceat, ne ullo modo id faciat, vir anxie curet. Ix “Master Tung-hstian said: A careful investigation has shown that there are but thirty main positions for consummating the sexual union. With the exception of minor details these various positions and diverse movements are fundamentally the same and can be said to encompass all possibilities. I describe these positions here and record their special names, I depict their features and establish their sequence. The understanding reader will be able to probe their wonderful meaning to its very depth. X. Close Union. 2. Firm Attachment. 3. Exposed Gills. 4. The Unicorn's Horn. ‘Next to these four basic positions there are the following playful variations. ‘5. Reeling-off Silk. Mulier supina iacens bracchiis viri cervicem amplexatur, medium viri corpus eruribus complexa. Vir femoribus eius a latere posteriore se applicans eam amplexatur et Jaspium caulem immittit 6. Winding Dragon. Mulier supina iacens crura curvata toll. Vir inter femora eius ingeniculatus, laeva sua pedes illius retro pellens, quoad supra mammas illius sint, simul dextra Jaspium caulem in Pretiosam portam impellet, 7. Pair-eyed Fish . Vir et mulier latere ad latus applicato vultibus adversis iacent. Mulier alterum crus suum cruri illius imponit. Alter alteram osculati linguam alterius utrius fellitant. Tum vir cruribus suis divaricatis et mulieris crure superiore manu sta sublato Jaspium caulem immittit. 1 Prof, Herbert Franke points out in his review of ECP that the ttle of this posture refers to the mythical animal pi-mu-yd, consisting of a pair of fishes with a common tail Dut separate head and body. He refers to picture of the animal in E. Chavannes, “Mission ‘Archéologique dans la Chine septentrionale”, vol. 1, plate 97. SUI DYNASTY 129 8. Pair of Swallows. Mulier supina iacens crura divaricat. Vir super illa varicus sedens, pronus $e inclinans cervices illius bracchiis amplexatur. Muliere medium ipsius corpus artius circumplexa Jaspius caulis Cinnabarinam rimam intrat, 9. Kingfisher Union. Mulier supina iacens utraque manu pedem utrumque complectitur. Vir se ingeniculat genibus expansis et illam mediam amplectitur. Tum Jaspium caulem Lyrae fidibus inserit. 10. Mandarin Ducks. Mulier in latere iacens ambo crura curvat et (laevam) ‘erus suum (laevo) viri femori superponit. Tum vir qui pone tergum illius iacet, (aevum) crus suum surae mulieris dextrae superponit. Gent suo (laevo) femur mulieris (laevum) attollens Jaspium caulem inserit. 11. Flutering Butterjlies. Vit supinus iacens crura divaricat. Mulier femo- ribus eius varica supersedens vultu adverso, pedibus in lecto positis strenue movetur manibus semet sustinens. Tum Vegetus vertex in Pretiosam portam immittitur, 12. Reversed Flying Ducks. Vir supinus iacet cruribus divaricatis, Mulier abdomini ejus varica insidet vultu ad pedes illius converso. Capite inclinato Jaspium caulem apprehendit et in Cinnabarinam rimam immittit. 13. Low-branched Pinetree. Mulier (supina iacens) crura decussata attollit. Vir mediam amplectitur, mulier bracchiis medium viri corpus circumplectitur. Tum Jaspius caulis in Pretiosam portam immittitur. 14. Bamboos Near The Altar. Vir et mulier adversis vultibus stant. Amplexi invicem osculantur, Vegeto vertice in Cinnabarinam rimam tam alte impresso, ut ad ultimum Yang aream penetret. 35. Two dancing Female Phoenix Birds. Vir unam mulierem supinam iacere iubet, alteram super illam insidere, Mulier inferior iacens crura attollt, altera varica illi insidente, ita ut vulva alterius alterius vulvae proxima sit. Vir in fronte adversus se ingeniculabit eoque modo et superiorem et inferiorem Portam iaspiam alternis vicibus aggredi poterit 9 16. Phoenix Holding Its Chicken, Haec concubitus figura tum aptissima st, cum mulier obesa et procera cum viro brevis staturae rem habet. 37. Flying Sea Gulls. Vir a fronte lecti stans mulieris crura attollit. Tum Jaspium caulem in Pretiosam portam alte immittit. 38. Gamboling Wild Horses, Mulier supina iacet. Vir cruribus eius sublevatis ‘Pedes illius umeris suis imponit. Tum Jaspium caulem in Pretiosam portam alte immittit. 39. The Galloping Steed, Mulier supina iacet. Vir conquiniscens laeva manu ‘

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