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Federation of Piling Specialists (the FPS)

Rig Loadings Spreadsheet (the Spreadsheet)


The Spreadsheet has been designed without liability with the intention of
assisting in the calculation of track bearing pressures for use in the BRE
Design Method[1]. The Spreadsheet contains sample data, which are
intended only to illustrate how the Spreadsheet may be operated, and do not
represent any specific rig .

The Spreadsheet is intended for use only by a competent person. It is

intended to assist in calculating the track loadings that occur with the rig
working on a flat horizontal surface with a vertical mast it makes no
allowance for the effects on track loadings caused by raking the mast in any
direction, or non-vertical suspended loads.

Whilst we have taken steps to check the accuracy of the Spreadsheet, the
FPS and the authors of the Spreadsheet do not give any warranty,
guarantee, representation or other assurance as to: the operation, quality or
functionality of the Spreadsheet; the accuracy or completeness of the
Spreadsheet; or its fitness for any particular purpose.

To the fullest extent permissible by law, the FPS and the authors of the
Spreadsheet each disclaim all responsibility for any damages or losses
(including, without limitation, financial loss, damages for loss in business
projects, loss of profits or other consequential losses) arising in contract, tort
or otherwise from the use of or inability to use the Spreadsheet, or from any
action or decision taken as a result of using the Spreadsheet.

[1] BRE Report 470, Working Platforms for Tracked Plant, 2004
The user of this spreadsheet shall input data into the relevant yellow boxes on this worksheet and on all of the other relevant

Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook

Rig Manufacturer : EXAMPLE Rig Type & Serial No. ZX1000 DE2001.2
Operation mode: Example Date: 2/14/2017
Completed by: Blank Checked by: Blank

Main Components - Slewing:

Moment Mx Moment My
Item Mass (kg) Weight (kN) X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate
(kNm) (kNm)
Mast Assembly 5,600 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Base Machine 11,700 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
LOWER WORKS (Slewing) Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Auger 5,000 49 0.00 3.41 -167 0
SUSPENDED EQUIPMENT Rotary Head 2,150 21 0.00 3.41 -72 0
CONNECTED TO CROWD Err:518 0.00 0.00 Err:518 Err:518
SYSTEM (Slewing) Err:518 0.00 0.00 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 0.00 0.00 Err:518 Err:518
COUNTER-WEIGHT (Slewing) Counterweight 4,000 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 0.00 3.41 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
Err:518 Err:518 Err:518
UPPER WORKS 5,600 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0
LOWER WORKS 11,700 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0
COUNTERWEIGHT 4,000 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0
OTHER 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
SLEWING TOTAL/RESULTANT (with =0) 28,450 279 0.00 0.63 -176 0
Foot Pads - Slewing :
Bearing Max. Pad
Description X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate Actual
Area Loading Actual Shape
m 2
kN m m
Front Pad 1 1.50 -450 0.00 2.74 1.2x1.25m Rectangular
Front Pad 2 None None
Rear Pad 1 None None
Rear Pad 2 None None
Forces - Slewing
Force X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate
kN m m
Crowd System - Maximum Extraction Force (kN) 392 0.00 3.41 Must be inline with suspended equip't.
Crowd System - Maximum Penetration Force (kN) -29 0.00 3.41 -ve Must be inline with suspended equip't.
Maximum Auxillary Force (kN) 10 0.00 4.00

Main Components - Non-Slewing:

Moment Mx Moment My
Item Mass (kg) Weight (kN) X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate
(kNm) (kNm)
Tracks & Undercarriage 10,000 98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Lower Works Non-Slewing
0 0.00 0.00 0 0
(undercarriage/tracks etc)
0 0.00 0.00 0 0
NON-SLEWING TOTAL/RESULTANT (with =0) 10,000 98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Foot Pads - Non-Slewing
Max. Pad
Description Bearing Area
X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate Actual
Actual Shape
m2 kN m m
Front Pad 1
Front Pad 2
Rear Pad 1
Rear Pad 2

Tracks Slewing
Track bearing length (m) 3.81
Can the rig slew? YES
Track pad width (m) 0.70
Distance between centrelines of tracks (m) 3.30
Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables Notes
in this workbook Blank
Transformation from
Weight / triangular or trapizoidal
Mode : Standing to an equivalent
Moment Mx Moment My rectangular pressure
Applied Coordinate Coordinate distribution under track
(kN) maintaining the load
Max Track loading centriod
ZX1000 Relative Angle
Min bearing
bearing bearing
SLEWING ACTIONS - Upper Body pressure pressure ecc Bearing Equivalent Bearing
pressure pressure
and Tracks L.H. track R.H. track
Upper Works (slewing) 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0 L.H. track R.H. track
(degrees) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (m) Len. (m) L (m) Q (KPa)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)
Suspended Eqpt. on Crowd 70 0.00 3.41 -239 0
Counterweight (slewing) 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0 Max. 0 122 19 122 19 0.466 3.814 2.881 94
Other (slewing) 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) 15 112 19 130 22
(kN) 0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Lower Works (Slewing) 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0 30 99 22 132 29 0.404 3.814 3.006 102
Net Extraction Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 392 45 86 27 129 41 0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Net Penetration Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 -29 Applied 60 73 34 120 56 0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Foot Pad
Applied Auxillary Force 0 0.00 4.00 0 0 0 10 Area (m2) 75 61 42 107 73
(kPa) 0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 2.74 0 0 0 -450 0 1.50 90 51 51 91 91 0.000 3.814 3.814 91
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 105 61 42 107 73 -0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 120 73 34 120 56 -0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 135 86 27 129 41 -0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Summary of Slewing Actions 279 0.00 0.63 -176 0 Max. Pad Pressure 0 150 99 22 132 29 -0.404 3.814 3.006 102
165 112 19 130 22 -0.451 3.814 2.913 99
NON-SLEWING ACTIONS Max. Applied 180 122 19 122 19 -0.466 3.814 2.881 94
Applied Foot Pad
Allowable Pressure
Lower Works Non-Slewing 98 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) Area (m2) 195 130 22 112 19
(kN) (kPa) -0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 210 132 29 99 22 -0.404 3.814 3.006 102
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 129 41 86 27 -0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 240 120 56 73 34 -0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 255 107 73 61 42 -0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Summary of Non-slewing Max. Pad Pressure 0 270 91 91 51 51 0.000 3.814 3.814 91
98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Actions 285 107 73 61 42 0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Total Rig Weight (kN) 377 Track Bearing Length (m) 3.81 300 120 56 73 34 0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Resultant of all Actions Track pad width (m) 0.70 315 129 41 86 27 0.330 3.814 3.154 102
377 0.00 0.47 -176 0
(kN) Track Centerline Dist. (m) 3.30 330 132 29 99 22 0.404 3.814 3.006 102
345 130 22 112 19 0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Maximum Track Values 3.154 102
Pad Area (m 2)
Input Data Warning Messages Notes Max. Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing Length 1.500 2.143 0
AuxiIiary Line Force OK Max. Non-Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing L 0.000 0.000 0
Extraction Force OK Maximum Equivalent Design Values 3.154 102
Penetration Force OK
Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - X direction (sideways) 0.28
Non-Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - Y direction (forwards/backwards) 0.24
Track pressure distribution warning None
Slewing foot pad message Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Non-Slewing foot pad message Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Notes on Using this Table BRE LOAD CASE ( 1 or 2 ) 1
Auxilliary Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G11). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H11).
Extraction Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G9). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (FH9).
Penetration Force -ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G10) - must be negavtive as it imposes an upwards resultant force. Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H10).
Slewing Foot Pad Forces +ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G12 to G15). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.
Non-Slewing Foot Pad Forces -ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G20 to G23). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.

Fill in values in all yellow boxes appropriate for this mode -

Net extraction or penetration force is the applied value minus the weight of any rope / kelly / chain suspended equipment.
By trial and error, adjust Foot Pad Forces to eliminate "error" messages and equalise bearing pressures on both tracks and foot pads (highlighted in red boxes).
When applying Auxilliary or Extraction Line Pull, ensure that Penetration Force is zero.

ONLY A COMPETENT PERSON MAY USE THIS TABLE ! Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook
Transformation from
Weight / triangular or trapizoidal
Mode : Travelling to an equivalent
Moment Mx Moment My rectangular pressure
Applied Coordinate Coordinate distribution under track
(kN) maintaining the load
Max Track loading centriod
ZX1000 Relative Angle
Min bearing
bearing bearing
SLEWING ACTIONS - Upper Body pressure pressure ecc Bearing Equivalent Bearing
pressure pressure
and Tracks L.H. track R.H. track
Upper Works (slewing) 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0 L.H. track R.H. track
(degrees) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (m) Len. (m) L (m) Q (KPa)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)
Suspended Eqpt. on Crowd 70 0.00 3.41 -239 0
Counterweight (slewing) 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0 Max. 0 122 19 122 19 0.466 3.814 2.881 94
Other (slewing) 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) 15 112 19 130 22
(kN) 0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Lower Works (Slewing) 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0 30 99 22 132 29 0.404 3.814 3.006 102
Net Extraction Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 392 45 86 27 129 41 0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Net Penetration Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 -29 Applied 60 73 34 120 56 0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Foot Pad
Applied Auxillary Force 0 0.00 4.00 0 0 0 10 Area (m2) 75 61 42 107 73
(kPa) 0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 2.74 0 0 0 -450 0 1.50 90 51 51 91 91 0.000 3.814 3.814 91
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 105 61 42 107 73 -0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 120 73 34 120 56 -0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 135 86 27 129 41 -0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Summary of Slewing Actions 279 0.00 0.63 -176 0 Max. Pad Pressure 0 150 99 22 132 29 -0.404 3.814 3.006 102
165 112 19 130 22 -0.451 3.814 2.913 99
NON-SLEWING ACTIONS Max. Applied 180 122 19 122 19 -0.466 3.814 2.881 94
Applied Foot Pad
Allowable Pressure
Lower Works Non-Slewing 98 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) Area (m2) 195 130 22 112 19
(kN) (kPa) -0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 210 132 29 99 22 -0.404 3.814 3.006 102
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 129 41 86 27 -0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 240 120 56 73 34 -0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 255 107 73 61 42 -0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Summary of Non-slewing Max. Pad Pressure 0 270 91 91 51 51 0.000 3.814 3.814 91
98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Actions 285 107 73 61 42 0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Total Rig Weight (kN) 377 Track Bearing Length (m) 3.81 300 120 56 73 34 0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Resultant of all Actions Track pad width (m) 0.70 315 129 41 86 27 0.330 3.814 3.154 102
377 0.00 0.47 -176 0
(kN) Track Centerline Dist. (m) 3.30 330 132 29 99 22 0.404 3.814 3.006 102
345 130 22 112 19 0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Maximum Track Values 3.154 102
Pad Area (m 2)
Input Data Warning Messages Notes Max. Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing Length 1.500 2.143 0
AuxiIiary Line Force OK Max. Non-Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing L 0.000 0.000 0
Extraction Force OK Maximum Equivalent Design Values 3.154 102
Penetration Force OK
Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - X direction (sideways) 0.28
Non-Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - Y direction (forwards/backwards) 0.24
Track pressure distribution warning None
Slewing foot pad message Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Non-Slewing foot pad message Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Notes on Using this Table BRE LOAD CASE ( 1 or 2 ) 1
Auxilliary Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G11). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H11).
Extraction Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G9). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (FH9).
Penetration Force -ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G10) - must be negavtive as it imposes an upwards resultant force. Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H10).
Slewing Foot Pad Forces +ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G12 to G15). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.
Non-Slewing Foot Pad Forces -ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G20 to G23). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.

Fill in values in all yellow boxes appropriate for this mode -

Net extraction or penetration force is the applied value minus the weight of any rope / kelly / chain suspended equipment.
By trial and error, adjust Foot Pad Forces to eliminate "error" messages and equalise bearing pressures on both tracks and foot pads (highlighted in red boxes).
When applying Auxilliary or Extraction Line Pull, ensure that Penetration Force is zero.

ONLY A COMPETENT PERSON MAY USE THIS TABLE ! Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook
Transformation from
Weight / triangular or trapizoidal
Mode : Handling to an equivalent
Moment Mx Moment My rectangular pressure
Applied Coordinate Coordinate distribution under track
(kN) maintaining the load
Max Track loading centriod
ZX1000 Relative Angle
Min bearing
bearing bearing
SLEWING ACTIONS - Upper Body pressure pressure ecc Bearing Equivalent Bearing
pressure pressure
and Tracks L.H. track R.H. track
Upper Works (slewing) 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0 L.H. track R.H. track
(degrees) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (m) Len. (m) L (m) Q (KPa)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)
Suspended Eqpt. on Crowd 70 0.00 3.41 -239 0
Counterweight (slewing) 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0 Max. 0 136 9 136 9 0.558 3.814 2.699 102
Other (slewing) 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) 15 122 10 146 12
(kN) 0.539 3.814 2.737 110
Lower Works (Slewing) 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0 30 106 14 149 20 0.483 3.814 2.848 114
Net Extraction Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 392 45 89 21 146 34 0.394 3.814 3.025 113
Net Penetration Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 -29 Applied 60 74 29 135 53 0.279 3.814 3.256 110
Foot Pad
Applied Auxillary Force 10 0.00 4.00 -40 0 10 10 Area (m2) 75 60 38 118 74
(kPa) 0.144 3.814 3.525 104
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 2.74 0 0 0 -450 0 1.50 90 48 48 97 97 0.000 3.814 3.814 97
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 105 60 38 118 74 -0.144 3.814 3.525 104
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 120 74 29 135 53 -0.279 3.814 3.256 110
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 135 89 21 146 34 -0.394 3.814 3.025 113
Summary of Slewing Actions 289 0.00 0.75 -216 0 Max. Pad Pressure 0 150 106 14 149 20 -0.483 3.814 2.848 114
165 122 10 146 12 -0.539 3.814 2.737 110
NON-SLEWING ACTIONS Max. Applied 180 136 9 136 9 -0.558 3.814 2.699 102
Applied Foot Pad
Allowable Pressure
Lower Works Non-Slewing 98 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) Area (m2) 195 146 12 122 10
(kN) (kPa) Handeling -0.539 3.814 2.737 110
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 210 149 20 106 14 -0.483 3.814 2.848 114
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 146 34 89 21 -0.394 3.814 3.025 113
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 240 135 53 74 29 -0.279 3.814 3.256 110
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 255 118 74 60 38 -0.144 3.814 3.525 104
Summary of Non-slewing Max. Pad Pressure 0 270 97 97 48 48 0.000 3.814 3.814 97
98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Actions 285 118 74 60 38 0.144 3.814 3.525 104
Total Rig Weight (kN) 377 Track Bearing Length (m) 3.81 300 135 53 74 29 0.279 3.814 3.256 110
Resultant of all Actions Track pad width (m) 0.70 315 146 34 89 21 0.394 3.814 3.025 113
387 0.00 0.56 -216 0
(kN) Track Centerline Dist. (m) 3.30 330 149 20 106 14 0.483 3.814 2.848 114
345 146 12 122 10 0.539 3.814 2.737 110
Maximum Track Values 2.848 114
Pad Area (m 2)
Input Data Warning Messages Notes Max. Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing Length 1.500 2.143 0
AuxiIiary Line Force OK Max. Non-Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing L 0.000 0.000 0
Extraction Force OK Maximum Equivalent Design Values 2.848 114
Penetration Force OK
Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - X direction (sideways) 0.34
Non-Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - Y direction (forwards/backwards) 0.29
Track pressure distribution warning None
Slewing foot pad message Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Non-Slewing foot pad message Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Notes on Using this Table BRE LOAD CASE ( 1 or 2 ) 1
Auxilliary Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G11). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H11).
Extraction Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G9). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (FH9).
Penetration Force -ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G10) - must be negavtive as it imposes an upwards resultant force. Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H10).
Slewing Foot Pad Forces +ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G12 to G15). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.
Non-Slewing Foot Pad Forces -ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G20 to G23). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.

Fill in values in all yellow boxes appropriate for this mode -

Net extraction or penetration force is the applied value minus the weight of any rope / kelly / chain suspended equipment.
By trial and error, adjust Foot Pad Forces to eliminate "error" messages and equalise bearing pressures on both tracks and foot pads (highlighted in red boxes).
When applying Auxilliary or Extraction Line Pull, ensure that Penetration Force is zero.

ONLY A COMPETENT PERSON MAY USE THIS TABLE ! Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook
Transformation from
Weight / triangular or trapizoidal
Mode : Penetrating to an equivalent
Moment Mx Moment My rectangular pressure
Applied Coordinate Coordinate distribution under track
(kN) maintaining the load
Max Track loading centriod
ZX1000 Relative Angle
Min bearing
bearing bearing
SLEWING ACTIONS - Upper Body pressure pressure ecc Bearing Equivalent Bearing
pressure pressure
and Tracks L.H. track R.H. track
Upper Works (slewing) 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0 L.H. track R.H. track
(degrees) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (m) Len. (m) L (m) Q (KPa)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)
Suspended Eqpt. on Crowd 70 0.00 3.41 -239 0
Counterweight (slewing) 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0 Max. 0 100 4 100 4 0.583 3.814 2.648 75
Other (slewing) 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) 15 89 5 107 6
(kN) 0.563 3.814 2.688 81
Lower Works (Slewing) 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0 30 77 9 110 13 0.505 3.814 2.804 83
Net Extraction Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0.00 392 45 64 14 107 23 0.412 3.814 2.989 83
Net Penetration Force -99 0.00 3.41 338 0 -29.00 -29 Applied 60 53 20 99 37 0.292 3.814 3.231 80
Foot Pad
Applied Auxillary Force 0 0.00 4.00 0 0 0.00 10 Area (m2) 75 42 26 86 53
(kPa) 0.151 3.814 3.512 76
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 2.74 0 0 0 -450 0 1.50 90 34 34 70 70 0.000 3.814 3.814 70
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 105 42 26 86 53 -0.151 3.814 3.512 76
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 120 53 20 99 37 -0.292 3.814 3.231 80
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 135 64 14 107 23 -0.412 3.814 2.989 83
Summary of Slewing Actions 180 0.00 -0.90 162 -0 Max. Pad Pressure 0 150 77 9 110 13 -0.505 3.814 2.804 83
165 89 5 107 6 -0.563 3.814 2.688 81
NON-SLEWING ACTIONS Max. Applied 180 100 4 100 4 -0.583 3.814 2.648 75
Applied Foot Pad
Allowable Pressure
Lower Works Non-Slewing 98 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) Area (m2) 195 107 6 89 5
(kN) (kPa) -0.563 3.814 2.688 81
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 210 110 13 77 9 -0.505 3.814 2.804 83
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 107 23 64 14 -0.412 3.814 2.989 83
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 240 99 37 53 20 -0.292 3.814 3.231 80
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 255 86 53 42 26 -0.151 3.814 3.512 76
Summary of Non-slewing Max. Pad Pressure 0 270 70 70 34 34 0.000 3.814 3.814 70
98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Actions 285 86 53 42 26 0.151 3.814 3.512 76
Total Rig Weight (kN) 377 Track Bearing Length (m) 3.81 300 99 37 53 20 0.292 3.814 3.231 80
Resultant of all Actions Track pad width (m) 0.70 315 107 23 64 14 0.412 3.814 2.989 83
278 0.00 -0.58 162 0
(kN) Track Centerline Dist. (m) 3.30 330 110 13 77 9 0.505 3.814 2.804 83
345 107 6 89 5 0.563 3.814 2.688 81
Maximum Track Values 2.804 83
Pad Area (m 2)
Input Data Warning Messages Notes Max. Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing Length 1.500 2.143 0
AuxiIiary Line Force OK Max. Non-Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing L 0.000 0.000 0
Extraction Force OK Maximum Equivalent Design Values 2.804 83
Penetration Force OK
Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - X direction (sideways) 0.35
Non-Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - Y direction (forwards/backwards) 0.31
Track pressure distribution warning None
Slewing foot pad message Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Non-Slewing foot pad message Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Notes on Using this Table BRE LOAD CASE ( 1 or 2 ) 2
Auxilliary Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G11). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H11).
Extraction Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G9). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (FH9).
Penetration Force -ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G10) - must be negavtive as it imposes an upwards resultant force. Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H10).
Slewing Foot Pad Forces +ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G12 to G15). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.
Non-Slewing Foot Pad Forces -ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G20 to G23). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.

Fill in values in all yellow boxes appropriate for this mode -

Net extraction or penetration force is the applied value minus the weight of any rope / kelly / chain suspended equipment.
By trial and error, adjust Foot Pad Forces to eliminate "error" messages and equalise bearing pressures on both tracks and foot pads (highlighted in red boxes).
When applying Auxilliary or Extraction Line Pull, ensure that Penetration Force is zero.

ONLY A COMPETENT PERSON MAY USE THIS TABLE ! Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook
Transformation from
Weight / triangular or trapizoidal
Mode : Extracting to an equivalent
Moment Mx Moment My rectangular pressure
Applied Coordinate Coordinate distribution under track
(kN) maintaining the load
Max Track loading centriod
ZX1000 Relative Angle
Min bearing
bearing bearing
SLEWING ACTIONS - Upper Body pressure pressure ecc Bearing Equivalent Bearing
pressure pressure
and Tracks L.H. track R.H. track
Upper Works (slewing) 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0 L.H. track R.H. track
(degrees) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (m) Len. (m) L (m) Q (KPa)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)
Suspended Eqpt. on Crowd 70 0.00 3.41 -239 0
Counterweight (slewing) 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0 Max. 0 239 0 239 0 1.119 2.363 1.576 180
Other (slewing) 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) 15 188 0 268 0
(kN) 1.081 2.478 1.652 201
Lower Works (Slewing) 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0 30 133 0 269 0 0.969 2.813 1.875 202
Net Extraction Force 322 0.00 3.41 -1,098 0 392.00 392 45 88 0 250 0 0.791 3.347 2.231 188
Net Penetration Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0.00 -29 Applied 60 58 4 221 14 0.560 3.814 2.695 167
Foot Pad
Applied Auxillary Force 0 0.00 4.00 0 0 0.00 10 Area (m2) 75 37 14 179 67
(kPa) 0.290 3.814 3.235 145
Front Pad 1 -303 0.00 2.74 830 0 -303 -450 202 1.50 90 24 24 124 124 0.000 3.814 3.814 124
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 105 37 14 179 67 -0.290 3.814 3.235 145
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 120 58 4 221 14 -0.560 3.814 2.695 167
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 135 88 0 250 0 -0.791 3.347 2.231 188
Summary of Slewing Actions 298 0.00 1.49 -443 0 Max. Pad Pressure 202 150 133 0 269 0 -0.969 2.813 1.875 202
165 188 0 268 0 -1.081 2.478 1.652 201
NON-SLEWING ACTIONS Max. Applied 180 239 0 239 0 -1.119 2.363 1.576 180
Applied Foot Pad
Allowable Pressure
Lower Works Non-Slewing 98 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) Area (m2) 195 268 0 188 0
(kN) (kPa) -1.081 2.478 1.652 201
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 210 269 0 133 0 -0.969 2.813 1.875 202
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 250 0 88 0 -0.791 3.347 2.231 188
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 240 221 14 58 4 -0.560 3.814 2.695 167
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 255 179 67 37 14 -0.290 3.814 3.235 145
Summary of Non-slewing Max. Pad Pressure 0 270 124 124 24 24 0.000 3.814 3.814 124
98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Actions 285 179 67 37 14 0.290 3.814 3.235 145
Total Rig Weight (kN) 377 Track Bearing Length (m) 3.81 300 221 14 58 4 0.560 3.814 2.695 167
Resultant of all Actions Track pad width (m) 0.70 315 250 0 88 0 0.791 3.347 2.231 188
396 0.00 1.12 -443 0
(kN) Track Centerline Dist. (m) 3.30 330 269 0 133 0 0.969 2.813 1.875 202
345 268 0 188 0 1.081 2.478 1.652 201
Maximum Track Values 1.875 202
Pad Area (m 2)
Input Data Warning Messages Notes Max. Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing Length 1.500 2.143 202
AuxiIiary Line Force OK Max. Non-Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing L 0.000 0.000 0
Extraction Force OK Maximum Equivalent Design Values 1.875 202
Penetration Force OK
Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - X direction (sideways) 0.68
Non-Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - Y direction (forwards/backwards) 0.59
Track pressure distribution warning Track(s) lifting
Slewing foot pad message Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Non-Slewing foot pad message Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Notes on Using this Table BRE LOAD CASE ( 1 or 2 ) 2
Auxilliary Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G11). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H11).
Extraction Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G9). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (FH9).
Penetration Force -ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G10) - must be negavtive as it imposes an upwards resultant force. Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H10).
Slewing Foot Pad Forces +ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G12 to G15). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.
Non-Slewing Foot Pad Forces -ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G20 to G23). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.

Fill in values in all yellow boxes appropriate for this mode -

Net extraction or penetration force is the applied value minus the weight of any rope / kelly / chain suspended equipment.
By trial and error, adjust Foot Pad Forces to eliminate "error" messages and equalise bearing pressures on both tracks and foot pads (highlighted in red boxes).
When applying Auxilliary or Extraction Line Pull, ensure that Penetration Force is zero.

ONLY A COMPETENT PERSON MAY USE THIS TABLE ! Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook
Transformation from
Weight / triangular or trapizoidal
Mode : Other to an equivalent
Moment Mx Moment My rectangular pressure
Applied Coordinate Coordinate distribution under track
(kN) maintaining the load
Max Track loading centriod
ZX1000 Relative Angle
Min bearing
bearing bearing
SLEWING ACTIONS - Upper Body pressure pressure ecc Bearing Equivalent Bearing
pressure pressure
and Tracks L.H. track R.H. track
Upper Works (slewing) 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0 L.H. track R.H. track
(degrees) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (m) Len. (m) L (m) Q (KPa)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)
Suspended Eqpt. on Crowd 70 0.00 3.41 -239 0
Counterweight (slewing) 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0 Max. 0 122 19 122 19 0.466 3.814 2.881 94
Other (slewing) 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) 15 112 19 130 22
(kN) 0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Lower Works (Slewing) 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0 30 99 22 132 29 0.404 3.814 3.006 102
Applied Extraction Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 392 45 86 27 129 41 0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Applied Penetration Force 0 0.00 3.41 0 0 0 -29 Applied 60 73 34 120 56 0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Foot Pad
Applied Auxillary Force 0 0.00 4.00 0 0 0 10 Area (m2) 75 61 42 107 73
(kPa) 0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 2.74 0 0 0 -450 0 1.50 90 51 51 91 91 0.000 3.814 3.814 91
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 105 61 42 107 73 -0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 120 73 34 120 56 -0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 135 86 27 129 41 -0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Summary of Slewing Actions 279 0.00 0.63 -176 0 Max. Pad Pressure 0 150 99 22 132 29 -0.404 3.814 3.006 102
165 112 19 130 22 -0.451 3.814 2.913 99
NON-SLEWING ACTIONS Max. Applied 180 122 19 122 19 -0.466 3.814 2.881 94
Applied Foot Pad
Allowable Pressure
Lower Works Non-Slewing 98 0.00 0.00 0 0 Force (kN) Area (m2) 195 130 22 112 19
(kN) (kPa) -0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Front Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 210 132 29 99 22 -0.404 3.814 3.006 102
Front Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 129 41 86 27 -0.330 3.814 3.154 102
Rear Pad 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 240 120 56 73 34 -0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Rear Pad 2 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 255 107 73 61 42 -0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Summary of Non-slewing Max. Pad Pressure 0 270 91 91 51 51 0.000 3.814 3.814 91
98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Actions 285 107 73 61 42 0.121 3.814 3.573 96
Total Rig Weight (kN) 377 Track Bearing Length (m) 3.81 300 120 56 73 34 0.233 3.814 3.348 100
Resultant of all Actions Track pad width (m) 0.70 315 129 41 86 27 0.330 3.814 3.154 102
377 0.00 0.47 -176 0
(kN) Track Centerline Dist. (m) 3.30 330 132 29 99 22 0.404 3.814 3.006 102
345 130 22 112 19 0.451 3.814 2.913 99
Maximum Track Values 3.154 102
Pad Area (m 2)
Input Data Warning Messages Notes Max. Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing Length 1.500 2.143 0
AuxiIiary Line Force OK Max. Non-Slewing Foot Pads Bearing Pressure (kPa) & Equivalent Bearing L 0.000 0.000 0
Extraction Force OK Maximum Equivalent Design Values 3.154 102
Penetration Force OK
Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - X direction (sideways) 0.28
Non-Slewing Footpad Forces OK Eccentricity index - Y direction (forwards/backwards) 0.24
Track pressure distribution warning None
Slewing foot pad message Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Non-Slewing foot pad message Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
Notes on Using this Table BRE LOAD CASE ( 1 or 2 ) 0
Auxilliary Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G11). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H11).
Extraction Line Pull +ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G9). Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (FH9).
Penetration Force -ve Z direction. Enter applied force (kN) in appropriate yellow box (G10) - must be negavtive as it imposes an upwards resultant force. Note the maximum design force in the adjacent box (H10).
Slewing Foot Pad Forces +ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G12 to G15). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.
Non-Slewing Foot Pad Forces -ve Z direction. Enter applied total force (kN) in appropriate yellow boxes (G20 to G23). Note the maximum the machine can develop is given in the adjacent boxes.

Fill in values in all yellow boxes appropriate for this mode -

Net extraction or penetration force is the applied value minus the weight of any rope / kelly / chain suspended equipment.
By trial and error, adjust Foot Pad Forces to eliminate "error" messages and equalise bearing pressures on both tracks and foot pads (highlighted in red boxes).
When applying Auxilliary or Extraction Line Pull, ensure that Penetration Force is zero.

ONLY A COMPETENT PERSON MAY USE THIS TABLE ! Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook
Schedule of Piling Rig Component Weights, Dimensions, Forces and Pressures

Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to all tables in this workbook

Rig Manufacturer : EXAMPLE Rig Type & Serial No. ZX1000 DE2001.2
Operation mode: Example Date: 2/14/2017
Completed by: Blank Checked by: Blank

Main Components - Slewing:

Item Mass (kg) Weight (kN) X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate Moment Mx (kNm) Moment My (kNm)

Slewing Components Totals/Resultant (with =0)

UPPER WORKS 5,600 55 0.00 2.74 -151 0
LOWER WORKS 11,700 115 0.00 -1.02 118 0
COUNTERWEIGHT 4,000 39 0.00 -2.45 96 0
OTHER 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
TOTAL/RESULTANT (with =0) 28,450 279 0.00 0.63 -176 0
Foot Pads - Slewing :
Bearing Max. Pad
Description (Forces must be -ve) X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate
Area Loading Actual Shape Actual Dimension
m2 kN m m
Front Pad 1 1.50 -450 0.00 2.74 1.2x1.25m Rectangular
Front Pad 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 None None
Rear Pad 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 None None
Rear Pad 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 None None
Forces - Slewing
Force X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate
kN m m
Maximum Extraction Force (kN) 392 0.00 3.41 Must be inline with suspended equip't.
Maximum Penetration Force (kN) -29 0.00 3.41 -ve Must be inline with suspended equip't.
Maximum Auxillary Force (kN) 10 0.00 4.00

Main Components - Non-Slewing:

Item Mass (kg) Weight (kN) X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate Moment Mx (kNm) Moment My (kNm)

Tracks & Undercarriage 10000 98 0.00 0.00

Lower Works Non-Slewing
0.00 0.00
(undercarriage/tracks etc)
0.00 0.00
TOTAL/RESULTANT (with =0) 10,000 98 0.00 0.00 0 0
Front Foot Pads - Non-Slewing
Bearing Max. Pad
Description Area Loading
X - Coordinate Y - Coordinate Actual
Actual Shape
m2 kN m m
Front Pad 1
Front Pad 2
Rear Pad 1
Rear Pad 2

Tracks Slewing
Track bearing length (m) 3.81
Track pad width (m) 0.70 Can the Rig Slew? YES
Distance between centrelines of tracks (m) 3.30

Pressure Summary for Platform Design

Eccentricity Index Winch Forces


(1 or 2)
Uniform Eccentricity Eccentricity index
Equiv. Track Bearing index - X - Y direction Algebraic sum of
MODE Equiv. Track Length (m)
Width (m) Pressure, direction (forwards/backwar forces (kN)
qeq (kPa) (sideways) ds)

Standing 3.15 0.70 102 1 0.28 0.24 0

Travelling 3.15 0.70 102 1 0.28 0.24 0
Handling 2.85 0.70 114 1 0.34 0.29 10
Penetrating 2.80 0.70 83 2 0.35 0.31 -29
Extracting 1.88 0.70 202 2 0.68 0.59 392
Other Not Used - - 0 - - 0


Zero Pressure Auxillary Line Extraction Force Penetration Force

Standing None AuxiIiary Line Force OK Extraction Force OK Penetration Force OK

Travelling None AuxiIiary Line Force OK Extraction Force OK Penetration Force OK

Handling None AuxiIiary Line Force OK Extraction Force OK Penetration Force OK

Penetrating None AuxiIiary Line Force OK Extraction Force OK Penetration Force OK

Extracting Track(s) lifting AuxiIiary Line Force OK Extraction Force OK Penetration Force OK

Other None AuxiIiary Line Force OK Extraction Force OK Penetration Force OK



Slewing Footpad Forces Non-Slewing Footpad

Standing Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
OK Forces OK

Slewing Footpad Forces Non-Slewing Footpad

Travelling Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
OK Forces OK

Slewing Footpad Forces Non-Slewing Footpad

Handling Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
OK Forces OK

Slewing Footpad Forces Non-Slewing Footpad

Penetrating Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
OK Forces OK

Slewing Footpad Forces Non-Slewing Footpad

Extracting Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
OK Forces OK
Slewing Footpad Forces Non-Slewing Footpad
Other Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK Non-Slewing Foot Pad Pressure OK
OK Forces OK
Note: The disclaimer on the first worksheet applies to Blank
all tables in this workbook

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