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Image analysis

Image analysis

The distribution of impurities

in pulp and paper: the effects
of the random distribution
of impurities on image analysis
Christian Zeyer, Richard A. Venditti, Ku W. Puangchinda, and John A. Heitmann

ined is 10 m2 or 5 m2 on each side of

ABSTRACT: The random distribution of impurities in pulp the paper. An estimation of dirt in
and paper has significant implications for image analysis. An one shipment is then expected to
vary within 20% for different observ-
equation based on statistical considerations to predict the ers.
distribution of impurities in pulp and paper has been derived to Todays sophisticated computer
relate the relative error of measured impurities in ppm with the assisted image analysis systems have
opened a new dimension for the esti-
area analyzed, the average particle size, and the level of mation of the amount of impurities
impurities in ppm. The prediction of the error agrees well with in pulp and paper. Many research-
image analysis results of handsheets with impurity levels from ers have developed systems to cal-
culate automatically the area covered
10 to 1000 ppm. The predictions of the equation also agree with impurities and have estimated
with the image analysis results on a commercial grade of recycled the error between the real amount
copy paper. The errors due to the limits of reproducibility of the and the measured amount (1-5). The
reported results show a stunning re-
image analysis system are small compared to errors due to the producibility, when compared with
random distribution of impurities. the methods based on human vision.
With respect to this, the question
KEYWORDS: Errors, experimentation, image analysis, impu- has to be asked if it is still necessary
rities, random processes, statistical distribution, theories. to examine areas as large as recom-
mended by T 437 or T 213. Many
researchers have therefore decided
to use smaller areas. Dexter (4) con-
T he examination of pulp and pa-
per with respect to its optical
properties has a past that goes far
how to quantify the total area cov-
ered (measured in ppm) by impuri-
ties in pulp and paper. Both methods
cluded from his work that 20
handsheets are enough to examine
pulp that has a concentration of im-
beyond todays computer image talk in respective sections about the
purities of less than 10 ppm. How-
analysis. TAPPI Test Methods T 213 sample size, i.e., the area to be ana-
ever, he does not give any indication
om-89 (Dirt in Pulp) and T 437 lyzed, and the error that is to be
on how he justifies his statement.
om-90 (Dirt in Paper and Paper- expected. When, for example, the
Similar to our findings in a previous
board) date back to the 1930s and amount of dirt in paper is estimated,
paper (5), Sutman comments in his
explain in detail the procedure of the total area that should be exam-
paper (6) that the error resulting
from the imaging process (measure-
Zeyer is research scientist, Venditti is assistant professor, Puangchinda is graduate ment error) can be neglected, com-
student, and Heitmann is associate professor, Dept. of Wood and Paper Science, pared to the error that results from
North Carolina State University, Box 8005, Raleigh, NC 27695-8005.
the differences between the dirt con-
168 February 1995 Tappi Journal
1. Detected area covered by spots for handsheets with target ppm values of 100 and 1000 vs shown that this error is compara-
the gray scale value threshold. A constant threshold of 155 (indicated by arrows) was used tively small (5, 6). The relative error
for all samples in this study.
(meaning the standard deviation of
the measurements relative to the av-
1,000,000 erage of these measurements, also
called the coefficient of variation),
1000 ppm Handsheet however, seems to increase with a
100,000 100 ppm Handsheet decrease in total area covered by
impurities (5).

10,000 The second part of the error, the

systematic error, is due to the set-
tings chosen by the operator (8). In
fact, Heintze (9) demonstrated that
the differences between different
100 methods can be as much as a factor
of 20. Even when the same equip-
ment is used, the machine settings,
especially the threshold, have a tre-
mendous effect on the result (Fig.
1 1). It is therefore very difficult, even
50 100 150 200 250
impossible, to compare different ma-
GRAY SCALE VALUE THRESHOLD chines, even different settings on the
same machine. This certainly calls
for a standardization as outlined in
(10). However, if different samples
I. Correlation between felt and wire side of error of the measured area covered are compared using the same set-
the same handsheet by impurities based on theoretical tings, this problem can be avoided.
considerations. The predictions will The third part of the error in im-
be evaluated by comparison with real age analysis stems from the sam-
experimental data. By validating the pling procedure. It is this part of the
Target, ppm Correlation predictions of the theory, we intend error we intend to evaluate in par-
1000 -0.87114 to provide simple guidelines that will ticular. It is our belief that this error
600 -0.39012 help estimate the scanned area nec- is underestimated, especially in the
200 -0.33009 essary to achieve a targeted preci- mill environment. As Riempp et al.
100 0.543076 sion. This publication focuses on the (11) explain, it is the statistics of ran-
30 0.126023 theory and validation of the method dom sampling that determines the
10 -0.20117 developed to predict the error in the amount of impurities in a handsheet
measurement of area covered by im- made from a given pulp sample. Since
purities. In a companion article, the impurities are randomly, not
which follows this article in this jour- evenly, distributed in the total sample
nal, simple, practical guidelines are and we use only a fraction of the
tent of two handsheets of the same material to produce a handsheet, the
presented which can be used to esti-
pulp batch (sampling error). Since levels of impurities will differ slightly
mate the amount of scanned area
the sampling error can be reduced for different handsheets. Therefore,
needed to provide a desired relative
by scanning a larger area, the ques- the more handsheets that are used
error for area covered by impurities
tion that has to be investigated is for an analysis, the smaller the confi-
how large the scanned area must be dence interval (meaning, for example,
in order to achieve an expected error the region in which it can be confi-
of an acceptable magnitude. Error in image analysis
dently stated that 95% of all values
TAPPI testing methods suggest will lie) will be. In this paper, it will
The error in image analysis can be
an area to be scanned of 10 m2, which be demonstrated that this is one of
considered to stem from three dif-
is beyond most practical means. the main reasons why TAPPI T 437
ferent sources. The first part of the
Therefore, it seems worthwhile to suggests that an area of 10 m2 should
error is due to inexact measurement
examine this question more thor- be analyzed. If this is true, then there
of the imaging device. This error can
oughly. It is the goal of this publica- is not much reason to reduce the
be estimated by repeated analysis of
tion to develop an estimation of the amount of pulp or paper analyzed
the same sample. Research has
Vol. 78, No. 2 Tappi Journal 169
Image analysis
2. Actual ppm vs target ppm of handsheets. Note that the absolute 3. Number of spots detected vs target ppm of handsheets. Note that
scatter of data is larger at higher values of ppm. No significant the absolute scatter of data is larger at higher values of ppm. No
difference can be observed in the wire side and felt side data. significant difference can be observed in the wire side and felt side

1400 200


1200 Wire side Wire side
Felt side Felt side




0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


4. Ratio of handsheet ppm to target ppm vs target ppm. Note that 5. Wire side ppm minus felt side ppm vs target ppm. Data randomly
the scatter of data decreases with increasing ppm (whereas the above and below the y-axis demonstrate that no significant differ-
absolute scatter of actual ppm increases with increasing ppm, Fig. ence in ppm existed in this study between the two sides of the
2). No significant difference can be observed in the wire side and felt handsheet.
side data.

6 500

Wire side
Felt side

3 0

0 500
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400


just because an automatic and seem- Statistics of a where Ai is the area of a single spot.
ingly more precise method is used. random distribution Since the average area of a spot, AM,
Moreover, theoretical considerations is calculated by:
in this work will allow an estimate of
of impurities in pulp
AM = (1/N) x Ai (2)
the variability of the evaluated The total area covered by impuri-
samples beforehand, when appropri- ties, AT, can be calculated by: with N being the number of spots,
ate estimations of the pulp quality the expected value of the total area
AT = Ai (1) covered by impurities, E(AT), can be
are available.
expressed by:
170 February 1995 Tappi Journal
6. Variance of the number of spots vs number of spots. The data are 7. Predicted error vs actual error. The predicted error was calcu-
scattered about the 45 line, as expected for a random distribution lated using Eq. 8. The actual error is the standard deviation of the
of impurities in pulp. For random distributions, 80% and 50% of the experimentally detected ppm of handsheet sides of a target ppm
data are expected to fall within the respective limits plotted on the batch. Results for the wire side and felt side are similar. The scatter
graph. of data about the 45 line provides validation of Eq. 8.

400 200

350 Wire side Wire side


Felt side Felt side
300 45 Line 150
80% Limit
250 50% Limit

200 100


100 50


0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200


E(AT) = E(AM) x E(N) (3) because n = m = N, the number of 7 or 8. For this, the number of spots,
The variance (equal to the square of spots on a sample. Using the vari- the average spot size and the vari-
the standard deviation) of AT can ance of the area covered by single ance of the spot size have to be de-
then be written as: spots, Var(Ai) = (Ai AM)2/(N 1) termined.
obtainable from an automated dirt This error can then be compared
Var(AT) = Var(N x AM) (4) count, Eq. 6 yields: to the standard deviation of AT ob-
It can be shown that the variance of tained from the measurement of a
Var(AT) = [N2/(N + 1)][AM2 + Var(Ai)] (7)
a function h(X,Y) of two indepen- series of handsheets made from the
dent stochastically distributed vari- Equivalently: same batch. By repeatedly scanning
ables, X (estimated from n mea- SDEV(AT) = {(N2/(N + 1)) the same handsheet, one can also
surements) and Y (estimated from [ AM2 + Var(AI)]}0.5 (8) gain an estimation of the error in the
m measurements), can be written as measurement of AT introduced by
where SDEV is the standard devia- the imaging device. The three er-
(12): tion, and SDEV(AT) = [VAR(AT)]0.5. rors can then be contrasted to each
Var(h(X,Y)) = [1/(nm 1)] x [(n 1) x m x By factoring out an AMN from the other. If Eq. 3 and Eq. 9 are com-
(h/X)2 x Var(X) + (m 1) x n x ( h/Y)2 right hand side of Eq. 8 and rear- bined, one can gain an equation that
x Var(Y)] (5) ranging, the relative error of the to- estimates the relative error in the
Since our system from which we tal area covered by impurities, measurement of AT as a function of
sample contains mostly water, less SDEV%(AT), can then be determined the level of impurities in ppm (parts
than 1% pulp and an even smaller as: per million):
amount of impurities, the assump- SDEV%(AT) = [SDEV(AT)/AT] x 100% =
SDEV%(AT) = 100% x {[1 +Var(Ai)/AM2]/
tion of independence is justified as 100% x [(1 + Var(AI)/AM2)/(N + 1)]0.5 (9)
[(ppm x AS/(106 x AM)) + 1]}0.5 (10)
long as vigorous agitation is assured.
Equation 9 is useful because it al- where AS is the total scanned area.
It can be shown that the variance
lows an immediate measure of the The only difference between Eq. 9
of the count of randomly distributed
dispersion of the measurement, and Eq. 10 is that N in Eq. 9 is
features is equal to the number of
SDEV(AT) relative to the measure- substituted by ppm x AS/106 x AM in
the features (13). Using this and Eq.
ment value AT. For each handsheet, Eq. 10. To use Eq. 10, the values of
5, Eq. 4 can be rewritten to yield:
one can calculate an estimation of Var(Ai) and AM must be known or
Var(AT) = [1/(N + 1)][N2 x AM2 + N3 x the error in AT due to the random estimated. This equation can be di-
Var(AM)] (6) distribution of impurities using Eq. rectly used to estimate the error of

Vol. 78, No. 2 Tappi Journal 171

Image analysis
8. Actual error and scanning error vs actual handsheet ppm. The 9. Relative error vs actual ppm. The actual relative error was
scanning error is determined by comparing two scans of the same determined experimentally as the standard deviation divided by the
side of the same handsheet and is an indication of the reproducibil- average ppm (in percent) of a target ppm batch. The prediction of
ity of the image analysis system. The actual error is the standard Eq. 10 is also plotted on the graph. The agreement between the
deviation of the experimentally detected ppm of the wire or felt sides prediction of Eq. 10 and the data provides validation of Eq. 10.
of a target ppm batch. Note that the actual error is greater than the
scanning error at all values of ppm.

200 200

Scanning error wire Actual rel. error: wire side

160 Scanning error felt 160 Actual rel. error: felt side

Actual error wire Eq. 10: Var(Ai)/AM2 = 0.0
Actual error felt Eq. 10: Var(Ai)/AM2 = 1.5
ERROR, ppm

120 120 Eq. 10: Var(Ai)/AM2 = 5.0

80 80

40 40

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


an analysis given the population pa- the resulting ten handsheets were size of the spots, and a histogram of
rameters of the spots, the level of each approximately 1.5 g. The batch spot size versus frequency. The
impurities and the total scanned was kept well mixed during sam- smallest size spot that could be dis-
area. pling. The handsheets were stored tinguished under the conditions was
at ambient conditions before image 0.007 mm2 (one square pixel, with
Experimental analysis. edge 85 microns).
Each batch of 10 handsheets was
Image analysis of handsheets analyzed using the following proce-
Handsheet preparation dure. Random numbers between 1
Images of the resulting handsheets
Six batches of handsheets were made and 40 were generated; two of these
were acquired using a flatbed scan-
with target impurities of 10, 20, 100, random numbers were assigned to
ner (HP Scan Jet Plus, Model HP
200, 600, and 1000 ppm. The paper each side of each handsheet. The
9195A/AB) at 300 dots per inch
used was a typical office xerographic handsheet sides were then scanned
(about 85 micron dot width) optical
paper, Matrix Xerographic D. P. Hi- in ascending order of their assigned
resolution. The scanner was run
Speed, 75 g/m 2, distributed by number, 1 through 40. This proce-
through a warmup procedure before
Zellerbach, A Mead Co. The paper dure was performed to remove any
use as suggested in our previous pa-
was printed with a standard image auto correlation between successive
per (5). The scanner produced a gray
using Xerox 5100 copier with Xerox scans on a single handsheet. It al-
scale image data file of the handsheet
Dry Ink 5100 toner. lowed for a randomized estimate of
in which each image element, a pixel,
Each batch of handsheets was pre- the error of the scanning.
could have a gray scale value (GSV)
pared as follows. A total of 60 oven- The scanned area was a 3 by 3-in.
between 0 = dark and 255 = white.
dry grams of paper, with a ratio of square approximately centered in
The image analysis was performed
blank sheets to printed sheets that the circular handsheet. To ensure a
using a DOS-based, file-oriented im-
would approximately provide the tar- repeated scan of the same area on
age analysis program, Imagine, de-
get ppm, was mixed with tap water the handsheet, the handsheets were
veloped at the Dept. of Wood and
to achieve a 1.5% consistency. No cut slightly larger than the scanned
Paper Science, North Carolina State
deinking chemicals were used. The area and placed on the same posi-
University. A GSV threshold of 155
mixture was disintegrated using a tion of the flatbed scanner. The cut-
was utilized to distinguish the con-
TAPPI Disintegrator. From this ting of the samples also made the
taminants (GSV < 155) from the
batch, ten 100-mL specimens were samples lie flat on the scanner, a
background (GSV 155). The image
removed and made into handsheets procedure which decreases the mea-
analysis software provided the num-
using standard TAPPI procedures; surement error.
ber of spots detected, the average
172 February 1995 Tappi Journal
Results and the felt side for a handsheet error. (c) The error that is predicted
(Table I). This demonstrates that by Eq. 8 will be referred to as the
Image analysis parameters even inside the handsheet mold, ran- predicted error. To calculate this
dom mixing was observed in this error, the number of spots, the aver-
Handsheets from the 100 and 1000 study. age spot size and the variance of the
ppm target are plotted in Fig. 1. Note spot size determined for each
that the detected area covered by handsheet was determined and sub-
Random distribution of spots
spots is plotted logarithmically and stituted into Eq. 8.
changes over six order of magnitude As mentioned above, it can be shown
that the variance of counted features The predicted error versus the
by changing the gray scale value actual error is plotted in Fig. 7. Data
threshold. This again demonstrates is equal to the number of counted
features (13). For our theoretical for both the felt and wire sides are
how important it is to select a mean- distinguished in the plot; however,
ingful threshold. Since there is no consideration, we applied this law.
It should therefore be possible to the results of the two sides are simi-
standardization available, we de- lar. The predicted error is shown to
cided to use a constant threshold of demonstrate this behavior using the
experimental results. If one plots the be equal to the actual error, i.e., the
155 (indicated by arrows in Fig. 1) data are scattered about a 45 line
which is approximately 75% of the variance of the number of spots per
handsheet for each batch versus the with an intercept of zero. This ob-
average gray scale value of the batch servation lends evidence to the
targeted with 1000 ppm. average number of spots per
handsheet, one should essentially theory used to predict the actual er-
find a straight line at a 45 angle. ror.
Sample concentrations The actual error and the scan-
Figure 6 shows that the observation
of impurities ning error are plotted versus the ac-
of random distribution statistics
The actual ppm concentrations of holds true for our samples. In the tual ppm values in Fig. 8. The results
impurities and the number of spots plot, also included are the confidence demonstrate that the scanning er-
versus target ppm concentrations for intervals of 50% and 80% (two-sided ror is much smaller than the actual
sides of individual handsheets are intervals). It is expected that 50% error at high ppm values. It is im-
plotted in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. and 80% of the data will lie within portant to note that the scanning
Data acquired on the felt and wire the 50% and 80% confidence inter- error is small and reproducible us-
sides of the handsheets are both plot- vals, respectively, if random distri- ing a single image analysis tech-
ted and may be distinguished by dif- bution is true. nique; however, as demonstrated in
ferent symbols. Figure 2 demon- Fig. 1, if different image analysis
strates that the absolute scatter of techniques are used the differences
Comparison of the predicted
detected ppm and number of spots in results can be significant. Equa-
and actual error in ppm
increases with increasing ppm. How- tion 10 allows prediction of the rela-
ever, the scatter relative to the value Three errors in the area covered by tive error in ppm given the average
of ppm actually decreases with in- contaminants that will be discussed particle size and standard deviation
creasing ppm, as shown by plotting in this section are briefly reviewed of particle size. The prediction of the
actual ppm divided by target ppm in the following. All of these errors relative error versus ppm is plotted
versus target ppm, Fig. 4. are standard deviations and have in Fig. 9. The value of Var(Ai)/AM2
It was of interest to determine if units of ppm. (a) The error that origi- was approximated as 1.5, as found in
significant differences existed in par- nates from the limitations in the re- our data. To demonstrate the sensi-
ticle population between the felt and producibility of the image analysis tivity of the prediction with respect
the wire side. No significant differ- system is referred to as the scan- to this ratio, the curves generated
ence in ppm and number of spots ning error. This error was calculated using ratio values of 0 (i.e.,
detected between the felt and wire by performing image analysis twice Var(Ai) = 0) and 5 are also plotted.
sides is distinguishable in the data on the exact same sample, i.e., two Also plotted in Fig. 9 is the actual
of Figs. 24. Figure 5 is a plot of the scans of each side of each handsheet. relative error of the data. The actual
difference in ppm of the wire minus With these results one can calculate relative error was determined for
the felt side for 10 handsheets of the standard deviation of the mea- each side of the handsheets at each
each batch. If an actual separation sured ppm for a single side of a ppm level by dividing the
was taking place inside the handsheet. (b) The error that was STDEV(AT) by the measured value
handsheet mold, one would expect calculated by simply determining the of AT and multiplying by 100%. The
that the data would cluster either standard deviation of the experimen- predicted relative error adequately
above or below the y = 0 line. More- tally detected ppm of wire and felt fits the experimental results and fur-
over, no correlation was found be- sides of handsheets of a target ppm ther supports the theory presented
tween ppm detected on the wire side batch, thereafter called the actual in this work. Note that both the ac-
Vol. 78, No. 2 Tappi Journal 173
Image analysis
II. Image analysis results on 25% post consumer recycled copy paper

Number of spots detected

Upper bound: 0.0215 0.0502 0.108 0.222 Avg. size, Std. dev., No. spots ppm
Lower bound: 0.0072 0.0215 0.0502 0.108 mm 2 mm2

Sheet Side
1 1 10 1 0 0 9.78E-03 6.63E-03 11 18.5
2 1 8 1 0 0 1.19E-02 7.17E-03 9 18.4
3 1 9 0 0 0 7.96E-03 2.39E-03 9 12.3
4 1 11 1 0 0 1.08E-02 8.37E-03 12 22.3
5 1 11 0 0 0 1.04E-02 4.93E-03 11 19.7
6 1 10 2 0 0 1.37E-02 8.35E-03 12 28.3
7 1 8 0 0 0 8.96E-03 5.07E-03 8 12.3
8 1 11 0 0 0 7.82E-03 2.16E-03 11 14.8
9 1 7 0 0 0 8.19E-03 2.71E-03 7 9.9
10 1 13 0 0 0 9.93E-03 4.66E-03 13 22.2
1 2 11 0 0 0 9.78E-03 4.83E-03 11 18.5
2 2 6 1 0 0 1.33e-02 1.05E-02 7 16.0
3 2 8 1 0 0 1.35E-02 9.10E-03 9 20.9
4 2 4 0 0 0 8.96E-03 3.58E-03 4 6.2
5 2 7 0 0 0 9.22E-03 3.50E-03 7 11.1
6 2 12 0 0 0 7.77E-03 2.07E-03 12 16.1
7 2 7 1 0 0 1.08E-02 7.66E-03 8 14.9
8 2 12 0 0 0 8.96E-03 3.24E-03 12 18.5
9 2 19 1 0 0 9.32E-03 5.74E-03 20 32.1
10 2 9 0 0 0 8.76E-03 3.16E-03 9 13.6

9.99E-03 5.29E-03 1.01E+01 17.3 <=Avg.

0.00185 0.00254 3.28 6.1 <=Std. dev.

35.25 <=SDEV%

33.96 <=SDEV%
Predicted Eq. 10
Var( Ai)/AM2
= 0.28
Upper bound: upper border of spot class (in mm2)
Lower bound: lower border of spot class (in mm 2)
No spots were detected with areas greater than 0.05 mm 2.

Var(Ai)/AM2 = 0.28 = (5.29E-03/9.99E-03)2

tual and predicted relative errors suitable for high speed xerographic reported plot size for TAPPI Method
increase dramatically as the ppm equipment and laser printers. The T 437 om-90, Dirt in Paper and Pa-
level decreases toward zero. In con- paper is specified as containing 25% perboard. For this reason the ppm
trast to the relative errors, the abso- post-consumer fiber. Ten sheets of level reported here is expected to be
lute error, SDEV(AT), both predicted paper were analyzed. The same im- higher than that reported using the
and actual, increase with increasing age analysis procedures as described TAPPI method.
ppm, see Eq. 8 and Fig. 8, respec- earlier were followed, including scan- The value of SDEV% of a sheet
tively. ning 3 x 3 in. areas of the sheets. was found to be 35.3%. The value of
The results of the image analysis SDEV% predicted by Eq. 10 with
Analysis of a commercial are shown in Table II. Var(Ai)/AM2 = 0.28, from data in
recycled copy paper The average ppm of the area Table II, was 34.0% (Table II). The
scanned was found to be 17.3. The excellent agreement between the
To further explore the utility of the
ppm was calculated using detected actual and predicted values gives fur-
statistical tools as described above,
spots with sizes between 0.0007 and ther validation of the derivation of
image analysis was performed on a
0.05 mm2; many detected spots were Eq. 10.
commercial recycled content paper
less than 0.04 mm2, the minimum

174 February 1995 Tappi Journal

Discussion give further evidence that a simple The charts can then be used without
office scanner is adequate for the a thorough knowledge of the theory
As demonstrated in Fig. 1, our re- task of analyzing visible impurities. presented here.
sults show again that image analysis Figure 6 demonstrates that the
is very sensitive to the chosen pa- impurities are randomly distributed.
rameters. It demonstrates that it is Conclusion
The random distribution, however,
almost impossible to compare results would be destroyed if the impurities The results herein demonstrate that
made with different image analysis had a tendency to cluster. In cases the most important contributor to
systems, yet even with different sys- where the impurities tend to cluster the error in image analysis is the
tem parameters on the same sys- together, but the scanner is still able fact that typical impurities are ran-
tem. It seems therefore urgent to to recognize each individual impu- domly distributed in pulp. Based on
define standards that allow for a rity, the predicted error, calculated theoretical considerations of a ran-
comparison of results from different using Eq. 10, will significantly un- dom distribution of impurities in
labs. derestimate the actual error.* pulp, an expected error was calcu-
Again, our previously reported The results show that, even lated and compared with actual find-
criteria (5) of setting the threshold though the absolute value of the er- ings using handsheets of different
at about 75% of the average gray ror due to random distribution in- but known total concentration of im-
scale value proved to be useful. It creases with higher impurity levels, purities. Theory and experimental
should be mentioned, however, that its relative value, meaning the error results agreed well over a range of
the statistical results reported herein divided by the measured value, de- impurity concentration from 10 to
do not depend on the setting of the creases with higher impurity levels. 1000 ppm. TJ
threshold or any machine setting, as Typically, one is more interested in
long as the settings are kept con- the relative size of the error, since a
stant. difference of 20 ppm is much more
Literature cited
The results show, in general, that important at an impurity level of 20 1. McCool, M., TAPPI 1982 Pulping Con-
indeed the random distribution of ppm than at 200 ppm. ference Proceedings, TAPPI PRESS, At-
impurities in samples plays a much General statistical considerations
lanta, p. 395.
2. Jordan, B. D. and Nguyen N. G., J. Pulp
greater role than the scanning mea- demonstrate that the size of the er- Paper Sci. 14(1): J16(1988).
surement error in determining the ror can be decreased by scanning 3. Fastenau, H., Hagedorn, J., and Jousimaa
error of an estimation of pulp impu- larger areas. Therefore, consider-
T., Tappi J. 74(6): 73(1991).
4. Dexter, R. J., Progr. in Paper Recycling
rities. Even the two sides of the same ations pertaining to the size of the 2(4): 41(1993).
handsheet in this study can be re- scanned area that is necessary to 5. Zeyer, C., Heitmann, J. A., Venditti, R.A.,
garded as essentially independent achieve an appropriate accuracy
Joyce, T.W., Progr. in Paper Recycling
3(3): 29(1993).
(Table I), due to the mixing in the grow increasingly important with 6. Sutman, F., Tappi J. 77(5): 179(1993).
handsheet mold and the relatively lower levels of impurities. 7. Zeyer, C., Venditti, R. A., and Heitmann,
large particles in reference to the The actual relative error essen-
J. A., Tappi J. 78(2): 176(1994).
8. Scott, D. and Bliss, T., TAPPI 1991
wire openings. Thus, when one is tially follows Eq. 10 when param- Pulping Conference, TAPPI PRESS, At-
confronted with the choice to either eters of the spot population of the lanta, p. 997.
increase the resolution to measure experimental system are employed
9. Heintze, H., Pulp & Paper Canada 93(10):
the present impurities more accu- (Fig. 9). We therefore conclude that 10. Moss, C., Tappi J. 76(10): 117(1993).
rately or to increase the area to be our general equation can be adopted 11. Riempp, G., Trk, I., Ackermann, Ch., et
scanned and thereby increase the to estimate the error of a given, mea-
al., Das Papier 4: 186(1993).
12. Kreyszig, E., Statistische Methoden,
number of spots counted, one should sured sample. Moreover, this equa- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Goettingen,
choose the latter, in general. This tion can be used to estimate the area Germany, 1979, 7th edn., p. 332.
statement, of course, is only valid as that has to be scanned to achieve a
13. Russ, J., Practical Stereology, Plenum
Press, New York, 1991.
long as a resolution of 300 dots per certain confidence interval before-
inch or greater is used and one is hand, when information on spread The authors would like to thank Prof. Giesbrecht
only interested in visible impurities. and average size of the population of
(Dept. of Statistics, North Carolina State Uni-
versity) for helpful discussions. C. Zeyer was
As far as the reproducibility of mea- spots is available or may be approxi- supported by Ciba Geigy, Basel, Switzerland.
surements are concerned, our results mated. With Eq. 10, charts can be K.W. Puangchinda was supported by the J.
Stanford Smith Graduate Fellowship, Interna-
created that allow a simple graphi- tional Paper Co.
cal determination of the needed area
Adding or removing a cluster to a scanned to be analyzed. These charts and Received for review June 14, 1994.
area will vary the number of counted their use are presented and dis-
features much more than expected from a Accepted Sept. 30, 1994.
random distribution of unclustered cussed in the companion paper (7).

Vol. 78, No. 2 Tappi Journal 175

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