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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 25 No.

3, June 1990 489

Estimating the Cumulative

Probability of Failure Data Points to
be Plotted on Weibull and other
Probability Paper

J. C. Fothergill
Department of Engineering, University of Leicester,
Leicester, U. K.

Using both an exact technique and Monte-Carlo simulations
to estimate the cumulative probability of failure for the ith of
n identically-stressed samples, it is shown that the approxima-
tion F ( i , n) = ( i - 0.3)/(n + 0.4) is considerably more accurate
than other, commonly used, approximations. The significance
of this in the interpretation of electrical breakdown tests is

INTRODU CTlON tions using Monte-Carlo simulations. Although this for-

mula is not new, e.g. [B], it was felt necessary to demon-
strate that it is significantly more accurate than others
Weibull [l]and Gumbel [2] distributions are com-
monly used to represent times-to-failure or break-
down voltages in constant-stress or progressive-stress tests
which are still widely advocated and commonly used.

on electrical insulation [3,4]. Special graph papers are METHOD

available for presenting the results as straight-line plots
(51, the ordinate axis having a non-linear scale corre-
O U R commonly-used equations for approximating
sponding to the cumulative probability of failure. When
such data are to be plotted, it is necessary to order the
F F ( i , n) were compared with exact calculated values
and Monte-Carlo generated values. These were: the me-
data from smallest to largest, and then assign a cumula-
dian rank approximation given in Equation 1, the mean
tive probability of failure, F ( i , n) , to each point. A best
rank approximation
straight line may be fitted through such points and the
distributions parameters estimated by eye (i.e. graph- i
F ( i , n )= - (2)
ical estimation). Alternatively, if a computational tech- n+1
nique is to be employed, the maximum likelihood tech-
and two others,
nique [6,7] should be used [B]. The values of F ( i , n) ap-
propriate to such a fit are the median ranks. However, it i - 0.5
is not trivial to find their exact values. In this paper it
F ( i , n )= - n (3)
is shown conclusively that an excellent approximation to and
the median rank of the ith of n samples tested is given i
F(i,n)= - (4)
by n
i - 0.3 The mean rank (Equation 2) is the most widely used [3],
F(i,n)= ~

n 0.4 but it will be shown that graphical estimates of param-
This has been checked by both calculating the exact val- eters using this are not consistent with the accepted use
ues of the median ranks and by verifying these calcula- of the maximum likelihood technique.

0018-9367/90/0600-489$1.00 @ 1990 IEEE

490 Fothergill: Cumulative Probability Plotted on Weibull and other Probability Paper

I 1

10 10 -' 1 10
Variable (e.g. time t o breakdown)
Figure 1.
Weibull plots showing the effect of using different c

approximations for F ( i ,n).

9 ) .-
Exact values of the cumulative probabilities may be E0!
obtained using the incomplete beta function

median ranks B ( a , b) is set to 0.5 and solved for y. (Other 5O

quantiles may be found by setting B(a,b) to other values,
this is used for the estimation of confidence limits, for

In order to confirm the results of this numerical anal- as time-tefailure. may be simulated by
ysis, Monte-Carlo simulations were carried out for the rearranging this to give
2-parameter Weibull distribution [l]for which the cumu-
lative probability of failure is given by t = a[-ln(1- I+)]'/@ (7)
PF= 1 - exp [ - ( t / a ) @ ]
(6) and using a random number generator to generate values
t>O a>O p>o for PF between 0 and 1. Times-to-failure were gener-
where, a is a scale parameter known as the characteristic ated in this way after the function of the random number
value, 0 the shape parameter and t the variable, such generator had been verified using standard run and distri-
IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 25 No. 3, June 1990 491

bution tests on a million samples. A complete breakdown exact values calculated using the incomplete beta func-
experiment was simulated in this way by generating a set tion. The points plotted which correspond to the median
of n times-to-failure and sorting them into ascending size rank approximation (+), Equation 1, can be seen to lie
corresponding to i = 1 to n. In each program run, 1001 almost exactly on this solid line. The points plotted using
such experiments were simulated. The 1001 times-to- the mean rank approximation (U), Equation 2 and those
failure corresponding to each value of i were then sorted using Equation 3, (0)show considerable deviations, par-
and the 501st value, being the median, was identified. By ticularly at the extremes.
substituting this back into Equation 6 and evaluating P F ,
median ranks were obtained for different combinations of The Weibull parameters, a (characteristic value) and
i and n. Since 1001 simulations is not large by Monte- j3 (shape parameter), are commonly estimated from such
Carlo standards, 10 to 20 such program runs were carried plots. If the median rank approximation is used, then
out for each value of n and the mean and standard de- there are virtually no systematic errors introduced using
viation calculated for each i , n pair, thereby enabling a such graphical techniques provided that the points are
degree of confidence to be estimated. Monte-Carlo simu- found to lie on a reasonably straight line. However, if the
lations were carried out for sample sizes of n = 3 to 20. mean rank approximation is used (Equation 2), then the
slope of the graph, which is equal to the shape parameter
,l3 is considerable underestimated. This is shown by the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION dashed line through the ( 0 )points. Similarly it can be
seen that if Equation 3 is used to estimate F ( i , n ) then
an overestimate of the shape parameter results. Slight
ABULATING the results of all these calculations would
T not be useful. However, a small representative selec-
tion of results is presented in Table 1 for sample sizes
errors are also introduced in the estimates of the charac-
teristic values a. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the bias of
the graphical estimates of a and j3 for samples sizes of
of 4, 7, and 10. The Table shows for each combination
n = 3 to 100. The bias indicates the fractional deviation
of n and i, the exact value of cumulative probability of
from the true value and is independent of the actual value
failure calculated using the incomplete beta function, the
of a or j3 [6]. The three curves marked (i), (ii) and (iii)
mean and standard deviation of values obtained from the
correspond to the three approximations in Equations 1, 2
Monte-Carlo simulations, and the values obtained from
and 3, respectively. It can be seen that with a sample size
the various approximations given in Equations 1-4. From
of 10, which is a typical size reported for electrical break-
the Table it can be seen that
down tests, the shape parameter bias is approximately
1. There is a good agreement between the values obtained f 1 0 % if the approximations of Equation 2 or 3 are used.
from the incomplete beta function calculations and the
Monte-Carlo simulations thus indicating that the com- This effect may be quite significant. For example if
putation algorithm was valid; the minimum life is to be estimated, that is the time-to-
2. There is excellent agreement between the median rank failure when the cumulative probability of failure is O . l % ,
approximation (Equation 1) and the exact calculated then if j3 = 1, n = 10 and the mean rank approximation
values; is used, this will be underestimated by a factor > 2. Al-
3. There is less agreement between the exact values and though such errors do not occur if the parameters are
those of the other approximations. In particular, the estimated using maximum likelihood techniques, graphi-
approximation F ( i , n ) = i/n; (Equation 4) is clearly cal techniques are widely used because of their simplicity.
inappropriate and will not be considered further. Furthermore, recently many workers have, commendably,
started to show confidence limits on Weibull and similar
The effects on the Weibull plot of using the three better plots. If, however, a bad approximation is used for as-
approximations (Equations 1-3) can be seen in Figure 1. signing cumulative probabilities to data points, their data
This shows a Weibull plot with three distributions cor- may appear to lie on the wrong side of these limits.
responding to sample sizes of n = 4, 7, and 10. The
variable values (e.g. times-to-breakdown) were calculated
using Equation 7 with PF being replaced by the exact val- CONCLUSIONS
ues of F ( i , n ) . The shape parameter j3 in each case was
arbitrarily chosen to be unity and different characteristic F the commonly-used approximations shown in Equa-
values a were used for each distribution so that the plots
were separated along the abscissa. The solid lines indi-
0 tions 1-4 for estimating the cumulative probability of
failure, it is shown that the median rank approximation
cate the best fit using a maximum likelihood technique +
F ( i , n) = (i - 0.3)/(n 0.4) is by far the most superior
and these are equivalent to joining by straight lines the and that Equation 4 F ( i , n ) = i / n should not be used.
482 Fothergill: Cumulative Probability Plotted on Weibull and other Probability Paper

Table 1. Cumulative probability estimates using different techniques.

Sample Cumulative probability of failure, F(i,n) i

size exact median mean
va 1ue
simulation rank rank 1
s.d. -
(beta i-0.3
n i func .) ntO .4 n
4 1 0.1591 0.1604 0.0060 1 0.1591 0.2000i 0.1250 0.2500
4 2 0.3857 0.3865 0.0080! 0.3864 0.40001 0.3750 0.5000
0.6143 0.6202 0.0096 0.6136 0.6000 1 0.6250 0.7500
4 3
4 4 0.8409 0.8409
0.0079 0.8409 0.8000 1 0.8750 1.0000
7 1 0.0943 0.0945 0.0042) 0.0946 0.12501 0.0714 0 1429
7 2 0.2285 0.2293 0.0058 1 0.2297 0.25001 0.2143 0.2857
7 3 0.3641 0.3636 0.00591 0.3649 0.37501 0.3571 0.4286
7 4 0.50001 0.4982 0.0067 0.5000 0.50001 0.5000 0.5714
7 5 0.6359: 0.6351 0.0089 0.6351: 0.6250: 0.6429 0 7143 !
7 6 0.7715: 0.7696 0.0070 0.77031 0.75001 0.7857 0.8571:
7 7 0.9057; 0.9051 0.0050 0.9054 0.8750 0.9286 1.0000
0.0670 I 0.0678
0.1623 1 0.1633
0.1635 1
I 0.0909
10 3 l 0.25861 0.2610 0.0073 0.2596 1 0.2727 0.2500 0.3000
10 4 0.3551 I 0.3560 0.0080 0.35581 0.3636 0.3500 0,4000
10 5 0.4517 I 0.4531 0.0084 0.45191 0.4545 0.4500
10 6 0.54831 0.5481 0.0076 0.5481 I 0.5455 0.5500
10 7 0.6449 0.6429 0.0059 0.6442 0.6364 0.6500 0.7000
10 8 0.7414f 0.7412 0.0050 0.7404 0.7273 0.7500
10 9 0.8377 I 0.8375 0.0029 0.8365 I 0.8182 0.8500
10 10 0.93301 0.9329 0.0021 0.9327 ! 0.9091 0.9500

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[7] W. Nelson, Applied Life Data Analysis, New York,
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