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Importance of body size and hunting strategy during interactions
between the Mexican red-rump tarantula (Brachypelma vagans) and
the wolf spider Lycosa subfusca
A. Dor and Y. Hnaut
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/05/13

Abstract: Behavioural adaptation helps animals to maximize their ability to obtain food and to avoid being eaten, increasing
tness. To achieve this, they must assess predation risk and evaluate foraging needs simultaneously. In two sympatric spider
species, the wandering wolf spider Lycosa subfusca F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902 and the sit-and-wait Mexican red-rump tarantula
(Brachypelma vagans Ausserer, 1875), we studied the relationship between predatory behaviour and antipredatory behaviour at
different life stages. In the laboratory, encounters were organized between one wolf spider (small, medium-sized, or large) and
one tarantula (spiderling, small, medium-sized, or large). Attack latencies and behaviours were recorded. The results showed
that wolf spiders attacked and successfully captured younger tarantulas, while they avoided or retreated from older ones.
Tarantulas preferentially attacked and captured older wolf spiders. On other hand, younger wolf spiders were more cautious
than older ones, which waited until for the tarantulas to attack before retreating. Younger tarantulas were also more cautious
than adults, which never retreated from attack and increased their success in attacks with age. Finally, we discuss the relation-
ship between the predatory strategies of both spiders with their perception abilities and life history.

Key words: wolf spider, Lycosa subfusca, Mexican red-rump tarantula, Brachypelma vagans, Yucatan Peninsula.
For personal use only.

Rsum : Les adaptations comportementales des animaux optimisent lobtention de nourriture ou leur vitent dtre mangs,
en amliorant leur tness. Pour cela, ils doivent valuer simultanment le risque dtre mangs et la ncessit de se nourrir. Nous
avons tudi les comportements prdateur et anti-prdateur de deux araignes sympatriques, laraigne-loup errante Lycosa
subfusca F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902 et la mygale Brachypelma vagans Ausserer, 1875 pendant diffrentes priode de leur vie. En
laboratoire, on a ralis des rencontres entre une araigne-loup (petite, moyenne ou grande) et une mygale (trs petite, petite,
moyenne ou grande). On observe que les araignes-loups attaquent et capturent avec succs les plus jeunes mygales, alors
quelles nattaquent pas les adultes. Les mygales attaquent et capturent prfrentiellement les araignes-loups adultes. Dautre
part, les jeunes araignes-loups sont plus prudentes, elles vitent les mygales alors que leurs adultes attendent une attaque pour
se retirer. De mme, les jeunes mygales se montrent plus prudentes que leurs adultes, qui ne se retirent jamais en cas dattaque
et dont le succs dattaque augmente avec lge. Finalement nous discutons des relations entre les stratgies prdatrices de
chaque espce daraigne en lien avec leur habilet perceptive et leur histoire de vie.

Mots-cls : araigne-loup, Lycosa subfusca, mygale, Brachypelma vagans, pninsule de Yucatan.

Introduction avoidance hypothesis; Dill and Fraser 1997; Sih 1997; Puttlitz
Predation is clearly one of the major selection pressures that et al. 1999), and depending on a variety of intrinsic prey factors
determine the form (Endler 1991), colour (Oxford and Gillespie such as development rate, feeding opportunities, mating oppor-
1998), and the behaviour of animals (Lima and Dill 1990; Lima tunities, investment in offspring, body condition, and the risk
1998). Through the evolutionary arms race (Dawkins and Krebs represented by the predator (Johnson and Sih 2007). If there is
1979), predator and prey species maximize abilities to obtain food little food available, prey is likely to take risks to forage in areas of
or to avoid being eaten. This interaction has resulted in early higher predation probability and is likely not to detect the attack-
morphological adaptations in prey (Bengtson and Zhao 1992; ing predator. To resolve this dilemma, animals must assess preda-
Bengtson and Hou 2001). Behavioural adaptations are also advan- tion risk and evaluate foraging needs concurrently, balancing the
tageous against predators, because any animal that avoids preda- two to maximize tness (Verdolin 2006).
tors or ees when it is attacked by predators has a greater Although many authors have focused their work on the anti-
probability of surviving to mate and to produce offspring (i.e., predatory behavioural responses of prey against predators, few
tness) than other animals (Lind and Cresswell 2005). Neverthe- studies are concerned with the relationship between the preda-
less, excessive antipredatory behaviour is not necessarily synony- tory behaviour of a predator and its antipredator behaviour
mous with higher tness, as this type of behaviour or display is against a superior predator. Indeed, in a system including a supe-
generally costly because it interferes with foraging, mating, rior predator preying on an intermediate predator, the interme-
and territorial defence (Lima and Dill 1990; Lima 1998; Lind and diate predator is simultaneously confronted with prey and a
Cresswell 2005). Optimizing the trade-off between foraging and superior predator. Its predatory strategies and antipredatory re-
vigilance, prey should show graded responses of defensive behav- sponses are shaped in a trade-off between preying and being
iour proportional to the perceived risk (threat-sensitive predator preyed upon (Schaffner and Anholt 1998). Because antipredatory

Received 3 December 2012. Accepted 9 May 2013.

A. Dor and Y. Hnaut. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Avenida Centenario Km 5.5, Chetumal 77014, Quintana Roo, Mxico.
Corresponding author: Ariane Dor (e-mail:,

Can. J. Zool. 91: 545553 (2013) Published at on 13 May 2013.
546 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 91, 2013

and predatory strategies result from the evolutionary history of other wolf spiders including conspecics (Rypstra and Samu 2005;
predatorprey interactions (Lima and Dill 1990; Stapley 2004), we Wise 2006; Dor and Hnaut 2011). It is known that wolf spider
may expect that the predatory strategy and the antipredatory species have developed adaptive antipredatory behaviour such as
strategy are closely related to limit the cost that may result from prolonged periods of immobility, reduced walking speeds, and
two distinct strategies. avoidance of certain substrates (see Persons and Rypstra 2001;
The behavioural capacity of a predator to catch several types of Persons et al. 2001; Barnes et al. 2002).
prey may allow it to have different behavioural responses to its Predatory and antipredatory strategies of early stages of both
own predators. On the other hand, under the predation pressure spiders are little known. During the rst days of life, L. subfusca
of a specic predator, a prey could have evolved to develop a spiderlings are all located on the top of their mothers back, with-
specic and efcient form of defence against this predator, but out any apparent aggressiveness toward their kin (A. Dor, per-
inefcient with other predators (see Sih 1992). For instance, gen- sonal observation), as many other spiders do (Gundermann et al.
eralist predators such as burrowing tarantulas (family Therapho- 1986; Jeanson et al. 2004). In natural conditions, the young
sidae) spend almost all their life in a protective burrow and shed L. subfusca approach tarantula burrows less than older individuals
urticating setae from the abdomen by rapid downward strokes of
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/05/13

(see Dor and Hnaut 2011). In the case of B. vagans, before dispers-
the fourth pair of legs to repel predators (Cooke et al. 1972). These ing, spiderlings live together in their mothers burrow, without
antipredatory strategies seem to be efcient only against verte-
aggressiveness, although it seems that they eat cadavers of their
brate predators, which cannot enter the burrow and are repelled
kin (Dor and Hnaut 2012). During dispersion from the maternal
by the urticating hairs. Wasps of the family of Pompilidae, a ta-
burrow, a long column of about 100 tiny kin individuals (Shillington
rantula parasitoid, can extract the spider from its burrow and
and McEwen 2006), B. vagans spiderlings are particularly exposed
immobilize it (Punzo 1994) or attack and immobilize the spider in
to predators. Once established in a burrow, preadult and adult
the burrow (Costa et al. 2004). Defensive posture is another anti-
predatory behaviour that the tarantula uses against potential B. vagans are highly aggressive towards congeners (Hnaut and
predators, whether vertebrate or invertebrate (Costa et al. 2004; Machkour-MRabet 2005; Dor et al. 2008).
Prez-Miles et al. 2005). In the event of a predator attack, like The aim of the study is to demonstrate that two sympatric spe-
many spiders, the tarantula can shed a limb that has been grasped cies display different predatory and antipredatory strategies
by the predator and thereby escape (Foelix 1996), the missing leg is along their life, and that shifts can be related to shifts in life
then regenerated on subsequent moults. history: (1) adults of wolf spider, as wandering predators, have
Wolf spiders (family Lycosidae) are wandering or sit-and-wait conserved cautious behaviour of early stages and have developed
generalist predators. They are the prey of vertebrates (lizards, strategies based on decision making in respect to its own age and
For personal use only.

birds, and small insectivorous mammals) and arthropods, in par- its adversary, whereas (2) adults of B. vagans, as sit-and-wait pred-
ticular other spiders (Wise 1993, 2006; Foelix 1996; Dor and ators, lost cautious behaviour of spiderlings, favouring attack on
Hnaut 2011). They have developed a range of defences against all wolf spiders that approach without prior evaluation. We ven-
predation and cannibalism based on chemical signals (Persons tured three hypothesis: (1) for both spider species, early stages are
et al. 2002; Wise 2006). We expect that they reduce the probability more cautious and less aggressive than adult stages; (2) in sub-
of being detected by a predator by living in a burrow, as other adult and adult stages of wolf spiders, cautious behavior is con-
spiders do (Cloudsley-Thompson 1995). If a predator is close to served but aggressiveness increases when they are larger than
them, they are likely to avoid it before it is able to detect them tarantulas; and (3) in subadult and adult stages of tarantula, cau-
(Cloudsley-Thompson 1995; Persons et al. 2002) by reducing loco- tious behaviour disappears and aggressiveness increases without
motion, increasing cover-seeking, or increasing vigilance (Lima relation to their size ratio with wolf spider.
and Dill 1990; Lima 1998). When a predator nds them, they can
ee, running or jumping (Dor and Hnaut 2011), and when a pred- Materials and methods
ator attacks, they may shed the seized limb and escape (Foelix
Spiders maintenance
Tarantulas were collected in the village of Once de Mayo
Considering the problem of being a predator that may be
(1810.9=N, 8945.9=W), on the eastern edge of the Calakmul Bio-
preyed upon by a superior predator, in terms of behavioural ad-
sphere Reserve (Campeche, Mexico), and wolf spiders were col-
aptation costs, we focused our study on the predatory and anti-
lected on the ground around the compounds of El Colegio de la
predatory strategies of two spiders from the Yucatan Peninsula:
the burrowing Mexican red-rump tarantula (Brachypelma vagans Frontera Sur (1832=N, 8849=W) in Chetumal city (Quintana Roo,
Ausserer, 1875) (Araneae: Theraphosidae) and the terrestrial wolf Mxico). We reared them in the laboratory from several days to
spider Lycosa subfusca F.O.P. Cambridge, 1902 (Araneae: Lycosidae). several weeks between April 2005 and September 2006. The spi-
These spiders are generalist nocturnal terrestrial predators ders were maintained under the following laboratory conditions:
(Marshall 1996; Toft and Wise 1999a, 1999b). The large adult taran- one individual per plastic box (13 cm in diameter and 5 cm high),
tula B. vagans preys on L. subfusca (Dor and Weissenberger 2005; containing a cup lled with water to keep the humidity high. They
Dor and Hnaut 2011), scorpions (Dor et al. 2011), ground-dwelling were fed with live larvae of superworms (Zophobas morio Fabricius,
arthropods (Machkour-MRabet et al. 2007), and small vertebrates 1776) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Room temperature was main-
(Marshall 1996). The tarantula could be considered a superior tained at 26 C, similar to natural conditions (Reichling 2003).
predator to the wolf spider, which is an intermediate predator. Prior to the experiments, the spiders were food-deprived for
The predatory strategies of the two spiders are distinct; tarantula 1 week. The body size of each spider was determined by measuring
adults have a nightly sit-and-wait hunting strategy at the entrance with a ruler the distance from the extreme anterior point of the
of the burrow (Machkour-MRabet et al. 2007), whereas adults of head to the hindmost part of the abdomen (spinnerets excluded).
L. subfusca, smaller and more active than tarantulas (Dor and Size classes were determined for each species to transform con-
Hnaut 2011), engage in active hunting strategies in the eld dur- tinuous variables into categorical variables (Table 1). We deter-
ing the day and at night (Toft and Wise 1999a, 1999b). Antipreda- mined three size classes of wolf spider (small, medium-sized, and
tory strategies are not well known, but we expect tarantula adults large), and four size classes of tarantula (spiderling, small,
to display defence strategies against vertebrate predators through medium-sized, and large). Small wolf spiders presented a similar
its protective burrow and urticating abdominal hairs. We also size to tarantula spiderlings, but they were tinier than small ta-
assume that adults of L. subfusca, active hunters, may be most rantulas. Medium-sized wolf spiders were equal in size with small
likely confronted with other organisms, as prey or predators, like tarantulas, and smaller than medium-sized ones. Large wolf

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Dor and Hnaut 547

Table 1. Size classes (mean SE) of the wolf spider Lycosa subfusca (three classes) and the Mexican red-rump tarantula (Brachypelma vagans) (four
classes) used in the experimental setup, with N being the number of spiders measured.
Mexican red-rump tarantula
Spiderling Small Medium-sized Large
(0.77 0.19 cm; N = 12) (1.32 0.35 cm; N = 14) (3.45 0.43 cm; N = 11) (4.53 0.32 cm; N = 15)
Wolf spider
Small (0.91 0.20 cm; N = 20) NS *** *** ***
Medium-sized (43 0.28 cm; N = 20) *** NS *** ***
Large (2.08 0.07 cm; N = 20) *** *** *** ***
Note: Signicance tested with a MannWhitney U test. ***, P < 0.001; NS, not signicant.

spiders were bigger than small tarantulas and smaller than me- spiders and tarantulas were cautious and little aggressive, we in-
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/05/13

dium ones. dependently analysed behaviours of each spider as a function of

their size. For wolf spiders, we added together the behavioural
Observations of predatory and antipredatory behaviours frequencies and attack latencies as a function of their size classes.
To test whether antipredatory and predatory behaviour of both Therefore, we obtained three size groups: small, medium-sized,
spiders are similarly affected by the size of the other spider, and large wolf spiders. For tarantulas, we did the same, obtaining
we ran a series of encounters called trial under laboratory four size groups of spiderling, small, medium-sized, and large
conditions in which we confronted one wolf spider (small, tarantulas. In the three size groups formed by wolf spiders and the
medium-sized, or large) with one tarantula (spiderling, small, four size groups of the tarantulas, we also calculated an index
medium-sized, or large) and observed their behaviour. corresponding to attack success (number of capture / number of
All trials were performed at night (19000000) in clear plastic attack). For analyses, we compared the behaviours of avoidance
boxes (29.5 cm wide 44 cm long 23.5 cm high) in which two and attack between wolf spider size groups with likelihood ratio
spiders were released gently and simultaneously at either end of
G test. We made one ow diagram for each wolf spider group. The
the box. All size combinations were tested: small wolf spider
sum of percentages at the bottom of each diagram equals 100%.
(WS) spiderling tarantula (T), small WS small T, small WS
Finally, we compared attack latencies with nonparametric
medium-sized T, small WS large T; medium-sized WS spider-
KruskalWallis tests followed by a Dunns test (Zar 1999), or
ling T, medium-sized WS small T, medium-sized WS medium-
For personal use only.

MannWhitney test. We did the same for tarantulas.

sized T, medium-sized WS large T; large WS spiderling T, large
To assess the hypothesis that the wolf spider made the different
WS small T, large WS medium-sized T, and large WS large T.
decisions as a function of the size of the tarantula, we added
We then recorded the behaviour of both spiders using the fol-
lowing categories: approach, if one spider moved slowly toward together behavioural frequencies and attack latencies of the ta-
the other; avoidance, when one spider moved away from the rantula as a function of their size classes, obtaining four size
other before any attack occurred (attack did not happen); attack, groups of spiderling, small, medium-sized, and large tarantulas.
when one spider moved suddenly towards the other and made We compared the behaviours of avoidance and attack between
contact with it; capture, when a spider bit another one after each size group of tarantula with a likelihood ratio G test. We
attacking it; and retreat, when an attacked spider ran away, made one ow diagram for each tarantula group. Finally, we com-
without having been successfully grabbed or bitten. If they did not pared their attack latencies with nonparametric tests.
move for more than 10 min, since the introduction of the spiders To assess the hypothesis that the tarantulas increase their ag-
into the box and they groomed themselves and stayed immobile, gressiveness without relation to their size ratio with wolf spiders,
we recorded these behavioural acts in a single category: keeping we performed the same analyses as for wolf spiders, but in this
quiet and the observation was considered nished. Those behav- case, we control whether the tarantula behaviours depend on the
ioural acts were determined from preliminary observations with three wolf spider size groups. As tarantulas were at rest for a week
both species and previous published works (Hnaut et al. 2001, prior to any repetition and were randomly exposed to the differ-
2005; Dor and Hnaut 2011; Dor et al. 2011) and are clearly distinct. ent spider size classes, we assumed that trials involving the same
For each trial, we recorded the absence (0) or occurrence (1) of the individuals at a later date were independent. All tests were per-
behaviour. Each trial lasted until either of the spiders retreated or formed using Statistica version 7 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma,
was captured. If neither of these two behaviours occurred, the USA) and values are reported as mean SE unless otherwise
trial ended after 30 min of observations. Each of the 12 categories reported.
of spider trial was repeated 30 times, except for trials involving
tarantula spiderlings, which were each repeated 10 times, because Results
of the lack of available spiderlings. Each trial involved a different Cautious and less aggressive earlier spider stages?
wolf spider; tarantulas, except for spiderling and small individu-
als, were removed from the arena as soon as a trial was over, and Wolf spider
were food-deprived again for a week. If it did not succeed to catch Small wolf spiders showed avoidance signicantly more than
and eat a wolf spider, a Z. morio larvae were put in its plastic box attack (55% and 5%, respectively; Fig. 1A), as did medium-sized wolf
and tarantula were kept quiet for a week. The time that elapsed spiders (38% and 4%, respectively). Large wolf spiders avoided (21%)
between the introduction of the individuals and the attack was and attacked tarantulas (17%) with similar frequencies.
recorded. One observer recorded the behavioural data by direct Small, medium-sized, and large wolf spiders approached taran-
observations. Experiments were performed during the period tulas with similar frequencies (Figs. 2A, 2B, 2C ). Small wolf spiders
April 2005 to September 2006. avoided more confrontation with tarantulas than large wolf spi-
ders. Large wolf spiders attacked and captured more tarantulas
Data analysis than small ones. Attack success was 60%, 100%, and 70% for small,
For each category of spider trial (for instance, small wolf medium-sized, and large wolf spiders, respectively. Moreover,
spider spiderling tarantula), we summed the occurrences for medium-sized and large wolf spiders managed to capture few
each behaviour, obtaining behavioural frequencies in each cate- tarantulas that attacked them. Wolf spiders practically never
gory of trials. To assess the hypothesis that early stages of wolf retreated after they attacked a tarantula. Large wolf spiders

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548 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 91, 2013

Fig. 1. (A) Percentage of avoidance (dark grey) and attack (light grey) Decision making as a function of the size of the adversary
made by small, medium-sized, and large wolf spiders Lycosa subfusca
Wolf spiders
when confronted with Mexican red-rump tarantulas (Brachypelma
When wolf spiders were in the presence of tarantula spider-
vagans) (regardless to their size). (B) Percentage of avoidance (dark
lings, they attacked them signicantly more than they avoided
grey) and attack (light grey) made by spiderling, small, medium-
them (57% and 13%, respectively; Fig. 4A). On the other hand, wolf
sized, and large tarantulas when confronted with wolf spiders
spiders avoided tarantulas signicantly more than they attacked
(regardless to their size). Behaviours were compared using a
them when tarantulas were small (45% and 9%, respectively) and
likelihood ratio G test, where NA is a not applicable test and NS is a
medium-sized (39% and 1%, respectively). They never attacked
not signicant test. ***, P < 0.001.
large tarantulas and avoided them in 39% of trials.
Wolf spiders approached the four size classes of tarantula sim-
ilarly (Figs. 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D). They avoided the spiderlings less than
small, medium-sized, and large tarantulas. They attacked and cap-
tured more spiderlings than larger tarantulas. Attack success was
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/05/13

higher on tarantula spiderlings than on small tarantulas (88% and

56%, respectively) and was null on medium-sized tarantulas. Wolf
spiders almost never retreated from their own attacks. They re-
treated more after tarantula attacks, although without relation to
tarantula size. Note that some wolf spiders managed to capture
small tarantulas in 2% of trials when those tarantulas attacked
them (Fig. 3B).
Wolf spiders tended (although not signicantly) to take longer
to attack spiderlings than small tarantulas (11.0 1.3 and 7.6
2.6 min, respectively; MannWhitney test, U = 36.5, df = 1, P =

When tarantulas were in the presence of wolf spiders, they
always attacked them more than they avoided them regardless of
the wolf spiders size (Fig. 4B): small (29% attack and 3% avoid-
For personal use only.

ance), medium-sized (47% attack and 1% avoidance) and large (55%

attack and 1% avoidance).
Tarantulas approached and avoided few wolf spiders and the
frequency of these behaviours was not inuenced by the wolf
spider size (Figs. 2A, 2B, 2C). Tarantulas attacked more medium-
sized and large wolf spiders than small wolf spiders, although
capture frequencies did not reect this tendency. Tarantulas
never retreated from their own attack and almost never retreated
from those initiated by wolf spiders. Tarantulas attack successes
on small, medium-sized, and large wolf spiders were similar (59%,
56%, and 40%, respectively).
retreated more after an attack initiated by a tarantula than Tarantulas attacked medium-sized wolf spiders more quickly
smaller ones. than large ones (11.2 1.3 min (small wolf spider), 7.2 1.3 min
Small, medium-sized, and large wolf spiders had similar attack (medium-sized wolf spider), 11.8 1.3 min (large wolf spider);
latencies when confronted with tarantulas (9.3 2.0, 8.1 3.0, and KruskalWallis test: H = 0.0114, n = 110, df = 2, P < 0.05).
11.3 1.8 min; KruskalWallis test, H = 0.93, df = 2, n = 26, P = 0.63).
Tarantula This study demonstrated that two sympatric spiders prey on
Tarantula spiderlings avoided wolf spiders (10%; Fig. 1B) as often each other mutually depending on their size ratio, with smaller
as they attacked (13%), whereas small tarantulas avoided wolf spi- individuals being killed by larger ones. Previous studies showed
ders (2%) signicantly less than they attacked them (36%). that tarantulas regulated wolf spider natural populations through
Medium-sized and large tarantulas never avoided confrontations predation of larger individuals (Dor and Hnaut 2011). In other
with wolf spiders and they attacked them in 51% and 53% of trials, predatory species, intraguild predation also inuences popula-
respectively. tion structure and distribution (Hodge 1999; Wise and Chen 1999;
Spiderlings, small, and medium-sized tarantulas approached Suutari et al. 2004). Therefore, tarantula wolf spider mutual
wolf spiders more than large tarantulas did (Figs. 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D). predation may be considered a mutual stage-dependent intragu-
Spiderlings and small tarantulas avoided wolf spiders to a similar ild predation in which at least one of the two sympatric predators
degree, while larger tarantulas did not avoid confrontations. regulates populations of the other predator (Polis and McCormick
Larger tarantulas attacked and captured more wolf spiders than 1987; Polis et al. 1989; Polis 1991; Holt and Polis 1997). Others
smaller tarantulas. Attack success showed an increasing tendency factors which may affect predatorprey relationships is percep-
with tarantula size: 23% (spiderlings), 50% (small), 40% (medium- tion (Craig 1994; Heiling et al. 2005; Nakata 2010) and the behav-
sized), and 62% (large). Tarantulas never retreated from an attack ioural strategy (Craig 1994; Nakata 2007).
that they had initiated. However, when wolf spiders attacked, The wandering L. subfusca showed different behavioural strate-
smaller tarantulas tended to retreat. gies with different sizes of B. vagans; they displayed adaptive be-
Spiderlings, small, medium-sized, and large tarantulas attacked haviour modulated by their size ratio with the tarantula. The
with the same time intervals (3.8 0.5, 12.1 1.9, 10.3 1.3, and ultimate aim of the adaptation seems to be the optimization of
9.2 1.4 min, respectively; KruskalWallis test, H = 4.407, df = 3, n = their survival and (or) attack success, as they mainly focused their
110, P = 0.22). attacks toward earlier stages of tarantulas. Young tarantulas are

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Fig. 2. Flow diagrams of the behavioural sequences between three sizes of the wolf spider Lycosa subfusca (small (A), medium-sized (B),
large (C)) and the Mexican red-rump tarantula (Brachypelma vagans) (all sizes). For each label, the rst letters correspond with the spider,
i.e., tarantula (T) and wolf spider (WS). The behaviours that appear after the hyphen for each label correspond to the behaviours described in
the Materials and methods (Appr, approach; Atta, attack; Avoi, avoidance; Capt, capture; Retr, retreat; quiet). Broken arrows correspond to
percentage <10%, whereas solid arrows correspond to percentage <20% and boldface solid arrows correspond to percentage >20%. The sum of
percentages at the bottom of each diagram equals 100%.
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/05/13
For personal use only.

as small as small wolf spiders and can be easily preyed on. More- which the smaller L. subfusca curled up, prostrated, or avoided
over, when wolf spiders attacked tarantulas, they captured them confrontation with burrowed B. vagans, while larger wolf spiders
in more than half the attacks. These attack successes are similar to retreated from more than 70% of the tarantulas attack (Dor and
those previously observed in cannibal confrontations of L. subfusca Hnaut 2011). In standard conditions, more confrontations oc-
with a range from 50% to 80% (Dor and Hnaut 2011). When the curred than in the eld, undoubtedly because it was impossible
wolf spiders were smaller than the tarantulas, they were exposed for the wolf spider to use hiding places in its environment that
to the danger of a potential attack by tarantulas. Thus, young wolf made them unnoticeable to the sit-and-wait tarantula as is the
spiders chose to avoid confrontation, while older ones did not; case for other organisms (Lensing and Wise 2004; Rosenheim
they rather retreated successfully from tarantula attack. These 2005; Finke and Denno 2006). Older wolf spiders exceptionally
observations are similar to results obtained in eld studies in managed to capture small tarantulas when the latter attacked

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550 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 91, 2013

Fig. 3. Flow diagrams of the behavioural sequences between four sizes of the Mexican red-rump tarantula (Brachypelma vagans) (spiderling (A),
small (B), medium-sized (C), large (D)) and the wolf spider Lycosa subfusca (all sizes). For each label, the rst letters correspond to the spider, i.e.,
tarantula (T) and wolf spider (WS). The behaviours that appear after the hyphen for each label correspond to the behaviours described in
the Material and methods (Appr, approach; Atta, attack; Avoi, avoidance; Capt, capture; Retr, retreat; quiet). Broken arrows correspond to
percentage <10%, whereas solid arrows correspond to percentage <20% and boldface solid arrows correspond to percentage >20%. The sum of
percentages at the bottom of each diagram equals 100%.
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by University of Toronto on 08/05/13
For personal use only.

them. It is comparable with the situation when tarantulas were The strategy of tarantulas was less related to the spiders sizes
attacked by yellow and black scorpions; B. vagans also managed to and thus to decision making. Indeed, prey size is not always a
capture them in some trials (Dor et al. 2011). In both cases, success- limiting factor. They did not approach wolf spiders, as they are
ful tarantulas and wolf spiders were larger than their respective sit-and-wait hunters (Machkour-MRabet et al. 2007). The smallest
enemies. Therefore, in our standard conditions, we demonstrated tarantulas avoided wolf spiders that were larger than themselves,
that L. subfusca made decisions about the choice of the best behav- but when they attacked wolf spiders, they had little success. On
iour to handle the tarantula depending on the size ratio of the two the contrary, the larger tarantulas attacked wolf spiders, but they
animals. This decision is generally successful, because wolf spi- only managed to capture less than the half of the attacked spiders.
ders died in a few cases. These attack successes were lower than those obtained in our

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Dor and Hnaut 551

Fig. 4. (A) Percentage of avoidance (dark grey) and attack (light 1996), it is probable that the vibrations created by the slow small
grey) made by the wolf spiders Lycosa subfusca when confronted with wolf spiders were not detected by the tarantula, whereas the con-
four sizes of Mexican red-rump tarantulas (Brachypelma vagans) stantly moving cockroaches were easily detected (Dor and Hnaut
(spiderling, small, medium-sized, and large). (B) Percentage of 2011). A second reason could be that the small wolf spiders provide
avoidance (dark grey) and attack (light grey) made by the tarantulas fewer nutrients than larger cockroaches when predated. Spiders
when confronted with three sizes of wolf spiders (small, medium- have feeding preferences; they usually only catch prey that is 50%
sized, and large). Behaviours were compared using a likelihood ratio 80% of their own size; smaller prey items are typically ignored
G test, where, NA is a not applicable test. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. (Nentwig and Wissel 1986; Nyffeler et al. 1994; Marc and Canard
1997; Marc et al. 1999; Hnaut et al. 2001, 2005; Zschokke et al.
2006). A third explanation maybe that tarantulas focus their at-
tention on limited foraging areas near its burrow entrance, as the
orb-web spider Cyclosa octotuberculata Karsch, 1879 does (Nakata
In the two species that we studied, the comparison of attack
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success between two similar-sized individuals (i.e., small tarantu-

las and medium-sized wolf spiders) shows that wolf spiders were
more successful than tarantulas. Moreover, adult tarantulas pre-
sented higher attack success than juveniles. Therefore, small ta-
rantulas perhaps do not have the experience to catch prey such as
the wolf spider and express more cautious behaviour. So, size and
behaviour are not the only factors that inuence the interaction
issue; maturity level and (or) previous experience (Hnaut et al.
1999, 2000) and maturity level (Hendrichs et al. 2007) also do.
Another question arises concerning the inuence of the tarantu-
las maturity on its perception and thus on the decisions that they
make in the presence of a predator.
In addition, because wolf spiders wander and lie in wait in the
open eld to obtain food, they are constantly exposed to other
organisms, whether prey or predator. Although they display a
For personal use only.

cryptic dark brown pattern on the cuticle (which helps them to

remain unnoticed in leaves or a dusty environment), they do not
have physical protection such as a burrow, or an offensive sting or
strong carapace as scorpions do, and their adult size is relatively
small compared with those of tarantulas. Therefore, decision
making and adaptive behaviour in the presence of tarantulas are
key factors in their predatory and antipredatory strategies. They
have developed complex behavioural responses to the presence of
previous study (Dor et al. 2011) for tarantulas attacking yellow and a tarantula based on the perception of the size, or the potential
black scorpions, crickets, and cockroaches. This difference in at- danger the other organism represents. This behaviour seems to be
tack success was related to the retreat acts of large wolf spiders innate because small wolf spiders did it; however, retreat behav-
compared with other potential prey of B. vagans, such as offensive iour may be a learned behaviour based on experience (Nakata
scorpions. Indeed tarantulas, which preferentially attacked larger 2007). The greater capacity to retreat may also be a result of age
wolf spiders, captured the same proportion of wolf spiders what- and the development of the antipredatory abilities (Jedrzejewska
ever their size. Another not exclusive explanation of the poor and Jedrzejewski 1990; Hendrichs et al. 2007).
efciency of tarantula attacks is that the tarantula adults can On the other hand, tarantulas show the opposite tendency.
withstand a period without any food of about 2 years (Baerg 1958), Large tarantulas count on a protective perennial burrow, they
whereas food-deprived wolf spider adults survived less than a year release urticating hairs when they feel threatened, and they at-
(Anderson 1974). Moreover B. vagans may attack all potential prey tack larger preys. They never express cautious behaviour such as
that they detect in their proximity. Machkour-MRabet et al. (2007) avoidance or retreat except during their early stages, so they can
found remains of ants, beetles, and hemipterans in B. vagans bur- fall prey to wolf spiders. This shift of behaviour between early
rows, while Marshall (1996) found small vertebrates. Finally, small stages and adulthood can be related to the shift from a young
B. vagans seem to be more cautious than adults. This tarantula wandering to an adult sedentary lifestyle (Fuiman and Magurran
does not appear to have developed decision-making behaviour to 1994). Spiderling tarantulas disperse from the maternal burrow
catch prey as the wolf spider does. In fact, tarantula behaviour along conspicuous columns searching for a new shelter (Reichling
looks more like a reex behaviour. The lack of prey evaluation 2000; Shillington and McEwen 2006; Dor and Hnaut 2012). Small
between detection and attack may explain why tarantulas are tarantulas are often encountered in the eld or in supercial
heavily subject to parasitic wasps that takes advantage of this cavities (A. Dor, personal observation). Consequently, they are
automatic attack when vibrations are detected (Libersat et al. exposed to potential predators such as wolf spiders and this could
2009). be related to their cautious behaviour. In conclusion concerning
The preference of tarantulas for larger wolf spiders can be ex- the shift of behaviour in tarantulas, behaviour seems to have a
plained by their limited detection abilities. Previous works dem- variable role depending on the maturity stage and hence the life-
onstrated the poor vibratory detection of prey by the Brazilian style, and essentially depends on their perception abilities.
salmon pink bird-eating tarantula (Lasiodora parahybana (Mello- Therefore, as large tarantulas do not perceive smaller wolf spi-
Leito, 1917)) (Redondo 1994; Blein et al. 1996) and its limited visual ders, it seems that regulation of wolf spider populations by the
abilities (Baerg 1958). For instance, the vibrations created by small tarantula (Dor and Hnaut 2011) is perception dependent. It regu-
prey do not cause attack of the golden orb-web spider (Nephila lates only larger wolf spider individuals, limiting their reproduc-
clavipes (L., 1767)) (Zschokke et al. 2006; Hnaut et al. 2010). Thus, tive potential and the recruitment of juveniles. The predation by
because the tarantula uses vibration to detect prey (Blein et al. wolf spiders on early stages of tarantula acts differentially on

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552 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 91, 2013

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