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Unit of Education : SMA

Subject : English
Class/ Semester : X/1
Skill : Writing
Topic : Explanation Text
Date : 28 September 2016
Time allocation : 2 meeting [2 x 45 minutes]

A. Core Competence
CC 1: Respecting and appreciating their professed religion
CC 2: Respecting and appreciating the honest, discipline, responsibility, care, (share
work, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and display
as part of the solution for some problems in effectively interaction with the nature
and social environment, moreover in getting own self as a reflection of the nation
in the association world.
CC 3: Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based
on the curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities by the
concept of humanity, nationality, state, and civilization-related causes of
phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the specific
study appropriate with their talent and interests to solve the problem.
CC 4: Trying, processing, and presenting, various things in the realm of concrete [using,
parsing, composing, modifying, and creating] and the realm of abstract [writing,
reading, counting, drawing, and composing] in accordance with the learned in
school independently, and from other sources in the same point of view/theory.

B. Basic competence
1.1 Being grateful of the opportunity to study English as the international
communication by created in the spirit of studying.
1.2 Indicating responsible, care, cooperation and peaceful behaviors in implementing
functional communication.
3.11Analyzing social function, the generic structure, and language features of
explanation text, manually, and giving tips appropriate to the context in use
3.13 Comprehending the explanation by paying attention to the social function, the
generic structure, and language feature of the text
3.14 Arranging explanation text about natural phenomena, related with other lesson
in ten grade, by paying attention the social function, generic structure, and language
features correctly and appropriate with the context in use

1.1.1 Implementing the class seriously during the learning proses as a grateful can study
English as the international communication in spirit of studying.
1.2.1 Indicating cooperation to do transactional communication with teachers and friends
3.11.1 Identifying the social function of explanation text
3.11.2 Identifying the generic structure of explanation text
3.11.3 Identifying the language features of explanation text
3.13. Arranging the explanation sentences at random by paying attention to the social
function, generis structure, and language features
3.13.2 Arranging the explanation paragraphs at random by paying attention to the social
function, generis structure, and language features
3.14.1 Arranging the explanation text literally, by paying attention to the social
function, generis structure, and language features

After studying in this material, the students are expected to:
1. Be grateful of the opportunity to study English as the international communication by
created in the spirit of studying.
2. Indicate cooperation to do transactional communication with teachers and friends
3. Identify the social function of explanation text
4. Identify the generic structure of explanation text
5. Identify the language features of explanation text
6. Arrange the explanation sentences at random by paying attention to the social
function, generis structure, and language feature
7. Arrange the explanation paragraphs at random by paying attention to the social
function, generis structure, and language features
8. Arrange the explanation text literally, by paying attention to the social
function, generis structure, and language features
1. What is explanation text?
Explanation text is a piece of writing that gives straightforward information. It
explains the processes related to the formation of natural, social, scientific, and
cultural phenomena.
Examples of explanation texts: Reports on natural phenomena, articles on
scientific inventions, documentary films.
2. Communicative Purposes
To enable the readers to understand the processes involved in the formation or
the working of a phenomenon.
To explain process of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena
3. The generic structure of an explanation text
An explanation text can have as many paragraphs as the writer wants. However,
it mainly consists of two parts: general statement and explanation.
a. General statement
This part presents the subject that is going to be explained
b. Explanation
The supporting paragraphs are known as explanation. The explanation statements
are in chronological order to illustrate how the subject came into existence or how
it works.
4. The grammatical features related to explanation texts
Simple Present Tense (current facts)
Passive voice
Action verbs
Conjunction of time and cause effect
Adverbial Phrases
Noun Phrases
Technical Terms
General and Abstract Nouns

Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense used to express about facts that happen in our environment.
Beside that simple present tense used to express about daily activities.

(+) S + V1(s/es) + O
() S + do/does + not + V1 + O
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O?
The rain falls down to the earth.
The rain does not fall dawn on summer.
Does the rain fall down every day?

Approach : scientific approach
Method : Cooperative learning
Technique : Guided Writing


Media : picture
Tools : white board, marker
Resource :

Pre-Activity [10]
Greeting by using English in order to create English Environment
Praying together by reciting Bassmalah and another prayer
Checking the students attendance
Preparing students psychologically and physically for the learning process by
encouraging learners to tidy up the class and their appearance.
Giving the motivation based on the material that will be implemented
Receiving information of competence, material, purpose, benefits, and lessons
that will be implemented.
Ice breaking
Asking the students to do Task 1 as brainstorming.
Main activity [75]
a. Model Paragraph
1) Showing the video of the explanation text about the process of rain
2) Giving an example of the short explanation text about the process of rain
3) Explaining the generic structure and language features of the explanation
4) Asking to analysis and comprehending the text in Task 2.
5) Giving chances to the students to ask questions.

b. Comprehension Questions and Language Based Exercises

1) Asking the students to do Task 3 in worksheet.
2) Reviewing about Simple present tense
3) Giving the illustration picture about Producing honey
4) Making some groups
5) Giving worksheet [task 4] and asking to arrange an explanation text based
on the video
6) Collecting and turning back to them, with the different groups
7) Asking them to correct about the generic structure and language features in

Post activity [5]

1. Summarizing the lesson
2. Giving chances to ask questions dealing with the material
3. Praising what the students did, for example: Youve done well today! Its good
job guys!
4. Giving homework: please, observe something happen surrounding you and
after that, make an explanation text individually.
5. Doing reflection, for example:
Is this too difficult for you?
Is there any idea for the next meeting?
6. Closing the lesson: Thank you for your attention, and see you!

Social attitudes assessment
Reading aloud assessment


(Writing Competence)


Excellent to very good:

Kesesuaian 30-27
tugas / isi Menanggapi tugas dengan sempurna; pembahasan sempurna;
(sejauh informasi relevan dan tepat; interpretasi sangat kuat dan
mana mendukung.
Mampu menanggapi tugas; pembahasan mampu; informasi
umumnya relevan dan tepat; interpretasi umumnya

Kurang mampu menanggapi tugas; pembahasan dapat
diterima tapi kadang tidak konsisten; informasi kadang tidak
relevan/tidak tepat; interpretasi kadang tidak konsisten dengan

Tidak bisa menanggapi tugas; pembahasan tidak lengkap dan
tidak konsisten; informasi sering tidak relevan/tidak tepat;
interpretasi tidak konsisten dengan fakta.

Mengabaikan atau kurang memahami tugas; minim
pembahasan; informasi dan interpretasi tidak relevan.


Excellent to very good:

Kesesuaian 25-23
langkah retorika Komunikasi efektif, sangat konsisten dengan bentuk teks
(sejauh mana khusus, ungkapan tertata dengan baik dan teratur,
penataan tulisan hubungan antar bagian teks jelas

Komunikasi cukup efektif, umumnya konsisten dengan
bentuk teks khusus, organisasi dan urutan ungkapan
umumnya tertata dengan baik dan teratur, hubungan antar
bagian teks umumnya jelas

Komunikasi kadang cukup efektif, konsisten bentuk teks
khusus kadang terabaikan, penataan ungkapan kadang
sulit diikuti, hubungan antar bagian teks kadang tidak

Komunikasi tidak efektif, maksud tidak jelas, tidak
mengikuti bentuk teks khusus, penataan dan urutan
ungkapan antar bagian teks tidak jelas.

Tidak bisa dipahami sama sekali, mangabaikan bentuk
teks khusus, tidak ada penataan teks.


Excellent to very good:

Kesesuaian 25-23
bahasa (sejauh Bahasa yang digunakan sangat sesuai dengan bentuk teks
mana bahasa yang diberikan dan konteks komunikasi
sesuai dengan Good:
konteks 22-20
komunikasi Umumnya bahasa yang digunakan sesuai dengan bentuk
teks yang diberikan dan konteks komunikasi

Bahasa yang digunakan tidak konsisten dengan bentuk
teks yang diberikan dan konteks komunikasi

Bahasa yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan bentuk teks
yang diberikan dan konteks komunikasi

Bahasa yang digunakan sangat buruk


Excellent to very good:

Kelayakan 20-18
bentuk (sejauh Layout, spelling, verb conjunction, punctuation, accents,
mana tulisan agreements, capitalization, dan neatness sangat
memenuhi memenuhi aturan-aturan teks (genre)
kerapian, dll) Good:
Layout, spelling, verb conjunction, punctuation, accents,
agreements, capitalization, dan neatness umumnya
memenuhi aturan-aturan teks (genre)

Layout, spelling, verb conjunction, punctuation, accents,
agreements, capitalization, dan neatness sebagian
memenuhi aturan-aturan teks (genre)

Layout, spelling, verb conjunction, punctuation, accents,
agreements, capitalization, dan neatness umumnya tidak
memenuhi aturan-aturan teks (genre)

Layout, spelling, verb conjunction, punctuation, accents,
agreements, capitalization, dan neatness tidak memenuhi
aturan-aturan teks (genre)

Sumber : File dari Bu Syarifah MTs Negeri Karanganyar


Task 1
1. Why all plants in the world can grow up?
2. Is there connection with rain?
3. Do you know how does the rain happen?
4. Where does the water vapour go?
5. What is the effect of evaporation?

Task 2
Read the following text.
The Process of Rain

Water in the earth is kept in many places like the ocean, the river and the lake.
But don't be wrong, the plants leave and the land also kept water. Each day, this
water will evaporate with help of the sun. The process where water evaporates
from plants is called transpiration.

Afterwards the vapour will experience the process of condensation where the
vapour will condense and turn into a cloud. The form of the cloud always changes
according to weather conditions. The clouds will move to different locations with
the help of wind that bellows vertically or horizontally.

The movement of the vertical wind results in the cloud forming big 'lumps'.
After that, the wind increases the size of the cloud and each cloud will overlap.
Finally, the cloud will reach the atmosphere that has a lower temperature. Here the
particles of water and ice is formed.

Eventually, the wind cannot support the weight of the cloud and so the cloud
that is full with water will experience a process called precipitation or the process
where rain or hail falls to earth.
Task 3
Work in groups of four. Discuss the answers to these questions.
1. Where could you find much water?
a. Answer:
2. How the water can evaporate?
a. Answer:
3. How could the clouds form?
a. Answer:
4. Where is the particles of water and ice formed?
a. Answer:
5. What is precipitation process?
Task 4
Work in groups of four. Explain how and why something can occur based on the
pictures and illustrations.


1. General Statement

2. Explanation

3. Closing

Task 1
1. Because, they eat and drink every day
2. Yes, there is
3. The rain happen is from evaporation
4. On the sky
5. It will form cloudy
Task 3
1. In ocean, the river and the lake.
2. Helping of the sun
3. The vapour will experience the process of condensation where the vapour will
condense and turn into a cloud
4. In area which has lower temperature
5. The wind cannot support the weight of the cloud and so the cloud that is full
with water, therefore, the water is falling down from the cloud
Task 4
Students activity in their home

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