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Juice Cures Headache, Depression,

Stress 18 Recipes for 18 Common

February 10, 2016 by THSJ Leave a Comment

Why Juicing Is a Phenomenal Health Habit

Raw juice is teeming with micro-nutrients that many people are lacking as our traditional
foods are not health oriented. When you drink fresh-made juice, it is almost like
receiving an intravenous infusion of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes because they go
straight into your system without having to be broken down.

Juicing is great because it helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Since
most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less-than-optimal food choices
over many years, your bodys ability to absorb all the nutrients from vegetables is
limited. Juicing will help to pre-digest them for you, so you will receive most of the
nutrition and in its most concentrated form, rather than having it, literally, go down the

With juicing you can add a wide variety of vegetables in your daily diet. Many people eat
the same vegetable salads or side dishes every day which violates the principle of
regular food rotation and may lead to developing an allergy to a certain food.

Additionally, juicing can help promote weight loss. In a study, adults who drank at least 8
ounces of vegetable juice as part of a diet lost 4 pounds over 12 weeks, while those
who followed the same diet but did not drink the juice lost only 1 pound. Just make sure
to prioritize vegetable juice over fruit juice, or the diet may backfire. The vegetable juice
drinkers also significantly increased their intake of vitamin C and potassium, while
decreasing their overall carbohydrate intake.

Raw juices can also increase your energy. When your body has an abundance of the
nutrients it needs your pH is optimally balanced and you feel energized. Since the
nutrients can be utilized by your body immediately, people who juice report feeling the
rush of energy almost instantly. Next time instead of coffee, reach for your morning

Juicing will support your brain health, too. People who drank juices (fruit and vegetable)
more than three times per week, compared to those who drank less than once a week,
were 76% less likely to develop Alzheimers disease, according to the Kame Project.
Juicing should be viewed as a regular part of your diet, not just a fad that you engage in
once or twice a year. Drinking green juice every day is going to give you far more
benefits than a sporadic intake or cleanse will. Kids, too, can enjoy vegetable juice on a
daily basis, either as a beverage with a meal or as a snack, ideally along with a source
of healthful fat to ensure all those fat-soluble nutrients get absorbed.

Juice Cure
Juice cure is a method for an alternative treatment of disease through a diet of juices of
fruits and vegetables. It is one of the most effective way to restore health, rejuvenate
and detoxify the body.

To truly benefit from fruits and vegetables drink immediately after juicing to ensure no
loss of nutrients. All vegetables and fruits begin to deteriorate as soon as you cut
through the protective outer skin. The best time to drink your fresh juice is at least an
hour before a meal and on an empty stomach.

Premade store bought juices are of little value nutritionally and most have added sugar,
artificial sweeteners and other ingredients to preserve or color them which are
unhealthy for the human system.

Specific juices are beneficial for specific conditions but overall, raw fruit and vegetable
juices have an extraordinary revitalizing and rejuvenating effect on all the organs,
glands and functions of the body.

Juicing may be done alongside a normal healthy diet to provide all the vitamins and
nutrients needed to recover and be protected from many diseases and infections. Raw
juicing by eat self, without an addition of proteins and healthy fats is not a viable long
term diet.

Next, we will list some common ailments and fruit and vegetable juices found beneficial
in their treatment. Please note that starting a juice cure for a specific disease does not
mean that you can stop your prescriptions. Our recipes are designed to help with and
alleviate some symptoms and diseases, but results may vary from individual to
individual. If your condition is serious, consult your doctor before starting juicing.

This recipe is based on apples, cucumbers, kale, celery and ginger. Apples have
attributes that can balance the alkaline and acidic levels in the body, thus providing
relief from headaches, while ginger helps to reduce the inflammation of blood vessels,
and is often used in the treatment of headaches. Cucumbers are high in B vitamins,
sugar, and electrolytes, and they replenish the nutrients missing in your body to help
avoid a headache. Kale is full of the magnesium and Omega-3 that migraine sufferers
need to prevent migraine attacks and celery comes recommended by many doctors for
its help with headaches.

Other beneficial ingredients that can be added: avocado, carrot, cherries (sour),
coriander, grapes, lemon, lettuce, papaya, pineapple, spinach and watercress.

In most cases constipation is just a sign that your diet needs more fiber. The average
adult needs between 25 and 30 grams of fiber a day to ward off constipation, which is
far less than most of us typically eat. To avoid bloating and cramping, youll want to
gradually add fiber to your diet. Make sure to blender whole fruits and veggies from the
recipe in order to maximize fiber intake.

Other beneficial fruits and veggies: banana, beetroot, ginger, grapes, lemon, pear,
plums, spinach and watercress.

While juicing is generally not the best method to deal with diabetes, a vegetable based
fresh juice can aid your treatment. Carrots used to be a no go for diabetics, however
new research shows that previous sugar measurements of carrots were grossly
overstated and their positive influence on the genes associated with diabetes warrants
inclusion with spinach and celery.

Please note that diabetics should be moderate in their juicing and its always a good
idea to consult your doctor before starting.

You can occasionally also include: broccoli, cabbage, guava, lettuce, radish, citrus fruits
and watercress.

Carrot and celery juice contains vitamin A, which, according to the Office of Dietary
Supplements, besides helping your eyesight, is will also influence bone development,
procreation and cell activity. Carrot and celery juice may be helpful in preventing a
deficiency of vitamin A, which can cause problems such as dry eyes, night blindness,
coarse skin that itches, teeth lacking strong enamel and loose stools. Vitamin A also
assists in governing the immune system.
From time to time supplement with: apricot, avocado, bilberries, blackberries,
blueberries, cranberries, parsley, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, tomato and

Freshly made cabbage juice is a long-standing home remedy for peptic ulcers. Several
medical studies have found raw cabbage juice to provide rapid relief from the symptoms
and shorter ulcer crater healing time. Powerful ingredients in cabbage juice including L-
glutamine, S-methylmethionine, glucosinolates and gefarnate protect and help heal the
mucous membranes lining of your stomach and digestive tract.

Cabbage juice is rich in the amino acid glutamine. This natural source of glutamine is
believed to be superior to commercial antacids for treating ulcers for the way it
nourishes and repairs the gastrointestinal lining. Combine raw cabbage juice with
carrots and celery for the ultimate ulcer healing juice.

Also consider adding on occasion: apricot, avocado and grapes.

Our bodies are designed to cope with pressure and many other complications if we give
it the right nutrients. When juicing for anxiety we can feed our bodies the right amount of
vitamins and minerals to help us minimize stress responses. Carrots, celery and
pomegranate have proven a good mix of magnesium, vitamins and other key nutrients
to help you relax and level down your anxiety.

Further benefits from: avocado, blueberries, orange, almonds and spinach.

Carrot is one of the best foods in dispelling excessive mucus from the body. Drink carrot
juice just on its own, or make a mix together with spinach, garlic and lemon for a super
cleansing power.

High intake of beta carotene and vitamin C helps to increase lung capacity and relieve
respiratory problems, as well as protecting you from breathing disorders such as
asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.

When available, enrich with: apricot, celery, pineapple, peach, radish and strawberry.
The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet with high intakes of fruits
and vegetables was associated with fewer depressive symptoms. The study contributed
these results to a cumulative effort of the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables as well as
the omega-3 fatty acids in fish. Further studies have revealed specific nutrients to be
low in people suffering from depression, specifically Vitamin B9 (Folate), B6 and B12,
and Omega-3.

Our recipe can be supplemented with: blended walnuts, kale, broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, tomatoes, oranges, plums, blueberries and strawberries.

Juice Cures Headache, Depression,

Stress 18 Recipes for 18 Common
February 10, 2016 by THSJ Leave a Comment

Memory Loss
There are a number of nutrients which can help with memory loss. While more studies
are needed, subjects with low levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
and Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) fared worse in memory tests than those with healthy

Pomegranate is filled with antioxidants and beneficial compounds that have been shown
to potentially help with everything from fetal health to weight loss. In this latest study,
subjects with self-reported memory problems were randomly assigned to receive 8
ounces of pomegranate juice or a placebo with similar flavor. Over a four-week study
period, the subjects who received pomegranate juice saw significant improvement in
their verbal memory tests and their plasma antioxidant levels. They even showed
increased brain activity during memory and verbal testing, suggesting the juice helped
encourage increased blood flow to critical task-related regions of the brain.

Spice up things from time to time with: kale, spinach, broccoli, avocado, blueberries,
strawberries, chia seeds, walnuts and almonds.

Juicing can be a powerful way to combat the inflammation and pain caused by arthritic
conditions. A variety of delicious juice recipes are available to help you manage your
arthritis pain. Carrots are proven fighters against arthritis and are usually joined by
pineapple and celery. Our recipe also adds lemon as it is highly effective against uric
acid which can be deposited in the joints causing arthritis and rheumatic pain.

Experiment supplementing with: apple (sour), avocado, beetroot, cherries (sour),

cucumber, grapefruit, lettuce, papaya, spinach and watercress.

Kidney Stone
Note that when treating kidney stones, the most important ingredient is always water,
and plenty of it. However, water can be supplemented with citrus fruits, green veggies
and foods rich with magnesium. Our recipe is finely balanced to assist alleviating
symptoms and assist quick recovery.

Additional benefits reported from: lime, spinach, Swiss chard, almonds, avocado.


Fatigue is a symptom of many diseases, including anemia, diabetes, hepatitis, low
blood sugar, and thyroid problems. However, there are common factors that contribute
to low energy suck as lack of balance in the diet, exercise, work and social life.

A balanced diet provides digestive enzymes needed for your body to process nutrients
to create energy from food. Fatigue is truly a sign you are missing something in your
diet. Youll want to clean up your diet from any processed foods and try juicing every
day to ensure you get some great nutrition into your body. Start with our recipe.

Blending and adding nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts to your juice
will further increase its fatigue-fighting benefits.

Your body already has its very own, natural ways of fighting off colds, but you can
further help its defenses by feeding it the right nutrients. Juicing is an easy to way to get
yourself tons of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, without burdening your body with
the work of digestion. Theres no special formula for getting the right juicing
combination, but weve fine-tuned one for you.
Many other fruits and vegetables can be added to the formula for extra spunk:
blackberries, celery, grapefruit, lemon, lime, kiwifruit, onion, orange, radish, spinach,
tangerine and watercress.

Juice Cures Headache, Depression,

Stress 18 Recipes for 18 Common
February 10, 2016 by THSJ Leave a Comment

Common causes of indigestion are over-eating, irregular eating, eating too quickly,
nervous tension and excess alcohol. Symptoms may include abdominal discomfort,
nausea or gas, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation.

Try eating slower, eating at the same times each day, watching portion control and
avoiding alcohol and acidic foods. Juicing fruits and veggies that help with digestion and
that soothe your insides can help a great deal.

Occasionally add grapes, orange or papaya as well to our recipe. Spice us with ginger
and garlic when feeling adventurous.

The best hangover cures are to rid your body system of the toxicity from high alcohol
consumption, and then keep hydrated with plenty of fluids and cleansing juices.
Hangovers happen mainly because of the toxicity of the alcohol, dehydration and the
oxidative stress it causes the liver. If sufferer is not a regular drinker, the recovery period
may be shortened by flushing the toxins out of the body as soon as possible. Our recipe
is excellent in the cleansing, repairing and nourishing of the kidneys and liver and the
high content of vitamin C continues the necessary detoxifying work. The lemon can be
substituted by grapefruit, depending on preference.

Also consider adding coconut water and bananas.

Kidney Detox
Your kidneys not only produce hormones for you, filter out excess water and sodium,
and clean your blood, they pretty much handle all of the toxins that come in to your body
from the environment.

Watermelon is 92% water by weight, which means that it will help your body to flush the
kidneys, which can help to remove very small stones. It is also an amazing source of
potassium, which is a mineral salt that can help to dissolve kidney stones allowing the
residue to be passed. Carrots and cucumber are an excellent duo as well. Combined,
they support the kidneys in flushing out excess uric acid, support the kidneys in flushing
out excess toxins as well as load your body up with a mega dose of nutrients.

Further benefits can be derived by adding cranberries, beat and lemon.

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