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Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: Please take one puzzle per person

Kakuro Instructions
A kakuro puzzle will look like the one below, but of course bigger:

Each kakuro puzzle is composed of a number of rows and columns, some cells are
empty and light colored, others some have numbers in them. At first look therefore it
looks like a crossword.
Every sequence of cells in either a row or a column is called a 'run'. At the left of
each horizontal run, and at the top of each vertical run, you will see a number.
In the image above, you can see, for instance, a '5' in the second cell on the top row.
This means simply that the sum of the two cells underneath it is 5. Next to the '5' is
'21' - this means, therefore, that the three cells underneath it sum to 21. And so on,
throughout the puzzle.
Using this information alone, you can solve a kakuro puzzle. The key constraint is
that you can only use a number once in each run. Therefore if you need to make '6'
from two numbers, you cannot use '3' twice, but must rather use 1 and 5 or 4 and 2.
You may only use the numbers 1 to 9.

Kakuro Hints
Here are a few hints to help you solve the puzzles:
Try to look at the lowest value and highest value small runs first. That's because
these have the lowest possible combinations (for instance '17' from two cells can
only be 8 and 9 or 9 and 8.

Look for common numbers between runs at the point they intersect. For instance,
if two runs that intersect only have a 4 in common, that must be the number at
the intersection

Practice a lot and learn combinations of numbers for each sum

Use pencilmarks to note down possible remaining values for a cell

Each time you place another number, work back through to find the implications
for the rest of the puzzle

Remember all puzzles have one unique solution

Spatial Intelligence
You have 2 options for this station.
Option 1: You may work on putting together the tennis ball jigsaw puzzle. When you
hear the timer, please take all the pieces apart and put them back in the box.
Option 2: You may choose to look at the calendar picture puzzles. Your goal is to find
all the differences between the 2 pictures. Each puzzle tells you how many differences
you are looking for. If you cant find all of the discrepancies, they are listed on the back
of each puzzle.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Get ready for Mrs. Dunneback to teach you how to juggle, if you dont already know
Musical Intelligence
While you are listening to this CD, try to identify the type of music, the instruments that
you hear and any other musical terms associated with this music.

Interpersonal Intelligence
To be successful at this station you must give good clues without using any part of the
target word to get your partners to guess the word. Once your partners have guessed
the answer, pass the game to the next player, have them advance to the next word and
give the clues.
Naturalistic Intelligence
Work with your partner(s) to identify as many of the trees these leaves come from. If
you are having trouble identifying them, open the envelope which contains the different
tree labels that you can then try to match. The answers are on the back of each of the
leaf cards.

Linguistic Intelligence
Using the scrap paper provided, write down all the words your group can think of that
can be formed from the letters in the word intelligences.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
In this station, Im asking you to individually reflect on the Characteristics of Self-
Actualized Persons shown on the gold/yellow sheets. Self-actualization is the final tier
of Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Please take a white sheet and follow the
directions. If you do not finish filling out the white paper at this station, take it with you
and you can finish it after you have completed all of the stations.

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