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Carl Sarul@ffi
Feb 01 ~017 B:16AM

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Im~se Of! Film Sliind Report i~ oot to Off

AI'! iffl@)9t of pOaG 1 will ~pPGfir hGre fOr fax0~ thot !;ire Gflt 03 Se~n ~md f-iX.
fl L II for
Carl ~fII;l~ffi
F~b 01 201'1 11;MAM

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Station 10


Ima~(} en Fa){ Sefid R@port i~ set to Off

Frtulu Cli!fl L Saml~ffiJr,

Dati~ F~bl'lJJlIJ'V 1, 2017

Rt: SF..181 Race -' Ethlliclty Form

Attachtd Docum nts:

SF", 181
HIR 194
Motu Proprio
Pope~f1Apolo~y to the Amerlces
Pope~sM@~lji~e of PellC@
American D~elW'itionon th~ Riuhts otlndiaoooID]P~opl~s

Fromt Carl L 8imdm .Ir.

Dote: F~bruID'Y 1. 2017

a,: 8F.181RIU~tl& Etluddty Form

Attnehed DocmmoDts:
HJR 194
Motu Proprio
Pape~llAp(lla~yto the Ammca~
Pope?~ M@s~ti~~ofPfi'ac@
AmericM D~@lm'adon on tM Riihts oflndi~entl~ P~opl@~
\J.S. Qmoo (If P@fgflfU~! Mam1!gem('mt
GYi\1@t.oPefSnnel Oam ~i;'!ri~r$
.- . - - ~~-. -- ---- - - - ---.
NOOle (LQi Fiffit, Midgle Initi!) 6gei!;!1 !il~rity NYmger Birthggtg (Mooth !;m~ Yef)

!\.9~flcy\Je Only

~t!'miOOyand fa~ information i$ ~y~t@d Yfld~r the authority of 4a \,I,S,C, Seetjc~fl~OOO\?lQgnd in eompUgnet} with
the ~ of Mef!@gement and Iilyg~ef 1001 Reviion to the ~tQfldmdfQf the @~metioo of Federel Ogt on Re
and ~tJmicity. Providing this information is vQluntalY and has no impact on your employment ttys. but in the instan~
gf ~i~in9 iOf~rm~Qn! your emplovlng ~~mgy will attempt to l~ef\tify your f~~ gnd eUlnieity by v(YglOb~fVgtiel

:rh! !flfoffflUon ! y~ @ne~ry tg plan fgr egyal mnpklyment gp~mty thmY9h~yt~~ Federal 9QVem~fIDt It
! a.1o y~g by the \,I, S, Offit!e of Personnel M~gement or empklym..g ~nev m~lf\mmn'l-9 the ~~fd~ t() looate
indMooel fer pemennel fge"M Qf $yrvgy repllg enQ ifl th~ pr"Q.fJy~t!gfl gf YfflmElry deiefiptive ta~ and
@'!,!glyti~1 stYdig in ::iYPP-OIT gf the fy~gn fgr which th r-eoom ere ool!~d end maintained, or fOf f~ workfgroo

Si}Qigl~~ufity Nymb~f ($$N) ii ffi{;Jyg~reg under the autbgfity gf ~~ytive OrUe!' 9397! whigh ffi{;JYire~$N bg Yed
for ~ pYrpQ(i!of uniform, orderly egministfmign of p@moo-nelreeom, PfQvidifl9 thi Info~oni volunmry end fe\lyre
to gO Q will h~ve no effect on your employment status, tf ~N j~ not providedl hewevef, OltU~fg91ii~yol:freg$ may be
y~ m
gbtElin it,

~ifb~ lfltrY~Qfm; ihg twQ QYetiQ~ below ere g~i9fled to identify yoyr ethniiWfld~,
~dle~ m---your ~ft3Mfto
g~tiofl1. gg W QuestiQJ1 2, - ,- -

_. (Oh~~ ~ meny !!gpply)
.... - --
A ~fgn ha- .:jf! in eny gf the 9!'i9if!~' p~pl@ gf North mI tioill!'l Amefic<;!
Of!lygj~ _ Am@ri{;P)lrmr.l who m1!intim~ mfml w.mi1!lign Qf oommynity
A P~fQflhvln~ Ofigin if! any gf th~ gri~if1mpt)pl gf ttJ~ F9!f ~at, So~t
Al9, gr ~ IflQ!iill'ly!x;Qntinent iM!YQifl~, fgr ~P-Ig, egmbQ{!j, ehm!l!, !flgig,
Japan, KQffla, Malayia, Pakistan, tn@ Phili",pi~ l~gM~ Thaitaflg, oot! Vietrmm,

El Native Hawaiian gr Other f!a~HQ Islafldf A pgr13l;}11 ~ ..w~ Qrt9jm~in limy 9ftt!@ 91i~if191 pgQples !;If I=Iawaii. ~ym, ~~! Qr
gth@f PlQlfig llilflntt/;;,

~. WR!t~ A pe!'1;ion_havin9 Qri91f1in mly m tI'!e @ri-9ift! f'WF'!g gf guropt}. tI'!e Mil!!le ~jlt 9f
N(lflt! Afri~

~mnf1amfl}ffl} 181
ReviQ AYj:JMf ~tlQ~
F'r~1!iQY@{iitiQnm~t Y~k:l

42 u.s,e. S~n 2QQQe=1

N~N 7~=QH;1~~~f:j
H. Res. 194

In the HOUBe of Representatives, U. S., I

Juby so, a008.
'Vll~rea~ rnillimls of Aft'iCaf18 aad th~l' d~I1iC~Hdafltt1l

enslaved in the Unit~d ~tntea wid the 13 American colo=

l1i~~from 1619 through lS60j

vVh~r~asslave1"y in America resembled no other form of hwol ..

Unblljf se:l:'\itude known in lrlstol'Yj M wen~ cap"

tnred and sold at auction like inanimate obje(~tB or aui-.

WheretulJ Afri~tlfi~forced into IiJIttvm:r were brutalized, ht1mili=
ated, dehumanised, and f:mbjeoted to the indignity of
being' stripped of their names and heritag'e,
Wh~reufjlenslaved fwnilie~ were torn apart after having b~Wl
501d Iepal'ately from one another, I

\"'u~roaltl the wav~ry and the viscel'tll ramliim aiIDu~t

~j~teJll of
persens of African descant upon which it depended be=
Ctl111e entrenehed in the Nation's ~ocial fablic;

Whet'eas mav~ was not om~ially abolished uutil the passage

of the 13th A:m~ndment to the United ~tnte8 COHl!ltitu,.
tion in 1865 Rfter the end of th~ Civil'Var;
,,,l'hereaM after emancipation trom 246 year~ of !lavery, JUri"
cIDl".AmJ~ri(]fin8seen ~f1W the
f1~~tingpolitieal, aocial, and
eeeuomie 2ltiu8 th~y made duriug' Reeonstruetion evi~=
cet'ltted by 'vin.llent raeism, l}'fichinflll, di8ml&'al1(lhi8~m~nt1
Black COd~~1and racial I!l~gr~gatiotllaws that imposed a
rigid systlIDl of officially Stmction~d l'ama! oogregation in
virtually all areae of 1if~i
th~ ~yliJt~mof d~ jur~ rau]al ~tlgT~iati{)I1known
'W11~r~~\I1i {till

'(Jim Cr-Qw,11which erose in certain part/i! of the Nation

following th@ Civil War to m'{mte s~pw'ate fWd unequal
societiel!i for whitelS and African-Ammicflm1 waa a dir~ct
re~u1t of the racililm aM'airl3t persons of African de[ijc~nt
engendered by slavery;
\Vll~Nas a {lootulj" aftm.' the offirial end of IiIlavCin<J7
m Am~f=
lea! Federal action was required dUl'lflA' the 1960~ to
elintitmt~ the d~ure and def'acto ~~t~tn of Jim Crow
throughout parts of tll@ Nation, though its vestipl'l ~till
lln~er to this day;
\Vhel~a6 African"'Americflllii continue to ~uffer frOllt the com.
pl~ inte1"pla,ybetween slavery and Jim (Jrow~ lon~ afte:r
both 3y~te~ were formally aboliahed through ~normou~
damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including
the lOI1i~ of human dignIty, th~ fruBtration of' car-eem and
prof'e~t!li(mallives, and tll@ lOI1g'",tm'mlo~tl of' incom~ and
'Vll~I'~g.!ll th~ the enslavement and de jure ~egregt\tion
8tOl',Y g

of Afritmn:.Am~ri~ and the d~hum~g' airociUetl

committed ag~t tlwu should not be pUl'B'ed from Ol~
minimlsed in the telling' of AUU'lrit',fJ,l1 hiti!tol'J~i
,\'V'hro'eason July 81 2003, during' it trit) to Goree Island, Sen ..
~fJ'al,fl form~ slave port, Premdellt ~ora'e W Bush ae- I
1mowl~dg~dslaveris continuing legacJf in AlnmicMl llf~
and the need to'Ont that legacy when he IlItat~dthat
mavt)ljr i 'was , on~ of' the greateliit crime~ of hi~tory
e ,

T1t~ racial bigo~r f~d bj! slavery did not end with
Iiltt'Wl'Yor with I!i~grtlgation,And many of the i~~u~1!lthnt
Itill trouble Am~rica hav~ roota in the bitt~r ~erifjn~~
of! oth~r titn~~. But however long the jouru(:lY, our destiny
i~ ~~t:liberty and justiee for all. Hj
Wherea~ Prestdent Bill Clmton also ~wktlOwlf:ldgedthe deep.
seated l,)Jroblems caused by the oontirmin~ 1~3'acyor rae-
isrn agail1~t Airican=Amel'icau[ that be@'tul 'with ~lavery
when he initiated a national dialogue about race,
Wher~a~ a ~~ntlin~ apoloS'Y i~ an ilnpm"tant and n~~m~!lltiry
first step in the process of raeial reeonelllation,
'Vhtrt'oaJ~1an apolom' for ctlntm'ios of brutal dtlhumJlnizaiion
and h\iu~ticef.ll cnnnot erase the past, but contellltlJion of
the wrongs committed can speed racial hewing and ree-
oncili1tion 1nd help Ameriattlls confront th~ &'ho~t/'!lof
tht\lil' pa~t
_. I

vVhel'eal1l the lea1mature of: tlu) ()mnmoi1w~itlth of Vh's1fun has I

reoootly taken the lead in adopting a resolntion officially

~~r~s~inS' appropriate remor~e for ~lavery and ot1u~r
State le@i~ln,tt1re~have adopted or m'~ conlid~lrill~timilar
r~~olutionj and
~1tm"fuJit i~ 1tnportant for tl'li~ country, wlutilllegally I'e(!O~
ni2i~d slav~ry through its Ocnstitutiou and it~ laws, to
make a f()l<ll1a1 apolo2Y for {;llaveryand tor it~ ~UC(!~I~Or,
Jim Crow, !lIO that it can mow fOl'\vard and ~eek rec=
oueflistkm, justice, and hwmOllY fm' all of its cimtm(:
NowJ therefore, be it
R8()Z;v~d, That the House of Repre~efltativ~-
(1), acknowledges tlmt 81av~t'y'ls incompatible 'with

the balilic founding pl'ificiple~ Nco~m~~d Iu tlu~ Det51&"tt"

tiOl1 of Indeptmdence that all men ere created equal;
(2) ueknowledges th~ ful1dron~ntal injutllti~~,cl'U~lt-y,
brutality, and inhuma..nity of slavery and Jim Orow;
(:3) arJolo~~~~to A1ric;an Amerieens on behalf of the
people of the Uuited Stntern, tor the \vrong'toi committed
againll)t them and their ~WJ~efiitor~
who tufim"od under
!1IlaWljl' and Jim Crow; and
(4) its
~'\"pr~~t\'Ies o(jfi1lnitment to l'f!lctif!y the lln-
gering COI1Ii)tl.quetlce~
of the mi~detl.& eommitted against
African AnlericM~ under ~lavl~ryand Jim Crow and to
ljItopthe oeeurrenee of' human ril'htl violatfons in the fu .
APO~oue LErigR,


em TAi!

In good l~ iflfffiiilingly thr~~um~d by tri)fI~nilltiomd

OIJf tim@~/ UI@ (;flmmOfl
Ql'9flnii~d eriffl@,th@ improp@f u~e Of th@m~rk mind Qf th@ fllt:onamy, ~~ w~1I
@ bv t@fmrim.

It ~ th~mfuf neeessry fer th~ inmrrmtioMI community W lul()pt iut@qU@t(!l

Ieg~1iflitrum~flm te pmvent iilnd (;eunt~rerimln~1aetiViti@, by pmmtiflQ
intt!fMtiofl!iI jydiemlt:oarmrgtiQn on criminal mI!Jtt@m.

In ratifyi"1a nuroorou inmmatioflal con~ntion~ in th~ti! offiilj, @nd iileting lO

on ooh~1fof Vat~~!nCity Stilt~, the Holy S@@he! e flitimtly mf)iflmin~d that
5Y!;n i!g~m@f1m are e~tiw m~f)nlito PffiV~l'1tc:riminitllilc;tMtl\;~ thot th~iilt~fI
humiiln dignity, the eeremen 90ad IiIfld poaf:ij.

With iiIvi~w m mfl~win~ th~ Apostolic 5@@'5 commitm~flt te eoo~l'am to th@ ~

~n!:ltby m~iilnaf th~ Apostolic L@tmr Iy~d Motu Pr-oprlo, I ~stabHh

i. ih~ eomp@t~nt Jydlf;ml Aythoriti@ d Vgti~fjJn City ~t@ hgllalse @x@rei@

~I'l Ijyfic;U~tlgl'l aVQf:

@) e;riffllil~bommittlilc ag~ifl5t thl 'e~yl'ity,the fYndgm~nml intfi!ffim

or th@ pilulmony or tn@ Holy ~fi1:
b) erirml!1 mf@rr~d to:

in Vgti~n City t@ Law No. vm, f}f 11 July 20U,

e!:mminins SllPP~~f1tlJf}I Nor-rMon CrimlntJllilw

= in Vgti~~f1City~m Law No. lX, gf 11 July 2013,

t:onmining Arooflfimtmt9 ro tlt~ CrilrliMI C(J(/~gnd th~
Crimifldlpff}~IJ& CMf!;
wn~fl sueh eflm~ are ef}mmil;t;edby the Pftffif}fl~
r~~fred to if! f,1i!m~mpl'! 3 below, if! the ex@r1!i~e er

~) !ny tlth~r ffim~ wha~e pm5e yticm i ' reqYi~d by an int~fn13tiCln(j1

Holy see, If the ~ffl~traror I~ phYliliell!y
iilgffi ment ratified by the
PF 5tmt In ttl~ tgrmory gf V@ti~~nCity ~@tQ ~mdMil. not b~en

2. The erim@ f@f@rr-oote iF!paragraph 1 @mto b@judged pYffiy@nt to the

~fimiflallilw in teree in V/iltic:an City State at the time of thlllir egmmiiI;)fl,
without pr@jydl~~te th@~efleffil pfifll;ipl~ gf the I~Sili ~Yimm en th @mpgml
!\Ipplie~tiafl of erlmiflallilws.

3. r-gr th~ pYfpo~@gf Vaticancrimim~lli\lw, the follgwil'l~ f,)@ffion

. af~ d~~mtld
"pub/It: (}ff1~IiJIB'f

e) m~moor -, of'feii\t! ~md ~ffignfl~1 @fthg wfioys argif\ of th~

Roman eurit! and of th@IfI~titYtlof\ - ~onfl~d to it.

f) th~~ ~~Ofl who ~~Ml @~ f@preentativ~f m)na~~r~or

air eters, I!I~well as p~moM who ~vef1(/() fi/lt:tfJ fMn~ge or ~x~f(';It!{g
control OWl' th~ ~ntltles dif~etlyd~~ndtmt on the HolyS~ nd
Iimd in th~ ffil9itry of elnoniealjuridiefll ~rnDn I@}ptby th~
G~wrnorit~ of Vitlein City Staooi

ell itlflY ottl~r p~~Qnh!)"tln~iilfl @drninl or judielil mgndit~ il'l

the Holy ~@, pemnm~nt or mmptlr!uy, r;mid or Ynp~id, iffe~~ tiv~
gf tl'mt p@ffion'~~nioflty,

4. Th@juri di(;tioo ref@fffid te in plragmph 1 e{lmpfi~ alse th~ gdmlni~tmtiv@

HabUity of jYridi~II~)ti!r~On~ariln{3 from crim@~/ as r~!Julirt!ild by Vat! an City
~m Ilw.
S. Whefl th~ same matt@fi) am prooeeutid in ottulr Stat@s, the proviiQfl in
f'Or~i in
Viltl~iill'lCity ~te Of!eoneufnmt juridlctkm finD II f!PPIy.
6. Th~ eonmnt gf i,\lrtiel@23 gf Law No, CXIX gf 21 Nf)V(~mb~r1981', whieh
gpprev~th~ Judk:/iill()r~f' (;}f Vatican City Stiim f~mfjif!~ if! fgrt~.

Thi~ I d~eide !lIMd esmblish, ~nythit1gto th~ cootfflry notwithstanding.

I ~~blil;ih that thi~ A~lie L.@tteri . y~g Motu Pmprio will ~ pmmYlg~t~d by
im publication in l.tOSSQrwtofe Romano, entering into foree on 1 IIptlmber
Goon In R(;)~, fit tilt} AfXJ6ta/~Pafaag, an 11.July ztlu, th~ fIffIt flf my

Pope Francis Apologizes to Indigenous Peop es for 'Grave Sins' of
1I~ .lfmtly
Slnaflf ilO 2,'0 $
Jluna JlraimJfum.n:'alrlk ~ Ji!lnamyci:s <aJIlI~ro
IF',IDjFe @Jmbunsd'1l\wfiIDr ttThl:e"'g>rclll\~ $'fumiS'"Df ~~ ~ m;genu1lJIDlSi mAmIllellikc:aii.!Jlla ;p:eWJn 1tml~~1'5
g;rMJIilS m JIl}OlllliWJi1ll,

'$mmreJlilmf~:saw. WlMnl ttllD.eJlWlJ!D:e ~ of OO~lI11UiJ\UlId~ ~ ~ Ililf'me dbmlIirdn,," a:oo.Glr~1!lt!J '1l"~ rr, ,p iii,
'ttlIn:e]ll{o)p::safull,. '1I''JI S:aJ
itlIjs 1tJID]i!Da1Illn lt~ ~j' gnaw.e $lim; \'m1e ~<8{g~1: a'C N;attiiwu= )liXO!Jplh: DfAm'elm iimtlt1bl'emmme DfQmrll.. .

'KlInwfm1IDn.r ;ask ffi.a>l)gi~. :tI!ml JllIDlJJb :e~se lff 1t1lnre

cllniuJnldlnlln~ _:aThro ma:rimn6 m~ :a;gafulnst nhe lJiliaIl:iiw.e)lD:flmJD :e$_lititg 1IThre $!lJ-e:a1!llieIl! m]J)'!j[llteSl: f
A1IIlll:elli~m "UJIn:eJNT!eIl!i? YlfMik fioll:e renwJl'\tia1i.

lIl1eiSJFlIil'k.ettIDl ult'dDmd'IIiJilIi)!1ett1h!m 1I,S(()tiatttllre m~.t:iimgJ)ff' ~~~img:slije-~ ". lffilil ~ iamlP~ JH]w<lllJl}i cr.ailltes" ~
llllatfum"iS finI$!t fumrllD:gellil.IlIlUI$ n-esi-rlle<rn1t.

A1IitlbmlmplLla1!fum~:caDI1 <cllmutm.dlll 'a lbmme m'.lll(f}Ilf ~.. 1!llJye

pmit" Itllnr$l!lla\le temJt 1fi1runrlln:ell' mrdl. as J!ll!lllll(C:JlJlUjJ1f i!\,~, _ ~00i!2l1ted!]P>re:ss 1llfjp'Ii>!ili6Il!..
mewiiID1l!l'5~g;iies_illilmIDit aemt~t2llt~lF'~d~~A!P'saiid.

~JIfu: Ol:uumrclu wall @l1leDf~tCllmrii.&tfim d~.lIl$1!lhl,'att: r_lbxoomfu!lg $m~ iiml~ _ * jS,~ 1!l(i1 "tillll ttihre JfJrni!Iim iimt1tlln:eIcllniilld'"1lDJ

~ lkfu!fuslfumm fueiDr ffiamii.1ires;" ICIllI1tllii:mtg 1tlln!emlIllffjfifirom tilhrefurwlI!nJmne ;au rO'rllnll:cattii.1IlinrelDID

iinnttJlne \lWtEl~ d' uil\l'f lIDJllllmlP'~al1m-mfinn:dl'fxdl $tenrJlens. '1l'llile ~ '1l'lruultlJn CllJI1[d\
llRieoml!j\rimii;attMmml'Clnl~llJil([llJlllJhJllM2I.~lJ.)m~Cilmepm.1t~:din ~~ ;m.~'3lIJIllJll1llflt1!lllJjmim1\'f'!J~trlJn;atrPmmxe SI!lf H'al!lJD:ell'
'nile HDdll it';m "JrlIm.wlfWJjm'l!m'lt\\llfiittlln Po JEllr.amlrii1S llllDmllikol ~ _ ~1~ 1!lIire.!l! 1IlIn:e ~~
__!on E.Plli~'al!ii~Illd:~oe* DC ~mtt:..
'IDhrelPlaJ.ll!l.!llWf" . 1trolJJllli;mg $:clJlllltll:n.MlreIll:Oa jf@! ~1Dl tdla \WfutJln $I!lIDjplS lJl!illIDtll!lB.:[a!)Jr. JlBm\lim wmm .a;raJlWaJ.. Hie _ (ClIilJilil'f (jJ)llIJI: tmmlJl.gllw.:amIimt ttiIn:e eJ1l~JIllmelil':tall maw~ aw

mca'8llmjjultiine Jlf ~ dn:m~e.. :allll:dI fumW,1lll1IrISliaf'rs rsp:e:ee1hl lhe cn:~m:e:rll m!tlln:ait wan, 1h!1<Ca1Jllir. ~ mm all'.CD llillDt lJ:e,1i.eID1:dllM!.ottll:U'er lffi'iJJrttlJJt'<olJ}w,a;r.d!.'S,,'" lffire lalll'5\lD iSm
ttllreJ are w;mnmniiltttiimJ (C\agmwe lS1:m,; " M sali:dL
FOil il=l~C~~~AAiION OF TH~



1. At th~ ooginniflf;l of th~ N@w Yl1!ar, which we w@loomfl! as Ggdf~gmciobl gift

m ill hYm~nityt I offer hg~!tf~lt wish~ of eeaee to ~v@ry man and warM", to
th~ wo!'ld'~ p~opl~~ iiH1dnatiom~,to held~ of mte ilFld government, If1dto
t~ild{\lffil In eh;)ifl~ se, I pray fgr {;In ~ndto Wiilffi, centlim ~mdthe lilFeat
suffefing eausee by hurmm flg~ney, by epidemics f;la~tand p~ent, and by the
d~vamttionwfyght by fliJtymi diiiI~~ffi. I pmy ~~~(;;ig"y thiilt, on th~ biiI~ of
our eemmen eitlng to OOO~fi!f@tewith ~od and illllp@oplt gf g~ will for the
advlfl~\ilm~ntgf h~rmony Inti p~1iJf,:;~in th@world, we m~y ~ It th~ mmptution
to met in @ m~rm~r unworthy of our humilnity.
In my Me~@fJ~ffir Pea(;e mt year, I ~pgke gf''the d@5iro for iJ fullli'@", which
ifl!~lud~liiil kmging for frammity which dffiW y~ to fellowship with ath@Hi and
@fl{,lbl@ y tg :ij~.gth~m ru~ta~ gm~lfIi~ er l'iviill! but 9~ bfth~f inti ~!tgftg
ee ilIt;~ptee and embme@d",[lJ iflfe w@am by nature r@~tklfl I beinQ$,mtmflt
to find fYlfilm~mt through intefP(l!F~Omll mt~mfl~hi~~ if!~ifmlbV jUtic@ lInd IaVtl,
it i fYfld~lfIlllfl1i!1
for eur hym1iln d@wlgpm@nt tnlt our diQfllty, fFe@dam ii:lnd
Iilutonamy b@u~knf;}wl~dgf!d iilfld ffi~p~ct@d.Tragicallv, thg growing t:legYrg@of
ffl@nf~ exploitation by 11'IIf'l grllwly dama!;lel tl'l~ Ilr~of communiofl and gyr
t;alling to ferlle interp@ffioflal mlations m rk{uJ by m~p@et, jy tl itnd lov@. Thi~
iilbomiflflbl~ ph@nom@nofl,whl~h ItUld~to eont@mpt fgr th~ fYnd@m@fltil figh of
cth@ffi ndte tIl@ ~yppll1~lafl of th~ir ff~(lldQm mnd dignity, tg~ fMny fQfm~. I
wayld li~ brif!fly to oonild@rth@@,(') ttuilt, in tftli! Ii~ht at Gc;}d' wtlr-ti, W@(;gfl
cgn~id~r I!)I1men find wglfl~n "n(J /fJtIfJ@rs/il'l@9, but hrotlwfS anti Bi!itfitt'.

IJ$tenillfl ro (1tJd~phn for l1umilflity

2. ih~ tMelfl@I have ehe en fgr thii ~f!yI~ mes eglll i dlllwn from ~int P~ull
~tt~r to Phil@mant In whie:hthe Apo~tle a!:j~ his co.worker to w~k:f)mtl
fJn~jlmU~fform~rIy Phil@mt,m'~~IiV@f flew j ehrl!jt/jn ~!fid,ttllJilrefor~tiu;wrdlfl~
to PiilYlf worthy of OOiflfJalflSIMl'@d fl/JrCtl1er. ih~ Ape tlCilof th~ G@fltiW
writ~s: \\P!l!m~p~thl~ l~ why he was pa~d from you for it whil@,that you might
nave him pi)t;k fer ever, 1'10IgnQ~fill~ ~ tij!iV~but mOf!1)than' sljlVf~, @~ ~
= 167 '"

AOIMS, 2888 (XLVl..o/16)


MCAttlNG the contMts of f~aolution AOIRES, 2867 (XLIV=O/14)~ iiDmft Amm-1CIID

Deglllf!lticm on th\i;lRi~ht!l ofrndi~@no\l!l PI3Qpl3,l! !l3 WQU 86 aU th~ pNvlO\l6 Ntlolutiom, on thhi il'HnU3j

MCALLlNO alse the "Declaration 00 tb~ Ri~t af th~ IndigenoY P\i;lQpl~3 inth@
AnwicMt OOllumwlt AOIDBC, 79 (XLlV O/14)~ which m!lffinm tlmt pro~ in Pfgmgtin~ Md
@ff~{ltivwy pr-otootin~ ths ri~t~ of the intU~U1i poopl~1i of the Amm.M i~ Ii priority (Of the
Or~~!!tioH gf AmericM Sta~;

MCOaNlZINO th~ valyllblQ ~upPfJrt proviti@ti by th@ flUlmb~r 6t(lW~OblUilVW' liuiw"j the
tlf~w! f!~M@i@l:l! ilfld Wltiti@Sgf the Orl~titln of AmQfieilfl Stlltl~!I'fur th~ proeesil within tn@
Working aroYl' to Prepilfili the Drilft Ammcim I:h~~lilfilti()n00 thg R1shm onndj~MgUPlmpl@ij

MCO(JNlZlNO ss WI.1Uthili imporlmlt plll'tieipAtion of mtliseoolmpeoplG oftlw AlMrhr !i in

th.~proCIiiSII ofpr1lpf!fiJl! this O~mlilftltil)n; ilnd

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT th!; ~i~nifleMltcontribution thftt the indlg~n()ufj peoplea of the
AmmicWi b!lv~ IDilt1@to bummity,

1. Th\l Umttid Smw mmilm~eommittBd to ilddNii~~tbo Ul!~fitI!lS\u~1Iof ooneml to indlpno\13 p@opl@ii

aero 'S th@ Amllfietlll, ilielu~ Il@mblltil'l! 50elmill di(jmminilti@1l Il~awt indi~@m}l!Sp@optlSllmiL"
~, CIllIOO!lf@il@l'ID@1i 1m commimumt itl {l rooew~d r jgt"lgHiiWp with !Iii fiUUg@IUIY8 pegple!l, bwu'ld on
fOO{)~ti{m lrt'ri~lIi, flilip\!e~ \lO=Opc;filtlOO iI!lt! PilftiUlfmip, ~d1! is DI}Wfully 1mI!l~~~ '"

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