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Ladybird dominoes

1. Print off the three sheets.
2. Glue the sheets on to stiff card.
3. Cut out the 28 individual
dominoes to make a set.
4. Play in the normal manner.

2-spot 2-spot 2-spot 7-spot

2-spot 10-spot 2-spot cream-spot

2-spot 22-spot 2-spot 24-spot

2-spot harlequin 7-spot 7-spot

1. Term 7 Ladybird dominoes BBC Breathing Places Schools
7-spot 10-spot 7-spot cream-spot

7-spot 22-spot 7-spot 24-spot

7-spot harlequin 10-spot 10-spot

10-spot cream-spot 10-spot 22-spot

10-spot 24-spot 10-spot harlequin

Illustrations courtesy RSPB, Chris Shields and Andy Hamilton

2. Term 7 Ladybird dominoes BBC Breathing Places Schools

cream-spot cream-spot cream-spot 22-spot

cream-spot 24-spot cream-spot harlequin

22-spot 22-spot 22-spot 24-spot

22-spot harlequin 24-spot 24-spot

24-spot harlequin harlequin harlequin

Illustrations courtesy RSPB, Chris Shields and Andy Hamilton

3. Term 7 Ladybird dominoes BBC Breathing Places Schools

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