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E Description of the Project

Please explain the context and the objectives of your project as well as the needs and target groups
to be addressed? Why should this project be carried out transnationally?

We realized that our students, especially those 10 - 16 year-old, have insufficient

communication skills, as well as positive and creative thinking skills and empathy. Based on the
surveys conducted at our schools, approximately a quarter of the students has rather poor critical
thinking skills that have implications for reasoning, making judgments, decisions, and problem
solving. A part of them show a lack of empathy and have a low self-esteem.Not less than one third
of the students display ineffective interpersonal skills in terms of building and maintaining healthy
peer relationships. There are a lot of reasons for that. A part of our students is from the families with
disadvantaged background. They are limited financially, sometimes even emotionally and are at risk
of social exclusion. Those students often suffer with deficiency in positive thinking and show clear
signs of complaining, blaming and disconsolate pessimism. An overuse of the technological items,
"life online" as an usual practice of the students, leads to the poor communications skills and
inability to regulate positive and negative emotions in proper way, too. Therefore, in order to help to
promote mental well-being and competence in young people as they face the realities of life we
design this Project. It is addressed to such target groups as:
the students who are engaged in risk behaviour;
the students with low school performances and motivation;
the students from disadvantaged groups who are limited because of their social
background, special educational needs or other reasons;
the high talented and motivated students who participate in the school life actively;
the parents who ate interested in the daily life of their children as well as for those who
suffer from the misunderstandings between them and their children;
the teachers who would like to bring the innovations into their classrooms and develop
their professional achievements sharing and exchanging good practices, educational tools and
the local community members who experience social and/or cultural restrictions as well as
for those who are concerned on social inclusion and demonstrate high social awareness.
The main goal of the project is to provide appropriate opportunities for the students, their
families and other community members to experience and practice life skills to inculcate them into
day to day practice so that lasts with them for their life time.
Carrying out this Project we would like:
to improve the life skills of our students;
to strengthen the links within the families and communities;
to create a frame in order to help our students, teachers and local community members get
acquainted with the urgent political, cultural and moral problems and react to them in an adequate
to teach the arts in the European cultural context, spreading knowledge, understanding and
respect of the different cultures;
to better engage students and teachers in the practical learning mechanisms through a
participative and a creative approach,
to develop and improve digital skills combining the use of ICT tools and resources with the
to contribute to the modernization of the school curriculum, developing new and more
effective teaching methods,
to raise the standards, variety and quality of cultural education at our schools recognizing
the increasing presence that the Cultural and Creative Sector plays in 21st century.
The activities of the Project combine improving the life skills with the learning through the
Arts. We focus on such art areas as music, drama and movies, painting and photography asserting
that practices in those fields lead and support to most interpersonal skills and dealing with the
conflicts , provide self-confidence and social tolerance, convey self-esteem and show positive
effects on other processes. Learning through the arts involves children and adults from the different
social and cultural backgrounds and creates equal opportunities for all students including those
from the disadvantaged groups. We deeply believe that the general effects of such a Project
mentions a development of cognitive, social and personal competences for all the participants.
To achieve those goals this project should be carried out transnationally. Our project
supports the basic aims of EU as they are described in Strategic framework Education & Training
2020 and the common values of freedom, tolerance and nondiscrimination as they are described in
Communication on preventing radicalization . We are convinced that Education on the arts and
through the arts promote lifelong learning and personal development as well as inclusive, open and
resilient societies. We are sure that the only way to improve moral and cultural competences of a
society, bring them to the emotional level of the intelligence is to share different values and
experiences, discuss the problems of the different point of view and create something positive
together. This project gives to all the participants the feeling of being the part of a team and confers
a new cultural perspective of the experienced, quality educational environment for the future
citizens of Europe.

In what way is the project innovative and/or complementary to other projects already carried

Our current education system faces many challenges such as cultural and social disparities, special
educational needs, low motivation and others. Traditional approaches are not able to deal with them
effectively in many cases leading to the early school leaving, low academic performances as well as
to social exclusion and isolation. We consider that the arts is a great teaching tool. Our Project gives
the opportunities to integrate and use the arts in the classrooms and after school activities enhancing
creativity, imagination and self esteem as well as encouraging cognition, critical thinking and
learning of the students. We think that our Project is innovative in the following aspects:
1. The methods and activities of the Project are focused on seven action areas:
Person understanding traits and behaviors
Perception learning to become more flexible in thinking
Press changing learning environments to increase creativity
Process using tools and strategies to improve creative output
Product creating visual and verbal products to express creativity
Passion exploring areas of life-long interests and passions
Persistence instilling a desire for continuous improvement
2. The all activities and practices are based on the four instructional elements:
Fluency many ideas
Flexibility different types of ideas
Originality unique ideas
Elaboration adding details to ideas
3. Regardless to the age, gender, academic skills and abilities of the students, the project provides
each student with the opportunity to choose a favourite activity, master it on their own rate and feel
the sense of mastery.
4. The Project offers the resources for the cooperative learning, providing pleasure, challenge and
sense of mastery as well as involving the different modes of learning for our students and teachers.
5. At last it brings FUN to our schools and classrooms.
Due to the facts mentioned above, the educators will be provided with the powerful teaching
materials and resources. All our designed educational tools and products will be shared within the
educational community. All the activities carried out during the project will be published Online as
public teaching materials. They may be re-used as well as take for the templates to design the new
On the other hand our project is complementary to the other projects in the following aspects:
1. The students, teachers and other participants of this Project will be encouraged to learn and
improve English language.
2. The target groups will be encouraged to use ICT tools actively and effectively for pedagogical
practices and lifelong learning. The teachers will be able to create their own teaching materials by
using Web2 tools.
3. This Project promotes an awareness of the importance of cultural and social diversity within
Europe. We seek to grow up a civic active, responsible European citizen, able to cooperate and
collaborate with the other citizense enhancing the European dimension of education at our schools.
The mobilities of the students and teachers will give the possibility to test their cultural and social
skills as well as attitudes in practice.
4. The students with special educational needs will be involved into the Project promoting their
integration into the activities. The teachers will be able to recognize and meet the personal needs of
each student.
5. The participants of this Project will enhance their awareness and understanding of the need to
combat all forms of discrimination. They will have a better sense of their own identification through
the comparison of their culture, traditions and customs with that of our partners promoting tolerance
and accepting differences.

How did you choose the project partners and what will they bring to the project? Does it
involve organisations that have never previously been involved in a similar project?


How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners?


What are the most relevant topics addressed by your project?

We should to choose 3 topics from the list

Creativity and culture ?

Early School Leaving / combating failure in education?
Inclusion - equity?

What results are expected during the project and on its completion?

Carrying out this Project we have a vision to grow up our children as responsible, independent
adults who contribute the soiety. We expect to fulfill the following results:
1. The students develop a wide range of leadership skills. Leadership is most needed when facing a
complex problem or a new experience that cant be easily quantified. The students improve the
skills and abilitiesto work well with others and step forward to lead with the new ideas and
initiatives. In a long time perspective our students will take on big issues and address them in a
meaningful way that will have an impact on the world outside the classroom.
2. The students boost their school performances. Teaching and learning through the arts build a link
for the students between academic knowledge and development of the creative thinking skills and
motivation to achieve higher performances.
3. A disruptive behaviour is reduced among the students due to the development positive life skills
and artistic talents in them. Teaching and learning through the arts change a perspective of the
immediate society of the students providing with the opportunities to express and positively display
themselves and improving their daily habits.
4. The students as well as other participants develop healthy work habits of doing the job in time,
respecting the contribution of others and putting the efforts into the success of the final piece.
Because most arts disciplines are collborative in nature , the participants practice working together,
sharing responsibilities and compromising with others to accomplish a common goal. The students
learn that a constructive feedback is a part of learning and it isnt anything to be offended by or to
be taken personally. The evaluation is incorporated in every step of the process in learning through
the arts ensuring that critique is a valuable experience and greatly contributes to the success of the
final piece. The participants also learn that it is important to admit you made a mistake and take
responsibility for it. Because the mistakes are a regular part of the process of learning through the
arts the students acknowledge them, learn from them and move on.
5. The school curriculum is enhanced as well as supportive environment is created at our schools.
The students, teachers and parents are joined to the common activities and lead to the the conflict
free , open communication and collaboration. The teachers take a more open ended approach
concentrating on the process of learning more than on the product. All the participants enjoy the
benefits that the arts bring to our emotional and physical well-being.
6. ??????????????????????????????????

E1. Participants

Please briefly describe how you will select and involve participants in
the different activities of your project?

Participants with fewer opportunities: does your project involve

participants facing situations that make their participation more

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