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International Journal of Crashworthiness

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Vehicle/occupant movement in moderate speed

in-line collisions

R. L. Huston

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speed in-line collisions, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13:1, 41-48, DOI:

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Published online: 23 Jan 2008.

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International Journal of Crashworthiness
Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2008, 4148

Vehicle/occupant movement in moderate speed in-line collisions

R.L. Huston
Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Nuclear Engineering, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0072, USA
(Received 8 August 2006; final version received 30 September 2007)

This article presents a simple, but yet quantitative model of vehicle and occupant movement in moderate-speed, in-line colli-
sions. The modelling is based upon established and validated representations of force-deflection relations during frontal/rear-
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end collisions. The developed model is applicable with head-on, rear-end, and fixed structure collisions. The modelling results
show that the vehicle and occupant movement during collision is well described by sinusoidal and linear functions. The model
shows that in the beginning stages of an accident, the occupant movement relative to the vehicle is proportional to the cube
of the accident time. Thus, the occupant movement in the vehicle is initially slow but then rapidly increasing. Thus, from the
perspective of safety, the beginning stages of an accident provide the greatest opportunity for implementation/deployment of
air bags, pretensioners, and adaptive head restraint systems.
Keywords: vehicle; occupant; in-line collisions; moderate speed; accident

Notation a1avg , a2avg Average accelerations and/or deceler-

/ Vehicles 1 and 2, also designated as: Veh 1 ations of Veh 1 and Veh 2 Veh 1, Veh 2
and Veh 2 Vehicles 1 and 2
X Coordinate axis k Composite stiffness of Equation (7)
V1 , V2 Vehicle speeds Solution parameter of Equation (13)
u1 , u2 Vehicle deformation due to collision forces Magnitude of maximum mutual pen-
x1 , x2 Displacements of undeformed portions of etration
the vehicles occ Displacement of a vehicle occupant
V10 , V20 Initial vehicle speeds relative to the vehicle
t Time
F1 , F2 Forces on Veh 1 and 2 during collision Introduction
k1 , k2 Stiffnesses of Veh 1 and 2 In the beginning stages of a frontal motor vehicle collision,
u The sum of vehicle deformations, total pen- as the forward structures of the vehicle (the bumper, grille,
etration and radiator) begin to deform, the rearward structures, in-
F Mutual interactive force between the vehi- cluding the occupant compartment, are not affected. Indeed,
cles during collision for a relatively soft, easily deforming front end, the rearward
M Mass matrix defined in Equation (11) structures are neither deformed nor measurably slowed by
K Stiffness matrix defined the initial impact forces. Consequently, in the beginning
x Displacement array defined in Equation (11) stages of a crash a vehicle occupant is little affected by the
i Imaginary: 1 collision dynamics.
p Stiffness/mass parameter defined in Equa- This period of tranquility, however, is very short lived:
tion (18) For example, for a 30 mph (48.3 km/h) barrier impact, 6
A, B, C, D Constant arrays in the governing equation inches (15.24 cm) of crush can occur in less than 12 ms.
solution Then as the vehicle structure is deforming, the collision
a, b, c, d Integration constants in the governing equa- forces increase, approximately linearly with the amount of
tions solutions crush. As these forces increase, the undeformed portions of
tf Time of maximum deformation and/or mu- the vehicle will begin to slow and the occupants will begin
tual penetration to move forward within the vehicle.
Vf Speed at time tf A question arising as a result of this phenomenon is:
V Velocity change (delta V ) How much does the occupant move relative to the vehicle

Corresponding author. Email:
ISSN: 1358-8265
C 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/13588260701731591
42 R. L. Huston

in relation to the collision time? The answer to this question

depends upon the speed of the vehicle just prior to impact,
the stiffness of the frontal vehicle structures, and the char-
acteristics of the occupant restraint systems.
A detailed knowledge of the movement of the occu-
pants relative to the vehicle is needed for the development
of precision safety and restraint systems, for crashworthy
analysis, for comprehensive accident reconstruction, and Figure 2. Initial contact in the collision of Veh 1 and Veh 2.
for injury analysis.
Attempts to quantify occupant/vehicle movement dur- represent and measure the shortening of the vehicles due to
ing crashes go back continuously to the mid-60s with the the collision forces, and where x1 and x2 now represent the
development of crash dummies and of biodynamic com- displacements of the undeformed portions of the vehicles.
puter models [118]. Dummy features and crash-victim Let the collision occur at time t = 0, and at this initial
computer modellings are still being refined. time, let the displacements x1 and x2 be zero. Let the initial
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A difficulty with the use of dummies and crash tests is vehicle speeds be V10 and V20 with V10 > V20 . That is,
the expense and the limited range of applicability of the
test results. A difficulty with computer models is also the at t = 0 : x1 = x2 = 0 and x1 = V10 , x2 = V20
expense, the unavailability of the software to most analysts, (1)
and the difficulty of use of the software.
The objective of this article is to present an accurate
and readily usable mathematical model of vehicle/occupant
Vehicle stiffness and deformation
movement during in-line frontal collisions. The analysis de-
veloping the model is based in part upon a previous analysis Tests and analyses show that as vehicles collide and deform,
of Grau and Huston [5], modelling right angle collisions. the greater the deformation, the greater is the interactive
The balance of the article is divided into seven parts force between the vehicles [2, 5, 7, 11]. The deformation
with the first of these describing the class of collisions itself is initially elastic, but then primarily plastic. As the
considered and the variables used in the modelling and deformation increases, more and more of the vehicle struc-
analysis. The next part presents a modelling of the vehicle ture is affected. If F1 and F2 represent the resultant forces
stiffness and deformation behaviour. The subsequent two exerted on Veh 1 and Veh 2 as the vehicles are deforming,
parts then provide the governing differential equations and then
their solutions. The fifth and sixth parts present validations
of the solutions and areas of application, with a focus upon F1 = k1 u1 and F2 = k2 u2 , (2)
vehicle occupant movement. The final part is a discussion
with concluding remarks. where u1 and u2 represent the deformations (shortening) of
the vehicles and k1 and k2 represent the respective vehicle
stiffnesses, which may be evaluated from barrier impact
Collision configurations and variable definitions tests.
Consider an in-line vehicle collision as represented in Fig- To develop the analysis consider the collision of Figure 3
ures 1 and 2 where and / designate the vehicles. Let the in more detail: specifically, consider force representations
speed V1 of Veh 1 exceed that of Veh 2 (V1 > V2 ) (Figure 1) of the vehicles during collision, as in Figure 4. From the
so that a collision occurs as in Figure 2. Alternatively, Veh law of actionreaction, we have
2 may be moving to the left (V2 < 0). In this way we may
simulate either a rear-end of a frontal (head-on) collision. F1 = F2 or |F1 | = |F2 | = F, (3)
Let the vehicles come together with initial contact as in
Figure 2, where x1 and x2 represent the displacements of where F is the mutual interactive force.
Veh 1 and Veh 2, positive to the right. After collision, let the
vehicles deform as represented in Figure 3, where u1 and u2

Figure 1. Pre-impact of in-line vehicles (V1 > V2 ). Figure 3. Representation of vehicle deformation.
International Journal of Crashworthiness 43

The governing equations for x1 and x2 are then

m1 x1 + k(x1 x2 ) = 0 and m2 x2 k(x1 x2 ) = 0.

Figure 4. Interactive forces on the vehicles during the collision. Equation (1) may be cast into the compact and conve-
nient matrix form as
Let u be the total penetration, or closing of the vehi-
cles. That is, let u be M x + Kx = 0, (11)

where by inspection the arrays M, K, and x are

u = u1 + u2 . (4)
m 0  k k  x 
1 1
Then F and u are related by the mutual stiffness k of M= , K= , x= . (12)
the vehicles as 0 m2 k k x2
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F = ku. (5) Equations (10) and (11) have the form of governing
equations of a coupled linear vibration system. Here, how-
By combining the results we have ever, instead of having an elastic system, we have a plastic
(one-way spring) system.
u = u1 + u2 = (F1 /k1 ) + (F2 /k2 )
k 1 + k2 Governing equations solutions
= F [(1/k1 ) + (1/k2 )] = . (6)
k1 k2 The solution of Equation (11) may be written in the form

Then by comparison with Equation (5), we have x = Xet , (13)

k = k1 k2 /(k1 + k2 ). (7) where X is an array of constants given by

X= (14)
Governing equations
With the foregoing variable definitions and force analy- and is a parameter (to be determined). By substituting from
sis, it is relatively easy to construct governing differential Equation (13) into (11), we have
equations of motion for the vehicles and subsequently for
vehicle occupants during the collision. To this end, consider (2 M + K)X = 0. (15)
free-body diagrams of the vehicles during deformation as
in Figure 5, where as before the positive direction is to the Equation (15) is a matrix equation equivalent to two si-
right. multaneous linear algebraic equations for X1 and X2 . Since
From Figure 5 we immediately obtain the expressions: these equations are homogeneous (right sides zero), there
is a non-zero solution only if the determinant of the coeffi-
m1 x1 + ku = 0 and m2 x2 ku = 0. (8) cients is zero. That is,
 m 1 + k k 
From the definitions of the vehicle displacements and  
det(2 M + K) = 0 or   = 0.
deformations, we see that the mutual deformation u may be k ( m2 + k)

expressed in terms of the displacements x1 and x2 as

u = x1 x2 . (9)
By expanding the determinant, we have

(2 m1 + k)(2 m2 + k) k 2 = 0 or 2 [2 m1 m2
+ k 2 (m1 + m2 )] = 0

Figure 5. Free-body diagrams of the vehicles during deforma-
tion. 2 = 0 and 2 = k(m1 + m2 )/m1 m2 . (17)
44 R. L. Huston

Since the vehicle masses and stiffnesses are positive it A similar analysis with x = B sin pt, Ct, and D yields
is convenient to define p2 as
b1 = (m2 /m1 )b2 , c1 = c2 , and d1 = d2 . (28)
p2 D k(m1 + m2 )/m1 m2 . (18)
Therefore A, B, C, and D may be written as
The roots j (j = 1, . . . , 4) of Equation (17) are then
m /m  m /m 
2 1 2 1
1 = ip, 2 = ip, 3 = 0, 4 = 0, (19) A=a , B=b ,
1 1

where i is the imaginary 1. 1 1
Then, from Equation (13) we see that the general solu- C=c , D=d , (29)
tion to Equation (11) may be expressed as 1 1

x = X(1) e1 t + X(2) e2 t + X(3) e3 t + X(4) e4 t , (20) where a, b, c, and d are now constants replacing a2 , b2 , c2 ,
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and d2 .
where the X(j ) (j = 1, . . . , 4) are constant arrays to Finally, by substituting from these results into Equation
be determined from auxiliary initial conditions of the (22) we obtain the solutions to Equation (10) as
In view of the values of the roots of Equation (19), it is x1 = a(m2 /m1 ) cos pt + b(m2 /m1 ) sin pt
convenient to employ the identities + ct + d (30)

eipt cos pt + sin pt and e0 1, (21) and

then with the repeated zero roots (3 = 4 = 0) we see that x2 = a cos pt + b sin pt + ct + d. (31)
the solution may be expressed as
Equations (30) and (31) provide expressions for the dis-
x = A cos pt + B sin pt + Ct + D, (22) placements of the undeformed portions of the vehicles dur-
ing the collisions.
where A, B, C, and D are arrays of constants given by
By differentiating in Equations (30) and (31) we ob-
        tain expressions for the velocities and accelerations of the
a1 b1 c1 d1 undeformed portions of the vehicles as
A= ,B = ,C = ,D = . (23)
a2 b2 c2 d2
x1 = ap(m2 /m1 ) sin pt + bp(m2 /m1 ) cos pt

Observe that since the governing equations (Equations +c (32)

(10) and (11)) are linear, each term of Equation (22) must x2 = ap sin pt + bp cos pt + c (33)
individually satisfy the equation. Thus, if x = A cos pt we
have and

p2 MA + KA = 0 (24) x1 = ap2 (m2 /m1 ) cos pt + bp2 (m2 /m1 ) sin pt (34)

or x2 = ap2 cos pt bp2 sin pt. (35)

(p2 m1 + k)a1 ka2 = 0 (25)

and Validation and application

We can use Equations (30) and (31) to obtain immediate
ka1 + (p2 m2 + k)a2 = 0. (26) insight into vehicle/occupant behaviour in in-line collisions
including rear-end collisions, frontal, head-on collisions,
In view of the definition of p2 in Equation (18), these and in wall (barrier) impacts.
last two equations are each seen to be identical to the
Rear-end collisions
Consider first a rear-end collision with the vehicles going in
a1 = (m2 /m1 )a2 . (27) the same direction and the rear vehicle (Veh 1) overtaking
International Journal of Crashworthiness 45

Veh 2. (Alternatively, the front vehicle (Veh 2) could be From Equations (42) and (43) we see that the penetration
stopped.) The following initial conditions represent these x1 x2 is
x1 x2 = (1/p)(V10 V20 ) sin pt. (49)
At t = 0 : x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x1 = V10 ,
Therefore, at the time tf of maximum penetration we
x2 = V20 , V10 > V20 . (36)
Then from Equations (30)(33), we have
= (1/p)(V10 V20 ) sin pt. (50)
0 = a(m2 /m1 ) + d, (37)
Also, from Equations (44) and (45) we see that the
0 = a + d, (38) relative penetration speed x1 x2 is
V10 = bp(m2 /m1 ) + c, (39)
x1 x2 = (V10 V20 ) cos pt.
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V20 = bp + c. (40)
Therefore, at the time tf of maximum penetration we
Solving for a, b, c, and d we obtain have

m1 (V20 V10 ) m1 V10 + m2 V20 0 = (V10 V20 ) cos ptf or cos ptf = 0 or ptf
a = 0, b= , c= ,
p(m1 + m2 ) m1 + m2 = /2. (52)
d = 0. (41)
In view of Equations (50) and (52) and the definitions of
Then from Equations (30)(35) the displacements, ve- k and p of Equations (7) and (18) we see that the maximum
locities, and accelerations of the undeformed positions of mutual penetration of the vehicles is related to the initial
the vehicles are vehicle speeds, masses, and stiffnesses as
m2 (V20 V10 ) m1 V10 + m2 V20 = (1/p)(V10 V20 )
x1 = sin pt + t, (42)
p(m1 + m2 ) m1 + m2
  = (V10 V20 )[m1 m2 /k(m1 + m2 )]1/2
m1 (V20 V10 ) m1 V10 + m2 V20
x2 = sin pt + t, (43)
p(m1 + m2 ) m1 + m2 or
m2 (V20 V10 ) m1 V10 + m2 V20
x1 = cos pt + , (44) 2 = (V10 V20 )2 m1 m2 (k1 + k2 )/k1 k2 (m1 + m2 ).
(m1 + m2 ) m1 + m2
m1 (V20 V10 ) m1 V10 + m2 V20 (Note that sin ptf = 1.)
x2 = cos pt + , (45)
(m1 + m2 ) m1 + m2
m2 (V20 V10 ) Frontal, head-on collisions
x1 = p sin pt, (46)
(m1 + m2 ) Analytically, a head-on collision may be modelled using the
m1 (V20 V10 ) results for the rear-end collision and replacing the sign of
x2 = p sin pt. (47) the initial velocity for Veh 2. That is,
(m1 + m2 )

As the vehicles come together and deform they reach a at t = 0, x2 = V20 (54)
point of maximum deformation, or maximum mutual pen-
etration. For plastic deformation, the undeformed portions Then, from Equations (52) and (53) we have
of the vehicles will at that instant move together at the
same speed. Let the magnitude of the maximum mutual pt f = /2 and = (1/p)(V10 + V20 )
penetration be and let tf be the time when the maximum
penetration occurs. That is, = (V10 + V20 )[m1 m2 /k(m1 + m2 )]1/2 . (55)

when t = tf , x1 x2 = , x1 = x2 = Vf
(48) Barrier or wall impact
where Vf is the instantaneous common speed of the unde- Here we have a single vehicle collision, or alternatively, a
formed portions of the vehicles. collision with an infinite mass, rigid vehicle at rest. Let Veh
46 R. L. Huston

1 be the colliding vehicle. Consequently, we have

m2 , k2 , V20 = 0, x2 0. (56)

Further, if we neglect rebound effects, or alternatively

only consider the vehicle movement up to maximum en-
gagement, we have

Vf = 0. (57)

Then from Equations (42) and (44), the movement of

the vehicle upon impact is Figure 6. Undeformed vehicle movement during barrier impact.
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x1 = (V10 /p) sin pt (58)

and then

x1 = V10 cos pt. (59)

Analogous to the development of Equation (50) we have

= (V10 /p) sin ptf = V10 /p, (60)

where is now the crush distance of the vehicle at the time

Figure 7. Undeformed vehicle movement during barrier impact.
tf of maximum deformation. From the definition of p in
Equation (18), we have
That is,
p2 = k(m1 + m2 )/m1 m2
= k[1 + (m1 /m2 )]/m1 k/m1 . (61) m1 V10 + m2 V20 = m1 x1 + m2 x2 = (m1 + m2 )Vf .
Also, from the definition of the mutual stiffness k of By substituting from Equations (44) and (45), we im-
Equation (7), we have mediately see that the principle is satisfied.
A second frequently used concept in accident recon-
struction is velocity change (or delta V (V )) dur-
k = k1 k2 /[(k1 /k2 ) + 1] k1 . (62)
ing the impact phase of the collision. By knowing the
V an investigator can estimate the average acceleration
Therefore, from Equation (60) we have the crush-
and/or deceleration during impact and consequently the
stiffness-speed relation:
average forces occurring during impact and in particular
those forces applied to vehicle occupants (so-called inertia
k1 2 = m1 V10
. (63) loading).
Finally, Figures 6 and 7 provide graphical representation To illustrate this, consider the movement of Veh 1: in
of Equations (58) and (59). The sinusoidal form represent- our notation, V1 is
ing the movement of the undeformed portion of the vehicle
during the barrier impact is the same as that repeatedly V1 = Vf V10 . (65)
found experimentally in crash tests [7].
Then the average acceleration a1avg of Veh 1 is

Conservation of momentum and delta V a1avg = V1 /tf = (Vf V10 )/tf . (66)
The principle of conservation of linear momentum is a basis
for frequently used procedures in accident reconstruction But from the conservation of linear momentum principle
analyses. For in-line collisions, the principle simply states of Equation (64), Vf is
that the linear momentum of the system just before col-
lision is the same as that during and just after collision. Vf = (m1 V10 + m2 V20 )/(m1 + m2 ). (67)
International Journal of Crashworthiness 47

But substituting into Equation (66) a1avg becomes or

a1avg = m2 (V20 V10 )/tf (m1 + m2 ). m2 (V10 V20 ) m2 (V20 V10 )

(68) occ = t+ sin pt. (70)
m1 + m2 p(m1 + m2 )
The average acceleration of Veh 1 can also be obtained
by integrating in Equation (47): In the initial stages of the collision (for small t), we can
accurately represent sin pt by a power series as
sin pt = pt (pt)3 /3! + (pt)5 /5! (71)
a1avg = (1/tf ) x1 dt
By substituting into Equation (43) and by retaining only
tf two terms in the expansion, we obtain
m2 (V20 V10 )
= (1/tf ) p sin pt dt
(m1 + m2 ) occ = p2 (t 3 /6)m2 (V10 V20 )/(m1 + m2 ). (72)
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or Observe that the occupants movement in the vehicle is

proportional to the cube of the time in the beginning stages
a1avg = (1/tf )m2 (V20 V10 )/(m1 + m2 ) (69) of the collision.
We can further explore the occupant movement by con-
a result identical to that of Equation (68). sidering a barrier impact: That is, in Equation (45), let V20
be zero and m2 be large. Then occ becomes

Occupant movement analysis occ = V10 p2 t 3 /6 = (V10 k1 /6m1 )t 3 , (73)

A principal advantage of having a mathematical model, or
expression, for the movement of the undeformed portion where the last equality follows from Equations (7) and (18)
of a vehicle during a collision is that we can then similarly with k1 being the occupant vehicle stiffness and with the
model the movement of occupants during the collision. This barrier stiffness k2 assumed to be large.
in turn provides insight into how they will subsequently Equations (72) and (73) show that in the beginning
collide with interior vehicle structures, or be restrained and stages of a crash the occupant has relatively little move-
protected from such collisions by seat belts, pretensioners, ment with respect to the undeformed portion of the vehicle.
and air bags. But shortly thereafter, there is dramatic occupant move-
To explore these concepts consider again the sinusoidal ment. Indeed, the movement increases exponentially, as the
pattern of the undeformed vehicle displacement: Observe cube, with time.
that the extent to which the vehicles displacement differs
from being linear is a measure of the occupant movement
relative to the vehicle interior. That is, from the perspective Discussion
of an observer on the ground, just before and during the ini-
tial stages of the collision a vehicle occupant is moving at a Equations (72) and (73) provide a concise but yet detailed
uniform speed and thus displacing linearly with time. But description of the movements of undeformed portions of the
the vehicles displacement is being retarded sinusoidally. vehicles during a rear-end collision. They are also applica-
Therefore, the occupant movement relative to the vehicle ble for head-on collisions by simply changing the sign of
is simply the difference between the occupants linear time the initial speed of Veh 2. Equation (58) provides the anal-
displacement and the vehicles sinusoidal displacement, as ogous undeformed vehicle motion description for a barrier
represented by Equations (42), (43), and (58) and graphi- impact. These equations are a direct result of modelling
cally by Figure 6. Then if occ is the displacement of the the vehicle deformation by a one-way, dissipative spring. A
occupant in the vehicle, occ is central concept in the modelling is that the crush is plas-
tic and thus that the elastic spring-back effect is relatively
occ = V10 t x1
 With knowledge of the undeformed vehicle motion dur-
m2 (V20 V10 ) ing a crash, we can readily determine the movement of ve-
= V10 t sinpt
p(m1 + m2 ) hicle occupants during the crash. Equations (45) and (46)
  provide approximations of this movement during the critical
m2 V10 + m2 V20
+ t beginning stages of the collision. With this movement being
m1 + m2 proportional to the cube of the collision time we see from
48 R. L. Huston

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