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PLANNING, DESIGH CRITERIA Economies STRUCTURAL CONSIOCRATIONS IMPEDANCE, FAULT CURRENT CALCULATH VOLTAGE DROP AND REGULATION, LOSSES, CONDUCTOR SELECTION SMORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION, LIGHTMIKG PROTECTION RADIAL PRIMARY, SYSTEMS TRANSFORMER-SECORDARIES, SERVICES, METERING TRANSFORNERS, CAPACITORS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES NEUTRAL SYSTEMS AND GROUNDING ROMDWAY LIGHTING sties UTILIZATION EQUIPMENT AND LoAO cHARACTE JOINT USE, INDUCTIVE COORDINATION, RADIO AXD. TW INTERFERENCE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, REGULATIONS secrion section section seerion section section seeTioN section seevion seerion section SECTION section section bnoex PLANING, DESIGK CRITERIA econouics, STRUCTURAL Cons 1DERATIONS INPEOANCE, FAULT CURRENT CALCULATIONS VOLTAGE DROP AND REGULATION, LOSSES, CONDUCTOR StLECTION SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION, LIGHTING PROTECTION RADIAL PRIMARY, SYSTEMS ‘TRANSFORMER SECONDARIES; SERVICES; METERTHS™ TRANSFORMERS, CAPACITORS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES NEUTAAL SYSTEHS AND GROUNDING UTILIZATION EQUIPMENT AND LOAD CHARACTERISTICS SOIT USE, INDUCTIVE COORDINATION, RADIO AND. TW INTERFERENCE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, REGULATIONS section seotiox section stetion section seeTion section section SECTION section section section section tne 2 3 4 . ‘ SECTION 8 ‘eansforner Secondary Economics Radial Transformer ~ Secondary Desiga Transformer Secondary Voltage Drop Secondary Voltage Drop Using Constant K Residential Kwh to Kw Single-hase Secordary Banking liyesbelta Connection - Primary Neutval Isolated lye-Delta Connection - Primary Neutral Grounded lyectiye Connection (Open-ilye and Open-Delta Connections 4owite lye Froa Two Primary Phase Wires Transformer Loading, 4-Wire Secondary, Isolated ye-Delta Transformer Loading, (-Wire Secondary, Grounded Wye-Delta Transformer Loading, Open-Wye to Open-Delta and Open-Delta to Open-Delts Transformer Loading, Delta-Delte 4-Wire Delta Secondary Line Currents Two-Core, T-Connected Transforsers iti, gcrvice for Combined Singie-Thase and Thees-Thase Load Unbalanced Factor in the 4-Wire Delta Secondary Prinary Line Loss Costs for Open-liye and Isolated Wye-Delta ‘wo Versus Three Transformers for 4-Wize Delta Service Phase Sequence Indicacor Phase Sequence of Three-Phase Transforser Banks Layout of 4-Wére Delta Secondary overhead Service Drop Underground Service Lateral Metering ~ General Metering Definitions Application of Watt-Hour Meter Constants Wate-Hour Meter Adjustments and Compensations : Wate-Hour Mecer Applications ‘Three-Wire Single-Phase Meters Polyphase WatesHiour Meters Ay SECTION 8 - TRANSFORKER-SECONDARTES E802 SERVICES, METERING ‘TRANS FORMER. ‘Teansforner-Secondaries represent one of the {aportant seguents of in. SECONDAR' vestnent in an electric distribution system. In considering the comparative ECONOMIC: overall costs of various designs, the cost of primaries should not be over Looked, particularly if fundamental research (5 being conducted with prl- sary and secondary voltage as variables. Present load densities and the prospects of rapidly Increasing densi ties in both commercial and residential areas have the effect in design of increasing the prinary systen and decreasing the secondary syste= in both area coverage and conductor sizes. Underground secondary setuorks ia eot- eretal azeas carry @ lesser portion of the total load as the load density increases, Network and lateral systens, however, ere becoming lacressingly Important in large buildings. Secondary systens in many residential areas are beconing of less inportance to the extent of disappearing in sone {nstances, These trends should be influenced by the application of eco- noaie principles. With the aid of computers many more variables may be considered and equations used that are not emasculated through simplifying fesuaptions, Mich needs to be done in transforner-secondary design and the data presented herein is a beginning in the direction of applying sore fophisticated techniques Secondary aystens may be either isolated (radials), banked (spot net works) of networked (area networks). [a the desiga of transforacr- Secondaries, the folloving relationships apply’ ; a, Transformer investment costs exceed transformer Loss costs at Thett thermal! Tinie so that efther thee She oshes Grop Lisit should establish ice maximum permissible Load. (In case of pole type transforaers and low load factor loads it is Advisable to determine ehis relationship.) b. Conductor Loss cost usually exceeds conductor investment cost fat their thermal Limit so that economics should establish Conductor size for overhead, ploved-in underground and spot~ network citcutes provided voltage drop Limits are not exceeded. Underground network conductor sizes are determined by such factors a2 burn-off characteristics, existing conduir sizes, and thermal characteristics. Section E241 gives the developsent of equations for use in detersining- £803 econoaieal conductor sizes for radial secondaries with constant or groving RADIAL Toads. Section £246 presents the application of these equations to the TRANS- jesign of radial secondaries. These equations follow and examples given to FORYER- ‘SECONDARY show thelr application. DESIGN ‘The economical size conductor for an evenly distributed Load growing at rate g on & two-way radial secondary that will be redivided after @ Years and chen have a further economic life of a ore years we 2 a0, 2g + Fe 8, 0D} : Om =803 ADTAL ANS RMR ECONDARY oEstaN (conr"D) neutral = wessenger and ivo alusinun conductors = Lnieial undiversified peak load : = area of conductor in Mem kay F = coincidence factor for a large group of sinilar custoaers. The coincidence factor F, for x customers te assumed to be 2 = yearly cost of losses at che transformer in dollars per M fe of conductor per Nem of conductor area per kva of diversified load at 240 volts for a large group of similar cy = Yearly incremental investnent costs that vary directly with area of conductor in dollars per Mem per M fe A. = capital recovery factor for m+n years. Cpe . ay = tH tactor to dacernine present vorth tet ee of incegrated losses to beginning of period a. = rate of Srouth expressed as 4 dectaal = rate of return on aoney expressed as # decinal eto BD go Gerfaden J 3 P = number of pole loads one way from transforner and spans of secondary are equal to p + 1/2. Hl present worth factor to bring less cost for period a to the beginning of period e. EXAMPLE 1 - GROWING LOAD Probles Detersine the econoaical size secondary triplex cable with ACSR Astuned Parameters Belanced 120/240 volt secondary Average span = 150 ft. Allovable transformer - secondary voltage drop = 6.5% wax. Initial undiversified denand per customer = 3 kva Load growth rate = 6% Customers per pole = 4 Cost of soney = 6% ) Loss cost = $30 per kv year carrying charges = 13% Transforser, tr = x= 1.7% P.F. = 0.90 ‘Use Equations (1) £ 803 and (2) E 246 calculation of ¢, oy = yearly inctenental snvestment .coste that vary directly ith the area of the conductor in dollars per Men per Mife. In the range of the cable sizes to be considered it ie safe to assune that the costs of the poles, sup- port cleaps, guys and labor of installation are substantially Constant. inerengntal cable costs may thea be determined from manufacturer's prices. The quoted prices of 4 sizes, fier, #2, 01/0, 02/0 and #4/0 were converted to cost per Nem ger M ft. and found to be substantially the sane for these sizes, Le.) $1.97. Tf they had not been the sane, Le woule have been aegeseary to plot the values to deter sine base and {nerenental costs. oy = $1.97 x 13 = $.256 calculation of 62 op = yearly cost of losses at the transformer in dollars per N fe. of cable per Men of area of one conductor per kva of diversified load for a group of customers With similar loads. Loss per M £t of cable per Mem of one conductor = 2m A 20S ML, Tam? x 103 TH? x 109 Where Ry is the resistance of the conductor with area Ay. = 0.623 lw x $30 per fo year * $18.70/year sing trial and error mathod:- determine periods m and n, size of transfomer, spans of secondary during periods mend as Initial and ultimate transformer Loading between 35 percent and 150 percent should keep transformer costs inieal, Period m vill end vhen the transformer has Feached the loading Limit or when the transformer = Secondary voltage drop of 6.5 percent is reached. Period = Consider transformer installed every 6th pole p25 99:3 Total custeners = 24 N= 10 Initial load on transformer = 24 x 3 x Cp = 30.6, where Cy Coincidence factor for all customers served by transformer. Consider 37-1/2 kva transformer - Period m lasts until it 8 loaded 150% therefore, EVE XISO 6 (.o4)"1 18s a2 112, any IL yeu ise om E803 RADIAL TTRANS- FORMER- SECONDARY DESIGN (coxt'D) 803 RADIAL TRANS FORER- SECORDARY besicy (coxt'D) Period 9 Intermediate 37.5 kus traneformer installed at beginning pel s=1.5 Total custoners = 12 N= 4 Period n lasts until transformer is losded 150%, asus. _ Therefore, FEELS = 1,06 * = 3.47 x= 21 years, n= x= m= 10 yeas Substitution én Equation for a 2 oye Mifee ie u6.7 ny + 10467 oo 1 » te = 06) = 2. 14.45 By = £1.06). = 12.75 “o8%5 “ae Bye G.092 = 1.52 4 = aM O,00" | 0.0815 = .06)*= 1 we a= 6 3x 8655 [0813 (14.45 x 45.7 + 1.92 «12.75 x 10.67] » 89.6 Hem Shee of triplex cable = #1/0 Avg Secondary Voltage Drop - End of Period 9 ‘Transformer (epee 8 + mots 8), Equation 3, & 266 aMs wer, t+ Bin Ps Me Vg = LEBE 2 97.4 109 x for #1/0 a1 extptex from M 530A T= 2 customers va = 3.x 1.82 5.46 fe 150" = span Leogth LE + 4+ Gh = 425, coincidence factor (ey cos @ + x, sin 6) = 1.60.@ 902 PA. Substitution in Equation for Voltage Drop 5b M6 x 5.46 x 4.5 x 0974 + ERAS x $46 2 1160 Ve 4x 6 x 5.46 x 4.5 x 0974 ae 6.75% Stnee the maxinun allowable transformer - secondary voltage drop of 6.5 percent has been exceeded, period m should be reduced from 11 years to 10 years. At this tine the total transformer ~ secondary drop will be 6.36 percent. Lod on 37.5 kva transformer at end of period m will be 51.7 kva Load on 37.5 kva transformer at beginning of period n.vill be 25.75 kva Load on 37.5 kva transformer at end of period n will be 57.25 kva E£i5~ ue 803 RADIAL TRAAS- Problem FORMER ‘SECONDA Determine relative costs of transformers on every pole as compared co DESIGN transforsets on every other pole based on the folloving aasused parameters. (CONT'D Aztoned paraneters Balanced 120/240 volt secondary Average span = 150 ft. Transformer - secondary maximum allovable voltage dzop = 6.5% Customer per pole = 4 Load per customer = 7.5 kva Cotectdence tector, Fy = 65-4222 5 x = nmber of custoners carrying charges on investment = 13% Load loss cost = $30 per kv year Transformer, LE = Tx = 12% PP. = 0,90 Load lose factor = 0.20 mmical size secondary = ao (C22 2 cmt an eam = TE an 106 Hem - ‘Use #1/0 Triplexed ACSR cable @ $480 per M ft installed. Yearly cost of transformer investagnt = $435 x .13 = $56.50 Gore ose = 167 uatea Copper toss » Ai watts Gore Tose cost = "167 x 968\=" 511,25, gee H 2208, corner tore cost = tts a yun GAY! = pio.te Transformer loss cost = $26.50 Yearly transformer cote = $83.00 Yearly cost of secondary investments = .3 x 480 x .13 = $18.72 Secondary load = 2% 7-5 x 2825" 12.35" kva penne Transformer Every Pol ‘Transformer load = 4x 7.5 x .76 = 22.2 kva : on basis of sane percent loading as in case of transformer every 4L3 | che transformer required = 20:kva Lose = other pol Assuning that 2 15 koa transformer and 37.5 kva transformer have the sane base cost, the equation for transformer cost becanes: $'= $161 + $7.30 per kva, On this basis, the cost of a 20 kva transformer is §307- ‘Yearly transformer investment cost = 2 x 307 x 13 = $80 ‘The core and copper loss of # 20 kva transformer ave estinated to be 99 vats and 258 watts respectively, This estimate is, obtained by averaging the untt kva losse: Core loss cost = .099 x §68 = $6.73 2 Copper loss cost = .258 x $30 x TT = $9.38 (sn om ‘SECONDARY voutace, Ror ‘SECONDARY voutace Ror vsti CONSTANT K Yearly transforser oss cost » 2 (6.73 +.9.38) = $32.22 Yearly transformer costs = $112.22 GoneLusion For the conditions assumed, the cost of a transformer every pole is slightly higher than the cost of a transformer every other pole. The percentage voltage drop in a transforaer-secondary is ex- pressed by: TF, kva Ne wap, Uy + a eae aera Ge , con Om sin 8) te snoutd be noted ehat IF, kia Vy given che voltage drop for one pote-tosd- span where vp = L410", s the voltage drop constant for the particular ere Vy + HzO 44 the voltage drop constant for the pareicl secondary (see tables, Section 5) and f = span length in feet. To obtain the voltage drop to the end of the secondary, multiply the value obtained for one pole-load-span by P, which {s the number of pole-load- Spans one-way from the transformer. * The values for r, and x, in the second term of equation (3), E 206 aay be obtained frof table in Section 9. See examples (1) and (2) in Section £ 903 for the appiications of equation (3) K constant from the aporopriate table in Section 5, the custoser colnei- dent denand fros a table similar to X¥801 and a layout of the actual secondary. In Table XNGO1 customers are classified in accordance with the connected load and the bimonthly KWH. This table may not apply to your Company. Tf your Company uses the statistical method of transforser Toading there vill be available data giving the colneident desand for on usage for each customer on che secondary. Consider the secondary as shown below here custosers are classified ‘as shown in KWBOL, The secondary is 120/240 volt single phase wich 1/0 ACSR Triplex conductors. custoner Individual Peak Load- VA a Ls 8 310 c 0 z 11.0 + 10# souse Heating a oes E FIRST STEP - Calevlate kva-ft frou transforser using ‘adividual peaks 12806 for all loads including customer & on pole 3 except omit SECONDARY house heating load for this eustoner. voLtAcE DROP. ‘Te kva-fe for poles 1, 2 and 3 are as follovs: = Pole 1- 10.5% 390 = 4095 kva- fe ® consTaNT Pole 2- 12x 260 = 3120 kva- fe (conr'Dy Pole 3-17 x 110, 1870 kva = ft 9085 kva = fe SECOND STEP - The coine{dence factor from Table X¥801, Part V is 0.37. Therefore, the total kva = fe = 9085 kva - ft x 0.37 + 10 kva x 120 £0 = 4460 kva - fe 4460 THIRD STEP - The voltage drop st 0.90 power factor = 4460 » 2.89%, K's 1540 kva - ft from Table M5308, > ‘the gathering of load information is a fundazental step in the e007 design of distribution aystens. The use of coaputers has made it RESTDEN- possible to start with the smallest load unit, i.e., the single family TIAL Gvelling. With this information and the appropriate computer prograns iat each step in the design of a distribution system beginning vith the 0 Exansforner-secondary and ending with the substation can be checked. ne Where che demande of residential customurs are not measured the Kin! aust be converted to KW or KVA. This relationship is, of course, the loed factor and for any given ‘cad would wary with the time period being considered for each paraneter, 1-e., whether the KWH is monthly or bi- ttonthly and KW ia for a 15, 30 oF 60 sinute interval. A monthly load factor rerarsenentp may be’ determined by: u_per_sonth Fe = eset LF. = S35 Gl peak for prescribed Interval ne company, whose territory {s in Pennsylvania, has established that the following equation expresses the residential saximun hour desend when the sonchly Kull are known: wn eet 1SE, 49.7 w ‘This company has adopted the coordinate gethod of locating poles. Every custoner if associated with a pole or sanfole froa which it is served, These are then tied in with the supply transformer. This, of — * Course, is done by a computer and the traneforaer load thus develope To express the relationship vhich exists between the sum of in dividual peak residential demande, this conpany uses che following equations to detersine pole loads and transforeer loads: Bi, = Wy x6, 238+ Ba a ¥ = Sua of individual demand of W = Number of custosers wy, NUN W custoners i, = Cotnetdent desand of N custoners C, = Coincidence factor Our 807 RESIDEN- TIAL ait 70 «conr'o) E808 smNcut~ PHASE. SECONDARY BARKING Table XNGOL is an example of custoser classification by connected oad az used by a Company in che North East. For each class of custoner fa range of Kili and KW ie given with che KW €o ascune for design purposes. The table indicates the coincidence factors to use for various nusber of Table 802 te a guide to traneformer-secondary design to be used An preparing line extensions. This cable i to be weed in conjunction with Table #3801. Table W803 shows tvo curves and gives the steps thac must be taken to determine the Load ons transformer as used by the Pennsylvania Company rentioned above. ‘able NEOs gives the coincidence factors for N eustoners for various values of coincidence factors for a large number of customers. The {nterconnection of single phase secondaries to serve residen- tial loads is practiced by sone cospanies. There are two advantages of secondary banking: 42) Inproved service continuity b) Less flicker drop from motor starting ‘These advantages are not significant enough to make banking per ferable to the operating simplicity of the radial secondary. Impedance hae decressed because of use of Larger transformers, shorter ené larger secondaries, Larger service drops and use of overhead cable. Transformer perforoince has improves and transformer replacement methods have ine decreasing. “= ‘The six methods that have been uted {n secondary banking are: 1) Primary fuses only and solid interconnection of secondaries 2) Primary and secondary transformer fuses 3) Primary fuses, transformer secondary fuses and secondary sectionalizing fuses on both sides of transforner 4) Peinery fuses and secondary sectionalizing fuses on both aides of transformer 5) Primary fuses and secondary sectfonalizing fuses atdvay between transformers 6) Primary fuses and secondary breakers ‘The most generslly used method of secondary banking {3 sethod Muaber 5, “The aecoupanying sketch is a one Line diagram of a three transformer benk shoving fuse sizcs based on the exx:mun service fentrance fuse of 100 anperes. The secondary sectionalizing fuses and transformer peinary fuses are the minimum sizes that should be sed to get adequate coordination. (is Ye ‘The wye-delta connection of single-yhase transformers vith the prinary neutral grounded is used by some conpanies for supplying thre Phase Or combined three-phate and single-phase loads. It has been used by those coupanies, that generally use the isolated vye-delea connection, for special applications either to cerve as a grounding source or to serve as a path for triple harmonics most of which are generated by single trans- former installations. It has slready been stated that the grounded we-delea is not widely used sn distribution for supplying four uire Lighting ané power loads. Tt has one characteristic which {2 not found in the isolated wye-delta com nection, ives, the loading of the three transformers by a given single phase load will vary with the relative impedances of the bank transformers, land the inpedance of the primary suppiy. The impedance of the primary Supply will vary with the location of the transformer bank on the primary circuit, and the inpedance of the distribution substation. Tn other words, the effect of a given value of eingle-phase load on the, load’ carried by tach transforner of 4 grounded wye-delta bank is variable and therefore ‘must be determined for every installation, It has already been stated that 2 grounded srye-delea bank acts as a grounding bank. Single-pha: Line to ground faults not ascociated with the baak say cause the bank priv ‘nary fuse to blow because of this characteristic. Also, ite action ‘coupled with that of similarly connected banks will affect fuse breaker coordination, This sction inereases ae the sunber and size of such banks Snerease on any particular circuit. ‘There is an adverse safety aspect of the grounded wye-delta connec- tion that ie not readily apparent. Assuse a sectionalizing fuse in a three-pliase veimery Line to be open. if there is a wyurdeita vank vf Single. phase traneformere on the load cide of the eactionslistag fure,: the grounded wye-delts gives a full primary line co neutral feedback. In case Of an isolated we-delta the prisary line vill become deenergized beyond ‘the sectionalizing fuses. ‘The wye-wye connection of single-phase transformers with isolated ‘neutrals shovld not be used for general application to serve light and ‘power loads, Any current that flows through one transformer eust flow through the other two, Any single-phase or unbalanced three-phase vill Eause considerable unbalance in the secondary voltage. The chird harmonic “Cannot flow in the exciting current s0 that a third harmonic voltage will “appear in the secondary. This ehird hemoaic may be between 30 to 70 percent of the 60 cycle component. If the secondary neutral only ts Grounded, the third harmonic voltage may cause high third hemmonic cur- ents if’ the secondary i connected to 4 cable aysten. Since distribution primary systems are designed to use single-phase transformers connected to a common neutral and since the 4ewire uye swecondar, at 120/208 volts or 277/480 volts is standard, the vye-uye “Eonnection is in wide use. Both primary and secondery Aeutrals should be “Eoauected to the comon neutral. In effect, the equivalent of a grounded wye-uye connection is beiag used where single-phase transformer installe~ ‘Tlons are spaced along a three-phase primary circuit and connected to ‘affect @ balanced three-phase primary load. ‘The principal disadvantages of the grouried uye-wye connection are: single-phase transformers so connected generate third harmonic currents bs Af one transformer is disabled in a three-phase dank, the bank is disabled {fim £ B12 WwE-DELT, CONNECT PRIVARY NEUTRAL GROUNDED £813 reve coxtezcrz0 Eas vein ComiecTLoN (Conta) OPERATE 4x0 oveN-veLta ‘coxzerroxs e+ three-phase voltage of 208 volts aoninal 1s not fas satisfactory as 240 volts nominal and cannot be readily substituted for it on changeover in fan area where it ie planned Co eventually extend the four-wire network systen, Theee-phase shell type transformers have separate complete magnetic paths, Considering operating characteristics, the shell type three-phase Eraneformer nay be considered as three single-phase transformers, There= fore, the cane precautions with respect to the use of the wye-wye connee- tion’ must be excercised for the shell type of three-phase transformer as Indicated above for single-phase transformers, {,e., connect both uye points to the systen neutral. : ‘Three-phase core type transformers do not have separate complete flux paths. Any unbalanced single-phase losd vould not change the flux in the core leg appreciably since the flux must complete its circuit out~ side the core or ia the high reluctance air path. Therefore, it can carry a single-phase load of several percent without unbalancing the voltage appreciably. Third harmonic flux must also use the air path and hence is low which keaps the third harsonie current small. Despite the low third harmonic in the exeiting current, there is euffiefent third harmonic in the magnetonotive force in the iron co develop a sinusoidal flux and induced voltage. Therefore, there may be instances vhere large spot loads of 277/480 volts d-uire may be served by three-phase core t¥Pe transforners where a primary neutral is aot aveLlabla. eneraily, however, it is preferable to connect the neutrals to a common neutral on core type three-phase transformers. neutral of a ehecersiuse prinaty line so as tovserve a theeephase oF @ combined three-phase and single-phase load. The secondaries are connected in open-delea and the primaries are connected in open-uye or opencdelta The opercuye primary connection is for transformers rated at the prinary fe neutral voltage and the open-delea is for transformers rated at the Line voltage. For convenience the open-wye £0 open-delta vill be called the Mopenuye", and ehe open-delts £0 open-delta the “open-delta,” A schenatic diagran of the open-uye conaection of two transformers land its corresponding vector diagram which are shovn herein indicate that the currente 1. and I, ig transformers L and Tare out of phase with the transformer voltage by°30" for a unity pover factor three-phase load. we K = wa carried by transformer P= kva Load = eecondaty Line to Line voltage 1, = secondary Line current = th et Bato cons wee she ore » Ts 2 ‘The above equations state that the kva of load on two transformers serving a three-phase load 1s 2/,/ Dor 1,16 tives the three-phase load. Conversely, a transformer in an open-uye bank is loaded to its rating with a ehece-phase load of V/3/2 or .866 of the bank rating. This relationship exists also for the open-delta connect ion. ‘Three phase, G-wire 120/208 volt service nay be obtained from two phases of prinaty circuit with three transformers. Two of the tren Formers shold be sized for the load in the sormal manner and the third should be about twice as large. The two normal size transformers should be connected for 120 volt operation and the large size transformer for 120/240 volt operation. the three traasformers should then be connected fae indicated in diagran Fig. 1. Te ee, Fic. 1 If the total three-phase load {s L, then the load on transformer 2 is Ly on transformer X is Land on transformer ¥ is 2k. 3 3 3 t= 4/3 Lshere L = Load kva and T is kva load on cranéforners. ou eo OPEN ave ano OFEN-DELT ‘conectro (Cont'd) esis. Go IRE WY FROM TWO PRIMARY PHASE. HIRI eas A vector diagran shoving the current that develops the voltage drop 4eWIRE WE in voltage Vyo 8 shown in Fig. 2 \ FROM TO < "BINARY ASE WIRES: Sent") FIG. 2 Te may be seen thar che voltage drop through the transformers from W to 1 and froa 1 co C is twice the voltage drop fron N to b oF W €0 a. : For this reason it is advisable not to load transformer Y more than 100% at peak load £0 as to prevent too mich unbalance in ehree-phase motor ‘This ‘Conmection’ snowld b3 Zegartéd as: w 1a. An emergency connection in ease of a primary single- Phase cable failure where xeplecenent cannot be reagily : Bade. b. An interim connection in rural area until extension of third-phase is justified and custaser long range plans indicate that three-phase 208 volts are needed. Melting Tine (See.) Melting Tine (Se 7200 vours pernany E608 SENCLE- PHASE SECONDARS 375 2y49 = .025 BANKING WA 2429 = -0085 (CONT'D) SEC. AND SERV. CABLE Ta T3su | OT asy TOT 1/0 AL, TRIPLEX #65, 1008 X ~ FAULT LocaTtoxs custorer's SERVICE ‘TABLE OF FAULT CURRENTS, FUSE SIZE AND CLEARING TIMES ‘Toul Fault Cut, Fate _ Seconda Fase men Pes Momest pejiona) Hussay #50258) FIGS FAW) BOSD ‘FAULT AT LOADSIDE OF CUSTOMER'S FUSE Fault Currents 4420 4420 260 260654 017 a ak Meleine Tine (See) ‘FAULT AT LOADSIDE OF TRANSFORMER Fault Currents 15 913 900 900" «2351s aS Clearing Tine (Sec.) 103 Melting Tine (See.) ie aoa Fault currents 1 800 900 900 4s Clearing Tine (Sec.) +503 503 FAULT MIDWAY BETWEEN TRANSFORMERS Faule currents 3385 100 11685 26.6 28.11.67 Clearing Tine (Sec.) ae Melting Tine (See.) 35 a Fault Currents 1 700 100 26.6 1.87 Clearing Tine (Sec.) 364 “welting Time (Sec.) a Fault Currents 60 610 10° Clearing Tine (Sec.) 5.08 . a } A= Time not critical. OTE: See £607 for rules determining selection of fuse sizes. Ow Eau ive-DELTA CoNnECTEON. PRIMARY sEUTAL TSOLATED ‘The wye-delta connection of single-phase cransformers vith the primary nevtral point isolated 1s widely used in distribution, Both Eingle phase 120/240 volt and three phase 240 volt supply 18 available from such a bank by means of one s-wire service drop or eyo Jwire service drops. The delta stabitizes che noutval and peraits the third-harsonic to appear in the magnetizing current and prevents it from being generated in the voltage. The isolation of the neutral of the we determines the division of current rather than the relative impedances as is the case With the neutral grounded. Thus for balanced line voltages and balanced line currents, the delta connection balances the wye voltage to neutral, while the uye connection belances the currents in the delta. connection. See accompanying sketch. ‘The wye-delta connection of single-phase transformers with the nevtral of the primary isolated hes these advantages 4. Transforners of different percent impedances ay be used b. there will not be excessive circulating current, even if taps are not set the sano. ¢. Triple harmonic voltage is not developed, nor Will eriple harsonic magnetizing current flow fn primary or secondary lines. 4. A single-phase Load across one of the trans- fornera vill always divide two thirds throogh two. this 1s the only division possible considering that che neucral of the prisary is isolated. fe. If one transforser te disabled, service may be restored by operating the other two in open-wye, mal, or qs im ts uvca suownxc DIVISION oF SINGLE PASE LOAD WA WIE-DELEA BANC ETH PROURY BEUTRAL EOLATED ww The load on each transformer of a uye-delta bask of single-phase E816 transformer assuming balanced prinary voltages may be expressed. vector TRANS fally and aumerically as follows where KUA, is kva load in "Lighting" FORER transformer, KUA., and KUA,, are the loads“in the "power" transformers LOADING connected £0 phaGd lagging?énd phace Ieading respectively the phase to IRE which the "lighting" transformer is connected: SECONDARY ISOLATED WYE-DELTA : 7 ys : UA, = kva of load on transformer carrying 2/3 of single-phase Load. ye S = single-phase Load kve with @, pover factor angle phase load kva with Og pover factor“ atgle = thre c L B 1 Pe A Nu 2gy By and Z, + Une impedances 2yy 2q and Z, = transformer inpedances [EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT ie e616 ‘TRANS FORMER Lone teWIRE ‘SECONDARY, TsOLATED WYE-DELTA (cont) 25-60 3, 0,460) ee Tf tt {2 assumed that Oy cos”? U.K0 and es cos”! 0.95 eee ‘See Table H 816 based on above three equations = 50 kva at 95% pif. + T= 50 kya at 80% 9. £. Transforser 1 = 50 KVA ‘eansforwer 2 = 3 = 25 KVA . =n WA, = 25.8 WA, = 49.4 BVA, = 31-2 co © v8 ‘The dsetribucion of the single-phase load in the trarsforners of a three-phase bank of single-phase transformers connected wye~delta with the prinary neuteal grounded depends on the impedance of the transformers and the prinary system to which it ie connected, In distribution practice Where this connection 2 used, it i¢ usual co install two transforners of the sane size and one larger. The single-phase load of the combined Single-phase and three-ghase losé. is connected across the larger trans~ formers, ‘The unequal transformer impedance nakes 2 general solution for the distribution of che single-phase load in the secondary delta someviat Complicated, The solution involves ten simultaneous equations. However, except in the case of 4 long rural circuit and a transforner bank that 16 fairly large wien conpared to the substation bank certain simplifying Assungeinas way be made and a solution obtained as show by equations (1), @) and (3) below: Where Egy Eq = Fepresents the voltage from 4 wye source with & grounded neutral consection = primary source impedance 2, - primary impe ue Typ Ze = distribution txanaforner Sank equivalent impedan 2y - sepedance of the neutral wire Tg Taye Toy 7 Primary currants ty ~ neutral current 1, - single phase load current ‘s : = currents in the secondaries of che transformer caused by single-phase load Byer oar Ten © = ratio of transforaation P EBiscy ow Esty TTRANS- FORMER LOADING, AoW TRE SECONDAR! GROUNDED WYE-DELIE 517 TRANS FORMER LDADING, TRE SECONDARY, GROUNDED WYE-DELTA (cont D) zy+2 12, +22, pet gee Bt +t, TET tte, %Z oust be expressed on sane kva base and x/r ratios must be the sane 8 = kva of single-phase load T= va of three-phase load ©, = power factor angle of $ @, = power factor angle of T {LOADS ON EACH TRANSFORNER The load on transformer @ {# equal to: (2) Ig = 5 cos 0, + 1/3 T eos 9, - § sino, 41/3 T sine) 1) +19 ta] ¥/3T sin @, Determine the loads on three transformers connected grounded wye- delta if: 8 = 50 at 952 put. T+ 50 at 802 pif, Transformer a= 50 ka b= © =25kva %Z= 2% for each trans- former SOLUTION = 56 bva 1g = 25 hve Ly = 20 bva It should be noted that the problem is comparatively easy to solve because the sizes of the transformers are given. The solution indicates that the assumed sizes are reagonable. If *H Corr c,d eo z (Fat % ‘Lagging Connection of Open-tive sive : : R, = Untt resistance of each phase wire €, = Eneray charge per watt year F, = Loss factor Cg = Denand charge per watt year D = Distance that the ‘three phase load T land single phase load § are carried The neutral path resistance Ry is not a constant per-unit length where neutral is multigrounded. Fo! an explenation as to method of calculating this resistance see E423 and pages 145 to 148 inclusive of Volune 63, AIEE Transactions for 1954, ‘The above equations apply for a lusp G-vire delta losd at the fond of s Line, Ie can be used in many instances for Hines in urban areas. Usually, the load ona primary Line is a distribution rf single phase, three phase and combined single phase and three phase loads. The usual practice is fo connect the distributed loads in such a way as to keep the residual current in the neutral or the neutral and earth at a sinioun. Avgreat many variables will determine the primary line and grounded neutral losses such as: magnitude of load, ratio of three phase to single phase load, pover factor of load, loss factor, distances between loads, Phase connections, size and kind’ of wire, spacing of conductors and ground Conditions. fitsn on £825 PRIVARY LINE Los costs oF OrE=ave AND IS0- TateD wre-peLt 625 PROURY LINE Loss costs oF OFEN- Wee AND 180- Late wee peuta (cord) Tt {s not possible to generalize as to the dxstribution of load A hypothetical case consisting of three Gwire délea loads of equal magnitude and equally spaced could serve to develop the maxinum line oss that might be expected on an actual circuit, The excess Line loss cost of the open-uye over the wye-delta connection for any given losd when conpared to the savings effected in transforuse costs by the open= liye compared to the wye-delta will establish which transformer connection ko vse. Whether the connection {s open-uys with tvo transformers or wye~ delta with three transforeers, the residual current due to three banks carrying equal kva load of sane pover factor and T/, ratio can be elini- nated by appropriate phase connections. The excessSprinary line and neutral path loss costs of three openwuye banks as compared to three uye~ delta carrying identical loads and equally spaced may be expressed by esting Onon-e’ apes tree [8 esP ease eo, - 6, r09] 22 er, vey i ‘Lagging Open-“ye" aye Rot sree of ex sar cos @,- 9, - 60] 22 ervey D = Dietance between Cixst and: etre bank Rg = Resistance of neutral path for distance D 3 = Single phase kva load of one bank es ‘A practical approxination of the resistance & 1s: phase kva load of one baak ce y= Ry t2m, +2 [EL Bk + stvere Ry = Neutral path resistence with sero resistance grounds for distance D Re = “End effect” resistance for infinite Length of Line "End effect" resistance for. one-quarter of distance D Ry * “End effect" resistarce for one-half distance D See £423 for explanation of end effects. we Conbined single phase and three phase 120/240 vol loads may be 827 served by two of three single phase transformers, Where the primacy is wo vs four-wite, che three transforser connection most cocroaly used is the TREE isolated wye-delta. Were the prinary is four-vire or tvo-vire and neutral TRAIS~ tuo cransformes, ive.y the openvuye to opencdelta (referred to as open-wye) FORIERS nay be used. Ta fact, for loads up £0 certain aacimuns the open-uye is FOR Or should be more frequently used than the wyo-delta SHIRE DELTA ‘The opsn-wye is lowe im overall yearly transformer costs thax the SERVICE wye-delta for the wiole range of load usually served by either connection, Nowoves, the opai-aye pendusse greater Line losses for all Ioeds of the magnitude usually served by the Suwire delta connection. Ac @ kv che line Tosses are sufficient co considerably curtail the use of open-wye. At 13.2 kv where the losses are about one tenth of those at 4 kv for identically the sane load and eireult parameters, excess Line losses of the open-vye MIL seldom exceed the savings in erénsformer costs in urban diseribution, At 25 ky (14.4/24.9 kv) the extra Line losses of the open-uye as compared to the wye-delca are negligible for the range of loads generally Served by the 4-vire delta service, Another aséet of the two-transforner installation of single phase transformers at these higher voltages is its freedom from ferroresonance. Ar these higher levels of primary voltages, the open-uye (or open-delea) may generally be applied to either urban oF rural installations serving 4-vire delta load. If large installations for Serving J-wire delea loads are contenplated, it is necessary to give consideration to voltage unbalance in the prinary. Equations for deter~ ining the voleace drop in 4-wire wye primary syscens are given in AIEE Trannectiens ene 208h, uatuns 6%, Sease MS 201 vaneset a ‘Calculation of Unbalanced Voltage Drops in Distribution Circuits with Particular Reference to Multi-Grounded Neutrals." Sections £616 and EIB give the equations for determining transformer loadings for the isolated wye-delta and open-vye connections respectively in terns of the three phase load T and ies pover factor and the single phase load S and ite power factor. Te is possible to express the load on ‘Any transformer with either connection in terms of the total kva load (I+ §) served for any ratio of 1/5 and difference in pover factor angles (@, - 0). 1 Ae also possible to express the difference in total trans~ fofear foad between a xye-delta and en open-vye bank in che sane way. ‘The following two tabulations show this difference in total transformer load for different values of 1/5 ratios and (0, - 0,). Positive values denote the savings by using the open-uye expressed as a fractional part of the §+T load, The first tabulation is for' the "Leading" convection of the open wye, i.e, where the transformer carrying the single-phase load de connected to the phase leading the phase to vhich the other craneforser Ae connected, ‘The second tabulation is for the “lagging” connection, i.e., where the eransformer carrying che single phase load is connected to the Phase Lagging the phase to which the other transforeer is connected (A i968 827 wo vs THREE. TRANS FONERS oR SIRE SERVICE (coxt"D) Sevings in Transformer Load With Leading Open-lye Comnecticn ‘as Conpated to Wye-Delta Expressed as Fractional part of § & T Loads Oy = 6 9 se 29 te hs in Lo3 10 “% 3 B oat tas Savings tn Transformer Load With Lagging Open-tiye Connection at Consared to Wye-Delta Expressed as Fractions] Part of S$ & T loads us 0.05.29 oo °27- 028 lat os fs Lo 08 510 109 100-13 20:00 -s13e ‘The above tabulation shovs-that less cransformer capacity is required for the opeacuye for ail losda where the 1/8 is one or less. Where the Tatio is greater than 1, there is less load on a wye-delta bank. However, The Jouee cose per kva of larger transformers is such that the open-wye bask Js less costly than the wye-delta bank for sll Toads except vhere there is no single phase load, Were there is no single phase load the Gifference in eransformer costs ie negligible and generally favors the fopencuye bank. ‘The econoaie Lisitation to coaplete use of the open-we bank of eransforsers for serving all 120/240 volt 4-uire delta loads is the rinaty Line loss cost. A compete explanation of @ nethod for deter- Zining prinary Line loss costs is given in E826, another parazeter that sust be: considered in selecting betveen the opencuye and wye-deita bank for serving a 4-wire 120/240 vole load is the GWieage balance. It is co be expected thac a three phase delta secondary Gysten supplying an wabalanced load will supply unbalanced voltage to a three phase wotor. Tt ig also co be expected that an open-wye bank supplying a balanced load such as a three phase sotor only vill supply an Unbalanced voltage. Yet the 4-wire delta system has becone a universal rey because Of considerable savings in the supply and is compared to the 4-wire wye system for loads of iis standard in this utilization syste wire wye networks. Unbalanced £827 Linseed magnitude avay from established voltage must be accepted as one of the undesirable features of the s-uire TWO VS delta systen, Section £825 gives equations for detoraining voltage TiReE unbalance in the transforners, secondary and service of an open-xys or TRANS. uye-delta bak, The unbalance ie expressed as ratio of negative sequence FORIGRS £o positive sequence voltage at the service switch. FOR SHIRE ‘An anomaly exists in thar industry standardizing bodies have not DELTA defined voltage unbalance nor established any livit of unbalance ac- SERVICE ceptable to all segnents of the industry. Ebagco hae long urged the (coxz'd industry £9 define voltage unbalance and establish a aximum allovable ‘omprehensive report on the subject was prepared for ics Cliente UUnbalarced Voltage In Four-Wire Delta Secondaries Serving Stngle-Phase end Three-Phase Loads,” Report No. F-183 dated Novenber 1952. Several papers on the subject have been presented by fheseo co various technical bodies, One of these papers entitled, "Voltage Unbalance In Delea Secondaries Serving Single-Faase and 3-Phage Loads” may be found in AIRE Transactions pp 928-931 Volume 73, 1954, Ebasco has advocated a Limit in wobalance factor of 2.5 percent. This has aever been challenged ‘unreasonable even though at 110 percent voltage (240 volts in 220 V sotor) it utilizes about one-third of the service factor in a motor, value. There is a wide range between utilities in the practice of choosing 2 or 3 transformers to supply S-wire delta loads. Because of the many iraneters involved, most utilities have not made a comprehensive study ¢o favslop tables or charts that may be used as 4 ready reference for decer- snining the nusber and size of transformers for a combined single phase and three phase 260-vol: toad, Tabies DUIA, Daud SSI, Date eames oF the type of tables that ace useful excepe that ehey do hot indieace whether to use two or three transformers. These tables are for copper ire, prinary at 40 inch equivalent spacing and secondary on racks at 12 inch vertical spacing. The choice as between two cransforsers and three should be based on economics. The costs involved are: (a) Fixed charge on transforser favestment () Transformer loss cost (@) Feivary Tine Loss cost (@) Fixed charge on secondary investment (@) Secondary line loss cost ‘the amount of york to conduct a study including all variables is considerable. Industry technical Iiterature indicates chat Bbasco is the only organization that has made. euch a study.’ Ie was done in 1952, tous ever, that acudy did not include secondary Line costs. Since ic was at fsuned that generally the secondaries would be the sane for either con nection, i.e., the open-wye or isolated wye-delta. Walle this is the practice it need not necessarily be so if unbalanced voltage is considered Ghen deteraining required secondary. Based on loss costs of 3,5 nille per kwh for energy and $20 per kw year for desand, the folloving was concluded with respect to the use of the open-uye where the Eransforners and secondaries are as given in wWBL1A, Band XMB12A, Bs ise ous E827 wo v5 TREE, TRANS FORMERS FoR AoE DELTA, SERVICE (cont'd) 4 Ky Nominal Systems Wich Distesbuted Loads? Use open-tye 1, Three phase loads up to 50 kva approximately 2. Three phase loads up to 100 kva conbined with single phase load up to 50 kva 12 ky and 13 Kv Nominal systen With Disteibuted Loads Use Open-liye 1, three phase loads up to 100 kva 2. Three phase loads up to 150 kva combined with single phase loads up io 100 kvs % the residual current due to these loads is to be balanced by two other benks with similar load evenly spaced one~ eighth of a sile apart of their equivalent in single phase transformers so that the current 18 balanced in one-quarter of a nile. ‘ables 311A, B and UB12A, B were prepared when copper wa: generally used for line conductors, primaries were on § ft arms and Secondaries on racks. This is no longer so. Within any single company these itens sre varivble, fortuastely, sast of the vork developing. ap~ plication cables may be done by couputers. Sections #816, E818, £825, £626 and £827 contain all the necessary {nforastion required for developing en PHASE SE quence, INDICATOR Figure 1 Comneretally available phase sequence indicators have three leads snarked A, 8 and C respectively and tve light indicators one marked ABC and the other CBA. If the three leads are connected to a three-phase source of three conductors, one of the light indicators vill be bright. The one wmarked ABC is bright when the voltage across AB leads the voltage across BC by 120°, The one marked CBA {# bright when the voltage across BC leads the voltage across AB by 120°. BES tn Figure 2 the solid rectangles represent the energized terainale of a three-phase secondary service switch and the solid cirele represents the neutral and ag such are components of @ three-phase S-vire service. ‘The terminals may be ausbered 1, 2 and 3 and the neutral lettered N for Teference. If the leads A, 8 and C of a phase indicator are connected to terminals 1, 2 and 3 respeceively and the ASC Light shows bright, the woleage fror ¥ to 1 1s said to lead the voltage fron N to 2 by 1/3 of @ cycle or by zh. second where the frequency ie 60 cycles per second. This mean that £f°Phe voltage from N to 1 reaches a maximum value in voltage at Sreertain fine, the voltage 8 to 2 reaches an equal geak of the sane 0 polarity _ly second later, and the voltage N to, 3, by secong after that ‘The voltageN to 1 reaches the sane peaks of sane polerity Tgp #econd later than the voltage N co 3 oF 73 second from the Beginning of the period = under consideration. , This doupletes a cycle of variation of the voltage Wto 2 unich lasted ,b second,” In a diagran this cycle of tine can be represented by the 360 degrees of a cycle, the sagnitude of voltage by the length of an arrow and the direction of the area che polarity of the voltage, the voltages N to 1, No 2 and N to 3 may be represented by three arrows, thus: © me a2 PHASE st~ PrENce ‘TearoR . NT'D) future ,, order of tine °F sequence 205 Yye Uy) 48 reference voltage at tine = zero Figure 3 Figure 3 is a time sequence and polarity diagram of a three-phase voltage between the neutral of the service suiteh and blades 1, 2 and 3. The voltages are Vyz, Vy2 2nd Yys and the sequence or timing vith the voltage Vyl ae a reference is Vity Uy2 ane Vi3. Three-phase mecore may be ecnnected for the terminals 1, 2 and 3 without any connection tq the neutral N. Three voltages are involved. The voltage from terminal 1 to 2 (Viz) can be represented diagrasstically Goneiersins the Voltage NE aa ayretsfanee by yee of Figura J. The voltore Vine Viet Wy.” Vig is af capteite polariry then Wl so that the arrow ie dravn in the opposite directiog (shown dashed). To this ia added Vyy ag shown in Figure 4. ¥12 15 150 Behind vy] in sequence and is equal to vane Ned Figure & Using the sane procedure, it may be determined that the voltages yi, Yy2 and Vy3, 2150 Vi2, ¥23, V3] may be represented by the composite disgram Figure 3. Ets © ws East PHASE SE- quence. INDICATOR (coxr'D) “2 Me Ys Figure 5 ‘the arrow representing the voltage V12 {s parallel to and equal co the dashed Line dravn from the ends of arrows Uy] and Yyg. The arrows Uhich represent magnitude and relative sequence are known as vectors. te order to check the correctness of transformer connections by zen araving voltage diagrans it is desirable to consider transfornar polarity. ¥ETHOD OF Pinot) te s'achenstic dfagren nf tun singlecshage transformere connectea —‘(ECKING to's single-phase primary Line conductors A and B. Consider TEREE-PHAse TRANSFORER contectzoNs Primary tt 1 OO STOO secondary : : > Figure 1 the primary terminals Hp connected to the secondary terminals b as shown by, the dotted Lines, Assude that the voltage measured fron Hy to a is less than ehe voltage H1 2. in transforner I and voltage Hy to a is greate” than voltage iy Hz in transformer IZ. By definition transformer I is called bubtractive polarity and traneforver II is called additive polarity. In Seasuring the voltages Hy to a of both transforeers the voltage Hy Hig {8 ‘added to the voltace ba in each. In transformer T, voltage ba is of op~ posite polarity to voltage ¥) Hy. The secondary terminals of transformer 1 by definition are designated Xj and Xz instead of a and b respectively. Sinilarly, che secondary terminals of transforeer II ace designated X) and ° Xy instead of a and b respectively. In both transformers, the polarity of voltage x1 Xz 1s che same as i Hz. (fim oe 8321 HeETHOD OF ‘GHECKING TTHREE-PHASE TRAISFORER comMECTEONS, cox" p) consider Figure 2 showing the three-phase prinary Line conductors Ay Band ©, neutral Nand three single-phase additive polarity transformers designated R Sand T, The primaries of the transfoewers are indicated SS a eee eee aeeeeeee eee Hi i N eae T T ie ; { ' HAO +e, HROVds, HAQLD AH, primary R t x, vo Be SHOAL TINA BIO secondary voltage 3 E Figure 2 ss connected to the primary Line voIEOgE# Vays Yup #04 Vpg- These three Voteagen may be represented as shown in Figure 3.” The voltage Uy.) of the Tecondary of transforoer R nay be represented by the vector Vy Ef the 2, represented os indicated. If terminal X, of tranaforner R 1b cnatered Mee x, 32k Ma No Voltage x x, ae © Figure 3 fits a connected to terminal X) of transforer $ and terminal X, of transformer SE 632 fs connected to terminal Xp of 7, the voltage between terminal X, of T end RETHOD OF Xp of R is zero, Completing this connection would make a closed circuit CHECKING Gee Figure 2). this nay be done as the voltage is zero and no current ‘THREE -PHAS would flow. Leads may be brought from the three points 1, 2 and 3 co serve TRANSFORNE fs a three-phase voleage with a sequence of 1, 2 and 3. The connection of CONNECTION the primary of the three transformers is called a "aye" connection and the (CONT'D) Connection of the secondaries 1g called a delta” connection, The whole is Known a2 a wye-delta bank of single-phase transformers with prinary neutral grounded. The neutral need noe have been grounded in which case it is, falled an isolated primary neutral. The wore usval three-phase connection Of single-phase transformers used in dtetribution are wye-wye wich primary Gna secondary neutrals grounded, wye-delra with neversl isolated and delta tye with secondary neuteal grounded. Suppose the transformer § shown in Figure 2 were a subtractive polarity transformer but the primary of the transformers are co be connected a8 Shown in Figure 4. Reference to Figure 2 would indicate that che X, 4 eds c rtt ts Secondary terminals should be connected to the Xp terminals as,shown. To check the correctness of this connection it is recessary to-dedelop 2 voltage diagram Beginning vith the primary voltage as shown in Figure 3a and proceding to develop the secondary voltage diagran in che sare manner that Figure 36 ‘was developed. Such @ diagram is shown in Figure 5. The secondary voltage Giagram inicates that whilo it is reversed the conection is correct and tthe sequence has not been changed from that obtained by the connection shown in Figure 2. in ou eax NeTIO0 OF chEckING THREE-PHASE. ‘TRANSFORIER (cont'D) £833 PRASE SE quence oF THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER BANKS. Nc 120° 120° Yaa 120° “yo 2 \, XX ie 1 5 Magy In a two transformer installation supplying a 4-wire three-phase service 1¢ connection ‘single-phat i desirable that the leading connection be used. The Teading 48 one where the voltage across the transforser carrying che je load leads the voltage across the other transformer by 120' vectorially of 1/180 second in tine, This is readily done vhere the phase designations are identified all #long a feeder. The usual designation 1s 4, Band Cwhere A is ahead of B, Bis ahead of C and C is ahead of A by 120° in a wye primary here transformers are connected between prinary wire and neutral, between primary wir ahead of AB by 120°. In a delta prinary she ABs ahead of BC, BC 1s ahead of CA and CA is transformers are connected Where the primary phase sequence 1s unknown, it may be determined from an existing bank as follows © 1968 ww B 833 PRASE SE QuENcE oF THREE-PH/ TRANSFOR BANKS: cont") Lighting Transformer Pover Transformer Connect the A, Band C leads of a sequence indicator to the 1, 2 ‘and 3 leads respectively of the secondary. If che BAC light becones Bright then transformer P voltage is leading. If the prinary line to which transformer L is connected is tentatively designated as a, chen the line to which P is connected can be designated b and the other line ¢. The phase or tine sequence of the primary lines will be ay by cy i.e.) Vy Toads yp, leads Vy. leads My, by 120° vectorially or 1/180 second in time. This coer noe mean that "a" corresponds to the system A. If by tracing the primary back to where the system designations are kaown aad’ ic ie found that "a" {e tied to system 8 then? aiso disc cia Tf it ie desied co have transformer L on a leading phase the prim ry lead to P can be changed fron c to b as indicated by the docted line This reconnection will change both sequence of voltage to which trans- formers are connected and the sequence in the leads 1, 2 and 3. Any thr phase motors that may be connected would rotate in reverse. Therefore, if the prinary 1 reconnected, the service to the motors must be reconnected at the most convenient place. If prinary Line b is not on the pole and Lines a and ¢ are on arms, it would be necessary to change position of the transformers to effect a sequence change. Phase sequence of various transformer connections may be determined ard changed if necessary a3 explained above. When changes are sade it is becessary to: 44+ Make certain that motor rotation on existing installations fare not changed b= The three-phase voltages are equal e847 Layout oF Sake OFEN-DELTA LIGHT AND Power SECONDARY == === 120/240 volt, Sevire service EEEE 1n0/200 voit) icwire service THREE PHASE LOAD Wot Ne. customer S404 ator nating tind Fava T_ a eee a0) Tour dele PF) Wip Gontieiowee Goh 3 estdence hs a Restance 3 5 Restasnce 3 & festdence 3 3 Tunituse store 3 1087 Cole D Air Conditioner 850 SuP Cede © lovstor $3 8 bar 9-12 Residence 13. Restaurant 1 Laundronae 1(3) 7.SHP Code D Air Conditioner § 36 a 10(5) 18(2) ‘The densnds of the comercial custocers are obtained from billing meters, those indicated for residential custoners are obtained froa energy meters and translated to denands as explained in £607. Use X¥801 part V for estinating the diversified depand of a group of residential Customers. The diversified denead of the comercial custoners is readily determined 1£ the billing denand meters are graphic. Since they are not but are indicating, hey mst be estimated or determined by texporaiy ‘setering. In this case the air conditioning load i largely three phase with little or no diversity. Since the Lighting load component of single Phase comercial loads has so diversity, the renainder of single phase fomerical denends will be the difference between these Lighting loade (shown in parenthesis) and billing demand which difference is as follow Market 10 : Furniture 0 _ 4 Restaurant 5 Laundronat 16 isn ‘the diversified demand of the ahove may be determined from pase informa tion on sinilar loads and the use of judgment. Assune these single phase devices have @ coincidence factor of 0.40. Problem: Determine whether Plan I or Plat II és che better way of serving the four pole loads. Aesune three phase 13.2 kv primary avail~ able on all pole: Plan I = Install one evaneformer bank on pole 6 and run Quedruplex Secondary. Plan 11 - Install one transformer, bask on pole 8 and one on pole D. Solution: PLaw 1 Transforser Bank on Pole 8 2 c 125 100° 100" OO O70 0 Step 1, Determining sizes of transformers and secondary. > phas L phase 4.6 00 G0 9.9 16.2 See xH601 Part v PEAK LOAD ON TRANSFORNER-KUA 3 phase 39.0 1 phase 45-0 Using @ load growth factor of 1.25, the load for determining whether two or three transformers should be used are: ASSUVED LOAD ALLOWING FoR LOAD GROWTH 3 phase 49 kva 1 phase 36 kva Fron £627 and RIBLIA, it may be determined that two transformers connected opencuye Leading of the following sizes should be used: SIZES OF TRANSFORMERS TO INSTALL Lighting Transf. 75 kva Kicker Transf. | 25 kva ‘The load between pole B and pole C is 13 kva of 3 phase and 25 kva of single phase. From M620 the maximum Line current is about 125 anpere: From 11625 it may be seen that 1/0 quadruplex (QX) will earry this current safely. 30825 i2 for service drop cable but may be used for secondary Cable of sane construction. While smaller cable may be used between poles Cand D, alao between B and A, 1/0 ie probably the smallest QX cable that ee 807 LAYOUT OF SeMTRE (ObEN-DELT LaGiT AXD SECONDARY (cont*D) Esa LavouT oF SIRE ‘OPEN-DELTA CIGHT AD POUER SECONDARY (cont'd) would generally be stocked. Step 2, Determining voltage drop in Lighting transformer and secondary fat peak Load. Fron 11122, Design voltage drop in cransforner-secondary = 5.8% Voltage drop in Lighting eraneforner = E (2 x cor @ +% x ein 8) L = kva loed Rw kva rating L = 56 +..58 x 49 = 84 approximation assuming currents in phase Rrelz2 Reels wos Sz 88 41.8 x 153) = 2.2% 5 426 + 558 419) 100. > op Voltage érop in secondary 3-¢ 7 16 + 458 x13) 100. 79 Voltage drop cD = 22 ‘Total eransforser-secondary drop = 6.3% which Is too high Using 2/0 aluntnun secondary total drop is 5.4% Bik Se Detpeainiertaammevoy detect eateZces and oncontany jeerto seereing current of Hotes. Considering the 10 HP Code D Air Conditioner at Pole D yw ai | in, cos @, +30 42x, sin, + 30) + plonvas | eet oe ee * wo = 1, = 50 kva, ka, = 75, motor PLP, = 40%, L = 200 ev)? 24)? . =e = 5.0 +i sin 6,” TIS7 (.40) + 006 Gal) "Vis * Fe VD = Drop in Transforser plus drop in the line. = 43 + 20 = 2.492 = 2,9 voles. tisfactory. Froa M1212 thts drop i Nel PLAN 11 847 Lavour ‘Transformer Banks on Poles B and D suIRE OFEN-DE LiGir a) c > pies 100" POWER RO ono ONDA 170 oo os Step 1. Determining sizes of transformers and secondary, Beak Load On Teansf. At 8 Peak Load On Transf. at D 3 phase 26 kva 3 phase 13 kve 1 phase 33 kva 1 phase 21 iva ASSUMED LOAD ALLOWING FOR LOAD GROWTH (1.25 GROWTH FACTOR Trans. At B _Transé. At D 3 phase 32 kva 3 phase 16 kva 1 phase 41 kva 1 phase 26 kva SIZES OF TRANSFOMERS TO INSTALL Pole 8 Pole » Lighting 50 kva Lighting 25 kva Kicker 15 kva Kicker 10 kva Step 2. vou PIN TEANSFORIER AND SECONDARIES AT PEAK LOAD Pole. Pole 9 yp in Lighting Transf. "1.5% WD in Lighting Transt.~2.0% ¥D in Secondary 3A 2st W in Secondary DC olan Total Voltage Drop wat Total Voltage Drop 2.0% Step 3, Determining voltage drop in Lighting transformers due to starting current of actors. A= Voltage drop in transformer at location 8 due to starting of the 20 WP Code F air conditioner is 1.8 volts. B - Voltage drop in transformer at location D due to starting of the 10 HP Code D alr conditioner is 1,5 volts. E847 Lavour oF SIRE (OPEN-DELTA LiGHT AND POWER ‘SECONDARY (ooxt'D) EBS1A OvERiEAD SERVICE DROP concrustox Plan I is satisfactory as to appearance and voltage drop due to load ani sotor starting, it is algo more economical since only evo transformera are involved compared to 4 for Plan II. It is to be noted thet 4/0 Qk vould be more econanieal for the load in the secondary up to pole D but if one size of cable is to be used froa A to D, 2/0 Qk should be the choice, The overhead service drop by definition in the National Electrical code is thet part of "the service conductors from the last pole or other Serial support to and ineluding the splices, if any, connecting to the Service entrunce conductors at the bullding or eehes seructure ‘The size of the conductor is not established by the NE Code other than thet the minimn shall be No. 8 copper or Ko. aluminum except installations to supply a single branch circuit uhich may be No. 12 he. copper oF the equivalent. It is intended thee the company standard practice with respect to the size snd application of conductors and esbies be developed and pre~ Sented in tables similar to XH825A. Table A¥825A indicates the capacities of tviplex and quadruplex cables as determined by econoaics, sllovable Voltage drops oF Linieing insulation temperatures Equation (1) of E241 land the inforsation that follovs it may be used to determine the most Gcononieal size open vite setvice drop. The iaforeation which follous Will explain method of determining the most economical cable size for * Fea gATTET » Teak oF MUERTE Bey cabo: cose: tneluding: fixed ‘charges on investnent, cost of losses, operation and maintenance may be expressed by! 7 2 sive = BE + enue + BEE) ‘where L = Length of service = fixed charges plus operation and ‘maintenance in percent n= nunber of conductors excluding the neutral Other factors as defined in E241 Equation (1) may be simplified by letting: L = unity or Length of average service or = Ge cz = PRIAL 15 To Equation (1) becmes er aarvice «BE + Must 4 Sunt? aa tee "05 * 00 Too0a Cy ~ By taking the first derivative of equation (2) with respect to a and EBSIA, letting it equal to zero an equation is obtained for determining the rela~ (CONT'D) tionship between I and a for the minimum yearly cost or: : o phase conluctor of cable. The 4 and Cy for equation (3) is for oF Using the values given in 118258 in equation (3) 18s T Gy {n equation (3) is most easily determined by ploteing the installed cost of service cable as ordinate vs. the men area of one phase conductor fs abscissa. This should be done for a range of practical sizes. The best straight 1ine representing these points can be used to determine B in ‘equation (1) and Gy in equation (3). B is the ordinate for the zero value fof amen, The slope of the straight line divided by the number of phase conductors {s Cy. In equation (3), the relationship between a and T is fixed, i.e., 8 12 the most economical area for current I which is not changing, TE the current T changes at the rate g percent, the rate of return is x percunt and the perio! is m years, then equation (3) becones fey 1+ gm ere cant oe a is the capital whore F = GET and oar is the capital recovery factor. arsonist aj F ds a multiplier of loss costs for current I to obtain the accumulated present worth of the yearly loss costs for m years where I grove at rate g and rate of return ts © CRF 42 capital recovery factor which converts the accumulated present worth of the yeatly loss cost to equalized yearly values for the period s. CRF is necessary since the denominator is a yearly cost. Forecasts of oad grovth of individual existing customers or a group of similar cus- toners are difficult to make with any degree of certainty Therefor selecting the size of a service based on consideration of future Leada hich are established ana generalized basis is not good practice. Never- theless, there may be certain situations where it is desirable to detemine the size of a service vhich will result in the lovest yearly cost fer a period of m years where the load grovs at a fixed rate of g percent. Equ tion (4) may be used to determine this as shovn in the folloving exanple: Exaeple 1 [A group of residential custoners with an inftial peak demand of 5.5 kw with a yearly lose factor of 20 percent is expected to have a grovth vhich averages 4 percent yearly. If the rate of return averages 8.0 percent what should the size of # triplex service be to realize ainiaun costs for 10 years, 20 years and 30 years . lo e514, (coxa) Solueten Fron Table 146254, the eost econmaical size for the initial load of 5.5 wr sould befor 4 Slunioun shich te 41-7'nem in #F00- 10 Your period Using values given in Teble XH8254, the frat term of equation (4) vecouts 1 and 0% ‘ _ eae ae ooe as | CRF for 10 years at 8% = 1149 CREY = .386 ( x cre = .386 x 3.06 = 1.18 Obtain CRF and exponential values from 4203, = 3.06 wo etek x tte» 28 1223 A= 50 nem Even though the load would have increased by 48 percent in ten years, it is economical on 210 year basis to use No. 4. 20 Year Period Bens 1223 k= 585 mca 30 Year Period = 2% 1523 A= 63 ecm No. 2 = 65.4 mew ‘The econanie Load amperes ie based on lose cost being equal to the fixed charge on Lavestwent. The lose cost increases a2 the square of the current, therefore, for a load equal to three tines the economical load, the lost cost is nine tines the fixed charge on snvestnent. If a new service drop of twice the size of the existing size replaces the existing, the Loss cost will be reduced to 4,5 tines the fixed charge on the original investment. The reduction in loss cout i¢ 3.5 ties the fixed charge on the original investment. If the cost of replacing the existing service drop and installing the nev service drop is equal to or less than 3.5 tines the original cost of the old service, then the replacenent can be made at # net savings of zero or pore. ‘The National Electrical Code defines a service lateral as "the under- pround service conductors between the street main, including any risers ata pole or other structure or from transformer, and the first point of connection to the service entrance conuctors in’a terninal box or meter oF other enclosure with adequate space, inside or outside the building 80cm we wall. Where there is no temninal box, or meter or other enclosure utth 2518 ladequate space, the point of connection shall be considered to be the polnt UNDER- fof entrance of the service conductors into the butlding.” ROUND SERVICE The size of the conductor ie not established by NE Code other chan arpey the mininun size shall be Wo. 8 copper or Ne, 6 alutinun except if load {3 small and confined €0 one branch circute. It As intended that the company standard practice with respect to size and application of underground service lateral cables be developed and presented in sblee sintlar £0 18268, A aethod of deteFhining the most Econmaicsl size of cable for fixed load or groving load ss describes in detail in E8518. Pron the table 148264 {¢ may be seon that the thermal Lintts of @ cable is over 2.0 tines the initial econowie losding value. This means Eh eLE the themal Limits rather than econcnics vere used in determiniog the elze of service lateral, the loss costs uill be nore chan four tines thee which would be obtsined with the economic size. Once # service lateral table is installed, {e {a econonlcal to load it above the initial econonle fosding value. Generally saving {n lose cost does not favor replacing sa. existing tolerground lateral service because of increase in loading ‘The base cost of installing an underground 600 volt service Isteral ie much greater then {t is for an overhead service drop. The incremental cost is nearly the sane. These reasons plus the desirability of avotding service lateral replacesent or custoner property justiiy possible over- Sizing the cable in ease of 2 residential customer, The scomsctcel size of undurgcoum! cccvice lateral tye wesideutiat custom with sn estinsted fine! demnd of @ 0 ka should be to. 4 alu TfaNo. 2 sluninun cable 1s installed and the load did not grow, the pre~ ent worth of the excess carrying charges on investment less the decrease in lose costs for thizey years would be less than §5-00. If the load gre 2 percent a year, the loss cost would equal the incronental {nvestment charges, in other words, No. 2 cable would be the most economical. If a No. 1/0'cable is installed instesd of No. 4 the present worth of the faccumilated net extra charges for the 30 years would be about $16.00. The Load must grow at s yearly rate of 4 percent to justify this extra initial expenditure for a cable 4 sizes larger than the most econoatcs! for the Snitial maximum load of § kva. These data vere developed using the equa tions ant parameters as are given in EBSIA. The data pragented in this section should be helpful in establishing standard aizes of cable for ser vice laterals and tables of application. Because of the large number of Fesidential leterals involved in any aysten and the extra cost of under= ground, a careful development of application inforastion based on economics ie justified. Metering practices are standardized with most Companies and €881 tthe application of these standards are applied by the operating group METERING charged vith this responsibility, This section is intended as a gen= GENERAL feral reference particularly for those uho may have occasional need to consider metering. The seventh edition of the Electrical Meterman's Handbook is available co those who have need for a more conplete ref The standard classification for meters is as follows: class Purpose Test curcent class 10 Transformer Installation 2.5 amperes class 100 Up £0 100 amperes service ine. 15 amperes, class 200 Above 100 anperes service 30 amperes ALL three classes are rated at 120, 240 and 480 volts, 60 cycles. ALL three Classes are avatlable Ln’both Type A and Type § meters. ‘The Type A meter has a base at the bottom with connection terminals hich te an integral pare of the meter. ‘The Type § meter is a rear Eeminal detachable meter which is installed in conjunction vith a socket to which consections are made. Because the Type $ meter can be installed and renoved without disturbing the connections to the base, it {s becoming increasingly popular and is almost universally teed) FFE Bunifearion MRIci0 given arandarda far untthour meters Bed HGJ-7 given suanderss for wuerhoun mune nockaen Otlier ATC EEL-NEMA netering standards aud specifications are Listed in X¥1402. The following definitions wore taken from Electrical Mecer- ce2 snan's Handbook Seventh Edition. wereRine DEFINI TIONS. Constant, Kilovatchour (Register Constant, of Dial Con atant) - The kilowatthour constant of a meter is the multiplier plied to the register reading to obtain kilowstthours. Constant Wetthour (Disk Constant) - The ‘vatthour constant is the amber of watthours represented by one revolution of the disk. This quantity is determined by the design of the meter and is not normally changed. Gear Ratto - The gear ratio is the number of revolutions of ‘the rotating elesent of the meter for one revolution of the first dial pointer Load Compensation - Load coapensation is that portion of the design of a vatthour meter which provides good performance sccuracy overs wide range of loads, In modern self-contained meters the load Tange extends from load amperes less than 10 percent of the rated meter test amperes to 667 percent of the test amperes O10 toe METERING oeFini= Trans: (cont'0) Loss Compensatoc - A loss conpensator is a device, generally connected Ee-a-wstthour meter which allows measurement of energy and Genand of a high voltage setvice on the low voltage side of a transformer bank, The compensator increases the meter registration by an anount equal to the core and copper losses of the transformer bank, thereby providing meter registration equal to chat vhich vould be obtained if Ineter wece connected to the high voltage side of the transformer bank. This device is also sometines used to compensate for transmis~ sion Line losses in metering. Register Ratio - The register ratio {a the nuaber of revolu- cions of the gear weshing with the wore, or pinion on the rotating Clenent for ene evolution of the fest dial pointer. Registration - The cegistration of a meter is oqual to the product ofthe Fepister reading and the register constaat (kilowstthour Constant), The registration during a period of time is equal to the product of the register constant and the difference between register Feadings at the beginning and end of che period. Shaft Reduction (Spindle reduction, frst reduction) - ‘The shaft Feduction 2 the pear reduction between the shaft, of Spindle, of the rotating element and the first gear of the register. Stator - The stator is the unit which provides the deiving torque in ausethour meter. It contains a potential coil, one or more patho, Ocher names used for sEacor ate eneweue UF dCiviiy clemeate. ‘Teaperature Compensation - Temperature conpensation as ap~ plied to watthour Betars fefers fo the factors included in the design Bné construction of the meter which maker it perfor with good accuracy over a wide range of tenperatures. For modern meters this range may extend from 20 F eo 140 F. Testing, Selective - Selective testing is the process of testing is which J certain percent or munber of vatthour meters is tested annually to determine the quality or accuracy of an encire ‘group of meters. Testing, Method of Attributes - Method of attributes is selective testing method Tn obich only the percentage of meters tested hich was found outelde certain, accuracy limits is used for determining the quality of accuracy of the entire group of meters. Testing, Method of Variables - The method of variables is ¢ selective Eestlig wethod Th which the accuracy of each meter tested is Used ia che total results for determining the quality or accuracy of the entire group of meters. Testing, Bar x - Bar X dg a mathenatical tem.used to indicate the average aecuaey OF 4 group of meters tested. Testing, Signa - Signa is a mathematical teri used to in- dicate the dispersions of the test results about the average accuracy (Bar X) of a group of meters tested, In any watthour meter the total energy in kilowatehours of 1a self-contained meter can be determined from the ausber of revolu- fions, R, of the rotating element and the disk constant, Ky. Kn ® ‘eat = To05 Spot checks of demand can be wade by counting the number of revelue tlons of a watthour meter disk over a measured cine interval. For @ time interval of T seconds the denand vould be che kilovatthours divided by T ~se00- Xy & 3600 “00r where KW = demand X= atek constant R= nomber of revolutions of isk during tine saterval TT time dntorust. im cornnae, For vatthour meters using instrument transformers: nae Kh RC P3600 na = ana soy = ECE 60 where C = appropriate current transformer ratio and. P= appropriate potential transformer ratio. ‘Three adjustments are available on modern single phase watthour meters fo make the speed of the rocor agree with the watt- hour constant of the meter, They are the full load adjustnent, Light load adjustnene and power factor adjustaent. In addition to the adjusteents, “compensations” are built into the meter and apply corrections needed to make the meter reg {ster accurately under conditions of overload, tenperature variations, frequency error, and voltage variations. Multi-stator polyphase meters have a fourth adjustment called torque balance which is designed €0 allow equalization of individual stator corques with equal applied Loads. Detailed information on adjustments and compensations which are primarily 2 concern of those directly associated with metering can Ets © 1963, tae (conr0) cee apPLicarions OF wATTHOUR constants. 7 waTrnouR neTER Aouustwents ano COMPENSATIONS ras? (conto) cass cation bbe found in the EEI Electrical Neternan's Hengbook. Modern vatthour meters, properly adjusted and compensated, are accurate over wide Tanges of loading, Cenperature variations, an¢ voltage variations. Physical and economic considerations have resulted in general preference for Type S or secket in place of Type A or Botton Connected mecers, Type § meters can be quickly inserted or renoved {rons compact meter socket and full Clars 200 capacity can be attained, Zo cest Type S meters a socket test jack can be used or the meter can be renoved. The seckets can be furntshed with a manval or sutomaric bypass to allow changing or resoving @ meter without Encerrupting the custoner's service. A disadvantage of the A base is thet foll Class 200 ca pecity is difficult to obtain due to the limitation based on size of the terminal chanber by standardizerion of meter base dimension considerations ax to the nusber of stators required to accurately seasure pover or energy sonetines occur in metering other than two-wire systens. Blondel's theorem states that in a system of Neeondoctors, N-l geter elenents properly connected vill measure the power of enevay taken. The connection mist be auch that all rotencial Colts have a comon tie £9 the conductor ia which there 1s no eurrent coil. The threecwire single stator eter, and the tvo- or three- So"dedigned thae the potential cout is connected" aérérs the vo Line Sires and a current coil is connected in ceries with each of the to Line wires in such @ way that the magnetic effects of the currents flowing in the Line wires is agdicive. If the voltage between each Line wire and neutral ig exsetly equal, the single-stator three-wire beter is securate, An dnbalance in rhe voltage will cause inaccuracy proportional co one-half the difference between voltages. - 9) | acne orgy 2 V, 1, Gos 0, + Vy ty Con where fe = per unit error V, = voles to neutral of wire a I, = current in wire a cos ©, = pover factor of current in wire V, = volts co neutral of wire b 1, = current tn wire b cos ©, = pover factor of current in wire b ss Errors which do occur with single-phase three-wire single- £690 stator metering usually are negligible (less than 0.2 percent) bee THREE-MIRE cause modern systens normally are very closely balanced. SINGLE PHASE WeTERS (ConT!D ith the improved voltage compensation on modern meters sone ut{lities use the standard three-wire 240-volt single-phase Ineter on tyo-wire 120-volt services in place of the two or three ire convertible meters, By connecting the to current coils in se Ties the Ky constant and registration axe not changed on the tyor Vite service and the good voltage conpensation provides accuracy at 50 percent voltage operation. Most polyphase neters now in service contain tvo or three 696 separate stators so rounted that their combined torque turns a single POLYPHASE rotor shaft. waTTHOUR NeTERS Three-Wire Single-Phase Network Service - Three-wire net- work single-phase service Ts obtained froa two phase wires and a neutral of a three-phase four-wire wye system. Although a special Single-stator network meter has been developed, the normal wethod Of metering network service iz with @ two-stator meter in accordance with Blondel's theorem, Each stator sees the voltage and current of fone phase of the load, The two-seater Class 100 netvork meter costs Gpproxinately 1.5 tines a2 much as a three-wire alagle-otator single phase meter and two-stator Class 200 costs approxinately three times fe much as Class 200 single-scator three-wire single-phase meter. Taree-Wire Three-Phase Delta Service - The chree-wire chree-phasedelta Fervice 1s usually measured vith « tuo-stator meter in eecordance vith Blondel's theorem, The phase conductor which is hot connected to che current coils is used for ehe coon potential connection. Four-tlire Theee-Phase Delta Service - Four-vire three- phase delta service can be nessured with a three-stator meter or @ fo-stator three-current eoil meter. Both meters are designed for the delta application. The theee-stator meter complies with Blondel's theorem and the neutral wire, which ts vaually grounded, is used for the common potential connection, With « 240-volt meter this connection results fn two 120-vole stators and one 240-volt stator which operates at 208 volts. In order for the torque of each stator to be equal for the sane measured vatts the current coils 1a the 120-volt stators have double the rating of current coil ia the 240-volt stator. Advantages of using @ theee-stator meter to eter four-wire delta secvice are that correct registration 1s obtained under all conditions of voltage and that the increased seter capacity in the Tighting phases is useful when the load in these phases greatly ex- ceeds that in the "powee" phase, An operating disedvancage is the Fequirenent of @ special cost procedure, Gen © 983 ] e096 Pouyrnase wartaouR NeTERS: (conta) ‘The tyorstator three-current coil meter hat one stator uith two current coils, The potential coil ia connected across the Lines in which the current coils are connected and which supply the Light- ing losd, The second stator for a 240-volt meter is the same as the Dub-volt stator in a three-elenent meter. The potential coils in cach Staror have a line-to-Line voltage rating although one operates at a Line-to-ground voltage equal €0 0,866 tines the line-to-line voltage. To develop torque in the forward direction one of the current cols in the two-corrent coil stator is reversed internally within the meter. This stator operates on the sane principle as the threc-wire single phase seter, ‘The tvorstator water is less expensive then the threes stator neter and the sane test procedure can be used as for the Chree-wire three-phase meter. A disadvantage with the tvo-stator meter is the possible error under certain conditions of voltage and Current in the three-wire Lighting circuit. On small loads this aay be of little importance as it exists vherever single-stator three- vite single-phase meters are used. Four-Wire Three-Phase Wye Service - Four-vire three-phase wye service"can be etarured with a Uhree-stator meter or @ tvo- Stator three-currene coil weter. A three-stacor meter complies with Blondel's theoren and the neutral conductor is used for the cosmon potential connections. with two potential coils connected Line to neutral and three-current Circvite and sonetines is called a 2-1/2-element motor. Two of the Current cirevits consist of separate current coils on cach of the tuo stators. In addition there is connected in series a second current Coil in each stator whith is called che Z coll. For correct meter~ {ag the internal meter connections of the Z coll are reversed so che 2 coil current reaction with the Line-to-nestral voltages of che ‘other two phases is equivalent to the current reacting vith the volt age to neutral of the third phase. This voltage under belanced volt- age conditions is equal and opposite to the phasor sun of the two line: to-neutral voltages represented by the two potential coils of the meter, then the phase voltages are balanced the setering is cor rect regardless of current or pover factor unbalance, If the volt= ages are not balanced, metering errors are present, and the magni- tude of these errort Will depend on the degree of unbalance. In feneral, che seximin error is one-third the percent unbalance of Natta cimes che percent inpedance of the transformer bank. The ex- For usually is within comercial Limite, may be efther positive oF negative depending on voltage sagnitude and phase relationships, and nay tend to average out in eine,

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