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Rainey B.

Doctrine Paper #2
February 18, 2016
Unit 2
The second unit in Christian Doctrine brought some interesting thoughts such as the

creation of the earth and man. Is God the creator of Heaven and earth? I want to address that

God created Heaven and earth and why he created. Did God get lonely? Did he want somebody

to talk to?

God is the Creator of Heaven and earth. I know this because of scripture. In Psalm 146:6

it says He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - He remains

faithful forever. He created everything and everybody, He created the sun, moon, and stars. He

is the Great Creator of all. The Bible starts out with how God created the universe. In Genesis

1:1 it states In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without

form and empty. I believe that God created the earth out of nothing. Day by day God created the

earth perfectly, until man disobeyed Him. The rest of Genesis chapter 1 lays out what day God

created a certain things. He separated land from water, He created vegetation, animals, and on

the last day was the most important, He created man in His own image.

God did not create because He needed us. He created us because of His love for us. He

knew and loved us even before the foundation of the earth. It is very difficult for us to

understand that there is somebody higher that loves us so much. He even sent His one and

only Son to die on the cross for us that we may have everlasting life in Him.

God was not lonely. He had His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with Him. He is already

self sufficient. He didnt create us to have His ego fed. He wasnt craving for us to worship Him.

The God that made us is a God that made the heavens and earth. He does not live in a temple

made of human hands. He is also not served by human hands as if he needed anything. He is

the one to give life and breath to everyone.

He created us as part of his plan. His plan was to have a relationship, but man messed

up and as a result there is disasters, wars, famines, and broken relationships. We build

relationships and often we break those relationship, even with God. When someone turns

against God, it is a broken relationship. All in all His reason for creation was because of His love

for each and everyone of us. It is essential for us to know that He loves us, He is ever with us,

and watches over us.

God did not create us because He just wanted to. There was a purpose and a plan for

His creation. By studying His creation we may feel and know His everlasting love. It is difficult to

understand His creation and love, but our purpose should be to study and share His love to all

who have the breath of life in them.

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