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March 2003 Brief Reports 77

Brief Reports

Recurrent Anterior Uveitis and Healed showed partial resolution of the lesion. No fresh lesions were
seen. A diagnosis of demyelinating disease, possibly multiple
Retinal Vasculitis associated with sclerosis, was made by the neurologist. As the lesion was
Multiple Sclerosis spontaneously regressing, the patient was not advised any
treatment. She had recently seen an ophthalmologist and
Kannan M Narayana, DOMS; Rupesh Agrawal, DO; was diagnosed with chronic anterior uveitis.
Jyotirmay Biswas, MS; Deepak Arjundas, DM (Neuro)
She had also undergone investigations for uveitis,
We describe the occurrence of anterior uveitis with including: total leukocyte count (6700 cells/mm 3 ,
healed retinal vasculitis in an Asian-Indian woman. neutrophils-61%, lymphocytes-37%, eosinophils-1%), ESR
She had features of anterior uveitis and healed retinal 11mm at first hour, normal lipid profile, normal renal
vasculitis. This rare disease in India may be associated function parameters, negative enzyme linked
with intraocular inflammation. immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for toxoplasmosis, normal
Key Words: Multiple sclerosis, anterior uveitis, retinal serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), negative
vasculitis antinuclear antibody negative and negative anti-ds-DNA
antibody. The patient was negative for human
Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51:77-79 immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the chest X
ray showed no abnormalities. The patient was using 1%
Multiple sclerosis is suspected to be of autoimmune
prednisolone acetate eye drops 4 times a day and 0.5%
origin. It predominantly involves the white matter of
timolol maleate eye drops twice a day in the left eye.
the central nervous system. It is more common among
the Caucasian population. Several authors have The best corrected vision was 6/6,N6 in both eyes. Ocular
observed the association of uveitis with multiple motility was normal. Slitlamp examination of anterior
sclerosis. 1-3 Common intraocular associated segment in the right eye was normal. The left eye had 2+
inflammations include retinal periphlebitis (10-20%), 1 flare, 2+ cells in the anterior chamber, old and fresh,
peripheral uveitis (15-27%)3 and iridocyclitis (4.3-5.5%).2 medium-sized keratic precipitates, large posterior synechiae
Multiple sclerosis, though relatively uncommon in the (Figure 2a) and early posterior subcapsular cataract.
Indian population, has been reported in the Indian Intraocular pressure (IOP) by applanation tonometry was 12
literature. 4 However, to our knowledge (Medline mm of Hg in the right eye and 26 mm of Hg in the left eye.
search), uveitis with multiple sclerosis has not been Gonioscopy showed 360 open angles in both the eyes and
reported so far in Indian subjects. We report a case of peripheral anterior synechiae in the left eye. Indirect
recurrent anterior uveitis and healed retinal vasculitis ophthalmoscopy showed no abnormalities in the right eye
in a patient with multiple sclerosis.

Case report
A 46-year-old lady presented with history suggestive of
recurrent anterior uveitis in her left eye for the past 7 years.
She had a history of left-sided lower motor neuron type
facial palsy 20 years ago and left hemi-paresis 8 years ago.
She had recovered from both conditions spontaneously.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain, done 8 years
ago, showed a large hyperintense lesion in the posterior limb
of the right internal capsule and corona radiata suggestive of
demyelination (Figure 1). The magnetic resonance
angiogram had confirmed the non-vascular nature of the
lesion. The pattern VEP (Visually Evoked Potentials),
auditory evoked potentials, and somatosensory evoked
potentials were normal. A follow-up MRI 10 days later

Medical and Vision Research Foundations (KMN, RA, JB), and

Mercury Nursing Home (DA), Chennai, India

Reprint requests to Dr. Jyotirmay Biswas, Medical and

Vision Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya,
18 College Road, Chennai - 600 006, India. E-mail: Figure 1. MRI of the brain: T-2 weighted image shows an
<> oval hyperintense lesion in the posterior limb of right
Manuscript received: 8.10.2001; Revision accepted: 15.5.2002 internal capsule and corona radiata

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2a 2b

Figure 2a. Anterior segment photograph of left eye showing large posterior synechiae; b. Fundus photograph showing
healed peripheral retinal periphlebitis in the inferior periphery of the left eye.

fundus. Left eye showed glaucomatous cupping of the optic progression might be related to the presence of these
disc with cup-disc ratio of 0.8. There was an area of antibodies. We believe that uveitis is a part of the
perivascular sheathing in the inferior periphery, without any autoimmune disease process of multiple sclerosis.
overlying vitritis, suggestive of healed perivasculitis (Figure
2b). The patient was asked to continue prednisolone acetate
Many authors have described an association between
multiple sclerosis and uveitis.1-3 In these reports presence
and timolol eye drops; 0.2% brimonidine 3 times a day and
2% Homatropine twice a day in the left eye were added. She
of granulomatous anterior uveitis, retinal periphlebitis or
intermediate uveitis are reported. To our knowledge
was instructed to return for regular follow-ups.
(Medline search), multiple sclerosis associated with
recurrent uveitis has not been reported in Indian subjects.
Discussion Anterior uveitis with retinal periphlebitis has been
Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disorder in which described in systemic lupus erythomatosis, Behcets
there is normal formation of myelin, which is disease, and polyarteritis nodosa. Sometimes sarcoidosis
subsequently damaged by an as yet unrecognised patients can also present initially with non
mechanism. The disease principally affects young adults granulomatous uveitis. Our patient did not have any
in all countries and is slightly more common in women. history, systemic features or investigations suggestive of
Nearly two-thirds of patients experience symptoms any of these disorders. We excluded other disorders by
between 20 and 40 years of age. Epidemiologically three detailed history, examination and relevant investigations.
frequency zones have been identified:4 (1) high risk zone
which includes United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Multiple sclerosis has been reported to occur in the
northern United States and southern Canada Indian subcontinent. However, Asia and Africa are
(prevalence rate 30-80/100,000), (2) medium risk zone designated as low-risk zones (with prevalence rate
(prevalence after 5-15/100,000) which includes southern below 5/100,000).4
Europe, the southern United States and Australia and Our case indicates that it might be prudent to elicit
(3) low risk zone (prevalence below 5/1,00,000) which any neurological symptoms in all patients with
includes Asia and Africa. Association with HLA-A3, B7, recurrent uveitis to rule out multiple sclerosis. A
B12 have been found in various studies. The most detailed fundus examination is required to rule out
common presentations include limb weakness (50%), peripheral retinal periphlebitis. Neurological
and visual disturbances such as blurred vision, consultation with MRI may be needed in patients with
blindness due to optic nerve involvement, and diplopia a history of neurological deficits with recurrent uveitis
(30%). The signs and symptoms remit, but relapses or active or healed retinal vasculitis.
occur at varying intervals. Despite remissions patients
are usually left with residual neurological deficits.
The aetiopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis remains
uncertain. Autoimmune mechanism is the most
1. Arnold AC, Usaf MC, Pepose JS, Helper RS, Froos RY. Retinal
commonly accepted explanation. Ohguro et al found a periphlebitis and retinitis in multiple sclerosis. Ophthalmology
high rate of positive serum antibodies reactive with 1984;91:255-62.
-arrestin and arrestin in patients with multiple
2. Breger BC, Leopod IH. The incidence of uveitis in multiple
sclerosis.5 They also suggested that the course of disease sclerosis. Am J Ophthalmol 1966;62:540-45.

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March 2003 Brief Reports 79

3. Lim JI, Tessler HH, Goodwin JA. Anterior granulomatous uveitis 5. Ohguro H,Chiba S,Igarashi Y, Matsumoto H, Akino T, Palezewski
in patients with multiple sclerosis. Ophthalmology 1991;98:142-45. K. -arrestin and arrestin are recognized by autoantibodies in sera
from multiple sclerosis patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
4. Singhal BS. Demyelinating and dysmyelinating disorders. In
Chopra JS, Arjundas G, Prabhakar S, editors. Textbook of Neurology.
New Delhi, B I Churchill Livingstone, 2001. pp 339-54.

Recurrent Shield Ulcer following (2%) and polyvinyl alcohol (1.4%). Surgery was performed
using a 7.7 mm donor button on 7.7 mm recipient opening
Penetrating Keratoplasty for Kerato- and 16 interrupted 10.0 nylon sutures. Postoperatively, she
conus associated with Vernal Kerato- was treated with topical prednisolone acetate (1%) four times
conjunctivitis a day and polyvinyl alcohol (1.4%) six times a day. At the
one-month follow-up she presented complaining of a
Prashant Garg, MS; Aashish K Bansal, MS; Virender S pricking sensation in the left eye. The tarsal conjunctiva of
Sangwan, MS the upper lid showed papillary reaction (Figure 1a). The
bulbar conjunctiva was hyperemic. The graft showed diffuse
Though penetrating keratoplasty for keratoconus
punctate epithelial erosions. There was superficial
secondary to vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)
vascularisation between the 10 and 2 o clock positions
invariably carries a good prognosis, the postoperative
extending up to the graft host junction. There were two loose
course may be complicated by recurrent
sutures, which were removed (Figure 1b). She was
epitheliopathy. Despite good medical control of VKC
subsequently managed with tapering doses of topical
shied ulcer is still a possibility.
prednisolone acetate (1%) and polyvinyl alcohol (1.4%), and
Key Words: Shield ulcer, keratoconus, vernal was followed up every 4 weeks.
keratoconjunctivitis, penetrating keratoplasty
Nine months following surgery, she complained of
Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51:79-80 marked itching, watering, redness and decreased vision in
both eyes. She was using topical prednisolone acetate (1%)
The association of keratoconus with vernal once daily and polyvinyl alcohol (1.4%) six times a day in
keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is well known.1-3 However, the left eye. Her visual acuity had reduced from 6/15 to 6/
there are a few reports on penetrating keratoplasty (PK) 36. The tarsal conjunctiva of the left upper lid showed severe
for keratoconus associated with VKC.3, 4 We report one papillary reaction (Figure 2a). The bulbar conjunctiva was
case of postoperative reactivation of VKC with injected. The graft showed an oval area of epithelial defect at
consequent superficial vascularisation, punctate the 12 o clock position near the graft host junction
epithelial erosions and shield ulcer in the graft even measuring 2.5 x 1.2 mm in size (Figure 2b). The margins of
though the surgery was performed after the disease was the defect were elevated and the ulcer bed was transparent.
medically controlled. The surrounding cornea showed multiple punctate epithelial
erosions. Corneal scraping from the base of the ulcer showed
Case Report plenty of eosinophils but no organisms.
A 14-year-old female underwent PK with cataract extraction
She was diagnosed with reactivation of VKC with shield
and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in the
ulcer involving the graft. She was prescribed bandage
left eye for keratoconus and corticosteroid-induced cataract
contact lens (BCL) and topical fluorometholone (0.25%) six
in May 1999. She had been treated for vernal
times a day, sodium chromoglycate (2%) four times a day
keratoconjunctivitis since 1993. At the time of surgery the
and polyvinyl alcohol (1.4%) six times a day. Initially the
eye was symptom-free, with topical sodium chromoglycate
shield ulcer regressed though it recurred at the same site
after 2 months and subsequently after 4 months. At the last
follow-up (20 months) her best-corrected visual acuity was
6/15, intraocular pressure was 14 mmHg, and the graft was
clear except for the scar at the site of shield ulcer.
L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India
Financial Support: Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation, Discussion
Hyderabad, India VKC generally is a benign and self-limiting condition,
but has the potential to produce serious complications.
Proprietary Interest: None
In addition to the complications associated with
Correspondence to Dr. Prashant Garg, L V Prasad Eye Institute, longterm corticosteroid use, recurrent or persistent
L V Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034, India. E- epitheliopathy and shield ulcer may result in corneal
mail: scarring, vascularisation, sterile stromal melt and even
corneal perforation.2 This may also predispose the
Manuscript received: 3.7.2001; Revision accepted: 6.10.2002

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