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Martyn Hobbs

Julia Starr Keddle

beginner Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle
with Katherine Stannett and Rob Nicholas

Students Book & Workbook

1 The alph a be t and s pellin g 3 Telling the tim e; dates 5 The cla ssro om

2 A rtic les; n um bers; p lu ra ls 4 Colours 6 Personal In fo rm a tio n

Asking fo r and giving Subject p ro n ou ns Countries and R eading: an in terv ie w w ith tw o students
1 in fo rm a tio n Verb be n a tio nalitie s Listening: fa v o u rite a ctors
New Adjectives
Question w o rd s Speaking: in tro d u c in g yourself; y o u r hero
frie n d s
p 14 m y /y o u r/h is /h e r W ritin g : you r p ersonal profile
Word o r d e r P ro n u n c ia tio n : con tra ctio n s
Talking a bout you r th e re is / th e re a re Everyday th in g s R eading: an a rtic le a b out my city'
2 th in g s this, th a t, these, those Things on and a round Listening: fa v o u rite places; m eetin g and gree tin g
A pla ce D escrib ing y o u r desk yo u r desk
Possessive adjectives Speaking: th in gs in y o u r bag; y o u r fa v o u rite city;
to be
Hellos and goodbyes Places in a city in tro d u c in g y o u rs e lf
Parts of the day W ritin g : a po stca rd
P ro n u n c ia tio n : n u m b e rs: -fy and teen


Get in to c u ltu re W orkbook
Greetings G ra m m a r reference, G ram m ar, Vocabulary, Reading. Writing, CEF self-assessm ent
In te rc u ltu re /C L IL CD-ROM
The United Kingdom /G eography (LINKS pp 18-19) G ra m m a r, Vocabulary, P ronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz
Exams Tests
KET W ritin g Paper 1 Part 9 (WB p216) T e s tbu ild e r CD-ROM
KET Reading P a r t i (WB p136)
KET Listening Part 1 (LINKS p5)
KET (see K in SB)
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)

Talking a bout y o u r fa m ily have g o t positive and Family R eading: a w ebsite a b out fa m ilie s
3 negative Pets Listening: statistic s a b out pets in the UK; a fam ily
My p o s s e s s i v e 's tre e ; p ersonal facts
fa m ily
a n d /b u t S peaking: yo ur pets; y o u r fa m ily
W ritin g : a fa m ily p ro file
P ro n u n c ia tio n : l o : l and / a /

Talking a bout possessions have g o t questions Home R eading: homes a ro u nd the w o rld
4 Talking a bout y o u r room and s h o rt answ ers Furnitu re Listening: a home; a room; phone n u m b e rs
My Possessive p ro no u ns
Giving basic personal Large num bers; S peaking: yo ur home; y o u r possessions; phone
in form ation Whose... phone n u m b e rs num b ers
W ritin g : a d e s crip tio n of y o u r home
P ro n u n c ia tio n : the schwa l al


In te rc u ltu re /C L IL W orkbook
Festivals in the UK/Arts (LINKS pp20-21) G ra m m a r reference, G ra m m ar, Vocabulary, Reading. W ritin g, CEF self-
Exams assessm ent
KET W ritin g Paper 1 Part 8 (WB p218) CD-ROM
KET Reading Part 4 (WB p 149) Gram m ar, Vocabulary, P ro nunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, C ulture quiz
KET Lis tening Part 2 (LINKS p7) Tests
KET (see K in SB) T e s tb u ild er CD-ROM
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)
Talking about student life Present simple Free time Reading: Life of two exchange students; a film
5 positive and negative Everyday verbs website
Education Listening: student life in other countries;
Academic subjects
p46 cinema Information
Speaking: student life; free time; personal
b o th
facts; films
Writing: your life; academic subjects; personal
facts; a film
Pronunciation: third person s
Talking about interests Present simple Musical instruments Reading: summer school website
6 Talking about free time questions and short Interests and free-time Listening: free-time activities; a telephone
Free time answers activities conversation
M aking arra n g e m e n ts
p52 Question words Money Speaking: family; summer school courses;
Verb + -ing choosing a film; buying cinema tickets
m a k e /d o Writing: a short advertisement
Pronunciation: / ju :/


Interculture/CLIL Workbook
Sport In the USA/Sport (LINKS pp22-24) . Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading. Writing
Exams CD-ROM
Trinity Writing ISE 0 Portfolio Section 3 (WB p220) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz
KET Reading Part 4 (WB p160) Tests
KET Listening Part 4 (LINKS p9) Testbuilder CD-ROM
KET (see K in SB)
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)


Talking about frequency Present simple + Sport Reading: a blog; job descriptions
7 adverbs of frequency Jobs Listening: living in Brighton; a radio quiz
Work and p la y /d o /g o Multi-word verbs Speaking: how often you do things; questions
about jobs
Writing: sports; a job description
Pronunciation: word stress
Talking about skills and Modal verb can Sport verbs Reading: a questionnaire; a profile of a
8 abilities Adverbs Sports equipment Paralympian
Sport Shopping Listening: a radio quiz; a personal profile; a
o n e /o n e s
p68 charity run
Speaking: sporting abilities; job skills; buying
sports equipment
Writing: an email about sports
Pronunciation: sentence stress; / i n k / /- in g /


Get into culture Workbook

Sport in the UK Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading. Writing
Interculture/CLIL CD-ROM
Irish culture/Music (LINKS pp24-26) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz
Exams Tests
KET Writing Paper 1 Part 9 (WB p222) Testbullder CD-ROM
Trinity Writing ISE 0 Portfolio Section 1 (WB p222)
KET Reading Part 3 (WB p178)
KET Listening Part 3 (LINKS p11)
KET (see K in SB)
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)
Talking about present Present continuous Places in a town Reading: a brochure about Toronto
9 activities Adverbs Clothes Listening: a factfile about Canada
Out Describing actions Speaking: what you wear; things to do In your city; how
pwople are doing things
Writing: your town/area; a factfile about your country
Pronunciation: numbers

Talking about position imperatives Shops Reading: a guide to Brighton

10 Asking fo r and giving Object pronouns Places In a town Listening: directions
In directions Prepositions of place Fixed phrases Speaking: places for a day out; giving directions; ways to
Improve your English
Writing: an entry for a travel website
Pronunciation: intonation
Get into culture Workbook
Language schools Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading. Writing
Interculture/CLIL CD-ROM
Canada - outdoor life/Sport (LINKS pp26-27) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz
Exams Tests
Trinity Writing ISE 0 Portfolio Section 1 (WB p224) Testbuilder CD-ROM
KET Reading Part 4 (WB p190)
KET Listening Part 2 (LINKS p13)
KET (see K in SB)
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)

Talking about quantity Countable and Physical appearance Reading: unusual restaurants
11 uncountable nouns Food and drink Listening: ordering food in a restaurant
Food and s o m e /a n y Speaking: describing someone; food likes and
How m u c h ? / How dislikes; your classroom; eating out; planning a
p94 m any? themed restaurant
Writing: an advert for a restaurant
Pronunciation: /su/ /u :/
Describing people Comparatives Parts of the body Reading: chat room about best friends; animal
12 Making comparisons Superlatives Pizza toppings records; quiz
Friends Listening: two descriptions of people; a quiz
O rdering a pizza
p100 Speaking: asking and answering quiz questions;
ordering food and drink
Writing: opinions
Pronunciation: sentence stress


Get into culture Workbook
Eating out Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading. Writing
Interculture/CLIL CD-ROM
USA - national parks/Geography (LINKS pp28-29) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz
Exams Tests
Trinity Writing ISE 0 Task 1 (WB p226) Testbuilder CD-ROM
KET Reading Part 2 (WB p196)
KET Listening Part 5 (LINKS p15)
KET (see K in SB)
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)
Talking about the past Past simple be all Holidays Reading: the best places In the USA; a blog;
13 Blogging forms Transport an Interview
Getting Listening: dates of birth, people talking
Weather, seasons
around about a holiday
p110 Speaking: favourite holiday activits;
transport you use; dates; where you were;
seasons and weather
Writing: transport you use; about your
Pronunciation: /w d z / /waz/

Talking about the past Past simple all forms Technology Reading: a newspaper article about a rescue;
. 14 Everyday conversations Feelings an interview with a rock star
Rescue! Listening: a phone conversation
Small talk
p116 Speaking: your technology; an interview;
things you didnt do; feelings; describing
photos; a Chat Marathon
Writing: an interview; small talk topics
Pronunciation: past simple endings

Get into culture Workbook

Red nose day Grammar reference, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading. Writing
Interculture/CUL CD-ROM
Australia -the Aborigines/History (LINKS pp30-31) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Video, Dictation, Test, Culture quiz
Exams Tests
Trinity Writing ISE 0 Task 2 (WB p228) Testbuilder CD-ROM
Trinity Writing ISE 0 Portfolio Section 2 (WB p228)
KET Reading Part 5 (WB p208)
KET Listening Part 1 (LINKS p17)
KET (see K in SB)
Trinity Speaking - GESE (see T in SB)

Workbook pages 125-215

Get Ready for Exams: Writing Bank pages 216-229
1 Greetings cards
2 Transferring information to a form
3 Descriptions
k Messages
5 Inform al letters and emails
6 Factual writing
7 Directions and instructions

Word list pages 230-235

1 ^ Listen and rep eat th e le tte rs of the U PAIRWORK Ask and answ er.
alp h ab et.
* How do you spell bag?
fj& b - a - g
A l C DE F G 5a ^ L i s t e n and com plete th e dialogue.

H'l iTKILlmlN
O P IQ F- ' T u
W |X |T |Z
The alp habet
The a lp h a b e t has 26 le tte rs :
21 co n so n a n ts and 5 vow els.

2a ^ Listen and w rite the w ords.

1 5 ____________
5b Circle the vow els in th e nam es.
2 6 _______________
3 7
5c t PAIRWORK Change the nam es and
4 _______ 8 _______ _______________ p ractise the dialogue.

2b PAIRWORK C om pare your an sw ers in pairs.

6a C om plete the dialogue.

3a M atch the w ords in exercise 2 w ith the


6b PAIRWORK Cover th e photo. S p e ll and

w rite th e nam es.
3b ^ Listen, check and rep eat.
Articles a/an 5 ^ L i s t e n and w rite the th re e phone
Use a fo r w ords sta rtin g w ith a consonant.
num bers you hear.
Its a book. Numbers
Use an fo r w ords sta rtin g w ith a vow el sound. 0 = z e r o /o h 77 = double seven
It's an umbrella.
6 tPAIRWORK Ask fo r yo u r p a rtn e rs phone
num ber. W rite it and check.
1 C om plete th e sentences w ith a o ra /i.
1 Whats your phone number?
Its ____car. f & I t s _______________________________

Its ____English book.
Add -s to m ost words.
books cars phones
Its ____orange. Add -es to w ords ending in -s, -z, -x, -ch, -sh.
bosses boxes m atches dashes
Irre g u la r p lura ls:
Its ____sandwich.
m en w om en children

Its ____mobile phone. 7 W rite th e p lu ra ls . Then listen and check.

1 pizza p iz z a s
2 taxi
Its ____apple.
- 3 watch
4 student
2 vf& Listen and rep eat. 5 sandwich
6 number
7 class
8 child
8a Listen and w rite th e p lu ra ls of these
w ords in the co rrect colum n.
exercise book w atch DVD
orange student apple desk

Is/ /z/ luj

3 1 Listen and w rite th e n um bers.

C om pare yo u r an sw ers in pairs.

k f#l Listen and circle th e n u m b e r you hear.

1 15/50 2 4/5 3 36/63
4 19/99 5 12/21 8b it Listen and rep eat.

T im e 3a N u m b e r th e m onths in th e co rrect order.

Whats the time? ^ Its two oclock. April August Vzce,wibcr

February J<Miu<Mnr J c ju y

November October
< i y
Ju n e M a rc h /A < a y
tw o o 'c lo c k ten past five q u a rte r past one

3b 14 Listen, check and rep eat.

4 15 W rite th e days A P R IL 1 4 - 2 0

of th e w e e k . Then
h a lf past e ig h t q u a rte r to ten five to th re e listen and check
th e order.
1a W rite th e tim es. Monday
W ednesday

M onths of the year and days of the w eek s ta rt w ith
capital le tte rs! A p ril Sunday
1980 - nineteen eighty
1 I t s twenty to ten . 4 I t s
1995 - nineteen ninety-five
2 I t s ________________ . 5 I t s.
2000 - two thousand
3 I t s ________________ . 6 I t s
2006 - two thousand and six

1b f i Listen and check. 2012 - two thousand and twelve / tw enty twelve

2a C om plete the o rd in al num bers. 5 is Listen to the dates and complete them .
1st first 8th 1 , 19____
2nd second 9th ninth 2 , 19____
3rd third 10th 3 , 2 0 ____
4th fourth 20th twentieth 4 , 2 0 ____
5th fifth 30th tieth
6th sixth 31st first 6 7 Listen to the dialogue and complete it with
the dates.
7th th
Whens your birthday?
2b i3. Listen and check. Its on the ________ of _
Whens your birthday?
( f l i t s on the _________ of _
1a M atch the w ords w ith the colours. 3b PAIRWORK Say the colours. M atch th e flag .
Its blue and white.
Its number...

U t PAIRWORK Ask and an s w e r about colours.

green pen I pencil I bag I exercise book I um brella I

English book I phone
w hite

black What colour is your pen?

^ It s red.
brown 5 W rite a description of the picture.
pink three red pens,_____________________________

1b is Listen, check and rep eat.

2 Cover ex ercise 1. W rite th e colours.

1b 6 B _

2 I 7n _
3 I 8r_
4g 9W
5 0 101 _

3a *1 Listen and n u m b e r th e flags.

la M atch th e w o rds and the

bin chair
desk table
student English teacher
board door
window poster
cupboard computer
projector bookcase
1b fi*L is te n and check.

2 21 Listen to a stu dent describing a

classroom . Tick f f l the co rrect p icture. 5a M atch th e f e n c e s w ith the pictures.

Work in pairs.
Sit down.
Open your book.
Look at the board.
3 PAIRWORK Cover P icture A. Take tu rn s to

say w h a t is in th e classroom .
A bookcase... Repeat.
Five chairs... Listen.
U W rite about yo u r classroom . Use w ords Close your book.
fro m exercise 1.
5b 22 Listen, check and rep eat.

tw e lv e s tu d e n ts , ...
1a fi Listen and com plete th e conversation. 3 Listen to the conversation and
com plete the in fo rm atio n .

C yishton English School

First name: Claudia
Surname: -------
Birthday: -- / ---
Phone number: --- ----

c l a u d ia Hello! Im a student...
teacher Oh, hello! Welcome! Sit down,
c l a u d ia Thanks.
t e a c h e r Whats your name?

c l a u d i a Claudia Fernandez.

t e a c h e r How do you spell your first name?

1b PAIRWORK Change the nam es and practise
c l a u d ia C - l - a - u - d - i - a .
th e conversation.

t e a c h e r OK .... Whats your surname?

2a Listen and read the conversation.
c l a u d i a Fernandez. F - e - r - n - a - n - d -

e - z.
t e a c h e r Thanks. Whens your birthday?

c l a u d i a My birthday is on the 31st of May.

t e a c h e r And whats your phone number,

c l a u d i a Its 07975 884 213.

U t PAIRWORK Ask and answ er the questions

in red in exercise 3. Complete the card for
your partner. Then swap roles.

F irst name:
ju a n Whats your favourite colour?
a n a Its blue.
Surnam e:

j u a n Whats your favourite day of the week?

Birthday: /

a n a My favourite day is Saturday. Whats Phone num ber:

your favourite month?
j u a n My favourite month is July.
W o rk b o o k pp 128-131

2b t PA IR W O R K Change the w o rds in blue and

practise th e conversation.

Grammar subject pronouns; verb be all form s; possessive adjectives; there is/there
are; this, that, these, those
Functions introductions and greetings
Vocabulary countries and nationalities, everyday things, parts of the day

Vocabulary countries and nationalities

1 f d 1M atch th e photos w ith th e countries. Then listen and check.

C /iin a Polan d

th e US It a ly

Ja p an th e UK

A u s t r a lia T u rk e y

B ra zil Spain

2 M atch th e n a tio n a lities below w ith the 3 PAIRWORK T e ll yo u r p a rtn er.

countries in exercise 1. Listen and rep eat.
J) Hi! Im from Argentina. Im Argentinian.
Italy / Italian I* PAIRWORK C om plete th e sentences.

-an -ese -ish 1. spaghetti,

Ita lia n Japanese S panish
2 . flamenco,
B ra z ilia n C hinese B ritis h 3. is famous for kangaroos.
A m e ric a n P olish 4. Copacabana Beach,
A u s tra lia n T u rk is h 5. the Great Wall,
6 kimonos.
Uniti Unit objectives
Grammar subject pronouns; verb be all form s;
question words
New friends Functions giving inform ation; asking fo r inform ation
Vocabulary adjectives

Warm up
la k is Listen and com plete Talyas in fo rm atio n .

Name: T ofyo
A g e : ____ ________________________________ __
N a tio n a lity :

C ity:
F a v o u rite fo o tb a ll te a m : Qolotosoroy

1 b t PAIRWORK Copy and co m plete th e fo rm w ith yo u r in fo rm atio n . T e ll yo u r p a rtn e r about you.

6^^ My names Miguel and I m seventeen. Im Mexican and Im from Oaxaca.
My favourite soccer team is Los Diablos.
lc Invent new in fo rm atio n . R epeat activity 1b.

2a 29 Listen and read Joshs pro file on page 15. M atch the nam es and th e photos.

J Daniel
J Jimmy

2b C ircle T (tru e ) o r F (false).

1 Josh is from Chicago. T /^ ' 4 Sandra is seventeen. T / F
2 His mum is from Toluca. T / F 5 Sandra is a teacher. T / F
3 Daniel is Joshs brother. T / F 6 Josh and Jimmy are Los Angeles Galaxy fans. T / F
MyPlace P ro file Josh only shares his information wih friends and family.

Profile: Family

My family
My dad is American. Hes from Chicago.
My mum isn t from Chicago. Shes from Toluca in Mexico. Shes Mexican.
My brother, Daniel, My sister, Sandra, is nineteen. Shes a
is ten. Hes funny. student. Her favourite singer is Adele.
* Boring!
Hi! My names
Josh. Im My best friend
American. Im My best friend is Jimmy. Hes in my class. His mum and dad are from
from Los Angeles Colombia. We ^ soccer. Were Los Angeles Galaxy fans.
in the USA.
My favourite things
My favourite things are my keyboard and my computer games.
Message me
Status update: Newsflash!
Chat with me
Chat is not
We arent in the USA. Were in the UK! Yay! He's funny. B oring! Yay!
open to guests

iving infrmati@n U C om plete th e sentences w ith th e co rrect form

of be.
3 Read Jo shs pro file again. C om plete
th e gaps w ith the sh o rt form s. 1 Isabella is twelve today.
It_____her birthday.
Verb be positive and negative 2 S i Pedro______ happy.
3 E Olivia and Liam______ Canadian.
P ositive 4 y I Anika______ from India.
/ am I m
5 : Diego and Matias______ in my class.
you are yo u're 6 jRj Ava______ American.
he is I7t She______ Australian.
she is
it is it's 5 GROUPWORK N am e the n a tio n alities.
we are Ronaldhino is Brazilian.
you are yo u 're iD Thats true.
they are they're
Jackie Chans Japanese.
Thats false. Hes Chinese.
N egative
/ am not I'm not
you are not you a re n 't
he is not he is n t
she is not
R onaldhino Ja ckie Chan R afael N adal
it is not it is n 't
we are not
you are not you a re n 't
they are not th e y a re n 't
^ ' m
Getthe gramm ar pi7 M ich e lle Obama Em m a W atson K ylie M inogue
mammmm'A'F*?**. rwmsm
jo sh H ello.
s o p h ie W h a ts y o u r nam e?
jo sh Josh. W hat abo ut you?
s o p h ie My n a m e 's Sophie.
harry And Im H arry.
s o p h ie A re you A m e ric a n ?
jo sh Yes, I am .
harry W here are you fro m in th e USA?
jo sh I'm fro m Los A n gele s. My m o th e r's
here fo r a new jo b. S h e s a s c ie n tis t.
s o p h ie Cool! A re you good at science?
jo sh No, Im not. H ow old are you?
s o p h ie H a rry and I are sixtee n.
jo sh Im sixtee n, too!
s o p h ie W h a ts y o u r fa v o u rite film , Josh?
jo sh E rm ... Inception.
harry A re you good at fo o tb a ll?
jo sh F oo tb a ll? Oh yeah, so cce r! Yes, I am .
s o p h ie Me too. F o o tb a lls g reat!

Asking for informatien 8a C om plete th e exam p les w ith these w ords.

am [ are I not
6 30 Listen and read A new life.
C ircle th e co rrect w ords.
Verb he questions and short answ ers
1 Josh is at his new college / home.
2 His mother / father is a scientist. Q u e stio n s S h o rt answ ers

3 Josh is / isnt good at science. you Am erican ? Yes. 1

4 His favourite film is Tintin / you good at science? No. I'm

Inception. Is Harry Mexican? No,he isn't.

5 The friends are sixteen / eighteen. d Get the grammar pi 7
6 Josh and Sophie are good at
baseball football.
8b C ircle the co rrect answ er.
7 C om plete th e questions w ith
th ese w ords.
1 Is Josh American? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
2 Is his mother a doctor? Yes, she is. No, she isn t.
W hat I W here I How
3 Are Sophie and Josh good at football?
1 are you from? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
2 old are you? 4 Is Toy Story Joshs favourite film? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
3 s your favourite film?
Subject pronouns Verb be questions and short answers
1 S tu d y th e ta b le . T h en w r ite h e , s h e , it o r th e y. Q uestions S h ort answ ers
SUBJECT PRONOUNS Am 1 ...? Yes, 1 am. / No, I'm not.
S in g u la r P lu ra l Are you ...? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
1 we he ...? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
Is she ...? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
you you
it ...? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
he / she / it they
we ...? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
Are you ...? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't.
I Jack he 6 a table
they ...? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.
I Carmen she 7 Julia
5 a book it 8 William
5 W r ite th e q u e stio n s and s h o rt a n s w e rs .
1 Max and Mia theyt " 9 teachers
) Jim 10 Ben and Zoe 1 you/English
A re you English? No, Im not.
V erb be positive 2 Paris / the capital of France
3 David Beckham / American
2 Complete the sentences. Use short forms.
4 your parents / from Chile
1 Shes in my class.
5 the Great Wall / in Japan
2 You___my friend.
3 Bruno___Brazilian. 6 PAIRWORK A s k and a n s w e r th e q u estio n s .
4 They___fifteen.
1 A: Are yo u from Bogot?
5 Rihanna___a good singer.
B: Yes, I am . /N o , I m not.
6 We___from Mexico.
2 A: Are you fifteen?
7 I t ___ cold here!
B : _________________________________________
8 I ___good at maths.
3 A: Is your favourite film S h rek?
B : _________________________________________
Verb be negative
4 A: Are your parents Brazilian?
3 Write negative sentences. Use short forms. B : ________________________________________
1 Were from Mexico.
Vie. arent from Mexico. Question words
2 Im a student. W here are you from? W hat is your name?
3 Shes twelve. How old are you? W ho is that girl?
4 Theyre in my class. W hat tim e is the lesson?
5 Hes my teacher.
6 Its my birthday. 7 GROUPWORK Do th e q u iz to g e th e r.
1 Whats the capital of your country?
4 Correct the facts. Write true sentences. 2 Whats sixteen +five +three?
1 Youre British. 3 Where are kangaroos from?
Im not B ritish . Im Brazilian. 4 What time is midday?
2 Youre sixteen. 5 Where is the Eiffel Tower?
3 Youre from Australia. 6 Who is the President of the USA?
4 Youre American. 7 What colours is the Brazilian flag?
5 Youre Peter Smith. 8 How old is the Empire State Building?
6 Youre a teacher.
8 W o rk b o o k pp 1 3 2 -1 3 7 ; CD-ROM
Real skills
L A IffiD n au tup

@cabulary adjectives
1a Put the words in the right group. 1 b Complete the sentences with your ideas.
Then listen and check. 1 is a funny actor.
funny 2 is an awful film.
3 is an interesting book.
4 is a great computer game.
g reat
5 is a terrible song.
te rrib le 6 is a boring TV programme.

h e a d in g

2 k Read the article. Match the pictures below (1-6) with the two students. W rite C for Charlie
or T for Tilly.

We interview tw / students from the U K .

This is Charlie Jackson. This is Tilly Spears.
Hes 16 and hes from Cardiff in Wales. Shes 17 and shes from Canterbury in England.

Charlie, whats your favourite film? Tilly, whats your favourite colour? Is it pink?
No way! Pink is a silly colour. My favourite
My favourite film is Avatar.
colours blue. Look at my mobile phone!
And whats your favourite colour?
Is your favourite film A va ta r?
Red. Its the colour of the Welsh rugby
No, it isnt. Its Shakespeare in Love ! Its a
team, and I'm a fan.
funny film but it's beautiful, too.
Who is your hero?
Whos your hero?
My hero is Shaun White. He's cool!
Marta Vieira Da Silva is my hero. She's a
Is he a rugby player?
fantastic football player.
No, he isnt. He's a snowboarder. And he
Wheres she from?
isnt Welsh, he's from the USA.
Shes from Brazil.

3 k Read th e a rtic le again and com plete the Speaking
pro files.
6 t PAIRWORK Talk about yo ur hero.
Name Charlie Jackson Tilly Spears
Nationality British
Hero Shaun W /iife,

4 32 L is te n and re p e a fT ^
1 Im 15.
2 They arent American. eS| Who is your hero?
3 Hes a skateboarder. My hero is Owen Wilson. He's a good actor.
4 Shes a footballer.
Hes from Texas.
5 It isnt red.
6 Its my favourite film. Writing
7a Read th e p ro file and an s w e r th e questions.
1 How old is Hugo?
2 Whos his favourite actor?
5 33 N ow listen to C h arlie and T illy talkin g 3 Wheres Hugo from?
about th e ir fav o u rite actors. W ho are they?
Tick th e co rrect boxes.


Basic information
Hello. My nam es Hugo and
Im from M adrid, in Spain.
Jo h n n y Depp C am eron Diaz
Im 18 years old. Im good
at sport. My hero is Usain
Bolt. Hes from Jamaica.
My favourite actor is Emma
Watson. Shes from the UK
and shes beautiful.

B rad P itt K ris te n S te w a rt 7b k W rite yo u r pro file.

mi t mmmmiMM

Grammar there is / there are; this, that, these, those ;

possessive adjectives
Functions talking about your things; describing your desk
Vocabulary everyday things; things on and around your desk;
places; parts of the day

Warm up
1 T PAIRW ORK A s k a n d a n s w e r q u e s tio n s
a b o u t y o u r b ag .
W hat colour is it? f t y l t s blue,

m i Is it new? Yes it is.

w h a t c o lo u r new old

big s m a ll heavy

Vocabulary everyday things

2a Match the words below with the
pictures on the right. Then listen,
check and repeat.


chewing gum

.; 'C - 1
. uodoN

MP3 player


driving licence

bus pass


2b Tick the things in your bag.

2c Find the names for two more things

in your bag.

yu W h a ts this in
XT English?
I <} te a c h e r I t s a m irror.
W k a fs ih w\y b ^ c k p ^ c k ? Comprehension
W e ^sk+Kree $+wdehf$ ^bou+their 5+uff!
3a 1 Listen and read Whats in m y backpack?
M atch th e students w ith th e ir bags.

3b List th e things in the stu d en ts bags.

1 Noah - wallet, books, pens and pencils, bus pass,

Talking about your things

U Look at the ru le s and find exam p les in
Whats in my backpack?

there is/there are

P ositive
There is a/an.... w ith s in g u la r nouns and
num bers.
There are... w ith p lu ra l nouns.
N egative
There isn't... There aren't...
Q uestions
Is there...? Are there lanyj...?
S h o rt answ ers
Yes, there is. Yes there are.
No, there isn't. No, there aren't.
Get the g r a m m a r p23

A NOAH Hi! H ere's m y bag. T he re

5 C om plete th e sentences.
are lo ts of badges on it. W h a ts
in it? W ell, th e re 's m y w a lle t. 1 There ore_____ lots of books in my room.
A nd th e re are lo ts of books,
pens and p e n cils. And th e re 's
2 a phone on the table.
m y bus pass. Very im p o rta n t! 3 five pens and two pencils in my
Oh, and th e re are notes, pencil case.
ch e w in g gum ... and a sock. Yuk! 4 any students in the classroom?
| CH 10E My b a ckp a ck is ve ry 5 a diary on your desk?
big. W h a ts in it? T he re are m y
su n g la s s e s and a h a irb ru s h . 6 3<j Listen and tick th e things fro m exercise
T h e re s a m irro r, m y keys and
m y m o b ile phone. A re th e re any
2a in E m ilys bag.
pens? No, th e re a re n t! W here
are m y pens? H elp! 7 t PAIRWORK A s k and a n s w e r q u e s tio n s
C SNJY Hi! This is m y a b o u t w h a ts in y o u r bag.
backp a ck. Its black. T here * Is there a mobile phone in your bag?
a re n t any badges on it. B ut
th e re 's lo ts of s tu ff in it! T he re
f! * Yes, there is.
are th re e no te b o o ks, a diary, Are there any keys in your bag?
a p e n c il case and a c a lcu la to r. No, there arent.
T h e re s m y M P3 p la y e r and m y
m o b ile phone. Of co u rse !
8 W rite a description of yo u r bag and w h at
is in it.
stuff Help! Yuk!
Vocabulary things on and around your desk
9 f^ L o o k at the picture and find these things. Then listen and check.

la p to p

J speakers Ife a k tO U rb y U y U
J c loc k
Hey guys. This is a tour of my M ! Enjoy it!

j m a g a z in e s

J lamP
j box
j s h e lf

notice board
J m ouse m at

.....j p o s te r i =-
Those are my -J T h a ts my clock.
speakers on 5 Its a present from
the shelf. my best friend. This is my laptop. Its purple.

These are my
pens and pencils.
Guess what? My
favourite colour
pen is purple.

Describing your desk

10 Look at Laylas desk and answer the questions. 12 PAIRW ORK Draw a plan of
1 Whats on her mouse mat? 3 Whats on her notice board? your desk. Describe it to your
2 Wheres her box from? 4 Where are her speakers? partner. Use this, that, these
or those.
11 Look at the rules and underline examples in My desk tour. This is m y computer.

this that these those

This is m y laptop. These are m y pens and pencils.
That's m y notice board. Those are m y books.

et the grammar

Unit 2
there is /t h e r e are this that these those
1 Study the table and complete the sentences 5 Look at the pictures and complete the
below. sentences with this, that, these or those.
Positive Negative
There is There isnt
There are There arent

1 There is a man at the door. Hes very tall.

2 There aren't any Americans in my class.
is my desk.
3 There_______ a computer in my room. Its old.
4 There_______ a television in my room, but I want
5 There_______ two girls called Anna in my class.

2 Write sentences that are true for you.

1 There ore no / lots of / two / three / etc 2 ___________are my things.
Americans in my class.
2 There is / There isnt a laptop on my school desk.
3 a mobile phone in my bag.
4 a notice board in my bedroom.
5 badges on my bag.
6 people in my family.
3 __________ is my house.
3 Complete the questions in the table with Is or
Questions Short answers
Yes, there is.
there a/an...?
No, there isnt.
Yes, there are.
there any...? 4 are my parents.
No, there aren't.

Possessive adjectives
4 Complete the questions with Is or Are
and then write true answers. 6 Study the tables and circle the correct word.
1 Is there a teacher in the room?
Subject pronoun
Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They
2 Are there any windows in the classroom?
Yes, there ore. / No, there ore nt Possessive adjective
3 there a computer on your desk? my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
4 there a cinema near your house?
5 there a television in your bedroom? 1 This is / / m y computer. Its new.
6 there any shops near your school? 2 Theres a dog here. This is it / its bed!
3 This is our I we new house. Its big.
4 This is Tanyas room. Those are its / her speakers.
5 Zac and Ellie are in their / they classroom now.

Workbook pp 138-142; CD-ROM

Real skills

Vocabulary places
1a M atch th e places w ith th e pictures.
1 J beach
2 J m useum
3 3 river
4 -Jbride
5 J stadium
6 J park

1b t PAIRWORK Ask and a n s w e r about yo ur tow n o r city.

* Is there a beach in your city? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.

Reading & listening

2 Read th e a rtic le on page 25. C ircle T (tru e ) o r F (false).
1 There are a lot of shops in Oxford Street. T / F 4 The Topkapi Palace is a m useum . T / F
2 Edgars favourite place is the M useum of M odern Art. T / F 5 Istanbul is near a river. T / F
3 N icks favourite place is the beach. T / F 6 The River Thames is in Istanbul. T / F

3 Read th e a rtic le again and find th e things lin ked to these adjectives.

tall The Gherkin in London Word e x p a n d e r VERY

beautiful Add v e ry to adjectives.
m odern It's a v e ry big city.
expensive It's a v e ry ta il b u ild in g .

4a k 38 Listen to th re e to u rists ta lk in g about th e ir fav o u rite place. Circle the co rrect an sw ers.

Name Age Country Favourite place

Enrique IS / % Panama / U SA P aris / London
Nina 15 / 5 0 A u s tra lia / Qermany Mexico C ity / Sydney
Donni 21 / 2 2 South A fric a / Canada Rome / Istanbul
nit 2
My names Sahiba and Im from
Istanbu l, Turkey. Its a very big city and
there are lots of tourists here. Istanbuls
by the sea and there are lots of bridges Im from London. Its cool. I love the London
and boats. I love the Topkapi Palace. Its Eye - from the top theres a great view of the
a museum with lots of beautiful things in River Thames and the Gherkin - its a very tall
it. But Istanbul is a modern city, too. building. But my favourite place is Oxford Street.
There are lots of great shops, but theyre very
expensive. Oh, and my names Fran ... sorry!

Welcome to Sydney, Australia. My

names Nick. Sydneys a great place. Im Edgar and I live in M e x ic o C ity. Its very very
There are 37 beaches here - great for big and its very noisy! There are lots of cars!
surfing. I love sports. My favourite place I love art. My favourite place is the Museum
is the Olympic Stadium. Its very big and of Modern Art. The pictures are beautiful ...
there are lots of sports events there. Salvador Dali is my favourite artist, hes crazy!

4b PAIRWORK Check yo u r an sw ers Speaking and writing

w ith yo u r p a rtn er.
Enrique is eighteen. 6 t PAIRWORK Talk about yo ur fav o u rite city.
No he isnt. Hes nineteen. Whats your favourite city?
OK. Hes from Panama. IH ) My favourite city is Paris. Its very beautiful. Ilove
Yes, he is. the Eiffel Tower and the museums. Paris is a very
cool city, but its expensive.
Pronunciation -ty and -te e n 7 k Im agine youre in yo ur fav o u rite city. C om plete

5a fii Listen and rep eat. th e postcard.

th irteen | th irty
fourteen | forty
fifteen | fifty Hi there!
Im in
5b Listen and circle the co rrect
num ber.
JL 16/60 2 17/70
3 18/80 4 19/90
5c f f i Listen and rep eat.

Real com municatiorl^fl^^Hil
Hellos and Goodbyes
Hello. / Hi! How are you? This is Ben.
Good morning. And you? Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet
Good afternoon. you. / Hello.
Good evening. SAYING HOW YOU ARE I'm Amy.
Very well, thanks.
SAYING GOODBYE Fine, thanks. / Fine.
Goodbye. / Bye. / See you. Not bad. / OK.
Good night. Terrible!
LIN K S pp 4 -5

isiting a friend
1 k d Listen and com plete the dialogues w ith these w ords.
see I this I goodbye I OK I are I you
ru b y Hello, M rs Baker.
H o w 2_______ you?
MRS b a k e rFine,
tha n ks. And you?
ru b y Im 3____ thanks.
h a rry Ruby's here
to play c o m p u te r
Stay for
MRS b a k e r
lunch, Ruby. Its

h a rry Dad, is Ruby.

ru b y Hello, M r Baker.
mr baker Pleased to m eet
you, Ruby.
Vocabulary p a r t s of t h e d a y
2 f i Match these words with the pictures. Then listen and check.

j afternoon

J m idnight

J m orning

j night

j evening


3 Listen and put the expressions in the order you hear them.

J Very well, thanks. 1 Good morning. i Hi! ; Good evening. j Terrible.

4 GROUPW ORK In groups of three act out introductions. Use expressions from the File.
(S i Eddie, this is Ana.
Pleased to m eet you, Ana.
(j!| H i, Eddie.

5 PAIRWORK Imagine youre at a party. Choose an identity, introduce yourself and ask questions.

H e llo , m y name's A n ik a .

H i, I'm N u r. N ice to m eet you.

W h e re are yo u fro m ?
AniKa Callum H o w old are you?
Delhi, India London, UK
16 years old 17 years old

Young people in the U K and
the U SA often say 'H ey! not
'H i!
They dont often say 'Good
m o rn in g, Good afternoon,
etc. except in school.
Katie Haruki
They often say 'G ood' to
Sydney, Australia Osaka,Japan
answ er the guestion 'H ow
22 years old 18 years old are y o u ?

Are young people different

6 Read Get into Culture and answer the question. from adults in your country?

1 Complete the sentences. 2 Choose the correct words.
Use the correct form of be. 1 My friends and I are from Spain.___are Spanish.
1 She (be) a doctor. a) We b) They c) I d) It
2 I (be) seventeen years 2 There___three books on the chair.
old. a) is b) are c) be d) isnt
3 (you/be) Bens brother? 3 A: are vou from?
No, (I/not be). B: Im from Poland.
4 They (not be) in the a) Where b) What c) What d) How
classroom. 4 ___ are your pens.
5 We (be) Manchester a) This b) Those c) That d) It
United fans. 5 A: Is there a desk in your bedroom?
B: No, there
a) not b) is c) arent d) isnt t o t a l ___ /10


3 Match words in A with words in B U W rite the nationalities for these countries,
to make possessions. 1 Japan J
A B 2 Brazil B
1 lap a) gum 3 the USA A
2 notice b) glasses 4 Turkey T
3 sun c) pass 5 Italy I
4 chewing d) top
5 bus e) board TOTAL:


5 Complete the dialogue with these words. 6 PAIRW O RK Ask and answer questions.
Fine 1This I m eet 1 How 1 bad how old / you?
A: Hello. Sarah. are vou? where / you / from?
B: , thanks. And vou? what / your favourite colour?
A: Not what / your favourite film?
B: is Anna Marie. Shes mv cousin. who / your hero?
A: Nice to you, Anna Marie.

TOTAL:___ /10 TOTAL:___/10

T O T A L : _____ MO

LIN K S In te rc u ltu re /C L IL pp 1 8 -1 9 ; E xam lis te n in g p5; S p e a k in g B a n k p41

Key objectives Module
G ram m ar: have got; possessive 's; possessive pronouns
Functions talking about family; talking about homes
V ocab ulary family; houses; furniture


Vocabulary family
1 Look at the photos. M atch the descriptions w ith th e photos.
In this photo...
there is a mother and a father with their son and daughter
there is a grandmother and a grandfather with their family
there is a mother and father and their baby
there is a mother and a father with their eight children
there is a mother and a father and two brothers and a sister
J there is a father with his two sons

2 f / l C om plete th e ta b le w ith th ese w o rds. 3 t p a ir w o r kW rite the nam es of

Then listen and check. th e people in yo ur fam ily. Ask and
grandfather I stepfather I cousins I father I sister I daughter a n s w e r questions.

m oth er 1
wife husband
son children
aunt uncle
gra n d m o th e r grandparents
cousin cousin
ste p m o th e r 5
step-parents Whos Peter? ^ Hes my father.
Unit 3 Unit objectives
Grammar have got positive and negative; possessive 's
My family Functions talking about family
Vocabulary pets; family

Vocabulary pets Comprehension

1 k Listen and com plete the 2 ^ Listen and read the w e b site and w rite the
statistics. nam es.
1 Rapper has got a little brother.
2 has got a very small family.
3 has got three brothers.
fish 4-0 m illio n 4 has got a 16 year-old brother.
5 hasnt got a snake.
I 6 has got a granddad with terrible CDs.
7 has got a father and a stepfather.
3 TPAIRWORK T e ll yo ur p a rtn e r about yo ur
Ive got a dog.
1 1 havent got a pet.

MyPlace CHAT The Family Room

v 'v";. rabbits 2____ m illion

.---------- ~ J
What a family!
Rainbow 17 YEARS OLD My fa m ily is
crazy! I've got th re e b ro th e rs and
sisters, and w e ve got tw o dogs, a cat
and a snake! W hat abo ut y o u r fam ily?

0 ,2.25

------------------------------- 1
Avril 19 y e a r s OLD My s is te r Jo has
got lots of pets. T he yre sw e et! S h e s
guinea pigs 3____ m illion got a ham ster, tw o guinea pigs and a
rabbit, but she h a s n t got a snake.
0 2 .2 8

Hobra 15 YEARS o ld My b ro th e r
A n ton io is sixteen. He h a s n t got tim e
ham sters 0.5 m illion fo r video gam es. H es got exam s this
year. B o ring!

Cobalt 20 YEARS o ld My grandd ad is
very funny. H e s got lots of te rrib le
horses 0.4 m illion
CDs. And he h a s n 't got a m obile
phone. W eird!
Talking about your family
a Read th e w e b site again. Find th e sentences in the 4b Com plete th e sentences w ith the
te x t and co m plete th e m . co rrect fo rm of have got.
1 1 Mario has got a lot of friends.
have got positive and negative
2 M I havent got a bicycle.
Positive 3 I My parents_______________a
/ve got three b roth e rs. 1 have g o t three b rothers. new car.
H eS got exam s this year. He has g o t exam s this year.
4 M Millie___________ . any
brothers or sisters.
She a job . She has g o t a job.
5 M l Jacob and Lisa____
We two dogs. We have g o t tw o dogs. lots of money.
Negative a You_____________ a beautiful
pet cat.
/ havent got a sister. 1 have n ot pot a sister.
5a W rite th re e in terestin g facts
He hasn't got tim e. He has n o t pot tim e.
about yo u r fam ily. Use the verb
She a snake. She has n o t g o t a snake. be o r have got.
My grandmother is a flamenco
We a pet. We have n o t g o t a pet.
Getthe g r a m m a r p33 My fathe r has got a boat.
My brother is in New Vork a t the

5b TFAIRWORK T e ll yo u r p a rtn e r
about yo u r fam ily.
Ive got a brother and a sister.
S ta rfis h 22 y e a r s My fa m ily is
o ld
very s m a ll - ju s t m e and m y m u m .
^ I m an only child.
S h e s cool. I love her! S h e s got a job Ive got lots of aunts and
and s h e s very busy. uncles.
Ace 15 y e a rs o ld Ive got a s te p fa th e r AND / BUT
and tw o s te p b ro th e rs . I V th e m . I
love m y real dad too! I stay w ith him
6 C om plete th e sentences w ith
at the w e e ke n d . His house is in the and or but.
c o u n try and h e s got a horse! 1 Im American lit my mum is
02.37 Chinese.
R a p p er 17 y e a rs o ld My little 2 Weve got a cat and a dog.
b r o th e r is three. H e s got lots of toys
and h e s very noisy! I have n't got a 3 Ive got two brothers______ I
sister. havent got a sister.
0 2 .4 0 4 Alice is good at sport______ Maths.
N nva 24 y e a r s o ldMy s is te r Hannah 5 Ive got a com puter. I havent
is 20 years old. She's a s tu d e n t at
got an MP3 player.
uni. She is n t at hom e a lot! S h e s
alw ays w ith h e r frie n d s . I love m y cat.
His n a m e s Sandy and h e s very old.
cool Weird! just

7 4? PAIR WORK Do th e quiz to g eth er. Then listen and check.

W h a t is th e nam e o f Hom er Simpson's son?

W h a t is th e nam e o f David Beckham 's da u g h te r?
W h a t is th e fa m ily nam e o f Harry Potter's a u n t and uncle?
W h a t are th e nam es o f t w o fa m o u s racing driver brothers?
W h a t is th e nam e o f Prince W illia m 's w ife ?
W h a t are the nam es o f Queen Elizabeth's children?
W h a t is th e nam e o f Luke Skywalker's fath er?
W h a t is th e nam e o f Dannii M in o g u e 's sister? She's a singer, too.

8 Look at th e ru le s and w rite th e sentences below .

1 Homer Simpson is B o rt Simpsons father . (Bart Simpson) P o sse ssiv e 's
Homer Simpson s son
2 Dannii Minogue is_______________________ . (Kylie Minogue) NOT the son of Homer Simpson
3 Darth Vader is________________________ . (Luke Skywalker) Harry Potter's aunt and unde
4 Michael Schumacher is . . (Ralf Schumacher) NOT the aunt and unde of Harry Potter
5 Queen Elizabeth is ____ __. (Prince Charles) Queen Elizabeth's children
6 Harper Seven is ______ (David Beckham) NOT the children of Queen Elizabeth

9a is Listen and co m plete th e fa m ily tre e .

Tom mother

9b T PAIRWORK Ask and a n s w e r questions

about H o llys fa m ily tre e .
Whos Ella? Shes Hollys sister.
nit 3 hO
Getthe gram m ar
have got positive 3 W rite sentences about your possessions.
Ive got o computer >ut I havent got a

1 Study the table and circle the correct words.
Positive Short forms a com puter a camera a skateboard
a dog an MP3 player a mobile phone
I I've got a dictionary
have got a bike a red backpack
You Youve got a car a calculator a diary
a bus pass a clock a noticeboard
He He's got

She has got She's got Possessive's

It It's got
U Study the rules. Then complete the
We We've got sentences using a possessive's.
You have got You've got
W hen w e w a n t to say th a t a person ow ns
They T he yve got s o m e th in g we usu a lly add an apo stro p h e and
an s.
1 My name is Bob. I has / h ave got two brothers. J im ow ns th is b ike This is J im 's bike.
2 Kelly is a doctor. She has / have got a good job.
3 We has / have got a nice house in the town. 1 Tom has got a new skateboard. It is on the table.
4 You has / have got an exam tomorrow. Toms new skateboard is on the table.
5 This mobile phone has / have got a great camera. 2 Marianne owns this bag.
6 My uncle has / h ave got lots of pets. This is__________________________________
3 Susan has got a new car. Here it is.
have got negative Here is__________________________________
2 Look at the table. Then complete the 4 Jack is Tonys dad.
sentences with the correct form s of have got Tony is_________________________ :________
and havent got. Use short form s. 5 Stephanie and Julia are sisters.
Julia is__________________________________
Negative Short forms
I I h a ve nt got 5 Look at the em ail and circle possessive 's
have not got
You You h ave nt got and underline's w here it is a verb.
He He h a s n t got You Search Images Maps YouTube News Mail Calendar Translate

She has not got She h a s n t got Hi Bill,

It It h a s n t got
My n a m e j Stavros. I'm fro m A then s in
We We h a ve nt got Greece. I've got a b ro th e r and a sister. My
You You h ave nt got b r o th e r s nam e is Panos. He's nineteen. My
have not got
sis te r's nam e is Sophia. S h e s a teacher.
They They h ave nt got S o p h ia s boyfriend is Spanish. H es fro m
M adrid and his nam e is Juan. Juan's parents
1 Harry: bike i laptop are in A then s this w e e k and it s very busy in
Horrys got a bike, t u t he hasn't got a laptop. o u r house!
2 The boys: dog cat
W rite soon.
3 You: brother sister '
4 I: grandfather C grandmother Stavros
5 She: car E ] boat Ml
6 We: big house : house by the sea
Workbook pp 144-149; CD-ROM
1 Read the blog. M atch th e nam es w ith th e fa m ily m em b ers.

Maisie Mekari! Twenty-one years old today!

Birthday Bonanza

Yes, today is a very important day for me. Its my 21st birthday and all my family is at home with me. Say hello
to my lovely family!

Helen and Tania are my

sisters. They're very funny. This is Ben - mums brother.
Helen is sixteen and Tania He isnt at my birthday party
is eighteen. today. Hes on holiday in
Greece. Lucky Ben!

Steves twenty-four This is my mum's sister, Tess,

years old - hes my with her children, Jessica and
big brother. His wifes Natalie. Theyre crazy about
name is Nora and sport. Theyre sweet, but
theyve got a beautiful theyre very noisy.
baby daughter, Selma.

Grandma Gill is my dad's mum.

This is my lovely mum, My dad isnt here today, but
Rachel. And Tarek is my Grandma Gill is. Shes seventy-
stepfather. Thanks for three years old, and shes
the birthday presents (a cool. Her favourite things are
camcorder and a new her iPhone and her digital
mobile phone)! camera!!

2 Read th e blog again and circle T (tru e ) o r F Speaking
1 Rachel has got three children. T / F 5 t PAIRWORK Talk about a special person
in yo u r fam ily. Ask and a n s w e r these
2 Nora is Selmas mother. T / F questions.
3 Maisies birthday presents are a camcorder and a jjj Who is the person?
new mobile phone. T / F
4 Maisies uncle and Maisies dad arent at her How old is he/she?
party. T / F (_/') Where is he/she from?
5 Grandma Gill is Rachels mum. T / F @M) Why is he/she special?

Pronunciation Writing
3a i l l Listen and rep eat. 6a Look at N icoles description of h e r fam ily
and a n s w e r th e questions.
/o :/ /A /
1 How old is Sara?
gorgeous lovely 2 Where is Nicoles dad from?
daughter brother 3 Who is crazy about sport?
4 Is Smoky a person?
3b Now look at these w ords. Put th e m into
th e co rrect colum n above.
sport I funny I horse I m um I cousin I fourteen
fl H om e A b out Profile ARCHIVES
3c ip ) Listen and check y o u r an sw ers.

There are six people in my family. My mum,
4a k si Listen to Katie and Rashid and
Sara, is from Spain. Shes forty-seven years
choose th e co rrect options.
1 Luc is Katies cousin / father / uncle. old. My dad is fifty and hes from the UK. Ive

2 Ahmed is Rashids brother / nephew /son. got two brothers, Paul and Ricky. Paul is
twelve and hes crazy about sport. Ricky is
4b k (ai? Listen again and use these w ords to fifteen. He's very cool and loves music and
co m plete th e chart.
fashion. The sixth person in our family is our
the USA I France I thirty-tw o [ pets I weird hats dog, Smoky! Hes an important part of our
a student I an actor I nineteen

Luc Ahmed
6b k Now w rite about yo u r fam ily. Include:
th e n u m b er of people
w h e r e from ? th e ir nam es and ages
possessions yo u r pets
Unit4 U n it o b je c tiv e s
Grammar: have got
questions and short answers;
possessive pronouns; Whose...
My place Functions: talking about possessions; talking about
your room
Vocabulary: home; furniture

Vocabulary house and room s W a rm up

1a M atch th e w o rds w ith the pictures. Then 2 PAIRWORK Look at the photos in A new life
listen and check. and a n sw e r the questions.
W ho is in the photos? W hich rooms are they in?
J bathroom J h a ll
kitchen living room
to ilet J garage
Com prehension
j bedroom ; dining room 3 'gi' Listen and read 4 new life. Circle the
garden study co rrect in fo rm ation.
1 H arry has got five I seven rooms in his home.
2 The flat-screen TV is in the dining / living room.
3 Josh has got a house / an apartment in Los
4 Joshs father / Harrys father has got a study.
5 Joshs m other has got a study / music room.
6 H a rrys favourite room is the living room / his

Talking about possessions

li Look at th e ru les and m atch the questions
and answ ers.

have got questions and short answ ers

Have you g o t a favourite room ?
Yes, I have.
Has it g o t a lo t o f room s?
Yes, it has.

<G etthe'gram m arp39

1 Has he got a new m obile a) No, I havent.

2 Have we got English b) Yes, she has.

1b t PAIRWORK A s k and a n s w e r th e hom ew ork today?

c) No, he hasnt.
q u e s tio n s . 3 Have they got a G erm an
(5 ^ Is your home a house or an apartment? 4 Has it got a big garden?
d) Yes, we have.
C~'_) Is it big or small? 5 Have you got a pet dog?
Is it old or new? 6 Has she got a friend in
e) Yes, they have.

How many bedrooms are there? Australia? f ) No, it hasnt.

Are there a lot of rooms in your house?
( X ! ) How many windows are there?
h a rryOK, Josh. This is m y house
And this is the living room !
jo s h It's v e ry nice. How m any
ro o m s are there?
HARRY Erm , five.
jo s h Wow, y o u ve got a big
fla t-s c re e n TV!
HARRY Yes, I love it.
jo s h Have you got cable TV?
h a rry Yes, w e have.
jo s h Great!

jo s h Nice kitchen, Harry.

h a rry It's OK. Its ju s t a
kitchen. Have you got a
house in Los A ngeles?
jo s h No, w e h ave nt.
W e ve got an a p a rtm e n t.
h a rry Has it got a lot of
room s?
jo s h Yes, it has. Its got
T hat's big!
jo s hW ell, m y d a d s got
a study, and m y m u m s
got a m u s ic room . Have
you got a favourite
room ?
h a rry Yes, I have. It's my
bed roo m . F o llo w m e!

Wow! Great! Follow me.

5a 54 Listen and tic k th e things they have got. 5b t PAIRWORK Ask and a n s w e r questions about
th e things in exercise 5a.

& a m
Have you got a bike? ^ Yes, I have.
Juan 5c R eport yo u r p a rtn e rs an sw ers to th e rest of
th e class.
| j| | Alicia has got a bike but she hasnt got a
Vocabulary bedroom
6 filL o o k at the photo and find these items. Listen and repeat.
bed I armchair I desk I wardrobe I bookcase I chair I posters I lamp I bin

Talking about your room

7 Listen and read >4 new life. Circle T (true) or F (false).
1 The computer is Harrys. T / F 4 The skateboard is Harrys mums. T / F
2 Harrys armchair is new. T / F 5 The MP3 player is Ambers. T / F
3 The electric guitar is Harrys. T / F 6 The teddy bear is Ambers. T / F

a m b e r Harry, have you

josh You've got a lot of stuff in h a r r y It's Am ber's, my sister. got my M P3 player?
here, Harry! josh Is this M P3 player y o u rs? h a r r y Yes, I have.

h a r r y T here's my desk, my bed, h a r r y No. It's my sister's. But a m b e r It isn 't yours,
my computer, my old armchair. 1 love it! Harry, it's mine!
josh I love your electric guitar! josh W h ose is this teddy bear, h arry I know. Sorry.

h a r r y Me too. But it isn 't mine. H arry? Is it h e rs?

It's my dad's. h arry N o , it isn't. Its mine.
josh You've got a cool dad! And Em barrassin g!
that's a cool skateboard. josh No worries. I've got all
h arry Erm, it isn't mine. my old toys at home.
josh W hose is it? h a r r y Really?

Em barrassing! Really? No w orries.

8 t PAIRWORK Tell your partner about your bedroom.

I ve g o t a big wardrobe, a bed an d a new computer. I h av en t g o t a TV.

Unit 4 ND
have got questions and short answ ers Possessive pronouns
1 Study the table and complete the sentences 3 Complete the table with these possessive
with has, have, hasn't or haven't. pronouns.
ours I theirs I mtfte I hers I yours I his
Q uestions S h o rt a n sw e rs

Yes, I have. S ubject Object Possessive Possessive

pronoun pronoun a d je ctives p ronou ns
No, I haven't.
Have I me my mine
Yes, you have.
you you you your
No, you haven't.
he him his
Yes, he has.
he she her her
No, he hasn't.
it it its
Has Yes, she has.
she we us our
No, he hasn't.
got...? they them their
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn't. 4 Write the correct possessive pronouns.
Yes, we have. 1 Thats not ours. Weve got a red car.
No, we havent. 2 This is for Philip. I think its ______.
3 Is this______ ? Its got your name on it.
Yes, you have.
Have you 4 This is my sisters room. And this TV is____too.
No, you havent.
5 That isnt my parents house. is in Oxford.
Yes, they have. 6 This is my backpack and all these things are.
No, they haven't. 7 Thats our cat. Its ______ .
8 Is that Harrys computer? Yes, its ______ .
1 -Have you got any money? No, I haven't.
2 _______ your brother got a bike? Yes, he _
3 _______ we got English today? No, we_____ W h ose...?
your mum got a new car? No, she Whose is it? It's Sophies.

. you got a big house? Yes, I 5 Circle the correct words.

. your grandparents got a computer? Yes, 1 Whose is this MP3 player? Its m e I m y I mine.'
they. 2 That book - its not you r / yours / you - its m y /
m ine / me\
2 Look at the table and write six questions and 3 This is my brothers room. The CDs in here are his /
answers. h e s / him .
4 Whose is that house? Its our / ours / us.
Ns 9 - 5 My friends have got lots of pets and that dog is they /
Juan a a a a their / theirs.
6 It isnt Janets book. Hers / H e r / Shes is over there.
Kim a a a a 7 That isnt Dads car. His / H e s / H e is green.
1 -Have Tuan and Wm got new bikes? 8 That cat isnt my grandparents. They / Their /
Yes, they have. Theirs is at home.

W o rk b o o k pp 1 5 0 -1 5 4 ; CD-ROM

Real skills

1a Cover the text and look at the pictures. Guess where they are.
Peru I Malaysia I Finland I Turkey I Mongolia I Thailand I Hong Kong I Argentina

1 b Read the texts quickly and check your answers.

My home is

We are from M ongolia and Here in Hong Kong apartm ents We live on a floating island on
our home is a tent or yurt. In are very expensive and Im Lake Titicaca in Peru. There
my culture we arent always poor. My home is a very small, are forty-eight islands on the
in the sam e place, but our 2 m etres x 3 metres. Ive got a lake. On the big islands there
hom e is alw ays with us. It's bed and a box with my clothes are ten or eleven families.
a very comfortable home. in it and I've got a very sm a ll There are only two fam ilies on
W e've got lots of ru g s on the TV. There are 16 hom es in our island because it's very
floor. In the centre of the yurt our block and there is one sm all. W eve got a television in
w eve got a big cooker. Our toilet and one sm a ll kitchen. our house, and a radio, but we
beds, our cupboards and our Its difficult to be here in the havent got a toilet. There is a
cooker are all in one room. s u m m e r because its very hot. special island for toilets!

2 Read the sentences below and w rite

B (Batbayar), F (Feng) or A (Amaya).
1 He/She lives on the water. 3a Listen and underline the / 0 / in these
2 He/She has got a very small house. words.
3 He/She hasnt got a TV. basin I toilet I kitchen I island I television [ centre
4 He/She isnt always in the same place. 3b Listen again and repeat the words.
5 There isnt a toilet in this persons home.
Vocabulary furniture
4a Put these w ords u n d er the co rrect heading.

sofe bedside table living room bedroom kitchen bathroom

arm ch air wardrobe sofa
cupboard show er
basin chest of drawers
cooker bath
coffee table fridge

4b Listen and check yo ur an sw ers. R epeat th e w ords.

Listening and speaking

5a Listen and tic k th e co rrect picture fo r each dialogue.

5b Listen again and circle T (tru e ) o r F 5c t PAIRWORK Choose one of th e pictures

(false). above. D escribe it to yo ur p a rtn er.

1 Anns books are in the study. T / F C 'j Theres .... There are ....
2 Her TV is in the kitchen. T / F
3 Toms coffee table is in the garage. T / F Writing
4 Tom hasnt got cable TV. T / F 6 k W rite a description of yo u r house. Include:
th e n u m b er of room s th e fu rn itu re
Real communication
_ _ _ Giving basic information
W hats y o u r phone num ber? Its 01573 453390. W hats y o u r address? Its 110, Park R oad...
How old are you? Im sixteen. W hats y o u r em ail address? Its p o tte r.h a rry @ e th o s.c o m .
How m any s tu d en ts are in y o u r class? There are tw e nty-fo ur. @ = at . = dot / = slash _ = und erlin e

W hat tim e is it? Its h a lf past five. W hat day is it? Its Monday.
W hat tim e s lunch? At one oclock. W hats the date? Its the fifth of August.

SPELLING W hats y o u r date o f b irth The eighteenth o f July, nineteen

How do you spell it? J A C U B

LINK S pp 6 -7

@ca&tilarf large numbers

1a f i Listen and repeat.


100 one hundred 01567 99543 'O ', one, five, six, seven.
double nine, five, four,
107 one hundred and seven

320 three hundred and twenty 0 zero OR 'o h '

1,000 one th o u sa n d 44 double four

5,000 five th o u sa n d

8,635 eight thousand , six hu ndred and thirty-five DATES

400,000 fou r hundred th o u sa n d 1998 Nineteen ninety-eight

1,000,000 one m illion 2012 Twenty twelve

Using numbers
1b 1 Listen and circle the phone number you hear.
1 a ) 01273 276690 b ) 01235 276590
2 a ) 0797 8532075 b) 0797 8532275
3 a )0044 01866 538637 b) 0044 01876 528637
4 a) 07764 561944 b) 07774 564944
5 a)Oil 53 744 54367 b) O il 53 755 54367

1c t PAIRW O RK Invent phone numbers and ask and

answer questions.
W h a ts y o u r phone num ber? ^1 I t s ...
2 PAIRW ORK W rite five big numbers each. Dictate them to your partner. Check they are correct.

5,4-35,600 Five m illion , fo u r hun dred an d th irty-five thousand, six hundred.

3a K $ $ Listen and complete the dialogue.

l ib r a r ia n Hello. Can I help you ? l ib r a r ia nHave you got proof of your

josh Yes. I'm interested in joining the library. a d d re ss?
l ib r a r ia n OK. Are you resident in t h e _______ josh Yes, I've got my college ID card. Here

josh Yes, I am. My parents are here for work. you are.
l ib r a r ia n Fine. W hat's your nam e? l i b r a r ia n That's fine. Have you got an

josh Josh Gardner.

em ail a d d re ss?
josh Yes, it 's _______________________ .
l ib r a r ia n How do you spell it?
l ib r a r ia n Can you repeat that, please?
l ib r a r ia n Thanks. W hat's your address in the josh Yes, it's .

UK? l ib r a r ia n Thanks. W hat's your date of

josh 48 Howard Street, B rig h to n ____________


l i b r a r ia n And your phone n u m be r?
josh My mobile phone num ber is _
lib r a r ia n Wait there a m o m e n t... Heres your library card.
josh Wow, thanks. What time is the library open?
From 10.00 am u n til__________ pm. and
lib r a r ia n
T hursday until 8.00pm.
josh Cool. Thanks.

3b PAIRWORK Role play the dialogue.

% V

1 Complete the dialogue 2 Choose the correct words.
with the correct form of
1 This isnt my bag, its L bag.
have got.
a) Marias b) Marias c) Maria d) Marias
A: Have you got a pet?
2 A: Q is this skateboard? B: Its my brothers.
B: Yes, I have. I _______ (> '
a) Who b) Whos c) Whose d) What
a hamster. How about you?
A: No, I t ": a pet_ 3 A: Is this your mums computer? B: No, its ____.
a) mine b) me c) my d) I
B: Kc'-'-je, your brother
a pet? 4 My sisters have got this room. Its ____.

A: Yes, he. V a) they b) their c) them d) theirs

He v' a snake! 5 This is a picture of my baby sister. I ____.
B: Cool! a) her b) she c) hers d) them
TOTAL : /10


3 Complete the family words. 4 Find the words for furniture.
1 Bob is Peters father. Peter is Bobs ____. 1 sk ed
2 Jane is Sarahs daughter. Sarah is Janes 2 r ba wodr e
3 John is Marias brother. Maria is Johns 3 hai crmar
4 Henry is Kates brother. Sue is Kates daughter. Henry 4 ceaobosk
is Sues 5 m p 1a
5 Ann is Jims daughter. Rob is Jims father. Rob is Anns T O T A L : ___ J 10

5 Match the questions with the answers.
1 Whats the date today? a) Its
2 What times breakfast? b) There are one thousand and twenty-five.
3 How do you spell your name? c) D A N N I
4 Whats your email address? d) At half past seven.
5 How many students are there in your school? e) Its Friday, the seventh of October.
TOTAL : 710
6 PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions to complete this form for your partner.

Date of Birth:
Phone number:
TOTAL : 710

TOTAL: 740

LINKS Interculture/CLIL pp 20-21 ; Exam listening p7; Speaking Bank p42

Vocabulary free time
1 a l i l M atch th e pictures w ith th e w o rds. Then listen and check.
^ \0 \
m u sic I p h o to g ra p h y I m a th s I nature I a rt I d ra m a I
books I la nguag es I c o m p u te rs l science I dance I s p o rt

% % %

1 b GROUPWORK T e ll y o u r g ro u p w h a t you
th in k .
Self smart Word smart
I love... i like... I hate...
you think a lot you like books,
I'm good at...
about things stories or languages
I love maths.
/ m 700c/ a
I hate computers!
2 Read about M u ltip le
In tellig en ces and
a n s w e r the question.

We have all got

special skills
and talents.
Which intelligences
have you got?
Body smart
Picture smart you
you are good at
are good at art
dance, drama
or sport and crafts

3 t PAIRWORK T e ll y o u r p a r tn e r a b o u t you.
I like dance and drama.
I think youre Body smart.
Unit objectives
Grammar present simple positive and negative
Functions talking about student life
Vocabulary everyday verbs; academic subjects; films

Vocabulary everyday verbs B B S S m eals

1 Read the a rtic le on page 47 and tic k j7 ] Write the times you have these meals-.
the verb s you find. breakfast __________ lunch ______
O go f l have d in n e r__________ snacks
121 study D ptay Tick the place/s you have your lunch.

El Q
Q tove L i rneet D canteen Q caf
kitchen dining room
n relax share
F I outside
Q eat E l 9et UP
3 w o rk E l i finish
L i listen E H cook Talking about student life
F~l w a ke up n d
3 Find and com plete th ese sentences from
E l th in k n live th e a rtic le . Then com plete th e ru le.
Q like E J sta rt
Present simple positive
F I com e F I read
I love Canada.
W iliia m __________ fro m the USA.
Comprehension P a lo m a __________ b re a kfa st in the sh a re d kitchen.
L e sso n s __________ veryearty.
2a ^ L i s t e n and read th e a rtic le . C om plete Chinese s tu d e n ts __________ very hard.
th e tab le.
Add to the verb after h e /sh e /it.
W illia m Paloma
6 Getthe g r a m m a r p49
Nationality v - H Spanish
Exchange in... China 4a W rite about yo u r life.
Gets up at... e-.'so
Classes start at... ') ~ xa 10 V O ^ I come from...
I live in...
Classes finish at... 4 .0 0 pm \ \ ~0 %^ I get up of...
After classes, students... I have b re a k fa s t at..
My lessons sto rt of..
2b Read th e a rtic le again and w rite the I have lunc/i at...
nam es. My lessons f i nis/i at..
1 ___________shares a room with seven A f t e r classes I...
2 __shares a room with one student.
3 __has breakfast in the kitchen. 4b PAIRWORK T e ll y o u r p a r tn e r y o u r
4 _i_ has lunch in a caf or canteen. s e n te n c e s .
5 __does exercises in the morning.
6 studies after dinner. 4c t R eport about yo u r p a rtn e rs life to the
<|8| Carlos gets up at 6.15am.
W<z meettwo exchange students
William and
"l th in k
f people are very friendly,*
b u t Im n o t very good

imam domes from a t C h in e s e /

tlie U0A and studies

EdonomidS, He's an
exdhange student in
All the students live at the
college. Eight students
share one bedroom. Every
morning at 6.30am, all
the students get up and
do group exercises. Then they all have breakfast
together. Lessons start very early, at 7.30am. But
at midday they have a big lunch in the canteen.
Afternoon lessons finish at 4.00pm. Then students
relax or do sport and have dinner. At 7.30pm they
study for two hours. Its a long day, but Chinese
students work very hard.

iNTERE5TfH<r FACT T H E R E A R E 16 M f U f O H VNfVERSfTY S T V & E N T S 1H OffNAf

studies languages.
0hes an exdhange
Student in Toronto,
Students live on campus
in single or double
rooms. The rooms are comfortable with desks
and armchairs. Paloma shares with a student
from Japan. Students get up between 7.00am
and 9.00am. Paloma gets up at 7.30am and eats
breakfast in the shared kitchen. Classes start at
10.00am and finish at 1.00pm. Then students have
lunch - there are lots of cafs and canteens. There
are classes until 5.00pm or 6.00pm. Then students
cook, study, do sport or just meet friends.


V o cabulary academ ic subjects
5a What subjects do high school students study in Malawi (Africa) and the United Kingdom?
Listen and w rite 1 (Malawi) or 2 (UK) or both.

?4RT N P
i > i :s i c t n I H is t o r y
EiUjCUtv 5 D C IA L
Chichew^ :. S T U D IE S

Technology Agriculture Il a
m a iiB
___ 'ie' la n g u a g e s

ft feapptf .0 Science
P h y s ic a l
X ip "
E d u c a tio n Maths S T U D IE S

5b TPAIRWORK Check your answers 7 GROUPW ORK W r it e a s h o r t p r e s e n t a t io n a b o u t

together. Talk about Malawi and a c a d e m ic s u b je c t s in y o u r c o u n tr y .
the UK.
Students d o n t study Citizenship
in M alaw i. In our country in high school We,
Students study English in both
study Qepigraphy, but vJe, dvit study
M a la w i a n d the UK.

Agriculture,. We, study two foreign,
Word e x p a n d e r BOTH
Languages - English avid Frtnch. We,
Use b o th to r e fe r to tw o t h in g s o r p eo p le .
M y p a re n ts a re b o th S panish. study Art and Design, and Ttckvwlogy. We,
M y frie n d a n d I a re b oth sixtee n .
do vit study Citizenship in, high school but
S tu d e n ts s tu d y E n g lis h in b oth M a la w i a nd
th e UK. We study it in- primary school....

6 Read the rule and examples and

rew rite the sentences with full
forms. 8a PAIRWORK W rite five facts about your partner
that are not true. Use the present simple.
Present simple negative Rosa l i k e s oranges.
To fo r m th e negative use do n ot [d o n t]
She studies Chinese.
o r does n ot [doesn't], She lives in an apartment.
I d o n 't like M aths. Her b r o t h e r w o r k s in a bank.
I do not liJce Moths.__________________ She p l a y s f o o t b a l l .
He d o e sn 't stu d y Music.
8b Read your sentences to your partner.
She d oe sn 't go to m y college. You like oranges.
^ I d o n t like oranges. I hate them !
We d o n 't do sport. You study Chinese.
^ I d o n t study Chinese. I study English.
Get the grammar
Present simple positive Present simple negative
1 Study the rules and table. Then complete the 3 Study the table and circle the correct words.
sentences w ith the correct form of the verb
in brackets. Negative S hort form s
I I dont play
We add an -s to the verb after he, she or it. You
You dont play
I write * She writes He He doesnt play
We work + It works She does She doesnt play
not play
Positive It It doesnt play
I We We dont play
You You do You dont play
He They They dont play
She plays
1 Anna d o n t / d oe sn t live in my street.
2 I know you d o n t / d oe sn t like pizza.
You play
3 We dont g e t / gets up at seven on Sundays.
4 Help! My computer d o n t / d oe sn t work!
5 They eat fast food. They d o n t / d o e sn 't cook.
Some verbs are irregular. When we write he, she 6 My brother is weird - he d o n t / d oe sn t eat sweets.
or it, we change the ending.
I study -* He studies U Make these sentences negative.
We go
+ It goes 1 Antonio reads History books.
You do She does Anton/o doesnt rea d H is to ry books.
2 Mum and Dad go to work on Sundays.
1 I ^ l __football on Saturdays, (play) 3 We have a test every week.
2 My dad_____ at our school, (work) 4 Shania cooks for her family.
3 You_____ great food! (cook) 5 They meet after school.
4 We______to pop music on the radio, (listen) 6 Phil thinks Science is fun.
5 My brother_____ to school with me. (go) 7 We share an apartment.
6 My mum_____ this cafe! (love) 8 I live near my school.
7 Tonia_____ her homework in her room, (do)
8 The boys_____ breakfast at seven oclock, (eat) 5 Complete Lauras description with these
2 Complete Our day w ith these words. study I does I doesn't have I doesn't like I
cook cooks do does don't eat I dont have I go I -ttke I share I studies
eat eats get up gets up My friend Karen and I both 1 like our college.
go goes
We 2_______a room and we are good friends. She
Our day by Jason 3_______English, but 14_______ French.
My dad ]qets up first and h e 2______to work at We5_______on the bus together three days a
6.30 in the morning. Then 13______at about week, but she 6_______lessons on Thursdays and I
seven and 14______breakfast. Then w e5______ 7_______lessons on Fridays. Sometimes, we have
to school. My brother6______his breakfast on lunch together, but we8_______the same things
the bus! When we come home, my m um 7______ because she 9_______meat. Karen sometimes
for us (sometimes 18______, but not every day). 10_______sport after college, but I dont!
19______my homework and then I watch TV. My
brother 10______his homework watching TV! W o rk b o o k pp 156-161 ; CD-ROM
ill =i o l i a l i w :
Vocabulary films
1a M atch th e film genres
w ith the posters.
1 horror films
2 romantic films
3 comedies
4 action films
5 science fiction films
6 musicals
1b t PAIRWORK Ask and
a n s w e r questions
about film s.
Do you like horror

Whats your favourite

horror film? SCENETop 4
2a Read the w eb site
quickly and m atch the
photos w ith th e film s.

2b Read the w eb site

again and a n s w e r the
questions below . Films
1 Which films are about about the classroom
music? Som e really fam ous film s are about high school
2 Which films are about and college. There are great teachers, exciting
teachers and students in
the classroom? challenges, and stories about friends and love...
3 Which films are about 1 Fame

groups of students? This musical is about students at New York High School of
4 Which film is about Performing Arts. A group of friends want to be famous. They sing,

poetry? play music, dance and act. There are problems, but they learn
important lessons and grow up during the four years. The songs
5 Which film is about love? and music are fantastic!

2c Choose a film . W atch 2 School of Rock

it in English w ith Dewey Finn wants to be a rock star, but he hasnt got a band and he
su btitles! hasnt got any money. He gets a job as a music teacher in a private
school. Then he forms a rock and roll band with some students.
Its a big secret! But the head teacher learns about the band...
TH I Listening & speaking
3a 67 Listen to th ese th re e verbs. 4a i Listen and choose a description of
w h a t you hear.

speaks tries teaches 1 buying tickets at a cinema ticket office

2 information about films at the Odeon cinema,
3 information about Brighton cinemas
3b Now look at th ese verbs. Put th e m into the
correct colum n above. 4b k Listen and m atch the film
descriptions w ith th e title s.
e ncourages te lls jo in s w a n ts
gets fin ish e s hopes w a tc h e s says action movie Dance School
foyv\sy\\\c comedy Night Vision
3c 68 Listen and check yo u r an sw ers. musical Police Force
h o r r o r film Summer at the Beach
4c 69 Listen again and m ake a note of the
film tim es fo r each film .

5 PAIRWORK Plan a trip to th e cinem a.

Choose a film from exercise 4b. Say w hy
you w a n t to see it.
I want to see Summer at the Beach
because I love romantic films.
6a N ow com plete these notes about a film
you know w e ll.
3 Dead Poets Society
Mr Keating is a new English teacher at a
private school for boys in New England. It is
c h a ra c te rs
the 1950s and the school is very traditional.
But Mr Keating, played by Robin Williams, is
an amazing teacher! He reads poetry to the
boys (and they love it!). He changes their lives.
W hat happens
Its a funny and sad film.

4 Love Story

Oliver is a rich law student and Jennifer is a

Poor music student. They meet at college, fall in
!ove and get married. Olivers father is angry and
stops their money. So Jennifer gets a job and
Pays for Olivers education. But Jennifer gets a
terrible illness...and there isnt a happy ending!
6b k Use yo u r notes to w rite a short
description of the film .
Unit 6 U n it o b je c tiv e s
Grammar Present simple questions and short answers;
verb + -ing\ question words
Free time Functions talking about interests; talking about free time
Vocabulary musical instruments; interests and free-time
activities; money

Vocabulary musical instrum ents

1a fi? C om plete th e Factfile. Then listen and n u m b er the m usical in stru m en ts.

the piano

the g u ita r keybo ards

the d r u m s
the flu te
f e 1
the tr u m p e t
th e c la rin e t

the violin
* 0

1b t GROUPWORK T e ll yo ur group about yo ur m usical interests.

I play the piano. I dont play a musical instrument. I have guitar lessons. Im in a band. I sing.

Warm up Talking about interests

2 PAIRW ORK Look at th e photos in A new life A Find th e questions and an sw ers below in
and an s w e r the questions. A new life and com plete th em .
Who is in the photos? Where are they?
P resent sim ple questions and answ ers
Use do and does for questions and for
Comprehension answers.
Use do for a ll persons except h e /s h e /it.
3 Listen and read A new life. M ake notes.
_____ you watch them on y o u r c o m p u te r?
Yes, I_
Harrys interests He plays video games, y o u r s is te r play a m usica l in s tru m e n t?
No, she_

the k id s ' p are n ts pay you?

Joshs interests
Yes, th e y _______ .
W hat you do in y o u r free tim e?

Sophies interests Lots o f things.

<i Get the g r a m m a r p55

josh W hat do you do in
yo ur free tim e, Harry?
h arry Oh lots of things,
play video gam es, I s u r f
the web, I w a tch film s...
josh Do you w a tc h th e m
on y o u r c o m p u te r?
harry Yes, I do. I love my
com puter. But I play the
e le ctric guitar, too. W hat
josh Oh, hi Sophie.
about you?
s o p h ie Hi, guys.
josh I play keyboards. And
I read a lot. And I take a jo sh W h a ts in y o u r bag?
lot of photos. And I w r ite s o p h ie Puppets.
a blog, too. josh Puppets? Is th a t a bit silly?
HARRy Cool. s o p h ie No way! I m ake th e m my free
josh Does y o u r s is te r play tim e . Then I w r ite little plays
d and p e rfo rm
a m u s ic a l in s tru m e n t? th e m to kids You know at child ren
h arry No, she doesn't. p arties my part me business
She only th in k s about

No way

josh Do the k id s 'p a r e n ts pay you?

s o p h ie Yes, they do. I m ake a lot of m oney!
5 Listen and tic k E o r cross M th e ha rry Hey Josh, th a t so u n d s like a great
questions. idea!

Do you...
Ruby Martin
w rite a blog?
6b PAIRWORK Think of a person in y o u r fam ily. Ask
and a n s w e r questions w ith yo u r p a rtn e r.
go to a gym?
w e ar hats? Does your brother cook?
dream? f t Yes, he does. He makes pizzas!
like shopping?
m a ke a pizza do m y h o m e w o rk
6a t PAIRWORK Ask and an s w e r the m a ke a coffee do a job
questions. m ake m oney do an exercise

Do you write a blog? f t Yes, I do. m ake a noise do a s p o rt

Vocabulary interests and free-tim e activities
7 ep2 ^ M atch th e activities w ith th e pictures. Then listen and check.

watching TV or DVDs
doing a sport
taking photos
i l l writing a blog

f?J surfing the web

J y.l using social media
playing video games
.V i listening to music

. \1 texting friends
painting and drawing
reading a book
hanging out with friends

Talking about free time

8 Look at the ru les and w rite th re e sentences about you.

lik e /d o n 't like + ing

You can use like/love /ha te + verb + ing to ta lk about activities.
I like draw ing.
He loves doing sport.
We hate going shopping.

9a K ^ L i s t e n to students talkin g about th e ir fre e tim e and circle w h at they lik e doing.
1 Lisa likes a) listening to music b) hanging out with friends c) swimming
2 Elliott likes a) reading books b) doing a sport c) taking photos
3 Jordan likes a) watching DVDs b) watching TV c) painting and drawing
4 Harry likes a) texting friends b) writing a blog c) playing video games
5 Ruby likes a) playing video games b) surfing the web c) using social media
9b t GROUPWORK Discuss yo u r fre e -tim e activities. Try to keep th e conversation going.
t What do you like doing in your free time?
f t I like playing football and taking photos. What about you, Alex?
I love playing computer games.
f t Really? Whats your favourite game?
Getthe gram m ar
P r e s e n t sim p le questions and answ ers 1 What time do you get up in the morning?
1 Study the table and w rite questions and short 2 . does your dad get to work?
answers. 3 . do you think is the best singer?
4 . does your best friend live?
Form questions with Do. For he, she or it, use Does. 5 . computer games do you like?
Do you like sport? Does he like sport?
6 . do you study English?
Questions Short answ ers 7 . job does your mum do?
I ...? Yes, I do. / No I don't. . do you have English lessons?
you ...? Yes, you do. / No, you don't.
h e ...? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 3b Answ er the questions for you.
Does she ...? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
Verb + -ing
it...? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.
we ...? Yes, we do. / No, we don't. U Study the rules and w rite the -ing
Do you ...? Yes, you do. / No, you don't.
form of the verbs.
th e y ...? Yes, they do. / No, they don't. A fter som e verbs (e.g. like, love, h ate }
1 you / play tennis? El we use the -in g form. We make the -in g
form , (the gerund), by adding -in g to the
Do you play tennis? Ves, I do, base form of the next verb.
2 your dad / cook? m
I like reading.
3 your friends / listen to music? M/e love going out together.
4 we / have an exam tomorrow? She hates studying at night.
5 they / live in London? j7} If the verb ends in -e, cross off the final
6 your teacher / speak English? ]7ji -e before adding -in g .
dance d an cin g
2 Complete the dialogue. W rite one word in each rid e

+ rid in g
If the verb ends in a single consonant
geo ff: 1 Do you like this university, Diane? after a single stressed vowel, double the
d ia n e : 2______ , I do. Its great. My brother studies here too. consonant before adding -in g .
g eo ff : . he like it, too? jo g jo g g in g
d ia n e : Yes, h e4_____. s w im -* s w im m in g
g e o f f : 5_____he study English? If the verb ends in -/, double the -/.
d ia n e : No, he 6_____. He studies Italian. tra v e l -+ tra v e llin g
geoff : . you see your mum and dad often? If the verb ends in -ie , change the - ie
d ia n e : No, w e 1 But we talk to them on the phone into - y before adding -in g .

every weekend. lie -* lying

geoff : _they live near here?

d ia n e : _, they dont. They live in Naples! 1 move moving
2 run
Question w ords 3 label
3a Read the examples and then w rite the question
4 have
words. Some questions have more than one answer. 5 tie
6 try
W hat do you do? Who does Sam sit next to?
W here do they Live? W hich pizza do you want?
When does the term end? How do you get to work? W o rk b o o k pp 1 6 2 -1 6 6 ; CD-ROM
W hy do you wear that hat? W hat time does the film
I T H > 1

Summer school
1 t P i wm \
n l u nH H H
1a Read th e w e b site and m atch each course
w ith a subject. T h ere are th re e subjects you
dont need.
languag es pop m u s ic art
acting cooking s p o rt
film - m a k in g science

1b Read the text again and a n s w e r the

1 Which course is in Bristol?
2 Which course is in an old house?
3 Which course has students from all over the world?
4 Which courses have a performance at the end?
5 Where can you go to learn about film?
6 Where do you learn a useful life skill?
2 Use w o rds fro m the w ebsite to com plete
these sp id erg ram s. Listening
Ua k Listen to th e telep h o n e conversation
and com plete the in fo rm atio n .

m o re > X

tis i S u m m e r courses
F ir s t w e e k o f s u m m e r s c h o o l
Starts on __ at
Finishes on at
C ^oke. p h o to ^ } W e t a k e s tu d e n ts f r o m a ll o v e r t h e w o r ld
M in im u m age __________
R o ck g u it a r c o u rs e s
__________ I in te rm e d ia te I advanced
C o u rs e fe e
Basic course __________
Course + a c c o m m o d a tio n and food ________

3a ^ L i s t e n and u n d erlin e th e /ju : / sound Ltb Listen again and an s w e r th e questions.
in these w ords.
s tu d e n t I m u s ic I studio I use I c o m p u te r I
1 What does Jake want to study at Rock on?
you I b e a u tifu l
2 How old is he?
3 What level of rock guitar is he?
3b ^ L i s t e n again and rep eat th e w ords.
4 Which fee does he choose?
C o m e o n a h o l i d a y c o u r s e in o u r t h e a t r e s t u d i o in C a m b r i d g e , a n d l e a r n
t o a c t, s i n g a n d d a n c e . O u r t e a c h e r s a r e a ll p r o f e s s i o n a l a c t o r s , s i n g e r s
min min
m m min
i'ii niimi mii min
miiii a n d d a n c e r s . A t t h e e n d o f t h e c o u r s e y o u d o a f i n a l p e r f o r m a n c e in a
iimin ilunni >i>11111
II l> Il *i
ih li
min s u m m e r s h o w . O ne t h i n g is g u a r a n t e e d f u n , f u n , f u n !
!nimi |> ilaii
mnKi nimi inni
imin ii il (>imn
m o re
imi II il 'li 'lini

C o o k in g is f u n , s o w h y b e s c a r e d o f it? In o u r h i- t e c h M a n c h e s t e r k i t c h e n s
w e t e a c h y o u t o m a k e d e l i c i o u s f o o d . S im p le , e a s y - t o - c o o k m e a ls ,
M e x ic a n a n d I n d ia n s n a c k s a n d y u m m y v e g e t a r i a n f o o d . S o y o u c a n c o o k
s o m e t h i n g s p e c i a l f o r f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s . No w o r r i e s !
KITGHEi m o re

Do y o u w a n t t o b e t h e n e x t S p ie l b e r g ? On o u r s u m m e r c o u r s e h e r e in

lue f im i B r i s t o l , y o u w r i t e , y o u d i r e c t , y o u f i l m , a n d y o u e d i t y o u r o w n f i l m ! Y ou
d o n t n e e d a n y e x p e r i e n c e . Y o u r t e a c h e r s a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l s a n d t h e y
g u i d e y o u f r o m s t a r t t o f i n i s h . You c o u l d h a v e a n e w c a r e e r !
PROM m o re

W o u ld y o u lik e t o p a i n t a n d d r a w , a n d d o s c u l p t u r e ? O r t a k e p h o t o s
o r m a k e c e r a m i c s ? T h e n c o m e t o o u r s u m m e r s c h o o l in t h e b e a u t i f u l
v i l l a g e o f A s t o n j u s t o u t s i d e O x fo r d . Y o u c a n r e l a x a n d b e c r e a t i v e in o u r
w o n d e r f u l h i s t o r i c h o u s e . A ll o u r t e a c h e r s a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l a r t i s t s .
m o re

Do y o u w a n t t o b e in a r o c k b a n d ? W r i t e y o u r o w n m u s ic ? I m p r o v e y o u r
d r u m m i n g o r k e y b o a r d s k il ls ? T h e n c o m e t o o u r s u m m e r s c h o o l in
N o t t i n g H ill, L o n d o n , h o m e o f t h e b e s t o f B r i t i s h m u s ic . O u r s t u d e n t s
c o m e f r o m a ll o v e r t h e w o r l d a n d o u r t e a c h e r s a r e r e a l r o c k m u s i c i a n s .
A t t h e e n d o f t h e c o u r s e s t u d e n t s p e r f o r m in a t a l e n t c o n t e s t .
m o re

Speaking and writing 5b Discuss yo u r an sw ers to these questions.

Who is the course for? (advanced students / all
5a PAIRWORK Youre planning a s u m m e r abilities / beginners)
school. Choose one of these subject areas.
When is the course?
food and cooking How long is the course?
th e a tre and d ra m a Where is it?
creative w r itin g art 0 How much does it cost?
p ho tog rap hy
5c k N ow w rite a sh ort w ebpage
a d v ertisem en t fo r yo u r course.
Making arrangements
r r r - r ^


Do you want to go to the cinema? Customer Cashier
Whats on? Can I have...? Are you students?
Wheres it on? How much are the tickets? Here are your tickets.
What tim e does it start? Heres your change.
LINKS pp 8-9

Arranging to see a film

1 t PAIRWORK Ask and an s w e r th e questions.
Whats your favourite film? Who are your favourite actors? What films do you want to see?
2 k 7 Listen and com plete th e dialogue w ith these w ords.
s ta rt I on I s h a ll I w a n t I see [ w h e re I m eet

jo s h Hi S o phie . s o p h ie Yes, g re a t.
s o p h ie Oh, hi J o s h . H o w 's t h in g s ? JOSH 's it on?
jo s h Fine, t h a n k s . W h a t a b o u t you? s o p h ie It's at th e D u k e of York's.
s o p h ieI'm OK. L is te n . Do you 1__________ to jo s h W h a t t im e d o e s i t 5__________ ?
go to th e c in e m a w ith m e a n d H a rr y ? s o p h ie It s t a r t s at h a lf p a st seven.
jo s h W h a t's 2__________ ? jo s h OK. L e t's 6__________ o u ts id e th e c in e m a
s o p h ie Cowboys and Aliens. A n d
W e ll, t h e r e 's at seve n o 'c lo c k .
t h e r e 's The Wild One w ith M a rlo n B ra n d o . s o p h ie G r e a t . 7__________ you later.
jo s h Cool. I love old f ilm s . 3_ w e go jo s h Bye!
a n d see The Wild One ?
Yea!bulary money
3 8 Listen and rep eat.

Ip 2p 5p lOp 20p 50p 1 10 20 2.50 two pounds fifty 15.10 fifteen pounds ten

UK currency

- ^ 'n q i a n o
BKSI 7 4 7 0 8 2 TWENTY

Byying tickets
4a 9 Listen and a n s w e r the questions. 4b 9 Listen again and put the
1 How many tickets does Josh buy? conversation in order.
2 How much are the tickets? Yes, of course.
c a s h ie r

3 How much change does he get? jo sh How much are the tickets?
Youre welcome. Enjoy the
c a s h ie r

jo sh Yes, we are.
OK. Here are your tickets...
c a s h ie r

and heres your 4 change.

jo sh Thank you.
Student tickets are 7. So
c a s h ie r

thats 21 in total.
jo sh Can I have three tickets for
T he W ild One, please?
Theyre 9. Are you
c a s h ie r

jo sh Heres 25.
5a P ractise th e dialogue.

5b PAIRWORK Act out new

dialogues at th e cinem a. Use
expressions fro m th e File.

1 W rite complete sentences. 2 Choose the correct words.

you / like / read? 1 I ______up at 7.00am.
Do you like reading? a) gets b) do get c) get d) are get
1 I / like / watch / TV 2 your brother like sport?
2 My friends / hate / go / shopping a) Does b) Do c) Is d) Likes
3 What / you / love / do? 3 My parents______eat breakfast in the morning.
4 I / not / like / play / the piano a) not b) arent c) no d) dont
5 they / hate / listen / to music? 4 She______for two hours in the evening.
a) studies b) study c) studys d) is study
5 John_______live in France, he lives in Portugal.
a) doesnt b) dont c) isnt d) not
T O T A L : ____/I 0


3 Find the words to complete the table.

Academic subjects Musical instruments
gphaoeygr bradsyeko
srhyit o srm du
n eciesc e c r i 1a t n
hipzectiisn rmeut pt
sclioa dsituse ratigu
TOTAL: /10


U Complete the dialogue. Choose from these phrases. W rite a paragraph about your daily
routine. Include answers to these
Lets Do you want Whats on Can I have questions:
How much Wheres What time
When do you get up?
A: . to go to the cinema with me and Sarah? When do you have breakfast?
B: Good idea. 2_ How do you get to school/work?
A: Theres the new Tom Hardy film. What do you have for lunch?
B: 3__________it on? What do you do in the evening?
A: At the Picture House on West Street.
B: 4__________does it start? _/10 TOTAL: J 10
A: Six oclock.5 ______meet at the cafe.

TOTAL: _/4 0

LIN K S In te rc u ltu re /C L IL pp 2 2 -2 3 ; E xam lis te n in g p 9; S p e a k in g B a n k p43

Key objectives
Grammar present simple with adverbs of frequency; once, twice, three times
modal verb can adverbs
Functions talking about frequency; talking about skills and abilities
Vocabulary sport; jobs

Vocabulary sport
fS? M atch the w o rds w ith th e photos.
Then listen and check.
basketball cycling

skiing sw im m ing

baseball j judo

gymnastics J football

rugby horse riding

| climbing tennis

j volleyball hockey

g g g T ffin m PLAY DO GO
1 play football, tennis,

2 go s w im m in g , ho rse riding,

3 do sport, g ym nastics, yoga

Add more sports from exercise 1 to lists 1

and 2.

2 t PAIRWORK T alk about the sp orts

you do.

(M&I like basketball.

| | ) 1play football.
4 ^ / dont like climbing.
I go horse riding when Im on
^ /rfb gymnastics.
J j J ) I watch American football.

3 GROUPWORK W rite a list of th e top

five sp orts in y o u r country. C om pare
yo u r lists w ith th e class.

Unit 7 Unit objectives
G ra m m a r present simple with adverbs of frequency;
once, twice, three times
Work and leisure Functions talking about frequency
V ocab ulary jobs; job descriptions

0 eaSitj!ary jobs
1a %ti M atch th e w o rds w ith th e pictures. Then listen and check.

J teacher

J electrician

sales person

J bus driver

J nurse


J w a iter
factory w o rk e r


j police officer

secretary |j|^
1 b p a ir w o r k Decide w h e re the people usually w o rk . Discuss yo u r ideas w ith yo u r p a rtn er.

office kitchen hospital health centre restaurant shop school outside

Comprehension Talking about frequency

2 i 2 Listen and read th e blog. A n s w er 3 Read th e ru le s and u n d e rlin e exam p les in
th e questions. Joshs blog.
1 W here does Josh live? W hat does he like
Adverbs of frequency
about it?
We use adverbs of frequency to ta lk about how often
2 W hat newspaper does his dad read? How
we do things.
does he read it?
always usually often so m e tim es
3 W here does his m u m work?
not often h a rd ly ever never
4 W hen does Josh take the bus to college? We often use them w ith the present sim ple to talk
5 W hat job does Josh sometimes do? about routine.
6 W h at does he do w ith his friends at the I o fte n w alk to work.
weekend? We so m e tim e s have coffee fo r breakfast.
We usually put the adverb before the main verb.
M y m um alw ays w atches the news.
With be we put the adverb after the verb.
I'm h ard ly ever late fo r classes.
d Getthegrammarp65
nit 7 JN
So h e re I am in B rig h to n in th e UK. B r ig h to n s My m u m ta k e s my b r o t h e r Daniel
a g re a t place - it s next to th e sea (and I love to school by car. Then she goes
th e sea!). This is a b o u t m y life here. to w o rk . Shes a scie n tist. She
w o r k s in London. I usua lly cycle
We live in a cute house. I like it a lot, b u t m y
to college. But s o m e tim e s I ta k e
r o o m is a bit sm all.
th e bus. I d o n t like cycling in th e

I s o m e tim e s w o r k at th e w e ekend. I m a w a it e r
in a pizza r e s ta u ra n t. They call me w h e n th e y
need me. The m oney is n t great, b u t I get tip s.

On S a tu rd a y a fte rn o o n I usu a lly m e e t my

f rie n d s in th e centre. We go s h o p p in g o r ju s t
hang out. We often go in lin e skatin g. T h a ts cool!
We s o m e tim e s go to th e cin e m a in th e evening
o r liste n to a band.
My d a d s a le c tu r e r and he
w o r k s at th e u n iv e rs ity every I alw ays do h o m e w o rk a fte r college. T h a ts
day. He alw ays ta k e s th e tr a in . r ig h t. Always! But I often see Harry, So phie and
And he alw ays re a d s th e LA Ruby a fte r college, too. We do s p o r t and stuff. I
Tim es on his laptop. He p r e fe rs like s w im m in g , b u t I neve r s w im in th e sea. The
A m e ric a n n e w s p a p e rs ! w a te r here is re a lly cold!

cute hang out That's right, and stuff

4 R e w rite these sentences w ith the 5 t GROUPWORK T e ll th e group how often you do
ad verb of freq u en cy in brackets. these things.
1 The bus is late, (never) T h e bus is I often get the bus.
never la t e .
So do I.
2 We see my grandma, (not often)
3 I sleep late in the morning on Sunday, m ^T never get the bus.
(always) m eet y o u r frie n d s
4 Diego gets to class early, (usually)
5 I drink coffee, (never) go s w im m in g in the sea

6 My friend plays tennis, (hardly ever) go cycling go shop pin g do s p o rt

6a Look at th e photos. Match th e m w ith the
activities in th e questio nnaire.

6b A n s w er th e questions fo r you.

6c t PAIRWORK A sk and an s w e r the

questions. M ake a note of yo ur p a rtn e rs
an sw ers.
every day

. go to the cin e m a?
, e at popcorn?
. w atch T V ?
read a n o ve l?
u se a g a m e s c o n so le ?
e at an apple or other fru it?
, buy sw e e ts or chocolate?
, go to a m u se u m or exhibition?
, talk on the p h o n e ?
, read a n ew sp ap e r or n ew s
w e b site ?

quite often , listen to the radio?

hardSy ever
, dow nload film s?
se n d text m e s s a g e s ?

often , watch c a rto o n s?

, u s e a social netw ork?
. take p h o to s ? [V*
drink so ft d rin k s?
listen to an M P 3 player?

not often

H o w o fte n ? 7 Listen and circle th e co rrect an sw ers.

When we ask about frequency we use 1 Carlos goes to the cinema a) once a week b) twice a month.
the question H ow often...? 2 Maria has an English lesson a) twice a week b) three times a
H ow o fte n do you go to the cin e m a ? month.
Use once, twice, three tim es, etc. to talk 3 Harry and Noah meet a) once a week b) twice a week.
about frequency.
eA-k Ruby gets the bus a) once a day b) twice a day.
0r Roberto speaks to his grandmother a) once a month b) once a
1 eat fru it once a day.
Use every day, every week etc. to talk
about frequency. week.
1 w atch TV e ve ry day. 6 Caroline does sport a) twice a week b) three times a week.
nit 7 JN
Getthe gram m ar
Adverbs of frequency once, tw ic e, th re e tim e s

1 Study the rules and w rite sentences using We use once, twice o r three tim es, etc. to talk
the adverb of frequency in brackets. about how often we do things. We usually
use them with a period of time, e.g. a week,
We usually put the adverb before the main a m onth, a year.
I see m y g ra n d m o th e r once a week.
M y dad never goes to the cinem a.
We go o ut twice a m onth.
With be we put the adverb after the verb.
W e're atways in this classroom .
U W rite sentences about your fam ily and
We a re n 't often late fo r school.
friends. Use the w ords/phrases below
o We can put som etim es, usually, or often first an d/or your own ideas.
in the sentence.
S om etim es we go to th a t su pe rm arke t. go to the park send a text message
We can put so m e tim es at the end.
watch a DVD put out the rubbish
go online paint the house
I w e a r glasses som etim es.
We only use not often with the verb be.
drive to w o rk
take a bus
go jogging
He is not often a t hom e these days.

once an hour always

1 Laura gets up before seven, (usually) twice a day usually
Laura usually g e ts up before seven. / three tim es a month often
Usually Laura gets up before seven. four tim es a year som etim es
2 I take the bus to work, (never) not often
3 We see my grandparents, (often) 1 My best friend ... hardly ever

4 I am the first student to answer, (sometimes) 2 My mum ... never

5 The children go to bed at 8 oclock, (always) 3 My dad ...

6 David is happy with his exam results, (not often) 4 My neighbour...
7 She writes to me. (hardly ever) 5 My brother...
6 My sister ...
2 Put the words in the correct order.
Som etim es more than one answ er is 5 Complete the sentences for you.
1 Before breakfast I always_________
1 horse go sometimes we riding. 2 In the evening I sometimes_____ __
We sometimes go horse riding.
3 Before I go to bed I always________
Sometimes we go horse riding.
4 After classes I sometimes
We go horse riding sometimes.
5 On Saturday morning I usually.
2 my lesson am late always for I! 6 In the summer I often _____
3 American we watch never football.
4 hardly wins my ever team!
5 morning I not often tired am in the.
6 shopping often they go.
3 Put the ad verbs in o rd e r on the scale.
always I hardly ever I not often I often I never I
som etim es I usually

100% 0%
never Workbook pp 168-173; CD-ROM

Reading dj |3 S S I j E B B viu lti' w o r d v e rb s
S om e verbs have a verb and a preposition.
1a PAIRWORK Look at the photos on page
67. W h at do you th in k these people do? A n u rs e looks a fte r III people.
Choose from : The m eaning is d iffe re n t fro m 'took'. C heck it
film designer I vet I golf ball diver I in a dictionary.
anim al psychologist I zoo keeper I fire fig h te r I
DVD tester I deep sea scuba diver
1b Read the a rtic le and check.
4a Listen to p art 1 of Whats my Line? and
2 Read th e a rtic le again. A n s w e r the circle th e correct w ord.
1 Vanessa does / doesnt work outside.
1 Why do people see Dr Fletcher? 2 She does / doesnt wear a uniform.
2 What sort of problems do the animals have? 3 She does / doesnt drive in her job.
3 What animals does she help? 4 She does / doesnt serve food.
4 What does Phil Shanker do during the week?
5 How many films does he watch? 4b Guess Vanessas job. Listen to p art 2 of
6 Why is the job a good one for him? Whats my Line? and check.
7 Where does Spencer dive?
8 How many golf balls does he collect an hour? jjp frT O iU im a ftii W ORD S TR E S S
9 Why is his job dangerous? 5a fpl Listen and rep eat.
electrician shop assistant secretary
Vocabulary job descriptions
5b U n d erlin e the stressed s y llab le. Then
3 M atch th e jobs and the activities. Som e listen and check.
activities go w ith m ore than one job.
hairdresser police officer
A nurse looks after ill people / wears a bus driver factory worker
uniform / works in a hospital / helps people.
A nurse drives buses
A sales person wears a uniform Speaking
A farmer repairs things 6 Play Whats my Line? Use the jobs from
cooks page 62. Ask yes/no questions.
A bus driver
works with animals Do you work outside?
An office worker sells things Yes, I do. / No, I dont.
A hairdresser helps people
A waiter works at a desk
serves food
A factory worker
A fire fighter works in a hospital 7 k W rite a description of a job. Include:
w h e re you w o rk
makes things
A cook w h at you do
works outside a typical day
A shop assistant looks after ill people
A vet cuts hair
nit 7 -1^
Dr Jodi Fletcher isn't a vet but she
helps animals. She's an animal
psychologist. Sometimes people's
pets aren't ill, but they do strange
things. Perhaps a dog barks all day,
or a cat bites people. 'It's fantastic
when an animal improves and is
happy again.'She sees five or six pets
a day. She usually sees dogs and cats,
but she helps horses and other pets
too.'l love my job because I help
people and animals!'

You pay to see a film. But Phil Shanker

watches films for money! He's a student,
but at the weekend he's a DVD tester.
Sometimes he watches ten films over
the weekend! He checks there aren't
any problems. And he checks the film
is complete. 'I love films, so the job is
perfect,' says Phil. And what does Phil do
in his free time? Well he doesn't go to the

Spencer Halstead is a scuba diver in the

USA, but not in the sea. He dives into lakes
on golf courses. Why? Because he's a golf
ball diver! It's a dirty job because he finds
the balls on the floor of the lakes. But in
two hours he can collect 1,400 balls and
earn 200! Then he sells the balls to a
golf ball company. He's very careful about
dangerous water snakes and broken glass,
but Spencer says,'I love it!'
Vocabulary sport verbs
1 i M atch th e expressions
< w ith the pictures. Then listen and check.

run a race

play a game

lose a match

win a match

kick a ball

hit a ball

thro w a ball

score a goal

Warm up Talking about skills and abilities

2 PAIRWORK Look at the photos on page U Look at th e ru le s and co m plete th e sentences.
69 and a n s w e r th e questions.
Who is in the photos? M odal verb can
Where are they? Use can to ta lk about s kills and abilities.
I can sw im , b u t I c a n 't dive.
Can Ruby p la y tennis? Yes, she can.
Comprehension Can you p lay c rick e t? No, I can't.

3 k Listen and read A new life.

Use can or c a n 't (cannot] for all form s:
C om plete th e sentences. Choose from I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
these w ords. Use the infinitive of the verb w ith out to.
basketball I tennis I baseball I
I can rid e a bike. NOT / can to rid e a bike.
Am erican football [ cricket I swim I dive (S Get the gra m m a r p7i
Josh can play basketball,________ ,
( )
and he can 1 Con you ploy tennis? Yes, I con . (play)
swim. 2 I cont ride a bike, (not ride)
(3 ) Josh cant play. because he she _? No, she. (cook)
doesnt understand the rules. 4 They. Chinese, (speak)
> Sophie can__________ .
(3 ) Sophie cant ________ . 5 He . the guitar very well, (not play)
nit 8 JN
s o p h ie You're great at baske tb all,
jo s h W ell, I play it a ll the tim e at h o m e in
the States.
s o p h ie Can you play baseball, too?
H , ;
j o s h Yes, I can. I love th a t gam e. And I can
play A m e ric a n football.
h a r r y W hat abo u t B ritis h gam es? Can
you play cricket, Josh?
j o s h No, I can't. I can't u n d e rsta n d the
s o p h ie Can you s w im ?
j o s h Sure. I love s w im m in g . W hat abo ut
s o p h ie W ell, I can sw im , but I can't dive.
h a r r y Can you play tennis?
jo s h Yes, I can.
take a break That's a pity. Me neither.
h a r r y Can Ruby play tennis?
s o p h ie Yes, she can. She's great.
h a r r y So let's play doubles.
6a Listen and tick J7j w h at th e frie n d s can
jo s h I can't. I haven't got m y te n n is racket
do and cross w h at th ey cant do.
here in the UK.
h a r r y T hat's a pity. I haven't got an extra
s o p h ie Me neither.
j o s h N o w o rrie s .
n 0 a
s o p h ie W ell, 1w a n t s o m e ne w tra in e rs .
speak French
0 n
Let's go to a s p o rts shop th is a fte rn o o n .
jo s h G reat! But firs t, let's play baske tb a ll!
0 a a
play a m usical in strum ent
0 0 a
0 n n
5a Listen and rep eat.
play chess
n a Q
1 Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. 6b t PAIRWORK Ask and an s w e r questions
2 Can you play chess? No, I cant. about th e activities in exercise 6a.
3 I can ride a bike, but I cant play chess. e t Can you paint?
5b 1 Listen again and u n d e rlin e the 0 ^ Yes, I can. What about you?
stressed w o rds. Listen and rep eat. ( 2 | ) No, I cant.
7a Read the ru les. Then com plete the q uestio nnaire fo r you.

A dverbs 1
We often use adverbs and expressions with can to say how we do something.
Here are som e com m on ones: very well, quite well, badly, n ot a t a ll

T ic k y o u r a n s w e r s to fin d a p a r t - t im e jo b f o r y o u

1 c a n ... v e ry q u ite b a d ly not i... Y es No

w e ll w e ll a t a ll lik e a n im a ls
p la y te n n is lik e b e in g o u ts id e
p la y fo o t b a ll a m g o o d a t m a th s
s w im a m p a tie n t
s p e a k E n g lis h lik e p e o p le
u s e a c o m p u te r lik e s e llin g th in g s
d o m a th s a m p u n c tu a l
r id e a b ik e w o r k fa s t
ru n a m f r ie n d ly

7b T PAIRWORK T e ll
5 T C -> o E r> jT
yo ur p a rtn e r som e of
yo u r an sw ers to the
questio nnaire.
3 I cant play football Dog w alker Do
you love dogs? And
W aiter Do you
w o r k fast? Are you
at all and I play tennis w a lk in g ? Be a dog io"> frie n d ly? A p ply now
badly. I am patient and w a lk e r! fo r a jo b in o u r caf.
I like animals. Dogs a n d S tu ff The C offee H ouse

8a Read th e job ad verts.

Choose an id e al job Sport club assistant Shop assistant Do
fo r you and yo ur Do you like sport? you like sport? Do
p a rtn er. We need a patient you like people?
assista n t to help the Can you s e ll thing s?
c u s to m e rs in the Join o u r te a m !
8b P A IR W O R K T e ll your
p a rtn e r the id e al job gym. S p o rts a v e rs

fo r th e m . R o ssi S p o rts Club

(^) Your idealjob is
a sport club assistant Ticket seller Are you Ball girl or boy Can

because you like sport. good on the phone?

And are you good
you play te n n is and
run fast? Be a ball
You can play football at m a th s? Join o u r g ir l or boy at o u r
and swim. tic k e t office team . te n n is to u rn a m e n ts .
L e a fie ld S ta d iu m Dean H ill Tennis Club
nit 8 -fN
Get the gram m ar
M odal verb can 3 Complete the sentences with can or
cant and one of these verbs.

1 Study the rules and the table. Then circle the correct
answers. kick I play ride I score speak I take I wtn

Ask questions by putting can first. 1 Con we win _ this match? Of

Can you ski
? course!
Form the negative with can +not {can't}. 2 I _ tennis very well.
My mum cant sing. 3 Jimmv English? Yes, he
__ 5

P ositive N egative 4 My mobile__ . photos. Can

1 1 yours?
You You 5 _______you. ___ a horse? Yes, I can!
He He 6 He ___the ball but he
She can swim. She can't (cannot) swim. . a goal.
It It
We We 4 W rite questions with can and answ er
them for you.
They They
play rugby I surf I ride a horse I play chess
I draw I speak French
Q uestions S h o rt answ ers
1 1 1 Con you p la y rugby?
you you you Ves, I can. / No, I cant.
he he he
Can she swim? Yes, she can. No, she cant. Adverbs (1J
it it it 5 Study the rules and the table. W rite
we we we the adverbs for the adjectives 1-4.
they they they
When we form adverbs from adjectives
1 John cant to swim/swim because hes scared. we usually add -ly.
2 My friends can all speak / speaking English. Some adverbs are irregular.
3 You cant get / getting 20 because you never study! We can add words like very, quite not

4 We can cooking / cook pizza but thats all! very

before an adverb.

5 She can draw / draws and paint very well. A d jective A d verb
6 I can to understand/ understand this exercise! regular bad badly
irregular good w e ll
2 Com plete the dialogue w ith these words and
can you kick I Can you play I can you play I Gan I
1 quick quickly
can't understand I I can I I can't I Yes, I can I you can 2 slow
to m : Con you do any sports? 3 good
e ls a : I can play volleyball and netball.
1______________ . 4 bad
t o m : What about football?2__________football?

e l s a : No, 3__________. Well, I dont think4_________

t o m : Well,5__________a ball?

e l s a : Yes, but I ' the rules of the game.

t o m : Mmm! I dont think7______________play football!
e l s a : Well,8__________netball?

t o m : Netball? Erm ,... no, I cant. W o rk b o o k pp 1 7 4 -1 7 8 ; CD-ROM

Real skills

1a PAIRWORK D iscuss th e s e q u e s tio n s. Sum m er M ortim er
1 What are the Olympic Games? Paralym pic champion
2 How often do they happen? (Courtesy of Sw im m ing Canada)

3 When is the next Olympics?

4 Where is the next Olympics?
5 What do you know about the Paralympics?
1 b Read th e a rtic le and check yo u r an sw ers to
question 5 in exercise 1a.

2a Read th e a rtic le again and a n s w e r these

1 What is special about Paralympic athletes?
2 How often do the Paralympics take place?
3 How many athletes take part in the Paralympic
4 How many Paralympic sports are there?
5 What sport does Summer Mortimer do?
6 How many times a week does she train?
7 How many kilometres does she swim a week?
8 What does she like doing in her free time?

3 k | I Listen to th e conversation and
co m plete th e in fo rm atio n .

Pronunciation -ING ENDIN G

When 4 ;23- Listen and rep e a t th e sentences.
W here Preston , Brighton Pay atten tio n to the /ii] k /a n d / i g /
Registration tim e sounds.
Race starts at 1 I think shes playing the piano.
Cost Adult ; up to 15 8 2 Were learning new things every day.
Dogs --- 3 Do you drink water when youre training?
Distance kilometres 4 Ive got pink running shoes.
In fo rm atio n w w w
.... ................................................................. ................
-, " i 1 f " r* ::: :: ::

You know about the O lym pics. But do you know about the Paralym pics?

Cycling, sailing, football, judo, rugby, basketball, skiing - you can see
lots of the same sports at the Paralympics. So what is the difference?
Paralympic athletes are disabled - they are often in wheelchairs or
have artificial arms and legs. But they are brilliant athletes and the
sports are very exciting. The Paralympics take place every four years
after the Olym pics. 4,000 athletes from 150 countries com pete in 20
Paralympic sports.

S u m m e r M o rtim e r, from Canada, is a Paralympic swimmer. Sum m er

is a brilliant athlete, but she c a n t run and she often c a n t walk. This is
because of a bad tram poline accident in 2009. Her feet are damaged.
S hes got lots of medals and awards and shes a record breaker!

Su m m ers father, Craig, is her coach. He organises her training plan

for her. She trains in the swim m ing pool ten tim es a week - she swim s
3 0 -4 0 kilometres a week! She also does extra weight training in the

But Sum m er is a typical young woman. She also likes hanging out
with friends, playing the piano and drawing. Finding a balance
is difficult, but its im p o rta n t, she says. Sum m er is proud to be a
Paralympic athlete. We d o n t have disabilities, she says. We have
different abilities.

Speaking and writing

5 G R O U P W O R K Ask and a n s w e r th e questions. 6 k W rite an e m a il to a frie n d about

What sports can you do? sports. Include sports you:

^ I go running. do
I swim.
I play tennis. w atch
How often do you do sport?
m Whats your favourite team sport?
Whats your favourite football team?
Whos your favourite player?
(|1 1 Whos your favourite athlete?
What sport does he or she do?
^ * 1 Where is he or she from?
Real communication

~ -
BUYING THINGS 3a 1 Listen and a n s w e r th e questions.
Excuse me. Have you got...
Shop assistant
Can I help you?
1 What size is Sophie?
How much is it/a re they? What size are you? 2 Whats the problem with the first pair of
I'm a size 40. Here you are. trainers?
Can I try it/them on?
Its/Theyre a bit big.
Its/Theyre 30.
3 How much are the second pair?
Ill take it/them , please.
3b k fi Listen again and w rite th e correct
LIN K S pp 10-11 expressions from th e File.

Buying sports equipment

1 P A IR W O R K Look at th e photos and an s w e r
th e questions.
Where are Sophie and Josh? What does Josh
want? What does Sophie want?
2a 24 Listen and circle the co rrect w ords.

s h o p a s s i s t a n t __________________________ I

s o p h ie Can I try on these tra in e rs ?

sh o p a s s is t a n t Yes, of course.
s o p h ie Im size 37.
sh o p a s s is t a n t I'm sorry. W e ve only got size
38. Do you w a n t to try th e m on?
s o p h ie Wow, they've got lots of te n n is rackets. s o p h ie Yes, please.
jo s h Yes, I Like th is one. Excuse me/you. sh o p a s s is t a n t How are they?

SHOP A SSISTANT Yes? s o p h ie They're a bit big.

jo s h H ow m u ch is th is te n n is racket? sh o p a s s is t a n t W hat abo ut these ones?

SHOP ASSISTANT It's 55/155. s o p h ie I like t h e m . ____________________ ?

jo s h Its a bit expensive. sh o p a s s is t a n t They re 35.

s h o p a s s is ta n t W hat abo ut th is one? s o p h ie That's OK.

jo s h Its nice. H ow m u ch is it/are they? sh o p a s s is t a n t Here you are. H ow are they?
sh o p a s s is ta n t Its 39.99. s o p h ie T he y re great, tha n ks.

jo s h Great! I ll take it, please / thank you.

2b P A IR W O R K P ractise th e dialogue.
Vocabulary sports equipment
4 ?6 Label th e photos. Then listen and check.
baseball I football I boots I hockey I helm et I basketball I rugby I bicycle

1 football 2 a 3 a 4 a

5 a ball 6 a stick 7 a .bat 8 a bicycle.

Word e x p a n d e r O NE/O NES

Use one o r ones to re fe r to a person o r th in g in a conversation.
I like this one. (one = te n n is racket) What about these ones? (ones = tra in e rs)

5 ROLE PLAY W o rk in pairs.

Decide if you are a customer or a shop assistant.
The customer chooses an item from exercise 4.
Act out a situation in a sports shop. Then swap roles.
6 Read Get into Culture and a n s w e r th e questions.


S p o rt is very im p o r ta n t in the UK. Over half Which sports are

of a d u lts do a s p o rt. W alking is the m ost popular in your
p o p u la r activity - 8 m illio n a d u lts w a lk country?
regularly, usu a lly in the coun trysid e. B ut 5.6
Which sports do
m illio n people go s w im m in g and 4.7 m illio n
you do?
go to the gym o r do classes. Cycling is very
p o p u la r - 3.1 m illio n people cycle regularly.
M any people do organised s p o rts such as
fo o tb a ll, b a d m in to n and tennis. Of course,
w a tc h in g s p o rt is very popular, too. F oo tba ll
is the c o u n tr y s top sport, fo llo w e d by rugby,
te n n is and c ricke t. One in th re e B ritis h
a d u lts w e n t to a live s p o rts event last year.


Com plete the sentences. Use 2 Choose the correct words.

the correct form of can with 1 You can play the piano very___.
the verbs in brackets.
a) good b) goodly c) well d) bad
0 We_______ (play) tennis. 2 I cant sing_____.
>(1 My brother____ a) not b) good c) all d) well
(swim). 3 My teacher_______late in the morning.
IB _________you_ a) never is b) is never c) sometimes d) is ever
(speak) Chinese? 4 A: How often do you visit your aunt?
M N 0 1 B:____a week.
5 |/ [ Your friends. a) Twice b) Two c) Second d) Two time
(take) very good photos. 5 I _______my homework before class.
a) ever do b) hardly ever do c) do hardly ever d) do usually
T O T A L : ____ / 1C


3 Choose the correct noun for each U W rite the jobs.

1 He works in a restaurant, w
1 run /
a ra ce a m a tc h 2 She/He cuts hair, h
2 win a b a ll / a m a tc h 3 She/He prepares food, c ____
3 kick a m a tc h / a b a ll 4 These people sometimes work in a hospital.
4 play a g a m e / a b a ll d and n
5 lose a s p o rt / a m a tc h



5 Complete the dialogue with these words. 6 PAIRWORK Ask and answ er questions.
try I W hat about I take I help I How is how often / you / send emails?
can / play a musical instrument?
A: Can 11__________ .you? you / swim badly or well?
B: Yes, please. Can 12_ _ on this T-shirt? how often / you / go to bed after midnight?
A: Yes, of course.3___ it? can / speak / another language?
B: The size is OK, but I dont like the colour.
A:4___________this one?
B: Thats great. How much is it?
A: Its 12.
B: Ill5____________it, please. to ta l: J 10 TOTAL: J 10
TOTAL: _/4 0

LINKS Interculture/CLIL pp 24-25; Exam listening p11 ; Speaking Bank p44

Vocabulary places
1 'fpl M atch the photos w ith th e places. Then listen and check.

J m useum
J town hall
J restaurant
J sports centre
police station
supe rm arket
train station
shopping centre

2a W rite sentences about yo u r tow n o r area. 2c t Discuss yo u r favo u rite

J often go to the sports centre - i t s near my house. places in yo ur tow n.
The town hall and library are in the city centre. I like the park best. I go
There are lots of restaurants and c a f i s in the centre. skateboarding and take
I go to the shopping centre on Saturday with my friends. the dog for walks there.
2b PAIRWORK C om pare yo u r sentences w ith yo u r p a rtn er.
|5 | Me too! I play football

Unit? Unit objectives
Grammar present continuous; adverbs

Out and about Functions talking about present activities;

describing actions
Vocabulary clothes

Vocabulary clothes
1a M atch the w ords w ith the pictures. Then listen and check.


J T -shirt

J boots

J hat

1b t PAIRWORK Discuss the questions. Talking about present activities

H i| What do you wear home? your classes? the winter? 3a Find and com plete these sentences from the summer? ...when you go out in the A new life. Then com plete the ru le.
evening? 1 I___________________ through the fair.
2 Sophie_______________to me.
Comprehension 3 you_________a hat? Yes, I _____ .
4 h e ________, too ? No, he isnt.
2 f i i 1Listen and read A new life. C om plete the 5 W hat______ you_____ ?
sentences w ith the nam es.
Josh Ruby Sophie and Harry Harry
1 __________ is walking through the fair.
jo s h P resen t continuous
2 is standing next to the Crazy Form the present continuous w ith the present of
Mouse ride. -ing
the v e r b _____ + the form of the main verb.

3 are sitting on the Big Wheel. ( i Get the g r a m m a r p8i

4 is shouting Help!
5 is wearing jeans and a
3b Find o th e r exam p les of the present
sweater. continuous in A new life.
6 is standing behind Ruby.
ru b y Hi Josh. W hat are you
jo s h W ell, I'm w a lk in g th ro u g h
the fa ir and ta lk in g to you.
ru b y Funny. But w h e re are you?
jo s h I m n e a r the gho st train.
W h a t abo ut you?
ru b y Im stan d in g next to the
Crazy M ouse ride.
jo s h A re Sophie and H a rry
standing w ith you?
ru b y No, they a r e n t. T he y re
s ittin g on the Big W heel.
jo s h Can you see th e m ?
ru b y Yeah. Sophie is w aving to

jo s h W h a ts H a rry doing? Is he
w aving, too?
ru b y No, he is n t. H e s shou ting
H e lp !.
jo s h Typical! OK, stay there. I'm
co m in g to find you...

jo s h This is w e ird . I c a n t see

you. W hat are you w e a rin g ?
ru b y Im w e a rin g je a n s and a
jo s h A re you w e a rin g a hat?
ru b y Yes, I am ! My red hat. Can
you see me?
jo s h Of course. I'm standing
behind you!

lypical! This is w e ird. Of course

4 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e co rrect fo rm of th e present W rite w h at people you

continuous. know are doing now.
1 We (have) a great time at the concert. My mum is wording,
2 My dad (dance). Its so embarrassing! My brother is studying.
3 You (not answer) my messages. Are you OK? My b es t friend is writing.
4 I (walk) down the street. Home in five minutes.
5 Sara and Emilia (sing) a crazy song in this video!
6 I (not do) my homework!

Describing actions
6 C om plete th e sentences
using one of th ese verbs.
Then circle th e best adverb.
drive g
w a lk sm ile
sing laugh
Id IK1/ play
1 The people are talking 2 N o rm a is the
very quietly/loudly. piano very well/badly.

3 M ik e is . quietly! 4 T he c h o ir a r e ___ 5 A r t h u r and his frie n d are

loudly. beautifully/badly. _____________ very slowly/fast.

6 Ricardo is ___________ very 7 M aria i s _____________ very 8 The t r a in i s _____________ very

dangerously/safely. angrily/happily. slowly/fast.

7 Read th e ru les and w rite

Adverbs 2
th e adverbs.
Form most adverbs by adding -ly to the adjective.
1 fast fast
q uie t - * q uie tly bad badly
2 easy _________ For adjectives ending in y, change y to / and add ly.
3 quick _________ a n g ry *a n g rily happy -+happily
4 hard _________ Here are some irre g u la r adverbs.
5 happy _________ good -* w e ll fa st -+fast
6 sleepy _________ [w o rk ] h a rd - * Iw o rkI h ard
7 lazy _________
8 sad _________ W o rd e x p a n d e r ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS
9 good _________
B u ild up y o u r adverbs. W rite th e m w ith t h e ir adjectives.
e asy e a s ily lo u d lo u d ly
8 Listen and describe how
R e m em ber, not a ll adjectives can change. These
th e people are doing things.
JBl Hes singing badly. a djectives can't change.
o ld expensive b ig
Get the grammar
P r e s e n t c o n t in u o u s 1 Study the rules and tables. Then circle the
correct words.
1 I <2/77 / is sitting in my room.
Positive Negative m

I am I am
2 He is / are writing an email.
3 They are do / doing an exam.
You are You are

4 We is / are having fun!

He He

5 It am / is raining at the moment.

She is She is
going. not going.
It It
6 My mum and I is / are going shopping.
We We
You are You are 2 Make the sentences in exercise 1 negative. Use
They They short form s w here possible.
Im not sitting in my room.
Questions Short answers
Yes, I am. 3 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
Am I the present continuous.
No, Im not.

Are you
Yes, you are. lillia n : Hi Zoe. What are you doing (you do)?
No, you arent. zoe : Oh, hi Lillian. Im writing some emails. What about
Yes, he is. you?2________________(you wait) for Gary?
l i l l i a n : Yes, I am.
No, he isn t.

Is she
Yes, she is. zoe : 3_______________(he play) football?
l i l l i a n : No, he isnt. Hes in the library.
No, she isnt.
Yes, it is.
No, it isn t.
4_______________ (he look) for a history book ... This
Yes, we are.
musics nice! What5_______________ (you listen) to?
No, we arent.
zoe : Its a classical music CD from my mum.
Yes, you are.
6_______________(she try) to teach me to listen to
Are you
No, you a re n t. different music!
Yes, they are.
they Adverbs (2)
No, they a re n t.

Adverbs tell us about verbs and how we do things.

We use the present continuous for things that
He cycles carefully. Dad sings badly.
are happening now.
\Ne are running because we are late. (Now)
Some adverbs are irregular, e.g. fast, hard, well.
He's working hard. He drives fast.
What are you doing? (Now)
I am staying at m y a u n ts house. (These days)
U Circle the correct words.
We make the present continuous with the
present tense of the verb be followed by the 1 He always does his homework careful / carefully.
-ing form of the main verb. 2 Joshua is sitting quietly / quiet in front of the TV.
I am talking on the phone. 3 Are you studying hard / hardly at school?
They are playing football. 4 Teresa walks really slow / slowly.
Remember that we usually use the short 5 Emily is doing good / well at French.
forms of be in the present continuous. 6 My teacher speaks fast / fastly.
I'm going.
He's eating.

W orkbook pp 180-185; CD-ROM

1a P A IR W O R K How much do
you know about Canada?
Read the Factfile and



an sw ers.

1 Fun on the ice

Most Canadians can ice skate and there are more than fifty ice rinks
in Toronto. You can hire some skates, have some fun and keep fit.
Or why not watch an ice hockey game? The Air Canada Centre rink
is home to the Toronto Maple Leafs ice hockey team.

P r o n u n c ia tio n Reading 3b Read th e te x t again and

an s w e r th e questions.
2a a? Listen and rep eat these
n u m u e ib .
3a Read texts 1 -5 quickly 1 What is the name of the
and w rite the places. Toronto Maple Leafs home
1 15 50 3 95 59 1 You can look at the city sports venue?
2 80 18 4 106 601 from here. 2 How can you get to the top of
2 You can eat outside here. the CN Tower?
2b 33 N ow listen and u n d erlin e 3 You can watch a sports 3 What kind of art can you see
the nu m b ers you hear. game here. at the Ontario Art Gallery?
1 60 16 3 14 40 4 You can buy some unusual 4 Where is the Centreville
2 102 201 4 63 36 things here. Amusement Park?
5 You can look at pictures 5 What can you do at Toronto
here. Eaton Centre?
2 Riding high 4 Toronto Islands
Two million people visit Take a ferry to the Toronto
the CN Tower every Islands and relax on the
year. Its 553 metres
high and you can travel
I beach, have a picnic on
to the top in a glass the island, or have fun at
elevator. Enjoy the views CentRville Amusement
of Toronto and have
a delicious meal at its
famous 360 Restaurant.

5 Shopping
Toronto Eaton Centre is a
ii r S i " K jto n .H
big modern shopping mall.
There are 250 shops in it!
For antiques, retro furniture
and vintage clothes go to
Queen Street.

3 Art Time 4 t T alk about five things to do in yo u r city.
The Art Gallery of
Ontario has got more W o rd e x p a n d e r PHRASES WITH HAVE
than 80,000 works of Find and c o m p le te th e s e p h ra s e s w ith have
art. Its got one of the
best collections of Inuit f ro m th e text. Add tw o m ore .
art in the world. Its also have a m ____ have f _ n
got a famous collection have a p ______ c
of model ships.

5 C ollect in fo rm atio n about yo u r country
and w rite a Fact File.
Unit 10 U n it o b je c tiv e s
Grammar imperatives; object pronouns;
prepositions of place
In town Functions talking about position; asking
for and giving directions
Vocabulary shops; places in a town

Vocabulary shops
1a ^ M a t c h the nam es of
shops w ith the pictures.
Then listen and check.

book shop


] newsagent's

^ gift shop

clothes shop


shoe shop

j sports shop

J sweet shop

1 b Look at th e things Sophie w ants to buy. W rite Comprehension

th e nam es of th e shops she needs to visit.
3a Read the a rtic le and an s w e r the
1 a T-shirt questions.
2 shoes Where can you...
3 medicine 1 go shopping?
4 a dictionary 2 take a ride?
5 a magazine 3 visit the sights?
4 buy a gift?
6 sausages 5 have fun or a laugh?
7 a football
8 chocolate 3b PAIRWORK Choose 3 activities
to g e th e r fo r yo ur day out in
2 t PAIRWORK Discuss yo ur fav o u rite shops. B righton.

0^ 1 like sweet shops because I love chocolate.

I like buying shoes so I love shoe shops!
Sit on the beach with your 6 Eat traditional seaside food! Have
friends on a sunny day. Then go some fish and chips. And don't forget to
for a walk along the seafront. try some Brighton rock - a famous hard
It's fun and its free! sweet.
Visit the beautiful Royal Have fun with your friends on Brighton
Pavilion - an exotic oriental pier. (Its that long building in the sea.)
palace - a million people go There are fair rides on it and the Palace
there every year. of Fun!
Buy a gift in the little shops in Shop in the outlet stores at Brighton
North Laine streets. There are Marina, eat and drink in the open air
over 300 of them! cafs and admire the boats.
Get a bit of culture See lots of Go to Komedia and see a comic show.
beautiful things in the Brighton Do you want to have a laugh? Its the
Museum and Art Gallery. best night out in Brighton!
Take a ride on Volk's railway Explore the beautiful English
along the seafront. Its the countryside nearby and visit castles
w o rld s oldest operating and country houses. Dont stay in town
railway. all the time!

k Look at the ru le s and find im p era tives in th e artic le . W o rd e x p a n d e r EXPRESSIONS

Im p eratives W ords often go to g e th e r to m a ke very

c o m m o n expressions. Try to le arn
To give advice and instructions use the base form of the
th e m together.
S it on the beach. B uy a g ift. ta ke a rid e go fo r a w a lk
For negative im peratives use D o n 't and the base form have a lau g h have fun
of the verb.
D o n 't s ta y in town. have a m e a l b uy a g ift

D o n 't fo rg e t to try som e B rig h to n rock. W rite th e c o rre c t ve rb s.

Object pronouns ________b re a k fa s t ________ h om e

I love it. ________to w o rk ________ the bus
There are 300 o f them .
________a coffee
S end m e a list.
n e w tra in e rs
( Get the g r a m m a r p87
Talking about position
5 W h e re is th e cake? M atch th e prepositions w ith th e pictures.

7 in front of

opposite n'tarrn
J between
9 next to

6 Look at the antique shop and co m plete th e sentences.

1 The telephone is on the table. 7 t P A IR W O R K S tu dent A closes th e book.

2 The bicycle is _______ the chairs. S tu dent B asks questions about the
3 The clock is _______ the painting of fruit and the picture. Then sw ap roles.
painting of a woman. Q Is the football on the table?
4 The football is _______ the table. ^ No, it isnt.
5 The hats are_______ the bookshelf.
6 The armchair is _______ the sofa.
7 The radio is _______ the telephone.
8 The painting of fruit is _______ the sofa.
G e tth e g r a m m a r

Im p eratives Object pronouns

Positive Negative Subject pronoun Object pronoun

Turn on the computer. Don't turn on the I me
computer. you you

We form the imperative with the base form of the he him

verb. It never changes. she her
Listen to m e! Sit down! it it
To make it negative, put Do not or Don't before the we us
they them
Don't talk. Don't cry. Do not forget!
We use the imperative to give instructions or advice. Put object pronouns after a verb.
Open your books. D on't write anything. Josh likes her. We often eat it.
We often put please at the beginning. Put object pronouns after a preposition.
Please be quiet. Sam lives next to me. Let's go with them.

2 Complete the sentences w ith the correct

1 Study the rules and the table. Then complete object pronoun.
the sentences using the verbs below. 1 This is my new laptop. I love it
Buy I Don't I eat I feed I swim I Watt 2 I cant find my keys. Can you see________?
3 How are you? Please send________an email.
Waif here. 4 Dads painting. He wants me to help________.
5 Hes teaching________Spanish and we love it!
6 Thats Mums book. Please give it to ________.

enter here. Prepositions of place

It's in the car. I t s on the car. It's behind the
-k s . car.

in the classrooms.

It's under the car. It s in fro nt o f the It's next to the

car. \ /

your tickets here.

It s opposite the I t s near the car. It's between the

car and the bike.
the animals. M

at this beach. 3 W rite six sentences about your classroom.

Use these prepositions.
between I in front of I next to I on I opposite I

Workbook pp 186-190; CD-ROM

0 I W M M * :< H
1a Im ag in e you can go to th e UK fo r a m onth.
List 10 es sen tial things to tak e w ith you.
+ my motile .phone
+ my dictionary

1 b P A IR W O R K Com pare yo u r list w ith yo u r

p a rtn e r. How m any item s are th e sam e?

2a k Silvia is going to study in B righton. Read

th e a rtic le and m atch th e beginnings and
ends of h e r notes.

1 re-ad a) vJitk little, jobs in the,

house, So ...youve got a chance to
2 W rite, b) to the, fa m ily avid otke,r study abroad and live with a
pe,ople, family in the UK. Here is some
3 give, . avia. some topics
c) svJe-anvig , useful advice.

d) a small g i f t to the, fa m ily

5 ke,lp e,) tke, local food
(o join- f ) im portant inform ation
avid put it in, a safe, place. Find out abo u t th e c u ltu re in y o u r host
7 avoid jj) about the, culture,
c o u n try before you go. There are lots
of useful sites on th e in ternet. Ask y o u r
friends, too.
8 cat k) clubs avid socialise. When you a rriv e r e m e m b e r to
in tro d u c e y o u rs e lf and say, Pleased to
m eet you.

2b P A IR W O R K Read th e a rtic le again and Take a sm all gift f ro m y o u r country.

m ake notes of w ays to im prove yo ur Some typica l cakes o r sw eets m ake
nice presents.
w atch TV : 0 : Use English! T a lk to the fam ily, and
w a tch TV and film s. Listen to the
i ( P f n M y M lf e ln ) IN T O NATION radio, read adverts, m agazines and
new spapers.
3 35 Listen and rep eat th e questions.
0 f f e r t he|P w ith the chores, such as
Copy th e intonation. laying the ta b le o r w a s h in g th e dishes.
1 Where is the museum? Try Indian and Chinese food. Indian food
2 Is it in Brighton? is th e m o s t p o p u la r take-aw ay food in
3 Is the bus late? the UK, and ethnic r e s ta u ra n ts a r e n t
4 What time does it close? expensive.

5 Are the tickets expensive?

nit 10
4a i>Silvia is an exchange stu dent. Listen to
th e conversation. W ho is she ta lkin g to?
1 Her teacher
2 A tourist information officer
3 Her friend
4 b K i Listen again and co m plete th e notes.

h ____ _ century
Bus number ______ front collegi to the Pavilion
Opening hours:______ aw ' ----------- Pm
Ticket prices: ______ P&r
, ______ per student
Opening hours:______' ----------------- - P1^
Ticket prices: ---------

Speaking and writing

5a P A IR W O R K A sk and a n s w e r about places
to visit in yo u r tow n, city o r region. Then
a d d re s s and te le p h o n e n u m b e r and y o u r choose the top five.
p a s s p o rt n u m b e r in y o u r m obile phone
a d d re ss book.
Are there exciting galleries or museums?
Are there interesting historical buildings?
Q - Ask and a n s w e r questions. Dont be
e m b a rra s s e d to say, T d o n t u n d e rs ta n d . Where can you eat in the evening?
o r Can you speak m o re slowly, please? Can you go to the theatre? Or the cinema?
Dont ju s t study. Join a s p o rts club, g o t o Are there nice green parks?
th e local caf and accep t invitations.
Are there good sports centres?
Dont spend all y o u r t im e ch a ttin g w ith Where are the best shops? What typical
y o u r frie n d s online. Go out and m eet real
English people instead!
things can you buy?
People d o n t usually t a lk abo u t po litics
^pl Are there good markets?
and religion. Dont ask people w h a t they
earn o r how old they are.
5b W rite an e n try fo r a tra v e l w eb site.

Don't use s w e a r w o rd s . People say them , M E D IA B U Z Z File Edit Layout Type Object
b ut they a re n 't polite.

Dont c o m p a re y o u r c o u n try w ith y o u r

new home. Accept the new way o f life! 1ST
D o n't miss the Louvre M useum. It's got
lots of incredible art and sculptures.
Excseme,... Where can I find a...? Go left / right / straight on. Go down ...
Wheres the...? How far is it from here? Turn left / right. Goto the end of this street.
Is there a ... near here? Thankyou very much. Take the first / second I third You cant miss it!
How do I get to...? (turning) on the right / left.

LINKS pp 12-13

In the city centre

1 Find these places on the m ap of B righton.
station I m useum and art gallery I library I sw im m ing pool I shopping centre I clock tower
Royal Pavilion I theatre I tourist inform ation centre I seafront I pier

S t A t io N
tm (illfl'iil t Ra f a l c a r s t r e e t
r----- T
ro u R is -p h-
uiE Qtx
____ 10 ^ 1 ___________ M T ^

~ 1 M fcSf
______|<3 vb
Wo r th R oA P

C-b w c h S t r e e t
Cl o c k A
T oW tR
WES t e RKI Rk>At> oRTW s t r if e t i f PAVIUoM

CwW m LL/
S-HoPPi^ FfFfJ

J p u k e St r ee t
R u s s e l l Ro A d I
<~ o ! wee!
KtNr'iT ?c?AD
_ ___________ __________ ^
Asking for directions
2a Find n u m bers 1-5 on the m ap.
These are th e points w h e re Lauren,
an A m eric an to u ris t, asks fo r

2b PAIRWORK Try to com plete the


lauren Excuse me. Wheres the Royal Pavilion?

w oman Go 1______ Queens Road. Take the third
2_______ . Go down Church Street to the end
of the road. Turn3 You cant miss it!
lauren Thank you very much.

;gj| lauren Excuse me. Is there a swimming pool

4 here?
man Yes, there is. Go down Kensington Gardens. lauren Excuse me ____do I get to the station?
5 left, then turn right. Its on your boy Go down North Street. Take the 9_____right
right. Its 6_______ the library. at the clock tower. Go all the way down Queens
lauren Thanks. Road. The station is in front of you.
lauren How far is it from 10______?
boy Its about ten minutes on foot.
lauren Excuse me. How do 17_____ to the lauren Thank you very much.
g ir l Go down to the end of West Street. And
theres the seafront! lauren Excuse me. Where can 111_____ a sports
lauren Brilliant. Thanks. shop?
man Churchill Square Shopping Centre,
Its near here. Go down West Street and take
3a fp l Listen to th e people giving the third on the 12_________ .
directio ns to Lauren. Check lauren Thanks.
yo u r an sw ers to exercise 2. man Youre welcome.
3b s i Listen again and fo llo w
th e routes on th e m ap.

U PAIRWORK You are in M any stu d e n ts com e to the UK because they w a n t to learn
B righton. Use th e m ap. E nglish in an E n g lis h -s p e a k in g c u ltu re . In fact over 600,000
S tu d en t A asks fo r directions young people com e to the UK and Ireland each year. B rig h to n is
and S tu d en t B gives th em . a very p o p u la r destin a tio n and it's got a lot of la nguag e schools.
Then sw ap roles. S tu d e n ts often stay in fa m ilie s and le arn abo u t B ritis h life. A bout
300,000 stu d e n ts also com e to the UK to study at university.
5 Read Get into Culture and These stu d e n ts can also w o r k 20 ho u rs a w e e k if they w a n t.
a n s w e r th e questions.
Would you like to study English in the UK?
Where would you go?


1 Choose the correct words. 6 A: Are you listening to this music?

1 shout! This is a library. B: Yes, I ___.
a) Not b) No c) Isnt d) Dont a) am b) do c) are d) not
2 A: Wheres the museum? 7 The chair is in front of the table. The table is
B : ___the first turning on the right. the chair.
a) Take b) Takes c) Do take d) Taking a) between b) in c) on d) behind
3 Why___you reading my magazine? 8 Dave is running very___.
a) do b) is c) are d) dont a) fast b) quick c) fastly d) slow
4 She___doing her homework, shes 9 My friends___under that tree.
watching TV. a) are sit b) sitting c) sits d) are sitting
a) isnt b) not c) dont d) arent 10 I ___for my exam tomorrow.
5 Henry is driving very___. a) am studying b) studies
a) dangerous b) danger c) do studying d) am study
c) safe d) dangerously T O T A L : ____ /10


2 Look at the list and w rite the shops. 3 Find the words for clothes.
1 meat 1 t cj a e k
2 coat 2 aerwst e
3 book 3 1s s n a d a
4 magazine 4 srouters
5 aspirin 5 hrtis TOTAL: no


U Circle the correct words.

A: Excuse / Help me. Is there a shopping centre next / 5 W rite the questions and answ er them .

near here? 1 What / your teacher / do / at the moment?

B: Yes, there is. Go down / straight Central Street and
take the second turning / passing on the left. Move / 2 What / you / wear / today?
Go to the end of the street and turn / walk right. The
shopping centre is opposite / front the library. You 3 What / be / your favourite place in your town?
cant pass / miss it!
A: How far / next is it from here? 4 How / far / be / your house from here?
B: Its about five minutes on fin foot.
T O T A L : ____ / 1 0
5 Can / ski / well?

T Q T L : _____ M O

LINKS Interculture/CLIL pp 26-27; Exam listening p13; Speaking Bank p45

Grammar some /any; countable and uncountable nouns; comparatives; superlatives
Functions describing people; making comparisons
Vocabulary physical appearance; food and drink; parts of the body

Vocabulary physical appearance

1 38 M atch the w ords w ith th e pictures. Then listen and check.

Face Types of hair

. hair
j nose
___ long
J short
. ,i mouth
w curly
j straight

__j beard


jd a rk


tall short slim w e ll-b u ilt ^ p lu m p .jth ir

2 PAIRWORK Take it in tu rn s to describe you and yo ur p a rtn e r.

Im tall I slim, etc.
Ive got blue eyes / curly hair / a moustache, etc
m, I wear glasses / a necklace, etc.
Unit 11 U n it o b je c tiv e s
Grammar some / any; countable and uncountable
Food and drink Functions talking about quantity
Vocabulary food and drink

Warm up
1 t PAIRWORK A sk and
a n s w e r the questions.
Do you like...
ice cream?
f t Yes, I do. / No. I dont.
What about you?

Comprehension Talking about quantity

2 H I Listen and read A new life. Find th e exam p le sentences below in A new life. Then
Circle th e things th a t H a rry co m plete th e sentences.
has got. U n d e rlin e the things
some /a n y
he needs.
Use some in positive sentences.
sausages burgers
I've got____ bananas. Theres ______ orange juice.
Use any in questions and negative sentences.
chips bananas
apples fizzy w a te r
Are there_____ veggie burgers? Is there______ rice?
orange juice rice
There aren't_____ apples. There isn't______ fizzy water.
veggie burgers
@ Get the g r a m m a r p?7
Read A new life again and
a n s w e r th e questions.
5 C om plete the sentences w ith some o r any.
Who asks for this food or drink?
fruit 1 Are you thirsty? Weve got some apple juice.
veggie burgers 2 Are there______ chips with this meal?
rice 3 Im sorry, there isnt ______ cold water.
fruit juice 4 There are______ sausages in the fridge. Lets have them for dinner.
fizzy water 5 The cafe hasnt go t__ . hot food today.
6 Excuse me, is there__ _ meat on this pizza?
What does Sophie want to make? 7 Have we g o t______ milk? I want to make a milk shake.
8 There are bananas on the table. Take one!

h a rry It's a lovely day! Let's h a rry Fruit? At a barbecue! h a rry Yes, th e re is.
have a barbecue. I've got W ell... I've got s o m e bananas. s o p h ie Then let's m ake a
so m e sausa ges and som e jo s hHow m a n y bananas are rice salad.
beef b u rg e rs and s o m e there? r u b y W hat abo ut d rin k s ? Is
frozen chips... there any f r u it juice?
h a rry Tw o . B u t th e re a re n 't any
jo s hThat is n 't very healthy, jo s h There's so m e orange
Harry. juice. But it s a bit old. And
ru b y I d o n 't eat m eat. Are th e re
th e re isn 't any fizzy water.
h a rry Com e on, guys! any veggie b u rgers?
r u b y OK, Josh. Let's go to
C h ill out! I alw ays have
h a rry No, th e re aren't. But we the s u p e rm a r k e t. We need
b u rg e rs and chips at m y
can buy som e. a lot of thing s!
b arbecu es!
SOPHIE I've got an idea! Is there
jo s h Have you got any fru it?
any rice?

h a rry OK, the barbecue

is ready!
r u b y Can I have a veggie
burger, please?
h a r r y Of course you can
jo s h Hey, H a rry th is is a
great barbecu e!
Vocabulary food and drink
6a M atch th e w o rds w ith
th e pictures. Then listen
and check.
j orange rice
potato orange juice
cheese tea
pasta lemon
pear sugar
carrot .. j tomato
chicken . : eggs
, ,j salmon O cucum ber
w a te r J coffee
. ...j onion beef
grapes j prawns
bread I m ushroom s
J m ilk butter

6b O rganise th e food into the groups below . Then add o th e r food and d rin k to th e lists.

meat, fish, dairy vegetables fruit carbohydrates drinks

chicken potato pear bread w a te r

7 Read th e ru les. Then divide the food and d rin k in exercise 6a into countable and
uncountable. W rite th e p lu ra ls fo r th e countable w ords.

Countable and uncountable nouns

Most nouns have a plu ra l form . You can count these things (countable).
a book ~+ three books an orange

+six oranges
Some nouns have only a sin g u la r form . You dont usually count these things [uncountable],
w a te r food paper


C ^ ^p o tato/p otato es

8 t p a ir w o r k Take it in tu rn s to m ake s ta tem e n ts about yo ur classroom . M ake su re that

th ey are tru e !
There are some posters in this room.
f t True. There isnt any water.
That isnt true. Theres some water in my bag!
T Getthe g r a m m a r
some / any 2 Study the rules and circle the correct words.
1 Study the table and complete the dialogues 1 My homework take / takes me about an hour.
with some or any. 2 There is / are a lot of information on the Internet.
3 This food is t are delicious.
4 Can I have some chip / chips, please?
There is some water.
There are some boxes.
5 Music is / are nice when Im relaxing.
6 The teacher is / are in the classroom.
7 There isn t / arent any money.
There isnt any paper in the printer. 8 Your hair looks / hairs look nice today.
There aren't any messages on my mobile.
Questions How much ? / How many?
Is there any homework tonight?
any Use How much ...?and How many...? to ask about
Are there any pictures in this book?
1 A Have you got1 ony milk? Use How much? with uncountable nouns.

B Yes, I think theres 2______in the fridge. Question Answer

2 A Ive got3______information for the lesson None.
tomorrow. Countable
How many
Not many.
B Good, because I cant find4______. nouns
are there?
Quite a lot.
3 A Shall we go shopping and buy5______clothes? A lot.

B Id love to, but I havent got6______money. How much

4 A Weve got7______fish for dinner. nouns
m ilk have we
Not much.
Quite a lot.
B Great, but have we got8______potatoes to got?
A lot.
make chips?
3 Study the rules and the table. Then complete
Countable and uncountable nouns the sentences with How much or How many.

Most nouns are countable and we use a / a n or a

1 flow many students are there in your class?
number with them. 2 cheese do you put on a pizza?
a computer, two desks 3 ______ money have you got?
an apple, three umbrellas 4 cups of coffee do you drink a day?
Use a singular verb with singular countable nouns. 5 juice is in the fridge?
There is a com puter on the table. 6 televisions are there in your
Use a plural verb with plural countable nouns. house?
There are three computers in my office.
U t PAIRW0RK Ask and answ er questions.
Some nouns are uncountable. We don't use a or an
Answer with None, Not m uch/m any, Quite a lot
with them, but we often use so m e / a l o t / a little,
or A lot.
etc. Here are some common uncountable nouns in
English. 1 I low much 1many fruit do you eat in a week?
food m usic inform ation money How much fruit do you eat in a week?
furniture w ork news paper Quite a lot.
traffic rain hair hom ework 2 How much / many exercise do you do a week?
Uncountable nouns are singular and we always use 3 How much / many hours do you sleep a night?
a singular verb.
4 How much / many text messages do you send a
This inform ation is interesting.
5 How much / many music do you download a
Some m usic is too noisy fo r me.
That furniture is very old.
^ W orkbook pp 192-197; CD-ROM
Real skills
Stnl E u

Speaking and reading

1 P A IR W O R K Discuss the questions.
Do you like eating out?
What kind of food do you eat at home?
What kind of food do you eat at restaurants?
Do you have a favourite caf or restaurant?
Do you like to try unusual or different food?
2a S kim the a rtic le and m atch the res ta u ra n ts w ith
th e descriptions.
1 When you eat here, you can enjoy some great music.
2 In this place you cant see your food.
3 You always wear warm clothes when you eat in this
2b Read the a rtic le again and an s w e r the questions.
1 Where is Chillout? Every week we look
2 Is all the food at Chillout cold? How do you know? at three unusual
3 What happens to your sense of taste when you cant see? restaurants from
4 What is unusual about the waiters at Dans le Noir??
5 What type of food can you eat at Ellens Stardust Diner? around the world.
W hats on the menu
/u:/ today - a very cold
3 ^ Listen and rep eat. experience in Dubai,
/ a u / over coat know meatloaf a meal in the dark in
lu:l cool shoe improve food London, or a singing
waiter in New York?
4a ^ Listen to th e conversation. W hat does the
m an o rd er? W h at does the w om an order?

4b Can you re m e m b e r who says these things? Speaking and writing

W rite M (m an), W (w om an) or W A (w a ite r).
5a GROUPWORK Plan a them ed
1 Are you hungry? re s ta u ra n t. Decide on th e th e m e,
2 It all looks delicious. the nam e, th e food, th e dcor and
3 No, not for me. the m usic.
4 Are you ready to order?
5 No! No! Sorry!
6 No problem, madam.
4c Listen again and check yo u r an sw ers to
exercise 4b.
_ -T j

W i
A -__* M

ans le Noir? s
Chillout A t D a n s le N o ir R e s ta u r a n t
in L o n d o n , d in e rs e a t in to ta l
D u b a i is a v e r y h o t city. d a rk n e s s . T h e y c a n t s e e th e ir E llen s S t a r d u s t D in e r is a
B e tw e e n J u n e a n d fo o d , t h e y c a n t s e e th e ir 1 9 5 0 s - t h e m e d A m e ric a n
S e p te m b e r , t h e t e m p e r a t u r e f a b le a n d th e y c a n t s e e th e d in e r in N e w Y o rk C ity. Y o u
is u s u a lly 4 0 C . B u t y o u can o th e r p e o p le in t h e r e s ta u r a n t. c a n w a tc h 1 9 5 0 s T V s h o w s
v is it a v e r y cool r e s t a u r a n t in T h ey s ay your s e n s e o f ta s te h e re a n d e n jo y tr a d itio n a l
t h e c e n tr e o f D u b a i. A t im p r o v e s if y o u c a n t s e e . B u t A m e ric a n fo o d lik e b u r g e rs ,
C h illo u t, t h e t e m p e r a t u r e is w h y d o n 't t h e w a ite r s h a v e a h o td o g s o r m e a tlo a f. B u t th e
n e v e r a b o v e -BC. T h e p ro b le m ? A ll th e w a it e r s a re m a in e n t e r t a in m e n t is t h e
f u r n itu r e , w a lls a n d flo o r a re b lin d , s o t h e d a r k n e s s d o e s n t liv e s in g in g fr o m th e w a it e r s
a ll m a d e o f ice - e v e n t h e a f f e c t th e m . a n d w a itr e s s e s . T h e y p e rfo r m
g la s s f o r y o u r d rin k s is ice!
cla s s ic E lvis a n d B r o a d w a y
T h e r e s t a u r a n t p ro v id e s a
s o n g s w h ile y o u e a t y o u r fo o d .
w a r m c o a t, h a t a n d s h o e s fo r
t h e c u s to m e rs .
*===*> WE SUGGEST YOU TRY a ty p ic a l A m e ric a n m e a l
W E SUGGEST YOU TRY th e C h e fs s u rp ris e '. W h a t - h o td o g a n d fr ie s , w ith a
a w a rm in g h o t c h o c o la te ! is if? N o -o n e k n o w s ! c h o c o la te m ilk s h a k e .

THEME Q Whats the theme? f t I think Planets is a good idea, fila g r e e .

n am e f t And what can we call it? How about Quark? f t Thats an excellent idea.
FOOD ^ 147m/ food does it serve? f t Planet pizzas?
e t Cool. Mars pizza, with tomatoes and chilli, f t And Saturn pizza with onion rings.
BC0M So whats the dcor like? f t I know! Photos of planets.
f t Yeah! With tables in the shape of moons.

MUSIC What about music? e t now about ambient music? f t Or songs with a space theme?
5b W rite an ad vert fo r yo u r res ta u ra n t.
U n it o b je c tiv e s
Grammar comparatives; superlatives
Functions describing people; making comparisons;
ordering food
Vocabulary parts of the body

Describing people Home About Profite C h atroom

la ^ L i s t e n to the tw o descriptions and tick My best friend -

/[ t h e people. sim ilar or different?
Are you similar to your best friend? Or are
you different?
Send us your comments and let us know!

M atthew 20.00
My best friend Dylan is a great guy. We have
a lot of laughs. But it's strange because we're
really different! Dylan's got brown hair and I've
got fair hair. He's got a moustache and a beard,
too. His eyes are brown and my eyes are blue.
Dylan is slim but I'm well-built. What other
differences are there? Well, my hair is shorter
than Dylan's.
And my hair is
curlier than his.
Dylan is taller
than me. He's
thinner than me,

My best friend Valentina and I are really similar!
We are both tall and we've both got black hair.
We've both got green eyes. We also like the
same things: music, dancing and films. So how
are we different? Well, Valentina's hair is longer.
And she loves clothes. She always wears more
expensive clothes than me. Valentina is funnier
than me. But I'm more musical than Valentina.
1b t PAIRWORK Choose one of th e people And I don't
above and describe him o r her. Your wear glasses!
p a rtn e r says th e nam e.

2a Choose a photo of a person in this book

and w rite a sh ort description of him or her.

2b PAIRWORK Sw ap yo ur description w ith

yo ur p a rtn e r. Read the description and say
w ho th e person is.
nit 12 O'
Comprehension Vocabulary parts of the body
3a Quickly read th e texts on page 100 and 5 ijp) Match the w ords w ith the parts of the

look at th e pictures. W ho are M atthew , body. Then listen and check.
C lara, Dylan and V alentina?

3b Read th e te x t again and circle T (tru e ) o r F

1 Dylan has got fair hair. T / F
2 Matthew hasnt got a beard. T / F
3 Matthew is slim. T / F
4 Valentina and Clara have got black hair. T / F
5 Clara has got brown eyes. T / F
6 Valentina doesnt wear glasses. T / F
3c Read the te x t again and com plete the
sentences w ith th e nam es.
1 Pylon _has got longer hair than Matthew ,
2 . is funnier th an _______ .
3 . has got straighter hair th an ______
4 . is more musical th an _______ .
5 . is shorter th an _______ . hand stomach
6 . wears more expensive clothes than arm J | finger
leg foot/feet
Making comparisons j back knee
4 Look at th e ru le s and com plete the
J tail toe
exam p les. elbow head
C om paratives neck
Use than in a comparative sentence.
Matthew is shorter than Dylan.
One-syllable adjectives
Add - e r t o the adjective.
tall taller
Tw o-syllab le adjectives ending in -y.
8 Change -y to and add -er.
funny funnier
Most adjectives of two syllables, and all
of three o r more.
Add more in front of the adjective.
expensive more expensive
Get the g ra m m a r pi03

6a PAIRWORK W hat do you think? W rite th e num bers in th e gaps.

50 50,000
1 The blue whale weighs between _ and 4 Its legs are_____m long.
tonnes. 5 Its tongue is_____ cm long.
2 You can hear a blue whale_____ km away. 6 Venomous snakes kill between_____ and.
3 A giraffes neck is_____ m long. people every year.
6b Read th e a rtic le and check yo u r ideas.

T here are world records at the Olympic longest neck - about 2 metres long. And its
Games. But what are the world records got the longest legs - about 1.8 metres long.
in the animal kingdom? Drinking is difficult, but eating from the
The largest and heaviest animal on top of trees is easy! Its also got the longest
earth is the blue whale. It weighs between tail of any mammal. And its tongue is
110 and 120 tonnes. Its heart is the size of 50 cm long!
a Mini Cooper. Its got the biggest mouth The most dangerous animal in the world
in the world as well. About 100 people isnt a rhinoceros or a bear. Its an insect!
can fit inside it. But it doesnt eat people! The mosquitoes that carry malaria kill
In fact, the biggest thing it can eat is the over 1 million people a year. After that, the
size of an apple. And thats not all. The most dangerous animal is the venomous
blue whale is also the loudest animal in snake. They kill 50,000 to 125,000 people a
the world. Its song is louder than a jet year. And the most poisonous sea animal is
engine - you can hear it 800 km away! probably the box jellyfish. It is sometimes
The giraffe is smaller than the blue called the box of death because just a
whale but it is also a record breaker. Its touch can kill you. And theyre very hard
the tallest living land mammal. Its got the to see!

7 Read the rules and com plete the sentences.

S u p erlatives 1 The loudest animal is

Use the in a superlative sentence. the blue whale____
The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. 2 The heaviest animal is
O ne-syllable adjectives.
Add -est to the adjective. 3 The most poisonous sea animal is
dark darker the darkest
4 The tallest animal is
Most adjectives of two syllables, and a ll of thre e o r more.
Add [the] most in front of the adjective. 5 The most dangerous animal is
expensive m ore expensive the most expensive

Getthe grammar
C om paratives S uperlatives
For adjectives with one syllable, add -erto the Learn superlatives and comparatives together.
adjective. fast - faster - fastest
old - older For adjectives with one syllable, add -est to the
For adjectives with two syllables and ending in -y, adjective.
change -y to -/ and add -er. cold - colder - the coldest
p retty - p re ttie r For adjectives with two syllables and ending in -y,
For most adjectives with two or more syllables, change -y to -/' and add -est.
add more in front of the adjective. busy - busier - the busiest
dangerous - more dangerous For most adjectives with two or more syllables, add
Some adjectives are irregular. most in front of the adjective.
good - b e tte r bad - worse attractive - more attractive - the most attractive
fa r - fu rth e r/fa rth e r Some adjectives are irregular.
For one-syllable adjectives that end in a single good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst
vowel + a single consonant (except fo rr, w o rx ], far - further/ farther - the farthest/furthest
double the consonant and add -er. For one-syllable adjectives that end in a vowel and a
big - b ig g er hot - h o tte r w
consonant [except forr, orx], double the consonant
For short adjectives that end in -e, just add -r. and add -est.
wide - w ider strange - stra ng e r sad - sadder - the saddest fat - fatter - the fattest
Use than in a comparative sentence. For short adjectives that end in -e, just add -st.
Bicycles are slow er than m otorbikes. cute - cuter - the cutest
brave - braver - the bravest
Read the rules and w rite the comparative Always use the in a superlative sentence.
form s of the adjectives. Whales are the biggest animals in the world.
small smaller
important _______________
3a Complete the questions w ith the correct
bad _______________ superlative form s.
hard _______________ 1 Who is the tallest (tall) person in the class?
happy _______________ 2 Whats ________ _ (dangerous) animal in
sad _______________ your country?
beautiful _______________ Whats ______ _ (bad) programme on TV?
new _______________ Whats _____ _ (old) building in your
good _______________ city?
friendly _______________ Who is______ _ (popular) singer in your
interesting ______________ country?
difficult _______________ Whats ______ . (far) you can throw a bail?
far _______________ 7 Where is __(cold) place on Earth?
8 Which is __(busy) city in the
Com plete the sentences w ith the
comparative of the adjective in brackets. world?
This car is slower than my old one. (slow) 3b PAIRWORK Ask and answ er the questions in
Your homework is__________than mine, (bad) exercise 3a.
A motorbike is. _____than a car. (dangerous)
My dads _____ than my mum. (old) Workbook pp 198-202; CD-ROM
English is____ _ than other lessons, (good)
Surfing the Internet is. ______ than watching
TV. (interesting)

Real skills
9 i P i l 9 F t 5 1 1 ML
W% ! \ C A

1 Which is th e biggest hot d e s e rt in th e 5 5om e anim als are noisy. Which is th e

w orld? noisiest anim al in th e w orld on land?
a The Kalahari Desert a elephant b howler monkey c lion
b The Gobi Desert
B Which is th e m ost dangerous anim al in
c The Sahara Desert
th e w orld?
2 Do you like rain? Well, w h e re is th e a m osquito b tarantula c snake
w e tte s t place in th e w orld?
a Brazil b India c Ireland

3 Which is th e coldest planet in th e solar 7 Which is th e m ost expensive film ever?

system ? a E.T.
a Neptune b Saturn c Uranus b King Kong
c Pirates o f the Caribbean: A t W orlds End
4 Which is th e sm allest planet in th e solar
system ? B Which is th e m ost successful film ever?
a Mercury b Mars c Venus a Titanic b A vatar c S hrek 2

Reading Writing and speaking
1a Read th e quiz quickly and w rite the 4a t G R O U PW O R K Ask and a n sw e r
headings. questions about yo ur opinions.
Space Film s G eography A n im als

1 b P A IR W O R K Do the quiz w ith y o u r p a rtn e r

and circle th e an sw ers.

2a ii> Listen to M a rk and Anna doing th e quiz
and w rite th e ir an sw ers in th e tab le below .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
answers b
good m onth of the year
answers c
interesting program m e on TV
answers beautiful building in the world

2b 46 Listen to th e rest of th e conversation dangerous sport

and note th e co rrect an sw ers in th e tab le.
scary anim aU n the w orld
W ho has got the highest score - M ark,
Anna o r you? funny actor

| P ff^ M lin ld n fo ln ) S E N TE N C E STR ESS big room in the school

3a # Listen and rep eat.
bad day of the week
1 Hes the tallest man in the world.
2 Its the coldest planet in the solar system. exciting film
3 The whale shark is the biggest fish in the world. old person you know
4 The Atacama Desert is the driest desert in the
world. Whats the best month of the year?
J[||> I think its August. I love the summer,
3b N ow u n d e rlin e th e stressed w o rds in
these sentences. m . I agree. August is the best month.
1 Its the most expensive TV in the shop. I don / agree. I think the best month is
March. My birthdays in March!
2 The Nile is the longest river in the world.
3 Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the 4b W rite sentences about yo u r opinions.
world. In my opinion, the month of the year is
4 Alex is the most intelligent student in the December.
school. The most interesting programme on TV is the
3c fi> Listen and check.
'*i**, V' '"'"M. .aw'*?

Can I have a Four Seasons pizza, please?
Are you ready to order? I'd like atiramisu, please. Pizzas
What would you like? A Tuna pizza, please. 1 ] Margherita tomato, cheese. 5.95
Anything else Can I have the bill, please?
Would you like a dessert. iT I Napoli tomato, cheese, anchovies.
LINKS p p U - 1 5 3] Vegetarian tomato, cheese, olives,
peppers. 6.45
0 Tuna onion, sweetcorn, tuna. 6.45
Vocabulary pizza toppings Milano tomato, cheese, olives,
Italian salami. 6.95
ITI Americana tomato, cheese, spicy
1a Find th e in g red ien ts in th e pizzas.
sausage, onion. 6.95
anchovies salami STI Ham tomato, cheese, ham,
olives tuna mushrooms. 6.95

peppers ham [iTI Four Seasons tomato, cheese,

sweetcorn onion Italian salami, anchovies,
mushrooms, olives. 7.95
1b Read th e m enu and m atch th e pictures Drinks
w ith th e pizzas. Soft drinks 2
Mineral water 1.50
Coffee 2.45
Tea 1.95
Hot chocolate 2.50
Milkshake 2.95
Ice cream 3.75
Tiramisu 4.25
Cheesecake 4.75

l a n g u a g e n o t e Tomatoes are
u su ally countable. But in this
menu tom ato is uncountable.
2a ^ Listen and tic k th e things Josh and his 4a G R O U PW O R K One stu dent is th e s e rver, the
o th e r students are custom ers.
frie n d s o rd e r on th e m enu.
CUSTOMERS - choose what you want to eat and
2b Read and com plete the dialogue w ith drink from the menu.
th e w o rds below . Listen and check. Then SERVER - check you know all the questions to
practise the dialogue.
ask the customers.
eat I w hat I Like I me I ready I would I too I can
server Are y o u 1 ready to order? 4b Act out new dialogues. Use expressions
harry I t h i n k so.
E rm , yes. fro m the File.
server 2________ would you like? I Are you ready to order?
harry Can I have a Four Seasons pizza, please? Yes, thanks.
ruby Id 3_______ a Vegetarian pizza, please. Q What would you like?
server And what would you like? Can I have a Margherita pizza, please?
s o p h ieErm... I cant 4_______ tomatoes.
server There isnt any tomato salsa on the Tuna 5 Read Get into Culture and do th e task.
s o p h ieOK. A Tuna pizza fo r5_______ , please.
jo sh And Id like an Americana pizza, please. Eating out is v ery p o p u la r in the UK. Favourites
ruby An Americana pizza? Oh, Josh! fo r young people are Italian pizzerias and
jo sh Hey, I like spicy sausage! fast food re sta u ra n ts . The m o s t p o p u la r food
server W hat6_______ you like to drink? is C hinese and Indian. The re are also lots of
7_______ I have an orange juice, please.
Mexican and Thai re s ta u ra n ts . In m o s t to w n s
you can find big chains such as Pizza Express or
ruby A banana milkshake for me, please. N ando's, but th e re are s m a ll local re s ta u ra n ts
s o p h ieM e8_______ . too. People often o rd e r ta k e -a w a y food such as
jo sh And Id like a cola, please. pizzas and c u rrie s - they eat th e m at hom e w ith
server OK. Thanks very much. t h e ir fa m ily and friends.

3 Listen and note on th e m enu who What are the most popular types of
o rd ers w hich desserts. restaurants in your country? Which ones do
you like?
a j
1 Choose the correct option. 2 Choose the correct words.
1 How much / How many pens are 1 Julie is the tennis player in our club.
in your bag? a) better b) good c) well d) best
2 How much / How many 2 Mv father is mv brother.
information do you need? a) short b) shorter c) shorter than d) the shortest
3 How much / How many bread 3 Is there sugar in the bowl?
have we got? a) a b) some c) any d) many
4 How much / How many people 4 A: How many biscuits have we got?
are you inviting to your party? B:
5 How much / How many juice is a) A lot. b) Not much. c) Lot. d) Any.
in the fridge? 5 This is the iacket in the shoo!
a) more expensive b) expensive
c) most expensive d) expensivest T OT A L : .. . /


3 Find the food words. k Complete the description.
1 gsuaesa My brother is t 1and w 1 -b _ t. Hes got
2 1o n m a s s r , b c hair and blue eyes. He usually
3 omrmuosh wears g s
4 waprn TOTAL:

5 n ooin
5 Complete the dialogue with the phrases. 6 W rite five sentences to
dessert I thanks I would I Can I order I to drink I like I so I for I I'd compare two friends.
W rite about:
server Are you ready to 1__________?

jo n : Yes, I think2__________.
server : What3__________you like?
jo n : Id like a Milano pizza, please.
grace : I dont like pizza.4__________I have the pasta with tomato
hair colour
sauce? hair style
T O T A L : ........./ 1 0
server : OK, and what would you like5__________?

jo n : A chocolate milkshake 6__________me, please.

grace : Id 7__________a cola, please.

server : Would you like a 8__________?

grace : Oh, no 9_________.

jo n : 10__________like the cheesecake, please.

T O T A L : ____ /10

T O T A L : _____ M O

L IN K S In te r c u ltu r e /C L IL pp 2 8 -2 9 ; E x am lis te n in g p 1 5; S p e a k in g B a n k p46


Best places to go
T h e U n it e d S t a t e s is a n in c r e d ib le c o u n t r y . E a c h s t a t e is d i f f e r e n t a n d
t h e r e a r e s o m a n y p la c e s t o v is it . H e r e is a lis t o f 6 o f t h e b e s t!

New York City See the Statue of Liberty Orlando, Florida Want som e fun? Come
and the Em pire State Building. V isit its to Magic Kingdom - the m ost visited
300 m useum s and g a llerie s and eat in them e p a rk in the w o rld ! Or if you p re fe r
in cre d ib le re sta u ra n ts. Go shopping at the movies, v isit U niversal Studios. Sea
M acy's o r to th e th e a tre on Broadway. W orld is a must-see, too.

Grand Canyon, Arizona Its got th e m ost San Diego, California San Diegos got
awesom e views in th e w o rld ! You can blue skies and 112 kilo m e tre s of amazing
w alk, hike and do adventurous activities. beaches. You can sw im , dive, s u rf or
Or take it easy and drive round Arizona in sunbathe. You can also eat delicious
a m otorhom e ! Mexican food.

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Washington DC V isit the W hite House

Enjoy its in cre dib le forests, m ountains, and the U. S. Capitol, the hom e of the
lakes and rivers. Go hiking, cam ping, governm ent. And th e S m ithsonian
cycling, fis h in g o r rid in g . See w ild In stitu tio n is th e biggest m useum
anim als like bears and wolves! com plex in the w o rld w ith 19 m useum s!

1 Read about th e USA and 2a Tick J7| th e activities you lik e doing on holiday.
choose a trip fo r these
f " f sunbathing [~ | staying in a caravan
sightseeing J~| going to m useum s and galleries
1 Teresa wants a beach holiday.
2 Adam likes driving and seeing O hiking Q shopping

wonderful scenery. ]~~t bus or car trips P | eating in restaurants

3 Lisa likes the countryside and j~~[ camping 1 reading by the sw im m ing pool
exciting activities. ]~"f staying in a luxury hotel f ~ j being in a city
4 Jade loves history and politics. J~] sw im m ing ]~"t visiting them e parks
5 Leon loves big cities, musicals j surfing ]~"j going to the theatre
and shows.
6 Jos likes scary rides and 2b t p a ir w o r k T e ll yo u r p a rtn e r yo u r fav o u rite holiday
exciting theme parks. activities.

2c Choose a holiday fro m exercise 1 fo r yo u r p a rtn er.

G ra m m a r past simple verb be all forms
Functions talking about the past
Vocab ulary transport; weather, seasons

How are you guys? Im a bit depressed. You know I love a

band called The Lazy Boys? Well, I was excited because on
Saturday there was a concert in London. The Lazy Boys were
the main band and the ticket wasnt expensive. My dream
day! Unfortunately, it was a nightmare!

2.00 I w a s at th e bus stop. T here w as lots o f tra ffic . There

w e re c a rs , bikes, m o to rb ik e s , lo rrie s , p la ne s and a s k a te b o a rd !
But th e re w e re n t any buses to th e s ta tio n . So w h a t a b o u t a taxi?
T he re w e re n t any ta x is e ith e r! The s o lu tio n ? It w as a long, long
w a lk to th e s ta tio n .

K D f 2.45 A lo t o f p e o p le w e re a t th e s ta tio n . All th e tra in s to

London w e re late. In fa c t, th e y w e re ve ry late. And I w as w o rrie d .
Very w o rrie d !

K D j 4.45 F inally th e re w as an a n n o u n ce m e n t, T h e tr a in fo r
London is s ta n d in g a t P la tfo rm 3. The tr a in w a s very cro w d e d .

6.30 The tr a in w as also ve ry slow . But fin a lly I w as in

London. The c o n c e rt w as a t 7.00 and th e re w a s n t a lo t o f tim e .

K D f 7.00 R esult! I w as at th e c o n c e rt. And I w a s n t late. But,

guess w h a t? The s in g e r o f th e Lazy Boys w a s ill. So th e re w a s n t
a c o n c e rt a fte r all. W hat a d is a s te r!

So that was my Saturday. Tell me about yours. I hope it was

better than mine!

you guys ...a nightm are Result! Guess what?

1 si Read and listen to Jo shs blog and a n s w e r th e questions.
1 Where was Josh at two oclock? 4 Why was the train late arriving?
2 Where was he at a quarter to three? 5 Was Josh on time for the concert?
3 What platform was his train at? 6 What was the problem?
Vocabulary transport
2 5? M atch the w o rds w ith the pictures. Then listen and check.

J P[ane
. train

J bus

m otorbike

b ic y c le /b ik e


lorry / t r u c k

1 tram

; boat


3a W rite sentences about th e tra n s p o rt you use. 4 Read th e ru les and com plete the
I sometimes travel >y train when I go on holiday. sentences.
I often go by car to the nearest city. 1 Amy and Joe were j7| at the gym
I get a >us to college. yesterday.
I go to worfc >y bike.
2 I wasnt i l at home in time for the film.
3b PAIRWORK T e ll yo u r p a rtn e r yo u r sentences. 3 I __________ E l sorry about the news.
4 S he__________ J2l well at the weekend.
Talking about the past

Verb be past simple positive and negative

6 They a
We__________ j7] in the race.
______ late for the lesson today.
Use the past sim ple to ta lk about completed 5 T PAIRWORK Ask and a n s w e r questions.
events in the past.
ip | )Where were you...
Positive Negative seven oclock yesterday morning?
/ was excited. / w a s n 't late. ...a t eight oclock yesterday evening?
The s in g e r was ill. There w a sn 't a concert. ten o'clockyesterday evening?
The tra in s w ere late. There w e re n 't any taxis. ...on Saturday afternoon?
...on Sunday evening?
( iG e tth e g r a m m a r pi 13
6 fi? Read and co m plete the in te rv ie w w ith 8 Look at the ru les and w rite th e sh ort
th ese w o rds. Then listen and check. an sw ers fo r the questions.
holiday I girl I funny I book I ice cream I m um I Past sim ple verb be questions and
green I pop star I sw im m ing short answ ers
Were y o u r p a re n ts a t hom e la st n ig h t?
Were you a good child?

Short answers__________________________
Yes, they were. / No they w eren't.
No, I w asn't.

1 Was your mobile in your bag yesterday?

Yes, it was .
W hen you w e re young... 2 Were they on holiday last week?
No, they_______.
Q What was your favourite possession?
3 Was she in a hurry?
It was my BMX bike.
Yes, she_______ .
Q Who was your favourite1____________? 4 Were you at college yesterday?
It was Elton John. He was brilliant! No, I ______ .
Q What was your favourite food? 5 Were your friends at the party?
It was 2___________! Delicious. I still like it. Yes, they_____________ .
Q Were you good at sport? 9 f i l Listen and rep e a t th e dates.
Yes, I was. I was good at volleyball,3__________and
running. Word e x p a n d e r SAYING DATES
Q What was your favourite colour? 1960 nineteen sixty
It was yellow. I prefer4___________now! 1983 nineteen eighty-three
2010 twenty ten
Q Where was your fir s t5__________ ?
It was at the beach. I dont remember the place.
10a f i Listen and co m plete th e dates of
Q Were you a naughty child? b irth.
No, I wasnt. I was a good 6_________ ! Daniel 1 992
Q What was your favourite free-time activity? Heather (mum)
It was horse riding. Stuart (dad)
Q What was your favourite 7_____________? Ben (brother)
It was The Hobbit. Am y (sister)
Richard (grandfather)
Q Who was your best friend?
Her name was Martina. She was very8___________
Sue (grandmother)

We were always together.

10b t PAIRWORK C om pare yo u r an sw ers.
Q Who was your role model?
It was m y9__________. She was fantastic! When was Daniel born?
^ 1 He was born in nineteen ninety-two.
11 A sk and a n s w e r about yo u r date of
7 P A IR W O R K How good is yo u r m em ory? birth and those of yo u r fam ily and
Study th e in te rv ie w fo r tw o m inutes. Then frie n d s.
close yo u r books and try to w rite it down
to g e th er!

nit 13 V]
Past sim p le verb be positive and Past sim ple verb be questions and
negative short answ ers

We form the past simple of be with subject + was/ Questions Short answers
were. Was I ...? Yes, I was. / No, I w a snt.
I was tired yesterday. Were you ...? Yes, you were. / No, you weren't.
You were on holiday last week. he...? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn't.
We form the negative with subject + was/were not Was she...? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.
or the short forms w asn't/w eren't. it...? Yes, it was. / No, it w a snt.
I was not tired yesterday.
we ...? Yes, we were. / No, we weren't.
You w eren't on holiday last week.
Were you...? Yes, you were. / No, you weren't.
they...? Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.
Positive Negative Short form
I was I was (wasnt) 3a W rite questions.
you were you were (weren't) 1 you / at college yesterday
he he Were you at college yesterday?
she was she was
(wasn't) 2 Michael Jackson / English
it it
we we 3 your mum / born in 1966
you were you were (weren't)
they they 4 your lessons / easy last year
1 Study the rules and the tables and w rite was,
were, wasn't or werent.
5 your grandfather / a doctor
1 You weren't at college this morning. Are you 6 you and your friends / at the cinema last night
2 I _________on holiday last week, but now Im
home. 3b Answ er the questions in 3a.
3 The dogs_________in the garden all night! Were you at college yesterday?
4 It_________cold yesterday so we went for a swim. Yes, I was. /No, I wasnt.
5 Kyle_________out last night so hes tired today.
6 There_________a concert last night - its tonight! 4 Com plete the dialogue. W rite one word in
each gap.
7 We_________happy because the test was easy.
8 She_________well last week - she was ill. boy W hat1 were your favourite things when you
2_________a child?
2 Com plete w ith the past sim ple of be. g ir l I think they3_________my bike and my books.
1 I was in the mountains at Christmas and it b o y 4_________the bike a present from your

very cold! parents?

2 You_________at the party last night. Why not? g ir l No, i t 5_________. I t6_________ from my uncle.
I _________there until 12 - i t _________ great. b o y 7_________you a good kid?

3 The weather_________beautiful when we g ir l Yes 18_________... always! 19_________ bad at

_________at the beach. All the guys_________ all!
there and it_________fantastic!
4 We_________at the cinema last night, but the
film_________very good. W orkbook pp 204-209; CD-ROM
5 There_________a lot of people on the bus and
there_________any seats.
1 13
y i 7iYllJ Ah
Vocabulary weather, seasons
1 M atch the w ords w ith the pictures. Listen and


Hi g u y s ! ! !
Well, Im on holiday here in
Madrid... and its awesom e!
Im eating my breakfast in an
internet cafe - and Im w riting
to you! On Saturday it w as
w arm and sunny. Nick and I
were at the Prado M useum for
hours! On Sunday we w erent
very busy. We were at the
Botanical Gardens. It w as very
cool and very green! W here
w a rm
were you at the w eekend? Tell
me your news!

2a Q uickly read R osies blog and m atch the photos w ith the people.

k Read the blog again and co m plete th e tab le.

Saturday Sunday
Rosie and Nick They were at the Prado Museum. They were at the Botanical Gardens.



Elliot and Lisa


30 JUNE SOPHIA Glad y o u 're having a gre a t 30 JUNE Lisa and I w e r e n 't at h o m e at the
holiday. I w a s at a B jo r k c o n c e rt w e ekend - we w e re in S cotland
on Saturday. She w a s a m a z in g ! fo r m y s is te r's w e d d in g ! It w a s a
A nd th e re w e re lots of people lovely w a r m day. And th e pa rty in
th e re . B u t it w a s a cold and the evening w a s g reat! S unday
ra in y n ig h t and y e s te rd a y I w a s boring. It w a s a long jo u rn e y
w a s n 't very w e ll. In fact, I w a s in back hom e. We w e re in the car fo r
bed th e w h o le day. 8 hours!

30 JUNE LIAM The w e a t h e r w a s v e ry d iffe re n t 30 JUNE GRACIE On S a turday I w a s at H e a th ro w

h e re in D u b lin . In fact, it w a s rt. Yesterday I w a s in Hong
cold and foggy th e w h o le . And today I'm in Sydney,
w e e k e n d ! On S a tu rd a y I w a s A u s tra lia ! I'm visiting m y f rie n d s
at a fo o tb a ll m a tc h w it h m y fro m university. But you've got
m a te s . On S u nday I w a s at the th e best w eather, Rosie. It's the
s h o p s w ith Izzy. It w a s a ty p ic a l w in te r in A u s tra lia , and i t s w in d y
weekend! and c lo u d y here !

Listening Speaking
3 ^ Listen to a phone conversation betw een Rosie 5 t PAIRW ORK Discuss th e questions.
and h e r b ro th e r Jack. C ircle T (tru e ) o r F (false). Give reasons w h e re possible.
1 Jack was at a pop festival at the weekend. T / F life W h a ts y o u r favourite season?
2 It was warm and sunny. T / F C^j W h ats y o u r favourite m onth to go
3 Jack was with his friends. T / F on holiday?
4 There were lots of people. T / F
CT) W h a ts y o u r favourite day o f the
5 Jack is sad to be home again. T / F week?
W h a ts the worst day o f the week?
W h a ts y o u r favourite weather?
4a Listen to th e pronunciation of was. U n d erlin e
/ w d z / and and put a circle round / w a z / .
A QVa&Ht cold yesterday?
B Yes, it was. 6 K W rite a com m ent on R osies blog
1 A Was your brother on holiday last week? page about last w e eke n d . Include:
B Yes, he was. He was in Barcelona. w h e re you w e re on S aturday and
2 A Was Tom at the party last night? Sunday
B No, he wasnt. He was at his uncles house. who you w e re w ith
a description of the w e a th e r
4b 59 Listen again and rep eat.

Unit U I U n it o b je c tiv e s
Grammar p a s t s im p le all fo r m s

Rescue! Functions ta lk in g a b o u t th e past

Vocabulary techn o lo g y ; feelings

Vocabulary technology
1a M atch th e w ords w ith th e pictures. Then listen and check.

ELECTRONICS SORT b y : p r ic e p o p u l a r it y new in s t o c k

J p rin te r
XeoX36( <
] ] sat nav

J digital cam era

J games console

] ] headphones
m e m o ry stick

] ] c a m c o rd e r

L ] laptop

J keyboard 10 12


^sp e a ke rs

J mouse m at

1b PAIRW ORK T e ll your

p a rtn e r about your
technology. 3 Read the a rtic le and put th e events in order.
(^ 2 ) I ve g o t a d ig ital John saw a helicopter but it didnt see him.
cam era, an M P 3 player, 9 He flew back to Britain.
headphones, a gam es He had a beer and some food.
console a n d speakers.
He climbed a tree and phoned his wife.

W a rm up He heard animal noises.

T John went for a walk from his hotel.

2 PAIRW ORK Look at the He got lost in the jungle.

photo on page 117. The rescuers found him.
Guess w h at th e sto ry is Noelene called the hotel.
U Read th e a rtic le again and an s w e r th e questions.
1 How far is Britain from Malaysia?
2 Why was it safe for John to eat the wild plants?
3 How many police officers and helicopters looked for him?
4 What animal do you think he heard?

D a r li n g , I 'm l o s t in t h e j u n g l e
U K b io lo g is t J o h n G illa tt le ft h is h o te l in K u a la L u m p a , M a la y s ia , f o r a
s h o r t w a l k a n d g o t lo s t in th e j u n g le ! F or a da y his m o b ile p h o n e d id n 't
g e t a s ig n a l so he c lim b e d a t a l l tre e . T h e n he p h o n e d his w ife N o e le n e
9,600 k m a w a y in B r ita in b e c a u s e he d id n 't have th e p h o n e n u m b e r
o f th e h o te l. N o e le n e c o n ta c te d th e h o te l and th e p o lic e im m e d i a t e l y
s ta r te d a s e a rc h .
J o h n d i d n 't ta k e a m a p o r a c o m p a s s , a n d he o n ly had an a p p le , an
o ra n g e , a b o ttle o f w a t e r and th r e e b is c u its . He fin is h e d th e food on th e
f i r s t day. T h e n he d r a n k w a t e r f r o m a r iv e r a nd ate p la n ts . L u c k ily he
w a s a b io lo g is t so he d id n 't eat a n y d a n g e r o u s food. A t n ig h t he s le p t
on th e g ro u n d . It w a s c old so he tr ie d to lig h t a fire , b u t he c o u l d n t do
it. On th e th ir d n ig h t he h e a rd w ild a n im a ls , b u t lu c k ily he d i d n t k n o w
t h e r e w e r e le o p a rd s in th e ju n g le !
150 p o lic e o ffic e r s w it h d o g s and t h r e e h e lic o p te r s lo o k e d f o r J o h n .
On th e s e c o n d da y he s a w a h e lic o p t e r and s h o u te d , b u t it d i d n t see
h im . He s e n t te x t m e s s a g e s to th e re s c u e te a m , too. T h e y f o u n d h im 5
day s la t e r o n ly 10 k m f r o m t h e h o te l! B u t th e y c o u l d n 't r e s c u e h im w ith
t h e h e l i c o p t e r so he w a lk e d o u t of th e j u n g le w it h a g uide.
W h a t w a s th e f i r s t th in g J o h n did? He had a s h o w e r, s h a v e d and
b r u s h e d h is te e th . T h e n he had a beer, ate s o m e food and f l e w b a c k to
B r ita in to his w ife and fa m ily.

Talking about the past Look at the ru les, and find past sim p le fo rm s of these
verbs in th e a rtic le .
clim b *clim bed leave left
Past sim ple positive and negative >

U se th e p a s t s i m p le to t a l k a b o u t c lim b leave ph o n e c o n ta c t sta rt fin is h

a c tio n s an d s i t u a t i o n s t h a t a re
lo o k w a lk s have get have d rin k
f in is h e d in th e past.
s le e p try hear se n d fin d can
John sa w a h e lico p te r and shouted.
A d d -e d to r e g u l a r v e rb s to f o r m th e
po s itive . 6 C om plete these sentences fo r you.
He b ru sh e d his teeth. Yesterday ...
M a n y c o m m o n v e r b s a re irre g u la r. 1 I got up a t_________________ oclock.
eat - * ate fly - > fle w have -* had 2 I ate_________________ for breakfast.
To f o r m th e n e g a tiv e o f r e g u l a r and 3 I drank__ at lunchtime,
i r r e g u l a r v e rb s , us e did n ot [d id n 't]
4 I watched. on TV.
fo r a ll fo rm s .
He d id n 't have the phone num ber. 5 I phoned _
He d id n 't eat any dangerous food.
7a W rite fo u r things you did nt do yesterday. But m ake
<S Get the grammar p i 19
one sentence incorrect.
I didnt do my homework.

7b PAIRW ORK T e ll yo ur p a rtn e r yo ur sentences. Guess

th e incorrect sentence.

Vocabulary feelings
8 t P A IR W O R K Ask and an sw e r about yo ur feelin g s today. You can invent feelings.
! H o w are you today? f t I m a b it nervous. I ve got a piano exam this afternoon.

/ ^ 00 4 ), r ^

<r> " ? O 0
cT w
thirsty depressed hungry tired happy sad scared nervous angry excited

lu n c h ! W e pa cke d o u r
ru c k s a c k s q u ic k ly a nd s ta rte d
w a l k i n g a g a in . It s t a r t e d
s n o w in g , a n d w e w e r e lo s t, a n d
m y d a d d i d n 't h a v e t h e m a p . It
w a s s t i l l in t h e car.

r u b y D id y o u h a v e y o u r m o b i l e


j o s h Yes, w e d id . B u t w e d i d n 't

h a v e a s i g n a l . W e w e r e ti r e d
a n d v e r y c o ld ! T h e n m y d a d s a w
f r e s h a n i m a l p r i n t s in t h e s n o w .
A n d he w a s w o r r i e d . T h e y w e r e
b e a r 's p r i n t s . A v e r y b ig b e a r !
jo s h Hey, d id I t e l l y o u a b o u t a n d c o o k i n g s tu ff . W e w a l k e d
T h e n I h e a r d a n o t h e r n o is e .
m y h o lid a y la s t y e a r? f o r h o u r s . W e f e l t h u n g r y so
h arry Oh n o ! W a s it t h e b e a r ?
s o p h i e N o, y o u d i d n 't . W h e r e w e d e c i d e d to h a v e l u n c h . I
jo s h N o, it w a s m u s i c . A n d I s a w
d id y o u go ? c o l le c t e d w o o d f o r a f i r e a n d
s o m e li g h t s . W e w e r e n e a r a
dad m a d e lu n c h . T h e n w e
jo s h I w e n t to Y e ll o w s t o n e
h o t e l. F i n a l l y w e w e r e s a fe !
h e a r d a t e r r i b l e n o is e .
N a tio n a l P a rk w ith m y dad.
s o p h i e D id y o u s le e p in y o u r t e n t
h a r r y W h a t d id y o u h e a r ?
s o p h ie So w h a t h a p p e n e d ?
th a t n ig h t?
jo s h I t h i n k it a w a s a be a r. I
jo s h W e ll, w e w e n t la s t s p rin g .
jo s h N o, w e d i d n 't . W e s ta y e d in
w a s scared .
W e g o t t h e r e o n a c o ld , s u n n y
t h e h o t e l f o r t h e w e e k . It w a s
day. W e p a r k e d t h e car, a n d r u b y Oh d e a r ! W h a t d id y o u
b e tte r th a n c a m p in g !
t h e n w e w a l k e d in to t h e do?

fo re s t. W e c a rrie d o u r te n t j o s h W e ll, w e d i d n ' t h a v e H ey,... So w h a t h a p p e n e d ?

Oh d e a r!

9 ; il Listen and read A new Life.

Circle T (tru e ) o r F (false). Past simple questions and short answers
1 Josh went to Yellowstone Park with his father. U se Did + s u b je c t + ba s e f o r m of th e v e r b to a s k
q u e s tio n s in th e p a s t s im p le .
Did you have y o u r m obile phones ?
2 They went on a sunny summer day. T/F
U se d id /d id n 't in s h o r t a n s w e r s f o r a l l f o r m s .
3 They heard an animal noise. T/F
No, you d id n 't. Yes, we did.
4 They didnt have a map. T/F U se q u e s tio n w o r d s fir s t, as in p r e s e n t s im p le
5 They didnt have a mobile phone. T/F q u e s tio n s .
6 They slept in a tent. T/F W hat did you hear?

Getthe gram m ar

Unit 14 v j
P a s t s im p le 2 Circle the correct answers.
Positive l/y o u /h e / s h e / i t / w e / t h e y w a lk e d . 1 I went;/ did go to the shops yesterday.
Negative l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /th e y did not (d id n 't] w a lk . 2 Simon took / taked our photograph.
3 They leaved / left on Tuesday.
Questions Did l/yo u /h e /s h e / i t / w e / t h ey w a lk ?
4 We got / getted lost in the jungle.
Yes, l/yo u /h e /s h e / i t / w e / t h ey did.
Short answers 5 The cat climbed / climb a really tall tree!
No, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /th e y d id n 't.
6 I sleeped/ slept at my friends house.
7 She call i called me on my mobile.
A ll r e g u la r v e rb s have the s a m e fo rm in the past s im p le :
verb + -ed. 8 I see I saw her at the party.
I loved the film.
She talked on the phone. 3 Make the sentences in exercise 2
They opened the door.

For the s p e llin g rules, go to page 210 in the W orkbo ok,

I didn't go to the shops yesterday.
notice noticed
Li Match the verbs and th e ir past
study -* studied
form s.
stop -* stopped
1 eat f a flew
Ir r e g u la r v e rb s are a ll d iffe re n t in the past s im p le . You
2 see b bought
have to learn the past s im p le fo rm s .
3 buy c knew
run > ran come -+ came
4 hear d heard
sit -* sat w rite -* wrote
5 send e found
say -> said have had
6 go f ate
For negative sentences, use the a u x ilia ry v erb d id n 't + the
7 find g went
base f o r m of the verb.
8 flv h made
I didn't watch TV last night.
9 know i saw
NOT I didn't watched TV last night.
10 make
We often use past tim e expressions w ith the past sim ple .
j sent
on Monday last night/w eek/m onth
in October three days ago Study the table and ask and answer
yesterday the day before yesterday questions about last weekend. Use
a week ago in 1998 short answers.

D id you do a sport last weekend?

1 Read the rules and w rite the past sim ple form s of ) Yes, I did.
these verbs.
d o a s p o rt see y o u r f r ie n d s
1 walk waited
w a tc h a f ilm s w im
2 cry
3 drop read a b o o k go to a m u s e u m

4 hate lis te n to m u s ic s u r f th e w e b
5 brush ta k e a p h o to go f o r a w a l k
6 talk go s h o p p in g g e t up late
7 dry m a k e a cake
8 shop
9 like
10 wash Workbook pp 2 1 0 -2 U ; CD-ROM

Reading & listening
1 P A IR W O R K W h a t can you see in th e photos?
2 k IPs Listen to Dan and co m plete the in te rv ie w on page 121.

3 Read th e in te rv ie w again and co m plete th e notes about Dan.


IT Nickname : Dan
In E n g li s h q u e s t i o n s c a n e n d in a p r e p o s i t i o n .
Free-time activities: F in d o n e m o r e in t h e in t e r v i e w .
Favourite sports: W here a re yo u from?
Favourite music: Who a re yo u w a itin g for?
Favourite food: W hat w as the film about?
11 What is your m ost annoying habit?
T h a t s _______ . P la y in g t h e g u i t a r . W ell, t h a t s
Daniel Thorn from Liverpool agreed to w h a t m y p a r e n t s say.
answer our questions this week. 1 2 What do you spend m ost of your money on?
and he's eighteen today! D o w n l o a d i n g m u s i c . A n d m o d e l c a r s . T h e y 'r e

1 Have you go t a nickname? 1 3 Who is the last person you talked to?
Yes, i t s _____ . T h a t s s h o r t f o r D a n ie l. M y b e s t ________ , Toby.
2 W hats on the w alls in your bedroom ? 1 4 What did you have for breakfast this
H m m m .. . a t t h e m o m e n t p o s t e r s o f c l a s s i c m orning?
__________ . A n d m y f a v o u r i t e a c t o r - E m m a I h a d c e r e a l a n d __________ . I a l w a y s e a t t h e
W a ts o n ! s a m e c e r e a l e v e r y day. I love it.
3 Whats your favourite free-time activity? 1 5 What is the last film you saw and what did
W ell, I _______ a lo t o f v id e o g a m e s ! B u t in f a c t you think of it?
I lik e c o l l e c t i n g t h i n g s . I c o l l e c t m o d e l ____ . I s a w an o ld f i l m - Tommy. It w a s __________ .
4 What m usic do you listen to m ost? R o g e r D a lt r y w a s in it.
|ti r.i
H e a v y m e t a l . Its ! What do you w ant to do a s a job?
5 Do you play a m usical instrum ent? I w a n t t o b e a ___________ d e s i g n e r .

indie music c o n f i d e n t i a l
Yes, I do. I p la y t h e e l e c t r i c ________ 17 Where in the world do you want to visit?
a n d t h e d r u m s . A lo t! I r e a l l y w a n t t o v i s i t _______ a n d se e t h e
6 W hats your favourite sport? ra in fo re s t.
________ . I m a b r o w n b e lt. 1 8 What w as the last photo you took?
7 Whats your favourite pizza topping? U m . .. o h y e s .. . it w a s o f m y ________ , Z iggy.
C h e e s e , t o m a t o a n d ___________ .
8 Where or when are you m ost relaxed?
In m y b e d r o o m . L is t e n i n g t o v e r y l o u d ___
9 What are you w earing right now?
_______ a n d a T - s h i r t w i t h 'I V M e t a l on it.
IB Can you sp eak another language fluently?
No, I c a n t. B u t I m l e a r n i n g ________ a n d

I l^ reB M in eB g n _ Pf AST S IM P L E EN D IN G S Speaking

4a $> Listen to these th re e verbs.
5a A n s w er the questions in th e in te rvie w .
/id/ wanted /t/ walked /d/ climbed W rite notes of yo u r an sw ers.

5b PAIRWORK Ask and a n s w e r yo u r questions.

4b N ow look at these verbs. Put th e m into
th e co rrect colum n above.
w a it e d I c a r r ie d I s ta y e d I d e c id e d I
p a rk e d I fo llo w e d I re a c h e d I s t a r t e d I lo o k e d 6 W rite yo u r in te rv ie w as a m agazine a rtic le .
4c -64 Listen and check.

y conversations
Really? Im sorry. Can you repeat that, please?
Right. Thats terrible. What does ...mean?
That's interesting. Im sorry, I dont understand.
Thats right. / Thats true. HESITATING
I agree. / 1dont agree. um... I m ean...sort of
Oh, I see.
Me too!
LINKS pp 16-17
__________ ,_______ J

What are they talking about? 3 tG R O U P W O R K Hold a Chat M aratho n in

English. Raise m oney fo r yo u r favourite
1 a $ $ Listen to th e six conversations and charity.
n u m b e r the topics in the o rd e r you h e ar Use all the topics and expressions you have
th e m . T h ere are tw o topics you dont need. learnt here and in the rest of the course.

J a friend J a s u m m e r holiday Get your friends and family to sponsor your

a city a meal Chat Marathon by the minute.
Have a swear box. Decide on a small fine for
J a day trip film s
not speaking in English. Ask each person in
a house : sport the group to have a small collection of coins to
put in!
1 b 65 Listen again and tick th e expressions Use a timer so you know how long your chat
in th e File th a t you hear. lasts.
8 After the Chat Marathon, tell your sponsors
Making conversation how long you spoke for and collect the money!
Give a prize to the group that speaks for the
2a P A IR W O R K Look at the list on page 123. longest time.
For each topic area th in k of som e useful
w ords and expressions.
4 Read Get into Culture and a n s w e r the
2b P re p are tw o questions fo r each topic.
1 Where are you from? Whats your date of birth? RED NOSE DAY
m ssm
2 Have you got any brothers or sisters? Whats
E v e r y t w o y e a r s t h e r e is a s p e c i a l
your best friend like?
d a y in t h e U K . I t s c a lle d R ed N o s e
D a y a n d a lo t o f p e o p l e w e a r a
Word expander LIK E r e d n o s e ! P e o p le d o c ra z y , f u n n y
t h i n g s to r a i s e m o n e y . C o m e d i a n s
I lik e ch ocolate.
a n d c e l e b r i t i e s d o f u n n y t h i n g s a n d t h e r e is a
p h o n e - i n B B C T V p r o g r a m m e w i t h a n e v e n in g
M y frie n d lik e s e le ctr n ic a .
of c o m ic e n te r ta in m e n t and d o c u m e n ta r ie s .
Asking for descriptions You c a n p h o n e a s p e c i a l n u m b e r a n d giv e
'W h a t's y o u r b e s t frie n d lik e ? ' 'He s re a lly funny. ' m o n e y . In 2011 t h e y c o l le c t e d m o r e t h a n 1 0 2
'W h at's y o u r house lik e ? I t s q u ite s m a ll. There a re m i l l i o n f o r U K c h a r i t i e s in t h e U K a n d in A f r ic a .

th re e b e d ro o m s. ' W hat do people do to collect m oney for charity

in your country?

E -f t
r j

1 personal information

2 family and friends

m h h h

3 houses, rooms and furniture

4 free time and interests, likes and dislikes

9 - W -

5 shopping, possessions and gadgets

6 sport and outdoor activities

7 fashion and clothes

8 restaurants, cafs, food and drink

9 travel, holidays, countries and cities

! f
1 Complete w ith the past tense of be. 2 Choose the correct words.
1 I _______ (be) at my friends house last 1 A: _____you swim when you were six years old?
weekend. B: Yes, I could.
2 We________ (not/be) late for the a) Can b) Did c) Could d) Was
concert. 2 She didnt ___the answer to the question.
3 (be) you at school the day a) knew b) knowing c) knows d) know
before yesterday? 3 I ___supper for my family last night.
4 What_______ (be) your favourite a) made b) make c) did make d) makes
programme on TV yesterday? 4 What___you do yesterday?
5 Where_______ (be) your friends last a) do b) are c) did d) have
night? 5 A: Did you see Amy at the weekend?
B: Yes, I ____.
a) do b) did c) saw d) am
T O T A L : ____ / 1 0


3 Find the transport words and put them under the correct U W rite the words for feelings.
1 s c ____d ______________
tabo nepla tresoco cptelhireo cktur sphi
2 e _ c ____d ______________
w ater land air 3 n__v__s ______________
4 d_p__s__d ______________

T O T A L : _____/ 1 0


5 Circle the correct words. 6 Ask and answ er questions

p a ir w o r k
about yesterday.
A: I got / get my exam results last night.
B: Really? / T h a ts true. What time / get up / in the morning?
A: Yes. I got 90% in Maths and 85% in History. What / have / for breakfast?
B: Thats terrible. / B rillian t! Well done. How / get / to college/work?
A: But I only got 28% in Science. Where / eat / lunch?
B: Oh no! I m sorry / T hats interesting. But it was a What / do / in the evening?
difficult exam!
A: M e too! / 1 agree!
TO TA L.:_____/ I 0 T O T A L : _____ / 1 0

T O T A L : _____ M O

LINKS Interculture/CLIL pp 30-31; Exam listening p i7; Speaking Bank p47

Beginner M a rty n H o b b s an d J u lia S t a r r K e d d le
w it h Rob N ic h o la s

Welcome Module 4
The alphabet and spelling; Articles; Numbers;
Unit 7 168
Plural nouns; Telling the time; Dates; Colours;
GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency; once, twice,
The classroom; Personal information
three times-, VOCABULARY Sport; Jobs

Module 1 Unit 8 174

GRAMMAR Modal verb can-, Adverbs
Unit 1 132
VOCABULARY Sport verbs; Sports equipment
GRAMMAR Subject pronouns; Verb be\ positive,
negative, questions and short answers; Question Module i
words; VOCABULARY Countries; Nationalities;
Unit 9 180
GRAMMAR Present continuous: all forms; Adverbs;
Unit 2 138 v o c a b u l a r y Places; Clothes
GRAMMAR there is / there a re : positive, negative,
questions and short answers; this / th a t / these /
Unit 10 186
GRAMMAR Imperatives; Object pronouns;
those; Possessive adjectives
Prepositions of place
VOCABULARY Everyday things; Things on or
VOCABULARY Shops; Places in a town
around your desk; Places; Parts of the day

Module 2 Module 6

Unit3 14-4- Unit 11 192

GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns;
GRAMMAR have g o t positive, negative;
some / any; H o w m uch? / H o w m any?
Possessives; VOCABULARY Family; Pets
VOCABULARY Food and drink
Unit 4 150
GRAMMAR have g o t: questions and short answers;
Uinilt 12 198
GRAMMAR Comparatives and superlatives
Possessive pronouns; v o c a b u l a r y House and
VOCABULARY Physical description: types of hair,
rooms; Bedroom; Furniture; Large numbers
face, build, parts of the body; Pizza toppings
Module 3
Module 1
Units 156
Unit 13 204
GRAMMAR Present simple: positive, negative
GRAMMAR Past simple of be\ positive, negative,
VOCABULARY Everyday verbs; Academic subjects;
questions and short answers; v o c a b u la r y
Holiday activities; Transport; Weather and seasons
Unit 6 162
GRAMMAR Present simple: questions and short
Unit 14 210
GRAMMAR Past simple: positive, negative,
answers; Question words; Verb + -ing
questions and short answers; VOCABULARY
VOCABULARY Musical instruments; Interests and
Technology; Feelings
free-time activities; m ake and do; Money
Word list

Everyday words Numbers Days of the week Colours

apple l one Monday black
avocado 2 two Tuesday blue
bag 3 three Wednesday brown
banana 4 four Thursday green
book 5 five Friday orange
box 6 six Saturday pink
car 7 seven Sunday purple
child 8 eight red
ice cream 9 nine Months of the white
man 10 ten year yellow
orange 11 eleven January
pen 12 twelve February The classroom
pizza 13 thirteen March bin
phone 14 fourteen April board
sandwich 15 fifteen May bookcase
umbrella 16 sixteen June chair
watch 17 seventeen July computer
woman 18 eighteen August cupboard
19 nineteen September desk
20 twenty October door
21 twenty-one November poster
22 twenty-two December projector
23 twenty-three student
24 twenty-four table
25 twenty-five teacher
26 twenty-six window
27 twenty-seven
28 twenty-eight
29 twenty-nine
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 a hundred
The alphabet 6 C om plete the dialogue.
s p e ll How W h a t s n a m e 's
1 F ill in th e le tte rs of th e alp h ab et.
A 1 Whafs _ your nam e?
a b c e f h B My 2___________ Francesca.
A 3___________do y o u 4____________ you r nam e?
j k m 0 p r
B F-r-a-n-c-e-s-c-a.
s t v w X z 7 W rite a dialogue betw een you and a new
frie n d .
2 Cover exercise 1 and w rite th e alp h ab e t in
capitals. y o u Hello!_____________________________ ?
A A FRIEND H i!____________________________
YOU How_______________________________
A FRIEND ______________________________________
3 Circle a ll th e vow els in exercise 2.
Everyday words and spelling 8 M atch th e w ords w ith the pictures.
U Find and circle eight everyd ay w ords in the W rite a /an.
w o rdsearch .

g b a g e n g I a b s d

a r [ e s y a P h 0 n e

u r P i g w t r e s s
fp \
X m s c a i t t P 0 k
| e

w 0 u t e m P t s e P y

j 0 h t c h u r n e V b

k u m b r e 1 I a n d 0

I e a r e c w a t c h 0

t r a n a m e w u n y k

m s t a m s i n t r h 1

5 W rite th e w o rds fro m th e w o rd search in

exercise U in a lp h ab e tica l ord er.
b_____________________ 1 on apple
2 pizza
3 avocado
P- 4 sandwich
P- 5 banana
6 orange
7 ice cream
8 egg

Numbers Telling the time
1 W rite these n u m bers in w ords. U D raw the tim es on the clocks.
1 17 seventeen______________ 1 quarter to seven 2 five past two
2 80 _______________________ 3 half past twelve 4 five oclock
3 35 _________________________ 5 twenty to six 6 quarter past nine
4 54 _________________________
5 60 _________________________
6 12 _________________________
7 28 ______________________ _
8 100 ______________________
2 W rite the an sw ers in num bers.
1 thirteen +five =
J 8 _____________________________
2 eighty-one + two =

3 seven + four =

4 eleven + fifteen =
5 W rite the tim es.

5 six +ten =

3 W rite th e p lu rals.

S in gular P lu ra l

o ra n g e 1 oranqes
a p p le 2
woman 3
bag U
c la s s 5
pen 6
w a tch . 7
m an 8
book 9
s a n d w ic h 10
c h ild 11
box 12
Ordinal numbers Days of the week
1 W rite the o rd in al num bers. 4 C om plete the days of the w e e k .

r M
- U


- *
- u W

- r
_ L
- u F

* Hh
! 1

- 4
a) Runner number 1 is second______ .
b) Runner number 2 is_____________.
5 A n s w er th e questions.
c) Runner number 3 is_____ _______ .
1 Whats your favourite day of the week?
d) Runner number 4 is_____________.
e) Runner number 5 is_________ .
2 What day is it today?

Months of theyar
3 What day is it tomorrow?
2 C om plete the sentences w ith ord in al
n um bers and m onths of the year.
1 February is the second month.
2 The_______________ month is April.
3 June is the_______________ month.
6 Find and circle ten colours in th e grid.

4 August is the_______________ month. 0 r a n e b

5 The ninth month is______ _ ______ .
,.P i n b b r
6 _ _ _ _ _ is the eleventh month.
u b 0 r l a 0
7 The twelfth month is_______________ .
r I w h u y w
3 C om plete th e sentences.
P a g r e e n
15/1 Mv birthdav is on the fifteenth
L c g e r l P
21/7 My birthday is on the e k r d d [ u

of b r e w n 0 r
30/10 My birthday is on the w h i t e w P
3/5 My birthday is on the 7 A n s w er th e questions.
of 1 Whats your favourite colour?
2/9 My birthday is on the
of 2 What colour is your bag?
11/12 My birthday is on the
of 3 What colour is your phone?

The classroom
1 R e arran g e th e le tte rs to m ake classroom
1 keds desk______ 5 rabod ___________
2 achir____________ 6 lateb ___________
3 nib ____________ 7 retmocup ___________
4 rodo ____________ 8 pubocard ___________
R ead. / L o o k .
2 Circle th e co rrect sentences.
Personal information
3 C om plete th e dialogues. Use the
sentences in the boxes.
H o w do you s p e l l it W h a t s y o u r n a m e
W h a t 's y o u r s u r n a m e M y n a m e s C a rlo s
C lo s e y o u r b o o k . / O pen y o u r book.
1 ANNA Hello! My names Anna.
CARLOS 2________________________
CARLOS Its Romero.
ANNA 4________________
CARLOS R-o-m-e-r-o.
Sit d o w n . / S ta n d up.
Fine, th a n k s A n d you H o w a re you

2 M IRANDA Hello Paul!

PAUL Fine, thanks.2___
M IRANDA 3 __________

W h e n s y o u r b ir th d a y
:Read. / L is te n . th e t h ir d of M ay
W h a t s y o u r p h o n e n u m b e r

LAURA Its 0207 488 7391.
ALEX 2____________________?
LAURA ItS on 3__________
W r i t e . / Read.

I t s red and b lu e
W h a t c o lo u r is W h a t's y o u r fa v o u r ite

LUIS l_ . colour?
JO 2 red.
LUIS 3_ your bag?
jo Its 4

1 Unit 1 New friends

Grammar reference Verb be negative

Subject pronouns NEGATIVE

F u ll form S hort fo rm
Subject pronouns
I am not I m not
You a re n o t You a r e n t
H e / S h e /I t______________
W e /Y o u /T h e y | H e is not He i s n t
S he is n o t S he is n 't
Put the subject pronoun at the start of the
It is not It is n 't
W e a re n o t W e a r e n 't
I am 18.
He is from Spain. You a re n o t You a r e n t
We are students. T h e y a re not T h e y a r e n t

Verb be positive
Verb be questions and short answers
F u ll form S h ort fo rm
Am I ...?
I am I'm
A re yo u ...?
You a re Y o u 're
Is h e / s h e / i t ...?
He is H e's
A re w e / y o u / t h e y ...?
S h e is S h e s
It 5 I t s S hort answ ers
You are Yo u re Yes, I a m . No, I m not.
T h e y a re T h e y re Yes, you are. No, you a r e n t.
Yes, h e / s h e / i t is. N o, h e / s h e / i t i s n t.
For H e , She, We and They, we can write names. Yes, w e / y o u / t h e y are. No, w e / y o u / t h e y a re n 't.
Mark is m y friend.
Tina is a doctor. Dont use short forms for short answers with Yes.

Sam and I are brothers. A re you happy?

Yes, I am.
Sue and Jane are teachers. N O T Yes, I m .
For I t and They, we can write the name of the
thing. Question words
The game is great.
The films are good. W here a re you fr o m ?
W hat i s / s y o u r n a m e ?
How o ld a re yo u ?
W ho i s / s t h a t g ir l?
W h a t tim e i s / s th e le s s o n ?
W hen i s / s y o u r b ir th d a y ?

Word list

Unit 1
Countries Nationalities Adjectives
Argentina France Puerto Rico American Italian awful good
Australia India Spain Argentinian Japanese bad great
Brazil Italy the UK Australian Mexican boring interesting
Chile Jamaica the USA Brazilian Polish funny terrible
China Japan Turkey British Spanish
Colombia Mexico Wales Canadian Turkish
England Poland Chinese Welsh

C o u n trie s
1 Find eight countries in the w o rd search . M atch these co untries on the m ap.

1 The USA
4 'w h i* n g f
5 *"1 tC *
7 A . iso*'nUi .

2 W rite th e le tte rs in the co rrect o rd e r to Grammar
m ake countries.
Subject pronouns
1 zarilb Brazil__________
1 W rite th e subject pronouns fo r th e w ords
2 boomilac _____________________
in bold.
3 daini ______________________
1 Mum is at home. She______
4 panja ______________________
2 My brothers are here. ___________
5 comixe ______________________
3 The book is good. ___________
6 naspi ______________________
4 My friends and I are from Mexico. __________
7 hteKU ______________________
5 John is my best friend. ___________

N a tio n a litie s 6 Mary is a teacher. __________

3 W rite th e countries. 2 W rite th e co rrect subject pronouns.

1 Spanish Spain_______________ 1 Her name is Dina. She is 17.

2 Polish ______________________ 2 Im from Australia.__________ is famous for

3 Turkish _____________________
3 My favourite singers are Shakira and Rihanna.
4 Argentinian ______________________
re great!
5 Australian ______________________
4 Im from Los Angeles and Sonya is from
6 American _____________________
Chicago.__________ re American.
7 Chinese _____________________
5 Hi! My name is Bill.__________ m from Canada.
8 Italian ______________________
6 Pablo is 12.__________ s Spanish.
A W rite th e n atio n a lities . 7 Are__________ from Argentina? Yes, I am.
1 Brazil Brazilian____________
2 Canada _____________________ Verb be positive
3 Japan ______________________ 3 Circle th e co rrect w ords.
4 Mexico _____________________
1 My mum is from Mexico. She is / are a teacher.
5 the UK _____________________
2 You is / are very good at football!
6 Spain ______________________
3 She is / are my sister.
4 Tom is / are a scientist.
A d j e c t iv e s
5 I am / are a Chelsea fan.
5 Circle th e co rrect adjectives. 6 Rome is / are the capital of Italy.
1 Shes a terrible / fu n n y singer. She isnt good. 7 We am / are Chinese.
2 The book is a w fu l / interesting. Its so boring. 8 This is / are a boring film!
3 Hes my favourite actor. Hes very fu n n y / boring.
U W rite th e co rrect fo rm s of be.
4 Hes a terrible / g re a t football player - hes my
1 You ore a good student.
2 The film S h re k _____ funny.
5 This is a very interesting / good lesson. Science
3 The books_____ interesting.
is my favourite!
4 I _____ at college today!
6 My sister is good at football. Shes a g re a t /
boring player. 5 My sister_____ terrible at football.
6 Wow! This pizza_____ great!
7 You and your sister_____ from France.
8 We_____ from Brazil.

r 5 W rite the sh ort fo rm s of be. Verb be questions and short answers

Unit 1
1 You are a doctor. Vou're
8 Circle the co rrect w ords.
2 I am in the classroom. _____
1 Is / A re y o u British?
3 It is good here! ________
2 A m I A re I your friend?
4 We are Real Madrid fans. ________
3 Is I A re your brother here?
5 He is the President. ________
4 Is I A re the students good?
6 They are in our year at college. ________
5 Is I A re it your birthday?
7 She is a good teacher. ______ _
6 Am I A re you good at soccer?

Verb b e negative 9 W rite the short an sw ers.

6 W rite negative sentences. Use short 1 Are the books interesting? I7l
fo rm s. yes, they are._______________________
1 Sally / not / here today. 2 Are you English? R j
Sally isnt here today._______________ No. Im not.___________________________
2 The boys / not / at home. 3 Is he Mexican? E l

3 The teacher / not / in the classroom. 4 Are you and your friends at college? E l

4 My computer game / not / boring.

5 Are your books in your bag? E l

5 You / not / a doctor.

6 Am I a good singer? Ml
6 It / not / a good film.

Question words
7 Gerard and Mandy / not / students.
10 Match to m ake questions.
1 c Whats the name
8 Pizza / not / my favourite food.
2 Who is the
3 How old
7 Tick th e sentences th a t are tru e fo r you.
4 Where are
C orrect th e sentences th a t are not tru e .
5 What time is your
1 m Im from Russia.
6 When is

2 n i'm not /Tom Russia. Im from Spain.__________

Im 20 years old.
next English lesson?
best student in your class?
c of your favourite singer?
3 Q Im a teacher.
d your birthday?
e is your best friend?
4 D l'm afo otb all fan.
f you and your family from?

5 O Im good at Science. 11 Now an sw e r the questions fo r you.

6 O Im in the classroom now. 2
6 _______
Reading t o w a r d s C a m b r id g e E n g lis h k e y (k e t) p a r t 1
1 Read th e te x t below and m atch th e descriptions w ith th e people.

1 Tom _ c ___ e_ J _ a Shes from Mexico. g Hes Spanish.

2 Rafael b Hes 18. h Hes good at computer games.
3 Angela c Hes the writer. i Hes from Greece.
4 Merve d Hes interesting. j Hes good at football.
5 Ken e Hes 17. k Shes 16.
f Shes Turkish. 1 Shes 18.

2 Put a tic k E l o r a cross M l.

You Search Im ages Maps Play News Mail Calend ar
1 El The writer is from Greece.
My English Class! 2 O Rafael is good at English.
3 O Merve is from Ankara.
My nam es Tom and I'm 17. Im fro m Greece. Im very
good at English but Im not very good at sport. S port
4 El Ken is from Turkey.

is boring! Im in an English class w ith fo u r o th e r 5 O Ken s 17.

students. Were all fro m d iffe re n t co untries. My best 6 O The five students are English.
frie n d , Rafael, is fro m Spain. Hes 18 and hes very
good at foo tba ll, but hes not very good at English.
Hes very funny.
Im frie n d s w ith Angela. Shes Mexican and shes
16. She loves film s and her fa vo u rite a c to r is Johnny
Merve is cool. Shes fro m Ankara. Its the capital
of Turkey. Its her b irth d a y today. Shes 18. Ken is
Japanese. Hes 19 and hes not very good at English,
bu t hes in te resting. Hes very good at co m pu ter

Unit 1
1 A n s w e r th ese questions about you. W rite fu ll sentences.
Whats your name?
Where are you from? _________________________
How old are you?
Whos your best friend?
Whens your birthday?
What time is your English lesson? --------------------
Whats your favourite film? _________________________

2 A n s w er th e questions w ith sh ort answ ers. 3 W rite about you and yo u r fa m ily and
You can add yo u r own ideas. frie n d s.
1 Are you 18 years old? I My m u m M y dad
M y b ro th e r(s ) My s is te r(s ) M y f r ie n d ( s )
Ves, I am,_________________________________
2 Are you a doctor? Im a student. Im 17 years old. Im from Spain.
No. Im not. I'm a student.____________________ Im good at English. My mum is a doctor.
3 Are you 20 years old? Shes 4 0 years old. My dad ...

4 Are you a scientist?

5 Are you at college now?

6 Are your parents at home now?

7 Is your dad an actor?

8 Is your mum a teacher?

9 Is your best friend Chinese?

1 Unit 2 Aplace to be
Grammar reference this that these those
there is /t h e r e are Singular Plural
Positive Near th is th e s e

is a c o m p u te r. ( s in g u la r) Distant th a t th o s e
T h e re
are tw o b ikes. (p lu ra l) Near
Negative Use this for one thing or person.
This is m y room.
i s n t a phone. ( s in g u la r)
T h e re This is m y sister.
a r e n 't any pens. [p lu ra l)
Use these for more than one thing or person.
For There are, we can also use no / some / These are m y keys.
lots o f / two / three, etc. These are m y friends.
There are no pens on the desk. Distant
There are some pens on the desk. Use th a t for one thing or person.
There are lots of books in m y room. T hat is / That's the school over there.
There are two notebooks in m y bag. T hat is / T h a ts m y brother.
Use those for more than one thing or person.
Questions Short answers
Those are the new students over there.
Yes, th e r e is.
Is a w a ll e t ? Those are m y books.
No, th e r e is n 't.
Yes, th e r e are. Possessive adjectives
A re an y
No, th e r e a re n 't.
Subject pronoun Possessive adjective
I my
You your
He his
She her
It its
We our
You your
They th e ir

Word list
Everyday things Things on and around Places Parts of the day
backpack key your desk beach afternoon
badge mobile phone box magazine bridge evening
bus pass money clock mouse mat museum midday
calculator MP3 player diary notice board park midnight
chewing gum pencil case DVD poster river morning
driving licence sunglasses lamp shelf stadium night
hairbrush wallet laptop speaker

Vocabulary Things on and around your desk
Everyday things U U nscram ble the le tte rs and w rite the w ords. Then
n u m b e r them in the picture.
1 M atch to m ake pairs.
1 e mobile a pass
2 chewing b licence
3 bus c case
4 pencil d player
5 driving e phone
6 MP3 f gum

Match the w ords w ith th e ir

explan ation s.
d key
4 MP3 player
5 backpack
6 calculator
a Your music is on this,
b These are for sunny days!
c There are numbers on
this. Its good for maths,
1 plam lotnp
d This is for your house,
2 potpal
e Your books, pencil case
3 zanimage
and calculator are in this,
4 iceton rabod
f This is for your hair.
5 stoper
3 W rite a list of th e everyday 6 flesh
things in yo ur bag.
5 C om plete the sentences w ith these w ords.
MP3 player_________________ c lo c k speakers box p o ste r DVD d ra ty mouse

1 Is this your dfory_____ ? What day is it?

2 What time is it? Is there a ___________on the desk?
3 There are lots of pens in a __________ on my desk.
4 What are these? Those are m y__________ . I like music!
5 There is a computer and a __________ mat on my desk.
6 Whats on this__________ ? Is it a film?
7 Theres a ____________of my favourite actor in my room.
Places there is /t h e r e are questions and
short answers
6 C om plete the crossw ord.
3 W rite the sh ort answ ers.
1 T h e re a re c h ild r e n
1 El Is there a clock on your desk?
2 T h e r e is th e sea
he re . on b ik e s here. Yes, there is._____________________________
3 T h e r e a re b o a ts 2 T h is is on a river.
2 El Are there any Spanish students in your class?
on th is . 4 T h e re are
5 T h e r e a re fo o t b a l l in te r e s tin g old
m a t c h e s he re . th in g s here . 3 El Is there a map in your classroom?

1P 4 El Is there a mobile phone in your bag?

5 El Are there any keys on your desk?
6 M Are there any posters in your room?

i* C om plete the questions w ith is o r are.

Then w rite short an sw ers fo r you.
1 Is there a teacher here?
Ves, there is. / No. there isnt._____________
Grammar 2 there any books in your backpack?
there is /t h e r e are positive and
negative 3 there any English people in your town?
1 Circle the correct words.
1 There, i s / are a teacher in my college from Mexico. 4 _ _ _ there a lamp on your desk?

2 There is / are two skateboards here.

3 There are / isn t lots of CDs in my room. 5 there a notice board in your room?

4 There isn t / a re n t a notebook in this bag.

5 There is / are a board in our classroom. 6 there any sunglasses in your bag?

6 There isn t / a re n t any pencils in my pencil case.

2 Complete the sentences with is, are, isn't or

are n 't.
1 Thera is one French student in our class. His
names Michel.
2 There______ two magazines in my bag.
3 There______ any Chinese people in my college.
4 In my bag, theres a mobile phone, but there
an MP3 player.
5 There are three children in my family, but there
only one girl - me!
6 There are lots of pens on my desk but there
any pencils!

5 Look at th e picture. W rite questions and this that these those
sh o rt an sw ers.
6 Look at th e picture. W rite this, that, these
o r those and is /a r e .

1 This is______ m y laptop.

2 m y friends.
3 m y diary.
1 (an umbrella) Is there on umfcrello on the desk? 4 m y speakers.
No. there isnt 5 m y notice board.
2 (two speakers) A re there two speakers in the 6 m y CDs.
Ves, there are. Possessive adjectives
3 (window)_________________________________
7 C ircle th e co rrect w ords.
1 This is I /(mfr*favourite book!

4 (laptop) 2 The children are in their / they bedroom.

3 This is our / we house. I t s old.
4 W h a ts his / your name? M y nam es H arry.
5 (any posters) 5 Is this your / you laptop? How old is it?
6 H elen is my sister. This is she / her room .

6 (two chairs) 8 W rite th e possessive adjectives.

1 This is our hero. W ere his fans.
2 Jane and E m ily are sisters. Adam is ______
3 Is this your skateboard? No, that is ______
4 John is my best frie n d .______sister is in my
5 Is Eva a doctor? No, she isnt . ______brother is
a doctor.
1 Read th e tex ts and an sw e r th e questions. B Ben's th in g s

A S a n d ra s th in g s My things are in my backpack!

There's my laptop and mobile phone,
My things are on my desk.
my bus pass, my hairbrush and some
There's my laptop, a lamp,
chewing gum. There are sunglasses
and some books. There are
and notebooks in there, and my
lots of pens and pencils, and
MP3 player is in there too. Theres a
th e re s a diary. There aren't
wallet, but there isn't any money in it
any speakers in my room
and there aren't any keys.
and there aren't any posters
on the wall. There isn't a
television and there isn't a
skateboard in my room -
theyre in my brother's room!

C C laudia and M a ria s th in g s

Our things are in our
room. Theres a laptop.
That's Maria's. There's
a television and that's
M arias too! There arent
any posters on the w a ll
and there isnt a clock or
a notice board. There are
some DVDs in the room,
and lots of books and
magazines. There is one
problem - there arent any
shelves in our room.

1 Are there any pens on Sandras desk? Ves. tii&re are..

2 Are there any posters on Sandras wall? _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Is there a skateboard in Sandras room? _____________
4 Are there any shelves in Claudia and M arias room? __
5 Are there any sunglasses in Bens bag? ______________
6 Is there any m oney in Bens wallet? _________________
7 Are there two laptops in Claudia and M arias room? __
8 Are there any magazines in Claudia and M arias room?
9 Is there a television in Sandras room? ______________
10 Are there any pencils on Sandras desk? _____________

2 W rite about som e of yo ur things. On my desk, there's .../there are...
Iv e fin is h e d th is m o d u le a n d i can do E l th e s e th in g s in E n g lis h .

Module 1 l i

A1 u n d e r s t a n d s h o r t a u d io r e c o r d in g s a b o u t c o m m o n e v e ry d a y to p ic s , e.g.
p e r s o n a l d e ta ils (pp14, 16), f a v o u r ite a c t o r s (p19), p e r s o n a l p o s s e s s io n s n n a
(p21) a n d fa v o u r ite c itie s (p24)
A1 u n d e r s t a n d g r e e t in g s and in tr o d u c t io n s (p26) n n n
A1 u n d e r s t a n d a p e r s o n a l p r o file ( p i 5) n a n
A1 u n d e r s ta n d in fo r m a t io n a b o u t c itie s in a n e w s p a p e r a r tic le (pp24-25) n a a
A1 o b ta in th e m o s t im p o r t a n t in fo r m a t io n fo u n d in an in te r v ie w (pp 18, 21) n n n
S p o ken In te ra c tio n
A1 a s k and a n s w e r s im p le q u e s tio n s a b o u t m y p o s s e s s io n s (pp20, 21]
a n d m y c ity (pp24, 25) n n n

A1 u se b a s ic g r e e tin g a n d le a v e - ta k in g e x p r e s s io n s (p p26-27) n a a
S p o k e n P ro d u c tio n
A1 in tr o d u c e m y s e lf a n d give b a s ic p e r s o n a l in fo r m a tio n (p 14-) n n n
A1 t a lk a b o u t m y h e ro (p 19) n D n
W ritin g
A1 w r it e s e n te n c e s a n d s im p le p h r a s e s a b o u t m y s e lf (p 19) and a b o u t m y
p o s s e s s io n s (p21 ) n n a

A1 f i l l in a f o r m w i t h m y p e r s o n a l d e ta ils (p14) n n n
A1 w r it e a s im p le p o s tc a rd (p25)
n n n

A tfh ii &k\d o f Module- 1, I have, soh^e A 1 skills. Novo X car\ s ta r t M odule Z

O Unit3 My family

Grammar reference have got negative

have got positive NEGATIVE

POSITIVE Full form S hort form

1 have not got 1 havent got
Full form Short form
1 have got I've got You have not got You havent got

You have got Youve got He has not got He hasnt got

He has got Hes got She has not got She hasnt got

She has got Shes got It has not got It hasn't got

Its got We have not got We havent got

It has got
We have got We've got You have not got You havent got

Youve got They have not got They havent got

You have got
They have got Theyve got
Use short forms when you speak.
Use have got to talk about your possessions. I havent got your book.
Ive got 45 DVDs and Ive got 200 CDs. Juan hasnt got a bike.
hes got = he has got Possessive's
shes got = she has got This is Carols daughter.
its got = it has got Are you Steves brother?
Use its got to describe things.
Where is G raham s car?
This is a box. Its got a picture on it.
This is my new mobile. Its got an MP4 player. That is Victorias house.

Use short forms when you speak.

Use possessives after a name.
Ive got a cat.
Johns mother
Shes got a new car. NOT The mother of John
Dont u se s for things.
The car door.
NOT The cars door:
We can have two possessives.
Thats Harrys mums skateboard!
Remember th a ts can mean three things:
Petes 16. (Pete is 16.)
Petes got a bike. (Pete has got a bike.)
Petes bike is new. (The bike that belongs to Pete
is new.)

Word list
Family Pets
aunt daughter mother son bird horse
baby father mum stepfather cat rabbit
brother granddad / grandfather nephew stepmother dog snake
children grandma / grandmother niece step-parents fish
cousin grandparents parent uncle guinea pig
dad husband sister wife hamster

My nam es
1 Read th e in fo rm atio n and w rite the m issing w ords. Jody and my
name is Mike.
We havent got
any brothers or sisters, but
w e ve got a baby son, Josh -
he's one year old and hes an
B a rba ra George only child too. My m u m s name
[my (my grandfather)
is Martha and my dad is called
grandm other)
Colin. Mike's parents are called
Susan and Robert. Then there
are my grandparents, Barbara
and George. They're lovely!

y Q y
......... ]
M artha Colin R o bert Susan
(m v2 ) (my father] (my husband's (m y4
) mother)

M ike ( m y ;

2 W rite th e co rrect w ords.
attrrt grandfather grandm other cousin stepm oth er uncle

1 Your mums sister is your QUflt____________________ .

2 Your dads mum is your____________________________.
3 Your fathers brother is your____________________________.
4 Your grandmothers husband is your____
5 Your fathers wife is your mother or your.
6 Your uncles son is your_______________

3 W rite the le tte rs in the correct o rd e r to m ake pets.

1 tac cot________ 4 neksa _____________ 7 britab

2 god ____________ 5 shoer ____________ 8 stahmer
3 shif ____________ 6 drib ____________ 9 naigue gip

4 M atch th e pets w ith th e photos.

1 ^ J rabbit
2 cat
3 hamster
4 j dog
5 fish
6 bird

nit 3 N>
have got positive and negative

1 W rite sentences w ith th e co rrect fo rm of have got.
1 We / not / a big house We havent got a house.
2 Paul and Gary / not / an exam tomorrow ___________
3 Shelly / two grandmothers ___________
4 You / not / a laptop ___________
5 We / lots of friends ___________
6 Sally / not / a new car ___________
2 C om plete fo r you. Use I ve got / I havent got.
1 I haven't got_______ a large family. 4 _ a new phone,
2 a brother. 5 _ a cat.
3 a sister. 6_ a car.
3 Look at the picture. Say w h at W ill and A dam have / havent got.
1 Will / an electric guitar
Will hasnt got on electric guitar._______________
2 Adam / some old toys

3 Will/TV

4 Adam / a CD player

5 Will and Adam / laptops

6 Will and Adam / some CDs

U W hich of the things in exercise 3 have you got

in yo u r room ? W h at havent you got?
I've got a TV, but I havent got a laptop.
I havent got an electric guitar, but Ive got a CD

5 A d d s in th e co rrect places. 6 Look again at th e picture in exercise 3. W rite
1 Whats Terryfc m um i phone number? who th e things belong to.

2 Fiona sister is a scientist. 1 The CDs are Wills and Adam s_________________ .
3 Is this your MP3 player? No, its Brenda. 2 The TV is _____________________________.
4 Where is Billy bike? 3 The MP3 player is _____________________________
5 What is your teacher name? 4 The CD player is _____________________________.
6 What is Bob sister favourite colour? 5 The electric guitar is __________________________
The cat is _____________________________.
7 Choose th e best an sw er: a, b o r c.
1 a) bests friend name
b) best friends names
inI,, nI,W,| ii>muni Iiwumnw11"1^ * 1*
c) best friend names
2 a) Jills b) Jills c) Jill
3 a) ve b) s c) m
4 a) is b) are c) have got
5 a) have got b) has got c) is
6 a) cat b) cats c) cats
7 a) hasnt b) isnt c) havent
8 a) got b) s got c) ve got
9 a) Shes b) Her c) She
10 a) hasnt b) isnt c) not

My 1 b is Jill.2____family is weird! They3____ got lots of pets -

three cats, a dog, a snake and a hamster. The three cats nam es4____
One, Two and Three. O ne5____a big, black cat and Two and Three
are small, white 6____. The dog7____ got a name!
Jill8____a sister, Laura. Lauras very nice.9__ __ a student. Her pet
snake, Rattle,10____very nice - its awful!

8 A n s w e r th e questions fo r you. W rite sentences.

1 What things have you got in your house? What havent you got?
Weve got o T V .
We havent got a D V D fla y e r .

2 What colour are some of the things at your house?

My mums car is blue.
My d a d s bike is green.

3 Write about some people in your family (Uncle John, Aunt Mary, etc). U se s.
My grandmother is my mums mum.
nit 3
Reading C a m b r id g e E n g l i s h k e y (k e t) p a r t u

1 Read th e blog and m atch th e things w ith th e people.
laptop guinea pig cam corder cat vid eoga m es digital camera


Hi! My name's Joanna and this
is my blog. Ive got one sister,
Rachel, and a stepbrother, Ollie.
Rachels a cool sister. Shes
funny! Ollies sixteen and he's
got lots of video games. He loves
video games! We've got two pets.
Ollies got a cat called Snowy,
and Ive got a guinea pig called
Prince Michael.
2 C ircle T (tru e ) o r F (false). I havent got a big bedroom,
1 Joannas got one sister. T / F but Ive got lots of things. Ive
2 Ollie is Rachel and got a new digital camera and

Joannas stepbrother. T / F a pink laptop. Rachels got a

camcorder. Its great!
3 Snowy is Ollies dog. T / F
Ooops! Ive got homework to do.
4 Rachels got a cat. T / F Bye for now .....
5 The laptop is Rachels. T / F
6 The camcorder is Joannas. T / F

1 A n s w e r these questions about you. W rite sentences.
Have you got a pet? What is it? _________________________
Have you got a brother or sister? ____________
Have your parents got a car? What colour is it?
Have you got a mobile phone? ______________
Have you got a big house? _________________
Have you got a CD player? _________________
W rite about you and yo u r fa m ily and frie n d s. Say w h a t you have and havent got.
I My m um My dad My brother(s) M ysister(s) M yfriend(s)
Ive got a bike. _______________________________________
I haven't got a car. _________________
The car is my d a d s. _______________________________________
My friend Julia has got a new laptop. _________________________________ .

CSI Unit 4 My place

Grammar reference
have got questions and short answers
Questions S hort answ ers - positive S h ort answ ers - negative
1 Yes, 1 have. No, 1 havent.
you Yes, you have. No, you havent.
he Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
Has she Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.
g o t ...?
it Yes, it has. No, it hasn't.
we Yes, we have. No, we havent.
Have you Yes, you have. No, you haven't.
they Yes, they have. No, they haven't.

For short answers, dont repeat got or the object.

Have you got a pen? Word list
Yes, I have. House and rooms Furniture
NOT Yes, I have got a pen. apartment armchair
bathroom basin
Possessive pronouns bedroom bath
dining room bedside table
Subject pronoun Possessive pronoun front door chest of drawers
I mine garage coffee table
you yours,
garden cooker
hall cupboard
he his
kitchen dishwasher
she hers living room fridge
it - study shower
we ours toilet sofa
they theirs Bedroom Large numbers
armchair hundred
Use possessive pronouns to show that things belong to you. bed thousand
The red pen is mine. bin million
bookcase zero / oh
Ive got a sister. This room is hers. chair
Use the possessive pronoun after the verb be. computer
This is mine. desk
Is this yours? electric guitar
Dont use a possessive pronoun for objects belonging to lamp
things or animals. teddy bear
That toy is the dogs. toys
That is the dogs toy. wardrobe
NOT That toy is its.
nit 4 N)
House and rooms

1 L abel th e picture w ith these w ords.
bedroom bathroom kitchen dining room living room front door garage garden

2 Find and circle six room s in the Bedroom

w ordsearch .

3 W rite th e le tte rs in the co rrect o rd e r to
com plete the tex t.
c U A L ) N 0 R K
In the centre of my room, theres a 1deb. My
rooms got two 2harics - one for my 3sked and a
B A T H R 0 0 M P T comfortable4marharic for relaxing! Ive got a big
E B 0 V M U E P R C
5mlpa near the bed. My rooms got lots of
6stopers on the walls and theres a 7redwarbo for
D X C W D w Q S 0 H my clothes and a 8sackoboe for my books.
R M T 0 I L E T R E 1 be.d 5 _________
0 C I G J K I U R N 2 _________ 6 ___________
3 _________7 ___________
0 R A N H K E D S T
4 _________8 ___________
M P C H 0 L L Y I D
U C om plete the sentences fo r you, using
P E T L F Y T S N E theres or there are.
1 In our living room t/iere ore two armchairs
and a s o fa ...
2 In our kitchen ...
3 In our bathroom ...
4 In my bedroom ...
Kitchen Bathroom
5 W rite th e things in the
c o o le r
co rrect room s.
coffee table basin
bedside table bed
Living room Bedroom
chest of drawers cooker
dishwasher shower
arm ch air sofa
fridge bath

Large numbers Grammar

6 Circle th e co rrect an sw er: a, b o r c. have got questions and short
1 3,000 answers
a three hundred 1 W rite the questions in the co rrect order.
bCthree thousand 1 car your have parents new got a?
c three million fiove your .parents got a new cor?__________
2 202,000 2 a sister your bike got has?
a twenty thousand, two hundred
b two hundred and two thousand 3 MP3 got an you player have?
c two thousand, two hundred
3 4,677 4 homework she has got tonight?
a four thousand, six hundred and seventy-seven
b forty-six thousand, six hundred and 5 in you friends have the got USA?
c four hundred thousand, six hundred and 6 house your got big has garden a?
4 1999
2 C om plete the questions w ith have o r has.
a ninety ninety-nine Then w rite sh ort an sw ers fo r you.
b one thousand and ninety-nine
c nineteen ninety-nine 1 fiove you got a guitar?
5 8907405 Ves. I hove._____________________________
a eight, nine, oh, seven, four, oh, five 2 your dad got a motorbike?
b eighty-nine, seven, four, zero, five
c eight, nine hundred and seven, four hundred 3 you got a bookcase in your room?
and five
6 463399
4 your house got a garage?
a four hundred and sixty-three, three hundred
and ninety-nine 5 you got an exam tomorrow?
b four, six, three, three, nine, nine
c four, six, double three, double nine 6 all your friends got computers?

3 Look a t th e p ic tu re . W rite q u e s tio n s and a n s w e rs .

1 the cat / a toy

Has the c a t got o toy?___________________ Ves, it has.
2 the boy / a bike

3 the man / a mobile phone

4 the woman / an ice cream

5 the girl / a laptop

6 the man and the woman / cups of tea

A Match th e questions w ith th e an sw ers.

1 c Has your room got a TV in it? a No, he hasnt. Hes got keyboards,
2 Have you and your brother got bikes? b Yes, we have! Its Maths,
3 Have you got a big house? c No, it hasnt. Its got a CD player,
4 Has your brother got an electric guitar? d Yes, we have. Mines the red one.
5 Has your mum got a German car? e No, we havent. Weve got an apartment,
6 Have you and your friends got an exam tomorrow? f No, she hasnt, but my dad has.
Possessive pronouns
5 C ircle th e co rrect w ords.
1 In this picture, the house on the left is o u r /{ OUTS'$

2 Its not Toms guitar. H e s / H is is on the desl C.

3 My brother and I havent got a big house. Ou rs / O u r is small.
4 These are our clothes. The clothes in the wardrobe are th e ir / theirs.
5 This is not my pen. Is it yours / y o u r ?
6 Give me that book! Its not y o u r / yours - its m in e / m y.

Read the email and answer the questions.

Write sentences. Use short forms where possible.
Has Tom m y got one cousin?
No, he hasn't He's got two cousins.
2 Has M aria got a sister?
3 W here are M aria and Juanita from?
4 Are th eir parents English?
W here is th e ir house?
6 W hat have they got in th e ir garden?
W h at colour is M arias bedroom?
8 W hat has Juanita got on her desk?
9 Has M aria got a dog?
10 Whose snake is it?


Add cc

Add Bcc Attach

INBOX (62) Hi Sam

Im portant These are m y cousins, M aria and Juanita. T he y're sisters and
Sent th e y 're from Spain. T h e ir dad is English and th e ir m um is Spanish.
D rafts T he y're at co lle g e in Barcelona. They're g o o d fun and th e ir house
All m ail is m y fa vo u rite place. It's very b ig and it's by th e beach. T hey've
g o t a b ig garden w ith a sw im m ing p o o l. (Their dad's a fam ous
actor. )

M aria's g o t an aw ful pink b e d ro o m w ith a TV. She's g o t an e le ctric
A lice guitar, b u t she isn 't very g o o d at it. She's g o o d at fo o tb a ll!
Julian Juanita's b e d ro o m is blue and she's g o t lots o f posters. M y
Kasia fa vo u rite is th e one o f R obert Pattinson. There's a b ig desk in her
Julissa room w ith tw o com p u te rs and very b ig speakers. H er music's very
T im loud!

T he y've g o t som e cool pets to o - M aria's g o t a snake called
Horace and Juanita's g o t a crazy cat called Sherpa.
Have you g o t any cousins? W rite soon!

Love Tom m y
Ive finished this module and I can do J7l these things in English.

1 M o d u le 2
n u ni

A1 u n d e rs ta n d s h o rt a u d io re c o rd in g s a b o u t c o m m o n everyday to p ics, e.g. th e

fa m ily (pp29, 35), p ets in th e U K (p30), a fa m ily tre e (p32), p e rs o n a l p o sse ssion s
(p37) n n n

A1 u n d e rs ta n d in fo rm a tio n a b o u t so m e o n e s p e c ia l in a fa m ily (p35)

n n n
A1 id e n tify tw o ro o m s fro m tw o b rie f c o n v e rs a tio n s (p41 )
n n n

A1 u n d e rs ta n d th e p ro file o f s o m e fa m ilie s (p30), a qu iz a b o u t fa m ilie s (p32) n n n

A1 u n d e rs ta n d in fo rm a tio n a b o u t s o m e b o d y s fa m ily fro m a blog (p34), so m e o n e 's
b e d ro o m and p o sse ssio n s fro m a c o n v e rs a tio n (p38) n n n
A1 u n d e rs ta n d in fo rm a tio n a b o u t u n u s u a l h o m e s in a n e w s p a p e r a rtic le (p40)
n n n
Spoken Interaction

A1 a sk and a n s w e r s im p le q u e s tio n s a b o u t m y fa m ily (p29), a s p e c ia l p e rso n in m y

fa m ily (p35), m y h ou se (p36), m y p e rs o n a l p o sse ssio n s (p37) n n n
A1 h a n d le n u m b e rs , tim e s and d a te s (p42)
n n n
Spoken Production

A1 ta lk a b o u t m y p e ts (p30), m y fa m ily (p31 ), m y p e rs o n a l p o sse ssio n s (p37),

m y b e d ro o m and fu rn itu re (p38) r i n n
A1 describe' th e p ic tu re o f a ro o m (p41 )
D n n

A1 w rite s e n te n c e s and s im p le p h ra s e s a b o u t m y fa m ily (pp31, 35) and m y house

(p41) n n n

A t the. &is\d of Module- Z, I have- h^ore / 4 / skills. Non) 1 start Module.

3 Unit 5 Education

Grammar reference Use the present sim ple to talk

Present simple positive
your daily routine

Positive I play the guitar every day.

i w hat you like and dont like
I like these lessons.
He things th a t are true
She likes She lives here.
It We work in the city.
You like Present simple negative

The present sim ple positive for I, you, we and Full form
they is the same as the base form . do
I go to college. You
We live here. He
They wake up at six. She does not Like
Add an -s for he, she and it.
I write -* She writes We
We work -+ It works You do
Some verbs are irregular. For he, she and it, we They
change the ending.
Short form
Irregular verbs I dont

a d d -e s You don't
verbs ending in o
He doesnt
verbs ending in y take off the y and add -ies
She doesnt like
go I go I You go I We go I They go It doesn't
He / She / It goes We don't
do Ido I You do /W e do / They do You dont
He / She / It does They don't
study I study / You study / We study / They study
He / She / It studies Sometim es do is the m ain verb and
the auxiliary verb.
cry I cry / You cry / We cry / They cry I don Y do any sport.
He / She / It cries She doesnt do her homework in her

nit 5
Word list
Everyday verbs Academ ic subjects Film s

cook meet Agriculture Photography action films
come play Art and Design Physical Education comedies
do read Citizenship Religious Studies genre
eat relax Drama Science horror films
finish share English Social Sciences musicals
get up start Foreign Languages Sport romantic films
go study Geography science fiction films
have think History
like wake up Information Communications Technology
listen work Maths
live write Music
love Nature

Everyday verbs
1 Use th e le tte rs in the w h e e l to 2 M atch th e verb s w ith the w ords.
m ake eight everyd ay verbs.
1 1*6ctd "V a football
You can use each le tte r m ore
2 b in a big house

than once.
3 get up c a book
4 listen d at 7am
5 play e my hom ew ork
6 live f dinner
7 do g to rap m usic

Academic subjects
3 W rite th e le tte rs in th e co rrect o rd e r to m ake
1 cuguratrile ______________________
2 phitzicensi ______________________
3 glenish ______________________
4 grapohegy ______________________
5 rotshiy
6 shamt ______________________
7 scumi _______________________
8 seccine ______________________

l* W rite sentences about you.

I love science.__________________________________
I like
Im good at
I hate


Film s Grammar
5 Find six types of film s in the w ord square. Present simple positive
Then w rite th e m below .
1 Circle th e co rrect w ords.
A S T 1 0 N D R A C A F G 1 1 My brother go /'goes to college w ith me.
s c 1 E N C E F I C T 1 0 N 2 I love / loves this song!
A D C R 0 M A N U R 1 X R U 3 She do / does her hom ew ork every night.
M 0 0 E H 0 R R 0 R E R 0 S 4 We eat / eats dinner at 7 pm .
U R M U R D U T H 1 C S M 1 5 I sometimes play / plays video games.
S R E F 1 V T 1 0 N S 1 A C 6 My uncle make / makes great pizzas.
1 0 D A R D 1 E M E s C N A 7 My friends have / has lunch at school.
C R 1 S A C T 1 0 N Y A T R 8 W e wake / wakes up at 7 am.
A E E H U R R E R C A L 1 1
L D S S M 0 L 1 E A R Y C A 2 W rite th e w ords in th e co rrect order.
1 listens / to / m usic / his / Johnny / in / room
Science fiction Johnny listens to music in his room.________

2 M adrid / in / lives / Raul

3 after / m eet / school / We

4 finish / 1 / at / college / 4 pm
6 M atch th e types of film s in exercise 5 w ith
th e se descriptions. 5 at / wakes / Valerie / up / 7 am
1 These film s are sometimes
about space and other planets, science fiction
6 Pat / Daniel / w rite / stories / and / great
2 People sing in these film s. _______________
3 There are sometimes fast
cars in these film s. _______________ 3 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e present
4 You are scared w hen you sim ple of th e verbs in brackets.
w atch these films! _______________ 1 I finish college at four oclock, (finish)
5 These film s are funny. _______________ 2 M y best frie n d ______________ in a restaurant.
6 These film s are about (work)
people in love. _______________ 3 W e ______________ your new phone, (like)
4 The teachers____ . to college by bus.
5 You'_____________ . basketball very w ell, (play)
6 S h e _____________ . to bed early, (go)
7 Clio and M im i. __________ w ork at nine
oclock, (start)
8 I _____________ m aths is easy, (think)

U Look at P auls d ia ry fo r th e w e e k . W rite 6 C orrect the m istakes in these sentences.

nit 5
w h a t he does each day.
1 Steve doesnt wakes up early.
Steve doesn't w ake up early._____________ _

M onday get up early
go for a run 2 We dont has lessons on Saturdays.

Tuesday cook dinner 3 You doesnt have an exam tom orrow.

4 They dont lives here.

W ednesday work at the caf
5 I dont knows the answer.

Thursday study withJane 6 Dad dont cook dinner.

7 He dont play football on Sundays.

Friday have a tennis lesson

8 Megan and Peter doesnt live in this house.

Saturday play football

7 M ake these sentences negative.

1 I go to school w ith m y m um .
Sunday I dont go to school with my mum._________
relax/ 2 We share a room at college.

3 H e plays football in the park.

4 I read lots of books.

1 On Monday, he gets up early and goes for a run
2 On Tuesday, h e _______________________ _
5 You do your hom ew ork on the computer.
3 On Wednesday, h e _____________________________.
4 On Thursday, h e ___ ___________________________
6 She listens to rap music.
5 On Friday, h e ____________________________ ,
6 On Saturday, h e ______________
7 On Sunday, h e _________________________________ . 8 Look again at the d ia ry in exercise 4. W rite
positive and negative sentences fo r you.
Present simple negative On Monday, I g e t up early.

5 Circle the co rrect w ords. On S a tu rd a y, I dont p loy football. I p lay

1 Paolo dont /(doesnt like chips.
2 Toni and Joe dont / doesnt w ork on Saturdays.
3 We dont / doesnt eat in the canteen.
4 M y friends dont / doesnt do sport.
5 Richie and M a tt dont / doesnt get up early.
6 I dont / doesnt th in k R ihannas a good singer.
7 M y sister dont / doesnt have lunch at home.
8 Dad dont / doesnt like pop music.

Reading C a m b r id g e E n g lis h k e y (k e t) p a r t u
1 Read S ecret shopper and put Jessicas day in th e co rrect ord er.

Hh Hh -'i' Hh Hh 'Hh Hh Hh

D S h e has lunch in a caf.

n S h e phones the company
sh e w orks for.
D S h e se n d s her report to
the company.
n S h e g o e s to the shops.
n S h e ge ts up.
n S h e writes a report.
n The company tells her
which sh o p s to visit.

Secret shopper
My siste r, Jessica, has got a ve ry co o l jo b. Jessica has lu n c h in a caf in a big
S h e s a s e c re t shopper. She w o rk s fo r d e p a rtm e n t sto re w ith h e r frie n d , Max.
a m a rk e t rese a rch co m p a n y in London. In the a fte rn o o n , she w rite s a re p o rt on
Its h e r p e rfe c t jo b beca use she loves the shops. She te lls th e com p a n y ab o u t
sh o p p in g . She lives in th e ce n tre of the shops, ab o u t th e people w h o w o rk
London so she goes to w o rk by bus. W o rk in th e shops and a b o u t th e th in g s they
s ta rts at e ig h t o c lo c k in th e m o rn in g w hen s e ll. She fin is h e s w o rk a t six o 'c lo c k and
she p ho nes th e com pany. They t e ll h e r send s h e r re p o rt to th e com pany.
w h ic h shop s to v is it and w h a t q u e s tio n s A t th e w e e ke n d I go sh o p p in g , b ut m y
to ask. She goes to lo ts of sho p s and asks s is te r lik e s to stay at hom e and w a tch
lo ts of q u e stio n s. She buys th in g s too. She DVDs!
d o e s n t t e ll the shop a s s is ta n ts w h o she is
o r w h a t h e r jo b is.

------------------------- X I

2 Read th e te x t and circle T (tru e ) o r F (false).

1 Jessica works in a m arket.
2 Jessica doesnt live in London.
3 She walks to w ork.
4 The shop assistants dont know who Jessica is.
5 She doesnt eat lunch.
6 A t the weekend Jessicas sister goes shopping.
nit 5

1 A n s w er th e questions below . W rite 1 o r 2 sentences fo r each question.

1 W here do you study: school/college/university?

W hat subjects do you study?

W hich subjects do you like? W hich dont you like? Try to say why.

4 How often do you go to the cinema?

W hat kind of film s do you watch?

T h in k of a favourite film . W h at is it called? W hat happens in it?

Unit 6 Free time

Grammar reference
Present simple questions and short Question words
answers Put the question w ord at the start of the sentence.
W h e n do they finish classes?
Questions Short answers
W here does she live?
Yes, 1 do.
1 ...?
No, 1 don't. W h- Questions
Yes, you do. do I/you
you ...?
No, you don't. W here does h e /sh e /it live?
Yes, he does. do w e/you /they
he ...?
No, he doesnt.
Yes, she does. What do you do?
Does she ...?
No, she doesnt. W here do they live?
Yes, it does. When does the te rm end?
No, it doesnt. Why do you w e a r th a t hat?
Yes, we do. Who does Sam sit next to?
we ...?
No, we dont. Which pizza do you w ant?
Yes, you do. How do you get to w ork?
Do you ...?
. No, you don't. What time does the film start?
Yes, they do.
they ...?
No, they dont. Verb + -ing
After some verbs (e.g. like, love, hate) we use the
Rem em ber to change the ending of the auxiliary -ing form .
verb(do), not the m ain verb. Make the -ing form by adding -ing to the base form
D you
o her name?
k n o w of the verb.
NOT Do you knows.. . I like reading.
D she here?
o e s l i v e We love going out together.
NOT Does she lives... She hates studying at night.
Som etim es do is the m ain verb and the auxiliary Note these changes in spelling.
verb. dance -> dancing
D o you d o any sport? ride -> riding
jog -+ jogging
swim - swimming
travel -> travelling
lie - lying
Word list
M usical instrum ents Interests and free-tim e activities M a k e and d o Money
clarinet doing a sport sleeping do a job lp
drums hanging out with surfing the web do a sport one pound
flute friends taking photos do an exercise two pounds
guitar listening to music texting friends do my homework fifty
keyboards painting and drawing using social media make a coffee fifteen pounds
piano playing video games watching TV or make a noise ten
trumpet reading a book DVDs make a pizza
violin shopping writing a blog make money

1 M atch th e m oney
w ith th e photos.
1 IP
2 one pound
3 two pounds fifty
4 five pounds
5 lOp
6 fifteen pounds ten

Musical Instruments
2 W rite th e le tte rs in th e co rrect o rd e r to m ake m usical in stru m en ts.
1 arclinte clarinet___________ 5 bradoykes _______
2 sm urd 6 napio
3 teful 7 pruttem
4 tragui 8 inlovi

Interests and free-time activities

3 W rite th e co rrect verbs. 5 A t the weekend, I do out w ith m y friends.
1 H arry likes texting his blog.
-Harry likes writing his log._________________ 6 I spend a lot of tim e taking social media.
2 We watch the web for our hom ew ork.
________________________________________________ 7 Billy likes talking his friends.
3 I dont hang any sports.
______________________________________ 8 We dont surf DVDs - but we love going to the
4 I love using photos. cinema.

4 C om plete th e te x t w ith these w ords.

listening painting playing

reading shopping sleeping

Charlie loves weekends! He has lots of interests.

His favourite activity is 1reading books. B ut
he also likes 2_ _____________ and drawing, and
he loves3 _______ to m usic. His son Ben
lik e s 4 video games, but Bens
favourite free-tim e activity is 5________________
- he hates getting up early! W hat does Charlie
hate? He hates 6_______________ !

m ake and do Grammar

P rese nt sim p le q u e stion s and
5 W rite th e w o rds in th e co rrect colum n.
a n sw e rs
a coffee a job a noise (a) pizza
a sp ort an exercise m oney my hom ew ork 1 C om plete th e questions w ith Do o r Does.
1 po___________ we have an exam in the
m ake | | 9 do m orning?
---------f t --------'M -y-
jo in 2 your dad ride a bike?

fit C\Z7d (A Spot-l 3 you know th at g irls name?

fu\ w c & t 4 the college open in the

D r\o\S
Vrs .A hu UlOr'k summer?
' iW AjQM
5 classes finish at nine?
6 C om plete th e sentences using phrases 6 she like her school?
fro m exercise 5. W rite one w ord in each
gap. 2 W rite th e questions.

1 W e love Ita lia n food. W e moke pizza. 1 your m u m / cook Chinese food?

2 W h at do you do w hen you get hom e? I k

Does your mum coo Chinese food?

d o ___ _ m y hom ew ork. 2 your brother / play football?

3 I m very tire d . W hy dont you m ake a

3 you and your friends / w atch DVDs?
C W - l ?>
4 I dont do . b u t I like w atching
football or tennis on TV. 4 he / have an English lesson today?
5 My uncles rich - he lots of money!
6 W p dont m ake a IU w hen w e come 5 Tom and M artin / do a lo t of sport?
hom e because M u m works at home.
6 you / know w here I live?
3a Look at th e pictures. Question words

W rite questions and
sh ort an sw ers. U M atch to m ake questions.
1 j W hen
2 How
3 W hich
4 j W hat
5 J W h at tim e
6 W here
...goes to college
7 J W hy
...plays football
8 j W ho
...eats pizza every day
...doesnt like dancing a do you do on Saturdays?
b do they get up in the morning?
1 Does frankie go to college? Ves, he does. c do you have English lessons?
2 d does he share a room with?
e do I get to your house from here?
f bag do you w ant - red or blue?
g do you like travelling?
h does your teacher live?

Verb + -ing
5a W rite th e -ing fo rm of these verbs.
1 skate skating___________
2 w ork _____________________
Lorraine... 3 travel _____________________
...goes to university 4 get up _____________________
...listens to m usic a lot 5 play
...studies English 6 study _____________________
...doesnt do any sport 7 w rite _____________________
8 cook _____________________
6 5b W hich of th e activities in exercise 5a
7 do you lik e doing? W hich don't you like
8 doing?
I like s^at/ng but I don't like travelling, and
3b Ask and a n s w e r th e questions fo r you. I hate cooking!
Do you go to college? Ves, I do. / No, I don't.

2 N ow com plete th e sentences. W rite 1 to 3
w ords in each gap.
1 Julie enjoys listening to _________new music.
2 Julie also lik e s _______________________________
her friends.
3 Freddie loves_______________________________ his
3 ... makes presents for people?
4 ... w rites songs?____________ 4 F red d ie_______________________________ a lot of
5 ... listens to m usic on the Internet? exercise, but he likes playing football.
6 ... does a sport?____________ _____ 5 Suzannes favourite free-tim e activity is
7 ... watches sport?____________
8 ... likes m aking a noise?__________ 6 Suzanne.
9 ... likes draw ing?____________ ___ w ith her friends.

J t H S i I E W h e n I've i m P P r e
g o t s o m e fre e tim e , I lik e M y fa v o u rite fre e -tim e a c tiv ity 1 love d o in g a r ts and c ra fts
s u rfin g th e In te rn e t. I p la y is m u s ic . 1 s in g in a ban d a nd I m a k e a lo t of th in g s to
g a m e s w ith p e o p le in d iffe re n t and I p la y lo ts of m u s ic a l give as p re s e n ts fo r b irth d a y s
c o u n trie s and I lik e lis te n in g in s tru m e n ts . I love p ra c tis in g and C h ris tm a s (I m a k e a ll m y
to n e w m u s ic . I m n o t v e ry w ith th e ban d and m a k in g a C h ris tm a s c a rd s - I d o n t buy
m u s ic a l b u t I k n o w h o w to p la y n o is e ! M y fa v o u rite in s tru m e n t th e m ). T h e n , I love p a in tin g
th e g u ita r - n o t v e ry w e ll! B u t is th e g u ita r and I th in k I'm and d ra w in g and m y fa v o u rite
I d o n t lik e s p e n d in g a lo t of re a lly good at it. I d o n t p la y it a c tiv ity is ta k in g p h o to g ra p h s .
tim e on th e In te rn e t - I p re fe r in th e ban d, b u t I u se it w h e n W h e n I m w ith m y frie n d s ,
h a n g in g o u t w ith m y frie n d s . I'm w r itin g so n g s . W h e n I m w e lik e p la y in g g a m e s lik e
I d o n t g e t m u c h e x e rc is e n o t d o in g m u s ic , I te x t m y M o n o p o ly o r w e go o u t to a
a nd th a ts a p ro b le m . I lik e frie n d s a lo t and I lik e u sin g caf and have a la u g h . In th e
w a tc h in g d iffe re n t s p o rts , lik e s o c ia l m e d ia . Im in to g ra p h ic s u m m e r, I p la y te n n is w ith m y
b a s k e tb a ll, b u t I'm n o t v e ry d e s ig n , so I d ra w a lo t. I a ls o
good a t d o in g th e m ! e n jo y w r itin g m y b lo g . I d o n 't
g e t a lo t of e x e rc is e , b u t I
lik e p la y in g fo o tb a ll a t th e
w eekend.

Very well i
OK a

With difficulty

Ive finished this module and I can do E l these things in English.

Module P u i

A1 understand short audio recordings about com m on everyday topics, e.g. school
subjects (p48), interests and free-tim e activities (pp53, 54) n n n
Al understand inform ation about film contents, ticket prices and tim es (pp51, 59), about
a school tim etable and fees (p56) n a a

A1 understand inform ation about student life in a newspaper article (p47),

about film s from a website (pp50-51) n n a
A1 find the m ost im portant inform ation on free -tim e activities in inform ation
leaflets (pp56-57) n n n
Spoken Interaction

A1 ask and answ er sim ple questions about film preferences (p50), activities I do (p53),
activities som eone in my fam ily does (p53), free -tim e activities (p54) n n a
A1 make sim ple transactions, e.g. buying tickets fo r a film (p59) n a a
A2 discuss w ith other people w hat to do, where to go, e.g. plans fo r a sum m e r
school (p57) a a n
Spoken Production n n n
A1 give personal inform ation, e.g. my preferences in school subjects and hobbies (p45),
my student life (p46), which film I w ant to see and why (p51), my m usical
interests (p52)
a n a
W riting

Al w rite sentences and sim ple phrases about my student life (p46), academic subjects in
my country (p48) n n n
A1 w rite a short description of a film (p51) n a n
A1 w rite an advertisem ent for a su m m e r school (p57) n n a

A t the- e-t^d of Module- 3, have- a (of h^ore A l skills. Nom I cab, start Module 4
/. Unit 7 Work and leisure

Grammar reference
Adverbs of frequency

Use adverbs of frequency to say how often you do som ething.

I a l w a y s watch the news on TV.
I n e v e r drink tea.
Use adverbs of frequency before the m ain verb.
My dad n e v e r g o e s to the cinema.
They u s u a l l y p l a y tennis on Saturday.
Use adverbs of frequency after the verb be.
W in this classroom.
e r e a l w a y s

I mlate for school.

o f t e n

Use the question How often ...? to ask about frequency.

How often do you go to the cinema?
How often does Harry play football?

once, twice , three times

an h o u r
tw ice
a day
th re e tim e s
a week
fo u r tim e s
a m onth
once o r tw ic e
a ye a r
tw o o r th re e tim e s
in every lesson
fo u r o r five tim e s

Use once, twice or three times, etc. to talk about how often you do things. Use them w ith a period of
tim e, e.g. a week, a month, a year, etc.
I see m y grandmother o n c e a w e e k .

We go out t w i c e a m o n t h .

W e usually say once, not one time ; twice, not two times.
I check my emails a week. o n c e

nit 7
Word list
Sport Jobs

baseball gymnastics skiing bus driver hairdresser secretary
basketball hockey swimming cook nurse shop assistant
climbing horse riding tennis doctor office worker teacher
cycling judo volleyball electrician police officer vet
football rugby factory worker sales person waiter


1 M atch th e sports w ith th e pictures.

1 baseball 2 volleyball 3 judo 4 rugby 5 clim bing 6 gymnastics

2 W rite th e le tte rs in th e co rrect o rd e r to 6 You cant go ginkis here - th eres no snow!

m ake sp orts.
1 Ben loves playing absetllbak w ith his friends. 7 I love gnimmwis in the sea in sum m er.
2 At the weekends, I go clincyg w ith m y dad.
3 W hich sports fro m exercises 1 and 2 do
you do?
3 netsin is fun and you only need two players.
I g o ______________________________________
fla y
4 M any children play chokey at school in England. do

5 shore dringi is an expensive activity.

4 C om plete th e puzzle and find th e m y stery w o rd.

This person

1N R S

1 ... works in a hospital.
2 ... sits at a desk b u t not in a school.
3 ... also sits at a desk b u t he gives you
hom ework! k
4 ... works in a restaurant. People 5

sometimes give h im tips. 6

5 ... cuts your hair.

6 ... works in a hospital or in a health

7 ... helps in a shop. 9

8 ... is the person to call when your TV

doesnt work!
9 ... makes things - possibly a new TV Mystery word:
for you!

Adverbs of frequency
1 N u m b e r th e ad verbs in order.
always hardly ever not often ^ often 7 never | sometimes M j usually

2 C orrect th e m istakes in these sentences.

1 Barry phones m e never! Barry never .phones mef

o ....... . .......\ c1oa4 q\\w f \o ik C'Aam.

2 Kylie sings sometimes in a band.
3 I dont go to the often cinema.
4 They always are late in the m ornings. ~ 7 1 r\ ^ __^
5 W e w atch a DVD in class hardly ever. Uk VxcurM'/, V u a lc U q tn
6 Tony plays usually football on Saturdays. ____!. .t" U -------- j - - 1
7 She often is tired in the evenings. \\ ------- 0 ^ Co M .uq

3 Put th e w o rds in th e co rrect ord er.

1 never I am English late for. 1 om never lote for English------------------------------------------- --------------------
2 go skiing they often. ______ _______________ __________________________ _______________________
3 Monday never go out on we night.
4 I T V ever w atch hardly! __________
5 am the not often I at in hom e m ornings.
6 at m y usually is college brother. _______
7 m y cricket sometimes dad plays. ______
8 parents never restaurants go m y to. ___
Look at th e tab le. W rite adverbs fo r you and then w rite
six sentences.

... do you play cricket? som etim es never never

... are you late fo r lessons? som etim es som etim es
... do you go horse riding? never hardly ever
... are you happy? usually
... do you d rin k coffee? hardly ever never

yon sometimes p lo ys cricket. I never p la y cricket.

once, twice, three tim es

5 Use w ords o r phrases from each colum n to m a ke sentences.

C ja tjs ) c h o co la te N once
go(es) on ho lid a y tw ice every lesson
My frie n d s have /ha s a te s t th re e tim e s I a week
My m u m /d a d _ jo ( e s ) sh op pin g once o r tw ice a m o n th
ly b r o th e r/s is tf go(es) s w im m in g th re e tim e s a ye a r
[Y o u r o w n id e a s ] [Y o u r ow n id e a s ] [Y o u r ow n id e a s ] [Y o u r ow n id e a s ]

My brother eats chocolate two or three times a week.


1 Read th e e m a il and say how often Jack does th ese things.
1 w rites to Joanne once o month________ 7 stays at the college all day
2 does the cleaning __________________ 8 plays tennis w ith M ax ___
3 cooks at hom e _ 9 studies __________________
4 eats at the college canteen 10 watches television ____
5 has lessons ______________ 11 works at the restaurant
6 gets the bus in the m orning 12 eats very good dinners

S earch lin ag e s Calendar

mall TO:

Add cc Add Boo Attach


Hi Joanne,
I m so rry - I know I only w rite to you once a m onth! I'm in my new
apa rtm e nt. It's nice here and Im very happy. I share w ith a guy called
Max. We share the jobs in the house, but I usually do the cleaning
because I never cook. That's right, I s till don't cook at hom e! I m ake
sandw iches and I eat at the college canteen three o r fo u r tim e s a

I dont have a lot of lessons - they are usually once o r tw ice a day.
I always get the bus in the m ornings and I usually stay at the college
a ll day. Som etim es I play tennis w ith Max, but we havent got a lot of
free tim e so its only once o r tw ice a week.

At home, I usually study - I do th a t every day. If I haven't got

studying to do, I s u rf the Inte rne t or listen to m usic. We haven't got a
television, but th a ts OK because I hardly ever w atch TV.

Oh, and Ive got a job - Im a cook in a restaurant. I w o rk there fo u r

tim e s a w eek in the evenings. The m oneys OK and I som etim es eat
very good dinners!

W rite and te ll me your news.


2 C ircle T (tru e ) o r F (false).

1 Jack w rites emails to Joanne every day. T '/ F ; 5 He has lessons every day. T / F

2 H e likes his new apartm ent. T / F 6 He plays tennis every week. T / F

3 He sometimes cooks for Max. T / F 7 He likes listening to m usic. T / F

4 H e always eats in the canteen. T / F 8 He works as a cook in a restaurant. T / F

1 A n s w er th e questions. M ake notes.

How often do you...?

e a t ham burgers never
go on holiday
tra vel by train
go running
go to th e th e a tre
go on Facebook
visit your
w rite emails

2 W rite about how often you do things.

Use yo u r notes and th e w o rds and
phrases below . Add y o u r own ideas.
always usually often som etim es not often hardly ever never
o n ce /tw ice/three tim e s /fo u r tim es I an hour / a day / a m onth / a year

I never eat hamburgers. I don't like them._________________________________

IA Unit 8 Sport
'T rr*.:'

Grammar reference
M o d a lve rb can Can is a m odal verb. We use it to express ability.
I can speak English.
Positive Negative They cant play chess.
1 1 I t is the same for all forms: I, you, he, she, it,
You You we, they. D ont add -s for he, she or it.
He He After can, put the infinitive of the verb w ith o u t
She can sw im .
She can't
sw im . to (base form ).
It It (cannot)
I can play tennis.
We We We cant cook.
You You Put can first to ask questions.
They They Can you swim?
Can he speak Japanese?
he Use adverbs to describe how you do som ething.
sw im ? He writes s lo w l y .

it She talks q u i e t l y .

we Ising w e ll .

We play tennis b a d ly .

Adverbs usually come after the verb.

S hort an sw ers - positive

They sing badly.
Some adverbs are irregular.
good well
To form an adverb fro m an adjective, we usually

add -ly.
slow -* slowly
we We can put words like very, quite or not very
you before an adverb.
they She speaks English very well.
See U n it 9 for m ore adverbs.
S h o rt an sw ers - negative
No, can't
W@r lost

nit 8
Sport verbs Sports Sports equipm ent

hit a ball run a race athlete gym baseball bat mountain bicycle
kick a ball score a goal champion player basketball rugby ball
lose a match throw a ball coach swimming pool bicycle helmet tennis racket
play a game win a match competitor track football trainers
court football boots
hockey stick

S p o rt verbs

1 Choose th e co rrect verbs

1 throw / h it 2 k ic k /w in

2 C om plete th e sentences w ith these verbs.

hit ftm Lose score w in th ro w kick play

1 No way! I cant run the 5,000 m etres.

2 I m good at football. I ________ a goal every m atch.
3 Do you know how t o ________ Monopoly?
4 Come on boys! We c a n ________ this m atch!
5 the ball - w atch the dog run!
6 You cant play football. You cant ________ the ball very hard!
7 Oh no. This is n ot good! I hope we dont ________ the m atch.
8 Some baseball players________ the ball a long way.

2 Look at th e pictures and w rite
Sports equipment
sentences w ith can / cant. Use these
3 M atch to m ake pairs. verbs.
1 b football a helm et sw im speak cook
understand play ride
2 m ountain b boots
3 rugby c ball
4 hockey d stick
5 ^ baseball e bike
6 bicycle f bat

U L abel th e se pictures. Use exercise 3 to help you.

1 bicycle, helm et

Modalverb can
1 C ircle th e co rrect w ords.
1 If you can kick / to kick a ball, you can play football!
2 You can / Can you understand Japanese?
3 M arcia cant t cant not play chess.
4 I can understand G erm an, b ut I cant to speak / speak it.
5 I can/ cant play basketball, b u t I dont like it.
6 W e can / cant play tennis because we havent got a ball.
3 Put th e questions in th e co rrect places in the dialogue.

nit 8
BOY 1 d
a Can your brother download songs from
G IRL Yes, I can. I t s m y favourite activity.

the Internet?
BOY b Can you understand the rules of rugby?
G IRL No, I cant. Theyre very difficult! c Can you play the piano?
BOY d Can you ride a horse?
G IRL Yes, we can. W ere very good! e Can you and your sister play tennis?
BOY f Can your m u m speak French?
GIRL Yes, he can. H e does it every day.
GIRL No, she cant, b ut she knows some Italian.
GIRL Yes, I can, b ut not very w ell.

Adverbs (1)
U Circle th e co rrect w ords.
1 In the library, we speak quiet I quietly.)
2 She plays tennis quite well / good.
3 You always sing loud / loudly.
4 We always drive slow / slowly in town.
5 M y brother plays chess badly / bad.
6 I always do m y hom ew ork quick / quickly.

5 W rite th e w ords in th e co rrect o rd e r to m ake sentences.

1 w ell / 1 / quite / baseball / play I play baseball quite well.
2 w ell / speak / you / English / very
3 slowly / we / hom e / w alk / usually
4 quietly / always / talks / she
5 badly / 1 / cricket / play

6 W hat can / cant you do? How w e ll do you do things? W rite sentences.
I can / can t p la y tennis
I sing very well/>ad!y, e tc .

Reading C a m b rid g e E n g lis h k e y (k e t) p a r t 3

1 Read th e in te rv ie w and com plete th e questions. Use these w ords.

cook do ride speak like

you're a very successful singer.

........ ........................................
Our readers want to know more about you.
Can I ask you some questions?

1 Can you any sports?

Yes, I can! I can play tennis and football.

2 Are you good at football?

Not bad. I can play quite well.

3 Which sports do you watching?

I love rugby. It's a big thing in our family. My brother plays for Wales.

4 What about outdoor activities? Can you a horse?

No, I can't. I don't like horses. They're very big! I like walking and sailing.

5 Can you any foreign languages?

I can speak French very well. My mother's French. I know a little Spanish too.
Just a few words, really. Oh, and Welsh, of course!

6 One more question ... can you

Well. I can make some things really well.
For example, I cook fish very well. But I can't make desserts. I just eat fruit.

2 Read th e in te rv ie w again and circle th e co rrect w ords.

1 Lana a m / cant play tennis.
2 She is / isnt good at football.
3 H e r brother is / isnt a rugby player.
4 She can / cant ride a horse.
5 She can / cant speak three languages very w ell.
6 She knows / doesn t know how to cook fish.
I've finished this m odule and I can do J7] these things in English.

M b

A1 understand short audio recordings about com m on everyday topics, e.g. the frequency
w ith which young peopte do some activities (p64), the skitls and abilities of three teens n n n
A1 understand essential inform ation about an athletic event (p72)
n a a

A1 understand a questionnaire about the frequency w ith which 1do some i n n

activities (p64), a conversation about skills and abilities (p69)
A1 identify im portant inform ation in newspaper articles: on unusual jobs (p67),
on the Paralym pics (pp72-73) n n a
A1 identify inform ation in job advertisem ents (p70) n n a
Spoken Interaction

A1 ask and answ er sim ple questions about people's jobs (p66), about abilities (p69) n a a
A1 do sim ple transactions in shops (p74)
a n n
Spoken Production

A1 describe the sports I do (p61), the frequency w ith which I do some activities (p63), my
sports and my skills [p70], the best job for me and my partner (p70) a a a
A1 give inform ation about your sporting abilities and inform ation about a favourite
athlete (p73)
a a a
W riting
n n

A1 w rite a short description of a job (p66)

A1 w rite an em ail about sport (p73)
a a

A t the e W of Module 4, I have h^ore A l skills. Novo / cab start Module- .

Unit? Out and about

Grammar reference
P re se n t continuous
Use the present continuous to talk
Positive Negative
about actions in progress.
fu ll form fu ll form Where are you? Were sitting on the
1 am l am bus.
You are You are Use the present continuous to talk
He He about tem porary situations.
She is
She is
not going Im working hard at the moment.
It It Ive got an exam.
We We Use the present continuous for
You are You are
things th at are happening now or
They They
these days.
sh ort form sh ort fo rm
Were watching TV. (Now)
I'm I m not
What are you doing? (Now)
You're You a re n 't
going Im staying at my aunts house.
Hes H e/S he/It is n 't
(These days)
She's W e/You/They aren't
going Rem em ber to m ake the spelling
changes for words th at end in -e.
We re
have having give -* giving
The short answers are the same as
They re
the present simple of the verb be.
Are you going home? Yes, I a m .
Positive short answ ers
Am 1
Is he phoning? No, he i s n t .
Yes, I am.
Rem em ber th at we dont use
Are you Yes, you are.
the short forms in positive short
he Yes, h e /sh e /it is.
Is she Yes, w e /you /they are.
Yes, I am.
we N egative short answ ers N O T Yes, Im .:
Are you No, I'm not.
they No, you arent.
No, h e /sh e /it isn 't.
No, w e /you /they aren't.
Adverbs tell us about verbs and how we do

nit 9
Adjective Adverb He drives

c a r e f u l ly .

bad badly W hen the adjective ends in -y, change the

slow slow ly -y to an -i.
careful carefully happy happily
loud loudly Be careful! Some words are sim ilar to
hard hard adverbs but are adjectives. They dont have

irregular fast fast an adverb form .

good w e ll friendly silly lonely lovely ugly

Word list
Places Clothes
town hall boots jacket shoes T-shirt
bank library restaurant
train station coat jeans shorts trainers
caf museum shopping centre
dress sandals skirt trousers
fair park sports centre
hat shirt sweater
hospital police station supermarket

P la c e s
1 C om plete th e crossw ord.
1 Cooks and w aiters w ork here.
4 C hildren often play here.
6 You can see old things here!
7 You can have a coffee here. There are w aiters
here, too.
8 There are rides like the Big W heel.
9 Get your m oney here!

2 You can do a lot of shopping here.
3 You can start your holiday here.
5 Go here if you arent feeling w ell.

2 W rite th e le tte rs in th e co rrect o rd e r to m a ke places.

1 G e m m a is reading in the college rilbray. library---------------
2 Theyre building a new spingoph trenec in our town. ------------
3 Dad works at the w ont lahl. ________________
4 We play tennis at the strops enterc. _______________
5 W ere going to the icelop titosan because we cant find G ills bike.

Clothes Grammar
3 W rite th e clothes in th e co rrect colum n. P rese nt continuous
w hen its hot 1 Circle the correct w ords.
1 K e v in /are doing his hom ew ork.
We cant go out. Its raining / It rains.
We are learn / learning a lot of gram m ar
sw eater
tra in e rs
w hen its cold these days.
T -sh irt 4 The boys are riding / ride th e ir bikes now.
5 My sister is in her room . Shes listen /
listening to music.
on your feet 6 I am surf / surfing the In te rn e t at the
m om ent.

2 Look at th e picture on page 183. W hat

a re they doing? W rite sentences using
4 W rite w h at th e y re w e a rin g . th e verbs given.
1 (wom an / skate)
A womon is s/tofinq.___________________
2 (b a b y /la u g h )

3 (boys / play football)

4 (old m an / sleep)

5 (old w om an / eat)

6 (girls / read a m agazine)

7 (babys m other / take a photo)

8 (police officer / run)

The m an is w earing a shirt trousers and N ow w rite negative sentences fo r the

The w om an is w e a rin g _________,__________ p icture in exercise 2. Use sh ort form s.
The old man isnt seating.__________________
The boy is w e a rin g .

The girl is w earing

4 W rite questions and sh o rt an sw ers. Adverbs
1 y o u /w o r k I7 l
5 C om plete the tex t w ith th e ad verbs of the
A r e you working? Ves, I am, ______
w o rds in brackets.
2 it / rain M
Tom looks 1 sadly (sad) at the clock. I t s tim e
to wake up! He gets u p 2 (slow) and
3 you all / have fun E l
he puts on his clo th es3__________ (sleepy).
Then he w a lk s 4__________ (lazy) into the
4 your dad / w atch T V S i
dining room and makes a cup of coffee. A
little breakfast and its tim e to go! He walks
5 grandm a / come to lunch JZl
5__________ (quick) to college because he doesnt
w ant to be late. Tom s a good student. He always
6 you / w ear jeans m w o rk s 6________ __ (hard) and he usually does
7 (good) in his exams. R ight now, he
is sitting in the college library. He is singing
8 (quiet) and reading.

1 Read th e te x t and say who
1 is going to w o rk ? ____________
5 is w earing w hat he / she wears every day?.
2 is looking at paintings?.
6 is w ith another person?_____________
3 is learning Russian?___
7 is listening to classical m usic?__________
4 is starting a new book?.
8 is drinking coffee?_____________

i PI[P-m m
We phone three reaiders on their mobiles and ask them five questions.

Hi, Dick! Its Rags magazine! Where are you right now?
Im in London. It's a beautiful day and I'm going to my office.
And what are you wearing?
A leather jacket and trousers. I always wear my favourite jacket.
What music are you listening to?
Right now? Ive got my MP3 player and Im listening to Beethoven.
What book are you reading at the moment?
Im reading The Isla n d by Victoria Hislop. Im really enjoying it.
What are you doing these days?
Im w orking a lot. And I'm getting ready fo r my holiday.

Hi, Emma! Its Rags magazine! Where are you right now?
Im in a little caf w ith a nice, hot espresso and Im very happy!
And what are you wearing?
Jeans and a T-shirt. It feels nice - I usually wear a s k irt and jacket.
What music are you listening to?
Theyre playing some good songs in here - Tokyo Hotel, Snow Patrol, stuff like that.
What book are you reading at the moment?
The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Im ju s t at the beginning now.
What are you doing these days?
Im not w orking at the moment, so Im spending my days sitting and relaxing!

Hi, Sophie! Its Rags magazine! Where are you right now?
Ruby and I are in an a rt gallery. Theres some crazy a rt here!.
And what are you wearing?
My favourite white jacket.
What music are you listening to?
Ive got some David Bowie w ith me, The Kills, and The Vaccines.
What book are you reading at the moment?
Well, Im not reading a novel at the moment. Im reading the biography of Steve Jobs
What are you doing these days?
Im a college student and rig h t now Im studying Russian and Spanish.

nit 9

1 A n s w er these questions about you.
W here are you rig h t now?

W h at are you wearing?

Are you listening to music? W hat is it?

W hat are you reading these days?

W h at are you doing these days?

2 W rite a sh o rt e m a il to a frie n d . T e ll y o u r frie n d w h a t you are

doing n o w / th e se days. Use th e in fo rm atio n in exercise 1
and any o th e r ideas you have.

Search im ages


Add cc Add Bcc Attach



Unit 10 In town

Grammar reference
Im peratives Object pronouns

Positive N egative Subject pronoun Object pronoun

Turn on the com puter. Don't tu rn on the com puter. I me
you you
1 Form the im perative w ith the base form of the verb.
he him
Listen to me! she her
Sit down! it it
' Put Do not or Dont before the verb for a negative. we us
Dont talk. they them
Dont cry.
Do not forget! Rem em ber - subject pronouns go before a verb.
We use the im perative to give instructions or advice. H e works in the bank.
Sit down. Dont write in your book. T h e yhave a new car.
Be careful w ith imperatives! They can sound rude. Object pronouns go after a verb or preposition.
Som etim es its better to put please at the beginning. I like h i m .

Please be quiet. We work with t h e m .

Prepositions of place

The cake is between the cups.

Word list
Shops In the city centre
book shop pharmacy art gallery palace station
butchers shoe shop beach pavilion swimming pool
clothes shop sports shop clock tower pier theatre
gift shop sweet shop library seafront tourist information centre
newsagents museum shopping centre university

Shops P la c e s in the city centre
1 M atch th e shops w ith the things you can 3 Find ten places in the w ordsearch .
buy th e re.
'l,-, R T G T L L E R Y P E E R
1 e bookshop a a pair of jeans
2 gift shop b sandals A T R T H S E U M 0 0 L J C
3 clothes shop c chewing gum S E E S E A F R 0 N T D H L
4 sports shop d a present for your dad H S W 1 M M 1 N G P 0 0 L 0
5 sweet shop e a new w orkbook 0 T T L 0 0 H S S R 0 D E C
6 shoe shop f a baseball bat 0 H 1 1 B B R U T S H A D K
P E L B L 0 C K A P 1 E R T
2 C om plete th e te x t w ith th e co rrect shops. S A L R E 1 P D T 0 W 0 P 0
On Saturdays, I often go shopping w ith my E T Y A S T A S 1 U N D S W
dad. We usually go to the same places. Theres N R S R S V S Y 0 0 L W S E
a g re a t1 book shop in town, so I usually go T E C Y 0 w E R N 1 G H R R
there for an hou r and read w hile m y dad goes A S C 0 W s M U S E U M U N
to buy fru it. Then we go to the 2_____________ H P P
5 0 1 N G C E N T R E
to buy m eat for Sunday. On the way, theres
a g re a t3_____________I like looking in the a rt qollery
w indow at the things they have there, like
tennis rackets and m ountain bikes. Theyve
got everything! Before we come hom e, we
sometimes go to the 4_____________ to buy
m edicine for m y grandma. And the last thing
we always do is go to t h e 5_____________ to buy
a m agazine and then to the 6_____________ to
buy some chocolate for my m um .

4 C om plete th ese sentences w ith w o rds fro m exercise 3.
1 On the .pier______________in B righton there are fair rides.
2 If you dont have tim e to go to lots of shops, go to t h e _________________________ .
3 In the to w n _________________________ you can read books or take them home w ith you.
4 You can see very old things in a ________________________.
5 L ets go to t h e . _. I w ant to see some paintings.
I m w alking along the _ ________ looking at the people on the beach!
Some people prefer t h e . _________ because they dont like going in the sea.
8 Dads going to t h e _____ . to buy a ticket to London,
9 M eet me under t h e ____ in the tow n centre!

Im p e rative s
1 Circle th e co rrect w ords.
1 Please sit / sitting there. This is m y chair! 4 Your hom ew ork is exercise 5. Please to do / do
2 I t doesnt work? Try / Tries tu rn in g it off it carefully.
and on again. 5 Put / Putting the paper in here.
3 Forget / Dont forget to phone me. 6 The babys asleep. D o nt make / making a noise.

2 M atch th e pictures w ith w h a t th e people a re saying.

1 Get your 1 Don't 1 Dont stay 1 Please

^ Sit down /jjk Do not
s o u v e n ir s O forget Q here. Go to d o n t feed
T please. W enter.
T here! I to w rite ! T the beach. ] the anim als.
V y ....
Object pronouns Prepositions of place
3 C om plete th e sentences w ith th e co rrect 5 Look at th e picture and circle th e co rrect
object pronouns. preposition.
me you him her it us them

1 The girls are late. Can you phone them?

2 We w ant to buy sweets. Can you give
some money?
3 I like w alking, b ut M u m usually drives
to college.
4 Can I p h o n e __________ tom orrow? D ont go
5 Do you like this song? I dont lik e _____________
at all.
6 M y m u m s over there. Do you know 1 The chairs are behind / next to / under the
? bicycle.
7 Robs m aking a noise. Please t e ll _____________ to 2 The gorilla is in / opposite / between the
be quiet. arm chair.
3 The arm chair is opposite / near / in front of the
U Choose th e co rrect an sw er: a, b o r c.
painting of a w om an.
1 T h a ts m ine. Please_________________________ . 4 The hats are in front of / near / under the vases.
a give it to me 5 The lam p is on / next to / between the chairs.
b give to m e it 6 The arm chair is on / next to / between the sofa
c give m e m ine and the bookshelf.
2 Jen wants to learn tennis - her dads teaching
6 W rite sentences about th e things around
you, using prepositions of place.
a she plays
b to play her k.
My f e n Is on my d e s _____________________
c h er to play The teach&r is in fro n t of the board._______
3 M u m , c a n _________________________ w ith my
a m e help you
b you help me
c I help you
4 C a n _________________________ a story?
a you tell us
b we tell us
c you tell we
5 Ken goes to college at eight so I get up

a after he
b after his
c after h im
Reading C a m b r id g e E n g lis h k e y (k e t) p a r t u
1 Read th e te x t and circle T (tru e ) o r F (false).
1 L u b lin is very near Warsaw. T/F
2 The Royal Castle is a popular place to visit. T/ F
3 Theres a tow er you can clim b. T/ F
4 Th eres a m useum and an art gallery in the castle. T/ F
5 The Saxonian Garden is in the centre. T/ F
6 The Town H a ll is an old building. T/F
7 There are a lot of new buildings in the town. T/ F
8 You can see most of the tow n by w alking. T/ F
9 There are only one or two restaurants in the tow n. T/F
10 There are lots of trains from Lublin to Warsaw. T /F

Royal Castle in Lublin

Old Town of Lublin

Lublin is a b e a u tifu l o ld c ity in th e e a s t o f P o la n d . Its 175 k ilo m e tre s fro m th e c a p ita l, W a rs a w

a n d i t s a lo v e ly p la c e to v is it. M o s t v is ito rs to L u b lin go to th e R o ya l C a stle . It's re a lly a m a z in g
- d o n t m is s it! You can c lim b up th e to w e r fo r a fa n ta s tic v ie w o f th e city. T he L u b lin M u s e u m
is a ls o in th e c a s tle , so you can fin d o u t lo ts o f th in g s a b o u t th is in te re s tin g to w n . You can a ls o
v is it th e P o lis h P a in tin g s G a lle ry.
If you lik e p a rk s , w a lk in to th e c e n tre o f th e c ity a n d see th e S a x o n ia n G a rd e n o r th e B o ta n ic
G a rd e n , n e a r th e ro a d to W a rs a w . In th e o ld to w n , you can se e th e 2 3 0 -y e a r-o ld Tow n H a ll and
lo ts o f o th e r b e a u tifu l o ld b u ild in g s .
Its e a sy to tra v e l a ro u n d th e c ity by bu s, o r you can w a lk . In fa c t, it s e a sy to s p e n d h o u rs
in th e c ity s e e in g th e s ig h ts a n d th e b e a u tifu l o ld h o u s e s . W h e n y o u re tire d , th e re a re lo ts of
ca f s fo r a re s t a n d a d r in k . A n d d o n t fo rg e t to tr y th e lo c a l fo o d a t o n e o f th e m a n y r e s ta u ra n ts
in th e to w n . W h e n it's tim e to leave, th e tr a in s ta tio n has 16 tra in s a day to W a rs a w , a n d tra in s
a ls o go to K ra k o w o n ce o r tw ic e a day.

Things I can

With difficulty

Ive finished this m odule and I can do E l these things in English.

A1 understand short audio recordings about finding places in a town (p77),
about the way people are doing things (p80)
n n a
A1 understand sim ple directions - how to get from X to Y,
on foot or by public tran sport (p91)
n n n
A1 understand essential inform ation about a country (p82),
about visiting a foreign town (pp88-89) n n n
A2 identify im portant inform ation in a newspaper article on Canada (pp82-83),
in a guide to Brighton (pp84-85)
n a n
A l understand sim ple w ritten messages giving advice to foreign students (pp88-89) n D n
Spoken Interaction
A l ask and answ er sim ple questions about my favourite places in town (p77), about my
favourite shops (p84), about the position of objects in a picture (p86)
n D n
A2 discuss w ith other people and give advice (p88) n a a
A1 ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan (p91) n a a
Spoken Production

A1 describe things to do in my city (p83) D n n

W riting
A1 w rite sentences and sim ple phrases about my town or area (p77),
about w hat people are doing now (p79)
n n n
A1 w rite about aspects of my life, e.g. a factfile about my country (p83) n n n
A1 w rite an entry for a travel website (p89) a a n

A t the, e,bd of Module f, X m a good A l student Nom T cab start Module. 6

^ Unit 11 Food and drink

Grammar reference
Countable and uncountable nouns s o m e /a n y
M ost nouns are countable, and we use a l an or a There is som e water.
Positive som e
num ber w ith them . There are som e boxes.
a computer, two desks There is n 't any paper in the
an apple, three umbrellas Negative any

Use an before a noun th at begins w ith a vowel

There a re n 't any messages
on m y m obile.
sound (a, e, i, o and u).
Is there any hom ew ork
an apple tonight?
Questions any
an idea Are there any pictures in this
Use a singular verb w ith singular countable book?

There a computer on the table.
i s
How much ? / How many?
Use a plural verb w ith plural countable nouns.
There three swimming pools in m y town.
a r e Question A n sw er
Some nouns are uncountable. We dont use a or None.
an w ith them , b ut we often use some I a lot I Countable
How m any Not many.
a little, etc. Here are some com m on uncountable nouns
sandw iches are
Quite a lot.
nouns in English. A lot.
music information hair money
furniture work news homework Not m uch.
traffic snow rain paper food noise Uncountable How m uch m ilk
have we got? Quite a lot.
Uncountable nouns are singular and we always A lot.
use a singular verb.
T h i s information interesting.
i s Use How much ...? and How m any...? to ask
S o m e music very noisy.
i s about quantities.
T h a t furniture very old.
i s

Word list
Food and drink
chips grapes mushroom pear salmon veggie burger
apple butter
coffee ice cream onion pizza sausage water
banana cake
carrot cucumber lemon orange potato sugar
cheese eggs milk orange juice prawns tea
chicken fizzy water milkshake pasta rice tomato

nit 11
2 M atch th e w o rds w ith th e pictures.
rice 3 j tom ato 5 pear
Food and drink

| chicken 4 cheese 6 prawns

1s A L M 0 N


1 C om plete th e puzzle and find th e m ystery

w o rd.
1 A type of fish, (amosnl)
2 I t s long and green. W e eat it w ith salad,
(m uccbure)
3 This is very popular in Italy, (sptaa)
4 You usually p ut this on pizza, (heseec)
5 People m ake sandwiches w ith this, (dearb)
6 This is an orange vegetable, (racrot)
7 Sm all and round, you cry w hen you cut them ,
8 A fru it b ut its n ot sweet, (m enol)
9 If you have chickens, you can have these fresh
each m orning, (gegs) 3 C ircle th e odd one out and say w h y it
doesnt belong.
Mystery w o rd :______ ------------------------- ---------------- 1 sausages / chicken ^ m ushroo m )
Mushroom, because it isnt m e a t.--------------
2 lem on / carrot / onion

3 m ilk / sugar / orange juice

4 cheese / b u tter / coffee

5 p o ta to /b a n a n a /o ra n g e

6 praw n / pear / salm on

Countable and uncountable nouns
1 W rite th e nouns in th e co rrect colum n.
book co m puter fu rn itu re h a ir hom ew ork job m oney person rain table

Countable Uncountable

2 C om plete w ith is o r are.

1 The rain _ is bad this m orning.

2 there any h ot w ater for a bath?
3 These p eo p le_____________ all friends of m y brother.
4 Dad says his jo b _____________boring.
5 M y hom ew ork . very difficult today.
6 M o n e y _______ . very im p ortan t for some people.
7 These books _____ yours, I think.
8 T h e re ______ . a lot of fu rn itu re in m y room .

3 C ircle the co rrect w ords to co m plete th e tex t.

I The n e w s fjs /are not very good this

m orning. They say t h a t 2snow is'/
snows are falling in the n orth and
t h e 3traffic is / traffics are heavy, so
the roads are dangerous. I m trying
to get s o m e4informations /
information because I m driving to
see m y grandfather. I m com ing back
tonight because I ve g o t 5work /
works to do. I m listening to the
radio and t h e ir 6advices are / advice
is to stay at hom e. Oh dear!

v '
so m e / a n y H ow m uch ? / H o w m an y?

U C om plete th e dialogue w ith some or any. 6 C om plete th e sentences w ith much or

BOY Have you g o t1 ony________homework
tonight? 1 How many American friends have you got?
G IR L Yes, Ive g o t2___________ exercises to do 2 How___________ free time have you got?
for maths. Why? 3 How___________ money do you spend on CDs?
BOY Ive go t3___________ homework for 4 How___________ pieces of fruit do you eat
geography, but I cant find4___________ a day?
information on the Internet. 5 How___________ times a day do you check
G IR L Youre not looking in the right place! your emails?
Theres loads of information on the 7 Circle th e co rrect w ords.
Internet! 1 H o w m uch / H o w m an y traffic is there in town
BOY Have you go t5___________ free time to
help me? 2 H o w m uch /H o w m a n y cafs are there near
G IR L Ive g o t6___________ time now, but have
your college?
you g o t7___________ coffee? Im very 3 H o w m uch / H o w m an y milk do you drink a day?
sleepy. 4 H o w m uch / H o w m a n y food have you got in
BOY Ive got8___________ coffee, but I havent
your fridge?
g o t9___________ sugar, Im afraid.
5 H o w m uch / H o w m an y cars has your family
G IR L Thats OK. I dont take sugar. Now, lets
see ... wheres your laptop?
8 A n s w er these questions fo r you.
5 Circle th e co rrect w ords.
1 Can you give m a s m e / a n y pens, please? 1 How much information do you get from the
2 Lots of people havent got a / a n y work at the Internet?
3 Im sending a /s o m e text message to Claudia.
4 There are s o m e / a n y good shops in my town. 2 How much free time have you got?
5 Have you got a / a n y rap music on your MP3
6 S o m e / A n y English students are staying with 3 How much exercise do you do?
my family.
7 Dads painting s o m e / a n y furniture in the
garage. 4 How much sleep do you get a night?
8 There isnt s o m e / a n y news on TV this morning.
6 How much music that you listen to is on the
radio / on CD / in the car / downloaded?
R e a d in g C a m b r id g e E n g l i s h k e y (ket) p a r t 2

1 Read th e a rtic le quickly and m atch th e nam es w ith th e photos.

M Y T l A V O l U t l T f T O C flP
U h d + K e food 1 don't like ...)
My fa v o u rite food is pasta - I love it! We live in London, but m y
m u m 's Ita lia n and she m ake s g re a t pasta d ish es. I re a lly lik e
th e ones w ith m e a t sauce. G randm a lives n e a r us and w hen
w e go to v is it her, she m akes h e r ow n fre s h pasta w ith flo u r
and eggs. Its d e licio u s .
^ I re a lly d o n t lik e sa usages. Yuk! I n e ve r eat th e m .

Je$$ I lik e s im p le food. Im le a rn in g to cook and at th e m o m e n t m y

fa v o u rite food is soups. T h e y're easy to m ake and ve ry healthy.
I don t eat a lo t of m ea t. S o m e tim e s I have a h a m b u rg e r, b ut I
p re fe r veggie b u rg e rs. B u t I have g ot a sw e e t to o th - I alw ays
have d e ss e rt w h e n I go o ut to dinner.
^ The food I d o n t lik e a t a ll is avocado. I d o n t k n o w why...

T feul I like cheese! I h a rd ly e ver eat gree n ve ge ta b le s. M y g irlfrie n d

th in k s Im crazy. She loves sa la d - she eats salad fo r lunch
and d in n e r every day. I p re fe r a nice piece o f cheese w ith

bread. S o m e tim e s I add a to m a to .
don t like sw e e t th in g s . I n eve r eat ch ocolate.

Chioe I k n o w it s a b it stra n g e , b u t eggs are m y fa v o u rite food. I love

th e m . I c a n 't cook m an y th in g s , b u t I can m ake a nice Spanish
o m e le tte . I a lw ays p ut lo ts of p otatoe s and to m a to in and
s o m e tim e s I add p ep p e rs. T h a ts m y fa v o u rite ! I lik e fr u it too.
I eat lo ts of it.
W h a t d o n t I like ? I hate cu cu m b e r.

1 2 Read th e a rtic le and circle th e co rrect an sw er, a, b o r c.

1 Where does Dans grandmother live? 4 How often does Pauls girlfriend eat salad?
a France b Italy c England a Once a day. b Twice a day. c Three times a day.
2 Can Jess cook? 5 What does Paul like to eat with his cheese?
a No, she cant. a salad
b Yes, she can cook very well, b green vegetables
c Shes having lessons. c bread and tomato
3 What does Jess say about soups? 6 What does Chloe always put in a Spanish omelette?
a Theyre good for you. a potato and tomato
b Theyre cheap to make, b potato and cucumber
c Theyre sweet. c potato and peppers
W ritin g
1 Circle th e co rrect an s w e r fo r you.
1 How much meat do you eat a week?
n ot m u ch q u ite a lo t

2 How much water do you drink a day?

b etw e en 1 and 2 litre s m o re th a n 2 litre s
less th a n 1 litre

3 How many pieces of fruit do you eat a day?

"m o re th a n 5 ~|
fe w e r th a n 5

4 How much exercise do you do a day?

b etw e en 1 and 2 h o u rs m o re th a n 2 h o u rs
le ss th a n h a lf an h o u r

2 A n s w e r th e questions.

1 What do you usually eat for breakfast?

2 Do you eat home-cooked food often?

3 Do you often eat in a restaurant?

4 How often do you eat fast food, like pizza and burgers?

5 Can you cook? What things do you know how to cook?

6 Do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables?

3 W rite a description
of w h a t you eat and
d rin k . Say how often
you eat and d rin k
th e m .

Unit 12 Friends

G ram m ar reference
C om paratives and su p erlatives
Adjective Comparative Superlative
A d je c tiv e s w ith one s y lla b le old o ld e r th e o ld e st
fa st fa s te r th e fa s te s t
S h o rt a d je ctiv e s th a t end in -e w id e w id e r th e w id e s t
cu te c u te r th e cu te st
A d je c tiv e s w ith tw o s y lla b le s e nd ing in -y p re tty p re ttie r th e p re ttie s t
happy h a p p ie r th e h a p p ie st
M ost a d je ctiv e s w ith tw o o r m o re s y lla b le s d a n g e ro u s m o re d a n g e ro u s th e m o s t d a n g e ro u s
in te llig e n t m o re in te llig e n t th e m o s t in te llig e n t
Irre g u la r a d je ctive s good b e tte r th e best
bad w o rs e th e w o rs t
fa r fu r th e r /fa rth e r th e fu rth e s t/fa rth e s t

Use th an in a comparative sentence.

Bicycles are slow er th an m otorbikes.

For one-syllable adjectives that end in a single vowel + a single consonant

(except for r, w or x ), double the consonant and add -e r for the comparative
and -est for the superlative.
big - bigger - the biggest
h o t - h o tte r - the h o ttest

For short adjectives that end in -e, just add - r for the comparative and -si
for the superlative.
cute - cu ter - the cutest
brave - braver - the bravest

Always use the in a superlative sentence.

Whales are the biggest anim als in the world.

W ord lilft Physical description

Types of hair Face Build Parts of the body Pizza toppings
bald fair beard mouth plump arm knee anchovies peppers
blond/e long ears nose short back leg cheese salami
curly short eyes lips slim elbow neck ham sausage
dark straight glasses moustache tall finger stomach mushrooms sweetcorn
hair thin foot/feet tail olives tomato
well-built hand toe onion tuna


Unit 12
Physical description
1 Use one or more words from each box to describe people you know.

Name Build Hair Adjective Face

long e ars
s lim
fa ir m o u th
w e ll- b u ilt (a) s m a ll/lo n g /s h o rt, etc.
s h o rt lip s
t a ll
M ichael is with dark hair and eyes
s h o rt (an) a ttra c tiv e
c u rly m o u s ta c h e
p lu m p g re e n /b lu e /w h ite , etc.
blonde beard
th in
s tra ig h t g la sse s

Michael is ta ll with long, dark hair and a small nose.

2 L abel th e p a rts of th e body in th e pictures. Use these w ords.

teg a rm knee fin g e r fo o t hand toe e lb o w

Pizza toppings
3 Write the words in the correct column
a nchovies s a la m i meat I fish II dairy 1
o lives tu n a ham
p ep p e rs m u s h ro o m s
to m a to s w e e tc o rn
cheese onion
ham sausage

G ram m ar
C om paratives
1 Write the comparative forms of the adjectives below in the correct places.
bad big
double letter -e r
d iffic u lt easy
good happy
hot im p o rta n t
ULU safe more + adjective irregular
ta ll w id e

2 Complete the sentences using comparatives from exercise 1. More than one answer may
be possible.
1 Being healthy is more important / b e tte r than having a lot of money.
2 I feel____________________ ___________ at home than at college.
3 A whale is ___________________ _____________than a goldfish!
4 Its ________________________________ in Africa than in the Antarctic.
5 English is_______________________________ than Spanish.
6 That man is __________ ______________________than my dad.
3 Now write four sentences of your own. Try to use different comparatives from the ones in
exercise 2.

U Complete the sentences with the comparative of the adjectives in brackets.

1 My mobile phone is newer________ than yours, (new)
2 York is________________ from London than Oxford, (far)
3 Its ________________in town on Saturdays than it is on Sundays, (busy)
4 History lessons are________________ than science lessons, (interesting)
5 German cars a re ________________than Italian ones, (expensive)
Unit 12 On
5 C om pare th e things below using the 7 W rite com parative and su p e rla tiv e
co m parative fo rm of som e of these sentences about th e dogs.
c o m fo rta b le / v n c o m f o r t a b i e
/ fe
f a s t / s\n \N
healthy / unhealthy big
IN T E L L IG E N T / S iL |_ Y h e lp fu l
/ boring in te llig e n t 'k 'k 'k 'k

p re ty p o p u la r

1 travelling by plane - travelling by car fu n n y
frie n d ly
Travelling fry .plane is safer and more comfortable
than travelling fry car. _______________________
2 eating salad - eating junk food
Spot is bigger than Rover.
Hex is the biggest dog.
3 studying history - studying geography

4 your favourite singer - your favourite actor

5 your bedroom - your living room

6 your country - another country [w r it e th e

nam es] 8 A n s w e r th e questions fo r you.
-------------------------------------------------------------- - 1 Who is the most intelligent person you know?

S u p erlatives 2 What is the most popular TV programme in your

6 W rite th e su p e rla tiv e fo rm s of these country?
1 tall the tallest
2 popular the most popular 3 What is the funniest TV programme?
3 bad
4 heavy
5 far 4 Are you taller than lots of people in your class?
6 cold Who is the tallest person?
7 busy
8 dangerous
9 helpful 5 Whats the busiest city in your country?
10 friendly
11 big
12 funny
1 C om plete the te x t w ith these w ords.

exhibition prize decide group world best

Wildlife Photographer
of the Year
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year is an international competition for the
1 photos of animals and nature. They hold the competition in the UK
every year. Photographers send thousands and thousands of photos to a 2________________
of photography experts. The photos come from all over th e3________________ . The experts
look at them all and4________________ on the winners.

There are lots of amazing photos of animals and birds

in the competition. The total5________________
N a t u r a l H is t o r y
M u seu m
money is 30,000 - the winner of the title Wildlife
Photographer of the Year gets 10,000. They have an Wildlife Photographer of the Year
6________________ of the winning photos at the Natural H H IB B T iiK ]
History Museum in London.
Ticket prices
2 Read th e te x t and the in fo rm atio n on the rig ht.
A n s w e r th e questions. ' A dults 9

1 What type of competition is it? ' Child 4.50

' Family 24

2 How often is the competition? Free to M em bers, Patrons and ch ildre n

aged 3 and under

3 How much prize money does the winner get? Nearest tube: South Kensington

4 Where can you see the winning photos?

5 What time does the exhibition open?

6 How much does the exhibition cost for an adult?

I v e fin is h e d th is m o d u le a n d I can do E l th e s e th in g s in E n g lis h .

Module 6
L iste n in g

A1 understand phrases, words and expressions related to ordering something to eat or

n n n
drink (pp98, 107)
A2 find the correct information in a quiz on record breakers (pp104--105)
A2 understand essential information in a conversation about record breakers (pi 05) n n n
R eading

A1 understand information about people's physical appearance (p101) n n n

A1 identify information in a quiz about record breakers (pp104-105) n a a
A2 identify important information in a newspaper article: on restaurants (pp98-99),
a n a
on animal records (p102)

S p o ken In te ra c tio n

A1 ask and answer simple questions about my favourite food and drink (pp94, 98) ::;n D n
A1 order something to eat or drink (p107) o n a
S poken P ro d u c tio n

A1 give personal information, e.g. about physical appearance (pp93, 100), n a D

about objects in my classroom (p96)

W ritin g

A1 write sentences and simple phrases describing people (p100) n D a


A1 write an advert for a restaurant (p99) n n

A1 write about your opinions [p105) a a D

Afffae. &y\d o f M odule- , I have h^ore A 1 skills- Mon) 1 cais\ s taff M o d u le 7

7 Unit 13 Getting around

G ram m ar reference
V erb be past sim ple Verb he past sim ple questions and
positive and negative short answ ers

Positive Questions S hort answ ers

1 was Yes, 1w a s.
Was 1...?
You w e re No, 1w a s n 't.

He Yes, you w e re .
W ere you ...?
No, you w e re n 't.
She was
Yes, he w a s.
It he ...?
No, he w a s n 't.
Yes, she w as.
You w e re Was sh e ...?
No, she w a s n 't.
Yes, it w as.
i t ...?
No, it w a s n t.
Yes, w e w e re .
w e ...?
Fu ll form No, w e w e re n t.
I was Yes, you w e re .
W ere you ...?
You w e re No, you w e re n 't.

He Yes, th e y w e re .
th e y ...?
No, th e y w e re n 't.
She was
Question w ords
You w e re Question w ords
What w a s y o u r fa v o u rite book?
S h ort fo rm
Where w e re you th is m o rn in g ?
I/H e /S h e /It w a s n 't
Who w a s on th e phone?
W e/Y ou/They w e re n 't
When w e re you in E ngland?
Use the past simple of be for descriptions of Why w a s he late?
the past. How w a s th e party?
I was a t home. What time w a s th e lesson?
We w erent a t school yesterday.
Which pizza w a s th e nice st?

H 1
Unit 13
W ord list
Holiday activities Transport Weather and seasons
bus / car trip sightseeing bicycle / bike motorbike autumn snow / snowy
camping sunbathing boat plane cloudy spring
eating in restaurants surfing bus scooter cold summer
going to | museums staying in a car ship cool sun/ sunny
| galleries | caravan helicopter train fog / foggy warm
| the theatre | luxury hotel lorry / truck tram hot wind / windy
hiking swimming rain / rainy winter
reading by the visiting theme parks
swimming pool walking in the
shopping mountains

T ran sport W e a th e r and seasons
1 W rite th e m eans of tra n s p o rt in th e 3 W rite th e fo u r seasons.
co rrect colum n.
bus h e lic o p te r lo rry m o to rb ik e 1 umrems
p la n e s c o o te r tra in tra m summer

2 -w h ee led in the a ir
m otorbike

2 triwen
on rails 4-w h e e le d

2 W rite th e nam e of th e tra n s p o rt.

1 boat We use this on the sea. 3 singrp
2 . It has two wheels, but its hard
. It has four wheels, and most
families have got one.
. This has four wheels, but its not
for carrying people.
. Its bigger than a plane and goes 4 tumanu
on the sea.
U D escribe th e pictures using som e of these w ords.
cold fo g /fo g g y hot r a in / r a in y s n o w /s n o w y s u n /s u n n y w a rm w in d /w in d y

5 W rite about th e season and th e w e a th e r today. Use th e w ords in exercise 4.

G ram m ar 2 C om plete th e te x t w ith th e past sim p le of be, positive

Past sim ple of be o r negative.

1 Circle th e co rrect w ords. There 1 were a lot of things to do at the summer camp
1 My friends w e re / a re at the party. There 2_________ a football pitch and a tennis court (but
It was great. there 3_________ any rackets!) and there 4__________a
2 I w a s / w e re really happy swimming pool. The pool5_________ very big, but it
yesterday. 6________ perfect on hot days! There 7__________about 20
3 The boys w a s n 7 / w e re n 7 on the tents and there 8_________ good showers. There 9__________
beach. many people from my college, but I made new friends from
other colleges. It was great fun. When i t 10_________ time to
4 Yes, we w a s / w e re at home all day
go home, 111_________ very happy to leave!
5 You w a s n 7 / w e re n 7 at football
last week.
6 Anna w a s n t / w e r e n 7 in Spain -
she w a s / w e re in Italy.
7 There w e r e n 7 / d id n 7 many
people at the concert. It w a s /
w e re very quiet.
Unit 13 ^3
3 Look at th e picture and w rite about w h e re things w e re .

H a t t w a s a t h is d e s k . The.
.p r o je c t o r w a s 5 Look again at the picture in exercise 3.
W rite questions and a n s w e r th e m .
1 Matt / at his desk
Wos M ott a t his desk? Vas. he w qs.

2 projector / between the students

3 the teacher / next to the bookcase

4 Linda / near the door

5 desk / behind the teacher

U M atch th e questions w ith th e an sw ers.
1 C; Were you at college yesterday? 6 the bin / under the window
2 1 Why were you tired?
3 Were you born in 1999?
6 W rite th e question w ords.
4 Was your last school better than this one? s
5 j Was your brother a good student? W h at W h at tim e W hen W h ere W ho W hy

6 Were you and your friends at the pool 1 What _ was the score in Saturdays match?
yesterday? 2 were you last night?
a No, I wasnt. I was two years old then! 3 was at the door?
b Yes, he was. He was never bad. 4 were they here? Was it yesterday?
c Yes, I was. All day. 5 was she worried this morning?
d Because it was late, 6 was that film last night?
e No, we werent. It was cold,
f No, it wasnt. I like it here.
Reading C a m b rid g e E n g lis h k e y (k e t) p a r t 5

1 Choose th e best w o rd: a,b o r c to

1 a) it b) there c) when
2 a) got b) not c) to
3 a) near b) nearer c) nearest
4 a) lots b) lot c) some
5 a) little b) very c) well
6 a) was b) were c) werent
7 a) any b) a c) some
8 a) his b) her c) its

Happy Christmas!
L a s t w in t e r 1 b w a s s o m e v e ry b a d w e a th e r in th e U K . T h e re w a s lo ts o f s n o w a n d

o n e f a m ily w a s v e ry u n lu c k y . M r a n d M rs U n w in h a v e 2_____ a s m a ll h o u s e in th e n o r th o f

S c o tla n d . T h e d a y b e fo re C h r is tm a s M rs U n w in w a s in th e 3_____ to w n b u y in g a tu r k e y f o r

C h r is tm a s lu n c h . B u t 17 d a y s la t e r s h e w a s s t i l l n o t h o m e . T h e re w a s 4_____ o f s n o w a n d it

w a s im p o s s ib le to g e t h o m e . S h e w a s o n ly 11 m ile s fr o m h e r h o u s e a n d h e r h u s b a n d , b u t

th e ro a d s w e r e 5_____ d a n g e r o u s . H e r fr ie n d 's g o t a c a ra v a n , s o M r s U n w in w a s s ta y in g

th e r e . T h in g s f o r h e r h u s b a n d 6_____ w o r s e . H e w a s a t h o m e w ith s ix d o g s . T h e n th e r e w e re

m o r e p r o b le m s b e c a u s e th e r e w a s n o e le c tr ic ity . " T h e r e s no e le c tr ic ity o r tu r k e y , h e s a id .

" B u t Iv e g o t w a t e r a n d 7_____ fo o d . I'm fin e . M y s ix d o g s a re fin e to o . W e re h a v in g a la te

C h r is tm a s lu n c h w h e n th e w e a th e r is b e t te r a n d m y w ife c o m e s h o m e !' M r s U n w in w a s

q u ite h a p p y in 8_____ fr ie n d 's c a ra v a n - th e r e w a s a TV a n d it w a s c o m fo r ta b le a n d w a r m .

2 Circle T (tru e ) o r F (false). 3 W rite sentences about th e sto ry w ith

th ese w ords.
1 Mr and Mrs Unwin live in a town. T / F
2 The weather wasnt good. T / F 1 bad
3 Mrs Unwin was away from home for 11 days. T / F 2 unlucky
4 There was no turkey in the shops. T / F 3 impossible
5 The Unwins have got six dogs. T / F 4 dangerous
6 It was cold in the caravan. T / F 5 worse
6 better
W riting
1 A nsw ers th e questions.

V/hen you were young...

Where was your house?
r | What was it like?
1 What was your favourite food?

Who was your best friend?

s What was your favourite music?

Where was your school?

Were you good at school?
What was your favourite TV programme?

2 W rite about yo u r favo u rite things w h en you w e re young.

Use th e past sim p le o f be and th e ideas below .
m u s i c ________________________________________________

gam e _________________ ________________________________

b o o k ________________________________________________

TV p ro g ra m m e

food _______________________ ______________

s in g e r


s c h o o l s u b je c t _________________________ ____________________

pet __________________________ _________________

clo th e s

te a c h e r
G ram m ar reference
Past sim p le positive and negative The past of can / can t is could / couldnt.
I can p lay tennis well. ~+I could p la y tennis w ell
Positive Negative when I was young.
l l Remember the spelling rules.
You You
love - loved
He He If th e ve rb ends in -e add -d
hate - hated
She She did not If th e v e rb ends in a s in g le
w a lk e d w a lk
It (d id n 't) co n so n a n t a fte r a s in g le jo g - jo g g e d
stre s se d vo w e l, d ou b le the stop - sto p pe d
We We
co n so n a n t before a dding -ed
You You
If th e v e rb ends in -I d ouble tra ve l - tra v e lle d
They They th e L
If th e ve rb ends in -y change stu d y - stu d ie d
Use the past simple for actions that began and th e y in to / before a dd ing -ed c a rry - c a rrie d
ended in the past.
I w ent to Paris in 1999. Past tim e expressions
We bought some new clothes yesterday.
All regular verbs have the same form in the past la s t n ig h t / w e e k / m o n t h /y e a r

simple: verb +-ed th re e days ago / a w e e k ago ____

I pushed m y bike home. ye ste rd a y __

She talk ed on the phone. th e day before ye ste rd a y _______ ____________

They opened the door. at six o 'c lo c k th is m o rn in g

For negative sentences, use the auxiliary verb on M onday __

d id n t + the base form of the verb. This is the in O ctob er

same for regular and irregular verbs. in 1998_____________________________________
I d id n t w atch T V last night. We often use past time expressions with the past
NOT I d id n t w atched T V last night. simple.
She d id n t p ay me. I w ent to the USA last year.
NOT She d id n t p a id me. M y sister left hom e in 2008.
Sometimes do is the main verb and the auxiliary We h a d breakfast a t eight o clock this m orning.
They ran a m arath o n a week ago.
I didnt do it!
She didnt do h e r hom ew ork.


Irre g u la r verbs Past sim p le questions and short

Unit 14
There are lots of irregular verbs. These are all answ ers
different in the past simple. You have to learn the Questions Did l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /th e y w a lk ?
past simple forms. Here are some common ones.
Short Yes, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /th e y did.
com e - cam e ru n - ran
answ ers No, l/y o u /h e /s h e /it/w e /th e y d id n 't.
d rin k - d ra n k say - said
d rive - drove see - saw Form past simple questions with:
eat - ate send - se nt D id + subject pronoun + the base form of the
fin d - found s it - sat verb.
fly - fle w sleep - sle p t D id yo u go last night?
get - got s w im - sw am N O T D id you w e n t...
go - w e n t ta ke - to o k D id he give yo u the money?
have - had th in k - th o u g h t N O T D id he g a v e ...
h e a r - heard try - trie d Sometimes do is the main verb and the auxiliary
kn o w - kn e w u n d e rs ta n d - verb. Be careful!
leave - le ft u n d e rsto o d D id yo u do y o u r hom ew ork last night?
m ake - m ade w in - w on W hat did she do to you?
pay - paid w rite - w ro te H o w did you do that?
put - put
Question w ords
What did you do la s t w e e ken d ?
Where did you go on holiday?
Who did you te xt yesterday?
When did you g et hom e la s t n ig h t?
Why did you com e to co lleg e today?
How did you g et hom e ye sterd a y?
What time did you go to bed la s t n ig h t?
Which film did you see?
Why did you do th a t?

W ord list
Technology Feelings
camcorder headphones mobile phone printer angry hungry
computer screen keyboard mouse radio depressed nervous
digital camera laptop mouse mat sat nav excited sad
games console memory stick MP3 player speakers happy scared
1 M atch th e w o rds w ith th e photos.

1 JjjJ camcorder
2 digital camera
3 games console
4 : headphones
5 mouse
6 J MP3 player
7 printer
8 satnav
2 C om plete th e crossw ord.
1 A computer you can carry with you.
5 You use this to send text messages.
6 Use it with a computer to carry
8 You listen to music or the news on
2 You can print your work on this!
3 You use this to write on a computer.
4 There are usually two of these with a
5 Its where you find your mouse!
7 The part of the computer that you look
at most.

3 C ircle th e co rrect w ords.
1 Its my birthday tomorrow! Im very "gxcitedi angry.
2 The film was very depressed / sad. It made me cry.
3 The Maths exam tomorrow is difficult and all the class is nervous / hungry.
4 Clio was alone in the dark. She was very sad / scared.
5 I didnt eat lunch today and now Im ang ry / hun gry.
6 Do you get ang ry / th irsty when you make a mistake?
7 Joes a bit nervous / depressed. His girlfriend left him.
8 Are you th irsty / a n g ry l Do you want a drink?
G ram m ar 3 Match the verbs w ith th e ir irre g u la r

U n itU
Past sim p le positive and negative
become .. found
1a W rite th e past sim p le fo rm s of these
re g u la r verbs.
come Put
find \ ran
1 brush brushed_____ get I saw
2 carry _____________ go I had
3 close _____________ give / came
4 cry _____________ have / got
5 drop ______________ leave 1 gave
6 finish _____________ make I said
7 hate ______________ put \. left
8 love ______________ run became
9 open _____________ say took
10 push _____________ see went
11 shout ______________ take made
12 walk ______________
13 want _____________ Past sim ple questions and short
14 watch _____________ answ ers
1b C om plete th e sentences. Use th e past 4 C om plete th e sentences using these
sim p le verbs fro m exercise 1a. w ords.

1 My sister cried________when she Did did didn t W here W hen How

______________that film! l Where did you go last summer?

2 George______________his homework and 2 you see the football match last
______________to his friends house. night?
3 Sandra______________her eyes - she 3 I
did you come to this town?
______________those types of films! In 2009.
4 Mary____________ her new mobile phone, but 4 Did vou like the food? Yes. I
she_______________it and it broke! 5 <
did you get home last night?
I walked.
2 W rite th ese sentences in th e negative. 6 Did you go to college yesterday?
1 Simon brushed his teeth every night. No, I f

Simon didnt rush his teeth every night.

5a W rite questions.
2 She shouted at me!
1 What / you / do yesterday?
3 Belinda opened the door slowly. What did you do yesterday?
2 you / see your best friend?
4 They climbed to the top of the mountain. 3 you / speak to your parents on the phone?
4 Where / you / have lunch?
5 I pushed the bike up the hill. 5 you / watch TV?
6 What time / you / go to bed?
6 They walked to the bus station.
5b A n s w er the questions fo r you.

1 Read the m agazine in te rvie w s and a n s w e r th e questions.
1 When did Miriam get lost? L a s t year on holiday. 6 How did Danny get out of the sea?
2 What did Miriam forget to take with her? 7 Was the boy safe?
3 How did Miriams children feel? 8 Where was Chris when he fell?
4 Was Danny in the sea at the start of his story? 9 What happened to Chriss leg?
5 Why did Danny jump into the sea? 10 How did Chris get to hospital?


C k ris
What happened to you? What happened to you? Where were you?
I w e n t fo r a w a lk and I got lost. I got into trouble in the sea. I was in Switzerland on one of
When was this? When was this? the highest mountains there.
Last year. I was on holiday. In the summer. How did it happen?
Where were you? Where were you? I didnt look at my feet. I put
I was in th e fo re st. I w ent cam ping I was on the coast in the south of my foot on a rock - well, I
th e re w ith th e kids. England. thought it was a rock - but it
How did it happen? How did it happen? was just a piece of ice. Well,
I was silly, really. I did th e s illie s t I was on the seafront. A woman
the ice broke so I fell down
th in g possible. I w e n t to buy bread. came up to me and said her son
the side of the mountain. I fell
I d id n t have my m obile phone. was in the sea and he couldn't
about 10 metres and I broke
When I tu rn e d ro un d to come back swim. 'Can you help me?' she said.
my right leg.
to th e tent, I co uldn t fin d it! W ell, I can swim quite well, so I How did you feel?
How did you feel? took my clothes off and jumped in. Terrible! I thought, Now Im
At firs t, I d id n t feel bad at all. But How did you feel? going to die! There was snow
th e n it sta rte d to get d a rk and I Fine. I wasn't cold. But after a few
all around me and I couldnt
was re a lly scared.
minutes, I started getting tired.
light a fire. It felt like the
What did you do? Then I was a bit scared.
coldest place on Earth!
I w alked to w h e re I th o u g h t the What did you do? What did you do?
te n t was.
I shouted for help. I couldn't find
Luckily, I had my mobile with
What happened in the end? the boy and I couldn't get back to
me so I called for help.
Well, I found th e te n t b ut it was the beach. What happened in the end?
d a rk when I got back. What happened in the end? They sent a helicopter and the
The ch ild re n w e re a b it w o rrie d !
A small boat came and rescued
rescuers took me to hospital. I
me. They found the boy too, so we
really was very lucky.
were all safe!
Very w ell
With difficulty

Iv e fin is h e d th is m o d u le an d I can do JZl th e s e th in g s in E n g lis h .

Module CO
L iste n in g

A1 u nd e rstan d n u m b e rs e.g. dates of b irth (p 112) n d a

A2 id e n tify th e m ain points in an in te rvie w (pp12Q-121) n n Q
A2 u nderstand the e ssen tial in fo rm a tio n in s h o rt recorded passages dealing
w ith p red ictab le everyday m a tte rs (p122)
n n n
R eading

A1 u nderstand a quiz about w hen I w as young (p112) n n n

A1 ide n tify im p o rta n t in fo rm a tio n in a tra v e l b rochure (p109), in a blog about a d isastrous
experience (p110), in a blog about a w eekend (p i 15), in an in te rvie w w ith a rock sta r n n n
(p 121)
A2 und e rstan d s h o rt n arratives, e.g. th e sto ry of a d iffic u lt experience in th e ju n g le (p117)
D n n
S poken In te ra c tio n

A1 ask and a n s w e r s im p le q uestions about w h e re I w a s (p i 11), about dates

of b irth (p112), about w e a th e r and seasons (p115), about m y fe e ling s (p118) D n a
A1 ask and a n s w e r sim p le q uestions in everyday situ a tio n s (p pl 22-123) n n n
S poken P ro d u c tio n

A1 give p e rso n a l in fo rm a tio n , e.g. m y fa vo urite holiday a ctivitie s (p109),

m y te c h n o lo g ica l gadgets (p 116) n n n
W ritin g

A1 w rite sentences and sim p le phrases about th e tra n s p o rt I use (p i 11),

a w eekend I had (p115), the th in g s I did o r I d id n 't do yesterday (p117)
n n n
A1 w rite a m agazine in te rvie w ( p i21)
n a a

It 's the e^ d o f M odule. 7. Non) I cah sta rt f O R "REA L Ble.h^e.^taruj . . .


British people send greetings cards for many different occasions. The cards usually have a printed
message inside and also a short personal message from the sender.
Printed message inside: H a p p y B irth d a y / M a n y h a p p y r e tu r n s on y o u r b ir th d a y
In your message you can:
talk about the present H ope y o u lik e y o u r p re s e n t.
talk about the day Have a w o n d e r fu l d a y ! / E n jo y y o u r p a r ty !


Printed message inside: H ope y o u fe e l b e tte r s o o n / G et w e ll so o n
In your message you can:
show sympathy P o o r y o u ! / I m so s o r r y f o r you.
give advice S ta y a t h o m e a n d re s t.

Printed message inside: C o n g ra tu la tio n s ! / W ell d o n e !
In your message you can:
give praise W h a t a fa n ta s tic r e s u lt! / W o n d e rfu l n e w s !


Printed message inside: G ood lu c k !
In your message you can:
give advice D o n t w o r r y a b o u t th e exam . / W o rk h a r d !

1 M atch th e p rin ted m essages w ith th e cards.

1 Z O e ffd o M f Hope it goes well/

3 tJ Many happy returns! C jd w e lls w n /

Get Ready for Exam

2 M atch th e perso n al m essages w ith th e cards in exercise 1.

18 years old today/ -Have a Co^ratulations m your exttfad o

fantastic day and enjoy your txCLvYi results/ its a-wtadnij and.
-party tonight/ fiape you like the ( -aa sure your fa-mlly is vtry happy
DVD - 1 know Tom -Hardy is your hr you. Art you havcny a party
favourite actor/
with your friends?
Lots of love from Auntie Rose
Congratulations aijain, Jtd

Best of luck for your driving

Sorry youre not Well! Dovit think, test tomorrow!
about Work! Stay in bed, read lots of
Dont panic and remember to
books and Watch some bad film s onTV. 1
drive slowly and listen to the
Hope you fe d better very soon,
Love from Tilly
Lots of love from Pete & Issa.
-U-. g is m*:

N ow read th e ta s k b elow and w rite yo u r answ er. IM P E R A TIV E

ItaskI It is your friends 18th birthday tomorrow. We can use the imperative to give
Write a card to him/her. Include: informal advice or to express wishes.
a birthday greeting Have a fa n ta s tic day!
information about your present for him/her D ont w orry about the test.
Write 25-35 words.
5t Ready for Exams
Writing Bank Transferring info on to a fo
K ET Reading and Writing Part 8


1 Read this note. Then choose th e co rrect options to
Categorise Information com plete the fo rm about th e picnic.
P ra c tis e fin d in g a n d
id e n tify in g th e in fo rm a tio n in PHmrose Cottage
a te x t. L oo k fo r:
.18 S t Annes gardens
n u m b e rs -n a m e s
Lower Oxley
d a te s -p la c e s .V ---r
p ric e s CAMBSjCBB 4 7 ? '
Wednesday 1st Uuly
Hi Sarah
Are you busy this wee/cend? We want to have
a picnic in Heathfield far/c with some friends
on Sunday 5th Tuly. The ^>Ian is to meet a t

the tennis courts a t 12.30. Bring some food
and a -picnic blanket!
Call me before 6 pm on Saturday to confirm.


PLACE St Anne's G a rden s/ Heath field Park

TIME 12.30/ 6 pm

DATE W ednesday 1st Ju ly / Sunday 5th Ju ly



Get Readvfor Exam m MODULE 2

2 Read th e tas k below . U n d erlin e th e im p o rta n t in fo rm atio n in

th e tw o tex ts. Then com plete the booking fo rm .

[t Read the information about Sunsmile Coach Trips and Sals

a sk ! / Joseph Thomas
note to Joe. Then complete the Sunsmile booking form below. 3
me: Hi Joe
Do you w a n t to go to the seaside
w ith me next week? We can get a
bus to B righton fro m th e Ramada
Hotel. Let's have fish and chips fo r
lunch - 1 know a g rea t caf on the
Sal xx

S unsm ile C oach Trips

Tuesday 10 August: Margate (dpart 8.30 arrive 10.30)
Wednesday 11 August: Weymouth (dpart 8.00 arrive 11.00)
j Thursday 12 August: Brighton (dpart 9.30 arrive 11.00)

Adult day return journey costs 15.00 with packed lunch, or 12.50 without lunch.
All coaches depart from the Ramada Hotel.

Sunsmile Coach Trips Booking form

Number of passengers:
Date of trip:
Is lunch required? Yes O No O
Total price:


These words often appear in forms. Learn to recognise and
understand them.
H ow m uch 1 P rice / C ost
H ow m any? Q u a n tity /A m o u n t
W here ? P lace / L o c a tio n / D e s tin a tio n / A d d re s s
W hen ? D a t e / Tim e / Day
Get Ready for Exams
Writing Bank Descriptions
Trinity ISE 0 Portfolio Section 3

Make a plan before you w rite
My house PLAN
yo ur description. Divide your
Size: quite sm all
plan into d iffe re n t sections.
R oom s: 2 bedrooms, one bathroom,
When you w rite a description,
kitchen, living room
try to use several d iffe re n t
F a v o u rite p la c e in h ouse: kitchen because I love food!
adjectives. Make a lis t of
Age: 50 years old
adjectives w ith yo ur plan.
L o c a tio n : centre o f town
s m a ll old-fashioned
G ood p o in ts : close to friends and shops
d a rk noisy
Bad p o in ts : no garden, sometimes noisy
q u ie t in te re stin g
close fa r

1 Use th e w o rds in th e box to co m plete S a m s description of his fav o u rite room .

flo w e ry ca rd s TV lig h t sofa s ittin g room

You Search im ages Maps Play News Mai! Calendar

Sam's blog
My favourite room in our house is the 1__ ______________ . I like
it because it's big a n d 2________________ It's got a comfortable
b lu e 3____________________and two small armchairs in it. The
walls are cream and the curtains are a blue 4_________________
pattern. I love lying on the sofa at the weekend and reading a
good book. In the evenings, ourfamily spends time together in the
sitting room and we p la y 5____________________or board games.
O f course, sometimes we all watch 6____________________!
2 Read E lla s description of h e r a u n ts house. Find and u n d e rlin e ten adjectives.

My aunt Lives in a beautiful cottage, in- the

countryside. It's very small - it's jo t one,
bedroom, a tiny kitchen., and a big sitting room
vjitk a dining table in, it. M y aunt Loves antique,
furniture and her cottage has got Lots of very old
things in, it. I n the garden there are four apple
trees and the fruit from these trees is delicious.
It's very peaceful and quiet at my aunt's house,
but sometimes it's also a bit boring.

3 Read th e ta s k below . C om plete th e plan. Then w rite yo u r answ er.

Llaskj Describe your bedroom. Say what you like about it and what you dont like. Write 80-100 words.
My bedroom PLAN
F u r n i t u r e : _________________________________________________________________________________
C o lo u r o f w a lls :
S iz e :
Im p o r ta n t p o s s e s s io n s :
G o o d p o in ts :
Bad p o i n t s : _________________________________________________________________________________

A d je c tiv e s to d e s c r ib e m y r o o m :

We use adverbs of degree before adjectives or verbs. Common adverbs of degree include:
r e a lly / v e ry/q u ite / ex tre m ely /a bit
M y fa th e r's c a r is really expensive.
The h o u se is quite m o d e rn b u t th e fu rn itu re is very old.
Your b e d ro o m is extremely c o ld !
The film is g re a t b u t it's a bit sa d a t the end.
PLAN AND PREPARE I------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
A m e s s a g e is s h o r te r th a n a le tte r. In c lu d e th e im p o r ta n t in fo rm a tio n only. We use m e ss a g e s
f o r s e v e ra l d iffe re n t p u rp o s e s .

To give information
Use th e p re s e n t s im p le . In c lu d e th e im p o r ta n t fa c ts .
M y s c h o o l Is on D e rry S tre e t. Y our d in n e r is in th e m ic ro w a v e .

To make suggestions/arrangements
Use L e ts o r Why d o n 't we to m a ke s u g g e s tio n s . Give tim e s a nd p la ces.
Lets have lunch at my house at 1.00 on Thursday at the weekend. /
Why dont we play tennis at the sports centre?
Use th e im p e ra tiv e fo r in s tru c tio n s .
B rin g y o u r te n n is r a c k e t! D on t fo r g e t to c a ll m e !

To say thank you

Use e x p re s s io n s like :
T h an k y o u so m u c h f o r th e p r e s e n t / th e p a r t y / y o u r advice. I w a n t to th a n k y o u f o r ...

1 M atch th e th re e m essages to th e ir functions. S R o bert Davies X

1 giving information # 3 m 6
m e: Hi Bob
2 making a suggestion/arrangement Why dont we go sw im m in g th is
3 saying thank you weekend? The new sp o rts centre near
my school has got a re ally g rea t pool.
Let's m eet th e re at tw o oclock on
Dear Auntjamila Saturday. OK? Send me a text.
Thank- you so muck for tke birtkday
present and tke Lovely card. Adele
is my favourite singer and kcr new
album is fantastic. Im listening to
it at tke moment.
Tkank you again.
Von Search

T O : Bella

Add ce Add Bnc . Attach

D IS C A R D I SU B JEC T: Cinem a Club

Theres a meeting aboutthe new cinema club
tonight at the community centre. The meeting is at
7.30 pm and we w anttotalkaboutthe programme
for nextyear. Bring a notebookand a pencil!
et Readv for Exams

2 Read this ta s k and th e an sw e r below . Find th re e m istakes in th e answ er.

|t ) Its your birthday and you want to meet a friend for lunch. Write a message. Say:
a sk

where and when you want to meet

why you want to meet your friend today
Write 25-35 words.

Katie: Hi Tom
Are you fre e on Friday evening? It's my b irth d a y and I w a n t to go out. Why a re n t we go to
th e Chinese re s ta u ra n t on Neal Street? Lets to m eet th e re on 8.30. Call me to co n firm !


3 N ow read th e tas k b elow and w rite yo u r answ er.

want to go to the cinema tonight with a friend. Write a message. Say:

Itask) Y o u
what film you want to see
why you want to see that film
when the film starts
Write 25-35 words.


We use / like/1 dont like
to talk about likes and
I lik e re ad in g .
I d o n 't like fo o tb a ll
Do yo u like p izza ?
We use I d like to to
talk about wishes and
I'd like to w a tc h a film to n ig h t.
W ould yo u lik e to com e to m y
h ou se ?
w ^ J 1 * 1
Writing Bank Inform al letters and em ails
Trinity ISE 0 Portfolio Section 1


We use p a ra g ra p h s to o rg a n is e in fo r m a tio n in le tte rs a n d e m a ils .
Begin inform al le tte rs w ith a greeting:
Dear Sally, / Hi Sally! / Hello Sally,
The fir s t paragraph often has a general frie n d ly com m ent:
/ hope you a re well. / Thank you fo r y o u r la s t letter. / How are you?
The second paragraph is about the m ain subject of the letter:
I w ant to te ll you a bo u t m y holiday. / Ive g o t some am azing news.
In the final p aragraph you can ask yo ur frie n d a question o r you can make another frie n d ly comm ent:
Please te ll m e a bo u t y o u r holiday. / /
Write b ack soon! Give m y love to y o u r family.
End inform a l le tte rs/e m a ils w ith one of these phrases and then yo ur name:
Best wishes / A ll the b est /L o ts o f love / Love fr o m ...

1 Read th e ta s k and then put this le tte r into th e co rrect order.

rfASKl Write a letter to a friend about your journey to work, school or college.
Say what you like and what you dont like about your journey.
Write 40-60 words.


5 ..
6 J

(j^) 1 Write back

Get Readv for Exams MODULE 5

2 Now read this le tte r and com plete it with p h ra se s from the box.
I u s u a lly cycle
Hi G il
A ll th e best
H ow are you?
I d o n 't lik e it
I w a n t to te ll you a bo u t
2 m y jo u rn e y to w o rk .
I w o rk a t a re s ta u ra n t and 3
to w o rk . Its a long jo u rn e y and I'm tire d at th e end of it, b ut it's
v e ry hea lth y. W hen it ra in s, 4 , so I ta k e th e

ti 5


3 Read the task below and w rite your answ er.

(t a Write a letter to a friend about a typical weekend. Describe what you do and who
sk !

you spend time with. Say what your favourite part of the weekend is and why.
Write 40-60 words.
We use the prepositions
at, in and on with
expressions ottim e.
at the w e e ke n d
n ig h t
five o 'clo ck
b e d tim e
on S unday
S undays
C h ris tm a s day
m y b irth d a y
in th e evening
a fte rn o o n
m o rn in g
the s u m m e r
A ugust
Key information
W hen you re a d a p ie c e o f fa c tu a l w r itin g , u n d e rlin e th e key fa c ts .

P e a m a rs h H o u se is o p e n M o n d a y to F rid a y fro m 9.00 to 5.00. The e n try fe e is 1 5 f o r a d u lts a n d 9 .5 0

fo r c h ild r e n . V is ito rs c a n se e th e 1 5 th -c e n tu ry k itc h e n s a n d th e lib r a r y w ith its c o lle c tio n o f 1 7 th -c e n tu ry
n o v e ls .
M a ke n o te s to s u m m a ris e th e im p o r ta n t in fo rm a tio n .
Peamarsh House
Opening hours Prices Special Interest
M o n d a y - F r id a y : 9 .0 0 -5 .0 0 A d u lts : 15.00 1 5 th -c e n tu ry k itc h e n s
C h ild re n : 9.50 L ib ra ry w ith c o lle c tio n o f 1 7 th -c e n tu ry n ove ls

1 Read th e in fo rm atio n and co m plete th e notes on page 227.

CAMDEN MARKET You can buy cheap

clothes, unusual jewellery and interesting things
for your home here. You can also try food from all
around the world. The stalls and shops are open
every day of the week until 6 or 7 in the evening.
TATE M O D ER N This is the home of modern
art in London. Its an amazing art gallery and its
also got a great restaurant and a shop. It opens at
10.00 every day of the week and its free!
L O N D O N A Q U A R IU M There are thousands
of sea creatures at the London Aquarium. Its not
cheap - adult tickets are 19 and childrens tickets
are 14, but you can spend the whole day here.
H A M P T O N C O U R T PALAC E This 16th-
century palace is a great place to visit for history
lovers. King Henry VIII lived here and you can see
antique furniture and old paintings. The gardens
are also wonderful. Tickets for adults are 14.50
and for children are 7.25. Its open from 10.00 to
18.00 in the summer and from 10.00 to 16.30 in
the winter.
.... " .-.
Ea.... .............
every day until fre e in the >uy clothes, je w e lle ry & things fo r
Cam den M a rk e t 6 /7 evening your home, e a t in te re stin g food

Tate M odern

London A quarium

H am pton Court Palace

2 Read th e ta s k below . Then read the a n s w e r to th e tas k and find tw o m istakes.

(HE] You read the article on page 226 about London in a guidebook. In your own words, write
an email (approximately 75 words) to a friend. Suggest a day trip to London and name two
places to visit. Tell him/her:
how much it costs what you can do there

SAVE Add cc Add Beg Attach


Hi Bob
L e t's go to L on d o n th is w e e k e n d ! Id lik e to v is it th e L on d on A q u a riu m in th e m o rn in g . It's re a lly
s m a ll a n d w e ca n see lo ts o f d iffe re n t sea a n im a ls th e re . Then w e can have lu n c h a t th e Tate
M o d e rn r e s ta u r a n t a n d w e ca n lo o k a t th e m o d e rn a r t in th e a fte rn o o n .

The tic k e ts f o r th e L ondon A q u a riu m a re e x p e n s iv e - 1 2 each, b u t th e Tate M o d e rn is fre e !

W h a t do you th in k ? Do yo u w a n tto co m e ? M A K IN G S U G G E S T IO N S
J e rry
We use Lets and Why dont we to make
____________________________________________ ____ L e t's go to th e th e a tre in th e evening.
W hy d o n 't w e p la y fo o tb a ll th is a fte rn o o n ?
3 Do th e tas k in exercise 2. W rite about * We often ask for the other persons
Ham pton C ourt Palace and Cam den M a rk e t. opinion of our suggestion.
W hat do yo u th in k ?
Do yo u th in k th a t's a g o o d idea?

Get Ready for Exams
Writing Bank Directions and instructions
Trinity ISE 0 Task 2 I Trinity ISE 0 Portfolio Section 2


When you w rite d ire c tio n s and in s tru c tio n s , you can org a n ise y o u r ideas w ith
b u lle t points:
For o u r trip to the Country P ark on Wednesday, please b rin g :
a sn ack - boots o r tra in e rs a co at a notebook and a pen cil
and headings:
Directions to the Park
By Bus Take the n u m b e r 15 fro m outside the hospital.
By Car The Country P ark is on Ridgeview Road. It has a la rg e c a r park.
By Train The Country P ark is a 10-minute w alk fro m Gosmouth Station.

1 Read th e tas k and th e a n s w e r on th e right. Our day trip to the Callands A ctivity Centre is
R e w rite th e answ er, using headings and on Thursday 1Sth October. The A c tivity Centre
b u lle t points to m a ke it clearer. is on the Southwater Road. Vou can take a
(t a skare organising a trip to an activity
I You
number 2 5 2 bus there from the shoeing centre.
Get off the bus a t the museum and turn left.
centre. Write some instructions for your group The A ctivity Centre is opposite the library. Our
(approximately 75 words) telling them: activities s ta rt a t 10.00 and finish a t 16.00.
when and how to get there Please bring trainers, a tennis racket, a packed
what equipment they need to bring lunch and a drin/c. See you there!
2 N ow read this tas k. Use th e ideas in th e box
to co m plete th e instructions below .
Itask I are going on a walking holiday with your friend next
week. Write some instructions (approximately 75 words) for her
saying what clothes to wear, what food and drink to bring, and
where you are meeting.
th ic k ju m p e r fr u it w a te r b o ttle je a n s GLenhill S ta tion
s tro n g boots 10.30 coat sa n d w ic h e s m ap hot d rin k

-Hello Tenny___________________________________________________
tfe re is some infor mation afcout our walking holiday next week.
Clothes____________ ____ ____________________________________

Food and.Drink

S ta r ting -point

See you th e re /

3 Read th e ta s k and w rite yo ur answ er. HOW TO GET THERE

Your English friend is visiting and wants to visit a local
Itask I Buses
museum. Write some directions for your friend telling him how The bus goes fro m o u ts id e /
to find the museum from your home. Say what times and days it o p p o site th e p a rk .
is usually open. Take a n u m b e r 5 bus. Get o ff
a t the p o s t o ffice.
y H erm ione C a rte r X Trains
m e: Hi! The n e a re s t s ta tio n is XXX.
Turn l e f t / r i g h t o u t o f the
s ta tio n .
The tra in s d e p a rt e ve ry 30
m in u te s / hour.
It's a fiv e -m in u te w a lk to XXX.
F o llo w the s ig n s to the
m useum .

2 29
(adj) = adjective apple (n) /'aepl/
(adv) = adverb A p ril (n) /'e ip ra l/
(a rt) = a rtic le A rgentina (n) ^ a id s a n 'tiin a /
(conj) = co njunction A rgentinian (adj) ^ a ^ a n 't in ia n /
(indef) = ind e fin ite p ron ou n /a dje ctive arm (n) /a :m /
(n) = noun a rm c h a ir (n) /'a :m tje 3 (r)/
(n )(p i) = noun used in th e p lu ra l a rt and design (n) /,a :t sn d i'z a in /
(phr) = phrase a rt g allery (n) /'a it g e e b ri/
(prep) = p rep ositio n athlete (n) /'seB liit/
(pron) = pronoun August (n) /'o ig a st/
(v) = verb aunt (n) /a :n t/
A ustralia (n) /o'streriia/
0 zero /'ziarsu/ A u stralian (adj) /o 's tre d ia n /
1 one /wAn/ autum n (n) /'oitsm/
2 two /tu:/ avocado (n) /asvs'kcudsu/
3 three /0ri:/ a w ard (n) /a 'w o id /
4 four/fo:(r)/ awesom e (adj) /'o :sa m /
5 five /faiv/ aw ful (adj) /'o :fl/
6 six /siks/
7 seven /'sevn/ baby (n) /'beibi/
8 eight /eit/ /bask/
9 nine /nain/
back (n)
backpack (n) /'baskpaek/
10 ten /ten/ bad (adj) /baed/
11 eleven /ilevn/ badge (n) /bsed 3/
12 twelve /twelv/
13 thirteen /,03:'ti:n/
bag (n) /basg/

14 fourteen ^foi'tiin /
bald (adj) /bo:ld/
15 fifteen ^fiftiin/
banana (n) /ba'naina/
16 sixteen /,siks'ti:n/
bank (n) /bseqk/
17 seventeen /,sevn'ti:n/
barbecue (n) /'bcubikju:/
18 eighteen ^ei'tiin/
baseball (n) /'beisbod/
19 nineteen ^nain'tiin/
baseball bat (n) /'beisboilbaet/
basin (n) /'beisn/
20 tw e n ty /'tw e n ti/
twenty-one /,twenti'wAn/ basketball (n) /'ba;skitbo:l/
twenty-two /^wenti'tu:/ bath (n) /ba:0/
twenty-three /,twenti'0ri:/ b athro om (n) /'ba:0ru:m; -rum/
twenty-four /ltwenti'fb:(r)/ beach (n) /bi:tJ7
24 beard (n) /bisd/
25 tw enty-five ^ tw e n ti'fa rv /
twenty-six /^wenti'siks/ b ea utiful (adj) /'bju:tifl/
tw enty-seven /,twenti'sevn/
bed (n) /bed/
tw en ty-e ig h t /ltwenti'eit/
bedroom (n) /'bedruim; -rum/
29 tw enty-nine /,twenti'nain/
bedside ta b le (n) /,bedsaid'te ib l/

30 thirty /' 03:ti/ beef (n) /b i:f/

bicycle (n) /'b a is ik l/
40 forty /'foiti/ /'baisikl helmit/
fifty /'fifti/
bicycle helm et (n)
50 bike (n) /b a ik /
60 sixty /siksti/ bin (n) /b in /
70 seventy /'sevnti/ b ird (n) /b3:d/
80 eighty /'eiti/ b irth d a y (n) /'b 3 :0 d e i/
90 ninety /'n a in ti/
100 a hundred h 'h A n d r a d /
b lack (adj) /b lsek/
b lind (adj) /b la in d /
b lo n d/e (adj) /blond/
accident (n) /'ksidant/ blue (adj) /b lu :/
action film s (n) (pi) /' k ja n film z / board (n) /b o :d /
a d m ire (v) /3d'maia(r)/ boat (n) /b s u t/
a fte rno o n (n)^aifb'num/ book (n) /buk/
a g ric u ltu re (n) / l g rik A ltj3 (r)/ book shop (n) /'buk jbp/
am azing (adj) /a 'm e iz ig / bookcase (n) /'bukkeis/
A m erican (adj) /a 'm e rik s n / boots (n) (pi) /b u :ts /
anchovy (n) /' n tjs v i/ /'boiriq/
b o rin g (adj)
angry (adj) /' rjg ri/ box (n) /bnks/
annoying (adj) /a 'n o n g / Brazil (n) /b ra 'z d /
a p a rtm e n t (n) /s 'p c u tm s n t/ Brazilian (adj) /b ra 'z ilis n /

bread (n) /b re d /
c o m p u te r (n) /k a m 'p ju :ta (r)/
b rid ge (n) Ib n d ^ l
co m p u te r screen (n) /k a m 'p ju :ta s k riin /
b rillia n t (adj) /'b r ilia n t/
cook (v) /k u k /
B ritish (adj) /'b ritijV
cook (n) /k u k /
b ro th e r (n) /'b rA a (r)/
cooker (n) /'k u k a (r)/
b row n (adj) /b ra u n /
cool (adj) /k u d /
b u rg e r (n) /'b 3 :g a (r)/
c o u rt (n) /k a rt/
bus (n) /b A s/
cousin (n) /'k A z n /
bus d riv e r (n) /'bA s d ra iv a (r)/
crazy (adj) /'k r e iz i/
bus pass (n) /'bA s p a:s/ cu cum b er (n) /'k ju :k A m b a (r)/
bus tr ip (n) /'bA s tr ip /
cupboard (n) /'k A b a d /
busy (adj) /'b iz i/
cu rly (adj) /'k 3 :li/
b u tc h e rs (n) /'b u tja z /
cute (adj) /k ju :t/
b u tte r (n) /'b A ta (r)/
cycling (n) /'s a ik lig /

caf (n) /'ksefei/ dad (n) /deed/

cake (n) /k e ik /
dangerous (adj) /'d e iiK ^ a ra s /
c a lc u la to r (n) /'k s e lk ju le it3 (r)/
d a rk (adj) /d a :k /
c a m c o rd e r (n) /'k a ;m k a :d a (r)/ d arkness (n) /'d a :k n a s /
cam ping (n) /'k s e m p ig /
d au g hter (n) /'d a :ta (r)/
Canadian (adj) /k a 'n e id ia n / Decem ber (n) /d i's e m b a (r)/
c a r (n) /k a :(r)/
delicious (adj) /d i'lija s /
c a r tr ip (n) /'k a : tr ip /
depressed (adj) /d i'p re s t/
care (n) /k a a (r)/ desk (n) /d e s k /
ca re fu l (adj) /'k e a fl/ d ia ry (n) /'d a ia ri/
c a rro t (n) /'kaerat/
d ig ita l cam era (n) /,d id 3it l 'ksem ara/
cat (n) /kaet/
c h a ir (n) /tje a (r ) /
d in ing room (n) /'d a im q ru:m; -rum/
d irty (adj) /'d 3 :ti/
challenge (n) /'tja s la n c ^ /
disabled (adj) /d is 'e ib ld /
cham pion (n) /'tfa s m p ia n / dive (v) /d a iv /
c h a rity (n) /'tja s ra ti/ do (v) /d u :/
check (v) /t je k / d o cto r (n) /'d o k ta (r)/
cheese (n) /t ji:z / dog (n) /d o g /
chest o f d ra w e rs (n) /,tje s t a v 'd ra :z/ d o o r (n) /d a :(r)/
chew ing gum (n) /'tju n rj gAm/ dram a (n) /'d ra :m a /
chicken (n) / 't jik in / d ra w (v) /d ra :/
child (n) / t ja ild / dress (n) /d re s/
ch ild re n (n) (pi) /'t jild r a n / drive (v) /d ra iv /
Chile (n) /t jili/ d rivin g licence (n) /'d ra iv irj ^a isa n s/
China (n) /'tja in a / d ru m (n) /d rA m /
Chinese (adj) /tja i'n iiz / DVD (n) /,d i:v i:'d i:/
chips (n) /t jip s /
chore (n) /tjo :( r ) /
citizenship (n) /'s itiz a n fip /
ears (n) (pi) /iaz/
eat (v) /irt/
c la rin e t (n) ^ k fe r i'n e t/
eggs (n) /e g z /
c lim b in g (n) /'k la im ig /
elbow (n) /'e lb a u /
clock (n) / k b k /
e le ctric g u ita r (n) /^ le k tr ik g i'ta :(r ) /
clock to w e r (n) / 'k b k ta u a (r)/
e le ctricia n (n) /^ le k 't r ijn /
clothes shop (n) /'k la u z J o p /
e m b a rra ssin g (adj) /im 'basrasir)/
cloudy (adj) /'k la u d i/
England (n) /'ig g la n d /
coach (n) /k a u tj-/
English (n) / 'ir jg lif /
coat (n) /k a u t/
evening (n) /'i:v m r)/
coffee (n) /'k o fi/
excited (adj) /ik 's a itid /
coffee ta b le (n) /'k o fi te ib l/
e xciting (adj) /ik 's a itig /
cold (adj) /k a u ld /
expensive (adj) /ik 's p e n s iv /
co llectio n (n) /k a 'le k jn /
eyes (n) (pi) /a iz /
Colom bia (n) /k a 'b m b ia /
come (v) /k A m /
com edies (n) (pi) /'k o m a d iz / factory worker (n) /'faektri w3:ko(r)/
c o m fo rta b le (adj) /'k A m fta b l/ fa ir (n) /fe a (r)/
com pass (n) /'k A m p a s / fa ir (adj) /fe a (r)/
c o m p e tito r (n) /k a m 'p e tita (r)/ fan (n) / f e n 1
fa n ta s tic (adj) /f e n 't e s t ik /
fa th e r (n) /'fa :5 a (r)/ have (v) /h v /
fa v o u rite (adj) /'fe iv a r it/ head (n) /h e d /
February (n) /'fe b ru a ri/ headphones (n) (pi) /'h e d fa u n z /
fin g e r (n) /'fii) g a ( r )/ h e lico p te r (n) /'h e lik D p ta (r)/
fin is h (v) / 'f in ij / help (v) /h e lp /
fire (n) /'fa ia ( r ) / h iking (n) /'h a ik irj/
fish (n) /fijy h isto ry (n) /'h is tr i/
fizzy w a te r (n) /,fiz i 'w a :ta (r)/ h it (v) /h it/
flu te (n) /flu :t/ hockey (n) /'h k i/
fog (n) /fo g / hockey s tic k (n) /'h o k i s tik /
foggy (adj) /'f b g i/ h o rro r film s (n) (pi) /'h n ra f ilm z /
fo o tb a ll (n) /'fu tb o d / horse (n) /ho:s/
fo o tb a ll boots (n) /'fu tb o :l burts/ horse rid in g (n) /'ho:s ra id iq /
fo re ig n languages (n) ^ fb ra n 'laeggw idgaz/ hospital (n) /'h D s p itl/
France (n) /frcu n s/ hot (adj) /h o t/
Friday (n) /'fraidei / hundred /'h A n d ra d /
frid g e (n) /fr id g / h ungry (adj) /'h A g g ri/
frie n d ly (adj)/'frendli/ husband (n) /'h A z b a n d /
/jfrAnt 'doi(r)/
fro n t d o o r (n)
funny (adj) /'fXm/ ice c re a m (n) /,a is 'k r i: m ; 'a is k r i: m /
ill (adj) / i l /
g a m e (n) / g e im / illness (n) /'iln a s /
gam es console (n) /'g e im z k n n s a u l/ im m e dia te ly (adv) /i'm i:d ia tli/
garage (n) /'g s e ra g ; -a :d 3 ; - id 3/ im p o rta n t (adj) /im 'p a :ta n t/
garden (n) /'g a :d n / im prove (v) /im 'p ru rv /
genre (n) / 3D nra/ in cre d ib le (adj) /in 'k r e d ib l/
geography (n) /d ji'D g r a fi/ India (n) /'in d ia /
get up (v) /,g e t 'A p/ In fo rm a tio n C om m unications Technology (n) / ^ n f a ^ e ij n
g ift (n) /g if t / k a .m ju ira 'k e ijn z tek,nD lad 3i /
g ift shop (n) / 'g if t jb p / in te re stin g (adj) /'m tra s tir)/
glass (n), (adj) /g la is / in te rvie w (n) /'in ta v ju :/
glasses (n) (pi) /'g la is iz / Italian (adj) /i't lia n /
go (v) /g a u / Italy (n) /'it a li/
goal (n) /g a u l/
going to g alleries (p hr) /.g a u irj ta 'gaelariz/ ja c k e t (n) / 'd 3 k it/
going to m useum s (phr) /,gauir) ta m ju i'z ia m z / Jam aica (n) /d 3a 'm e ik a /
going to th e th e a tre (phr) /.g a u irj ta 6a ' 0ia ta (r)/ Janu a ry (n) /'d 3 n ju a ri/
good (adj) /g u d / Japan (n) /d 3a'p n/
g randad (n) /'grgendaed/ Japanese (adj) /d 3 pa 'ni:z/
g ra n d fa th e r (n) /'g ra e n fa :5 a (r)/ jeans (n) /d 3i:n z /
g ran dm a (n) /'g rsen m a:/ jo in (v) /d 3Din/
g ra n d m o th e r (n) /'g rge n m A 5 a (r)/ ju d o (n) /'d 3u :d a u /
g ra n d p a re n ts (n) (pi) /'graenpearants/ July (n) /d 3u 'la i/
grape (n) /g re ip / June (n) /d 3u :n /
g re a t (adj) /g r e it/ ju n g le (n) /'d 3A g g l/
green (adj) /g rim /
guinea pig (n) /'g in i p ig / key (n) / k i: /
g u ita r (n) /g i'ta :( r) / keyboard (n) /'k iib o d /
gym (n) lA y m l keyboards (n) (pi) /'k i:b o :d z /
gym nastics (n) /d 3im 'n a 3s tik s / kick (v) /k ik /
kitchen (n) / 'k it jin /
h a b it (n) /'h s e b it/ knee (n) /n i:/
h a ir (n)/hea(r)/
h a irb ru s h (n) /'heabrAjV la m p (n) /l m p /
h a ird re s s e r (n) laptop (n) /'l p to p /
hall (n) Psxo'M laugh (v) /la :f/
ham (n) /hsem/ lazy (adj) /'le iz i/
h a m ste r (n) /'h a sm sta (r)/ leg (n) /le g /
hand (n) /hsend/ lem on (n) /'le m a n /
hang out (v) /,hseg 'aut/ lib ra ry (n) /'la ib ra r i; la ib ri/
happy (adj) /'haepi/ lig h t (v) /la it/
hat (n) /hset/ like (v) /la ik /

lips (n) (pi) /lip s / (n) /'nfis
office w o rk e r w 3 :k a (r)/
listen (v) /'lis n / olive (n) /' I /
d iv
live (v) / liv / one pound (phr) /,w A n 'p a u n d /
living room (n) /'lr v ig r u m ; -ru m / onion (n) /'A n ja n /
long (adj) /lo g / orange (n) I'm ra& ^l
look a fte r (v) /,lu k 'a rfita(r)/ orange (adj) /'o r in d j/
lo rry (n) /'t o r i/ orange ju ic e (n) /'D rin d 3 ^ u r s /
lose (v) /lu :z /
love (v) /1a v / p a i n t (v) / p e i n t /
p a ir (n) /pea(r)/
m a g a z in e (n) /m a e g a 'z iin / palace (n) /'plas/
m ake (v) /m e ik / pa re n t (n) /'pearant/
man (n) /m aen/ p a rk (n) /park/
M arch (n) /m a rtf/ p a rty (n) /'parti/
m atch (n) /mgetJV pa ssp o rt (n) /'parsport/
M aths (n) /m^eGs/ pasta (n) /'psta/
May (n) /m ei/ p a tie n t (adj) /'peijnt/
meal (n) /m i:l/ pavilion (n) /pa'vilian/
m edal (n) /'m edl/ p ea r (n) /pear/
m eet (v) /m i:t/ pen (n) /pen/
m em ory s tic k (n) /'m e m a ri s tik / peppers (n) (pi) /'pepaz/
Mexican (adj) /'m e k s ik a n / pharm acy (n) /'farmasi/
M exico (n) /'m e k s ik a u / P hotography (n) /fa 'to g ra fi/
m idday (n) ^ m id 'd e i/ Physical Education (n) ^fizikled 3u 'k e ijn /
m id n ig h t (n) /'m idnait/ piano (n) /pi'nau/
m ilk (n) / m ilk / p ie r (n) /p ia (r)/
m ilkshake (n) / 'm ilk je ik / p in k (adj) /p in k /
m illio n /'m iljan/ pizza (n) /'pirtsa/
m ir r o r (n) /'m ira(r)/ plane (n) /p le in /
m obile phone (n) ^m aubail 'faun/ play (v) /p le i/
m odern (adj) /'mndn/ player (n) /'p le ia (r ) /
M onday (n) /'mAndei/ plum p (adj) /plAmp/
m oney (n) /'mAni/ poisonous (adj) /'p o iza n a s/
m o rn in g (n) /'m o rn ig / Poland (n) /'pauland/
m o th e r (n) /'mASa(r)/ /pa'lirs Dfisa(r)/
police o ffic e r (n)
m o to rb ike (n) /'m a u ta b a ik / police sta tion (n) /p a 'lirs s te ijn /
m ou n ta in bicycle (n) /'m a u n ta n b a is ik l/ Polish (adj) /'paulij/
m ouse m at (n) /'m a u s mast/ polite (adj) /pa'lait/
m ouse (n) /m a u s / p o ste r (n) /'pausta(r)/
m oustache (n) /'m as'tcujy potato (n) /pa'teitau/
m outh (n) /m a u 0 / praw n (n) /p ro rn /
MP3 player (n) /e m p ir 'B r ir p le ia (r)/ present (n) /'preznt/
m um (n) /mAm/ p rin te r (n) /'printa(r)/
m useum (n) /m ju :'z i:a m / p rivate (adj) /'praivat/
m ush ro om (n) /'mAjrum; -ru :m /M u s ic (n) /'m ju rz ik / p roblem (n) /'p ro b le m /
m usicals (n) /'m ju r z ik lz / p ro je c to r (n)/pra'd ekta(r)/
prou d (adj) /praud/
N a tu re (n) / 'n e it j3 ( r ) / Puerto Rico (n) /pw srtau 'rirkau/
naughty (adj) /'n o iti/ punctual (adj) /'pAqktjual/
neck (n) /n e k / p urp le (adj) /'p3rpl/
nephew (n) /'n e fju r/
nervous (adj) /'n 3 :v a s/ r a b b it (n) /'r b it/
new sagents (n) /'n ju :z e id 3ants/ race (n) /re is /
niece (n) /n i:s / ra d io (n) /'reidiau/
n ig h tm a re (n) /'naitm ea(r)/ ra in (n) /re in /
noisy (adj) /'n o iz i/ ra in y (adj) /'reini/
nose (n) /n a u z / ra ise money (phr) /,re iz 'mAni/
notice board (n) /'n a u tis b o:d/ read (v) /rird /
Novem ber (n) /nau'vem ba(r)/ red (adj) /re d /
nurse (n) /n3:s/ relax (v) /ri'lks/
re lig io u s studies (n) /ri'lid3as s'tAdiz/
O c to b e r (n) /t> k 't9 u b 3 (r)/ re p a ir (v) /ri'p e a (r)/
re s ta u ra n t (n) /'re stra in t/ sp orty (adj) /'s p o iti/
rice (n) /ra is / s p rin g (n) /s p rig /
riv e r (n) /'r iv a ( r ) / stadium (n) /'s te id ia m /
ro m a n tic film s (n) (pi) /ra u 'm a s n tik film z / s ta rt (v) /s ta :t/
rugby (n) /'rA g b i/ sta tion (n) /'s te ijn /
rugby ball (n) /'rA g b i b o :l/ staying in a caravan (phr) /,ste ng in a 'kaeravaen/
run (v) staying in a luxury hotel (phr) /^ te n q in a ,lA kJari
h a u 'te l/
sa d (a d j) /saed/ s te p fa th e r (n) /'s te p fa :5 a (r)/
salam i (n) /s a 'la m i/ s te p m o th e r (n) /'s te p m A 5 a (r)/
sales person (n) /'s e ilz p3:sn/ step-parents (n) (pi) /'ste p p e a ra n ts/
salm on (n) /'saem an/ stom ach (n) /'s tA m a k /
sandals (n) (pi) /'sasndlz/ s tra ig h t (adj) /s tre it/
sandw ich (n) /'s a s n w itj/ stra ng e (adj) /s tre in d g /
sat nav (n) /'saet naev/ stu d en t (n) /'s tju :d n t/
S aturday (n) /'saetadei/ study (n) /'s tA d i/
sausage (n) /'s o s id 3/ study (v) /'s tA d i/
scared (adj) /s k e a d / successful (adj) /sa k's e sfl/
scenery (n) /'s iin a ri/ su ga r (n) /'J u g a (r)/
school (n) /'s k u :l/ s u m m e r (n) /'s A m a (r)/
science (n) /'sa ia n s/ sun (n) /sA n/
science fic tio n film s (n) (pi) /,saians 'fik ja n film z / su nb a th in g (n) /'s A n b e i6 iq /
s co o te r (n) /'s k u :ta (r)/ Sunday (n) /'s A n d e i/
score (v) /s k o :(r)/ sunglasses (n) (pi) /'s A n g la :s iz /
s e a fro n t (n) /'s iifrA n t/ sunny (adj) /'s A n i/
s e c re ta ry (n) /'s e k ra tri/ su p e rm a rk e t (n) /'s u :p a m a :k it/
S eptem ber (n) /s e p 'te m b a (r)/ s u rf (v) /s3 :f/
share (v) /Je a (r)/ s u rfin g (n) /'s 3 :fiq /
s h e lf (n) /J e If/ sw eater (n) /'s w e ta (r)/
ship (n) /J ip / sweet (adj) /s w i:t/
s h irt (n) /J3:t/ sw eet shop (n) /'s w i:t Jo p /
shoe (n) /Ju:/ sw eetcorn (n) /'s w i:tk o :n /
shoe shop (n) /'Ju: J n p / sw im m in g (n) /'s w im ig /
shop (v) /Jo p / sw im m in g pool (n) /'s w im q p u :l/
shop a ssista n t (n) /'J o p a sista n t/
shopping (n) /'J o p n j/ ta b le (n) / 't e ib l/
shopping ce ntre (n) /'J o p ig se n ta (r)/ take (v) /te ik /
s h o rt (adj) /Jo:t/ ta ll (adj) /ta :l/
s h o rts (n) (pi) /Jo:ts/ ta ste (n), (v) /te is t/
sh ow er (n) /'Jaua/ tea (n) /ti:/
sightseeing (n) /'s a its i:ig / te a ch e r (n) /'ti:tja ( r ) /
signal (n) /'s ig n a l/ teddy bear (n) /'te d i b e a (r)/
s is te r (n) /'s is ta (r)/ te n n is (n) /'te n is /
size (n) /s a iz / te n n is ra ck e t (n) /'tern s raekit/
skiin g (n) /'s k iu q / te rrib le (adj) /'te r ib l/
s kill (n) /s k il/ te xt (v) /te k s t/
s k irt (n) /s k 3 :t/ th e UK (n) /6a ju : 'k e i/
sleep (v) /slixp / th e USA (n) /6a ju :e s 'e i/
slim (adj) /s lim / th e a tre (n) /'0 ia ta (r)/
snake (n) /s n e ik / th in (adj) /0 in /
snow (n) /sn a u / th in k (v) /0 iq k /
snowy (adj) /'s n a u i/ th irs ty (adj) /'0 3 :s ti/
social studies (n) /'s a u jl s'tA d iz / th o usa n d /'0 a u z a n d /
sofa (n) /'s a u fa / th ro w (v) /0 ra u /
son (n) / s a ii / Thursday (n) /'0 3 :zd e i/
Spain (n) /s p e m / tire d (adj) /'ta ia d /
Spanish (adj) /'sp a e n ij/ to e (n) /ta u /
sp ea ker (n) /'s p i:k a (r)/ to ile t (n) /'ta ila t/
special (adj) /'s p e jl/ to m a to (n) /ta 'm a :ta u /
s p o rt (n) /sp o :t/ to u ris t (n) /'tu a ris t/
s p o rts ce ntre (n) /'spa:ts se n ta (r)/ to u ris t in fo rm a tio n ce ntre (n) /,tu a ris t ^ n fa 'm e ija n
s p o rts shop (n) /'spo:ts Jo p/ se n ta (r)/

tow n hall (n) /,taun 'h o :l/
toy (n) /toi/
tra c k (n) /traek/
tra d itio n a l (adj) /tre'dijanl/
tra in (n) /trein/
tra in sta tion (n) /'trein steijn/
tra in e rs (n) (pi) /'treinaz/
tra m (n) /trasm /
tro u s e rs (n) (pi) /'trauzaz/
tru c k (n) /trAk/
tru e (adj) /tru:/
tru m p e t (n) /'trAmpit/
T -shirt (n) /'ti:j3 :t/
Tuesday (n) /'tju iz d e i/
tu n a (n) /'tju in a/
Turkey (n) /'t3 :k i/
Tu rkish (adj) /'t3 :kijV
ty p ica l (adj) / 't ip ik l/

uncle (n) /'A rjk l/

university (n) /ju :m 'v 3 :s 3 ti/
unusual (adj) /A n 'ju ^ u a l/
use (v) /ju :z/

veggie bu rg e r (n) /'v e d 3 i b3:g9(r)/

view (n) /v ju :/
violin (n) /v a ia 'lin /
visitin g them e p arks (phr) /,v iz itiq '0 i:m p a :k s/
volleyball (n) /'v o lib o il/

w a ite r (n) /'w e it9 (r)/

wake up (v) /,weik 'Ap/
Wales (n) /w e d z /
w a lkin g In th e m ountains (phr) ^ w o ik iq in 3a 'm a u n ta n z/
w a lle t (n) / 'w o lit /
wardrobe (n) /'woidraub/
w a rm (adj) /w a r n /
w atch (n) /w o tf/
watch (v) /wDtf/
w a te r (n) /'w o :t3 (r)/
W ednesday (n) /'w e n z d e i/
weigh (v) /w e i/
w e ird (adj) /w ia d /
w e ll-b u ilt (adj) / w e l'b ilt/
Welsh (adj) /w e lj-/
w h e e lc h a ir (n) /'w i:ltje a ( r ) /
w h ite (adj) /w a it/
w ife (n) /w a if/
w ild (adj) /w a ild /
w in (v) /w in /
w in d (n) /w in d /
w in d o w (n) /'w in d s o /
w indy (adj) /'w in d i/
w in te r (n) /'w in t3 ( r ) /
w om an (n) /'w u m a n /
w o n d e rfu l (adj) /'w A n d s fl/
w o rk (v) /w3:k/
w rite (v.) /r a it/

y e llo w (a d j) /'y e ta u /
yum m y (adj) /'y A m i/
FOR REAL beginner Student's Book and W orkbook
by Martyn Hobbs and Julia S tarr Keddle
w ith Katherine Stannett and Rob Nicholas


First published 2012

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
The right of Martyn Hobbs and Julia S tarr Keddle to be identified as the authors of this W ork has been asserted by them in
accordance w ith the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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ISBN 978-3-85272-429-4

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p32 (Royal family), p34 (Maisie; Ben's fam ily; Tess family), p36, p40 (Lake Titicaca), p47, p57 (music stude (basketball-
b fln- f in - f 201 d 64 (teenaae boy takinq pictures; teenage g irl listening to music), p67 (scuba diver) p70 Id rin k s ),p /b Ibasketoa
h * L l n77 d82 d 83 084 P85 P88 p89 p94 (burger), p96 (prawns; salmon), P109 (Orlando; Washington P1 4 wedding couple;

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