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JOl; R~AI. OF SEOIME:-'-TAln- P E TlWLOGY. \"01. 38. No. -l. P.


FlGs. 1-8. DECEMBEII., 1968



Departrnent oC Geology, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas

Carbonates of shallo\\' water origin llave been recovered Crom an area of some 39,000 square miles in the Gulf
oC Mextco abyssal plain. These carbonates occur m05t commonly as layers o( variable thickness (2-120 cm) in
cores oC Pleistocene-Recent sediments.
Cores Crom the southern edge oC the abyssal plain reveal a remarkable lithologic simplicity and orderliness,
characterized in general by a vertical repetirion of three members: (1) a basal white or light gray. medium cal
cilutite, 30 cm in average thickness. whieh is eommonly cross-Iaminated and contains an abundant shallow
water benthonic fauna; overlain by (2) a light alive-gray, fine calcilutte, sorne 35 cm in average thickness,
which is commonly biomrbated and consists of a mixture of comminuted shells, micrite, and argillaceous lutite,
and which contains both planktonic a nd shallow water benthonic fauna; (3) an olive gray-olive black argillaceous
lutite, 50 cm in average thickness, which may be bioturbated or structureless, and which contains a scattered
planktonic fauna. Each core consists of several such sequences, each of which represents depositio!l from a ma
ture turbidity-current that originated on (he Campeche Shelf, and which was Collowed by a period of charac
teristic abyssal plain sedimentation oC argillaceous lutites.
Area1 distribution of the turbidites suggests that occasionally the flOW8 travelled beyond thc prcscnt northern
lirnits al the abrssal plain-a total travel path of 350 mi les. The tremendous quantities o( detrital sediment
that originated from the Mexico nnd Texas continental shelves. as well as frolll the Mississippi RiveT, either
burie<i the carbonate turbidites beyond coring depths or diluted these Aows in the southwcst, northwest, and
case oC the abyssa1 plain.

J~TRODUCTlO!'o: source area for abyssal plain sediments has been

generally ignored, despite the fact that it sup
Abyssal Plain sediments oC thc Culf of Me~<ico
consist largely of repetitious vertical suecessions plied considerable quantities of carbonate sedi
of detrtal silts and argillaceous lutites. Occa ment to the abyssal plain both during the
sionally this monotony is broken by the presence Pleistocene and the Recent. This carbonate in
of distinct light-colored carbonate layers, which, . flux has proCoundly affected the sedimentary
for lack of other suitable markers, have becn sequence, particularly in the southernmost por
used for purposes of eorretation. Previous work tions o the plain. Sediments cored at six stations
ers agree that this carhonate originated in the along the southern edge of the abyssal plain (fig.
vici!lity of tlle Campeche Shelf (Greenman and 1) consist oC repetitive sequences oC lght
LeBlauc, 1956; Ewing and others, 1958; Nowlin colored carbonates and dark argillaceous 1utites.
ami others, 1965) but disagree considerably over These six cores, taken from some 1969 fathoms
the transport mechanism invo!ved. Creeman of water, are eharacterized by a vertical size,
and LenIanc (1956, p. 845) noted the occurrcnce compositional, and faunal grading which is en
of carbonate deposits in two cores taken from tirely reminiscent of and referable to turbidite
the abyssal plain and attributed their presence sedimentation.
to limare ",igorous erosion of the land and pres Sediments in each oC the six cores are remark
ent-day shelf areas durillg the ast Pleistocene ably similar. Consequently, on1y one core is
glacial stage when a lowered sea leve1 brought discussed in detail. This eore (Number 64-A-9,
about nver rejmenation." Ewing and others 32E, fig. 1) was taken (rom the southern plain
(1958) disagreed with this conc1usion and invoked near the northwest edge of the Campeche Shelf.
the turbidity-eurrent hypothesis to explain a DESCRJPTION OF A TYPICAL CORE
carbonate layer cored at seven localities in the
abyssal plain. r\owlin and others (1965, p. 1345) Lithology
reported non-graded calcarenites in one core Vertical variatan ",ithin this core is simple
taken from the southernmost part o the abyssal and consists almost cntire1y of an order1y repeti
plain, and agreed with Ewing and others (1958) tion of three members:
as to the mode of transportation . 1. a white to very light-gray medium calcilu
Tbe importance of rhe Campeche Shelf as a tite, characterized by an abundant and diverse
I Manuscript received January 2, 1968; revised shaUow water fauna. This is succecdcd upward
April 8, 1968. by

Wantland kindly identified roraminifera from
this core (table 1) and made pertinent interpreta
tions. Wantland (pers. comm.) states that "The
faunas in act represent a mixture of material
denved rom very shallow ioner shelf and/or car
bonate shoal environmentst to relath-ely deep
shelf and slope environments. Forms particularly
indicative of the shallow end o the environ
mental spectrum nelude most of the small,
smooth Miliolidae ... , Elphidium ... , .. ,
~onionella. On the other hand, there are forros
such as Chilostome1la oolina which. according to
Phleger and Parker (1951) do not occur shal
lower than 300 meters."
flG. l.-Physiographic map of the Gulf of Mexic:o. In order to investigate the relationship be
snowing location 01 cores dISCllSSOO. AII corel"> were tween paleontologic and sedimentologic evi.
taken 011 cruise 64,-A-9 o the R. V. Ala.minos. dence, unit 6 was selected or detailed examina
tion. Thin sections were made, and paleontologic
2. a light olive-gray fine calcilutite with a re identifications were carried out at six horizons
ducen shaHow water fauna admixed with plank within the unit (fig. 4),
tones. This member may or mal' nor be suc The erosive base ol this unit is irnmediately
ceeded upward by succeeded by cross-laminated, well Borted, white
3. a olive gray-olh'e black argillaceous lutite to very light gray carbonate with a median grain
characterized hy a planlctonic fauna. (See table size of 0.05 mm (Sample 1, figa, 4 and 5A). This
1 for a complete description oC each rnember.) sample is characterized by "an extremcly diverse
This vertical gradation from calcilutite to fauna with ahundant shallow-water miJiolids
argillaceous lutite is repeated eight times in core and other forms from a wide variety o shelf and
64A-9, 32E, resulting in eight distinct graded slope envjronments together with abundant
units (fig. 2). Inonly t\Voof theseunitsisamem planktonics" (Wantland. pers. comm.). The
ber missing (Unts 4- and 5, fig. 2) and in both transition upward to sample 2 is purely grada
tional and marked by a decrease in grain size to

instances it is the basal medium calcilutite-
member 1. a median of 0.004 mm (fig. 5B). The pre
The complete graded unit \"aries greatly in dominant constituent 1S micrite. and the fauna is
thickness. Unit 1 indudes all three members in umuch reduced in diversit:r, dominantly plank
an interval 30 cm thick. whereas unit 3 is 180 tonies with relatively few displaced foraminif
cm thick. The differencf between the thickness era" (\Vantland, pers. cornm.). The pattern then
e~tremes of the graded units is a direct result o[ repeats itself both aunally and sedimentoLogi
the presence or absence oC minar carbonate in cally, commencing with aplane of erosion which
f1uxes. Simple graded unita (Unit 1, I1gs. 2 and is succeeded by very fine calcarenite, median
3) are thinner than the more common multiple size 0.065 mm, rich in shelf-derived foraminifera
graded units (Unit 7, fig. 2). Likewise, units (Sample 3, fig. Se). Samples 4 (fig. SD), 5, and
characterized by delayed grading (Unit 3) tend show a reduction in grain size rom 0.005 mm
to be thicker than their simple counterparts to the lowest lhnits oC detectabiHty-O.OOl mm,
(Unit 1). There ir. no relationship hetween the and the fauna ie considerably rerluced, domi
thickness of a unit and yertical position in the nandy planktoncs" (\Vantland. pers. comm.).
coreo This unit is terminated by a plane o erasion
Boundanes between the graded units are ero which represents the base of unit 7.
sive, with the exception of the sharp boundary
between Units 3 and 4. On the other hand, Interpretation
boundaries between members within each unit Origin of units.-There can be no doubt that
are gradational. except in the multiple graded orderly and logical grade<! vertical sequences
units where coarse carbonate intercalations are such as those presented in Core 32E owe their
underlain by erosh:e boundaries. origin to deposition from turbidity currents.
Evidence for 5uch a conclusion ma}' be briefly
Paleontology summarized:
AH units and members are fossiliferous, and a. Each unit is characterized by a vertical
foraminifera are dominant. Dr. Kenneth F. size and compositional grading made obvious by


\\'antland kiodly identified foraminif,e ra from

this eore (table 1) and made pertinent interpreta
tions. Wantland (pers. comm.) sta tes that "The
faunas in Caet represent a mixture of material
derived from ver y shallow inner shelf and / or car
bonate shoal environments, to reJati\-ely deep
shelf and slope environments. Forms particuJarly
indicati ve of the shallow end of the em'iron
mental spectrum inelude most oC the small,
smooth Miliolidae .... Elphidium ... , . ..
~onionella. On the other hand, there are forms
sueh as CJoslomeJla oolina which, accordillg to
Phleger and Parker (l951 ) do not occur sha!
lower than 300 meters."
Unit 6
FIG, I.-Physiographic map of the Gulf of Mexico, In arder to investigate the relationship be
showillg location of eores dlscussed. :\11 core~ were tween paleontoJogic and sedimentologic evi
takel\ (JI' cruise 64-A-9 of the 1\. \'. Alaminos. dence, unit 6 was selected for detailed examina
tion . Thin seetions were made, and paleontologie
2. a. light olive-gray fine calcilutite with a re identifications were carried out at six horizons
dUCL'(i snallow water fauna admixed with plank within the unit (fig. 4).
tonics. This member mar or mar not be suc The erosive base of this unit is irnmediately
ceeded upv.:ard by succeeded by cross-laminated, well sorted, white
3. a olin gray-olin black argillaceous lutite to very Iighl gray carbonate with a median grain
characterized hy a planktonic fauna . (See table size of 0.05 mm (Sample 1, figs . 4 and SA), This
1 Cor a complere description of eaeh member.) sample is characterized by ,jan extremcly diverse
This vertical gradation from calcilutite to fauna with abundant shallow-water miliolids
argillaceolls lutite is repeated cight times in eore and other forms from a wide varicty o shelf and
64-A-9, 32E, reslIlting in eight distinct graded slope environments together with abundant
11 ni ts (flg. 2). J n only two of t hese uni ts is a mem planktonics" (Wantland, pers. comm.). The
ber missing ( Units 4 and S, lig. 2) and in botn transitioo upward to sample 2 is purely grada
instances it is the basal mediurn calci)utite lional and marked by a deerease in grain size to
member 1. a median oC 0.004 mm (fig. 5B). The pre
The complete graded unit \"ari.e s great!y in dominant consttuent is micrite, and the fauna is
thjckness. Unit 1 inc\udes al! three members in "much reduced in diversity, dominantly plank
an inten'al 30 cm thick. whereas unit 3 is 180 tonics with relatively fe\\' displaced foraminif,
cm thiek. The difference between the thickness era" (\Vantland, pers. comm .). The pattern then
extremes of the graded units is a direct result of repeats itself both faunally and sedimentologi
the presence or ahsence of millor carbonate in eally, commencing with aplane of erosioIl which
tluxes. Simple graded units (Unit 1, figs. 2 and is succeeded by ver}' fine cakarenite, median
3) are thinner than the more common mu!tiple size 0.065 mm, rieh in shelf-derived foraminifera
graded units (Unit i, fig. 2). Likewise, units (Sample 3, fig. Se). Samples 4 (fig. SD), S, and
charaetcrized by delayed grading (Unit 3) tend 6 show a reduction in graio size from 0.005 mm
to be thick er than their simple counterparts to the lowest .1im.its oC detectability- O.OOl mm.
(Unit 1). There is no relationship between the and the fauna is "considerably redueed , domi
thickness o a unit and "ertical position in the nant!y planktonics" (Wantland, pers. cornm .) .
eore. This unt is terminated by aplane of erosion
Boundaries between the graded units are ero which represents the base of unit 7.
sivc, wii h the exception of the sharp boundary
bet ween Units 3 and 4. 00 the other hand. Interpretaton
boundaries between members within each unit OriJ?i n of units.-There can be no doubt that
are gradational, exeepe. in the multiple graded order)y and logical graded vertical sequenees
units where coarse carbonate intercaJations are such as those presented in Core 32E owe their
underlain by erosh-e boundaries. origin to deposition (rom turbidit) curre n ts.
Evidence for such a conclusioll Ola}' be brieRy
Paleontology su m marized :
AII units and members are fossiliferous, and a. Each unit is characterized by a vertical
foraminiCem are dominant. Dr. Kenneth F . size and compositionaJ grading made ohvious by
1102 DA VID K. DA VI~S

vanations in the relative abundance o calcium
b. Each unit demonstrates an overall upward
nning sequence, olten complicated by multiple
c. The lower boundaries of ea eh unit are ero
sional sorne erosion surfaces probably represen t
sole markings (fig. 3).
d. Basal rnembers comrnonly contain large
micrite pebbles.
e. Current ripple lamination occurs in the
coarsest members and is succeeded upwards by
horizontal lamination, indicating a gradual
diminution o fiow velocity within each unit.
f. Only the uppcrmost horizons oC the carbon
ates are bioturbated, indicating more rapid de
position of the lower members.
g. Pelagic lutites separate each graded unit.
h. There is a considerable \"ariation of mem
ber and unit thickness.
i. The graded carbonates contain an abun
dant, dominantIy bemhonic, shallow. marine
fauna which contrasts sharply wilh the char
acteristically sparse, planktonic launa oC the
j. The fauna in the carbonates is 'Imixcd" and
contains some forms representath'e oE deep
water environmen ts.
From the suecession oC sedimentary s~rTlctures
in each unit, it may be observed that the coars
est sediments are virtually always cross-Iami
nated, whereas the finer grained sedimenta are
either parallel laminated or show no signs o

sedimentary structures. Such a vertical succes~
sion of structures represents a gradually di minish
ing tlow regime controlling a succession o differ
ent bed (orms. Nowhere with;n this core can one
observe a "complete turbidite" as descdbed and
defined by Bouma (1962). In every case, the
lower graded division (A) and the lower division
oC parallel lamination (8) are missing. Both
Bouma's divisions A and B are a product of
current fiow in the upper fio\\' regime; the re
maining divisions C, D. and E (fig. 4) are pro
duced by tlow in the lower Row regi me (Harms
and Fahnestock, 1965; Simons and others, 1965).
Such a succession of turbidites as in core 32E.
characterized by alternanon! o b~d forms
within the lower flow regime, is typicaJ oC sedi.
ment deposired in distal environs. Walker (1967)
has termed such turbidites distal turbidites.
Simple graded units such as Unit 1 (fige. 2 and
3) are the characteristic products of turbidity
currents which have attained a degree o ma
turity achieved only during lower, distant stages
o flow. In such instances, the current has had
! time to deve10p good lateral grading. and the
I ~ sedirnent is well graded in the vertical sense-a
. ~.
1 result o deposition from the head, middle, and

B02 DA l"ID K. DA 'lES

variatons in the rl"lative abundance of calciurn

b. Each unit demonstrates an overall u pward
fining sequence, often complicated by multiple
sequences .
c" The lower bou ndaries of each u ni tare ero
sional; sorne e-rosion surfaces probably represent
sol e markings (fig. 3).
d. Basal members commonly concain large
micrite pebbles.
e. Current ripple laminaton occurs in the
coarsest mcmbers and is succeeded upwards by
horizontal lamination, indicating a gradual
diminution of flow vclocity within each unit.
f. Ooly the uppermost horizons of the carbon
ates are bioturbated, indicating more rapid de
position o the lower mcmbers.
g. Pe1agic lutites separate each gradcd unit.
h . There is a considerable \'arla tion of mem
ber and unit thickness,
i. The graded carbonates contain an abtn
dant, dominantly benthonic, shallow, marine
fauna which contrLlsts sharply \Vilh the char
acteristically sparse, planktonic {auna of the
j. The {auna in the carbonates is " mixcd" and
contains sorne forms representati"e of deep
water environments.
From the succession of sedimentary ~~rrlctures
in caeh unit, it may be observed that the coars
est sediments are virtually always cross-lami
nated. whereas the finer grained sediments are
either parallel laminated or show no sjgns of
sedimentary structures, Such a vertical succes
sion of struct ures represents a grad ua)ly di mi nish
ing Row regime controlling a succes.sio n of differ
ent bed forms, Nowhere within tbis core can one
observe a "complete turbidite" as described and
detined by Bouma (1962). In e,' r)' case, the
)o\lo'er graded division (A) and the lower divison
of parallel lamination (B) are missing. Borh
Bouma's divisions A and B are a [roduct o
current fiow in the upper Ro", regime; the re
maining divisions e, D, and E (fig. 4) are pro
duced by flow in the lower tlo\\' r egime (Harms
and Fahnestoek, 1965; Simons and others, 1965).
Such a succession of turbidites as in core 32E,
characterized by alternations of Iv'd forms
\\'itbin the lower fla\\.' regime, is typical ol sedi
mera deposited in distal environs. \\'alker (1967)
has termed such turbidites distal turbidites.
Simple graded units such as Unit 1 (fiss. 2 and
3) are the characteristic products of turbidiry
currents which have attained a degree o ma
turity achieved only during lower, distant stages
;1 - - -- -- - - - - - -----,:----- -- of flo",., In such instances, the current has had
time to develop good lateral grading, and the
sediment is well graded in lhe \'ertical sense--a
result o deposition from the head, middle, and
CORE 64-A-9, 32 E o 30 IDOTo O !i0



Oaplh In tGtt fIIO,kld


~ ,_0 ~O


1 I

SS!. IEl! illlll[

,oag" ' " I ~ illlll~
FIG. 2.-LtbologYt grain size, and calcium carbonate content o core 64-A-9. 32E. Core is

o Oepth in
" continuoDs. and litbology is constant from 885 cm to 1029 cm.

<JO\I~n .,.UI """111M.




u..u OIllUIOIf t), llDlUllt.

840 cm L.Af1lll$.,no..

~~!~::,:; evo.,.,' .I~IIU

4--- MEMBER 2
FIG, 4-.-Unit 6 of core M-A-9. 32E. <lnd its inter
pretation byanalogy with the flow regimes oC Simons.
and otbers (1965)-as modified by \Valleer (1967)
and &uma's turbidite divisions. The numbers 1
850 cm through 6 refer to samples taken for paleoRtological
analysis and which are discussed in the texto

- - - MEMBER I

FIG. 3.-Unit ., eore 64-A-9, 32E; an example of an

ideal graded unit. Note seoured basal surface under
860 cm l~'ing rnember 1, which is Dot thc result of core distor


CORE 64~A- 9.32 E 100ToO :00'4

D.poIh in cO" _.Ud ft u~I"l\Itln

"""-'" [ ,t ;. . b... "oo"

- S~o, ~ ~OU.tG/1


loz~7m '
FIG. 2.-Lithology, grain size, and ca ciurn carbonate content oC core 64-}\-9, 32E. Core "
eontinuous, and lirhology is constant from 885 cm to 1029 cm .

-C u.,'S { . .. C2 TlJlUlfo.Tl
D V'St O"S
De p'th In


Y"'I- D"lIloe. o' 'U-'Llfl..

840cm ",Alrr.t.'hOM
U111'" '0lIl o' cu_o.' .I"~[
l. ~ ... , ' "

- - ME 'M BER2
FIG. 4 .-Unit 6 oE core 64.'\-9. 32E. and its nter
pretation by ana~ogr with lhe flow reg.imes of Sim~:>ns
and o t hers (196.))-as modlfied by \\alker (1967)-
and Bouma's turbidte divisions. The numbers 1
850 cm through 6 refcr to samples taken for paleonrological
analysis and which are discussed in the text.

~,,--- MEMBER I

FIG . 3.-Unit 1, eore 64-1\-9, 32E; an example o( aH

ideal graded unit. Note scoured ba~l surfaee under

860 cm Iying member 1, whch is not the rcsult of eore distOI


o O.lmm.

FIG. S.-Photomicrograpbs ol thin aections ol epoxy resin impregno.ted carbonates from Unit 6 of Core
64-A9, 32E. (A) Coarse c.:alcilutitc, takcn fTom base of Unil 6 (level l. fig. 4). (R) Very fine calciluttce with
loraminifera, level 2. fig.4. (C) Ver}' fme calcarenite. level 3. ng. 4. Note cara] fragmellts. foraminifera. and
lithic fragments. (O) Fine calcilutite with sorne shell debris, le"'el 4. fig. 4.

tail of the current successivcly. Multip1e graded 1962) was io each case responding to conditioos
units, such as Units 2, 3, 6, and 7 (lig. 2) may al low applied shear stress-a characteristic
either represent deposition from successive tur feature of mature distal turbidites (Watker,
bidity currents following one another in rapid 1961, p. 37). Thus, these turbidites developed
succession, or be the products oC an immature distal characteristics within 30 miles o the abys
turbidity current in which coarse-grained sedi sal plain-Campeche Escarpment break in slope,
ment pockets within the body oC the ftow move and have entered a zone of lateral transport
forward more rapidly than rhe head (Midd1eton, where both absolute velocity and deceleration
1966; \\"alton, 1967). In core 32E, thc coarse are low.
grained intercalations within the multiple units The spectrum oC grain sizes aod sedimentary
are cross-Iaminated. This would indicate that structures rcvealcd in successive graded units
the "traction carpet" (Dzulrnski and Sanders, within the core is El. direct result oC thc variation


o O.lmm.

o mm
FIG. S.-Photolnicrographs o( thin sectiollS of epoxy resn impregnated carbonates {rom UllIt 6 of Core
64-A9. 31E. (A) Coarse calcilutite. wken from hase or Unit 6 (Ievel 1, tig. 4). (H) Very fine calcilutite with
foraminifera. leve! 2, fig. 4. (C) \'ery fine calcarenite, level 3. fi~. 4. Note coral fragmellts, foraminifera, and
lithic fragmellts . (D) Fine calcilutite with some shell debris, leve! 4, iig . 4,

tal of the current successi\ely. M ultiple graded 1962) was in eaeh case respood ing to cond i tlans
units, such as Units 2, 3, 6, and 7 (fig. 2) roay o low applied shear stress-a charactcristic
eithcr represent deposition from slIccessive tur feature of mature, distal turbidites (Wa.lker.
bidity currcnts following one another in rapid 1967, p, 37). Thus, these turbidites developed
succession, or be the products of an immature distal characteristics within 30 miles oC the abys
turbidity current in which coarsegrained sedi sal plaio- Campeche Esearpment break in slope,
ment pockets within rhe body of rhe tlo\\' move and have entered a zone oC lateral transport
forward more rapidly than the head (MiddJeton, where both absolute velocity and deccJeration
1966; \\'alton, 1967). lo Core 32E, the coarse are lo\\'.
grained ntercalations within the rnultiple units The spectrum of grain sizes and scdimentary
are cross-Iaminated. This \\ould indicate that structures revealed in successive graded units
the "traeton carpet" (DZlJI~nski and Sanders, within the core is a direct result of thc va.riaton

~ Olille oray-alive block
~ or;Ulaceous lutile D White or Ii'il ht oro)'
car ti Dnate

Lloht oliv8 oray carbonote

I/0/0JO~ Coa
0)0 rse cross-lamlno1ed
ca, bonote

DepUI In corll in centimetera

V"'\..,/'\ Ero.11Ie boundary

Sharp boundary

64-A-9 34 E 64-14-9. 33E 64-A-9,32E 64-A-9,3IE 64-A-9,30E 64-A-9,29 E

O o o

100 100

200 200

~OO 500 300




700 700

800 eoo eoo


1000 1000


FIG. 6.-Vcrtical lithologic varation in six eores taken from the southern edge of
the abyssal plain. See fig. 1 lar COTe locations.


~I Oliv.e9 ro )' - Olive. bloc~

~ orgtlloceOU$ Iuttte

LiQht olive 'ilro~ carDoMtc

10)oJ~ Coerse erou-Iaminoted
/0/0 corbonate.

Dlpth' ifl cor. in centimaters

VV\ Erosiwe boundary

Shcup boundory

64A-9.34E 6-4-A-9.33E 64-A-9,32E 64A-9.29 E

o o

lOO 100

200 200 tOO

300 )00

400 400




eoo 800

900 900

1000 1 000


folG. 6.--Vertical lithologic variation in six cores taken from lhe southcrn cdge of
che abyssal plain . See lig. 1 for eore locations.
1106 DA l'ID K. DA ~rIES

a t
100 \\'ith sorne reduction o turbidity-currcnt veloc
ity the white carbonate of Member 1 was rapidly
deposited, gencrally from a tractton carpet act
ing under conditions of lo\\' applied shear stress.
Current velocities were high cnough to com
pletely disrupt "normal" abyssal plain sedi
mentadon, and thus to pre,ent the deposition
o argillaceous lutitcs. As currcnt vclocities di
minished even further, the finer carbonates set
tled slowly out o suspension and were mind
with the argillaceous lutites. ConscQucntly, up
wards from the base of the turbidite there is a
graio size diminution and a compositional change
whic:h gives rise to Member 2-the light olive
gray carbonate, With a cessation 01 carbonate
deposition, the deposition o argillaceous lutites
with thin detrital silt stringers reprcscnt D. re
32E 31E 30 E 29 E turn to the charactcristc pattern of abyssal
COR~ NUM8ER plain sedimentation, Heavy minerals separated
Crom these 6ilt stringers are typical of the Mis
sissippi Province, which is characterzed by high
FIG. 7.-Craph illustrating the 8]'mpathetic rela amphibole, cpidote, and low garnet, zircon, and
tiollship between the pcrcentage occurrence of argil tourmaline (Hubert and !\"eal, 1967).
laceous lutite (01 ~lississippi source) and Iight olive Deposition Crom 5ucc:essive turbidity-currents
grav carbonate ( a mixture o( l\fississippi and Cam
peche Imites). Note that the apoge of the coarsest following one another in rapid succession com
member, white or very light grav carbonate, occurs plicates the vertical succession o members re
bet\\'een eore localities 32E and 3J. sulting jn rnultiple graded units, Despite this,
each unit is characterizcd by an upwards de
in flow parameters o successive currents. These crease in grain sizc and a vertical faunal changc
Ro\\' parameters "will vary according to the size that is a result oC the dilution oC late rally dis
of the initial sediment disturbance and the posi placed carbonates by pelagic lutites,
tion o thc disturbance on the slope into the ba LATERAL DISTRIBUTIQN OF TBE CARBONATES
sin" (Walker. 1967, p. 29).

o The directions oC Coreset dip oC cross-Iaminae

are remarkably constant between units, indicat
ing a constancy oC turbidite provenance within a
core despite a fluctuation oC flow velocities. Since
Detailed lithological examination oC five other
cores, taken along a traverse parallel to the
southern edge oC the abyssal plain, demonstrates
that rnember to member relationships in each of
this core was not oricntcd no statement can be these cores are similar to those described in de
made as to the geographical significance of this tail Cor core 32E (fig. 6). Each core (with the
fact. Despite lack oC directional evidence, the exception of 34E) consists oC a vertical repeti
carbonate source area is undoubtedly the nearby tion of white or very light gray carbonate, light
Campeche Shelf. This area has an unconsoli olive gray carbonate, and olive gray-olive black
dated Holocene-Pleistocene veneer oC carbonate argillaceous lutite. The number and frequency
debris and shells (WilIiams, 1963). It is bounded of carbonate infiuxes per rore s not random.
on its northern side by a steep 5carp plunging to Sediments taken in cores 32E and 33E received
the Sigsbee Abyssal Plain. The declivity oC this more regular inAuxcs than the scdiments on
Campeche Escarpment vades, but angles in ex either side. To thc southwest and northeast of
cess oC 20 are not uncommon. Discoid lithic these localities, the amount oC nearly pure car
fragments, such as are found at the base o the bonate oC Member 1 dminishes rapidly. T the
coarsest members, are common in the area o the southwest the light olive.gray carbonate o
Campeche Bank (Hardin, 1964)_ Thus, faunal, Member 2 becornes dominant (fig. 7). Such lat
bathymetnc, and mincralogic evidence al1 dem eral variation precludes any possibility of Itho
onstrate the significance o this shallow shelf logic rorrelation between the cores.
area as the saurce for the graded carbonates. Examination of sorne 32 cores taken from the
abyssal plain and Sigsbee Escarpment has re
Ofigin o} members.-The dense flow associated vealed that 17 contain at least one layer of whte
with the lateral transCer of shallow water car or very ligh t gray carbonate with a shallow water
bonates rom the Campeche Shelf resulted in the fauna (fig. 8). These shallow-water-derived car
scouring of the abrssal plain sediment 5urlace. bonates cover a total area o at least 39,000

1106 D A l'lD K. D A VlE S

l>J 100 \\'ith som e reducti on o turbidity currc nt v eloc

ity the white carbonat e o .Membe r 1 was ra r idly
l.o.. deposited, generally roln a traction carpet act
ing [jnder conditions o[ lo\\" applied sh ea r stress.
Current \'cloties were high enough to com
ple tely djsrupt 'normal " abys~ a l plain sedi
rnentation, and thus to pre\'cnt the d eposition
of argillaceous lutites. As currcnt v clociti es di
minished eve n further, the finer ca rbo nates set
tl ed slowly out of sus pension and ",ere mixed
with the argillaceous !utites. Consequcntly, up
wards rom the base of the turbidite lhere is a
grain size diminuti o n and a compositional change
which gives rise to M.ember 2- th e light olivc
gray carbonate. \\'ith a cessation of carbo nate
d e position, the depositi on of argill a ceou s lutites
w ith thin detrital sjlt stringers rc present a re
turn to the characteristic patt crn o abyssa l
p lain s~diJJ1el1tation. H eavy lninerals se parated
f roro t hese sil t stri ngers typical of the M is
sissippi Prov n ce , which is characteri zcd by high
[: I G. 7.-Graph illustr;ting the sympathetic rela arnphibole, e pidot e, and low gamet, zirco n, and
tioll ship between the pcrcentgc occurrence of arg il t o urmalne (Hubert and ~eaJ , 1'967) .
laceous utile (o( :\( ississippi sOllrce) and light olive Deposition rom successive tu r bidi t y-curre nts
gra y cdruonate ( a m Lxture of Mississipp and Ca m
peCh lucitesl. Note t ha t the apoge of rhe coarsest fotlo wing one another in rapidi successi o n com
member, wh ite or very ligh! gr'ly carbonate J occurs plicates the vertical succession of members r c
be c\\" ~ n core localities 32 E a nd .BE. sulting in multiple grade<! units. Des pite this,
each unit is ch a ract e rized byan u p\\'a rds de
in fl o \\' parameters of successive: currents. These crease in grain size and a vertical faunal change
Ro\\' parameters "\ViII va,-y a ccording to the size that is a result of the dilutton of Ia t crallv dis
of the nital sediment disturbance and the posl placed carbo nates by pelagic luti t es .
tion o lhe discurbance on the slope into the ba
s ill" (Walker. 196i, p. 29).
The directions of oreset clip o erosslaminae DetaiJed lithological examinat.ion oC five other
are remarkably constal\t between units, indicat cores, taken along a traverse p arallel to the
in g a cons tallcy o( turbidite provenance within a southern edge oC the abyssal plai n, demonstrates
core despite a fluctuation of How velocities. Since that member to Olemb~r relati.o nships in each of
this core was not oricntcd no statement can be these cores are similar t rhose described in de
made as to th e geographical significance of this tail for core 32E (llg. 6). Ea.e h c.ore (with the
faet. Despite lack of directional evidence, the exception of .HE) consists oC a vertical repeti
carbonate source area is undoubtedly the nearby 60n of white or vcry lig h t graycarbonate , light
Campeche Shelf. This area has an unconsali olive gray carbonate, aad olive gray-oli ve black
dated Ho!ocene- Pleistocene venee r oC car bonate argillaceous lutite. The number and freque ncy
debris and shells (Williams, 1963). lt is bounded oC carbonate inftuxes per eore is not randOln.
on its nodhern side by a st cep scarp p!unging to Sediments taken in eores 32E and 33E received
the Sigsbee Abyssal Plain. The declivity of this more regular inAuxcs than the sedments on
Campeche Escarpmen t varies, but ang les in ex either side. To the southwest and northeast of
cess of 20 are !lot uncommon. Discoid lithic these Jocalities, the amount of nearly pure car
fr a gm ents, such as are found at the base of the bonate of Member 1 diminishes rapid Jy . 1'0 the
coarsest members, are common in the area o the southwest the light o!ive-gray carbonate of
Campeche Bank (Hardin, 1964). T hus, faun a !, Member 2 becomes dorninan t (lig. 7). Such lat
bathymetric, and min eralogic evidence a ll dem eral variation precludes any possibility of litho
onstrate the signinc:lllce oC this shallow shelf logic canelarion between the cores.
area as the source for the graded carbonates. Examination o some 32 cores taken from the
abyssal plain and Sigsbee Escarpment has re
Origin oJ m~mbers . -The dense fiow associated vea!ed that 17 contain at leasc one layer of whirc
with the lateral transfer of shallow water car or very light gray carbonate with a shallow water
bonates from the Campeche Shelf resulted in the fauna (fig. 8), These shaUow-waterderived car
scouri ng of the ab~" ss a l plan sediment surface. bonates cover a tota l area o at least 39,000

o .1' too

I .. 0,.

I ! 2.'


"" "-
\, -5DOC ,,_, - '

GeL l" ti __; - .- S

DE /.
l' r.' e .. 1 knQ". UtlllI
CA/fPECHE - - o, ,~ollo .... t., co,.
e Or ",tll di.Unel
0"0110" ...1., <>0
Cor ,t~ fU) dl.,I"ot
O ,110110 "to, 1:111,110"
O"t., lillllh 01 obyllal


FIG. 8.-Jnerred total areal distribution of shallow water carbonates in Pleistocene-Recent s.ediments of the
GuU of Mexicoabyssa.l plain. Cores A185*30. Al85-43. A185-36. V3-125, V372, V3-107, were taken by Lamont
Geological Observatory, and the data used as a basis for their inc1uson in this diagram were tiken from Ewing
and others (1958). AIl other eDre. numbers refer to catalogued cores at Texas A&M University. Bathymetry
rnodified aCter Uchupi (1967),

square miles (100,000 sq km) of the deep Gulf. deceleraton of mature turbiclity flows is con
In the central and northem abyssal plain the sidered to be extremely low in distal parts oC
carbonates are tbin, 2-80 cm. and occur only sedimentary basins (\Valton, 1967).
once or twice in each coreo Howevcr, in the south Contributions from detrital sources-the
of the abyssal plain their thickness and fre Mississippi, Texas) and Mexico continental
quency increases (6g. 6). The Campeche Canyon shelves-either buried the carbonate turbirlites
is not considered to have been the main axis of beyond core penetration depths or dluted these
this sediment transport, because it heads in sedi carbonates where the detrital inftuence was
ments which are a mixture o detrital silts and greatcst. Hence, there appear to be no distinct
carbonates. Rather, the pure carbonate orig white or very light gray carbonate layers in the
nated on the Campeche Shelf, and, as a result of northeastem, northwestern, and southwestern
gravitational instability, slumped clown the portion of the abyssal plain (lig, 8).
steep ~dopes of thc Campeche Escarpment, Ve
lodties \Vere o such a magnitude as to allow this
carbonate to travel completely acros!> the abys The Campeche Shelf played an important
sal plain, and even bcyond es prcscnt limits-a role as a source of sediment lor the Gulf o Mex
total travel path or sorne 3.50 miles. Such an ex ico abyssal plaln during the Pleistocene and Re
tensive travel path is not surprising, since the cent. A combination o a steep shetf edge and

, 2


l '

,. "

- JOCC - ,~, \ , o
'0 \
GO L ". o ,~'
) I
oc ( ,
1 0
"""In ' ~no.1'I 14 .... 1,
- - of '''a ll o t. , '0'"
\ 1
b o'.,
Cor tP\ OI"I " et

.~ \ .......... _ 1. 000
El .ha ll o. _oter carbo"

Cor . th: "'"0 dh. ltlc::t

O .hallow .. ata, c:orbotl-

Our .. limli 0 1 a byncl

,10 1"

rIC. 8.-Inferred total areal distrib utiuII of shallow water carbonates in Plei tocene-Recent sedimenls of the
Gulf of Mexico abyssal plain. eores AJ8S-30, AI85-43. 1\185-36. V3-125, V3-72 , V3-t07. were ta.ken by Lamont
Geological Observatory, and the data used as a basis for their inc\usion in this diagram were taken (rom Ewing
and olhers (1958) . AII other core nlJmbers refer ro catalogued eores at Texas A&M Ul1iversity. Bathymetry
modified after Uchupi (1967).

square miles (100.000 sq km) o f the deep Gulf. deceleration of mature turbidity flow s is con.
In thc central and northern abyssal plain the sidered to be extremely low in distal parts oC
carbonates are thin. 2-80 cm, and occur only sedimentary basins (\Valton, 1967).
once or twice in each coreo However, in the south Contributions from detritaJ sollrces- the
of the abyssal plain their thicknes5 al1d Cre Mississppi, Texas, and Mexico continental
quency iacreases (flg. 6) . The Campeche Canyon shelves-either buried the carbonate turbidites
is oot conside red to have been the main axis of beyond core penetration depths or diluted these
this sediment t ransport, beca use it heads in sedi carbonates where the detrital nRuence was
ments ,... hich a re a mixture o detrital silts and greatest. Hence, there a p pear to be no distinct
carbonates. Rather, the pure carbonate origi ",hite or very light gray carbonate layen; in the
nated on the Campeche Shelf. and, as a result of northeastern, northwestern, and southwestern
gravitational instability, slumpcd down the portion o the abyssal plain (fig. 8).
s tecp slopes of the Campeche Escarpment. Ve
locities were of slIch a magnitlldc as to allow this
carbonate to travel completely across t he abys The Campeche Shelf played an i mportant
sal plain. and evel\ beyond its prescn t limits- a role a s a source of sediment o r the Gulf o Mex
total travel pa t h o f sorne 350 mil es. Su ch an ex ica abyssal plain during the Pleistocene and Re
tensive travel path is not s urprising, since the cent. A combinaton oC a steep shelf edge and
110X DA -ID K. DA 1'lES

rapid carbonate sedimcntation on the sheH pro quency of the carbonate inlluxcs as \\'eH as their
duced ideat conditions for the transfer of shal lateral variation in character prec1ude any
low water carbonates to the adjacent deep. This chance of cletailecl correlation between cores.
transfer, taking the form of series oC distinct, Without a successful stratigraphic lramework.
mature, turbidity Rows. interrupted the char. tbe progress of research in the abyssal plain wi1l
acteristic ahyssal plain sedimentation of argil be severely hampercd.
laceous lutites. Rcpeated inRuxes, each sepa
rated by ennugh of a time span as to alJo", for
deposition ol the argillaceous lutites. resulted in The author gratefully acknowledges the as
deposition of several distinct units ,... hich are sistance. advce, and encouragement 01 Ruth
particularly ",el! marked in the southern portion M. .M _ Davies. Robert R Berg, \\"illiam R.
of the abyssal plnin. Bryant, and Kenneth F. Wantland. Berg also
Only the mosl rapid turhidity flows succeeded constructiveb' re\'iewed the manuscript and to
in reaching the northern edge of the abyssal getber with Bryant contributed rnuch in dis~
plain. These flo,,"s, generally no more than one cussion. The kind cooperation by members oC
or two per 10 meters of core, are not present the Departments of Geology and Oceanography
where dctrital influx s dominant in the east, at Texas A&M Uniyersity is here a ppreciated,
northwest. and southwest portions o the abyssat particularly that of Arnold H. Bouma. Richard
plain. \Yhere the detrital nflux is least. the car E. Geyer, and Thomas T. Tieh.
hnnate turbdity Rows either retailled their iden This research \Vas made possibJe through the
tity or ha\"e not becn buried to any great depth award of United States Geological Survey Con
h\' the detrital influx. traet number 14-08-0001-10866, and Project
. 1t is doubtful whcther these carbonate hori 15265 oC Texas A&1\1 Uni"ersity Research Coun
:lons can be successfull}' used for purposes al dI. The coHection of piston cores from the Gulf
correlation even where onl~' one 01' t\\'o occur oC .\Iexco was made from the Te"as :\&1\1 'Cni
ptr coreo (Sec Kuenen, 1964.) To resoh'e this versty research \'essel Alamros (\r. R. Bryant.
question, mure dosel}' spaced cores are needed chief scientist), and was supported by grants
{rom thc central and northern portions o the from the l\ational Science Foundation, GP2034;
abyssal plain, in order to oblain some indica Offiee of .\"a,-al Research, contraet N.O.R. 2119
tions as to the lateral perslstence of each thtn (04) project ~.R. 083-036; and the United
carbonate horizon. In the southern portion of States Geological Survcy, contral't 14-0&-0001
the abyssal plain. hmvever. the numbcr and {re 10866.
A~DEL, T. H. VA~. AI'O POOLE. D.l\.T., 1960. Sources of recent sedirnents in thellorthernGulf or ~I(exico: Juur.
Sedimenta..,.. Petrology, v. 3D, p. 91-122.
Bot:MA, A. H . 1962. Sedmentology 01 sorne Ilysch dcposits: A grapbie approach to facies interpretation. Else-
vier. Ams[erdnm, 168 p.
Dzl.'LV~SK]. S1'AS1SLA\\', A","O SANDERS, J. E., 1962. Currentmarkson'firm mud bottom6: Connecticut _\cad. Art!
Sci. Tralls.. v. U, p. 57-96.
Dl.l;J.Y:-;SKI. SiAS'ISLAW. Arm \rALTOS. E, K. 1965, Sedimentary features 01 flysch and grerwnckes. Elsevier .
.\msterdam, 274 p.
EWI~G, ~fAURICE, ERICSOS, l? B., AN? HEElEN, B: C .. 1958, Sedments and topography o the Gulf ol Mexico,
fn \\ccks, L. G" ed., Haottat o 011-A srmpOSlum: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Ceol. p. 995-1053.
FOI.K, R. L.. ]962. Speclntl suhdivision of limestone types, in Ham. W., ed .. Am. Assoc. Petrolemn GeoJogisb.
:\-lem. 1, p. 62-85.
l:H.IF.oMA!\'. G. M., 1964, Early diagenesis and lthilicl1tion in carbonate sediments: Jour. Sedimentarr Petrology,
v. 34, p. 177-813.
GItI~E.:<MAS. X. K., ANO LEBLAXC, R. J., 1956. Rccent marine sediments and environments or llorth",est Gulf of
:\1exlco: .\m. AS5OC. Petroleum Geologists Bull.. v. 40. p. 812-847.
HARD1X. J. L., 19M. Petrology alld petrography of the Campeche lithic Imite. Yucatnn Shelf, Mexioo: Tech.
Rept., 64-11T. Dept. Oceanog. MeteoroL, Texas A&M Univ., 139 p.
HARNS, J. C.. AND F AIHil~STOCK. R. K., 1965. Stratirlcation, bed forms, and Ro\\' phenomena (with an example
from the Ro Grande), p. 84-115 in Middleton. G. V., ed., Primary sedimentary structures and their hydro
dynamic interpretation. Soc. Econ. Paleontologists Mineralogists, Spec. Pub!. 12, 265 p.
HOLLlSTER, G. C. AI'D HEEZEN, B. c., 1967. Transportation and deposition 01 deep sea sedirnents along the
cOlltinental rise by deep geostrophc contour currents: rabs.l, Geo!. Soc. Americn 2nd. NE Sect., p. 35.
HtiBI~kT. J. F., ANO NRAI., W. j . 1967, Mineral compositioo and dispersal patterns of deep sea sands in the
western North Atlantir petroJogic provincc: Geo!. SOCo America Bull .. v. 78. p, i49-172.
KNAWF;JC, WF.SLR\, 1966, Hecent sediments o( the Louisiana Ioner Continental Shelf: Unpubl. dissertation,
Rice Univ., 50 p.
KUE~EN, Pn.H . 1964. Deep sea sallds and ancient turbidites, p. 3-33 in Bouma. A. H., and Brouwer. A . eds.
Developments in Sedimentology, 3, Turbiditcs. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 264 p.
KUEXES, PH.H . A.NO CAR07.zr. A. V., J953, Tllrhidity currents and sliding in geosynclinal basins o the Alps:
jour. Geology, v. 61. p_ 363-313.
t 1()~ DA 11D K. DA 'lES

rapid carbonate scdmentation on the shelf p ro qucllcy of th e carbo nate influx es as \\'("11 as their
duced ideal conditions {or the transfe r of sha l 1;:1t eral \'ariaton in charact e r preclude any
low water carbonates to the adjacent deep. This chan ce of detailed conelato n betweel1 eores.
transfer, taking lhe form of series of dist.inct, \\'ithout a successful stratigraphic lramework,
mature, turbidit) Aows, interrupted IhE' char t he progress of research in the abyssal plain will
acteristc abyssal plain sedimenration of ar~jl be scverely hampered.
laceous lutite s. Repeated inAuxes, cach sepa
rated by e nough of a time span as lo all w for
deposirion of the argilJaceous lutites, resulted in The author gratefully acknowledges the as
deposition of sevral dstinct unit s whi c h are sistance, advice, and e n couragement of Ruth
parricularly well mark ed in the sout\' ~ rn portion ~1 . 1\1 . Davies, Robe n R. Berg. \\'illiam R .
o{ the abyssal plain . Bryanr, and Kenneth F. Wantland. Berg also
Only lhe 1110:.1 rapid tllrhidity flows succeeded constructively re\'iewed the manuscript and to
in reaching th > northern edge oi rh e abyssal g ether v:th I3ryant contributed much in dis
plain. Thesc flo\V s, generally no more than one cussion . The kind cooperarion by members of
or two per 10 melers of core, are no t p resent the Departments of Geology and Oceanography
whcre dctrital influ:\: is dominant in the casto at Texas A&l\1 Unh'ersity is he re appreciated,
northwest. lne! so uthwest portions of the a b yssal particuJarly that of Arnold H . Bourna, Richard
plain. \\"here th e cletrital influx is least. tbe car E . Ceyer, and Thoma!: T . Tieh.
hona t e turbiditv Aow5 either retained their iden This research wa s mad e possible through the
lil~' 01' ha\'c not bec n buried [O any grcat d e pth award of U nited Sta t es G eological Surve~Y Con
by rh oetrital inRulC. tracr number 14--08-0001-10866, and Project
Ir is d oubtful whcther these carbonate hori 15265 of T exas A&:'I Uni,ersity Research Coun
20n5 can he successfu lIy used for purposes o cil. Th e collection of pisto n eores from the Gulf
corr<:lation even where onl~, one or t\Vo occur o f \Ie.xico was rnade fro m the Tex,as A&!\I Cni
per cure. (Sec ({uenen. 1964.) To resol\'c chis \'ersi t y researen \'cssc! AlfLmi llos (\r. R. Bryant,
(Jucs t ion. 11I0re c1 o sel)' spaced eores are rH~eded chid scientist) , a nd was s upport ed by gran ts
fmm tb' central and northern porti o ns of the from the Xational Scicnce F oundation, GP-2034:
abyssal plnjll, in order 10 obtail1 sorne indica Office of :\a\'al Resca rc h, contrae r :\.O.R . 2119
lioll !'; as to the lateral pen;istenee of each rhin (04) project ~.R . 083-036; and the United
carbonate horizo n. Jn the southern porti o n of States Ceolo~ical S\lr\cy. contrart 14-08-0001
the abyssal plain, howe\'er. th numher' and fr e 10866.

;\~DEL, T. H. \' A :'\, Al'\D POOLg, D . I\1., 1960, S urces of recent sedim en ts in then orthernGulf o :\-1 exico: Jour .
Sedimen w ry Petrology, v. 30, p. 91- 122.
BO CMA , A. H., 1962 , Sedimentology of sorne fhsch deposits: .-\ graphic approach to fac ies inte rpre t ation. E!se
vier. Amsterdam, 168 p.
J)ZL'l.Y:-iSKI. ST :\~ISL ..\ \\'. At-."D SANDEIiS, J. E., 196 2, Curren t marks 0 0 firn mud bottolH !O : Connecticut ;\cad. Artl!
Sei. Tran:;., v. -12 , p. 57- 96 .
DZl'L\':-OSKI. STJ\SISLAW, M";O \\ AL.TO!'\, E. K., 1965. Sedimenta ry features oC flysch and greY,,":'lckes . Elsevie :-,
.\msterdalll. lH p.
EWI~ G , MA URrcE, E.R1csos, D. n., A:>:D HE E7.E :\, B. C .. 1958, Sedimentsand topographr oflhe Gulf of Mexieo,
1,1 \\'ceks, l.. G" cd" Hahitat of Oil-;\ sympusium: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geo!., p. 99.5- 1053 .
Fol. ";, R . !.., 1962, Spec lrill slIhdivisioll of lim estolle rypes, .'1- Hl'lm . \\-'., ed., Am . A:soc . Pelrolclllll Gcologists
:\J elll . 1, p. 62 8S.
FOF.DMA:-.'. G. :\'1 ., 1%4, Early dia!cllesis and lith ilica tion in carbonate sedimen t. : JDur. Sedime ntar)" Petrology,
v ..H, p . 77i- 813 .
GIt E ': :-; MA:->. \:. r\ . Al"O L E BLA:\C, R. j.. 1956, Recent mar ine sediments and env i r on\l1enl~ of Ilorthwest Gulf of
\I exico : .-\m. :\ssoc . PetroleulIl GeologislS Btdl.. \'. 40, p. 812-84 7,
HAllOl:-'-. ]. L., 1964 , Petrology and petrograph y 01 lhe Campeche lithic suile, Yu calan c;;;helf. \iexico: Tech .
RepL, M-llT. Dept. Occanog ~'1et eorol. , Texas :\& M U niv., 139 p.
111\11.10(5, J. c., A!,;D FAHt-E5TOCIo.':, R. K ., 1965, S lr..ltiflCation, bed {onns, and Ro\\" phenornenCl (\\'ith an example
(rOIn Ihe Rio Grande ), p. 84-115 in Middleton, G . V., ed ., Primary sedimentary struclures and tbeir hydro
rl yna mic in terprcta tion. Soc. Econ . Paleontologists Mineralogists. Spec. Pubi. 12, 265 p .
HOLLlST E R, G. e, \!\D HEEZE:-O, B. e , 1967, Tra nsportation and deposition of dcep sea scdiments along the
co ntine ll tal rise by deep geostrophic contour Cllrrents : [abs.), Geo!. Soco America 2nd . NE Sect., p. 35 .
H lj lHxr . J. F .. Al\f> NnAI., W. ]., 1967. Mineral cornpol3ition and dispers.."l l p;H terns of deep sea sands in the
western North J\tllntie pctrologic province : Geo!. Soc. America Bull., v. 78. p H9- 772.
KUAW E IC, WESLEY, 11)66. Hecent sediments of the Louisiana Jnner Continental Shelf: Unpubl. dissertation.
Rice Univ., 50 p .
KUE~EN, Pn.H .. 1964. Deep sea sands il nd ancient t urbidires, p. 3-33 in Bouma, :'\. 1-1., and Brol1wer, A . eds"
Developments in Sedilllentoiogy, 3 , Turbidites. Elsevier. Amsterdam, 264 p.
K UE :\E'<, PH.H., ANn CAROZZT. A. V., 19SJ, Tilrhidi t y currents a nd slidng in geosynclina l basins of the Alps:
.lour. Geology, v. 61, p . 363-373.

KUENEK. PH.H., AI"D MIGLIORINI, C. J., 1950. Tl.lrbidity currents as a cause of graded bedding: Jour. Geology,
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mechanisms, p. 192-219 in Middleton, G. V" ed. Primary sedimentary structures and their hydrodynamic
interpretaton. Soco Econ. Paleontologists Mineralogists. Spec. Pub), 12. 265 p.
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