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Revealing The Ecumenical 'One World Church' in the Light of God's

Inspired Word


Do you know ... That the Bible teaches there will be a one world church during
the Great Tribulation? That this one world church will be under the leadership
of Antichrist? That the World Council of Churches and its national bodies - the
Canadian Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches - have as
their goal a one-world church? That the Charismatic Movement is a definite
part of the one world church program by bringing together Protestants,
Catholics and even other world religions far beyond that which the WCC could
ever do.

It is almost impossible to read a newspaper or magazine without finding some

reference to the ecumenical movement. The word Ecumenical means to establish
and inhabit "world-wide" and it refers primarily to the effort now being put
forth to form a world-wide church.

Did You know that various Ecumenical meetings around the world have also
included representatives of non-Christian religions? Its a fact! The program of
ecumenicalism has the ultimate goal of a one world church system which would
be "all inclusive", uniting all the religions of the world - Christian and non-
Christian. This is the ultimate goal. A One World Church System, to eventually
be headed up by a one world religious leader! Think about it! It is happening
right before your eyes - a One World Church System - happening now.

Do you, as a professing Bible Believing Christian really want to be part of this


Think about it! If you are responsible for committing yourself to, and persuading
others to join in this apostasy, you are not only sacrificing your place in God's
kingdom, but also the lives of those around you. What a waste. What a blatant
outright disregard of, and rebellion against, the Holy Word Of God. Be Not
Deceived. for what a man soweth so shall he reap.

It all looks pretty good on the outside, it has great window dressing, great public
relations and great humanitarian appeal, but inside it is full of abominations,
desolations, secret agenda's, deceptions and outright apostasy!

The one uniting theme being sung around the world today to proclaim this one
world church program is "Peace, Prosperity", "environmentalism",
"humanitarianism" and "Social Justice"

If you want to see this One World False Church Ecumenical Movement in action
one needs to look no further then the Visions Television network here in Canada.
Here they promote the Ecumenical multi-faith one world False church system on
a daily basis - check it out for yourself - just watch Spirit Connection Skylight or
other Ecumenical shows on the network! Here they promote "Multi-
faithism" or "Pluralism" or in other words, that all roads (religions) can lead to
God or heaven, instead of by Jesus only!

This movement became recognized with the formation of the World Council of
Churches in 1944. From 1944 to 1961 this Council was of interest primarily to
Protestant denominations. But in November of 1961 when the World Council
met at New Delhi there were Roman Catholic observers present for the first time.

This brought about a new emphasis in the Ecumenical interest. The morning
worship prayer of November 29, 1961 was a prayer that would be acceptable to
Catholics as well as Protestants: "Christ our true God, by the intercessions of His
most pure mother ever-virgin Mary: of our Father among the Saints, John
Crysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople: of the holy martyrs Paramonus,
Piloumenus and Faidre, whose day it is and of all the Saints, will have mercy
upon us and save us, for He is good and He loveth mankind. Amen."
Then we have the first Ecumenical Council called by Pope John and re-called by
his successor Pope Paul. Pope Paul's first message to the world pledged to
continue the Vatican ecumenical council and strive for international peace and
co-operation amongst all religions and beliefs.

The New York Herald Tribune carried this news item:

Writing of his coronation address, the paper said, "In a speech with passages in
Latin, Italian, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and German, the
Pope said his choice of the name Paul was an inspiration to seek closer contact
with other Christians. We will resume, as already announced, the Ecumenical
Council, and we ask God that this great event confirm in the church its faith,
refresh moral energies, and rejuvenate and adapt its forms to the needs of the
times, and so present the church to the Christian brothers, separated from its
perfect unity, in a way to make attractive, easy, and joyous to them the sincere
recomposition in truth and charity, of the mystic body of the sole Catholic
Church." The Pope made his condition for unity clear.

Other Christian faiths would have to return to the sole Catholic Church.

The Pope, John Paul II, on his year 2000 trip to the Middle East held various
meeting with the representatives of the Coptic Church in Egypt and with the
representatives of Islam, the Arab and Muslim religious belief System and
Judaism. His agenda was to promote dialogue on issues of unity and a united
common purpose. (From Time Magazine)

Today we have a new influence towards this one world church. The charismatic
movement has become a tremendous unifying force in our generation. When the
rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Van Nuys, California, stood before his
congregation on April 3, 1960, to say that he had spoken [Glossolalia] in tongues,
he seemed to trigger off a movement which has not only influenced his own
church, but also spread to Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians and Roman
Catholics and even to other world religions. Now it has spread throughout the

In a similar way this has happened before. In the 2nd century Montanus claimed
to be a divine prophet who spoke in Tongues. The movement spread like wildfire
into Asia Minor, North Africa, Italy and France until it was condemned by the
Council of Constantinople in 361 and gradually died out. During the
Reformation between 1517 and 1548 a group speaking in tongues and practising
divine healing sprang up and was marked by gross immorality and excesses of
behaviour. In 1650 there arose the "French Prophets" in the Forest of
Cevennes. They spoke [Glossolalia] in tongues, rolled on the floor being in a
state of [Delirium], and went into fits of supposed holy laughter. Their places of
assembly were designated as "public places of prostitution."

[Glossolalia] - The unintelligible speech or sounds that are currently claiming to

be a gift of the Holy Spirit. These speech patterns are commonly associated with
a trance state or certain schizophrenic syndromes. Many primitive tribes and
world religions practice glossolalia.

[Delirium] - The Frenzied physical body movements that are currently claiming to be a
gift of the Holy Spirit. These physical manifestations are commonly associated
with a trance state or certain psychotic syndromes. Many primitive tribes and
world religions practice delirium.

Then in the first half of the 19th Century Rev. Edward Irving, minister of
Regent Square Church of Scotland, London, England, became interested in
the "tongues movement" and soon promoted the supposed renewal of
Pentecostal gifts.

Within the past ten years we have seen the Charismatic Movement grow and
influence Christians and non-Christians alike. They have promoted union
meetings not only with all the major Protestant Denominations but also with the
Roman Catholic Church and other world religions as well. This gathering
together is setting the stage for the one world church.

This was the startling news in May, 1968 which came from Kevin M. Ranagham,
Instructor in Theology at St. Mary's Roman Catholic College, Notre Dame,

"A remarkable series of meetings took place last year in South Bend, Indiana.
Catholics from the community of the University of Notre Dame met with
Protestant Christians mainly from evangelical and fundamentalist
backgrounds ... The Lord was among us, and by the power of His Spirit, we who
were naturally so far apart were made truly one in Christ."

When the crowds demanded an "overflow" meeting, Mr. Ranaghan said: "We
overflowed the confines of the Old College and had to hold prayer meetings in
large classrooms and TO CELEBRATE MASS TOGETHER at the outdoor
grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes."

Another tremendous influence today towards the one world church is the large
crusades and ecumenical evangelism.
Ecumenical evangelism in the united churches evangelistic campaigns paves the
way for the world-wide Ecumenical Movement, and the world-wide Ecumenical
Movement paves the way for a One World Church possibly under a Pope of
Rome but eventually under control of The False Prophet. The plot has been
hatched in secret for years but is only now coming out into the open.

Dr. W.H. Horton, an ecumenical liberalist, in his book TOWARD A REBORN

CHURCH, explains the plan now in operation to bring the evangelical separatists
and other world religions into the ecumenical fold (p.p. 30,31).

"I do not believe the leaders of the Ecumenical Movement are going to be able to
change the feelings or allay the suspicions of these Conservative Evangelicals
sufficiently to bring them fully into the I.M.C. or The World Council in the near
future; but they can do two things which may make further reconciliation

(1) keep in personal touch with the evangelical leaders, answering sometimes
captious criticism with patience and not with scorn;

(2) conduct evangelistic campaigns and meetings with an earnestness which their
rivals cannot fail to respect AND A CONSTANT WILLINGNESS TO

A generation of such tolerant, respectful relations might actually lead to unity,

since there is an almost invariable historic law that evangelistic movements
become less separatistic in the second generation. At least tolerance should be
tried in this critical test case."

Other trends today also promote the one world church. Bible-believing pastors
sit side by side with modernistic apostate ministers in ministerial associations
and with representatives of non-Christian religions. Men who deny the
fundamentals of the Christian faith, and representatives of other world religions
are now being invited to lecture in evangelical schools, colleges and universities.
Christian bookstores even sell modern perversions of the Bible and handle non-
Christian literature written by the enemies of the Cross.

Christian magazines carry articles by writers who use other versions and who do
not stand 100% for the Bible. Gospel-preaching evangelists insist on having
liberal apostate preachers on the platform to pray for the crusades. Young
converts are encouraged to go to their own churches whether that church
preaches the Bible or not. Many new evangelicals are having fellowship with
those of other world religions and those who are destroying the faith of our

The stage is being set for the whore church of Revelation 13 and 17. May the
Lord help us to be faithful to the Word of God no matter what the cost might be.


The dream of a world-wide church was first presented in 1910 in the World
Conference on Missionary Co-operation at Edinburgh, under the leadership of
Dr. John R. Mott. Its goal was the evangelization of the world in one generation.
Out of this conference came the International Missionary Council.

In 1925 there was held the Universal Christian Council on Life and Work in
Stockholm. This was largely sponsored by liberal leaders who preached
the "social gospel." At Lausanne in 1927 came the World Conference on Faith
and Order which was the first real effort to find a common ground of belief in
the midst of different church doctrines, traditions and religions.

It was out of these various conferences that the World Council of

Churches (Wcc) was formed with the one main view of uniting the churches and
religions of the world into one world ecumenical false church. This Council is
composed of every shade of theological and religious belief - liberal in the
forefront, evangelical, neo-orthodox, Armenian, Calvinist, Lutheran, Catholic,
Eastern Orthodox, and now including other world religions such as Judaism,
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Confucianism and for good measure
they have thrown in Mysticism, Wicca and Spiritism.

One of the main motives of the WCC is to rethink and to restate ecumenically the
entire Christian faith. Actually their language is double-talk. They bypass the
Holy Scriptures as the inspired and authoritative rule of faith. This clever
device, designed to please everybody, calls

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