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ODEEs Solo presentation script

Slide 1: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is

Ponpimol Bongkeaw./ Today I would like to talk about
Antibiotics Smart use in pharmacy / if you have any questions
you can ask me at the end of this presentation./ Ok, let start it.

Slide 2: As you know,/ Antibiotics therapy is the main

Pharmaceutical treatment for bacterial infection diseases./
Formerly,/ it has been the most effective way to save patient
from bacterial infection./ But nowadays it may be not.

Slide 3: Let me show you these. / These are some of bad news /
that tell us to realize about antibiotic problems./ Let have a look
on you right side. / There is a US woman dies from infection /
that no available antibiotics can help her. / What are the causes
of this problems?/ Are there anyone knows? Show me your
hand please. / Ok, anyone else agree with her? / Ok, lets
moving on I will show you the answer after this.

Slide 4: Alright. / The cause is from antibiotic resistance by

superbugs / that make us fail to treat our patients. / And these
are causes of antibiotic resistance. / They are from various
factors above. / In our field, / as pharmacists in pharmacy / we
can have a potential action on this part. / That is reducing the
over-prescribing of antibiotics/ by using a model called
Antibiotics Smart Use

Slide 5 : So this is outlines for my presentation today. / First of

all, we will talk about the primary concept of Antibiotic smart
use./ then I will talk about its objective./ Finally, we will talk
about the Rational Antibiotics uses.
Slide 6: The Primary concept of Antibiotic Smart Use is / No
antibiotics for Non-bacterial infection
/ As you see, / many patients come into drugstore and ask for
antibiotics to treat their illness. /
Sometimes, / its not cause by bacteria./ It could be from virus
or any other causes / so there is no need to use antibiotics

Slide 7: So the objective of Antibiotic Smart Use is / To reduce

unnecessary uses of antibiotics / in these 3 conditions / that
can be mostly recovered without using antibiotics. / Because
97% of them are caused by virus or non-bacterial factors. / The
first condition is Upper Respiratory tract infection, esp the
common cold with sore throat. / The second is Acute Diarrhea /
and the last one is Simple wound.

Slide 8 : If we use antibiotics with rational consideration for

these three conditions/ we can prevent antibiotics resistance
and reduce overuse of antibiotics./ But how will we know/ in
case that we actually need antibiotic to treat bacterial
infection? / Let me show you then.

Slide 9: In the first condition,/ If you have a common cold with

sore throat / and all of these signs above / that is

High fever (>38oC)

Red, swollen tonsils with exudates
Red, swollen, tender throat
Absence of cough

you need to use the antibiotics since you may have the
bacterial infection.

Slide 10 : The next is acute diarrhea/ if you have diarrhea with

High fever (>38oC) / and bloody in your stool/ you need him to
fight with the bad bugs again.
Slide 11: The last one, / if you have a simple wound which have
appearance of Redness, swelling and purulent discharge/ and
you have not clean it within 6 hours. / Or it is a dirty wound /
which causes by Mammalian bite, Puncture / or you have some
underlying diseases / such as Diabetes mellitus. / you need to
use the antibiotics to treat your wound.

Slide 12 : This is the end of my presentation thank you./ Are

there any questions ?

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