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14.2 Balancing Vata ayurvedic ayurveda


Home 14 Balancing the Humors

14.2 Balancing Vata

Vata is directly related to the Apana Prana. The qualities of Vata are cold, dry, unstable, erratic,
ought, and light. The colors associated with Vata are black or darkish colors. The pulse position
is in the first position (closest to the hand) and the back or root of the tongue show the internal
condition of Vata. The site of Vata is the large intestine, and it controls the organs of the lower
half of the body. Vata is responsible for all movement in the body (Muscular and nervous) and
all excretions or wastes from the body. Vata is directly related to the thinking process and
stress. External condition of the skin and hair give us indication of Vata state (dryer, rough
condition indicate higher levels of vata). Sweet, sour and salty tastes decrease vata. By the
same token, bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes increase vata. Vata is strongest isn early
morning and old age.
Any situation that involves the qualities or manifestations of vata indicates that vata is
predominant in the given circumstance. To the degree that vata is the force that moves the
other two humors, it is involved in every all ness. When it is the predominant force, it must be
dressed directly. If it is not the predominant force, but present, then the predominant humor
can be addressed in addition to vata. If vata is not involved directly, see the other humors.
Traditionally, Apana Prana is the most difficult of the pranas to control, and thus explains the
importance of controlling vata.

Vata can be lowered by raising either pitta or kapha, or both together; this result in balance.
The concept of balance is relative to your constitution. For example, I am predominantly pitta,
with vata second, and I have little kapha. To lower both pitta ans vata (should vata be high) I
would increase the kapha humor. To lower only pitta I could raise both vata and kapha. In
another example, if someone is a vata-kapha mix, then pitt can be raised to harmonize the
predominant two humors. Thus balance does not mean three equal amounts of each humor, it
means to return to your individual mix of the three humors, whatever that is for you.

For high vata condition leans towards the pitta side (i.e., Heat, inflammation, anger) then use
more kapha-type herbs and foods to lower vata. If your vata condition leans more towards
kapha (i.e., Wet, slow dull, lethargic), then use more pitta-type herbs and food to lower vata.

Oil is good for all vata conditions, both externally and internally. Oil that a heating action are
best for controlling vata, like sesame or almond. To clear out internal toxins, castor oil is
excellent for vata person (take 1 table spoon before bed.). Oil massage is very important for
contorting vata; massage should be given regularly with warming oil. Massage nourishes the
skin, bones, and nerves.

To control vata, it is necessary to eliminate all cold, dry foods from the diet. These are mainly
snack food, such as cookies and chips, but drying food (i.e., astringent) and breads also tend to
aggravate vata. Cold drinks, especially soft drinks should be avoided. Complex foods or dishes
should be avoided when vata is very high. Simple meals are easier to digest for vata people,
and warm, hot, or cool drinks are best. Meat can be very grounding d for vata; they are best
able to handles meat if their digestion is strong enough. Meat soups are the best, as the are
warming and nourishing.

Meditation, prayer, and quiet, nourishing times during the day are important for vata persons.
Avoidance of stress, fear, and anxiety are important. Developing a regular life-style and habits
is important also. Cultivating a kapha-like home-living, solid, romantic, nourishing, emotionally
enriching-is very helpful for controlling vata. Often low self-estteem or simply a lack of love is
the cause of the very destructive vata habits. I have a friends who is VERY vata and she thrives

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14.2 Balancing Vata ayurvedic ayurveda

on all the crazy things that imbalance vata. She is very social, helping many people with an
infinite variety of things, has good self-esteem, yet has difficulty accepting love on more then a
superficial level. The ability to love and receive love balance vata and all the five pranas.

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