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Based Study
of Bus rsw
a a_

E ffective implementation of
behvavior-based safety proc-
esses involves several gener-
ally agreed-upon phases.
analysts. Indeed, without significant be-
havior change, injuries cannot be reduced
and the goals of the safety process will
remain out of reach.
participants to complete self-monitorinig
forms; they also conducted a special
observation of each participant to meas-
ure target performances.
These can be categorized as This article provides an. example of Both drivers and supervisors were
follows: 1) asses.sment, during one type of structLred behavioral analy- unaware of experimnental observers who
which safety records are sis-ABC analysis (see Austin); it measured each participant's performance
reviewed and employees are interviewed describes tihe safety of bus drivers based on a daily basis by riding as passengers.
in order to identify targets for behavioral on a study conducted at Western Michi- To assess the reliability of the measure-
observations; 2) process development, dur- gan University (Olson and Austin). The ment system, two independent observers
ing which behavioral techniqLues to be stLudy examined the performance of four measured performance on 30 percent of
used are identified and outlined in detail; highly experienced bus drivers (20.5 experimental observations. Interobserver
3) process implementation, during which years' average experience) on four safety agreement scores for these sessions aver-
participants are trained in how to imple- targets: complete stopping; remaining aged 89.8 percent. A multiple baseline
ment techniques and during which a motionless for at least two seccnds when design across performances was used to
kickoff meeting is held; and 4) contiinuous loading/unloading passengers; checking assess the effects of the irttervention on
improvenment, during which the behavior- both side mirrors after loading/unload- the four performance targets.
based process is evaluated and refined as ing passengers; and correctly positioned The intervention resulted in a 12.5 per-
necessarv to ensure continued acceptance stopping so th e door opens after the bus cent average increase in overall safe
and effectiveness (McCann and Sulzer- is completely stopped and no cars can performance for the group, with average
Azaroff 279; McSween 29). pass on the right. behavior changes on specific targets rang-
Although each phase is important for The study was conducted over a rela- ing from six to 22 percent. Individual
effective implementation, behavior anal- tively short five-week period; this was increases in specific areas ranged from
ysis is the fotndation of all behavior- due in part to the route stopping for sea- three to 41 percent. When super visors con-
based safety initiatives. It involves a skill sonal reasons (it did not operate during ducted their observations, data sho ved
set that is not easily mastered; however, spring and summer months). Driver that drivers generally made additional
without these skills, participants in any performance was measured on a daily improvements beyond levels achieved
performance improvement process will basis during two experimental condi- during "self-monitoring only conditions."
find it difficult to develop creative tech- tions: 1) a no-treatment (baseline) condi- This effect occurred only for thlose behav-
niques designed to change behavior. tion; and 2) a self-monitoring and iors that drivers knew supervisors were
Since behavior change is critical to the posted-feedback condition where drivers observing. No drivers were involved in an
success of a behavior-based intervention, estimated their safe performance twice accident/collision during the course of the
and since behavior analysis is critical in each day and signed feedback graphs study, although this cannot be interpreted
developing interventions that can effec- based on self-monitoring data posted in as a reduction in accidents or collisions due
tively change behavior, it makes sense to the drivers' lounge. Via radio communi- to the small number of participants and the
help participants become better behavior cation, dispatch supervisors prompted study's short duration.
TABLE 1 Analysis of Rolling Stops
Traffic is approaching Acquire position in traffic PlC
rapidly. without waiting.
Hear aversive sound of Aversive sound less intense PIC
squealing brakes. and of shorter duration than N-` .
_ during a complete stop.
Bus approaches a stop Bus strikes a pedestrian or NIU (very uncertain)
ABC ANALYSIS OF BUS DRIVER SAFETY sign with pedestrians or hits a vehicle or site of a
To explore possible reasons for the vehicles nearby. near miss.
effectiveness of the self-monitoring inter- Bus approaches stop Forward motion continues. PIC
vention used in this study, Daniels' system sign. I
was used to analyze the driving perfor-
mances measLured (Daniels 37). Daniels Pedestrians approach Pedestrians stop and wait PIC
suggests analyzing problem (at-risk) intersection to cross in for bus to pass because it _E_
performance first, then desired (safe) front of bus. rolls through intersection.
performance. An ABC analysis entails
Driver avoids a delay.
identifying relevant antecedents and con-
Bus approaches stop sign Traffic ticket or disciplined NIU, NFU (the presence of
sequences for behavior, where antecedents
with or without a police for a moving violation. an officer or supervisor
are stimuli or conditions that precede
officer or supervisor increases the certainty of
behavior an-d set the stage for or prompt it
to occur, and consequences are stimuli or present. these consequences-but
conditions that follow a behavior and still uncertain.)
change the probability that it will recur. Bus approaches stop Minimal muscular exertion PIC
Such analysis consists of listing ante- sign. on brake pedal.
cedents alnd consequences for both at-risk ....... NxXX
and safe performances, then rating each
consequence according to its behavior-

strengthening or behavior-weakening
qualities. Using a structured method
(such as ABC analysis) to hypothesize
about which variables cause behavior can
stimulate the problem-solving process
and suggest strategies for the continuous [fighiglited areas repsent interventin conditions.
improvement of safety-related perfor-
mance management svstems. TABLE 2 Analysis of Complete Stops
Both Daniels and Krause have sug-
gested similar coding systems for de- ANTECEDENTS CONSEQUENCES RATING
scribing consequences for specific target Traffic is approaching Opportunity to merge is NIC
performances (Daniels 41; Krause). Both rapidly. delayed.
systems examine three key issues: Hear aversive sound of Aversive sound more NIC
1) value of consequences; 2) immediacy squealing brakes. intense and of longer
of consequences with respect to the target duration than during a
performance; and 3) probability of conse- rolling stop.
quences. Rating consequences with a Bus approaches a stop Sight of vehicle or passen- PIU
coding system can reveal whether the sign with pedestrians or ger in an unsafe position in
environment or organizational context vehicles nearby. relation to bus (potential
generally favors at-risk or safe perfor- I accident avoided).
mance. Once the balance of consequences Bus approaches stop Forward motion completely
is made clear, analysts can create more- sign. stops.
effective behavior change strategies.
In Daniels' ABC analysis, each conse- Passenger approaches Passenger crosses in front of
quence is rated as either positive or nega- intersection to cross in bus, causing the driver to
tive (P/N), immediate or in the future front of bus. wait several seconds.
(I/F), and certain or uncertain (C/U) Bus approaches stop Maximal muscular exertion
(Daniels 41). Positive, immediate and cer- sign. on brake pedal.
tain (PIC) consequences tend to maintain
or increase behavior and likely act as pos-
itive reinforcement. Negative, immediate
and certain (NIC) consequences tend to
decrease or eliminate behavior and likely
act as puniishment. Future and uncertain
consequences typically have little effect
on behavior, unless they are of great
value or highly unpleasant.
Table 1 shows an analysis of the at-risk
performance "rollin.g stop" and conse-
quences hypothetically avaikable for that

NOVEMBER 2001 21
TABLE 3 Analysis of Inadequate Pause After Loading/lUnloading performance, both before and after the
self-monitoring intervention. Table 2
ANTECEDENTS CONSEIIUENCES RATING shows an analysis of tlhe safe performance
Passengers load/unload. Immediate forward motion PlC
with loading accomplished. _
"complete stop" and consequences hypo-
thetically available for that performance
Pedestrians waiting near Pedestrians remain at the PIC before and after intervention.
the curb to walk in front curb and the bus continues _ _ _ k 1 1 Withirn highlighted areas of each table
of the bus after passen- without delay. and throughout the remnainder of this
gers finish loading/ article, it is suggested that some conse-
unloading. quences may have changed in value
Passengers load/unload. A person is injured from a NIU (very uncertain; because of the intervention. This specula-
fall on the bus or is struck however, more likely
tion is based on theory and research relat-
by the buLs as it pulls away under busy conditions.)
from the loading zone. ed to the concept of an establishing
Passengers load/unload. Passenger complains to the NFU operation (Olson, et al). Establishing
transit system. operations are special antecedent condi-
Passengers load/unload. Sight of pedestrians or NIIJ tions that temporarily change the value of
exiting passengers in urnsafe certain consequences and evoke behav-
positions in relation to the iors that have produced those con se-
.. ______
. _. bus and in dager. quences in the past. For example,
Passengers load/unload. Passengers are seated 1plC antecedents such as rule statements or
quickly because the bLus N 4_ .... instructions have been shown to tem-
starts moving. ....... 1V ;--__M--
porarily change the value of reinforcers
Passengers load/unload. that are often considered to have a fixed
value (Hughes, et al).
Performing a complete stop is consid-
ered safe for many reasons. It is a legal
requirement; creates more time to see traf-
fic and pedestrian conditions and risks;
and allows other drivers to make clear
decisions about right-of-way and oppor-
tunities to proceed with forward motion.
However, consequences do not always
support performance of this behavior. In
fact, many consequences support the at-
risk behavior of rolling through a stop
sign. For example, performing a rolling
TABLE 4 Analysis of iwo-Second Pause After Loading/Unloading stop often allows the driver to obtain a
ANTECEDENTS CONSEUENCES RATING ___ better position in traffic. When traffic is
Passengers load/unload. Bus remains motionless heavy and opportunities to merge are
until loading is scarce, coming to a complete stop might
cause a driver to miss an opportunity to
I Pedestrians wuaiting near Pedestrians walk in front of
the curb to walk in front the bus, causing several
proceed. So, a driver may learn to roll
of the bus after passen- seconds to a minute of through a stop sign during busy traffic
gers finish loading/ delay. conditions in order to avoid delays.
Iuniloadinga. Similarly, certain pedestrian traffic con-
Passengers load /unload. Passenger falls and is in- NIU (very uncertain) ditions may encourage rolling stops. For
jured on the bus or is struck example, if a driver pauses too long at a
by the bus as it pulls away stop sign and foot traffic is substantial,
from the loading _one.
pedestrians may walk in front of the bus
Passengers load /unload. Passenger pays the driver a P1U (very uncertain)
and cause delays. However, if a driver
Passengers load/unload. Sight of pedestrians or PLU rolls through a stop sign, s/he may avoid
exiting passengers in unsafe a delay by moving past a crosswalk before
positions in relation to the pedestrians step off of the curb.
bus (accident avoided). . Another consequence observed during
Passengers load/unload. Passengers take extra time NIC this stLdy seemed to reinforce/support
finding a seat and delay the soft or brief application of the brakes. On
m-nany buses, braking systems make an
Plassengers load/unload. Passengers walk safely PIC unpleasant screeching sound; during a
down the aisle as the bus rolling stop (with a brief or soft applica-
tion of the brakes), the noise was not as
loud and occurred for a shorter duration.
Thus, in some cases, braking was "pun-
ished" by the presence of an unpleasant
sound, while roiling stops were reinforced
by the quick cessation of that sound.
Negative consequences for rolling
stops may include receiving a traffic tick-
et; being disciplined by the employer; or
colliding with another vehicle or pedestri-
an-all of which are uncertain. For prein- TABLE 5 Analysis of Looking at Fewer Than Two Side Mirrors
tervention conditions, it was hypothe-
sized that rolling stops were supported by ANTECEDENTS CONSEQUENCES RATING
at least five positive consequences and I assengers load /unload. Minimal (comfortable) neck PLC
discouraged by two uncertain negative muscle exertion. _
consequences. The highlighted portions
of Table 1 show how intervention proce- Passengers load/unload. Passenger falls and is in- NIU (very uncertain)
dures may have created additional nega- jured on the bus or is struck
tive consequences for rolling stops and by the bus as it pulls away
weakened the value of some positive conI- from the loading zone.
sequences for them. Passengers load/unload. Another vehicle is struck by NIU (very uncertain)
As Table 2 shows, it was hypothesized the bus.
(prior to intervention) that complete stops Passengers load/unload. Sight of vehicles, pedes- PIU (less certain than with
were discouraged by at least five negative trians or exiting passengers a safe mirror check.)
consequences. As discussed, performance in unsafe positions in
of complete stops may have been "pun- relation to the bus (accident
ished" at times by the loss of an opportu- avoided).
nity to merge with traffic. Furthermore, Passengers load/unload. Sight of interesting things PIC
lunch and other breaks throughout the happeTning around the bus
workday were maximized if the bus was (not visible in mirrors).
on time or ah ead of schedule. This condi-
tion may have strengthened the value of
continuous forward motion as a rein-
forcer, making extended pauses in for-
ward motion unpleasant.
One positive consequence for a com-
plete stop was identified-the sight of
pedestrians or other vehicles in precarious
positions in relation to the bus-but it was
not literally dependent on the perfor- Higtdighted areas represenitintervention conditions.
mance of a complete stop. A driver coud
have identified pedestrians or velhicles in
such positions regardless of the bus's TABLE l Analysis of Checking Both Side Mirrors
motion, since sight is dependent on head ATECEDENTS CONSEQUENCES RATING
position and eye movement. However, Passengers load/unload. Maximal neck muscle NIC
the opportunity for these "looking behav- exertion for the occasion. ..
iors" increases during a complete stop.
After considering just a few conse- Passengers load/unload. Passenger falls and is in- NIU (very uncertain, but
qtuences related to the rolling stop behav- jured on the bus or is struck even less certain when
ior (at-risk) and the complete stop by the bus as it pulls away mirrors are checked.)
behavior (safe), it is clear that safe behav-
from the loading zone.
ior was discouraged and tusafe behavior
Plassengers load/unload. Another vehicle is struck by NIU (very uncertain, but
was reinforced. These dependent rela-
the bus. even less certain when
tionships between behaviors and contse-
quences may have contributed to at-risk .~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mirrors are checked.)
stops observed during both baseline and Passengers load/unload. Sight of vehicles, pedes- PIU
intervention phases of this study. trians or exiting passengers _
To summarize, preintervention condi- in untsafe positions in |
relation to the bus (potential T *-
tions seemed to discourage the safe
performance of complete stops and it was accident avoided).
hypothesized that initervention proce- Passengers load/unload. Sight of mirrors without NIC (why look if nothing
dures added negative consequences for vehicles, pedestrians or is ever there?)
the at-risk behavior (rolling stops) and exiting passengers in unsafe
positive consequences for safe perfor- positions in relation to the
mance (complete stops). Inrtervention pro- 1-1c
cedures may have also altered the value of
some naturally occurring consequences.
This same general pattern was evident in
the ABC analyses conducted for the
remaining thlre target performances.
Table 3 shows an analysis of the at-risk
behavior "less than two-second pause
after loading/unloading passengers"
and hypothetical consequences available
for that performance before and after
intervention. Table 4 shows an analysis of
the correct performance "two-second
pause after loading/unloading passen-
gers" and hypothetical consequences

NOVEMBER 2001 23
TABLE 7 Analysis of Poor Stopping Position available for that performance before and
after intervention.
ANTECEDENTS CONSEQUENCES RATING This behavior bears some similarity in
Approaching Passenger loads/unloads PlC analysis to complete stops because both
loading/unloading zone. quickly because door is - - M . performances require the driver to hold
open before bus is stopped. .i the brake pedal down and keep the bus
Forward motion begins motionless for a given duration. As
earlier. noted, in many cases, forward motion
likely fumctioned as a reinforcer, given the
Approaching Passenger loads/unloads PlIC (a little less certain tight schedulinig of routes.
loading/unloading zone. safely. than with safe stopping Considerinig the reinforcin-g nature of
position.) forward motion, one could conclude that
Approaching Passenger loads/unloads NIU (very uncertain) keeping the bus motionless after a pas-
loading/unloading zone. while bus is still in nmotion senger boarded/exited would have been
and is injured or is struck aversive. In addition, pedestrians could
by another vehicle passing walk in front of the bus and cause further
the bus on the right. delay. Many times throughout the study
drivers started forward motion of the bus
inmediately after passengers loaded/
: - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................,........,,.. mnloaded; consequently, pedestrians
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................ -::a-a--.--:-:---: mained on the curb until the bus passed
: .......... :, ' ,. ' . ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. .':''
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ............. ,''..,-rather than walk in front of the bus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ...... ................................ ................ ...................
... Table 5 shows an analysis of the at-risk
behavior "looking at fewer than two side
mirrors after loading/unloading passen-
gers" and hypothetical consequences
available for that performance. Table 6
7-Highlighted areas represenlt ialtervei tw(.n co7-nddt..n'. shows an analysis of the safe behavior
"checking side mirrors after loading/
TALBLE 8_Analysis of Corrclt Stepin Positio unloading passengers" and the hypothet-
ical consequences available for that
C RATING perforniance.
Approaching Passenger loads/unloads N IC Table 7 shows an analysis of the at-risk
loading/uloading zone. slowly because door is shut P behavior "poor bus stopping position
when s/he is ready to -- i~vn~~n (door open early or cars able to pass on
board. Forward maotion is right) before loading/unloading passen-
delayed. gers" and the hypothetical consequences
Approachintg available for tlhiat behavior. T'able 8 shows
Passenger loads/uniloads PIC (very certain)
an analysis of the safe behavior "correct
k ading/gunloading zone. safely. stopping position (door opens after com-
plete stop and no cars can pass on right)"
Approaching Passenger loads/unloads NTU (evenM more uncertain and hypothetical consequences available
loading/unloading zone. and is injured or is struck than during poor stopping for that behavior.
by another vehicle passing position.)
This structured exercise revea:led some
possible dependent relationships be-
tween behaviors and consequences that
may hlave been responsible for perfor-
mance improvements. Each table illus-
trates the central safety dilemma, where
"natural" PIC consequences seem to sup-
port at-risk performance while safe
performance is discouraged by NIC con-
sequences; it appears accidents and in-
juries were too uncertain to exert a strong
influence on behavior.
In theory, the intervention was effec-
tive because of the degree to which
added conseque:nces were more power-
s this u sh1t $ s &naturi a nseque n ften
suigpiport alt-r'$sk perforgmancel @wh'illB safe performance 'is d'iscouraged
by negative consequences.f

ful than "natural" existing consequences ified behaviors. The central research Krause, T.R. The Behavior-Based Safehy
which supported at-risk behavior. The question in this study was whether a self- Process: Managing Involvement for an Injrny-
behavior-changing power of conse- monitoring package would produce actu- Free Culture. 2nd ed. New York: Van
quences is emphasized in structured ABC al changes in lone-worker behavior. Nostrand Reinhold, 1997.
analyses because long-term behavior While this question was answered affir- Malott, R., et al. Elementary Principles of
change requires supporting conse- matively, the question of whether such Behavior. 4th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
quences, whether they are "natural" or interventions can maintain long-term 2000.
"management planned." behavior change is a question to be McCann, K.B. and B. Sulzer-Azaroff.
Antecedents can initiate behavior, but answered through future research. "Cumulative Trauma Disorders: Behavioral
Injury Prevention at Work." Joutrnal of
only when that behavior produces suc- Applied Belhavioral Science. 32(1996): 277-291.
cessful outcomes (e.g., reinforcers valu- CONCLUSION McSween, T.E. The Values-Based Safety
able to the specific performer) will it be ABC analysis was conducted after this Process: Improving Yotur Safety Cuilture withl a
maintained over the long-term (Daniels). study to better understand why the inter- Behavioral Approach. New York: John Wiley
In other words, antecedent interventions vention was effective. However, such & Sons, 1995.
such as signs, awareness campaigns, analysis can and should be used to devel- Olson, R. and J. Austin. "Behavior-Based
meetings and training will produce only op interventions as well. To do so, one Safety and Working Alone: The Effects of a
short-term effects unless valuable conse- would analyze antecedents and conse- Self-Monitoring Package on the Safe Perfor-
quences are produced by the behaviors quences in the manner described in order mance of Bus Operators." Journal of Organ-
prompted by these interventions. to more clearly see the dependent rela- izational Belhavior Management. In press.
Whether or not this intervention pro- tionships between environmental ante- Olson, R., et al. "Unconditioned and
duced short- or long-term effects is an cedents and consequences that encourage Conditioned Establishing Operations in
empirical question. Unfortunately, season- at-risk behavior and seek to create a new Organizational Behavior Management."
al termination of the route, changes in context that better encourages safe Journal of Organizational Behavior Manage-
route assigmnents and limited resources ment. In press.
behavior. Typically, this is accomplished
prevented an assessment of long-term by adding PIC consequences and appro-
behavior change. However, the researchers priate antecedents to support the safe
believe it is likely that behavior changes behavior, while removing PIC conse-
generated by the intervention did not last quences and antecedents that support at-
because the consequences generated by risk behavior. Exactly which antecedents
the intervention were not sustained. and consequences should be altered or Ryan Olson, M.A., is a Ph.D. candidate in the
A less-likely, yet possible outcome is applied behavior analysis program at Western
added can be understood through thor- Michigan University (WMU). He holds an under-
that a driver contacted some "natural" ough ABC analysis.
reinforcers for the target behlaviors and gradutate degree in psychology from Utah State
When used to solve performance University and an M.A. in Industrial/Organiza-
maintained these improvements once the problems, ABC analysis helps uncover tional Psyclhologyfromtz WMU. Olson is a recipient
intervention ceased. In other words, process, system and/or engineering defi- of a 2001 All-University Creative Research and
desired performance might haye been ciencies that create at-risk conditions or ScholarAward.
"trapped" once the performer contacted encourage at-risk behavior. This is an
positive, natural consequences that had important feature of such analysis be- John Alustin, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of
always been available, yet simply were psychology at WMU, where he teaches courses in
cause excellent equipment, processes and performance management and consults with major
not experienced frequently enough prior engineering solutions facilitate, safe be- corporations on behavioral safehy and perfornance
to intervention (Malott, et al). For exam- havior and minimize risk. Using such a imnprovement systems. He holds a B.A. from the
ple, perhaps passengers complimented structured behavior analysis technique Universihy of Notre Dame and an M.S. and a
drivers on particular behaviors once they can increase the chances that safety Ph.D.from Florida State Universihy. Auistin is co-
increased in frequency. processes remain effective and continue editor of the Journal of Orgarnizational Behavior
Although such an outcome would be to improve over time, even in the face of Management and an editorial board menmber for
welcome, this ABC analysis suggests that difficult and complex challenges. n the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
"natural" consequences for target perfor-
mances might not have been so support-
ive on this route. Another interesting REFERENCES
Austin, J. "Performance Analysis and
question is whether drivers changed their Performance Diagnostics." In Handbook of .RBEER FEEDACK
behavior simply because the "spotlight" Applied Behiavior Analysis, J. Austin and J.E.
was on safety. In the authors' opinion, Carr, eds. Reno, NV: Context Press, 2000. Did you find this article irnteresting
"spotlight" effects are analogous to short- 321-349. and useful? Circle the corresponding
term effects of antecedents. When a new Daniels, A. Performance Management. 3rd number on the reader service card.
safety process is started, it may cause per- ed. Tucker, GA: Performance Management
formers to "try out" the behaviors being Publications, 1989. YES 29
emphasized in order to avoid criticism Hughes, J.R., et al. "Instructions Control SOMEWHAT 26
and/or to test whether the organization Whether Nicotine Will Serve as a Rein-
and their peers truly care about (will pro- forcer." Journal of Pharmacology and Experi-
H0 27
vide positive consequences for) the spec- mental Therapeutics. 235(1985): 106-112.
NOVEMBER 2001 25

TITLE: ABCs for lone workers: a behavior-based study of bus

SOURCE: Professional Safety 46 no11 N 2001
WN: 0130501090003

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