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HSL 826 - SUMMER 2016

Strongly Disagree
Agree (5)
Agree (4) Neutral (3)
Disagree SCORE NA
Course Evaluation Questions

1 This course provided important information. 10 4 0 0 0 94% 0

2 This course included appropriate textbook (or other print material) readings. 6 5 3 0 0 84% 0
3 This course involved engaging lectures (or other experiential assignments). 9 5 0 0 0 93% 0
4 This course challenged me with appropriate tests (or other evaluation procedures). 8 5 1 0 0 90% 0
5 This course contributed meaningfully to my skills / knowledge /education in my field. 9 4 1 0 0 91% 0
6 Course strengths included. (See comments below)
7 Course weaknesses included. (See comments below)

Instructor Evaluation Questions

8 This insturctor was well organized. 8 5 1 0 0 90% 0
9 This instructor created an engaging learning environment. 7 7 0 0 0 90% 0
10 This instructor motivated me to do my best. 9 5 0 0 0 93% 0
11 This instructor was fair in testing and grading. 8 6 0 0 0 91% 0
12 This instructor contributed meaningfully to my skills / knowledge / education in my field. 9 6 0 0 0 92% 0
13 Instuctor strengths included. (See comments below)
14 Instructor weaknesses included. (See comments below)

Student Evaluation Questions

15 As a "learner", I came prepared to this class. 6 7 1 0 0 87% 0
16 As a "learner", I engaged attentively to the lectures. 6 7 1 0 0 87% 0
17 As a "learner", I gave my best to this course. 8 6 0 0 0 91% 0
18 As a "learner", I contributed meaningfully to my own knowledge / skills / education in my field. 9 4 1 0 0 91% 0
19 As a "learner", I expect to earn a(n) _____ in this course. (See grade letters below)
20 My strengths included. (See comments below)
21 My weaknesses included. (See comments below)
Course strengths included:
1. Information was very important. Good teacher
2. Very good overview of audiology
3. Good information, Loved all field trips and guest speakers
4. Excellment organization of material, appropriate projects/ tests/ assignments, loves lecturers and site visits
5. Important info
6. This is a great class that will benefit us in our future careers
7. Very relatable info helpful for working with deaf and HOH kids
8. Enjoyed cite visits and guest speakers
9. Very useful information in a well presented manner
10. Site visits were very helpful, Good visuals
11. Amazing, first hand, off-campus experiences, guest speakers. Engaging lectures. Quizzes test practical, useful information / fair grading. I learned more than in any other Gallaudet class
12. Interesting topic, very relatable to all of us here at Gallaudet, even those of us planning to work with adults
13. Great information and appliccation for field

Course weaknesses included:

1. To short of time span
2. Too much work outside of class. Amount of papers were excessive
3. Long days but thats no ones's fault
4. Length/ freq. of class
5. The time limit was very long 3-4 hour classes were very tiring. Also, the final paper (choosing 3 topics and answering the 4 questions) seems a bit tedious and redundant. I would change the instructions to
make that a shorter, more open-ended paper
6. Sometimes application to child population unclear. Papers for course typically take 2-3x amt. syllablus "estimates". Site visits would be better as reflections
7. Didn't enjoy cite visit papers, should instead maybe wane about a summary of what we saw. Three ways which it applied to the class / related and 2 things we just found interesting and why (but all
related to our field)
8. Wish it has been spread out more time so that I could have focused more and relained more
9. Long classes / condensed
10. Insane amount of writing, Work due after class end date
11. It's hard to think of weakness A lot of overlap with Dr. Jamis' audiology class
12. The exams covered a range of topics and fairly assessed our knowledge. The papers honestly seemed like pillers. I feel like a class discussion about field trips would have been more useful than writing
about it. I also would have like to present on a topic discussed throughout the semester instead of writing a paper on a bunch of them
Instructor strengths included:
1. I really liked Dr. Medwetsky. He was one of my all time favorite teachers here at Gallaudet. He really knows a lot about audiology and it was a treat to get to hear about his expenssives. I think his
tangential teaching style helped us stay attentive, focused, and gave us knowledge in the audiologic held
2. Great - dynamic and engaging
3. Very engaging, Really wants students to do well cares
4. Fair testing, good discussions, appropriate breaks
5. Enthusiasm, Very understanding, Very knowledgable, Campassionate
6. Dr. Medwetsky was a great professor. He made sure we were always learning and truly understanding the material. No assignment went ungraded or unread
7. Very approachable, always nice and responds with positive feedback so fair
8. Class on time, kind, interesting lectures, brought candy!
9. Presenting well thoughtout and formulated ideas
10. Very qualified to teach this class. Knowledgeable, Provided good hands on opportunities
11. Funny, takes breaks to tell stories, reallykeeps students engaged during lectures. Receptive to audience (knows when we need breaks). Fair grading / timely. Clear rubrics! We know what is expected.
Accepts feedback. So engaged in the field (really shows as a teacher that he cares and is knowledgable). Best teacher I've had at Gallaudet, can he teach SLP classes???
12. Personally, I loved the tangents! It made the topic / lectures engaging and fun. Lectures were dynamic and well organized. Cleanly you are prepared to discuss the topic, relate it to your previous
professional experiences, and applying it directly to our future work. We all really appreciate it
13. Extnemely supporture and wants you to sucessed in class and left

Instructor weaknesses included:

1. Long class periods
2. Tangents are too much sometimes
3. None
4. Sometimes would go off topic
5. None :)
6. A lot of information, crammed into four weeks. Hard to retain all the information
7. Talked fast, at times hard to understand
8. Assigns a lot of, Work for short time frame
9. One tip: when pushed for time during lectures, it would be better if you abbreviate what you want to say, rather than just saying it all really quickly. When you were rushed and spoke fast, nobody gained
anything :)
10. We know its hrs personabilty, but he is tangentralial love that he likes to add in extra facts, but I feel like less tangents would mean quickly getting through lectures, allowing for processing and early net
case. These are long days and its not easy to listen to a lecutre for 4 hours
Grade Letters:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A / A-
5. A
6. A-
7. A
8. A-
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A-

My strengths included:
1. I was attentive and came prepared
2. Coming in ready to learn
3. Being interested
4. Preparation, application of materials
5. Interested in field
6. I want to incorporate AR into my practice, so knowing that I have this great foundation will be so helpful
7. Studied for exams, atlended classes
8. Coming to class and studying awake
9. Coming to class prepared and ready to listen
10. Interest in the topic
11. Attentive, Ask questions, Timely work
12. Interested!

My weaknesses included:
1. Not doing all the assigned readings
2. Zoning out on long days
3. Paying attention for 4 hours
4. Could have paid better atlention (4 hour class is hard)
5. Did not doing readings
6. Giving my complete attention for the entirety of the class
7. Not always 100% engaged in class
8. Fatigue during long classes
9. Tired after long class days sometimes

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