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The Nurses Prayer

O Divine Healer,

Guide me to be the nurse I ought to be,

who, with great care and compassion,

with gentle touch and affection,

Nurse those whom you can entrust to me.

If in the journey of my profession,

I stumble, fall, and wither,

Lift me, assist me, carry me,

and be my source of strength, courage and divinity.

Let every word, deed, and thought

be filled with patience, love, and serenity.

Lead me the way, O Lord,

To the path, not to selfishness, but to generosity

and that, through me, may this calling be,

a vocation and an offering to You,

the Great Miracle Worker. Amen.

The Nightingale Pledge

I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my

life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is

deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful

drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession,

and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family

affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor

to aid the physician, in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to

my care.

Group Two
Members Committee assigned
Dango, Jaye Marie Leader
Stephenson, Tianna Treasurer
Agawin, Joshua Logistics Head
Gelua, Nestor Logistic Assistant
Manipbel, Amin Props Man
Edzraphil, Jorhainah Art Head
Casuga, Benz Program Head
Florida, Margeuax Programs assistant
Piquit, Khrezna Food Head

Art therapy integrates the fields of human development, visual art (drawing,

painting, sculpture, and other art forms), and the creative process with models of

counseling and psychotherapy.


o to maintain a higher level of cognitive functioning by stimulated in use of

descriptive vocabulary, recall, and meaning.

o to use the creative process of making art to improve the patients physical,

mental, and emotional well-being.

o to facilitate reminiscing and healing and to enrich appropriate sensory

stimulation using texture, color, line, and composition.

o to promote group harmony and identification and let the patient feel that

he is part of the group.

o to increase meaningful experiences in the current situation, to increase life

satisfaction, as well as to increase leisure enjoyment.

o to provide a safe space for clients to explore one's creativity in various art

media and to explore interests.

Time Activity
6:30 7:00 Morning Circle
7:00 7:30 Orientation
7:30 8:30 Activities of Daily Living
VS taking
8:30 8:45 Exercise
8:45 8:55 Dance Number
8:55 9: 30 Socialization
Introduction of the therapy

9:30 9:40 Games
9:40 10:00 Snacks
10:00 11:00 Therapeutic Activity
11:00 11:45 Nurse-Patient one on one
12:00 Lunch
Specific Activities:

I. Exercise

a. Objective Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that

promotes relaxation and relieves anxiety.

b. Materials



II. Dancing

a. Objective - Dancing promotes greater self-confidence and self-esteem

and improved social skills.

b. Materials



III. Socialization

a. Objective - Establishing rapport with the patient will promote a trusting

relationship between the patient and the nurse.

b. Materials

Name tags (student nurses)

Background with theme


Monoblock Chairs
IV. Therapeutic Activity
a. Objective: to promote the idea of self-exploration that can lead the patient

to insightful conclusions about themselves.

b. Materials
Name Tag
Mono block chairs
Sound system
c. Procedure During the artistic process, the patients are asked to use

express their feelings and emotions to life through the use of watercolor

on paper painting. The duration of the therapy is 45-60 minutes. The

patients are asked to paint fill the given drawing sheet with the colors of

their choice.
At the end of the activity, 2 patients will be asked to explain their work to

the class.

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