Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

No Types of bandaging

1 Fracture on ring finger

Patah jari manis
2 Cut on the skull
Luka pada tengkorak
3 Cut on the Right Eye
Luka pada mata sebelah kanan
4 Cut on the Right Ear
Luka pada telinga kanan
5 Cut on the Left Cheek
Luka pada pipi muka kiri
6 Cut on side of the jaw
Luka pada sisi Rahang
7 Fracture Neck
Patah Leher
8 Fracture on the Left Collar Bone
Patah pada Tulang Selangka Kiri Station 3: Bandaging and
9 Open Chest Wound (Sucking Chest Wound) Immobilization Relay 20
Luka terbuka pada dada marks
10 Fracture on the left Rib
Patah tulang rusuk pada kiri All the contestants of the
team shall form a line, and
11 Abdomen injury evisceration
upon a go signal given,
Kecederaan Abdomen organ terkeluar the first contestant in the
12 Pelvis (Fracture) line runs to the teams
Pelvis (Patah) designated place and the
13 Dislocation on right ankle judge will present 1
problem to be solved or
Terkehel pada kanan buku lali technique to be performed.
14 Dislocation on the right knee Upon the first contestant
Terkehel pada lutut kanan complete performed the
15 Dislocation on left Foot required technique, he or
she will runs back to the
Terkehel pada tapak kaki kiri line and touch the second
16 Fracture on the right Upper Limb contestant and then queue
Patah di sebelah kanan Lengan Atas up behind the line. The
17 Fracture on the right Lower Limb second contestant will runs
towards the judge for
Patath pada kanan anggota bawah
second technique to
18 Dislocation on left Elbow perform, and so on till 15
Terkehel pada siku kiri minutes time frame ended.
19 Cut on right Palm All contestants MUST
Luka pada tapak tangan kanan STOP when the limit of 15
minutes ended.
20 Cut on Forearm with foreign bodies In between, any contestant
Luka pada lengan dengan benda asing doesnt know or unable to
perform, he or she will runs back and touch the next contestant to take over, then he or she has to queue at
the back of the line
A total of 20 types of bandage handling or immobilization must be performed within 15 minutes
Each type of bandage handling or immobilisation carries 1 mark.

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