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Mouse Controlling Using Bluetooth


This application provides control of computer via cell phone. The main objective of this
project is to control functionality of cursor on desktop screen from cell phone and access
it via cell phone. Our application will have two modules.

Computer module

In this module computer system will act as a receiver and sender. Computer will share
screen and send update of screen to cell phone. Computer module will be able to receive
the data, process it and will response as directed by cell phone application.

Cell phone module

Cell phone module will provide interface to user. The interface includes
the desktop graphical user interface (GUI) of computer with which cell
phone phone is paired. User can give input; Cell phone application will
extract the input and will transfer to computer module.


As all are familiar with both mobile phones and computers like home
PC, laptops etc. and also all are having mobile phones with high or low
prices. We know that a computer can be controlled by a user by using
a client server basis. But I would like to share a new technology to
control the computer system by using a mobile phone. We are
connecting our mobile phones to laptops and PC's mostly to share
information, but in this project idea we can control the PC with our own
mobile phones. The project involves interfacing the computer hardware
and software and the mobile phone so that the computer could be
switched on and off using the mobile phone and also some of the
computer tasks could be performed using the same phone. The basic
idea is to create a remote control which can be controlled by a regular
cell phone assuming it has Bluetooth capabilities. The focus is towards
mobile communication with PC. Thus,our method has the advantage of
controlling PC applications without the need for extra devices or
J2ME is a Java technology specification which is used to develop Java
applications which run on small equipments, consumer electronic
equipment, Internet mobile equipment, embedded equipment. Hereby,
this project will introduce a J2ME-Based program of wireless mouse; the
program mainly uses Bluetooth technology and J2ME programming
technology to achieve.This Project uses the platform and combines
Bluetooth technology to draw up wireless mouse control software for a
cell phone.After two parts of the software were

installed in mobilephones and personal computers, The user can use
the phone to control the computer mouse remotely and to achieve the
functions that mouse up, down, left, right, left-click, right-click and
control the speed of mouses movement by Bluetooth.


1) The mobile terminal software will let the users to convert their mobile into wireless

2) Our Project deals with creation of wireless mouse for Desktops/Laptops.

3) The mobile terminal software will let the users to use keyboard Java via phone

4) Using Network Programming Techniques , Our Project enables the phone to

control a computer mouse, and then achieve the function of wireless mouse.

5) The cellular user can see and manipulate the laptop/desktops display screen.

6) To control other devices of remote computer using mobile.

7) To access files and folders.

8) Establishing Client-Server relationship.

9) Developing GUI for server.

10) Developing GUI for client.

Hardware & Software Requirement

Software Interfaces
For Pc module there can be any version of windows which
supports Bluetooth protocol stack.
Visual C++ , Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
SDK 1.4 Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) Standard Edition 1.4
Wireless J2ME with java and bluetooth

Hardware Interfaces
The user has to deal with two hardware, cell phone and Pc.
The interface between both hardware and the medium use to exchange data is Bluetooth.
The data will be received and sent by creating ports on Pc side.
Once the ports are created the hardware (cell phone and Pc) can share and exchange data.
On a cell phone side, built-in Bluetooth features will be used to establish
connection and exchange data.


Flowchart for MOBILE TERMINAL:

Flowchart for PC TERMINAL:


[1]. Using Java Bluetooth wireless communication technology API Motorola SUN

mobile applications, a new bright spot Challenge The internal data of Bluetooth

networking development 2006

[2]. MSDN Microsoft Visual stdio.NET IDE integration

[3]. Wisdom consulting Chinese mobile phone client software Market Analysis and

Forecast Report in 2012-2016

[4]. The quick start tutorials of NetBeans_IDE_Java Internet

[5]. Jianfei Zhan J2ME development Precision Solution/Java technology large

Department Electronic Industry Press 2006






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