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Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

DOI 10.1007/s00406-016-0689-2


Neural correlates ofdistraction inborderline personality disorder

beforeand afterdialectical behavior therapy
DorinaWinter1 IngaNiedtfeld1 RuthSchmitt2 MartinBohus3,4
ChristianSchmahl1 SabineC.Herpertz2

Received: 10 September 2015 / Accepted: 13 March 2016

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Neural underpinnings of emotion dysregula- We compared the DBT group to 15 BPD control patients,
tion in borderline personality disorder (BPD) are charac- who continued their usual, non-DBT-based treatment or
terized by limbic hyperactivity and disturbed prefrontal did not have any treatment, and 22 healthy participants.
activity. It is unknown whether neural correlates of emo- Behaviorally, BPD groups and healthy participants did not
tion regulation change after a psychotherapy which has the differ significantly with respect to alterations over time. On
goal to improve emotion dysregulation in BPD, such as the neural level, BPD patients who received DBT-based
dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). We investigated dis- treatment showed an activity decrease in the right inferior
traction as a main emotion regulation strategy before and parietal lobe/supramarginal gyrus during distraction from
after DBT in female patients with BPD. Thirty-one BPD negative rather than neutral stimuli when compared to both
patients were instructed to either passively view or memo- control groups. This decrease was correlated with improve-
rize letters before being confronted with negative or neu- ment in self-reported borderline symptom severity. DBT
tral pictures in a distraction task during functional magnetic responders exhibited decreased right perigenual anterior
resonance imaging. This paradigm was applied before and cingulate activity when viewing negative (rather than neu-
after a 12-week residential DBT-based treatment program. tral) pictures. In conclusion, our findings reveal changes in
neural activity associated with distraction during emotion
processing after DBT in patients with BPD. These changes
Christian Schmahl and Sabine C. Herpertz have contributed point to lower emotional susceptibility during distraction
equally to this work. after BPD symptom improvement.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00406-016-0689-2) contains supplementary Keywords Borderline personality disorder Emotion
material, which is available to authorized users. regulation Dialectical behavior therapy Functional
magnetic resonance imaging Inhibition
* Dorina Winter
Department ofPsychosomatic Medicine andPsychotherapy, Introduction
Central Institute ofMental Health, Medical Faculty
Mannheim/Heidelberg University, J5, 68159Mannheim,
Emotion dysregulation is a core feature of borderline per-
sonality disorder [BPD; 1, 2]. BPD patients are particularly
Department ofGeneral Psychiatry, Medical Faculty
sensitive and react especially emotionally to negative stim-
Heidelberg/Heidelberg University, Vostr. 2,
69115Heidelberg, Germany uli [35]. On the neural level, emotion dysregulation during
3 the processing of aversive information in BPD is reflected
Institute ofPsychiatric andPsychosomatic Psychotherapy,
Central Institute ofMental Health, Medical Faculty by hyper-reactivity of the amygdala and insula [6]areas
Mannheim/Heidelberg University, J5, 68159Mannheim, involved in emotion processing [7]. Also, BPD patients dis-
Germany play lower activity in areas involved in cognitive emotion
Faculty ofHealth, University ofAntwerp, Antwerp, Belgium regulation [8], such as the dorsolateral, medial, and orbital

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex [ACC; would display an increased use of a fronto-parietal emo-
911], which may be interpreted as difficulty to regulate tion regulation network and reduced limbic hyper-reactivity
aversive responses via inhibitory pathways. during a distraction task after treatment.
Neural correlates of emotion dysregulation in BPD
might change with therapeutically induced improvement
of emotion regulation. First studies suggest that amygdala Methods
activity in response to passively viewing aversive stimuli
declines after BPD symptom improvement by psycho- Sample
therapy [12, 13]. Yet they did not include a patient control
group nor examined explicit emotion regulation strategies, We consecutively recruited BPD+DBT patients seeking
such as distraction. In order to study alterations in neural treatment at residential DBT programs in Mannheim and
correlates of explicit forms of emotion regulation after BPD Heidelberg. BPD-C and HC were recruited through adver-
symptom improvement, we aimed to improve BPD symp- tisement. Exclusion criteria for all participants were left-
toms via dialectical behavior therapy [DBT; 1416]. DBT handedness, traumatic brain injury, lifetime schizophrenia
is the currently best established psychosocial treatment for or bipolar I disorder, mental or developmental disorders,
BPD [17, 18] and has a strong focus on training emotion substance dependence during the last year, drug consump-
regulation skills. Among others, distraction is taught as a tion in the last 2months, current diagnosis of a severe
self-administered cognitive intervention to attenuate exag- depressive episode, and benzodiazepine use. We included
gerated levels of aversive emotions [14]. only unmedicated patients and patients with the same
Distraction as an emotion regulation strategy has proven medication at each fMRI measurement. We excluded BPD
to be very effective and comparatively fast [19, 20] in patients who had significant DBT skills training experience
reducing negative affect [2023], particularly when stimuli prior to the study. Included BPD patients met DSM-IV
are highly arousing [24]. On the neural level, healthy indi- diagnosis for BPD, including affective instability and self-
viduals performing a distraction task show higher activity injurious behavior. HC had no current or lifetime psychiat-
in a widespread fronto-parietal network including lateral ric disorder and no psychotropic medication.
and medial prefrontal areas, the inferior parietal cortex, Trained clinical psychologists assessed BPD diagno-
and the ACC, as well as lower activity in emotion process- ses using the International Personality Disorder Examina-
ing areas such as the amygdala [21, 22, 2527]. In com- tion [IPDE; 35] and Axis I disorders using the Structured
parison with healthy controls, BPDpatients showed previ- Clinical Interview for DSM-IV [SCID-I; 36]. Accom-
ously higher activity in the amygdala [28, 30] and insula panying each fMRI measurement, BPD symptom sever-
[28] during distraction from negative stimuli, indicating ity was assessed using an established clinical interview
stronger emotional responding. Individuals with BPD also (Zanarini Rating Scale for borderline personality disorder
did not show the temporal and frontal response that healthy [ZAN-BPD; 37]) and an established self-report measure
controls did to distracting negative compared with neutral (Borderline Symptom List [BSL; 38]). Emotion regula-
stimuli [31] but showed higher inferior parietal lobe activ- tion difficulties were assessed by the Difficulties in Emo-
ity [30]. In the subgenual and perigenual parts of the ACC tion Regulation Scale [DERS; 39]. Additionally, we asked
and adjacent brain areas, the difference between negative the participants whether they used skills within the last
and neutral distracting stimuli was smaller in individuals threedays and whether they considered this skill use as
with BPD than in the healthy control group [10, 29, 31], successful (see Supplement for a detailed description).
while evidence for differential activation of the dorsal ACC The final sample comprised 31 BPD+DBT, 15 BPD-
was heterogeneous [10, 31, 34]. These findings point to C, and 22 HC. Table1 summarizes their demographic data
disturbed fronto-parietal, inhibitory functioning, which is and Table2 their clinical characteristics. BPD groups and
associated with enhanced insular and limbic, emotional HC did not differ significantly in age and education. The
response during distraction in BPD patients [32, 33]. number of medicated participants did not differ between
Based on these facts, our aim was to examine whether the BPD groups (BPD+DBT 67.7%, BPD-C 46.7%;
neural correlates of distraction change after symptom Fishers exact test: p =0.208). BPD groups did not dif-
improvement by psychotherapy in a non-randomized con- fer significantly in the proportion of each medication type
trolled trial. We acquired fMRI of female BPD patients per group, but revealed heterogeneities for some types
before and after 12weeks of residential DBT-based treat- (Fishers exact tests): Of all BPD+DBT/BPD-C patients,
ment (BPD+DBT). As control groups, we included 41.9/40.0% received selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
BPD participants without DBT-based treatment (BPD-C), (p =1.000), 22.6/0.0% serotoninnorepinephrine reup-
and healthy controls (HC) at the beginning and end of a take inhibitors (p =0.078), 22.6/6.7% other antidepres-
12-week interval. We expected that BPD+DBT patients sants (tricyclic, tetracyclic, or norepinephrinedopamine

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

Table1Demographic variables and comorbid disorders in patients with borderline personality disorder undergoing dialectical behavior therapy
(BPD+DBT), patients with borderline personality disorder without dialectical behavior therapy (BPD-C), and healthy control participants (HC)
BPD+DBT BPD-C HC Statistics
(n=31) (n=15) (n=22)
M SD () M SD () M SD () p

Age (years) 28.17 7.47 25.73 5.90 27.95 8.34 F(2)=0.43 0.650
Years of education [n (%)] 22 = 9.57 0.284
<9years 1 3.2 0 0
9years 7 22.6 0 1 4.5
10years 11 35.5 6 40.0 12 54.5
13years 12 38.7 9 60.0 9 40.9
Number of Axis I comorbidities (mean) 1.68 1.12 1.93 0.96 0 0 t(44)=0.77 0.448

reuptake inhibitor; p=0.243), 22.6/0% neuroleptic medi- Distraction task

cation (p =0.078), 9.6/0% mood stabilizer/anticonvul-
sants (p=0.541), and 9.6/0% other medication (cyclopyr- In each trial, participants were instructed to either look at
rolone, dopamine agonist, or opioid receptor antagonist; (view) or memorize five consonants (e.g., XZKVT)
p=0.541). Use of multiple types medication was allowed presented for 2000ms, followed by a negative or neutral
and the number of medication types did not differ signifi- photographical picture (6000ms). We chose pictures from
cantly between both BPD groups (BPD+DBT M=1.29, standardized picture sets (International Affective Picture
BPD-C M=0.47; 52 = 5.77; p=0.329). System [43] and the Emotional Picture Set [44]). Negative
The Supplement provides further information on recruit- pictures were low in valence and high in arousal. Neutral
ment, patient flow, and comorbidities. The study was part pictures had intermediate valence and low arousal.
of a project on emotion regulation in BPD after DBT. After picture presentation, in the MEMORIZE condi-
tion, a probe letter was presented. The participants needed
Dialectical behavior therapy to indicate as fast as possible via button press whether the
letter had been presented in the letter string before the
BPD+DBT patients participated in a well-established and picture or not. In the VIEW condition, an O instructed
evaluated 12-week standard residential DBT-based treat- the participant to press a given button as fast as possi-
ment [16, 4042]. The program comprised weekly skills ble. In both conditions, the letter presentation ended with
training groups (emotion regulation skills, mindfulness, the button press or after 2000ms, followed by a jittered
self-esteem, social competence) and individual treatment inter-trial interval of 30008000ms (mean 5500ms).
twice a week. Treatment was conducted at two residential Each condition (MEMORIZE-NEGATIVE, MEMORIZE-
units specialized in DBT at the two medical faculties Man- NEUTRAL, VIEW-NEGATIVE, VIEW-NEUTRAL)
nheim and Heidelberg of Heidelberg University, Germany. comprised 18 trials. The order of conditions was pseudo-
Therapists were experienced Ph.D., M.D., and M.Sc. level randomized and fixed at each time point for each partic-
clinicians (psychologists and physicians) and were super- ipant in order to control for mood carryover effects and
vised regularly. to increase comparability between subjects. Participants
received 20 training trials to assure they were able to
BPD control group complete the task.
The paradigm was repeated at each of the two measure-
BPD-C patients continued the non-DBT treatment they ment time points (t1: first measurement/pre-treatment; t2:
received, if any: 40% reported various forms of outpatient second measurement 12th week after t1/post-treatment),
psychotherapy, 6.6% reported residential crisis interven- with different pictures matched in valence and arousal
tion, 46.7% reported pharmacotherapy, 6.6% visited a across regulation conditions and sessions. Stimuli were
self-help group, and 33.3% did not report any treatment presented via digital video goggles (Resonance Technolo-
during study participation. No BPD-C patient was waiting gies, Northridge, CA) using Presentation (nbs.neuro-bs.
for the DBT-based treatment. com).

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

Psychometric andbehavioral data analysis standard brain of the Montreal Neurological Institute
(MNI) space, and smoothing with a Gaussian kernel with a
To examine group differences in psychometric measures full width at half maximum of 9mm.
at t1 and in symptom alterations over time (GroupTime On single-subject level, we applied a general linear
interaction), we performed 32 analyses of vari- model (GLM) per time point using separate regressors for
ance (ANOVA) with the between-subject factor Group each experimental condition (MEMORIZE-NEGATIVE,
(BPD +DBT, BPD-C, HC) and the within-subject factor MEMORIZE-NEUTRAL, VIEW-NEGATIVE, VIEW-
Time (t1 vs. t2) samples for ZAN-BPD, BSL, and DERS NEUTRAL; starting with the instruction, ending with the
scores. picture presentation) as well as the two probe types (MEM-
Error rates were excluded from further behavioral anal- ORIZE or VIEW condition) and the six motion parameters
ysis, because participants had very low error rates, which as regressors of no interest. To correct for global signal
would limit interpretability of respective results. Reac- intensity variation and low-frequency fluctuations, a high-
tion time (RT) data of correct responses were log-trans- pass filter of 128-s cutoff was applied. In order to avoid a
formed due to left-skewed distribution of the raw data. four-factorial design at group level, valence conditions
Group differences in mean RTs at t1 were analyzed by a were contrasted at first level (NEGATIVE-NEUTRAL)
322-ANOVA with the between-subject factor Group for each regulation condition [MEMORIZE(NEGATIVE-
and the within-subject factors Valence (negative, neutral) NEUTRAL), VIEW(NEGATIVE-NEUTRAL)].
and Task (memorize, view). To test for RT alterations over For group level analyses, we used a full factorial
time, we calculated differences for negative versus neutral model with the independent factor Group (BPD+DBT,
pictures for each condition to avoid a four-factorial design BPD-C, HC) and the repeated measurement factors Time
and used a 322 ANOVA with the between-subject (t1, t2) and Task (memorize, view). We calculated the
factor Group and the within-subject factors Task and Time Group TimeTask interaction (F-contrast) in this
point (t1, t2). model. To identify areas exhibiting neural alterations over
Post hoc comparisons were performed using t tests time during distraction (MEMORIZE-VIEW) based on
(Bonferroni-corrected for multiple comparisons) if applica- DBT, we compared distraction before and after therapy
ble. All analyses were performed at a threshold of p<0.05 (TimeTask interaction) within the group of BPD+DBT
with SPSS Statistics 20 (IBM, USA). using t-tests for t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW) t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW) as
well as t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW) t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW). To ensure
MRI data acquisition that the identified regions were specific for BPD+DBT
and significantly weaker in the control groups, we
MRI scanning was conducted on a 3Tesla Siemens masked the resulting statistical maps with the difference
TRIO-Scanner (Siemens, Erlangen) with a 32-channel BPD+DBTBPD-C or BPD+DBT-HC of the respec-
head coil. Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) sig- tive contrasts [45, account also used by, e.g., 26]. Fol-
nal was measured with 36 3-mm transversal slices cov- lowing Lieberman and Cunningham [46], all whole-brain
ering the entire brain using gradient-echo echo-planar second level analyses were performed with a threshold
imaging (EPI, T2-weighted contrast, FOV=192mm, of p<0.001, k>10 voxel, uncorrected for multiple com-
voxel size 333mm3, 6464 voxel matrix, flip parison at voxel level. For post hoc tests, we extracted
angle=80, TE=30ms, TR=2000ms). We collected first-level beta values from the first-level contrasts (NEG-
a high-resolution anatomical scan that served as an indi- ATIVE-NEUTRAL) and tested for significant differences
vidual template for functional data using three-dimensional over time for the view or memorize condition per group
magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo using SPSS.
(MPRAGE, T1-weighted contrast, FOV=256mm, voxel
size 111mm3, flip angle=15, TE=2.75ms, Responder analysis
To examine particular differences between the patients who
fMRI data analysis responded to the DBT-based treatment and those who did
not respond to it, we used the Reliable Change Index [RCI;
FMRI data were analyzed with SPM8 (http://www.fil.ion. 47] with the criterion1.96 in the ZAN-BPD to classify The first five volumes were discarded to responders. This resulted in 16 DBT responders (ZAN-
minimize T1 effects. EPI time series were preprocessed BPD = 12.00 5.72 SD) and 15 DBT non-responders
using slice time correction and spatial realignment to cor- (ZAN-BPD = 1.13 2.97 SD), with DBT respond-
rect for head motion, co-registration onto participants ers showing also a larger decrease in BSL (t(29) =2.58,
segmented high-resolution T1 scan, normalization to the p=0.015) but not DERS scores (t(29)=1.02, p=0.316)

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

when being compared to DBT non-responders. This latter

Table2Psychometric alterations in patients with borderline personality disorder undergoing dialectical behavior therapy (BPD+DBT), patients with borderline personality disorder without

10.28 <0.001 (),

0.026 (),

14.98 <0.001 ,
Group differences in

is in line with the result that DBT responders did not differ

change over time significantly in their increase in skills use or skills use suc-
cessfulness (p>0.288; data in Supplement). Further demo-

graphical and clinical characteristics are summarized in the

F Supplement. Above-mentioned contrasts were calculated
for DBT responders compared with DBT non-responders.
Group differences at t1

79.54 <0.001 ,
75.65 <0.001 ,

96.64 <0.001 ,

Exploratory correlation withalterations insymptom


To explore the relation of the neuronal changes over time

with changes in symptom severity in BPD+DBT, we per-

BSL Borderline Symptom List, DERS Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, ZAN-BPD Zanarini Rating Scale for borderline personality disorder

formed correlational analyses between the RCI of ZAN-




BPD, BSL, and DERS scores and the main results of the
above-mentioned fMRI results. For this, peak voxel activ-
SD () p

ity differences were extracted from single-subject level


59.75 10.91

(contrast NEGATIVE-NEUTRAL) and correlated with the

increase (t2t1) or decrease (t1t2) over time.

Post hoc tests at a significance level of p<0.05: BPD+DBT>BPD+TAU, BPD+DBT>HC, BPD+TAU>HC

SD () M



Symptom severity



t1t2 t1

Table 2 summarizes psychometric data and analy-




ses, which are shown in Fig.1. There were significant

Group Time interactions in all psychometric meas-
SD () p

ures (ZAN-BPD: F(2,65) =10.28, p<0.001, 2 =0.24;



22.17 131.20 25.28

BSL: F(2,64) =3.86, p =0.026, 2 =0.11; DERS:

F(2,64) =14.98, p<0.001, 2 =0.32): BPD+DBT


showed a decrease in all psychometric measures between

SD () M

t1 and t2, but there was no significant change over time in

dialectical behavior therapy (BPD-C), and healthy control participants (HC)



the BPD-C and HC groups. Comparing alterations over

time between groups, BPD+DBT displayed a larger

decrease in all psychometric measures than HC (prepost

<0.001 134.14a



between group effect sizes: BSL: d =0.77, ZAN-BPD:


d =1.51, DERS: d =1.39). Compared with BPD-C, the



BPD+DBT group showed significantly stronger decrease


in DERS scores after therapy, as well as a trend (p<0.10)

SD () p

for BSL and ZAN-BPD. Effect sizes were in the usual


109.54 24.02

range for psychotherapies for BPD compared with control

groups (prepost between group effect size: BSL: d=0.57,


ZAN-BPD: d =0.58, DERS: d =1.20 [18]). BPD-C did

not differ from HC in symptom alterations over time (all
SD () M


135.33 23.72

There was also a main effect of Group in each of


Missing data: n1

the measures (ZAN-BPD: F(2,65) =74.36, p<0.001,

() Statistical trend

2 =0.70; BSL: F(2,64) =70.62, p<0.001, 2 =0.69;



DERS: F(2,64) =94.55, p<0.001, 2 =0.75):


BPD +DBT and BPD-C did not differ significantly in



ZAN-BPD (p=1.000), BSL (p=0.338), and DERS scores


(p =0.181) and both BPD groups scored significantly


Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

Fig.1Psychometric data and alterations over time. The graphs an established self-report measure on BPD symptom severity (Bor-
depict changes in psychometric measures over time in patients with derline Symptom List [BSL; 38]), b a standardized interview on BPD
borderline personality disorder (BPD) before and after dialectical symptom severity, the Zanarini Rating Scale for borderline personal-
behavior therapy (BPD+DBT) as well as patients with BPD with- ity disorder [ZAN-BPD; 37], and c self-reported emotion regulation
out dialectical behavior therapy (BPD-C) and healthy control partici- difficulties assessed by the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale
pants at the same time points. The graphs present data from (a) and [DERS; 39]

higher than HC in these measures (all p<0.001). Also, In BPD+DBT compared with BPD-C, the contrast
there were main effects of Time in all of the measures t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW) t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW) revealed a sig-
(t1>t2; ZAN-BPD: F(1,65)=20.14, p<0.001, 2=0.24; nificant cluster in the right inferior parietal lobe (IPL)/
BSL: F(1,64) =4.43, p =0.043, 2 =0.06; DERS: supramarginal gyrus and the left supramarginal gyrus
F(1,64) =16.35, p<0.001, 2 =0.20). Additionally, the (Table3). In BPD+DBT compared with HC, t1(MEMORIZE-
BPD+DBT group showed an overall stronger increase in VIEW) t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW) also revealed a significant clus-
skill use (F2,57 =20.19, p<0.001, 2 =0.415) and skill ter in the aforementioned right supramarginal gyrus.
use success (F2,56=25.13, p<0.001, 2=0.473; detailed The contrasts examining increases in activity differences
data in Supplement). over time in BPD+DBT did not yield any significant
clusters. Post hoc analyses revealed a decrease in activ-
Behavioral data ity in BPD+DBT in the right IPL/supramarginal gyrus
in the MEMORIZE condition (t(30) = 2.24/3.28,
Supplementary Table S6 presents the behavioral data. p =0.032/0.003) and an increase over time in the VIEW
At t1, there were neither significant group effects nor condition (t(30)=3.14/2.17, p=0.004/0.038). No signifi-
Group Condition interactions, while experimental con- cant time differences were found for BPD-C and HC (trend
ditions influenced RTs. There was an interaction of Task for the increase in the right IPL in BPD-C (t(14) =1.81,
and Valence (F(1,65)=15.26, p<0.001, 2=0.19), point- p =0.092); all other p>0.116; see Fig.2 for graphical
ing to slower RTs for negative compared with neutral pic- illustration). In the left supramarginal gyrus, BPD+DBT
tures in the VIEW condition for (p<0.001) but no Valence and as a trend HC showed a decrease in differential
difference in the MEMORIZE condition (p =0.569). activity over time in the MEMORIZE (BPD+DBT:
There was a main effect of Valence (F(1,65) =5.871, t(30)=4.93, p<0.001; HC: t(21)=1.97, p=0.062)
p<0.018, 2 =0.08; NEGATIVE>NEUTRAL) but not in the VIEW condition, and there were also no
and Task (F(1,65) =513.16, p<0.001, 2 =0.88; significant alterations over time in BPD-C in neither the
MEMORIZE>VIEW). MEMORIZE nor the VIEW condition (all p>0.181).
Testing for alterations over time, we replicated main
effects of Task (F(1,65) =15.63, p<0.001, 2 =0.19; Responder analysis
MEMORIZE>VIEW) but found no group nor time effects
nor interactions (p>0.205). There was a GroupTimeTask interaction effect
The same analyses comparing DBT responders and in the right ventral inferior insula and the left cerebel-
non-responders did not reveal significant group effects or lum. Post hoc analyses for the right ventral inferior insula
groupcondition interactions (ps >0.348). revealed an increase in differential activity (NEGATIVE-
NEUTRAL) in DBT non-responders in the VIEW condi-
fMRI data tion (t(14) =3.78, p =0.002) and a trend for a decrease
in the MEMORIZE condition (t(14) =1.85, p =0.086),
Comparing BPD+DBT, BPD-C, and HC, there were no while DBT responders did not show significant altera-
suprathreshold clusters for the GroupTimeTask. tions over time (p>0.131). For DBT responders compared

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

Table3Alterations in neural correlates over time in patients with borderline personality disorder undergoing dialectical behavior therapy
(BPD+DBT), compared to patients with borderline personality disorder without DBT (BPD-C), and healthy control participants (HC)
Anatomical label BA Cluster size MNI Z value (peak voxel)
x y z


Inferior parietal lobe/ 40 101 51 55 43 3.90
Supramarginal gyrus 63 52 34 3.71
Supramarginal gyrus 40 27 60 55 28 3.45
Supramarginal gyrus 40 11 63 52 34 3.74
DBT responders [t1 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)t2 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)] masked by DBT responders [t1 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)t2 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)]>DBT non-respond-
DBT responders [t2 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)t1 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)] masked by DBT responders [t2 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)t1 (MEMORIZE-VIEW)]>DBT non-respond-
Cerebellum 19 6 58 38 3.48
Anterior cingulate cortex 32 20 6 35 5 3.39
9 23 8 3.25

Whole-brain fMRI data from group level analyses at a threshold of p<0.001, k>10 voxel uncorrected
n.s. not significant

with DBT non-responders, the contrast t2(MEMORIZE- compared with neutral pictures in the MEMORIZE con-
VIEW) t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW) showed a significant cluster in dition in the right supramarginal gyrus in BPDDBT
the right perigenual ACC (pgACC) and the right cerebel- (r=0.412, p=0.021). The larger the decrease in symptom
lum. In the right pgACC, DBT responders showed a sig- severity in the ZAN-BPD over time, the larger the decrease
nificant decrease over time in the VIEW (t(15) = 4.14, in neural activity in response to viewing negative com-
p=0.001) and a trend to an increase in the MEMORIZE pared with neutral pictures in the right pgACC in the whole
condition (t(15) =1.99, p =0.065), while DBT non- BPDDBT group (r =0.362, p =0.046). There were no
responders did not show significant alterations over time further significant correlations.
(p>0.515; see Fig.3).

Exploratory correlation withalterations insymptom Discussion

We investigated whether neural correlates of distrac-
We examined the correlation of the RCI of ZAN-BPD, tion change in BPD patients after their BPD symptoms
BSL, and DERS scores (more negative values indicating improved. Patients in the BPD+DBT group reported
higher symptom reduction) with the decrease in differential reduced difficulties in emotion regulation and increased
activity in the MEMORIZE condition, the increase in the skill use compared with BPD-C as well as a reduction in
VIEW condition in the right supramarginal gyrus ([x, y, z]: BPD symptom severity in the usual range for BPD psy-
63, 52, 34; peak voxel significant in comparison to both chotherapies [18]. Also, BPD+DBT patients showed a
control groups), and the decrease in differential activity in trend for a stronger reduction in borderline symptom sever-
the right pgACC in BPD+DBT. ity than BPD-C. At the neural level, BPD+DBT patients
The larger the decrease in symptom severity in the BSL, showed a particularly strong decrease over time in the
the larger the decrease in neuronal activity to negative right supramarginal gyrus activity during distraction from

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

speculate whether this reflects a predictor of beneficial

psychotherapy outcome. Indeed, at least for self-reported
BPD symptom severity, higher baseline activity to nega-
tive compared with neutral stimuli during distraction was
associated with higher symptom reduction in BPD+DBT
(r = 0.378, p =0.036). Further, BPD+DBT also dis-
played a larger increase in right supramarginal gyrus activ-
ity during viewing negative rather than neutral stimuli com-
pared to HC and BPD-C. This was unrelated to any therapy
outcome, suggesting neither a beneficial nor adverse role of
this change. Acknowledging the role of the supramarginal
gyrus in (emotional) face processing [51, 52] and empathy
[5355], this finding may suggest that BPD+DBT exhib-
ited a more intensive processing of viewing negative com-
pared with neutral picturesafter DBT, e.g., by being more
able to get involved in the scenes depicted (e.g., mentalize
the pictured peoples mental states).
Fig.2Alterations in differential neural activity in the right supra- Comparing functional imaging data of DBT responders
marginal gyrus over time. For graphical illustration, beta values were to that of DBT non-responders revealed increased differ-
extracted from the right supramarginal gyrus (MNI-coordinate [x, y, ential activity over time in the right ventral anterior insula
z]: 63, 52, 34) from the single-subject contrasts NEGATIVE-NEU-
VIEW condition and a trend for a decrease in the MEMO-
TRAL. In patients with borderline personality disorder receiving dia-
lectical behavior therapy (BPD+DBT), differential neural activity RIZE condition in DBT non-responders. This region has
alters task specifically over time. This is not the case for patients with been associated with stimulus salience during affective and
borderline personality disorder without DBT treatment (BPD-C) and emotional processing [5658]. Thus, our findings suggest
healthy control participants (HC). The brain section provided depicts
an increased salience of negative compared with neutral
the statistical contrast BPD+DBT [t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW)t2(MEMORIZE-
stimuli over time in DBT non-responders when viewing
VIEW)]>BPD-C [t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW) t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW)] at x =63 negative (rather than neutral) pictures. As DBT respond-
with a statistical threshold of p<0.001, uncorrected ers did not show these alterations, this may be interpreted
as increased salience of aversive stimuli after DBT in
negative rather than neutral stimuli. This decrease was cor- DBT responders exhibited decreased right pgACC activ-
related with reduced self-reported borderline symptom ity during viewing of negative compared with neutral stim-
severityin this group. Further, DBT responders exhibited uli following therapy. DBT non-responders did not show
decreased right pgACC activity after treatment when view- any changes in this area. The pgACC is thought to reflect
ing negative compared to neutral pictures and a trend for the automatic, attentional regulation of negative affect [59].
increased activity in this brain region during distraction. Thus, the decrease over time of pgACC activity to negative
The supramarginal gyrus has been associated with emo- (rather than neutral) stimuli in DBT responders may reflect
tion regulation [25, 48, 49], including distraction [22, comparatively less impact of viewing negative in compari-
26, 50]. Other functions of the right supramarginal gyrus son with neutral stimuli in this group. In combination with
include (emotional) face processing [51, 52] and empathy the finding of alterations in supramarginal gyrus activity,
[5355]. BPD+DBT showed a decrease in right supra- our findings could hint at a shift from emotional to rather
marginal gyrus activity compared with the control groups cognitive processing during viewing aversive stimuli after
during distraction from negative rather than neutral stimuli. successful DBT, but not mere limbic habituation.
This was associated with reduced self-reported BPD symp- While the present study found alterations in subre-
tomatology. A reduction in supramarginal gyrus activity gions of the fronto-parietal network associated with dis-
after therapy in BPD+DBT may reflect less susceptibil- traction [21, 22, 2527], we did not find that BPD symp-
ity to negative (rather than neutral) content during distrac- tom improvement was associated with reduced limbic
tion after treatment and thus less necessity to differentially hyper-reactivity during distraction [12, 13]. If replicated,
recruit this brain region. Referring to Fig.2, it appears as this could suggest that only (parasympathetic) inhibi-
if the BPD+DBT group showed particularly elevated tory circuits but not (sympathetic) defensive mechanisms
supramarginal gyrus activity to negative compared with are altered after symptom improvement [60, 61]. How-
neutral stimuli during distraction at baseline. Additional to ever, our findings could also suggest that distraction is an
methodological considerations (see limitations), one could automatized, effective, and overlearned emotion regulation

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

the BPD groups. In the future, studies will be most interest-

ingly that compare unmedicated patients on psychotherapy
with those on pharmacotherapy alone and those on the
combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
To note, this study was not designed to test for DBT-spe-
cific effects on brain functioning. First, even though DBT
was delivered in specialized treatment units under regular
expert supervision, there were no DBT adherence ratings.
Second, this studys control group rather allows controlling
for time than for general psychotherapy effects. Overall,
a randomized controlled trial with a comparably intense
comparison treatment needs to address effect specificity
for DBT. Beyond that, we argue that our longitudinal fMRI
design has a strong benefit compared with earlier studies
on neural correlates of emotion processing in BPD as we
included a BPD-C control group in addition to a healthy
control group to control for effects of time.
Further, to increase sample homogeneity, results were
Fig.3Alterations in differential activity in the right perigenual ante- only obtained from females, which limits generalizabil-
rior cingulate over time. For graphical illustration, beta values were ity to males. Also, we used a liberal significance thresh-
extracted from the right perigenual anterior cingulate [MNI-coor- old for the fMRI data, and the findings would not survive
dinate (x, y, z): 6, 35, 5] from the single-subject contrasts NEGA-
TIVE-NEUTRAL. In patients with borderline personality disorder correction for multiple comparisons. Still, our significance
responding to dialectical behavior therapy (DBT responders), differ- threshold is more conservative than in a previous study
ential neural activity alters task specifically over time. This is not the [13]. One possible explanation is that we were only able
case for patients with borderline personality being DBT non-respond- to collect data of 15 individuals in the BPD-C group, and
ers (DBT non-responders). The brain section provided depicts the
statistical contrast DBT responders [t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW)t1(MEMORIZE- thus group size differences may have limited the statisti-
VIEW)] masked by DBT responders [t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW)t1(MEMORIZE-
cal power of our study. In addition, we selected the respec-
VIEW)]>DBT non-responders [t2(MEMORIZE-VIEW)t1(MEMORIZE-VIEW)] tive distraction task specifically as being manageable for
at x=6 with a statistical threshold of p<0.001, uncorrected all participants (via pilot study). Our task activated the
same neural network as reported in previous studies in
strategy [19, 20], which already reduces limbic reactivity to healthy controls (information in the Supplement) [21, 22,
negative stimuli independent of symptom severity. Favor- 2527]. However, a more difficult distraction task might
ing this explanation, we found no significant behavioral dif- have revealed (stronger) group differences with respect to
ference between distraction from negative compared with behavioral and fMRI data at the first measurement as well
neutral pictures at the first measurement, while there was as stronger alterations over time.
after viewing. Also, there were no behavioral group differ-
ences before treatment nor regarding alterations over time.
Focusing on less overlearned emotion regulation strategies Conclusions
such as reappraisal may help clarify this issue.
This study addressed whether neuronal correlates of a com-
Limitations mon emotion regulation strategydistractionchange
after psychotherapy in BPD and related symptom improve-
Even though the BPD groups were comparable in symp- ment. BPD patients displayed changes in areas associ-
tom severity at the first measurement, BPD+DBT patients ated with emotional distraction (supramarginal gyrus) and
received residential treatment, whereas BPD-C received automatic attentional control (pgACC). Further research
mainly outpatient treatment. In addition, as medication needs to examine whether this finding is specific to dis-
may attenuate emotional responses in BPD [6], a limita- traction as one emotion regulation strategy among several
tion of our study is that not all included BPD patients were and how alterations develop in the long run in follow-up
medication free. Since different combinations of medica- examinations.
tion subtypes were present in patients, it was also not possi-
ble to isolate the effect of a single agent. Importantly, medi- Acknowledgments We thank Indre Ciurlyte, Michael Rie, Clau-
dia Stief, and Miriam Wei for their help with data collection and
cation was kept constant during the study period, and the
percentage of medicated individuals did not differ between

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci

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