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The authors use the method of library research. This research is

oriented on gathering factual data contained in the various sources of
reading and to connect with the real circumstances in everyday life. A
variety of library materials and information data used comes from a
variety of books, scientific journals, mass media both print and
electronic, government data, articles and other reading sources.

1. Materials

Materials used are: peel of durian, KOH 0.1 M, 300 ml Na, 10 ppm
of Fe2O3, preparation Bacillus sp., and the Cd.a

2. Alat
Alat yang digunakan adalah: mortar, tungku, 60-80 saringan
mesh, pH universal, gelas ukur, pemanas, pengaduk magnetik,
dan spatula.

3. Procedures
a. Isolation of Bacteria Bacillus sp.
The first working step is the manufacture of starter bacteria by
inoculating pure culture of Bacillus sp. Respectively of one colony
into 10 ml Na-containing Cd 0 ppm of; 0.1 ppm of; 0.2 ppm of;
0.3 ppm of and the incubated for 24 hours at room temperature.

b. Synthesis of Activated Carbon of the Durian peel

1) Preparation of raw materials

Peel of durian as a raw material is washed to remove impurities.

Then cut about 3 cm and then dried in the sun for a day.

2) Preparation of active carbon

Dry peel of durian is used as the base material by heating the

active carbon in the temperature of 320oC for 2 hours in a
furnace (Marlinawati, 2015). After the process of heating, durian
peel is cooled for 15 minutes using a desiccator (Shofa, 2012).
Furthermore, charcoal pulverized using a mortal and then sieved
using a sieve of 60-80 mesh. The result is taken 40 grams and
the reacted with 0.1 M KOH Activation is done in 200oC for 1 hour
with the addition of KOH 3: 1. After activation is complete, re-
cooled carbon.
c. Adsorbansi test of Bacillus sp. bacteria and Peel of
Durian on Heavy Metals

1) Test tolerance and accumulation of bacteria on Cd

The medium which has been added Bacillus sp. and Cd observed
density with a spectrophotometer every 3 hours for 21 hours.
Bacteria can survive in a maximum concentration of 0.3 ppm Cd,
so the concentration is used to test the next Cd accumulation of
heavy metals. Test Cd accumulation inoculum carried out by
inoculating Bacillus sp. as much as 5% into 250 ml Na grading
0.3 ppm Cd, replicated 5 times. Shaken at room temperature for
24 hours. Sampling was done every 3 hours 30 ml for measurement of
growth (5ml) and the determination of the metal content of Cd
absorbed by the bacteria, by analyzing the content of Cd in the
medium remaining in each sample using AAS (Febriansyah, 2015)

2) Test adsorbansi activated carbon to the Fe

Make a solution of 10 ppm Fe by using Fe2O3. After that, the

process is carried out using activated carbon adsorption of durian
peel that has been activated earlier. Adsorption process carried
out at room temperature using a magnetic stirrer at 100 rpm.
100 ml samples of Fe was added to the activated carbon with a
mass of activated carbon (1; 1.5; 2; 2.5; and 3) grams.
Adsorption process carried out for 30; 60; 90; and 120 minutes.
After the adsorption process is completed, the activated carbon
sample was filtered using filter paper. The filtrate is filtered and
then measured levels of dissolved Fe using AAS instruments.

3) Test the use of Bacillus sp. and activated carbon durian

Created Fe2O3 solution in distilled water until the concentration
is 0.797 mg / l and the 1.694 mg / l (Princess, 2013). In each of
the concentrations of Cd added until its concentration reaches
0.025 mg / l and the 0.075 mg / l (Rachmawati, 2009). This is
done to make the solution as polluted water around the Lapindo
mud. Furthermore, the added mass of activated carbon (1; 1.5; 2;
2.5; and the 3) grams. Adsorption process carried out for 30; 60;
90; and the 120 minutes. Then the bacteria Bacillus sp.
incubated in the solution, and the observed using AAS every 3
hours for 21 hours.
Crushed using a morta

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the synthesis and testing of active carbon

durian peel and Bacillus sp.


1. The use of bacteria Bacillus sp. and Waste peel of Durian as
biosorbent to Reduce Levels of Heavy Metals in Polluted Water
Resources Lumpur Lapindo
a. Utilization of bacteria Bacillus sp. as Pengakumulasi Metal

Bacillus is rod-shaped bacteria, gram-positive, and can form

endospores. Bacillus members showed broad physiological capabilities
so that they can live in a variety of environments including extreme
environments such as heavy metal contaminated habitats (Prasetya et
al., 2012 in Kurniasari, 2012). According to Igwe and Abia (2006) in
Kurniasari et al (2012), there are three mechanisms that occurs when
microorganisms took the metal in the solution, ie the accumulation /
deposition of extracellular, absorption or formation of complexes on the
cell surface and intracellular accumulation.

The process of accumulation / deposition of extracellular to do

with living microorganisms, absorption or formation of complexes on
the cell surface can be done with living and dead microorganisms while
requiring the accumulation of intracellular microbial activity. In living
cells, then the parameters that influence the adsorption process is the
age of the cell, the availability of nutrients for growth and during the
process biodorpsi conditions (such as pH, temperature and the
presence of certain co-ions). Absorption efficiency is also greatly
influenced by the chemical characteristics of the metal to be

Accumulation of heavy metals Cd by bacteria can occur by way

of binding heavy metals in cell structure. This binding can occur due to
the interaction of metal ions to the surface of bacterial cells. This
occurs because of the size of the bacterial cell is relatively small
causing surface area greater, so the possibility of effective interaction
between the metal ions to the surface of the cell wall of the larger
(Marwadi et al., 1997 in Kurniasari, 2012). The ability of bacterial
accumulation is also affected by the bond anion so that the metal
cation will easily be adsorbed (Hoyle and Beveridge, 1983). In the
study conducted by Nuryaningsih (2005), showing the rest of the Cd of
0.3 mg / l to be like 0.13236 mg./l within an interval of 24 hours. These
results indicate that the bacteria Bacillus sp can reduce the
concentration of heavy metals especially those of Cd.

In addition to metals Cd, based on research Badjoery & Zarkasyi

A.SI.3A stated that bacteria (Bacillus megaterium) capable of absorbing
mercury (Hg) with absorption efficiency reached 98%, with the
optimum time to apply after an incubation period of> 8 hours.
Therefore the ability of the bacteria Bacillus sp. in accumulating
various types of heavy metals, the bacteria can be utilized as an

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