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AVENGER An lf strides through a forest after dark, hood drawn andl weapon ready, and lays his eyes upon his target. He mutters 4 prayer to the Raven Queen and all blurs As he moves and fights his ations aresit his own, but instead guided by the dark Queen hersell Dressed in naught but darkened robes the woman peers from atop a tree out over the orcish encampment. oking forthe one responsible for the tragedy all those Jongg years ayo. Or-Thauyg notices something moving through the leaves and tries to run, but isto late, He's been marked and now there's no place left to hide. An axe bites deep into the flesh of a dwarf, but the pain only strengthens his resolve. He turns to the man, responsible, a bandit involved in the attack on Taubold. With righteous fury burning in his eyes, he raises his hammer high and shouts the name of Moradin before bringing his hammer down in blinding flash of holy vengeance, Avenger are as diverse as the gods that they serve but itis their wrath that unites them. Whether sworn to forever pursue those who would run from their god, (or to seek retribution for wrongs done to the church an senger is driven by a sense of divine wrath. ForGOTTEN Rites Hidden from the rest of the world, in temples or monasteries secret covenants meet to train their initiates in traditions long forgotten or forbidden by the rest oftheir church. Those who complete this training are avengers, deadly avatars of their god hatred, Avengers spend their years of training studying ancient and Jong. forgotten texts oftheir religions ‘and memorizing sacred prayers which they recite in the midst of battle. At the finish of their training an Jenger goes through a ceremony of investiture which culminates in a manifestation of their deity Upon completing their investiture an avenger sranted the ability to wield divine power, channeli the essence of their god to create magical effects or to increase their prowess in battle. By doing so they honor their god and bring an end to any who would oppose them THe AVENGER Proficiency Level Bonus wt and a ade aha Divine Censure, Refocus Enmity Ability Score Improvement 43 Extra Attack, Fast Movement Gh 43, Defended by Faith zh 43, Censure Feature 43 Abily Score improvement “= +4 Protected by Wrath +4 Heavenly Blade =4 Ability Score Improvement = “5 Ghost of Vengeance 45 Censure Feature +5 Abily Score improvement comme +6 Vow of Elimination 46 Ability Score Improvement +6 Censure Feature Vow of Enmity, Armor of Faith, Blessing Manifest Spelleasting, Slade of Zeal, Ancient Studies Justice AND ExALTaTION Not many know of the orders which t warriors, or why they would choose to live their entire lives in service to a single deity and in search of traitors and heretics. Few priests of even the most vengeful of gods have ever heard of the avengers that worship besides them, the groups which recruit and train these avengers are secretive and deal with those who would spill their secrets in their own fashion. Fewer then are recruits that make it tothe investiture, either passing on the way or being “silenced” due to.a slip in tongue. Upon completion of their training, even fewer then are the avengers who do not take to the adventuring life. None are the treacherous beings who will tam themselves into the church, and so it is the avengers duty the seek out these individuals and bring the wrath of their gods to them. in these esoteric CREATING AN AVENGER As you create your avenger think about the reasons that drove you to become an avenger and undergo the hellish training that led to your divine powers. Did you spend your years mourning the loss of a loved one until a group reached out and offered the ability to right that wrong? Do you belong to a race in which every member shares a special connection to a certain god or deity? (Or were you a simple farmer until an army of undead destroyed your town, and a voice spoke in the back of your head telling you of somewhere you can go to prepare you for the fight ahead? One of the most important parts of your avenger is the god you worship, appendix B in the Player's Hand Book lists the deities worshipped by avengers across the ‘multiverse. While any god could have an avenger in their ‘service it is more likely that a vengeful god or one who presides over war or death would have more avengers in their service, some such gods include: Bane, Kelemvor, ‘Torm, Erythnul, Nevull, Sargonn Ares, Bast, and Hel Next consider why your avenger is adventuring. Did you catch wind of a man in a distant land man who has ‘done wrong by your god? Did one of your god's long time priests renounce his religion and then run from, the church? Does your god seek the extermination of a particular race or of creatures? Perhaps you are out for revenge aijainst a certain individual or group that has left a dark mark on your past. Or maybe it’ traditional that one of your lineage would take the position of avenger and eliminate the enemies of your god Quick Bury You can make an avenger quickly by following these suggestions. First Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity: Second, choose the acolyte background. CLass FEATURES ‘Asa avenger, you gain the following class features. Hrr Poms Dice: 148 per avenger level Points at Ist Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per avenger level after Ist Proricrencres Armor: None Weapons: Martial melee weapons, Simple weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Skills: Choose three fom Acrobatics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Religion, and Stealth Equiemenr You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: + (2) a martial melee weapon or (b) any simple weapon + (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a priest’s pack + Aholy symbol and a tome of your religion ‘Vow or ENMITY ‘Starting at 1st level, your years of piety have granted. you the ability to mark a creature as an enemy of your god. Asa bonus action on your turn you may choose one creature within 30 feet of you as your target, your oath ‘of enmity lasts for one hour or until the target drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious, at which point you regain tise ofthis feature, ‘You gain the following benefits while you aren't ‘wearing armor of wielding a shield. + You may make melee attacks against your target with advantage + You may use Wisclom instead of Strength or Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls of your melee weapon. While using this ability your god's influence flows through you, entering you into a combat state in which prayers are uttered instinctually, and your hand moves at god's will ARMoR OF FAITH Beginning at Ist level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC is calculated as 13+ your Dexterity Modifier BLESSING MANIFEST ‘The training youve undergone now allows you to create minor magical effects by channeling god's power, at Ist level you know the thaumaturgy cantrip, Wisdom is your spelleasting ability for this cantrip. This is but an ember of magical power than will soon kindle in to the fame of divine spellcasting. 7 Se Seas Darwen Pars Some times the right way takes too long or has too many rules and regulations, sometimes a righteous szod doesn't answer your prayers and leaves you alone Inyour mourning. I's then when darker powers reach ‘out to you, enticing and tempting you towards a quicker method. Dark or evil zods are prevalent in the D2D universe, and ifyour character chooses to worship under one it is. conly natura that your choice would reflect itselfin your classes abilities. ‘With the permission of your DM you may switch out all instances of radiant and fire damage in your dass and spell descriptions with necrotic and cold damage rezpectvely PDF compiled, edited ane designe to rescable ttc Wk SPELLCASTING era ee bestowed on you by gods have given you fac wth epela See chapter 10 forthe general rues of sspellcasting and the end of this document for the avenger spell ist. SPELL SLors The Avenger table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all Cf your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your Avenger spells of Ist level or higher, vou must expend a. ‘spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you. finish a short or long rest. For example, when you are 6th level, you have ‘two 2nd-evel spel slots. To cast the Istlevel spell ‘thunderous smite, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd-level spell SPELLS KNOWN OF 1st LEVEL AND HIGHER [At 2nd level, you know two 1stlevel spells of your choice from the Avenger spell list. The Spells Known column of the Avenger table shows when you learn more avenger ‘spells of your choice of Ist level and higher. A spell you choose must be ofa level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level. When you reach Sth level, for example, you learn a new avenger ‘spell, which can be Ist, or 2nd level additionally, when you gain a level inthis class, you ‘can choose one of the Avenger spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Avenger spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots SPELLCASTING AstLITY Wisdom is your spelleasting ability for your Avenger ‘spells, so you use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spelleasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Avenger spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC =2 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier ‘Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier SpELLcastInG Focus You can use a holy symbol (found in chapter 5) as a ‘spelleasting focus for your avenger spells BLADE OF ZEAL Starting at 2nd level, whenever you make an attack with advantage because of your vow of enmity, you score a critical hit if both dice rolls have the same roll, unless. both rolls are a one. When you score a critical hit in this fashion you deal extra radiant damage equal to your avenger level. Sacrep Stupr ‘Starting at 2nd level, due to your studies in the forgotten texts of your religion you have become learned in the languages with which they are written. You learn ‘one language of your choice from the following list ‘Supernal, Infernal, Sylvan. In addition you may use Wisdom in place of Intelligence for the Religion skill. a Divine CENSURE At Sr Jevel you may pick either the Censure of Pursuit or the Censure of Retribution, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 15th, and 20th level, this includes the channel divinity feature. CHANNEL Divinity Your censure allows you to channel your god's power to fuel magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option, provided by your censure explains how to use i ‘When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You m rest to use your Channel Di ‘Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. ‘When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your avenger spell save DC. Rerocus ENMITY You search your thoughts and discover the true target of your wrath. Starting at 3rd level, As an action on your turn you may transfer your Vow of enmity from your currently marked creature to another creature within 30 feet. You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier after which you must complete a long rest to regain this feature. ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level, and again at Sth, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, oF you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability ‘score above 20 using this feature. Extra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, Fast MOVEMENT ‘Starting at Sth level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren't wearing armor, DEFENDED By FaITH Beginning at 6th level, you can add half of your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any saving throw in which you are not proficient. PROTECTED BY WRATH Starting at 10th level you cant be charmed or frightened by your Oath of Enmity target. HEAVENLY WEAPON By 11th level, your god has granted you with the means to eliminate it enemies, as a bonus action you summon, ‘your god given weapon into your hand, this weapon ‘can be any weapon in which you are proficient, and it teleports to your hand from your god’ plane and ‘remains until you dismiss it (n0 action) at which point it returns to your god's plane. You can not be disarmed of this weapon unless you are incapacitated. If It is on the same plane of existence, ‘you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand. Each time you reduce a vow of enmity target to 0 bit points you gain a cumulative +1 to damage toa ‘maximum of +3, this bonus fades to +0 one minute after the last bonus is gained, this time can be extended by reducing an vow of enmity target to 0 hit points at which the time resets to one minute. You may transfer the magical abilities of an enchanted ‘weapon to your god given weapon, to do so you must perform a one hour ritual, consisting of constant prayer and focus on the weapon, after which the weapon is transferred to your gods plane and the magical effect transferred to your heavenly weapon. You may only have ‘one magical effect on your weapon at atime, performing the ritual again replaces the weapon's current enchantment with the new enchantment. Your heavenly weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance, ge = Divine Desicn ‘Although your god given weapon may be any weapon yu are proficient in, your god likely has had 2 hand in it's design, changing it's appearance to fits personal theme or silistic choice, for example: Ifyou worshipped the god of creation Moradin, your ‘maul may appear to have been hewn of heavy stone and ‘engraved with the faces of ancient dwarves. ‘A sword wielded inthe name ofthe platinum dragon Bahamut might appear entirely chrome and sporting 2 dragon-wing cross guard. ‘Or possibly the Raven Queen might gift your ‘continued loyalty with an ebony hafted scythe whose blade boasts the semblance ofa crow SSS Guost OF VENGEANCE tarting at 14th level your movement is not affected by ‘non-magical difficult terrain, In addition you have advantage on saving throws and ability checks against being restrained, slowed, ‘grappled, or paralyzed. ‘Vow OF ELIMINATION Starting at 18th level, no effect ean cause you to lose advantage against your oath of enmity target. DivinE CENSURE ‘There are many reasons one becomes an avenger, but all are ted to a hatred, many types of hatred drive the wworlls avengers but two denominations stand above the others: Pursuit and Retribution CENSURE OF PuRSUIT Your target may run, your target may hide, but you will find him, no place is safe for your target and no armor: will stay your blade, with methodical devastation you ‘prosecute any who would run. By training yourself in the censure of pursuit you master abilities and magics that assist you in finding and executing. None shall escape your god. Censure Speut List Your god lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an avenger spell. The following spells are added to the avenger spel list for you. ‘Censure oF Pursuit ExeANoeo SPeLis Spell Levels Spells 1st hunter's mark, dssonont whispers and levitate, hold person 3rd blink, clairvoyance 4th dimension door, locate ereature Sth serying, hold monster Cuannet Divinrry ‘When you take this Censure at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. Wings of Faith. As a bonus action you may beseech ‘you god to imbue you with unparalleled speed, for the next minute your speed is doubled. Visage of the Reaper. As an action on your turn you ‘may present your holy symbol and force your vow of enmity target to roll a Wisdom save, on a failed save itis instilled with dread for one minute. While instilled with dread it must use its movement each turn to move away from you. The target may repeat its wisdom save at the end of each ofits turns. Nownere To Run Starting at 7th level, Whenever your successfully hi ‘your vow of enmity target with an opportunity attack {you may move up to your speed as part ofthe reaction, ‘staying adjacent to your target during the move as far as you are able. This movement does not provoke ‘opportunity attacks. SeerHinc TRE Starting at 15th level, whenever your vow of enmity target starts its turn adjacent to you it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save your oath of ‘enmity target takes 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier in Psychic damage. RISING VENGEANCE Starting at 20th, your oath becomes a seal of fate, each time you hit your vow of enmity target you gain a cumulative +1 to hit, toa maximum of +5. After missing with an attack this bonus drops to +0, CENSURE OF RETRIBUTION ‘The world over which your god presides follows strict laws of balance and ones your god seeks to maintain. ‘And thus itis that any who would strike out against their chosen agents would receive punishment in kind, any who seek to undo their champion will face the same. No act against your god will go unpunished. Censure Speut List ‘Your god lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an avenger spell. The following spells are added to the avenger spel ist for you (Censure oF ReTmsuTION ExpanDeD Spauis ‘Spell Levels Spells 1st axmor of Agathys, hellish rebuke and heot meta, sow 3rd spirit guardians, bestow curse ath feshiel,guordin of ft sth peo, denructive wave “mbes ital Player Handbook by /u/Barka Cuannet Divanry When you take this Censure at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. Wrath of the Divine. When a creature hits you with, «critical hit you may use your channel divinity to make that creature take radiant damage equal to half of the critical hit damage. River of Life. As an action on your turn you may invoke the protection of your deity, for the next minute ‘you regain 2 + Your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1hit points at the start of each of your turns, Fury or Tue Gonos Starting at 7th level you have a pool of Fury Dice, which are d6s, the pool can have in it a number of dice equal to your Wisdom modifier. Whenever a creature hits you, ‘you may add one Fury dice to the pool. Whenever you hit ‘your vow of enmity target with a melee attack you may roll any number of Fury dice and add the total rollto the ‘damage of the attack. Any unused fury dice are lost after a short rest. ‘Your Fury dice inerease to d8s at 11th level and d10s, at 17th level Ricutsous RecKoninc Starting at 15th level whenever your vow of enmity target makes an attack you may use your reaction to ‘make a single melee attack against your target if its within range. Divine RetRisuTION Starting at 20th level, your vow becomes damnation, whenever you are injured by your vow of enmity target it feels pain as well. Whenever you are hit your vow of enmity target, your target takes radiant damage equal to 4 x the number of fury dice in your fury pool. This effect ccan happen only once per round. AVENGER SPELLS 1st Level 3rd Level Bane Blinding Smite Compelled Duel Bestow Curse Detect Evil and Good Dispel Magic Divine Favor Fear Expediious Retreat Haste Longstrider See Invisibility Searing Srmte Water Walk Tasha’s Hideous Laughter ath Level Thunderous Smite Banishment Weathful Smite Death Ward Freedom of Movement 2nd Level Staggering Smite Blur Branding Smite sth Level Darkvision Banishing Smite Enhance Ability Dispel evil and good Magic Weapon Legend Lore Misty Step Passwall See Invisibility MULTICLASSING Follows normal multiclassing rules PREREQUISITES Muincisssine PreReguisrres Class Ability Score Minimum ‘Avenger Wisdom 13 and Desteri 3 PROFICIENCIES Muunciassinc Proricencies Class Proficiencies ‘Avenger Simple Weapons, Martial Melee Weapons c Vow or Ensrry If you multiclass into, or from the avenger class your ‘oath of enmity ability no longer allows the use of Wisdom for calculating weapon attack and damage avengers life requires const. SS FEATURES Avenger Class Conversion by iw Fenrir Hati-Skoll Art Credits in Order of Appearance “Cathedral” by ChrisCold “Avenger” by Unknown “Temple” by Ayn Spiller “Grimoire Book” by Sally Jackson ‘Zolurket Mines Raven Bracer” by christopherburdett “Items Weapons Paizo” by Hfesbra Abandoned Gothic Cathedral” by inetgratx tre ‘Creprs aND THANKS Musicus - For is great lars homebrewing guide “The wonderful people of reddit for their help in reviewing and editing the Avenger. Particularly + layhnet + krispykremeguy + leuku + boomana + Butlers102 + the_Jaughingdog

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