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eatery.) hereto ad TUOYUGOWe| eae e! tate Nonie Darwish + Nonfe Darwish, a writer and speake {who} warns the West of the esctibes herself as “an Ameriean woman born Blustim in Egypt angers of Radical Islam and Sharie lav? + Aconw: ish is {ounslar of Former Muslims United, » program of the Am sled by Pamela Geller ti: heen Poverty 2 Center (SPLC) considers an anti-Muelita hate group. W insluding an event called “Islamic Apstth (to Christianity, Dat ican Freadom Defense Initiativa, a group fo H Geller, shes hats pat ort $ college campuses. + Da « with the Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and lias wnt forthe Horowitz's Freedom Center's The SPEC cor both of thes nizations antl-Mustim hate groups. The Ca - mari as an actor in the “Islamophobia network.” CAP considen » of “individuals whe cla inside knowledge about the realities of radical Islam,” not because of their expertise on Tslara but been they stern descent, lly in 2012 organized by Gelk ica, Darwish said, “Islam is a poison to a society. Ic divisi = doing on our callege campuses. I's full of anti jould be feared, and should be fog, and should be conquered and defeated and annihilated!” ‘of Awe + Ina zo1g article for the Gater ich wrote that the “so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims have often been silent enablers and defenders” of “Muslim jihadists.” In ‘1: «ticle, she also glaimed that Muslims see Islam as "more than a 1 ion that itis, in fact, 9 stat {ihution” The sotion that Islam is a political ideology (anc nt sumplayed by anti-Muslim groups. tem anda fon) is an id + Darwish’s group, Forme: Muslims United, opposed the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tesnessea in 2910, In justifying the group's opposition mosque is net just a p Itsap gainst now-Muslims occur. | hore commas a place where ammanition sshere war is started, lam allows lying to advance “jh re sehich has boon a debunked by experts + Davwich by others lke B + Darwish has spoken st numerous universities on topica related to Sharia, led. At a University of Ne rupted Darutish’s speech with protests were attacked physically her talks have been protested orga + Darwish is author of four. books ny Now they Call Me Infidel: and + Daswish appeared as an expert in Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, «2005 film from the Clarion Project, which is considered an anti-Muslim group by SPLC. ‘been intervicued for C-SPAN's Q&A program. IMPACT: A writer who has freq: numerous affiliations with anti celled for Isiam to be “annihilated” vent speak the US, Nonie Darwis ons, has made false claians about fel ng engagements aeros ustien org Last updated 2/27/17

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