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Physic MUIDS Section 1102

Send Friend Back home

Pocket Project


Apisara Yooyuen Jaja 5861004

Warisara Bunluesak Fon 5861179
Lapasrada Cholpraserd Lily 5861056
Pin-anong Weesapen Pin 5861109
Pattiya Watchara-Amnouy Minnie 5861304

Table of Contents

Background information..7
Discussion of Physics concept..31
Discussion of design...37
Tables of Data..39
Data analysis40


This project, Launching the Rocket, is created in order to allow the

student to explore the basic concepts of physics and chemistry, which the
process of our learning is shown in this report; including the design, the
experiment procedure, the result, the errors happened, the discussion of
physics concept, the discussion of design etc. By conducting this
experiment, our group had analyzed the data gathered and came to the
conclusion that 430 ml of vinegar, 34.00 g of baking soda and put the
launcher at 45 degree is the best condition for accuracy, but also we also
aware that in order to make the rocket most accurate, it is very important to
consider the external factors. By conducting the experiment, and
completing the project, we had achieved the objectives which are, gaining
basic understanding of the concepts in physics and chemistry, learning to
work as a group, learning to plan the process, learning practical experiment
methods, learning the process of trial and errors.


We were able to complete this project, rocket launching project,

including, the creation of the rocket and launcher, the experiment, the
report and the presentation, assigned by Mr.Gopinath for 11th grade
conceptual physics, because of the hard working and efforts of the group
members Jaja, Lily, Fon, Minnie and Pin.
We also sincerely grateful for the help of the physics and chemistry
teachers, Mr. Gopinath and Ms.Fai who had been helping since the very
beginning. And also the lab technicians who had been assisting in
recording the measurement and the result, also helping us get passed the
obstacles and errors founded in the project.
Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude towards our
generous friends from the other groups, who had always been able to give
us beneficial suggestion and also allow us to borrow substance in the time
of need.


This launching rocket project is expected to help the achieve these

objectives; (1) gain basic understanding of the concepts in physics and
chemistry (2) learn to work as a group (3) learn to plan the process (4)
learn practical experiment methods (5) learn the process of trial and errors.
The basic understanding of the concepts in physics the basic
understanding of aerodynamics and its relation to the rockets design, the
projectile motion, Newtons laws, linear motion(free falling), momentum and
energy would be achieved by the process of designing and creating the
rocket and the launcher, also the adjusting angle of the launcher. In
addition, we also expected to understand the concepts of chemistry, by
calculating the proportion of the chemical substances, vinegar and baking
soda, also concept and calculation of the basic Stoichiometry.
In the process of learning we also expected to work as a team with
good organisation, and also be responsible for the role taken.
Practical experiment methods, will be achieved through the process
of conducting the experiment.
Also, it is expected to be the demonstration of the process of trial and
errors as there will be many chances to launch the rocket in order to get the
best result.


This project, rocket launching, is a part of 11th grade Conceptual

Physics. It is aim to help students learn and have fun creating and
experimenting the rocket at the same times. Also to understand the
concepts of physics and chemistry. As it will help learning about the
procedure of scientific experiment and also achieving the concept of
cooperation within the group.
Send friend back home is our group name, as we first planned to
put the alien inside the rocket. But it happened that the rocket has error so
we didnt use it. The idea of the name has been brought up many times in
our project; such as the time when the rocket fly out of the school area. We
were laughing and said that we completed the mission, send friend back
home, and it never come back.
This project report has shown the development and the mistake we
had made in the project, also the very first state to the last, since the
planning to the very end. Our group hope that this project, will provide the
information about our project, inspire the reader to overcome challenges
and able to explain the foundation of physics concept involving the
movement of the rocket.


Firstly, Lets us recall the Newtons 3 Laws of Motion

Newton's first law of motion is often stated as

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays

in motion with the same speed and in the same direction
unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The law is often
called The Law of Inertia

What does this mean?

When there is no force acted upon the object, the object will
remain at rest. But when any force acted upon the object, it will
keep on moving in a state of motion unless there is an unbalanced
force. It is a natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what
theyre doing.

Newtons second law of motion i s often stated as

Acceleration is produced when any forces acts on a mass.The greater

the mass is, the greater the amount of force needed.

What does this mean?

As we know, every object requires force to move. The Second Law of

Motion gives us a relationship between mass, force and acceleration. To
move two objects which are different in mass also requires different amount
of force. The heavier objects need more force to move the same distance
as lighter objects. Or if the same amount of force is applied to both of the
objects, the lighter object will move for a longer distance. To understand
this term more clearly, we expressed as a mathematical equation:

Newtons third law of motion is often stated as

For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

What does this mean?

There always be a reaction force for every force that is applied on an

object, but opposite in direction. Whenever an object pushes another object
it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally, also in a same
amount of force. Therefore, it can be expressed in this term.

Action = Reaction

Projectile Motion

Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle

moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. The only force
acted upon the object is gravity. It acts downward which causes downward
acceleration. Because of the object's inertia, no external horizontal force is
needed to maintain the horizontal velocity of the object.

Formulas for projectile:

Free Fall

Free fall is a motion in any object where gravity is the only force acting
upon it. Without the effects of air resistance, the speed of an object free
falling toward Earth would increase by about 9.8 m per second every


Momentum is a measurement of mass in motion: how much mass is in

how much motion. By definition,

p= Momentum
m= Mass
v= Velocity
Standard units- kgm/skgm/s

---> Momentum and Kinetic Equation

Any change in momentum following an acceleration can be written as

pmvmatFtp=m v=m a t=F t


Impulse is a term that quantifies the overall effect of a force acting

over time. It is conventionally given the symbol J and expressed in
Newton-seconds. For a constant force,

JFtJ=F t.

Impulse also due to all force acting on the object. In other words, it
equals to a change in momentum of the object.

Set Up
By creating rocket, we first needed water bottle. We decided to use
1,500 mL of water bottle. We considered the strength of the bottle by the
thickness of the plastic. Since our rocket has to hit the ground for many
times, the strength of the rocket is the most important thing. Thus, the
bottle has to be strong. Besides the strength of the bottle, we also thought
of the shape of it too. We chose to use a cylindrical bottle rather than a
prism because we wanted our rocket to be stable while flying. Moreover,
prism shape will go against the wind than cylinder shape. Also, the rocket
may not fly far enough to hit the target.

We also did a research on lots of different form of the fin in order to

find the most suitable fin for our rocket. Factors that we considered on are
that fins mustnt go against the wind and shouldnt be too big that make the
rocket be too heavy. For stability of the rocket, we had decided to create
four fins so that it could be easier to measure and stick them on the bottle
than the odd number of fins. Also, the rocket will be more balance if it has
four fins.

At the head of the rocket, we have chosen to use the thick plastic
sheet and rolled it until it be a cone shape. Even though we wanted to
make the strongest head to prevent when it fall on the ground but its also
essential that the head must be sharp that it wont go against the wind. In
addition, we decided to create the head that heavy enough so that the
rocket wont change the direction while flying in the air.

For the launcher, we decided to use PVC pipe because of it strength.
Also, it can get wet without being destroyed. By using elephant solvent
cement to attach PVC pipe together, it will be able to move which we can
adjust the angle of the launcher while experimenting if we need to. Also at
the launcher where adjusting the base so that it will be on the angle that we
want, we thought of creating the triangle prism base to support it by using
corrugated fiberboard. The reason we chose to use the triangle prism to be
the supporter of the launcher because triangle is the strongest figure of all
geometry shapes.


1. Bottles 1500 ml 2. Duct tape

3. Scotch tape 4. Polypropylene board

5. Acrylic color 6. Paintbrush

7. Baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) 8. Vinegar (Acetic acid)

9. Plastic sheet 10. Color pencils

11. Scissors 12. Cutter

13. Tissue paper 14. PVC pipe

15. Rubber stopper


Creating Rocket
Rocket is the most important part of this experiment as we use it to
learn about the discussion topic; newtons laws, projectile, substance used,
chemical reaction etc. Also the design make a great effect on the accuracy.
Therefore it is very important to be well-planned and developed. This is the
method we made the first rocket (TG110), which is quite similar to other
rocket but we did more decoration on TG110.

1. Brainstorm the idea and design of the rocket

2. Cut the bottles in the the planned size considering that two of the
bottles have to be stick together
3. Stick the bottle together with duct tape by put the top part out both
side so that the caps will be at the end of both side
4. Draft the fins on the Polypropylene board and cut it out
5. Mark the point to stick the fins, trying to make the weight balance

6. By using duct tape, stick the fins to the rocket

7. Using duct tape cover all the space left on the bottles in order create
the same texture all over the rocket

8. Bend a plastic sheet to create the shape of cone and use tape to
maintain the sheet in that shape; will be used as the head of the

9. Draw and colour an alien and stick it to the Polypropylene board

10. Colour the bottles and fins with Acrylic color

11. Stick the Aliens to the top part of the rocket (opposite to the fins)

12. Stick the Cone with the bottles using duct tape

13. Color the plastic sheet at the top part, make sure that the space is
left for the alien to appreciate the views.

Note: After we found the error that water leaked out from the rocket similar
to TG110, we change our method by using only one bottle instead of two
and not cut it, just add the top part so that it can contain water

This picture is our first draft of the rocket and the launcher.For the
launcher, at first we decided to make the launcher like the tube but it hard
to do so we changed into second draft. And the rocket we cut to of the
water bottles and combine it together but when we try, it not work so we
decide to change but the fin is the same as second design.

This one is the second design of our rocket. We decided to use the
water bottle. And the thick plastic to be the head because it will And we
decorated with gold and silver colour and there was a small alien inside
head of the rocket as you can see in this picture. For the fin, we used the
futureboard because it thick and strong.

Create the launcher
Launcher is also one of the most important factor in the project because it
determine the angles of launching. Also it need to be able to receive the
weight of the rocket and stay at the same angle.

1.Use PVC pipe with 35 cm.2 pieces , 50 cm. 2 pieces and 40 cm. 2
pieces and the T-joint for 4 pieces
2. Put all pipes together follow by the draft
3. Cut the future board in triangle to support the base and make it
stay at the same angle
4.Try with the rocket.

This is the second and last draft of the base. We used the PVC pipe and
use the future board to support the center pipe to make it 45 degree.

Conducting Experiment
In this process we did the experiment with our rockets in order to test
its accuracy according to its design, angles, mass, chemical used etc.
There are so many times that we did this process all over again due to the
errors but anyways, the methods of experiment remained the same.

1. Measure the mass of rocket and record

2. Prepare the vinegar by;
a. Measure the volume with the cylinder

b. Pour in the rocket

c. Close it with the plastic stopper
d. Record the amount used
3. Prepare Baking soda;
a. Measure the mass of baking soda by;
i. Putting the tissue paper on the electrical balance
ii. Press clear zero

iii. Pour baking soda until the mass match with the planned

b. Fold the tissue papers

c. Tape both ends of the papers (be careful that the baking soda
has to be in the paper and not split out)

4. Prepare the launcher
a. Set the launcher at the mark point, consider wind direction
5. Stick the packet of baking soda to the plastic stopper with the tape,
so that chemical will not be able to mix at that time.

6. Closed the rocket with the stopper sticked with the packet of baking
7. Place the rocket at the launcher

8. Waiting for the chemical reaction to take place
9. Measure the length traveled by the rocket

10. Record the result

Discussion of physic concepts

1. Measurements
This project also demonstrates the concept of measurement and
physical property. Physical property allows us to observe without changing
its identity. As we did the experiment, we also learnt to measure the
properties of things physically; such as the volume of vinegar used, the
mass of rocket, angles of launcher, etc.

2. Newtons Laws
Newtons Laws of motion applied to all objects existed, also the
rocket. As all of the laws has been applied in the process of this
experiment. It is important to know the relation of these laws and the
project, that it will help in understanding and analysing the result.

1st Law stated that Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by
forces impressed on it.
It implies that the object at rest tends to remain at rest, like the rocket
will remain on the launch pad until an unbalanced force is exerted,
propelling the rocket upward. As the rocket fly through the air it tends to fly
but in the practical situation, the rocket was influenced by the air resistance
and gravitational force; it fell to earth.
2nd Law - Force is equal to the change in momentum per change in
time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration. F=ma
The amount of force depends upon how much gas is created from the
reaction inside the rocket. You can increase the acceleration further by
adding the amount of substance, as it will increase acceleration afterward.
Because F is directly proportional to m and a so if mass stays the same
and force is increased, the acceleration will be increased to balanced out
the equation. You can also decrease mass of the rocket when the force
stays the same. Because if the mass decreased the acceleration will also
increase when it is exposed by the same force.

3rd Law - For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action
Finally, the action force of the gas from the chemical reaction of
vinegar and baking soda, rushes out of the nozzle creates an equal and
opposite reaction force propelling the rocket upward.

3. Free fall
Free fall is the motion happen when the object is influenced by gravity
and air resistance is negligible. In our experiment, there is other factors,
such as air resistance, inertia of the direction launched. But still gravity still
left impact on the result of our experiment, as it pull the rocket downward,
combines with rockets inertia, creates the motion of projectile

4. Projectile
Projectile is the motion where it is affected by gravitational force only.
Even though the experiment was conducted in the the place where air
presents and there are some small variable that can slightly affect the
result, the rocket still move in the way similar to the movement of projectile.
According to Newtons first law, we know that the object moving tends
to move in the same speed and direction. But as we observe the motion of
the rocket, we will see that the rocket reached it peak and curved down
until it landed on the ground. That happened because the presence of
gravitational force that have massive impact on the way the rocket move.
If there is no gravitational force taken place in the experiment, the
rocket will continue moving in the direction it is launched.
But there is gravitational force in the experiment; the rocket move
horizontally and vertically at the same time that it create the motion similar
to projectile (it is not absolutely projectile because there is other forces
present that affect the motion of the rocket i.e. the air resistance)

5. Impulse and momentum

Momentum is conserved. If we consider the Rocket and the fuel(chemical
reaction of vinegar and baking soda) as a system, its momentum must
remain the same.
At first, when the chemical has not taken place it momentum will be
zero, because both of them are at rest, thus the velocity will be zero. And
the law of momentum conservation stated that m1u 1+m
When the initial velocity(u) is zero, the momentum in this system will
automatically become zero.
But when the rocket is launched, it looks impossible to maintain the
momentum of zero, but actually it is possible in t he ideal paradigm.
Because when the chemicals start to react to each others and there is
pressure enough to push out the stopper, the rocket will fly out from the
launcher and it will leave some mass(fuel) as it fly. For the rocket, its
velocity will be positive and for the fuel its velocity will be negative, which
will make its total momentum cancelled each other out.

6. Energy
As we learnt in physics class, there is many types of energy, two of
the most common form are, kinetic and potential energy. These two energy
transform to one another in the motion that have the direction vertically and
horizontally. It is connected to the rocket that it shows both kinds of energy,
flying in the air.
Kinetic energy or energy that present in the moving objects; as the
rocket moving, it contain the kinetic energy.
Potential energy or the energy that is the potential of the object to do
work. It presents in the rocket when it goes up(moving vertically) because
when it goes higher it yields more potential to fall down.
Law of energy conservation - Energy cannot be created or destroyed
but it can be transformed into another form of energy. This project also
demonstrated this law, as the rocket launches from the launcher it has
more kinetic energy, but as it goes higher and higher, it kinetic energy
transforms to potential energy until the rocket reaches it peak, and fall
down. At this period, the potential energy will decrease as it transforms to
kinetic energy.

Discussion of design
(a)From researching, we found that the angle that can make
rocket move for the longest distance in the direction of projectile
motion is 45 degree. So, we designed our rocket stand laying
on triangular prism made of polypropylene board with 45
degree angles to make the rocket to start in the direction of 45
degree angle from horizontal line.
The design of the rocket is one of the important thing that determine
its accuracy, at first we designed it without planning so well which created
errors and made us create the new designs.

(a)The first design was failed because we stick two bottles

together with tape and when we actually pour the vinegar in, it
leaked out from the bottle.
(b)We didnt use TG110 because it is the same design that water
will leak out and also it is coloured that we cannot see inside
whether the reaction happen or not.
(c) The second design was that we use only one bottle and made
only the top part, which worked well.
(d)We also modified the second design by added fins to make the
rocket stabilise and stick the duct tape on the top part in order
to make its head a little bit heavier so that the rocket would not
sway when it flyed.


Data table 1 Day 2

No. Trial Accuracy Rocket Vinegar Baking soda Decoration Angle

weight(g) amount(ml) amount (g)

1 0 68.02 532 37.44 3 40

2 0 55.73 532 35.29 3 40

3 0 55.73 500 37.13 3 40

4 0 105.08 530 37.67 3 40

Data table 2 Day 3

No. Trial Accuracy Rocket Vinegar Baking soda Decoration Angle

weight(g) amount(ml) amount (g)

1 0 105.08 510 35.42 3 40

2 0 105.08 500 33.35 3 40

3 0 105.08 500 33.67 3 40

4 0 105.08 500 34.00 3 40

Data table 3. Day 4

No. Trial Accuracy Rocket Vinegar Baking soda Decoration Angle

weight(g) amount(ml) amount (g)

1 0 105.08 500 35.42 3 40

2 0 105.08 490 33.35 2 45

3 0 105.08 480 33.67 2 45

4 3 105.08 430 34.00 3 45

Analysis of data

First day, the rocket did not hit the target as we wanted. It did not
even move or start flying out of the launcher. It was because that we used
wrong type of baking soda. We bought baking powder instead of baking
soda and it affected a lot on our work. Baking powder that we bought
contains only 30% of sodium bicarbonate but we needed 100% pure
sodium bicarbonate which is baking soda not baking powder. From
chemical equation, we can conclude that the rocket did not move because
small amount of sodium bicarbonate cannot produce enough gas (carbon
dioxide) which can make the rocket moving. Another mistake is that we did
not use correctly stopper. We created the stopper from duct tape by
ourselves. It could not be used effectively. Carbon dioxide gas came out of
the rocket too fast while inside the bottle did not produce enough pressure.
So the force that exert was not enough for starting rocket. After that, we
changed by using plastic stopper instead which is more effective.
Second day, the rocket also did not hit the target but it started
moving. It flew for short distance when we tested it for a few rounds so we
needed to make it can go farther. We needed to add more materials those
are reactants to make large amount of gas which is product for moving.
Large amount of gas could push plastic stopper out and come out of the
bottle very fast so it created a force to make the rocket move. We needed
enough gas to make pressure inside the bottle for removing plastic stopper.
Then, we add more a bit for baking soda while decreasing vinegar because
we found that there were vinegar left after the reaction occurred so it
means that we use vinegar too much. If liquid were left too much in the
rocket, then it might be too heavy. After that, we discussed about it and
planned for next time to change a bit for amount of reactants. However, we
got a big problem. Our rocket flew out of the school area because of wind
and also unequal fins. Fins of our rocket bent a bit after it hit the ground
many rounds and also sometime the fins bent because we put it on the
launcher not fitly. We brought the old one that did not be decorated yet to
use instead of the one that flew away.

Third day, it almost hit the ground very close to the target but our
rocket did not flew to the middle but to the side of target. We got the same
problem like last time. Fins of our rocket bent when we tested it for many
rounds. We changed the way to lay the rocket down on the launcher by
trying to avoid breaking the fins because last time we laid it too fast. Then,
we tried to do not let the fin touched the launcher and bent. So, the rocket
flew more in straight line but still not really hit the target.
Fourth day, the rocket flew closer to the target more because we got
stable amount of chemicals that we think that it was the best amount for
flying. The only problem on that day is wind. Our rocket did not be designed
for defending air resistance. However, we looked for the direction of the
wind and move our launcher to the opposite direction. At the last round, the
rocket hit the target at 3 point area. It flew quite almost accurate than

There were so many error happened during our launching, including the
error with the rocket, the base and the condition when we do the launching.

1) No measurement material on trial days

It was the very first days that we did the experiment(as trial) and
there were no measuring devices, such as cylinder and electronic
balance. So we used the lind on the bottle to control the volume of
vinegar and the spoon unit of baking soda(which is the wrong one at
the time). So the information of trials round wasnt recorded well.
Improvement: After the few days, the lab technician brought us
the measuring devices, and we recorded the measurement more

2) The leaking of TG111

The first rocket we used is TG111 (we dont use TG110
because we were afraid that it will be ruined as we used a lot of time
decorating it). But TG111 isnt the perfect rocket. We realised the
error when we pour vinegar in the rocket, we noticed that the vinegar
leaked out from the connecting point. It is faulty since our designed to
connect two bottle together instead of using only one bottle and make
the head part.
Improvement: we made the new rocket called TG115 (even
though we had the old backup rocket, TG112 as we knew that it
works but we were aware that the decoration may change the
momentum of the rocket)

3) Unusable stopper
In the first trial day, one thing that we forgot to buy was the
stopper. So we did solve the problem by creating the new one. We
used the paper folded and rolled then hold it with the tape so that it
formed the shape like the stopper. We found out that it is not so good
to create pressure as it could not entirely close the bottle.
Improvement: We used the plastic stopper that can suit to the
bottle, and it really helped because it entirely closed the bottle and
created pressure also it was mighty that we could use it over and
over until the project ended.

4) The destruction of the launcher

Our first version of unmodified launcher also has the faulty in its
design. As the tubes that supposed to support the target was too
weak that it fell down from 45 degree to 0 degree and also the
launcher has nothing to hold the rocket that when we placed it, it slide
down to the ground. Also when we hold the launcher it broke down to
smaller pieces of tube
Improvement: We modified the launcher to make it stronger and
more stable. First of all we use the plastic glue to connect them tightly
so they will not fall down(except two connection point used for
rotating). With the stability we use the Polypropylene board to make a
triangle with 40 degree to support the tubes that they will be able to
support the weight of the rocket. Also we cut the board in rectangle
shape and created two holes and stabbed it to the tubes that it will
stop the rocket from sliding down.

5) The wrong type of chemical substance

We realised at the second trial that the rocket didnt go so far
not because the proportion of chemical is wrong, but it is the chemical
substance that is wrong. We mistake the substance at the first place
as we bought the baking powder with contain only 30% sodium
bicarbonate in it. Therefore the rocket didnt work out so well.
Improvement: We bought the pure baking soda and used it
instead, and it worked.

6) Not enough pressure
After the trials we noticed that our rocket didnt go so far as we
expected. So we tried to find out and it turned out that it is because
the Polypropylene board, that we used to stop the rocket from sliding
down, has a hole for the stopper as the first time we think that the
stopper need space to bounce out from the bottles. But actually it
need something to push it so that the rocket can push it and go
Improvement: We just switched the side of the Polypropylene
board so that there is no hole for the stopper to lessen it pressure.
And the rocket can create more force by push the board and go

7) The escape of TG115

As we made the new rocket, named TG115. In the launching
day, there are error with the amount of chemical used and the wind
direction. It caused the rocket to fly away outside the school heading
North. The rocket flew away and went beyond the school territory into
another area with the walls, that we could not go and get the rocket
back, thus it was gone forever.
Improvement: At that time we still got some time in the period
so we used the backup rocket, TG112, to do the trial. So we used it
without any decoration or fins

8) Decoration of TG112
As it was very urgent that TG115 was gone. TG112 had not
been decorated at that time and the lab technician had warned us
about the decoration score; it will be low because there was nothing
but the bottle and the plastic head, no fins and decoration.
Improvement: At that time we didnt do any decoration yet
because we thought that we should use the trial time efficiency and

trying to launch the rocket first. Since we could do the decorating
after school.

9) Instability of TG112
We did many trial with TG112, and we started to noticed that it
landed with shorter and shorter distance while we had not reach 20
metres. And we started to notice the way that the rocket landed; it
spin a little bit before it landed. It did not go straight forward and we
think that it is the reason that it landed quickly as it lack of momentum
to reach the target.
Improvement: We decided to stop the trial and modified the
rocket. As we know that the result would be the same. So we made it
fins and stick it symmetrically to the rocket using the edges of paper
to help guide the position of the fin. We also added tape at the top of
the rocket in order to make it heavier so that it would not spin before it

10) The direction of the rocket

After sticked the fins to TG112, we faced another problem that
when we launched it, it will be a little bit to the side not straight as it
should be. We then noticed that it is because the fins, not that they
are in the wrong position. But when we placed the rocket in the
launcher, its fins bended, and that changed the direction of the
Improvement: As we know that the fin bended, we were being
more careful to put the rocket on the launcher, as we have to put it in
the position that the fins will not be interfered by the launcher.

11) Amount of Chemical used

We had been sticking with the same amount of vinegar which
was around 500-530 mL, that the rocket went further than 20 metre
and did not land in the target.

Improvement: We reduced the amount of vinegar by little
amount each round to the range of 400-500 mL and the rocket
started to get closer and closer to the target.

12) Pouring the Vinegar

There were sometimes that we did not pour the vinegar
carefully enough, and it split out. And those split vinegar may created
some small error on the measurement. Especially when Pin poured it
Improvement: We did not let Pin pour it, and let Jaja did it
instead, also we tried to pour it slowly in order to lessen the amount
that split out from the cylinder.

13) Stuck in the tree

Wind direction is one of the important factor, that we used to
think that it wouldnt affect that much. But in the launching, we set the
launcher in the middle of the way straight to the target and the rocket
went out well, but the wind blew it that it get up and stuck in the tree.
Improvement: We get help from P Win, the lab technician, and
we decided to see and consider the wind direction before launching
the rocket. When the wind blow to the right, we set the launcher a
little bit to the left, so that the wind will bend the direction and it would
go to the target.


For conclusion, this experiment are using the physics concept such
as free fall, projectile also impulse and momentum which can make the
rocket fly into the target and the best data that our group has collect is
when we use 430 ml of vinegar, 34.00 g of baking soda and put the
launcher at 45 degree. The rocket hit the target at accuracy is 3 on the
fourth day. Our group analyze that the reason that the rocket flew and hit
the target is when we use the stable chemical and be careful of the external


For the recommendation, if our group have an opportunity to do this

project again,we will try to improve all the errors and also add some more
decoration of the rocket. Not only for the rocket but also for the base or the
launcher, we will make it more stronger and make it so that we can control
the angle of the base because if it can be controlled, the rocket can go
further. Also we will be more careful about external factor such as the fin of
the rocket ,the wind and etc. At last, we will entry the data more specific
and more clearly. For example,the volume of the solution like baking soda
and vinegar will be more exact number and should be equal in anytime we

Impulse and momentum. (2013, February 19). Retrieved from
Projectile. (n.d.). Retrieved from
PubChem Compound Database. (2017, February 25). Retrieved from
PubChem Compound Database. (2017, February 25). Retrieved from
Newtons Law. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Newtons First Law of Motion. Retrieved from
Newtons Second Law of Motion. Retrieved from
Newtons Third Law of Motion. Retrieved from
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Projectile Motion Formula. Retrieved from
Free Fall. Retrieved from
Momentum. Retrieved from
Impulse. Retrieved from



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