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Name: Kristian Solema Kuli

NIM: 2016370001
Faculty: Science and Technology
Journal Federal Government

The investigating authorities are conducting an investigation relating to a call at the end of December by
Mike Flynn, (the national security advisor of President Donald Trump) to the Russian ambassador. This
investigation was conducted as part of a counterintelligence investigation of a wider range of Russian
activity in United State. In that talk, they allegedly discussed the possibility of additional sanctions
imposed suspension Barack Obama's administration last December as a result of hacking Russia in the
elections. In other hands, Chairman said that currently there is no requirement to explore the case relating
to alleged Contacts Russian officials and campaign aides of President Trump, but the real problem is leaks
to the news media on the subject of Russia. until now there has been no evidence found to be associated
with problems of communication with Russia and several witnesses said there was no evidence of
inappropriate communications between Trump aides and Russia.
Because of get calling with the Russian ambassador, Mike Flynn resign from his position as the national
security advisor of President Donald Trump. Based on the article, it is true that Mike Flynn did
communication with Russian ambassador, but it was not an appropriate communication that prohibited by
the United States Government. This can be proved from the resignation letter that Mike Flynn wrote. He
said that it was not as the accusation that he gets. Maybe there is some parties in White House that already
plan for this to eliminate Mike Flynn from his position as the national security advisor of President
Donald Trump. But if this is true that Mike Flynn did an appropriate communication with Russian, it can
impact on politic of United States because some information had leaked to other countries.

President United States, Donald Trump intends to slash spending money on many federal governments
sensitive programs, which are relating with education, the environmental. Science and poverty, economic,
and then shift billion more to the armed forces. The nonmilitary program was cut and increase the military
spending by $54 billion. President final decision to delay Medicare and Social security until next year.
Trump purpose the proposal have to be ready in October, if congress fail to pass the budget. Trump will
drastically rewrite the tax code. Denounced come from environmental advocates, saying that
environmental will broke, while government focus on increase national security. Disagreement from some
parties that make the Trumps purpose denied. Instead, Trump will gain the military need from one part of
budget already squeezed, domestic discretionary spending.
With the way of Donald Trump seeking for the money to strengthen the United States military, it can be
said as mistake that he did. He cut nonmilitary programs, which are education, the environmental. Science
and poverty, economic, to channeling the money for military. This is an appropriate way as a president. It
is true that a country should make the national defense become stronger, but some aspects like education,
economic, environmental is very important for a country. There is no point if the strengthening of defense
but, the economic, educational and environmental not heeded. In other hand, this is important for United
States because one of important thing that makes other country afraid to United States is the military. If
the military of United States become strong, automatically easier it is to cooperate with other countries.

Donald Trump says that ex-president of United States is the one who responsible to the angry protests that
have erupted at Republican town halls around the nation during an interview on the Fox News morning
program Fox. He revealed that they are Obamas people that spread the leak from White House, he also
said that this is very dangerous for national security. Trump said that the supports have been paid to
intimidate Donald Trump. Before that Fox News give a news about on-profit group Organizing for Action
was planning the protests. After that, Trump send a tweet said "so-called angry crowds" were planned by
"liberal activists."
This is maybe forms of community dissatisfaction with government of Donald Trump that caused many
things that did not like by the society. For example, when Donald Trump become a President of United
States, he limits the Muslim people go to America. Even Muslim people lived in Unite States from years
ago, have to go from United States. He said that Obama ex-president of United States behind all of this
because people that involved in angry protest is Obamas people when Obama become President of
United States. This news is not really important of United States politic because this can cause a split
between supporters of Obama and supporters Donald Trump.

President of United States Donald Trump, gives grade A for himself because his leadership during the
become president of United States. In an interview, he said that he gives mark C to how he
communication. I think Ive done great things, but I dont think I have I and my people I dont
think weve explained it well enough to the American public, he said. I think I get an A in terms of what
Ive actually done, but in terms of messaging, Id give myself a C or a C-plus. Said Donald Trump. He
also blames to ex-president of United States Obama, because Obama not good at organizing the
government. Besides that, he called the House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi Incompetent and gently
criticized his own press secretary for how he has handled leaks. Donald Trump reveal that he got much
support from American people.
This is good for United States politic because grade from A from Donald Trump signify the quality of his
potential as United States. That means American politic much better than before because he has critical
thinking. By his critical thinking, he can improve the United States politic. Non-only improve the politic,
but also the other aspect, for example military. Because assertive person he can manage the military
become stronger than before.

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