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How to Write Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

and Studies (Source: Methods
of Research & Thesis Writing by
Jose F. Calderon)
Architectural Design 9
MIT, School of AR-ID & BE
Prepared by Arch. Carlos P. Sauco
a. Characteristics of Materials Cited
1. The material must be recent as
possible. This is important because of
the rapid social, political, scientific, and
technological changes.
2. Material must be as objective and
unbiased as possible. Some materials
are extremely one sided, either politically
or religiously biased. These should be
Characteristics of Materials Cited
3. Materials must be relevant to the
study. Only materials that have some
similarity to or bearing on the problem
researched on, should be cited.
4. Materials must not be too few but not
too many. They must be sufficient
enough to give the researcher insight
into his problem.
b. Ways of Citing Related Literature
and Studies
1. By author or writer.
For ex.: According to Enriquez (1981), praise
helps much in learning..
2. By topic.
For ex.: It has been found out that praise is an
important aid in learning of children.1
3. Chronological. Related materials may be cited
chronologically, that is, according to the year
they were written.
c. What to Cite
" It should be emphasized that only the
major findings, ideas, generalizations,
principles, or conclusions in related
materials must be cited.

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