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008. 1. DATA IDENTIFICATION: 1.1 School: Municipal Elementary School "Olegario B
ueno." 1.2 Entity Maintainer: State Department of Education 1.3 Degree of Educat
ion: Elementary school 04.01 Address: Rua Maestro Carlos Gomes, 551. 1.5 Municip
ool was established by Decree No. 16,581 of January 30, 1981, under the name EEP
G "Olegario Bueno" with your installation occurred in 18/02 the same year. The d
ate of its creation to give in times of school holidays, we celebrate symbolical
ly the anniversary of our school on August 11. As of 01/01/1999, by operation of
law, all schools in the state system have to implement changes in name, being n
amed to EE "Olegario Bueno." IN August 2 of that year, due to the decentralizati
on of education, began to call himself EMEF "Olegario Bueno." The school has stu
dents with an average 7-11 years of age, enrolled 269, and 241 frequent and 28 t
ransferred. The socio-economic profile is quite diverse, but most of the student
s is located in the minimum wage, 50% rely on school scholarship programs and he
lp in purchasing school supplies subsidized. Despite not having any with special
needs, the school provides an appropriate physical structure, in good condition
as well as the furniture it contains. 3. BACKGROUND The Municipal School of Bas
ic Education "Olegario Bueno" has as main function to respect and value the life
experiences of students and their families. Our purpose is to strengthen the st
udents, the human posture and values learned: the criticality, sensitivity, soci
al protest, creativity in the face of difficult situations, hope. We
thus forming human beings with dignity, identity and future hopes. 4. DIAGNOSIS
OF REALITY We live in a capitalist world, where to seek knowledge in order to ac
hieve social status and financial return, a society that uses war as an argument
and makes it the means to defend political and religious interests. A troubled
world, where the family, the central axis of society loses its identity, produci
ng children with no values, no principles. The consequences of the global crisis
interfere with the Brazilian situation: abandoned children, parents, unemployed
, low income, dysfunctional families, agriculture affected by consecutive years
of drought. Our school community is affected by the factors mentioned above. Bei
ng a newly formed community, is experiencing difficulties with infrastructure. T
rying to financial organization, have tried various options of culture, in some
cases few results profitably and in a way a disincentive, and now, trying to mil
k production, the purchase of a monthly income to cover minimal expenses such as
electricity , food and clothing. In education, our school's mission is to share
knowledge and encourage young people to stay on the field, developing critical
consciousness, so that it is able to analyze the realities of rural and urban, t
o search for new production techniques, respect the environment in search of a s
elf-sustainable farming. We also want our customers to interfere in their commun
ity, participating in decisions, sought solutions, maintaining good relationship
s, having this in your life to religious and moral values and ethical standards.
5. VISION OF EDUCATION, SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. 5.1 Overview of education Education
is one of formation processes of the human person. Processes through which indi
viduals are embedded in society, becoming and transforming their reality. 5.2 Ov
erview of school
Environment that takes into account all the dimensions of human development, whe
re knowledge is shared and systematized, with the task of forming human beings c
onscious of their rights and duties. 5.3 Overview of Environmental society in wh
ich the individual is integrated, producing and reproducing social relationships
, problems and proposing values, changing behaviors, deconstructing and construc
ting ideas, customs and ideas. Where is natural to think well of everyone and no
t just in itself. 6. PEDAGOGICAL TRENDS The school follows a number of matrices
that guide our teaching practice and experiences in this fundamental process of
humanizing the people, who also called for education. 6.1 Pedagogy of collective
organization Our school has a continuing challenge to disseminate new working r
elationships, the way of dividing tasks and think about the welfare of the whole
and the school community.€The school is organized collectively through new soc
ial relations that produces and reproduces values, alternating behaviors, custom
s and ideas. Building collective learning organically makes the school a window
into the vision of a new world and a culture of thinking in the good of all. 6.2
Pedagogy of work At work our school believes the student shares knowledge, buil
ds skills and shape consciousness. The work itself is already a pedagogical pote
ntial, and the school makes it more fully educational, as we help our students u
nderstand their relationship with the other dimensions of human life. In everyda
y learners develop school garden work in order to experience the knowledge in th
e field of agriculture and help in self sustenance of school meals, care for the
environment conservation while maintaining the space the school clean, recycled
garbage, heritage conservation education. 6.3 Pedagogy of choice We say that th
ere is a pedagogy of choice as they will recognize that the school community is
educated, more when it humanizes exercises
ability to make choices and reflect on them. By having to take responsibility fo
r own decisions individuals in the educational process learn to master impulses,
influences, and also learn the values that maintains consistency between the wo
rds and figures that effectively we live is a challenge always lived in the buil
ding school. 6.4 Pedagogy of history The school believes that the cultivation of
memory is more than understanding the very cold month. The pedagogy of history
is based on not only see history as a discipline and pass the work it as an impo
rtant dimension of the whole educational process. The community has a history th
at has been unleashed on the move, because all the families came from different
communities and have gone through various social conflicts until they reach this
place, so the school has the key role of keeping alive and always in full rescu
e this process was by the community. 7. PHILOSOPHY OF SCHOOL Educate starting fr
om the beginning: Practice, theory and practice in pursuit of building a just, e
galitarian, lived values and socially useful knowledge, targeting the full devel
opment of the human subject's social context and capable of transforming environ
ment in which they live. 8. GENERAL PURPOSE Being physical space, educational, p
olitical and cultural training of subjects of full citizenship and critical awar
eness, able to generate and share knowledge, transforming them into concrete and
learning enabler that promotes the growth of social community Chavantense. 8.1
Objectives of education levels 8.1.1 Basic Education Develop capacity for learni
ng, a researcher posture, self esteem, appreciation of land values for training,
strengthening of family bonds and community life through socially useful knowle
dge in order to exert its citizenship. 8.2. Specific Objectives
- Develop the organizational capacity of the learners regarding the preservation
and cleaning of the educational environment, punctuality, schedules of school a
nd zeal to the heritage school - Experience with the school community, attitudes
such as humility, respect, attitude, discipline, solidarity and love for Land -
Building an educational environment that links with the community through econo
mic processes, political and cultural - Growing the collective memory of the Bra
zilian people, valuing the pedagogical dimension of the history of the working c
lass - to offer the school community, moments of study, in order to qualify to w
ork with the school community; Search the combination of theory and practical wo
rk as tools to develop skills and knowledge socially useful to the community sch
ool. 9. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY We want students to be more people and not only cog
nizant of skills and technical skills. They need to learn to speak, read, calcul
ate, compare, discuss, discuss, talk, feel, analyze, relate, celebrate, learn to
articulate their own thinking and feeling, in tune with its history of struggle
for land, ie , and conscientious citizens capable of interacting in society. Th
e proposed education of our school has an emphasis on three important aspects in
the issue of teaching methodology: generating themes; práticateoria-practice,
and collective participation. The study themes from generators as a way to take
the concrete reality the starting point of education, an approach to overcome st
agnant and outdated teaching / learning process more attractive and meaningful t
o learners. Thus, this method of teaching makes the process teachinglearning mor
e focused on the needs and interests of the people.€In general we can say that
Themes Generators are matters or issues drawn from reality. Around these issues
are developed content and practices throughout the school. From this we wish to
specifically intervene in reality. Through the relationship between practice and
theory and practice, we aim to ensure that students are encouraged to understan
d how to use the
practice the social skills that will produce at school. We have great concern wi
th learning skills, practical knowledge that only concrete action can provide. W
e want a method that teaches not only say but also how, in the various dimension
s of human life. The collective participation causes the students to experiences
and assures them the right to take time and a voice in everyday education. Teac
hing methods and didactics used by educators should encourage students to take a
s subjects of teaching-learning process: they have opinions, positions disputes,
questions, questions, together with educators, parents and others. The day-to-s
chool day should be an area of concentration for the study, but also speech, dis
cussion, expression of feelings. Education is not just the work of intelligence,
of thought, is also the warmth, the feeling. And it is this combination that mu
st be both the act of educating, as in being educated and should be the cornerst
one of the relationship educadoreducando, sustained by the companionship and res
pect towards n profound and liberating word. 10. PROFILE OF EDUCATING INTENDS TO
FORM We want our learners to be able to: â ¢ feel indignation at injustice and lo
ss of human dignity, â ¢ to provide companionship and solidarity in the relations
between people, as well as respect for cultural differences, racial and personal
styles , â ¢ plan activities and share tasks, and discipline in work and study; â ¢
demonstrate ecological sensitivity and respect for the environment, â ¢ the finan
cial standing practice of criticism and self-criticism as well as the creativity
and initiative on the problems; â ¢ dream, to share the dream and the actions to
perform it; â ¢ demonstrate an attitude of humility, but also self-confidence. 11.
- Build learning environment where all segments of the school community feel res
ponsible for the educational process and the conservation of heritage education;
- Raise awareness of the importance of the study as a source of knowledge and r
eady-assertion - Encourage community participation in the actions of school - Be
ing space for interaction and discussion leading the search for alternatives - H
ave all children of school age, attending school; 2.11 Shares - Holding meetings
with all segments of the school community to organize school activities - Condu
cting civic moments chanting hymns weekly for National State of the City Council
and School - Achievement, students with the help of teachers, drama, recitation
of poems, dance, contributing to the enrichment of culture. - Weekly cleaning t
he schoolyard - Effort cleaning at the beginning of the school year - Provision
of school buildings for meetings for religious, ecumenical worship services, mee
tings, - Conduct meetings with the School Board - Holding meetings with the Circ
le of Parents and Teachers - Carrying out of talks with the Guardian Council, ps
ychological and community people - Collecting donations for charities. - Realiza
tion of events for the acquisition of resources to achieve educational outings -
Organisation of rendering accounts to the school community. 12. EVALUATION unde
rstand evaluation as a continuous and cumulative process, contextualized by the
whole school community. Individual assessment practices are carried out. 12.1 Ex
pression of results of diagnostic evaluation, investigative, participatory, taki
ng into consideration the student as a whole, their cultural background and diff
The evaluation is done consistently and continuously throughout the entire schoo
l year, through the verification of the content being studied. It held: summativ
e assessment, one of the best examples is the objective test (all kinds of tests
, reports, questionnaires). Formative assessment, which aims to monitor the proc
ess of learning, growth and development of students and this is done through dai
ly observation). 12.2 Recovery Evaluation Studies as we have described is a cont
inuous process and should prevail over the qualitative quantifiers. Based on thi
s thinking the study of recovery is offered to all students,€where the educator
noted deficiencies in the process is parallel. Frequency Control 3.12 The stude
nt will be promoted to the next grade if it has a frequency equal to or greater
than seventy-five per cent of the annual timetable. The frequency control is rec
orded in record books, the use of educators, which are filed at the end of the y
ear, the Secretariat of the school. If absence of the student generate danger of
failing, parents will be invited to meeting at school and be notified of the da
nger of failure of (a) child (a). If the absences continue, the case is forwarde
d to the School Board. So even if the problem continues, it will be sent to the
Guardian Council, so that it takes the action according to law. 12.4 Documentati
on school the end of the school will give the school certificate of completion o
f primary education, as well as school records in two ways. 13. CONCLUSION In co
ncluding this work, we affirm that our school needs to be an open space where al
l subjects are encouraged to exercise choice, but small and big things, so as to
learn how to cultivate values and reflect on them all the time. Only then will
we be the school we are.
BRAZIL. Law No. 9394 of December 20, 1996: establishes the guidelines and bases
for national education. Brazil. Primary Education Department. The national curri
culum. Primary Education Department. - Brasilia: MEC / SEF, 1997. 130p. BAFF, Ad
elia Maria Teixeira. The professional profile of the learner in the educational
project. Education in Focus, Petropolis, 2002. VASCONCELLOS, C. S. Planning: Pla
n for Teaching and Learning and Educational Project. São Paulo: Libertate, 1995

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