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Annex I


Annex II
SHEETS-EXAMPLE OF CRITERIA FOR EVIDENCE Area Culture, Language, Communication
1. The sitema credits 1.1. The equivalent credit? 1.2. Under what conditions sho
uld a jury give a credit? 1.3. How many credits are needed for certification? 2.
The use of tokens, such as support material 2.1. Functional equivalence 2.2. Li
fe situations 2.3. Clues to the work 3. The key skills that match a profile of t
he secondary level?
Appendix II
Unit of Competency 1: Identify and explore the various features of the equipment
and technical systems, involving language and cultural skills, with a view to m
aximum utilization and achieving more effective and participatory performances.
Core Generator: Equipment and Systems Technicians (EST)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Home Appliances
Dealing with equipment and technical systems in context by accessing the multitu
de of private functions that behave and recognizing their creative dimension
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 1
Professional context
Professional Equipment
Act upon equipment and technical systems in a professional context combining spe
cialized knowledge and maximizing their varied resources in establishing and dev
eloping contacts
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 2
Institutional context
Users, Consumers and Complaints
Use knowledge of equipment and technical systems to facilitate integration, comm
unication and action in institutional contexts
Technical assistance
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 3
Technical Changes and Developments
Relate changes and technical developments with new forms of access to informatio
n, culture and knowledge also provided by new technological media of communicati
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 4
Annex II
Sheet-Example 1: Appliances
Core Generator: Equipment and Systems Technicians (EST) Field Reference: Culture
, Language, Communication in the private context (1) Topic: Home Appliances (ED)
Culture Type I - Identify the wide range of appliances available in private cont
ext, the equipment they are also mobilized in the production of cultural and art
istic (eg camcorders). Type II - Understanding of the various technical equipmen
t - and its possible use in combination - are related to cultural and artistic e
xpressions made up of different levels of complexity. Type III - Explore the dev
elopment of creative interests and arrangements in the framework of initiatives
to raise awareness of the arts and culture, as is the case, in particular, the a
ctivities undertaken by educational services for cultural and artistic entities
(museums, art centers, film theaters, among others). Language Type I - Identifyi
ng the meaning units necessary for the understanding of texts, of the private do
main, related to the resolution of problems of personal life, especially when ha
ndling household appliances. Type II - Understanding the meanings of texts, taki
ng into account the accomplishments language used to express instructions, inclu
ding use of drawings and diagrams. Type III - engaging, interacting orally and i
n writing, in order to resolve problems concerning the installation and use of h
ousehold equipment. Communication Type I - Identify precisely the characteristic
s of communications equipment for home use. Type II - Understand and make the an
alysis of information in various media, related to the benefits of the acquisiti
on and use of various household appliances in the area of communication. III typ
e - Interact, using appropriate information to the intended effects in terms of
equipment for home use.
Sheet-Example 2: Engines
Core Generator: Equipment and Systems Technicians (EST) Field Reference: Culture
, Language, Communication in a professional context (2) Topic: Professional Equi
pment (PE)
Culture Type I - Identify the set of technical equipment belonging to the mechan
ics of the scene in theaters. Type II - Understanding the specific features of v
arious types of engines relating them to different possibilities of designing sc
enarios.€III type - to relate the mechanics of the scene with the other dimensi
ons of the operation of theaters, including lighting and sound trips. Language T
ype I-Identify content related to the topic, from various clues, performing oper
ations, pre-reading / listening / viewing. Type II - Understanding the meanings
of texts (oral and written), recognizing the effectiveness of the linguistic mea
ns used in the expression of instructions for assembly and use of equipment in a
professional context. Type III - Interact linking from the topic, informative t
exts with texts expressive and creative, reflecting on the functioning of langua
ge in these kinds of texts, such as lexical meaning. Communication Type I - Iden
tify the content in virtual support, necessary for obtaining information on topi
cs of study (or interest) related to the theme. Type II - Understanding the info
rmation collected in various media / media, organizing it to study issues / curr
ent events of interest, individually or collectively, to further use of it. Type
III - Interact, using the correct information from various media and using vari
ous media / media in order to purchase and / or use of technical equipment in a
professional context.
Annex II
Example sheet 3: Technical assistance
Core Generator: Equipment and Systems Technicians (EST) Field Reference: Knowled
ge, Power and Institutions in Culture, Language, Communication (3) Topic: Users,
Consumers and Complaints (UCR)
Culture Type I - Identify various forms of technical assistance and agents, in c
ontexts / cultural consumption. Type II - Mastering forms of technical assistanc
e provided by their equipment and technical systems, exploring, namely interacti
vity in contexts of cultural practices. Type III - Understanding the diversity o
f forms of technical assistance taking into account the institutional contexts o
f the cultural field. Language Type I - Identify information related to the them
e in texts / documents using multiple clues: plan, layout, titles, connectors, p
aragraphs, diagrams, pictures, still or animated images and maps. Type II - Unde
rstand and analyze the forms of treatment, language registers, register formal a
nd informal, oral and written, according to the positioning of the subject again
st the other in the communication situation (purchase, complaint). III type - In
teract orally and in writing situations, for example, complaints, applying rules
correctly functioning of language, emphasizing ideas, eliminating ambiguities a
nd modalized speech communication established case requires. Communication Type
I - Identify the type (or types) of communication equipment recommended for diff
erent interactions, taking into account the characteristics and functions of equ
ipment. Type II - Understanding the procedures of the adequacy of means to ends
in view, namely, communication with public or private. Type III-Interact, using
various media / media, and awareness of social conventions, attitudes singular o
r collective rituals of the community it belongs to and the adequacy of the spee
ch to the communicative situation.
Example sheet 4: The Photography
Core Generator: Equipment and Systems Technicians (EST) Field Reference: Stabili
ty and Change: the Society to the Universe (4) Topic: Trends and Transformations
Techniques (TET)
Culture Type I - Identify the key moments in the evolution of photographic techn
ique. Type II - To distinguish the various uses of photography in relation to co
ntexts and purposes (artistic or not). Understand the place of photography in mu
ltidisciplinary artistic projects. Type III - Exploring access to works of art b
y means of photographic reproduction and contrast this experience with direct co
ntact with the works themselves (through visits to museums). Language Type I - I
dentify, in texts / documents (abstract, chapters, titles, icons, hypertext link
s ,...) information on the evolution of equipment. Type II - Understanding and o
rganizing the information collected on resumes, diagrams and semantic maps of te
xts from different periods, with a view to its further use. Type III - Interact
orally and in writing, showing a view of the role and consequences of changes an
d technical developments in their personal and social conditions and changes in
language and culture. Communication Type I - Identify the communicative intent o
f information related to the topic,€conveyed through different types of media.
Type II - Understanding the different codes used by different media in the devel
opment and promotion of different equipment and technical systems in the field o
f communication. Type III - Interact, debating changes in the various media and
the consequences arising therefrom in the circulation of information.
Competency Unit 2: Intervene in matters related to environment and sustainabilit
y, decoding symbols, producing clear indication in favor of practices for the pr
otection of natural resources and arguing in the debate, taking into account the
role of mass media on public opinion.
Core Generator: Environment and Sustainability (AS)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Consumption and Energy Efficiency
Regulate energy consumption by applying technical expertise and interpretive
Energy expenditures
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 5
Professional context
Waste and Recycling
Act according to the perceptions of the implications of recycling processes in a
professional context, recognizing the added value of its use, using the effecti
ve communication of messages act before the natural resources, recognizing the i
mportance of safeguarding and participating in activities aimed at their protect
The materials used
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 6
Institutional context
Natural resources
Natural resources
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 7
Act according to the understanding of the various impacts of climate change on h
uman activity
The landscape
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 8
Annex II
Sheet-Example 5: The energy expenditure
Core Generator: Environment and Sustainability (AS) Field Reference: Culture, La
nguage, Communication in the private context (1) Background: Consumption and Ene
rgy Efficiency (EEC)
Culture Type I - Identify the energy expenditure associated with different equip
ment (TV, CD player, VCR, computer, etc.) operated in cultural consumption. Type
II - Compare and discuss different situations and options in terms of cultural
consumption and their energy expenditure. Type III - Relate energy expenditure,
cultural practices and lifestyles. Language Type I - Identify illocutionary acts
that allow the awareness in private context, the containment of energy expendit
ure (for example, with energy use and appliances). Type II - Understand, through
reading, listening and viewing of information, symbols and other elements that
lead to significant fuel savings in private context. Type III - Acting, using li
nguistic traces of argument to convince the other elements of energy saving prac
tices. Communication Type I - Identify the communicative intent associated with
the need for the transmission of information about efficient energy consumption.
Type II - Understand the importance and ways of transmitting information of thi
s kind, through technological means available. Type III - Interact with linguist
ic adaptation to various types of receptors for the creation of good practice in
everyday life, in terms of energy savings.
Sheet-Example 6: The materials used
Core Generator: Environment and Sustainability (AS) Field Reference: Culture, La
nguage, Communication in a professional context (2) Theme: Waste and Recycling (
Culture Type I - Identify various recycling processes used by artists, designers
, technical education, among others. Type II - Learn to adapt the use of materia
ls used at different artistic forms and outcomes. Type III - Exploring the socia
l and political concerns that may be associated in some universes and artistic m
ovements, integration of materials used in the production of artworks. Language
Type I - Identify verb forms, such as those of "plan", "respect", "separate" (ru
bbish) and "recycle." Type II - Interpret readings on long practice of recycling
of materials. Type III - Interact professionally, using semantic fields in the
area of waste and recycling, other motivating factors to act appropriately to pr
eserve the environment. Communication Type I - Identify the intonation, pauses,
the logical organization of ideas in institutional advertising messages sent on
recycling practices.€Type II - Understanding the importance of individual oral
discourse in a professional context (eg in meetings of associations and trade un
ions) to global sustainable development. Type III - Relating to environmental re
sponsibility of companies with their daily practices, the level of environmental
protection with the influence of advertising campaigns.
Annex II
Sheet-Example 7: The natural heritage
Core Generator: Environment and Sustainability (AS) Field Reference: Knowledge,
Power and Institutions in Culture, Language, Communication (3) Theme: Natural Re
sources (NR)
Culture Type I - Identify different forms of natural heritage. Type II - Underst
and the place - has a greater or lesser centrality - of natural heritage in town
planning, architectural, tourism, among others. Type III - Explore the importan
ce of preserving the natural heritage for the continued development of cultural
practices and the affirmation of the socio-cultural identity of the localities.
Language Type I - Identifying marks a callout that is based on and reinforces an
idea for or against the intervention in environmental terms (eg, title and subt
itle, underlined, photographs, appropriate vocabulary, etc.).. Type II - Underst
and the use of forms of treatment within the institutions for proper interventio
n in the oral and written (eg, an intervention process and public debate about t
he construction of a dam or an incinerator). Type III - Interact individually or
together with other elements, sending letters of praise or protest to various i
nstitutions on matters related to the intervention in natural resources. Communi
cation Type I - Identify individual and collective rights from the reading of pa
rts of the Portuguese Constitution that are related to the preservation of natur
al heritage. Type II - Understand different types of texts to intervene in order
to protect natural resources, from other individuals or social institutions. Ty
pe III - Interact with the production of texts in local or regional newspapers,
encouraging the preservation of natural spaces that encourage jobs to support a
more balanced distribution in human territory.
Sheet-Example 8: The landscape
Core Generator: Equipment and Systems Technicians (EST) Field Reference: Stabili
ty and Change: the Society to the Universe (4) Topic: Climate (C)
Culture Type I - Identify different types of landscapes as well as the elements
that refer to them, namely, urban, rural, population concentration, desertificat
ion, climate change. Type II - Understanding the evolution of the landscape of a
place - a neighborhood, a place - taking into account changing environmental an
d urban planning, among others, using, for example, the materials of the iconogr
aphic memory of this place. Type III - Explore how the landscape was presented f
or visual arts in different times in its history, linking changes in the level o
f artistic expression with changes and input from other spheres of knowledge of
reality (as science). Language Type I - Identifying language resources permittin
g the expression of views and critical thinking, defending its position against
any intervention in natural resources. Type II - Interpreting the semantic evolu
tion of the concept of landscape, so diachronic, through literary texts. Type II
I - interact to produce narrative and descriptive texts, focusing on the climate
and quality of life. Communication Type I - Identify, through textual decoding,
the effects on citizens' views, current affairs programs and public debate issu
ed by the media on climate change. Type II - Understanding, interpreting the com
municative intentions of radio, television, journalism and others. Type III - In
teract through various technological aids, producing informative texts, oral and
/ or writing about climate change worldwide.
Annex II
Competency Unit 3: Intervene in situations related to health, applying skills of
expression, decoding and communication in developing a culture of prevention, c
ompliance with rules and security means and being responsive to the diversity of
therapeutic resolution of disorders.
Core Generator: Health (S)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Basic Care
Interpret and report content for purposes of preventing the adoption of basic he
alth care in the domestic context
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 9
Professional context
Risk Behaviors and Healthy
Intervene in a professional context apprehending and communicating rules and saf
ety facilities and developing a culture of prevention
Prevention and safety
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 10
Institutional context
Medicines and Medication
Relate the multitude of therapies with cultural diversity, respecting different
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 11
Pathology and Prevention
Mobilize their own cultural, linguistic and communication to deal with diseases
and preventive care associated with aging and increased life expectancy
Pathology and Prevention
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 12
Annex II
Sheet-Example 9: Leisure
Core Generator: Health (S) Field Reference: Culture, Language, Communication in
the private context (1) Theme: Basic Care (BC)
Culture Type I - Identify different types of leisure activities (sociability, in
formation outlets, amateur). Type II - List of leisure activities and characteri
stics of individuals who practice them, such as age, sex, occupation, social ori
gin. Type III - Addressing the theme of lifestyles by examining the ways in diff
erent social groups leisure is linked (or not) with other dimensions of health -
exercise and nutrition. Language Type I - Identify opportunities for leisure ti
me, by selecting and organizing information on leisure activities. Type II - Und
erstanding, through texts of diverse nature, the wealth of training equipment an
d a range of leisure activities, adjectival them and comparing them. Type III -
Interact orally and in writing, properly and correctly, for the practice of leis
ure activities, developing argumentative strategies. Communication Type I - Iden
tify information in various media, related to leisure activities. Type II - Unde
rstanding the intentions of the interlocutors in different situations and media,
Type III - Interact and take the forms of action appropriate to the communicati
ve situation and the intended effects, according to the media and media used.
Sheet Example 10: Prevention and Safety
Core Generator: Health (S) Field Reference: Culture, Language, Communication in
a professional context (2) Topic: Risk Behaviors and Healthy (RCS)
Culture Type I - Identify the cultural sector professional groups that may requi
re particular attention to issues of working conditions, mechanisms for professi
onal certification and social security (dancers and actors, for example). Type I
I - Understanding the relevance of the existence of social security schemes spec
ific to certain professions (eg, the scheme which provides for the dancers to th
e advanced age of retirement, given that this is a profession of physical wear f
aster). Type III - Review the status of these issues in different European count
ries. Language Type I - Identify, in oral and written texts, messages, Exemplary
practices for preventing and / or safety under occupation. Type II - Understand
ing messages, oral and written, including the advertising text, related to the t
opic of prevention in the business context. Type III - Interact, to prevent the
breaches of safety standards and prevent harmful situations of physical and ment
al, individual and collective, in the context of professional practices. Communi
cation Type I - Identify messages in various media relating to the prevention an
d safety in professional contexts. Type II - Understanding the effectiveness of
messages, sent to various media, in the professional security. Type III - Going
through messages in various media, and according to the party, for the observanc
e of safety rules in performing the professional tasks.
Annex II
Sheet Example 11: Therapeutic
Core Generator: Health (S) Field Reference: Knowledge, Power and Institutions in
Culture, Language, Communication (3) Topic: Medicines and Medication (MM)
Culture Type I - Identify different types of medical treatment,€taking into acc
ount variables such as cultural background. Type II - Understanding the distinct
ive features of therapies of modern medicines and traditional medicines (also ca
lled 'natural'). Type III - Explore the reasons for the expansion of demand for
medical treatment 'alternative' in Western societies. Language Type I - Identify
, in oral and written texts, references to various therapies. Type II - Understa
nd different types of texts, including the literary canon, with the theme of the
rapies as a thread enters the discourse. Type III - Producing various statements
, oral or written, intended to provoke the desired rhetorical effect, within the
limitation and / or practice of activities of therapeutic nature. Communication
Type I - Identify different interactions, including with companies and institut
ions related to different therapies. Type II - Understanding messages in various
media-related activities in nature and its therapeutic efficacy. Type III - Int
eract with various interlocutors individual and collective, for the production o
f promotional materials (in various media) relating to various therapies.
Sheet Example 12: Aging
Core Generator: Health (S) Field Reference: Stability and Change: the Society to
the Universe (4) Topic: Pathology and Prevention (PP)
Culture Type I - Identify different situations of aging, taking into account dim
ensions such as autonomy, access to quality services, opportunities for particip
ation in social life, among others. Type II - Understanding the importance of pr
eventive care in the aging process. Type III - Analyze how the increase in life
expectancy in modern societies introduced new expectations, values and ways of e
xperiencing the various stages of life. Language Type I - Identify, in oral and
written texts, linguistic traces of the semantic field of aging. Type II - Under
stand different types of texts, including the literary canon, and the aging them
e. Type III - Produce texts of various kinds and with different purposes, relate
d to the topic of aging. Communication Type I - Identifying communicative intent
ions related to the topic of aging in various media, in particular, the technolo
gy like the Internet or specialized support lines. Type II - Understanding messa
ges in various media on the problems of aging. Type III - Interact, using differ
ent materials and media, including the media, with a view to changing approaches
to aging and the elderly in individual and social behavior.
Competency Unit 4: Intervening in situations related to the management and econo
mics decoding terminology, learn to speak on various financial matters, and appl
ying skills in different cultural contexts and procedures that help to streamlin
e the organization of work and time management.
Core Generator: Management and Economics (GE)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Budgets and Taxes
Set family budgets and fill tax forms dominating terminology and applying techno
logies that facilitate calculations, fills and shipping
The family budget
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 13
Professional context
Companies, Organisations and Management Models
Knowing how to fit the models of organization and management that values team wo
rk in conjunction with other specialized knowledge
The project team
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 14
Institutional context
Monetary and Financial Systems
Abide by understanding the operation of monetary and financial systems (as an el
ement of cultural setting and communication of contemporary societies)
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 15
Habits and Time Management
Identify the impacts of technical developments in managing time even recognizing
its effects on ways of processing and transmitting information
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 16
Annex II
Sheet Example 13 The family budget
Core Generator: Management and Economics (GE) Field Reference: Culture, Language
, Communication in the private context (1) Topic: Budget and Taxation (HI)
Culture Type I - Identify the family budget items that relate to leisure and cul
tural consumption.€Type II - Understanding the relationship between different c
ultural interests of the component households, to incur expenses of more than mo
mentary or continuous nature and the intended effects (short, medium and long te
rm). Type III - Relate cultural consumption and access modes, searching monetize
the cultural offer of free access (or made available at reduced prices, as most
ly happens in the local cultural initiatives), linking it with the cultural cons
umptions paid. Language Type I - Identify and lexical semantic fields related to
budgets and taxes, identifying the lexical and grammatical elements which appea
r in technical documents on expenditure, revenue and balance the family finances
. Type II - Understand and produce statements relating to taxes and budgets, sel
ecting the vocabulary clear and appropriate expression of their will or opinion,
but also the documents of expressive, creative and autobiographical who speak t
he same theme. Type III - Interact orally and in writing, seeking the necessary
information about budgets and taxes, selecting the grammatical features of langu
age that will have the desired effect in oral arguments and / or writing. Commun
ication Type I - Identify, in a virtual support, the necessary information for f
illing out tax returns or budgeting private. Type II - Understanding the informa
tion collected through new information and communication technologies to fill th
e tax return or for the preparation of household budgets. Type III - Act with ne
w technologies of information and communication comparing, selecting and applyin
g the information on taxes and budgeting that are best suited to the household.
Example 14-Sheet Organization charts
Core Generator: Management and Economics (GE) Field Reference: Culture, Language
, Communication in a professional context (2) theme: Companies, Organisations an
d Management Models (EOMG)
Culture Type I - Identify different types of organizational structure, making a
survey of functional departments. Type II - Relate different charts with differe
nt management models applied by the institutions to which they relate. Type III
- Exploring the functions that can cover the charts, putting hypotheses about th
e profile of the institutions (the intervention area, size of teams, etc..) Lang
uage Type I - Identify different types of text that can be used for organization
al communication. Type I - Understanding the differences of registration in vari
ous measures of organizational communication, dispelling misconceptions, stating
and reflecting on the linguistic markers of social relations. Type III - Acting
, producing different types of text as letters, circulars, memoranda. Communicat
ion Type I - Identify, through information and communication technologies, vario
us types of support for the establishment of organizational communication. Type
I - Understanding spelling conventions and the kind of language that is used in
the establishment of organizational communication. Type III - Act appropriately,
using, according to the characteristics of professional contexts, information t
echnology and communication in the establishment of organizational communication
Annex II
Sheet Example 15: The coin
Core Generator: Management and Economics (GE) Field Reference: Knowledge, Power
and Institutions in Culture, Language, Communication (3) Theme: Monetary and Fin
ancial Systems (MFS)
Culture Type I - Identify the functioning of different arts to its economic dime
nsion, ie one that treats the cultural and artistic goods. Type II - Understandi
ng the economic rationale for investing in art and culture. Type III - Explore h
ow the production and circulation of cultural and artistic can be affected by th
e dynamics of monetary and financial systems. Language Type I - identify the con
cepts of the Portuguese language in accordance with the contexts and interests (
English, foreign language, second language, language is not Portuguese ...) Type
II - Understand the importance of dissemination of the Portuguese language, com
paring it in various contexts where it is spoken. Type III - Act discourses prod
ucing cohesive and coherent, the various factors relating to disclosure of a lan
guage, such as cultural and economic. Communication Type I - Identify the face t
o the media representative elements of economic development in the context of na
tional financial systems.€Type II - Understanding the face to the media the rel
ationship between economic objectives versus public service objectives. Type III
- Act against the media being aware of the difference between economic goals an
d objectives of public service in the context of national financial systems.
The time sheet example -16
Core Generator: Management and Economics (GE) Field Reference: Stability and Cha
nge: the Society to the Universe (4) Topic: Habits and Time Management (UGT)
Culture Type I - Identify different activities and operations which indicate the
use of real time (eg, conversations and games via the Internet, videoconferenci
ng, some performing arts performances and exhibitions of visual arts). Type II -
Understand the purpose of the use of real time on the artwork in several areas.
Type III - Analyze how the real time changes the concepts of transmission, comm
unication and interaction, among others. Explore the gains and drawbacks of the
activities and operations carried out in real time. Language Type I - Identify t
he characteristics of the language register depending on the time factor. Type I
I - Understanding the evolution of several variations of language in time Type I
II - Act taking into account the influence of time variations of geographical sp
ace, the types of expressive modality and between socio-cultural layers. Communi
cation Type I - Identifying, listing over time, the adequacy of the speech to th
e media used. Type II - Understanding, in relation to different media, the role
of time in the records written and oral. Type III - Act, in relation to differen
t media by modifying the communication strategy depending on the time factor.
Annex II
Competency Unit 5: Intervening in the face of information technology and communi
cation in various contexts, involving language and cultural skills to enhance th
eir features, identifying the relationship between these technologies, the media
power and its effects on processes of institutional regulation.
Core Generator: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Radio Communications
Operate with the radio communications in the domestic context suitable to the ne
eds of the organization of everyday life and understanding how they incorporate
and raise different uses of language Dealing with electronic micro and macro soc
io-professional contexts in identifying its gains in the systematization of info
rmation, resulting also the specific programming language used to relate to the
media recognizing its impact on the formation of media power and having the perc
eption of the effects of the institutional regulation
Mobile phones
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 17
Professional context
Micro and Macroelectrónica
The computer
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 18
Institutional context
Media and Information
The media
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 19
Networks and Technologies
Understand the impact of internet networks in perceptual habits, developing a cr
itical attitude towards the content available there
The Internet
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 20
Annex II
Sheet Example 17: Cellphones
Core Generator: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Field Reference:
Culture, Language, Communication in the private context (1) Topic: Communication
s Radio (CR)
Culture Type I - Identify various features of mobile phones suitable for leisure
-time activities and / or cultural enjoyment. Type II - Understanding the integr
ation of mobile phones in leisure activities (games, capture, compose and send f
iles, for example) and related uses preferred social attributes of users - age,
sex, profession. Type III - Analyze advantages of mobile phones in the private c
ontext (eg, saving time and costs by avoiding physical displacement) and less fa
vorable aspects (eg, less any management capacity of interaction with others) ex
ploring future applications of mobile phones and possible effects in the ways of
organizing everyday life. Language type I - Identify the different forms of lan
guage use and their symbols and codes in information technology and communicatio
n, recognizing aspects verbal and nonverbal that differentiate them in English a
nd / or foreign language.€Type II - Understanding the linguistic markers (eg, v
ocabulary, grammar, phonology) in an oral text (phone conversation) and a text w
ritten in Portuguese and / or foreign language. Type III - Act orally and in wri
ting, via radio communications (mobile, landline, radio, television) in differen
t contexts, including the linguistic forms involved in the interaction and deter
mining the relation between text / image / sound in English and / or language fo
reign. Communication Type I - Identify the functions of the image on the languag
es used by technological means in the private domain. Type II - Understanding th
e communicative intent of the texts transmitted by technological means in privat
e context. Type III - Act using the various languages of technological means in
context for private enjoyment or problem solving, linking text type, support and
function, such as, for example, with mobile phones.
Sheet Example 18: The computer
Core Generator: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Field Reference:
Culture, Language, Communication in a professional context (2) Topic: Micro and
Macro Electronics (ME)
Culture Type I - Identify the potentialities of computer use in the processes of
communication, organization and information processing. Type II - Understand th
e advantages of organizing information in databases for assessing the results of
their work - among other things, permit the construction of various indicators
of activity. Type III - Exploring the relationship between new information and c
ommunication technologies and latest trends in the organization of work in vario
us sectors - the flexibility and versatility, among others. Language Type I - Id
entify ways of using language specific programming languages, based on the needs
of socio-professional context in English and / or foreign language. Type II - U
nderstanding the linguistic means of technological devices in computer socio-pro
fessional contexts in English and / or foreign language. Type III - Act in relat
ion to information technology and communication, manipulating the linguistic mea
ns of computer technology devices necessary for their socio-professional context
, in English and / or foreign language. Communication Type I - Identify technica
l and formal features (scripto and audiovisual) and in the light of technologica
l developments in information technology in a professional context. Type II - Un
derstanding content originating from different information technologies and comm
unication, linking them together. Type III - Acting, appropriately using the var
ious information technologies and communication in occupational context by discu
ssing and arguing the advantages, disadvantages of them.
Annex II
Sheet Example 19: The mass media
Core Generator: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Field Reference:
Knowledge, Power and Institutions in Culture, Language, Communication (3) Topic:
Media and Information (MI)
Culture Type I - Identify different methods of dissemination (advertising, journ
alistic treatment, among others) of cultural property by the mass media. Type II
- Understanding the relationship between various media (television, radio, news
papers) and varying degrees of visibility that authors and cultural and art can
get. Type III - Exploring the impact of the dissemination of cultural and artist
ic demand and membership of public, considering, for example, an advertising cam
paign around the release of a book or a movie on it and the interventions that h
ave cultural intermediaries, such as technical marketers, critics and journalist
s. Language Type I - Identify different text types used in the media in English
and / or foreign language. Type II - Understand the purpose and knowledge of the
conventions of organizing different types of texts disseminated by the media in
English and / or foreign language. Type III - Act with respect to different med
ia and is of the view text files on the same topic published in different media,
aware of the power of language use in the media and therefore acted responsibly
in society in English and / or foreign language. Communication Type I - Identif
y the power and function of images in different media type II - Understanding th
e media power in the forms of argument, persuasion and manipulation in the speec
hes of occupational interest and political€debates and advertising disseminated
by different media. Type III - act critically in all contexts to the different
languages used in the media.
Sheet Example 20: The Internet
Core Generator: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Field Reference:
Stability and Change: the Society to the Universe (4) Topic: Networks & Technolo
Culture Type I - Identifying different applications of the Internet in the artwo
rk. Type II - Understanding the relationship between the Internet and media art
(also called 'digital art' and 'interactive art'). Type III - Explore the walkin
g movement and the virtual space - cyberspace - the notion of 'visits', taking i
nto account the form of transit between sites, images, animations, multimedia an
d comparing the experience with the movement in space is not virtual. Language T
ype I - Identify the different structures of content available on the Internet n
etwork in the occupational context in English and / or foreign language. Type II
- Understanding the nature and structure of texts (such as expository and argum
entative) conveyed via the Internet, connecting this information with other type
s of support in English or foreign language. Type III - Act in relation to conte
nt available on the Internet network, outlining ideas, arguing, using critically
selected information from different sources on the Internet in English and / or
foreign language. Communication Type I - Identify compare the effect produced b
y typographical signs and codes in different image content available online. Typ
e II - Understanding the processes of receipt (electronic interaction / interact
ion in real time) of texts / documents on the Internet. Type III - Act criticall
y with different strategies for viewing and reading of texts available on the In
ternet, becoming aware of the differences between them.
Competency Unit 6: Intervene on issues related to mobility and urban planning, m
obilizing resources and linguistic communication in the recognition of functiona
lity of various systems of planning, the existence of urban planning, employment
opportunities in rural and urban contexts and cultural enrichment that flows ge
nerated by interpreting them as factors that enhance the quality of life. Core G
enerator: Urbanisation and Mobility (UM)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Construction and Architecture
Participate in the planning and construction of buildings using their own termin
ology and seeking to ensure conditions for the practice of leisure
The works
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 21
Professional context
Urbanity and Rural Affairs
Intervene in professional contexts considering rurality or urbanity that surroun
d them and trying to derive benefits for the socio-professional integration
The rural and urban heritage
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 22
Institutional context
Administration, Security and Territorial
Identify systems of territorial administration and its integrated operation
The networking equipment
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 23
Mobilities Local and Global
Relate mobility and migration with the spread of linguistic and cultural heritag
e and its impact
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 24
Annex II
Sheet Example 21: The works
Core Generator: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Field Reference:
Culture, Language, Communication in the private context (1) Topic: Urban Develop
ment and Mobility (UM)
Culture Type I - Identify the different needs of living spaces in the developmen
t of leisure-time activities (eg, integration of green areas and other areas tha
t may promote the development of sociability and conducting recreational activit
ies). Type II - Understanding how different life styles correspond to different
appropriations of living spaces. Type III - Exploring the relationship between t
he history of architecture and projects designed by several architects with rega
rd specifically to living spaces - with a focus on modern and contemporary archi
tecture. Language Type I - Identify the terminology associated with the construc
tion and architecture (eg, covered area, total area, m2, building design, permit
s, specifications, etc.).. Type II - Interpreting successful readings of this ar
ea,€learning the meanings of texts. Type III - Interact with other elements of
the private context with a view to building a harmonious and architecture and ad
apted to the demands of life and taste of each. Communication Type I - Identify,
in communicative contexts, the reference deÍctica and its functionality. Type
II - Find and organize information, aiming at the debate in the context of the p
rivate work to be done, given the construction and architecture. Type III - Inte
ract with workers and technicians, using appropriate terminology, taking into ac
count the situation of communication, in order to meet the specifications.
Sheet Example 22: The rural and urban heritage
Core Generator: Urbanism and Mobile (a) Field Reference: Culture, Language, Comm
unication in a professional context (2) Theme: Rural Policy and Urbanity
Culture Type I - Identify employment sectors related to the growing rural herita
ge and urban development by local authorities. Type II - Realizing the adequacy
of training and professionalism in order to respond, so qualified, the new marke
t needs by considering, for example, the range of training projects, with differ
ent formats (academic or professional updating), in area of cultural tourism. Ty
pe III - Exploring the relationship between the increasing demand for cultural t
ourism projects 'cultural quarters' (zones concentrating various services and ev
ents, often resulting in regeneration projects) and new employment opportunities
. Language Type I - Identify some phonetic variants, lexical semantics and the P
ortuguese language, through listening to "speak" of various regions and / or oth
er Lusophone countries. Type II - Understanding through the interpretation of se
veral readings, which the phenomena of inclusion and multiculturalism are also l
inked to mastery of Portuguese and / or foreign. Type III - Interact using diffe
rent language levels, according to the interlocutors and valuing differences in
language, for a better socio-professional integration. Communication Type I - Id
entify different communication supports oral and written English and / or foreig
n language. Type II - Differentiate utilities of literary texts from various tim
es, through its characteristics. Type III - Interact in group, for example, thro
ugh exposure or discussion, reinforcing the interest in preservation, balance an
d dynamics of rural and urban.
Annex II
Sheet Example 23: The network equipment
Core Generator: Urbanism and Mobile (a) Field Reference: Knowledge, Power and In
stitutions in Culture, Language, Communication (3) Topic: Administration, Securi
ty and Territorial
Culture Type I - Identify different networks equipment (theaters, museums, libra
ries, cinemas). Type II - Understand the functions of network equipment, includi
ng: instruments of cohesion, development and qualification; platforms for cultur
al dissemination and training of the public. Type III - Exploring the functions
of network equipment by analyzing the operation of a particular network - for ex
ample, Network Public Reading or Portuguese Museum Network. Language Type I - Id
entifying and selecting terminology, according to the diversity of networks and
devices, in English and / or foreign. Type II - Decoding information from differ
ent types, such as texts produced at the level of road safety, road signs, formu
lation of the highway code, etc.. Type III - Acting individually and / or collec
tively, correctly applying the rules of verbal interaction in various situations
of transgression road. Communication Type I - Identify and simulate different s
ituations of communication for the use of different linguistic expressions in pr
ivate context, eg, transport home / school / home, children and adolescents. Typ
e II - Understanding the structure and intent of certain types of recommendation
s, for example, the "Programme of action for road safety", or safety instruction
s, disregard of rest time for professional drivers, alcohol consumption, etc.. T
ype III - Interact, for example, through the production of texts in a formal lan
guage, seeking to encourage institutions to improve the road infrastructure with
a view to eliminating "black spots".
Sheet Example 24: Migration
Core Generator: Urbanism and Mobile (a) Field Reference: Stability and Change: t
he Society to the Universe (4) Topic: Local and Global Mobilities
Culture Type I - Identify different immigrant communities in Portugal and the ro
ot causes of immigration. Type II - Linking the presence of immigrant communitie
s with new trends in cultural and artistic expression (eg, rap and graffiti). Ty
pe III - Exploring the extent to which cultural activities of various facilities
and events include (or not) multiculturalism. Language Type I - identify differ
entiating aspects of the various Portuguese speaking countries. Type II - Unders
tanding and admire the linguistic richness of the Portuguese language, stressing
centuries of contacts and developing their communicative nature. Type III - eng
aging, through a discourse oral or written, showing the expansion and importance
of the Portuguese language in the world. Communication Type I - Identify a map
the countries where Portuguese is spoken. Type II - Understand the importance of
Portuguese as a factor of unity among the people who speak it. Type III - engag
ing, through articles for the media, emphasizing the language as essential to th
e functioning of societies and relations between citizens.
Annex II
Competency Unit 7: Taking action in various contexts achieving identify key fact
ors affecting whether social change, and the evolution of individual trajectorie
s and being able to mobilize science and knowledge on the institutional dynamics
in order to formulate critical opinions towards various issues.
Core Generator: Fundamental Knowledge (SF)
Suggested Activities Field Reference
Private context
Intervene given that the individual pathways are affected by the possession of v
arious resources, including skills in the culture, language and communication
Individual and Project
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 25
Professional context
Process and Scientific Methods
Act in professional contexts, using the knowledge in culture, language and commu
Theory and experiment
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 26
Institutional context
Science and Public Dispute
Formulate critical opinions, mobilizing knowledge and skills several cultural, l
inguistic and communicative
Intervention in public spaces
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 27
Laws and Models Science
Identify the key factors that influence social change, recognizing that change t
he role of culture, language and communication
Universe: Formation and interaction
Sheet-Sample Evidence Criteria CLC 28
Annex II
Sheet Example 25: Individual and project
Core Generator: Fundamental Knowledge (SF) Field Reference: Culture, Language, C
ommunication in the private context (1) Topic: Element (E)
Culture Type I - Identify the various contexts that may affect the configuration
of individual trajectories (families, schools, workplaces, networks of sociabil
ity). Type II - Understand how the opportunities / non-formal contexts (those th
at do not confer academic degrees) are one source of learning throughout life an
d may contribute to the enhancement of cultural resources. Type III - Explore, f
rom the very history of life and / or the other, to what extent the change in ow
nership of one (or more) types of resources - economic, cultural, social - has a
ffected the evolution of personal trajectory. Language Type I - Identify in memo
irs, diaries, letters, pictures, items of an informative nature to express indiv
idual and collective trajectories. Type II - Understanding in oral and written t
exts, the individual or regional linguistic varieties. Type III - Act appropriat
ely address the texts of oral or written, by developing the capacity for self-an
alysis, understanding and acceptance of others. Communication Type I - Identify
aspects of a given communication situation conveyed by the media, examples of in
terpersonal relationships. Type II - Understanding through the viewing / reading
of various media, the different intentions of the sender and the effects on the
receiver, depending on the distinctive aspects of individual or contextual. Typ
e III - Acting, using the information provided by the media, reporting on experi
ences and learning for knowledge (s) of company (s) where Portuguese is spoken.
Sheet Example 26: Theory and experiment
Core Generator: Fundamental Knowledge (SF) Field Reference: Culture, Language,€
Communication in a professional context (2) Topic: Process and Scientific Method
s (PMC)
Culture Type I - Identify the methods and techniques to be employed in studies o
f cultural issues - document analysis, surveys, interviews, participant observat
ion, among others. Type II - Understanding the distinction between strategies of
intensive and extensive research and how the objectives underlying the studies
explain the choice of a and / or otherwise. Type III - Explore the benefits of s
tudies of diagnostic components and prospecting for more effective functioning o
f organizations, particularly in the area of intervention and cultural productio
n. Language Type I - identify, in documents of narrative and / or description, i
ncluding the literary canon, life stories illustrative of the value of professio
nal experience. Type II - Understanding the roles of various elements integral t
o the structure of narratives or other professional experiences. Type III - Prod
uce oral and written statements, reporting their experiences and their complemen
tarity with the theoretical knowledge acquired in formal education contexts. Com
munication Type I - Identify communication situations conveyed by the media, ill
ustrative of the theory - experience in a professional context. Type II - Unders
tanding through the viewing / reading of various media, the complementarity of t
heoretical knowledge and professional experience. Type III - Interact with the a
id of information provided by the media, in order to demonstrate the complementa
rity of theoretical knowledge and professional practices.
Annex II
Sheet Example 27: Interventions in public spaces
Core Generator: Fundamental Knowledge (SF) Field Reference: Knowledge, Power and
Institutions in Culture, Language, Communication (3) Topic: Science and Public
Culture Type I - Identify the controversies about artistic interventions in publ
ic spaces the diversity of conceptions of what is art, urban design and heritage
. Type II - Understanding, in several cases of artistic interventions in public
spaces (parks, gardens, transport), the objectives and methods of ownership of i
nterventions by different segments of the population. Type III - Explore the rel
ationship between urban and cultural policies and the greater or lesser use of a
rtistic interventions in public spaces, using inter alia the approach of an urba
n design and cultural large. Language Type I - Identifying, selecting and organi
zing information on the topic / topics for discussion, linguistic elements and n
on-linguistic oral communication. Type II - Understand oral and written statemen
ts, contending views on the topics discussed, taking into account functions, reg
ulatory standards and codes used (linguistic, paralinguistic, and quinésicos pr
oxemic). Type III - engaging publicly in order to defend views on topical issues
in order to obtain the desired rhetorical effect, according to the specific cha
racteristics of exposure of a subject and debate (organization and participation
). Communication Type I - Identifying information provided with means of mass co
mmunication, related to current topics. Type II - Understanding the communicativ
e intentions of the interlocutors and suitability to the situations and contexts
, in debates on issues of cultural, scientific, socio-political and philosophica
l. Type III - engaging publicly expressing their own viewpoints and evaluating t
hose of others, using diverse materials and media.
Sheet Example 28: Universe: Formation and interaction
Core Generator: Fundamental Knowledge (SF) Field Reference: Stability and Change
: the Society to the Universe (4) Topic: Laws and Models Science (CML)
Culture Type I - Identify the key factors that influence social change throughou
t history (physical environment, political, cultural factors). Type II - Underst
and how cultural factors - including the systems of communication - influencing
change, using the approach, for example, the invention of writing and the effect
s of this communication system in the organization of societies. Type III - Expl
ore the causes of accelerated social change in the modern period (expansion of i
ndustrial capitalism, the development of science and rationalism, among others).
Language Type I - Identify, in various texts of the field of education (entries
of dictionaries and encyclopedias, scientific and technical papers), informatio
n related to the theme.€Type II - Understanding, in texts of various kinds (sci
entific, literary and others) views on the constitution of the universe and the
interaction that governs. Type III - Produce oral and written texts, for the dis
cussion of ideas about the universe and / or aesthetic enjoyment. Communication
Type I - Identify communication situations related to the subject. Type II - Und
erstand the views of stakeholders in communication situations conveyed by the me
dia, on the issue of constitution of the universe and the interaction that chara
cterizes it. Type III - Interact, using various media, in debates on the subject

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