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COFEN Resolution No.

Scaling Personnel
Cleide Mazuel Canavezes
Resolution 293/2004 COFEN 1
Scaling Personnel
Fixed and establishing criteria for Sizing the Framework for Professional Nursin
g Assistance Units in Health and Similar Institutions. "The quantitative aspects
of nursing professionals in health institutions are emphasized so that there is
an assurance of safety and quality of customer service and continuous vigil for
the diversity of expertise in the care and attention from nursing staff." Enf.
Lidia Demeneghi. Parameters represent the minimum technical standards, being ref
erences to guide managers and managers of health institutions:. In the planning
of health. Programming actions of health. Prioritization of health actions to be
developed characteristics of the institution should also be considered and may
undergo adjustments and / or regional sites according to epidemiological and rea
lities: 1. Mission 2. Porte 3. Organizational Structure 4. Physical structure, 5
. Types of services and / or programs; 6. Technology and complexity of services
and / or programs; 7. Personnel policy; 9. HR Policy 9. Financial policy; 10.Atr
ibuições and skills of members of 11 different services. Indicators of both the
Ministry of Health regarding the institutional.
and / or programs;
The nursing services must also be considered as the legal foundation of the prof
ession (Law No. 7.498/86 and Decree No. 94.406/87), the Code of Ethics for Profe
ssional Nursing, Resolutions and Decisions of COFEN Corenso, beyond the technica
l aspects Administrative: 1. Managerial model, 2. Care model, 3. Methods of work
4. Work hours: 5. Weekly workload 6. Performance standards for professionals, 7
. Technical safety index (STI), 8. Absenteeism rate (TA) 9. Absence rate of bene
fits (TB) 10. Proportion of nurses and 11 top-level. Indicators for assessing qu
ality of care indicators known: - Patient Falls - Mechanical Restraint in bed -
Pressure Ulcers - Soromas - Phlebitis - Maintenance of skin integrity; - Occupan
cy rate - Average length of stay; Index - Infection - Death rate - Also consider
the other clientele: through (SPC) system for classifying patients and sociocul
tural and economic reality.
il 18:28 Lucid / oriented in time and space (OTE) as routine, 1-2 times a day an
d / or control need not walk without help / Self-sufficient CSIntens Cintens
29-39 40-50 OTE, difficulty following instructions control in 6 hours 6 Applica
tion of weights by the degree of complexity: 1-5 Years of disorientation in time
and space control 4 in 4 hours
5 - Oxygen
9 - INTEGRITY mucocutaneous
Control 1 in 1 hour or more frequent, or control time of PVC, MAP etc. Use encou
ragement and chair of Use chair Lack of supervision for wheels, wheels and crutc
hes, crutches and body movements, walking. other artifacts other artifacts total
dependence on orientation and effective help to remove the bed moves the superv
ision of nursing Stimulus, Moving Help Moving position and body segments move pa
ssive encouragement or passive movement (MS and MI) with no scheduled follow-up
supervision to help and planned and carried out / self-sufficient body move made
by the nursing nursing body segments does not depend on intermittent use of int
ermittent use with ventilation with oxygen or O2 O2 catheter catheter or tracheo
stomy or mechanical or continues mask tube mascara and other intermittent or sim
ple endotracheal care with vigilance and care respiratory care constants. simple
breathing. No need for self-sufficient, with Orientation and Intake, Assistance
constant help / Self-control of intake and supervision for nursing and eliminat
ions. Evacuation enough eliminations. intake and controls in the bed and / or us
e of eliminations. SV.Necessidade performed to help control shedding of nursing
feeds alone / Stimulus, Do not feed Effective assistance of Food Self-sufficient
encouragement and alone, needs through NGA, nursing, supervisory presence to he
lp the NSAs,€performed stomas, SNG or food or by taking nursing nursing NSAs, wi
th strict control net. Medicinal drugs via oral, intravenous medication IM Use o
f oral drugs (one to several, ID or SC through NGA, still more to vasoactive tim
es daily) or intermittent intravenous blood pressure or routine maintenance of c
ontinuous derivatives, NPP or arterial cytostatic No injury / solution one or tw
o injuries one or more injuries to two or more Two or more lesions in continuity
with small dressings with lesions (sores, infected with high curative simple gr
eat (changing an ostomy) with dressing (or two exchanges (one exchange once a da
y) once daily) large dressings twice a day) (exchange twice a day) Take care of
yourself alone / Encouragement for Shower bath bath bed and Hygiene Self-contain
ed shower and and oral hygiene shower in oral hygiene oral made by the aid of a
wheelchair nursing. nursing and oral hygiene performed by nursing
Disoriented in time and space control 2 in 2 hours
Unconscious, no verbal response
Minimum Care Intermediate Care Semi Intensive Care Intensive Care
Up to 17 From 18-28 From 29-39 From 40-50
PATIENT CARE THAT REQUIRES Minimum Intermediate Intensive Semi Intensive DEGREE
OF DEPENDENCE VITAL SIGNS (RISK OF DEATH) Stable Stable Stable Unstable (risk)
No Yes Yes Yes
Independent Total Partial Total
For calculation purposes, should be considered as nursing hours per bed within 2
4 hours:
• • • •
3.8 hours of nursing per customer, at minimum attendance or self care (PCM), 5.6
nursing hours per client in intermediate care (PCI), 9.4 hours of nursing care
per customer in half - intensive (PCSI) 17.9 hours of nursing per customer in in
tensive care (PCSI)
DEFINITIONS patient care minimum (PCM) / self - Customer care / patient stable f
rom the point of clinical and nursing and physically self-sufficient with regard
to meeting basic human needs. Patient intermediate care (PCI) Client / patient
stable from the point of view and clinical nursing, requiring medical and nursin
g assessments, with partial dependency on nursing staff to meet basic human need
s. Semi intensive care patient (PCSI) Client / patient serious and recoverable,
with imminent danger of death, subject to the instability of vital functions, re
quiring nursing care and specialized medical and permanent. Patient care (PCIt)
Client / patient serious and recoverable, with imminent danger of death, subject
to the instability of vital functions, requiring nursing care and specialized m
From 2nd to 6th Fair SCP
Minimum 20 beds Care Care Intermed NM NM 20 beds 20 beds SemiIntens Care Intensi
ve Care. NM 15 beds -------
SF (x 5) Sub Tot 25 40 35 60 75 90 125 100
Saturday and Sunday
SF (x2) Sub Tot 8 16 12 24 24 32 48 40 33 Sub Niv
SF (6h)
% Mn M 2 2 3 3 5 5 7 5
T 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 5
N1 1 2 1 3 3 4 6 5
N2 1 2 1 3 3 4 6 5
M 1 2 2 3 3 4 6 5
T S1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 6 5 2 1 3 3 4 6 5
S2 1 2 1 3 3 4 6 5
Total C. Mn
Total C. Int
Total CSIntens
173 140
Total C. Intens 313
Note: A total of 76/220 suggestions of Mirror Weekly Standard suggested by nurse
managers of care units from various parts of the country, obtained by mail, tel
ephone interviews and fax.
Total Nursing Hours per week (THE / No) Formula: THES = Total SF x Time Period
Total Nursing Hours per Day (HE / Day)
Nursing hours per client / patient (HE / Pac)
Formula: HED = THE / Days of the Week
Formula = HEP HED / HEP No. of Patients = 76.28 / 20 = 14 3.8 3.8 m / pac HEP
= 112.28 / 20 = 5.614 5.6 m / pac HEP = 189.42 / 20 9.4 = 9.4714 m / pac HEP
= 268.28 / 15 = 17.885 17.9 m / pac
Minimum Intermediate Intensive Semi-intensive
THES = 89 X 6 = 534 hours / week THES X 6 = 131 = 786 hours / week THES X 6 = 22
1 = 1326 hours / week THES X 6 = 313 = 1878 hours / week
HED = 534 / 7 = 76.28 m / day HED = 786 / 7 = 112.28 m / day = HED 1326 / 7 = 18
9.42 m / day = HED 1878 / 7 = 268.28 m / day
Note: We consider for purposes of calculating the data in Table 1
Technical safety index - IST - never below 15% Day working week - JST - Consider
20, 24, 30, 32.5, 36 and 40 hours time period: 4, 5:06 pm - PT WHEREAS Distribu
tion, of Nurses: Health and intermediate minimum, 33-37% of Nurses and other nur
sing Technical Assistance are semi-intensive, 42-46%, 42-46% of Nurses and the r
est are technicians and assistants or Intensive Care Nursing, 52-56% of nurses,
practical nurses are too.
The breakdown by category of professionals should follow the client group with t
he highest prevalence
WHEREAS: QP (TABLE STAFF) • Calculation of Professionals (QP) of nursing for inp
atient unit
QP = x Km THE
Where THE (total hours of nursing) is calculated as follows below:
THE = ((PCM x 3.8) + (x PCI 5.6) + (PCSI x 9.4) + (x PCIt 17.9))
Important: For nursery and pediatric inpatient unit, if not accompanying the chi
ld under six years and the newborn should be classified with intermediate care n
eeds. The client chronic aged over 60 years without a guide, classified by the S
CP with demand for intermediate care or semi-intensive should be increased to 0.
5 hours of nursing. Where: Km = Constant Marino (calculation below)
Where: DS = 7 weekday = JST = working week (20, 30, 36 .... hs) = IST Technical
safety index = 15% = 1.15 km So is a constant as shown below:
Km (20) Km (24) Km (30) Km (32.5) km (36) Km (40) Km (44)
0.4025 0.3354 0.2683 0.2476 0.2236 0.2012 0.1828
QP = No. MILK (%) X X DS + HS ENF IST JST Where: DS = days of the week, IST - Te
chnical and safety index JST = working week
In a unit with 36 beds, distributed in 21 patients with minimal care and 15 pati
ents with intermediate care, which will be the need for staff occupancy rate is
80% and 36 JST Hs. Occupancy rate of 21 patient care minimum 80% = 16.8 x 15 int
ermediate care patients x 80% = 12 QP = Km x Km THE IST ===== = DS x = 7 km x km
1:15 ------ JST = 0.2236 36 nursing for 24 hours knowing that
THE = ((PCM x 3.8) + (x PCI 5.6) + (PCSI x 9.4) + (PCIt x 17.9) THE) = ((16.8 x
3.8) + (12 x 5.6)) = THE = QP = 131.04 131.04 x 0.2236 = 29.30 = 29 ------- QP D
istribution by category: - Patients prevalent is minimal care nurses = 33% = 9 T
echnical and Nursing Assistants = 20
CALCULATION OF STAFF FOR SPECIAL UNITS locations where activities are carried ou
t by specialized professionals, such as: - Ambulatory - Emergency - Central Supp
ly - Surgical Center - Hemodialysis; etc ... Functional Sites - three-dimensiona
l vision: Activities Period Local time (or operational area) to be considered: l
ength of time of 6 hours (M, T, M = N1 and N2 working period of 6 hours (7 am to
13 pm) T = Period of work six hours (13 to 19hs ) N1 = Length of work six hours
(19 pm to 1) = N2 working period of 6 hours (1 to 7 pm) Calculation of Professi
onal Nursing for special units
QP (SF) = Km (SF) x TSF
Where: Km = uses values already calculated TSF = total functional sites Constant
Marino - Km
Where: PT = Working Time IST = JST technical safety index = working week

Km with known values as per table below: Km (30) Km (32.5) km (36) Km (40)
Km (4:30) = 0.1533 km (5:30) = 0.1916 km (6:30) = 0.2300 km (12:30) = 0.4600
Km (4:32,5) = 0.1415 km (5:32,5) = 0.1769 km (6:32,5) = 0.2123 km (12:32) = 0.42
Km (4:36) = 0.1277 km (5:36) = 0.1597 km (6:36) = 0.1916 km (12:360 = 0.3833
Km (4:40) = 0.1150 km (5:40) = 0.1437 km (6:40) = 0.1725 km (12:40) = 0.3450
It is recommended the drafting table, as attached, to identify as nursing activi
ties performed, time period and the operational area, distribute the amount of p
rofessionals and after applying the formula specified in Resolution 293 COFEN.
June 2nd to Monday 5th UNIT = x T M N1 N2
Sat. the DOM. X 2 = T M N1 N2
Professional ENF TE AU
2nd Mondays at 6 X 5 (days of the M 1 1 2 1 1 1 T 1 2 2 1 1 1 weeks) N1 1 N2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 January 1
Saturdays and Sundays X 2 (days from M 1 1 1 1 1 1 weekend) T N1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 N2 1 1 1 January 1
Total SF NS 28 ----- 28 NM -33 38 28 14 28 141
Purge Guard Readiness Coordination Sterilization Distribution TOTAL SF
CALCULATION: consider working week (JST) = 30 hours and Working Time (PT) = Km =
6 hours IST JST PT x x = 6 km 1:15 -------- Km = 36 QP = 0.2300 TSF km x QP (nu
rse) = 0.2300 = 6.44 x 28 QP = 6 (average) = 0.2300 x 141 = 32.43 = 32
CONCLUSION For specialized units such as oncology and psychiatry, we should clas
sify the client building on the features specific care, adapting them to the SCP
. The special client or in the field of psychiatry, with clinical or surgical co
mplications associated should be ranked one level above the SCP, starting with i
ntermediate care. For nursery and pediatric inpatient unit, if not accompanying
the child under six years and the newborn should be classified with intermediate
care needs. The customer demand for intensive care should be assisted in unity
with adequate infrastructure and expertise to this end. The client chronic aged
over 60 years without a guide, classified by the SCP with demand for intermediat
e care or semi-intensive should be increased to 0.5 hours of nursing. It is for
the Nurse's Daily Record (s): - absences in the service of nurses, presence of c
hildren under 06 (six) years and chronic clients, with more than sixty (60) year
s without associates, and classification of customers under the SCP, assisting u
nits. Should be guaranteed the autonomy of the nurse in assisting units to measu
re and manage the framework for nursing professionals.
BIBLIOGRAPHY ALCALÁ, E. ALLI ET. Calculation of Personnel: Preliminary Study for
Establishment of Board of Nursing Staff in Hospital Medical Superintendent Sao
Paulo: City Administrative Aspects General. 1982 ALVES, S. M. ET ALLI. Nursing:
Contribution to the Calculation of Human Resources in the Area. Rio de Janeiro:
Social Communication Coordination INAMPS, 1988 CAMPEDELLI, CM ET ALLI. Calculati
on of Nursing Staff Competence of Nursing. Revista Bras. Nursing 41 (3 / 4): 199
-204. Brasília 1988. DUTRA, V.O. Resources Administration Hospital. In: Fugulin,
F.M.T. ALLI ET. Deployment of Patient Classification System in the Unit of Clin
ical Medicine, University Hospital of USP. Med Rio HU USP, 54 (1 / 2): 6318, 199
4. GONÇALVES, EL Hospital and Vision Administrative Contemporary. Chapter 1 and
2. pp. 51 - Thompson Learning, 1983. KURCGANT, P, ET ALLI. Nursing Administratio
n. São Paulo: EPU. 1991.

MARINO, A. M. Model / Parameter Table for Calculation of Nursing Staff. Mimeogra

phed text. Rio de Janeiro, 1995 FEDERAL COUNCIL OF NURSING - COFEN - Resolution

EXERCISES - Admission Unit

1. You should plan the amount of nursing staff for a unit with 28 Clinical Medic
patients, of whom 15 were patients with intermediate care and 13 patients with c
are semiintensivos, distributed in 24 hours with 100% occupancy. Working week of
36 hours of nursing.
Hospital with an assistance unit for chronic patients, with a capacity of 48 bed
s, 30 beds for intermediate care patients and 18 beds for patients in semi-inten
sive care, with 70% occupancy, you should keep those professionals. Hours 44 hou
rs per week.
3. In a hospital with 36 patients of the Surgical Clinic, distributed in 21 pati
ents with minimal care,
10 patients with intermediate care and 5 patients with semi-intensive care. What
will be the need for nursing staff for 24 hours, with an occupancy of 80% and w
ork schedule of 40 hours per week?
4. A Maternity and Gynaecology Unit with a capacity of 40 beds, 20 for patients
delivery, without rooming patients and 20 beds of Gynecological Clinic, 15 with
intermediate care and 05 semi-intensive care, with 90% occupancy, which the numb
er of professionals needed, knowing that the workload is 30 hours weekly. In a p
ediatric unit with 24 beds, an occupancy of 80% which the nursing staff required
to attend 24 hours in which 12 patients with intermediate care and 12 with semi
-intensive care? Work hours to 36 hours. Each participant keeps mother.
6. Inpatient unit for chronic patients above 60 years without a guide, with a ca
pacity of 40
beds classification, which provides us with data: 20 minimal care beds, 15 beds
for intermediate care and five beds for semi-intensive care, where the necessary
framework for professionals, knowing that the weekly workload is 30 hours. 7. P
ediatrics, with a total capacity of 35 beds,€not implemented the program partici
pant mother, with occupancy rate of 75%, with as sorting of children by care: 20
minimal care, 10 intermediate care and five semi-intensive care. What quantity
of nursing professionals need, knowing that the weekly workload is 36 hours.
8. In a unit with 36 patients of the Surgical Clinic, whose occupancy rate is 80
%, and these
15 patients are 21 intermediate care and minimal care. What is the amount of nur
ses needed given that the workday is 36 hours per week.
9. In a hospital with 50 beds in the Surgical Clinic, we know that
21 beds are for patients with minimal care, 16 beds for patients in intermediate
care and 13 beds for patients in care semi-
Intensive whose occupation is 90% and the working week of nurses is 36 hours. Wh
at is the amount of nursing staff for assistance? 10. Nursery Unit pathological,
without mother program participant, with a total of 35 beds, distributed by rat
ing: 15 minimal care beds, 10 beds for intermediate care beds and 10 semi-intens
ive care. The workweek is 40 hours, yet it is known that the occupation is 80%,
which required the TLP.
Calculate the nursing staff know that the Central Supply has the following secto
rs:. - Reception room of dirty stuff, and to demand are needed two assistants an
d one M and T and N for the weekend - room preparation materials, even quantitat
ively described above - sterilization room: 2001 Technician Nursing and Auxiliar
y 2001, at 24 pm - guard room equipment and room distribution: 01 Auxiliary in 2
4 hours.
It is also known that the sector due to the demand of various services, operates
24 hours and need to nurse at 01 and 24 hours working week is 30 hours.
Calculate the framework of the nursing staff for a Basic Health Unit, which runs
from 8 to 17hs, with a workweek of 40 hours, grades 2 to 6 Mondays, 8 pm daily
and has the following rooms care nursing: • Living room host, requiring an Aux.
For M and T;

Two offices for the Nurse, Nurse 01 per class M and T; room vaccine, two nursing
technicians and M T, inhalation room, 01 Aux. Of Enf. M and T; room medication,
01 and 01 Technical Aux. M and T; It is also known that the Central Supply gree
ts and packs the material being sterilized in the referral hospital, requiring 0
1 Aux. M and T.
• • •
3. Calculate the need for a staff that meets the UBS shifts with morning and aft
ernoon work period -
with a working week of 40 hours (Monday through Saturday) and has the following
rooms: two rooms for gynecological care, with a Nursing Assistant per turn, a ro
om of vaccine, with 02 auxiliary nurses per shift, 1 dressing room with 01 pract
ical nurse per shift, 01 room medication and inhalation adult, with two technici
ans and a Nursing Assistant in the morning and afternoon 2 Technicians, 4 office
s of Nursing, with four in the morning and two nurses during the afternoon, a re
ception room and preparation of materials, with an assist per shift and a steril
ization room with a Nursing Assistant in the morning.
4. What the framework of nursing in an Emergency Department, open 24 hours, with
the workweek
working 36 hours, with the following rooms nursing care: emergency room, with sp
ace for simultaneous attendance of two patients, who needed a nurse and two nurs
ing technicians within 24 hours, an observation of female patients with 5 beds w
ith 02 Auxiliary M and T and 01 in N, an observation of patients male with five
beds, with two assistants in the 24 pm; a room medication with two nursing techn
icians during periods M and T 2nd 2 Mondays and 1 during night; inhalation room,
with a nursing assistant for 24 hours, the suture room with possibility of meet
ing up to two patients, two technicians
Nursing in the periods M and T 2 to 2nd fairs and one at night, Central material
with three rooms, with one nursing assistant per classroom at 24 pm, removal se
rvice to the patient, with three ambulances and three practical nurses in 24 pm
and a nurse within 24 hours. 5. What is the need for nursing professionals for a
clinic that serves the specialties of clinical medicine, clinical surgery, pedi
atrics, gynecology and dermatology. Running from 2nd to 6th of August on Mondays
at 17 pm, with a working week of 30 hours. Maintains the following rooms: a roo
m with a small surgery nurse technician per shift, a dressing room with two couc
hes,€with two technicians in the morning and one afternoon; medication room with
two practical nurses per period, inhalation room with two assistants in the mor
ning and one afternoon, a nursing office, with one nurse per shift and a nurse c
oordinator in the period morning.
6. What is the need for nursing professionals for a
surgical center with a total of 10 rooms and of these, 08 are for elective surge
ries, running from 2nd to Saturday from 7 am to 19 pm, with 01 Nursing Assistant
stock; 01 Aux. of Enf. Instrumentation for each room and 01 Nurse in the same p
eriod for coverage of these rooms, 02 rooms for emergency surgery within 24 hour
s of February to 2nd Monday with 01 auxiliary nurses stock; 01 aid of instrument
s by room and 01 nurse attending both rooms in the 24 hs. Post anesthesia recove
ry room with 10 beds, 05 nursing technicians staying in 2nd to Saturday 7 am to
19 pm and 03 technicians for the 24 pm to 2 of 2 nd Friday.
,, Ee
7. Calculate the framework of nursing for an obstetric center with 3 rooms for N
ormal Birth, working 24 hours
7 days a week, with 01 auxiliary nurses and one midwife in each room, and 4 room
s for surgical delivery, and of these, three running from 2nd to Saturday, the s
hift M and T with 01 auxiliary nurses stock and 2001 Nursing Assistant instrumen
ted through the room and one room running 24 hours 7 days a week, with 01 auxili
ary nurses and one instrumentation (Nursing Assistant), per room. A reception ro
om RN, with capacity for simultaneous use of two RNs, working 24 hours 7 days a
week, with two nursing technicians and one nurse per shift. The industry still h
as 01 RN in Coordinating 2nd to 6th Friday from 7 am to 16 pm. It is known that
the workload is 30 hours per week.
8. Calculate the framework of nursing staff required for an outpatient clinic, w
hich runs from 2nd to
Saturday in the morning and afternoon shifts, with a weekly workload of 40 hours
, with the following rooms for nursing care: a medication room with 2 M by nursi
ng technicians and 01 in the afternoon, an inhalation room, with a Nursing Assis
tant M and T, a dressing room with a Technical M and T; an ECG room, with a Nurs
ing Assistant M and T, 2 offices with 2 nursing Nurses M and T; a Nurse Coordina
tor in the morning. 9. Calculating the amount of nursing for a Children's Emerge
ncy, which operates 24 hours 7 days per week, with the following nursing service
s: - an emergency room with a nurse on each shift and two nursing technicians -
1 room medication, with two nursing technicians per shift M and T and a Technici
an at night - a room of inhalation, with two nursing assistants per shift M and
T Helper and 01 at night - a room vaccine, which Works M and T, with an auxiliar
y nurses per shift - an infant observation with 8 beds, with three technicians a
nd a Nursing Assistant in shifts M and T and 2 Practical Nursing and a Nursing A
ssistant in the final round of the Night and week - Central Supply with 3 rooms,
1 Nursing Assistant per shift, in 24-1 Nurse per shift, within 24 hours - a Nur
se Coordinator in the morning. It is also known that the weekly workload is 36 h
ours. hours;
210. Calculate the framework of professional nursing required for a surgical cen
ter with four rooms of elective surgeries that runs from 7 am to 19 pm, grades 2
through Saturday, with a schedule of 30 hours per week. Each room has a techniq
ue of Nursing and a Nursing Assistant in the instrumentation for each shift. The
re is also a recovery room with four beds with a nurse and a nursing technique i
n each period. The Coordination of Nursing is conducted in the morning by a nurs
Dr CLEIDE Mazuela Canavezes - COREN-SP

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