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Chapter 2 The new Cybersociety, clans Network

... Dad, what's inside the TV? With eyes shining in her face made by curiosity a
dded: - What's inside your computer? R. The boy's father shrugged. It was eviden
t that he had put in an undertaking or Kensit used to say, had been suspended as
the operating system from Bill Gates. Had spent years driving the computer and
hardly knew that inside there were a few cockroaches, as he said. After a lapse
of time, ending for the boy, said: "I know exactly what's inside, but I have the
certainty that there must be a lot to say about what's in there. But that is be
yond my knowledge. .- Well, at least you were honest, "said the boy and said," I
discover myself, any day now. By then the boy was already a Hacker ...
The press is full of spectacular news about these guys and others that is often
confused with them. I am referring to the large columns that tell the facts of a
group of students who have spread a network for the dissemination of copies of
software. They are rightly called hackers, but others describe them as ahead of
hackers. Nothing is further from the truth. In this article we will try to separ
ate the components of the new company Underground, in order to identify them cor
rectly and know them
background. You can create a profile of each one of them and know what their int
entions from the experiences in this sector. Also try to get closer to the real
world of hacking and see what actually happens in that area. This will chronicle
the Hacker, this is relatively a day by day either someone who breaks into the
network wanting to have fun. It is true that the new cyber arises from the infor
mation age brought home, has increased significantly since the ability to manage
a computer to be highly affordable those teams. On the other hand the internet
offers, by far, great possibilities for exploration of unknown worlds and encoun
ter with specific software, sniffers and unabombers see for example. Access to a
ny bit technology and communications has aroused the interest of many talents ca
pable of doing more than writing a text. Presumably, an officer may have a compl
ex rendering a 3D image, and it is true that if you are familiar with the langua
ge may be something more to write and draw. On the other hand, we must add that
any communication program, such as a browser or mailer, there is always a "back
door" by which other operations in addition to those permitted. That is called B
ugs, and we wonder if any are there on purpose, since it is hard to believe that
something like this go undetected for hundreds of eyes, when normally a core or
a program is not done by a single person. Whatever the reason, the fact is that
these bugs have led to a significant increase "runaway brains" capable of detec
ting and making use of them, some improperly. And those "brains" have found a go
od source of inspiration in the Internet network, since through it the great hac
ks are made that compromise the security of the Internet alone. We must also say
what, now the art of Hacking has spread beyond remote machines made to "PC" or
find a bug in a software. In parallel with hacking into computers, discovery of
errors in operating systems, Software Crack protected are the Crack a conditiona
l access systems, the latter is known as HackCarding where
discover a bug to do the ROM dump "Dump the information in this area" is the ult
imate goal of an experienced hacker. Unfortunately after this first step, what c
omes next can not be conceived within the hacker ethic. Spain in this field of a
ction is at the top of the list, ie HackCarding the best Hackers are in Spain an
d were followed by Russians, Germans and Poles. This is easy to compare if you s
tudy a little the events of the Hacks in the European Digital Platform against t
he U.S. This information can be contrasted in that there are dozens of forums to
exchange views in this area. Here Whasers emerge, new panorama Clans Undergroun
d. Basically in this introduction attempts to explain the phenomenon Hacker abov
e and a little philosophy of these. Partly Hackers feel discriminated against by
many of the meanings that make them.€While the press and tell the difference at
times and despite the real hackers to compromise with the discovery of Bugs "so
ftware errors" is also true that the picture has dislodged and arise not so peac
eful new members but no less interesting. Whackers, Shasers Whasers or are just
an example.
The profile of a Hacker
The Hacker is clearly someone with a deep understanding of technology. This may
be computers, electronics or communications. Hacker commonly knows all the land
on which sits the present technology. Thus, the true hacker is someone eager to
know everything, who likes to research everything and more difficult to decipher
. We're talking about ciphers and encryption systems. At present, the encryption
and coding systems are the order of the day. Take for example the pay-TV channe
ls or data recording media such as CD or DVD. Each of these devices is based on
a data encryption standard, as is the case with Internet communication protocol
TCP / IP. Today and will be more in the future, the technology is based on corre
lated data protocols and chain. Understanding these data streams is a superior c
any technology. This understanding will among other things, modify the informati
on a challenge for every Hacker. Thus, the Hacker seeks to first understand the
system of both hardware and software and above all discover the encoding mode or
ders. Secondly, looking to change that information for their own use and to inve
stigate the overall performance of the system. The Hacker's profile is not the t
ypical computer freak who lived exclusively by and for computers, and who spends
long hours in front of him without a job since there are no results. The knowle
dge acquired by the Hacker's broadcast to let others know how technology really
works. Other incorrect information in the description of the hackers are those w
ho present themselves as adolescents black-rimmed glasses and acne bone in the w
hole face, mostly computer science students, frail body and consumers of pizza a
nd coke. All totally uncertain, although such a description could ever match. Ha
cker is usually a normal person varied physical, computer science student or not
, coca cola drinker or not. The Hacker may be adolescent or adult, the only thin
g that characterizes all alike is the thirst for knowledge. Nor is it true that
the Hacker arising out of the new information age, since the Hacker feels great
interest to find out, and that can apply to communications that existed long bef
ore computers. So we can deny that arise in Hackers was early, as early as the s
econd world war was to decipher messages from the enemy. However, it is true tha
t it is now that proliferate because of the importance Hackers claim the network
computer and internet today. On the other hand, there is now more information t
hrough the press and websites on the net. True Hackers learn and work alone and
never using the ideas of others, although it is true that the share if they are
interesting. Note: The final aspect of Hackers different in reality. For example
, the aspect that are members of the "cult of the dead cow" creators of Back Ori
fice and more recently Camera / Shy is too radical with respect to the image of
the hacker who managed to dump the Smart Card of one of the most used systems in
the world. Some have long hair, beard and clothing with skulls full of anagrams
, the other a business suit, short hair and a briefcase in hand.
Note: Nowadays it is known that stem more from born Hacker, Note: we are talking
about Whackers. These are exactly the same as the Hackers in knowledge, but not
the use of the true ethics of the new cyber Hacker. Here, a Whacker is more att
racted by money and fame. Following introduced computers in homes and technologi
cal advances it brings, comes an entire generation of more or less dangerous cha
racters who spread fear in the network and in the press. Cataloged all the wrong
way as "hackers," the new generation of "rebels" technology brings wisdom and t
eaching on the part of some, while others spread destruction and desolation. You
have to know who he is and cataloged each according to his acts of rebellion in
most cases.€To date this new cyber-society has been divided into ten major key
areas where power rests with the philosophy of each. To a large extent each and
every one of the groups bring something good in a world dominated by technology,
but not always the case. Some rebel groups take such initiatives as a starting
point for their acts of rebellion .. Hackers are the first and the highest level
of the new company. They have more and better knowledge than other groups, and
employ a very aggressive approach by showing their knowledge. The crackers are p
robably the next step and are able to crack and break their security systems, sp
reading terror among manufacturers and software developers. The lamers, curious
and authentic sorcerer's apprentices, have a greater influence on the network th
rough spectacular sites. But let's go by parts and treat each group separately.
• Hackers: The first step of a "criminal" by the press. These characters are exp
erts in advanced. It is currently focused on computing and communications system
s. Dominate the electronic programming and thus fail to understand such complex
systems as
mobile communication. Its main objective is to understand the functioning of the
systems. They love to go on remote computers to say "I've been here," but do no
t change or take anything from the attacked computer. They are usually those who
warn of a fault in a commercial program and notify the manufacturer. Also often
a good Hacker is finally hired by a major security company. The ideal profile o
f the Hacker is the one who is interested in technology, regardless of whether y
ou wear glasses, if thin, when you carry a cell phone tirelessly over large-scal
e or if you use many hours at the computer, and for all a obsessive of these mac
hines, although it might be the case. This group is the most experienced and les
s offensive, as its members are not intended to be, although a knowledge of prog
ramming, which involves visiting the virus creation and crack software or comput
er system. As already mentioned, the main figure is the Hacker, but in recent mo
nths have raised the Whackers, who are slowly grabbing the top of the list, but
not for their superiority or ethics, but they are overcoming in the first role,
which unfortunately is not good news. It should know that the Whackers, whose kn
owledge about the same techniques that hackers and how the style in the way of a
cting, not so in the use of étita Hacker, Whacker and a move for money or fame.
In this, it is understood that this is a new generation of Gurus of which just d
o not have to follow the example. • Crackers: It's the next step and the first o
f a family rebel. Hacker Cracker is he fascinated by his ability to break system
s and software and is dedicated exclusively to crack systems. For the press and
major system builders this group is the most rebellious of all, as it always fin
d a way to break protection. But the problem is not there, but that normally pro
vide the ultimate network for knowledge of others. In this they share the ideas
and philosophy of Hackers. It is now common to see the cracks as shown in most s
oftwares, free of charge via the Internet. The reason that the cracks are part o
f the network is being disseminated with impunity by another group that will be
described later.
Crack is synonymous with failure, and therefore covers much of the programming o
f software and hardware. This is easy to understand that a cracker must know per
fectly the two sides of the technology, that is, the programming and the physica
l part of electronics. Later we'll talk about the most famous cracks spread in t
he network. In recent months, cracking has spread beyond the Carding, ie now whe
n it breaks the protection of a Smart Card Access to this fact is called the Cra
ck of the system within the working groups. That Crack is usually employed to de
termine that a system has been broken, either software "protection" or SmartCard
"algorithm." • Lamers: This group is perhaps the most numerous and perhaps more
presence on the web. They are usually individuals who want to do hacking, but l
acking in all knowledge. They are usually people who barely know what a computer
, but its use and the internet offers great opportunities, make the new Internet
user a being obsessive reading, Internet searches and searches in all the infor
mation you can find.€The possibility of entering another remote system or the ab
ility to rotate a graphic on the screen of another computer totally fascinates t
hem. This is perhaps the most dangerous group that represents for the network si
nce Lamers put into practice all the hacking software that are on the network. I
t is easy to see as a test Rim right and left a "pumper-mail" that is, a program
that bombards the email message with thousands of others repeated until the sys
tem collapsed, and then calling themselves Hacker mocks. Also programs routinely
used to control the network sniffers, intercept passwords and e-mail and messag
es sent after several false address to threaten the system. Can not really do an
ything else, but they have control of your hard drive even taking the computer o
ff. Any negligence in a delicate spot. • Copyhackers: A new race known only in a
reas of cracking hardware, mainly in the field of smart cards used in pay-TV sys
tems. This year market moves more than 25,000 million pesetas in Europe alone.
In 1994 the Copyhackers sold cards worth 16,000 million pesetas, at the height o
f the pay channels and the group Sky and Canal + plus "These characters use soci
al engineering to convince and make friends with the real hackers, they copied b
reaking methods and then sell them to the "buccaneers" characters that will be d
etailed later. The Copyhackers wander in the shade between true Hacker and Lamer
. These characters have knowledge of technology and live dominated by the obsess
ion of being superior, and do not totally accept his position. Thus "extract" in
formation from the true Hacker to complete their work. The main motivation of th
ese new characters is money. Today the number has grown CopyHackers alarming bec
ause the systems Hacks Mediaguard, Nagra, Irdeto or Viacces. These acronyms corr
espond to the main systems of encryption used by major European digital televisi
on platforms. All this mess has led to illegal businesses in this regard what ha
s triggered the interest to know these techniques fraudulent.
• Bucs: They are worse than Lamers, and who know nothing about technology or lea
rn anything. Compared with the hackers, the buccaneers seek only black trade of
goods delivered by Copyhackers. The buccaneers only enough room outside the netw
ork, because within it the product offering, "cracked" are renamed "hackers." So
, the buccaneer is simply a rogue trader when operating a product cracking on a
massive scale. Unfortunately, the Bucs are now widely spread in the time of paym
ent systems Hacking on television. These are the most repudiated in the Undergro
und world and yet are present in every corner.
• phreaker: This group is well known on the network by their knowledge of teleph
ony. The phreaker intimately familiar with the systems of terrestrial and mobile
telephony. Today prepaid cards also known, since
the commonly used cell phone. However, lately a good phreaker must have broad kn
owledge of computers and the wireless telephone switchboards and control is the
key to be taken into account, and / or use the computer for data processing. In
recent months the Phreakers knowledge has increased, through fully know the work
ings of the SIM card of a Cell Phone "mobile phone" or so-called Eprom used in t
elephone booths. This strengthens further the HackCarding.
• Newbie: A novice or more particularly one who is browsing the internet faces a
hacking site and discover that there is a discharge area of good hacking progra
ms. He gets everything he can quickly and begins working with the programs. Unli
ke Lamers, Newbies learn the hacking happened cautious and not deride their achi
evements but they learn. • Script Kiddie: Called Skid kiddie script kiddie or ar
e the last step between the clans of the network. These are simple Internet user
s, without knowledge or on crack hack in its pure state. They are really devoted
to these issues, but do not understand, they are just surfers who are limited t
o gathering information from the network. Actually engaged in the search network
and hacking programs run without first reading the readme files for each applic
ation. This action freed themselves viruses and annoy your own computer.€This ap
proach to total lack of knowledge leads them to try and test applications of hac
king. Could be called "pulsabotones" of the network. In reality, the kiddies are
not useful for the progress of hacking.
Kiddies, synonymous with button press and generate chaos. Usually young people e
ager for fame, overwhelmed and confused with thoughts and above all, advocates o
f Denial of Service.
The final Underground
With the brief description of each group I hope I have made it clear what each o
f them and what role it plays in the new cyber-society. Increasingly, young peop
le who call themselves hackers when all they do is to release viruses and hackin
g programs to test. This confuses the society, and if they are violent people wh
o hate material, enjoy "spoiling" the neighbor with complete idiocy when they le
t their fateful viruses and worms on the network. Good hackers are rarely detect
ed and only contained in the press, unless they are discovered because of an ins
ight into a system too sure. Then they would have bothered. But back to the cons
ideration of whether a new society is difficult to understand, I must say so, an
d I must also accept as you all, that the true hacker has control of the world.
Therefore a very important in the United States once said, "give me ten o'clock
Hackers and will seize the world." In another vein, and after meeting each of th
e inhabitants of the network, in what follows will answer the 40 questions most
frequently become the subject, and eventually to generalize the concepts of Hack
er, Hacking and Security on the network.
What is a Hacker?
In the first part of this chapter we make clear what is a hacker, but obviously,
we're going to backslide on clarifying what is a Hacker, by that which has been
passed DIRECTLY to read this section. In a first version and as translated by H
ack, Hacker defined the word to computer enthusiasts who stayed long hours in fr
ont of them. Currently defined as experts in programming and extensive knowledge
of computers and electronics. On the other hand, the law, and even print media,
refer to the new generation and those that border on illegal. Today, at last, d
escribes these characters as real experts in digital systems that enjoy explorin
g and testing their ability systems, as opposed to ordinary users who are conten
t with draw
a few lines in a word processor. Within the term Hacker can find Sysop Hackers,
Hackers Hackers Whacker programmers and who have common differences.
Is it safe online?
Everyone knows that. Today the network of networks contains more viruses, exploi
ts, crates command "special" and other species that there are web pages. It is a
paradox, but the truth is you have to tread carefully on the network. IRC chann
els are being infected with "apprentices" who use all sorts of "arms" to annoy f
ew IRC chat on the channel. The email also is adversely affected, since you can
find a meaningless message that the only thing he has done is place a "Trojan on
your PC or perhaps a virus. For users who opt for the issue of hacking, can be
dangerous to navigate through these pages carefully, because sometimes when you
download a program, it contains a virus or Trojan. Electronic payment through th
e network is also in danger because there are specific programs to intercept the
transaction and the worst use your card for future purchases of others. There a
re also utilities that can scan ports on any computer connected to the network,
and utilities that control all packets traveling through the network. However, i
t is true that you can often surf the net without any problem.
Is it seen to be hacker?
For society does not. And it is partly to blame the press, as they often confuse
hackers hackers. On the other hand, are published only the most notorious crime
s today, as the penetration of hackers on the Pentagon or NASA. Or maybe it was
hackers? ... The truth is that only bad things that are published. In addition,
there is now catching on cyberterrorism in the network, where they hang heavy pr
otests major websites. On the other hand the word Hacker seems to be linked alwa
ys someone who robs a bank from
computer or someone who harms a surfer or a company. The little or misinformatio
n on the subject, and the expansion of new "specimens" in the new cyber-society,
instill confusion.€Today we could say that the hacker community acceptance in t
he media. It is easy to see how prestigious companies hire hackers to the securi
ty of your company. It is also good to see how the IAI "Hackers Association for
information" has been legally constituted and therefore a legitimate association
and clearly legal and accepted.
Hackers Are there only or is anyone else on the net?
Of course there is someone else, hence the confusion with the true role of Hacke
rs. After these are the Crackers, Hackers elite rebels, "who spread their knowle
dge by the network as other software used improperly. The Crackers burst systems
and steal information from computers of others. There are also Lamers and Newbi
es, that is, rookies coming down from the pages of other "amateur" sniffer progr
ams, virus scanners and then use them to use the mouse, since today it does not
take an expert programmer direct the mouse over each tab of a downloaded program
. But the group has better deserved the name, is formed by those who are called
Hackers, as Juan Carlos Garcia Cuartango, in this case are security experts to d
etect faults or bugs in systems and public to do business Software "damaged" to
remedy them. An example of this is the hole Cuartango, a bug or back door known
EXPLORER browser, which, by simple option allows you to get information from the
hard disk of a remote computer. Undergroun community is growing very fast. Whac
kers, Whasers Shasers or are just an example of a list that seems endless.
What is a mailbombing?
It is sending mass email, commonly known as bombing, in the vicinity of hacking.
The mailbombing are programs that allow thousands of times to send the same mes
sage to a specified email address. Sometimes mailbombing can also send e-ghost,
that is, fake email without a trace of the sender, so it goes unnoticed. This is
called anonymous mail.
What is a Cracker?
Cracker The issue has also been clear enough, but we can remember that Hacker is
an expert in terms of deep knowledge of programming and technological mastery.
The designs and manufactures Cracker warfare programs and software and hardware
to burst communications as the telephone, email, or control other remote compute
rs. Many Crackers "hang" web pages for fun or sent to the network its latest cre
ation of polymorphic viruses. Crackers are also dedicated to creating software c
racks for important and negotiate with them. There are cracks for shareware card
s and electronics such as DVD and Playstation game consoles and more.
What is IRC?
Commonly known as chat channel or "way of interfacing with other users in real t
ime via text and voice now," has become a channel of war in which you go to ask
for something specific and you receive a bomb response logic or a virus. There a
re many IRC tools on pages and utilities WAR hacking or war. It is fashionable t
o be annoying on this channel.
What is a lick?
It's a fan issue. Is one who has visited various websites about hacking and fasc
inated, has dropped a few programs. After wrongly uses without knowledge, destro
ys his own computer as well as other network, and when that happens you feel sup
erior to someone else. This is the kind of character that uses the Back Orifice,
Netbus and Virus to annoy and without knowledge of what actually is doing. This
is the last link in the new cyber-society.
Is it safe Web pages on Hacking?
Some of them may be dangerous and unsafe, but not all. It is true that the pages
about hacking, can be a good source of information for "newbies", but there are
some pages created by people with dubious intentions, where they put profits co
okies harmful as viruses and "bad." One example is what happened to me a few day
s ago. I do not remember what page it was, but it appeared after an inquiry in t
he search engines. It showed a page that was struck by its visual appearance. Wh
en I tried to download a file from no more than 30 Kbytes and just when I was at
95% of the discharge, the usefulness of Panda Software Antivirus detected a vir
us or disinfecting seeking abortions. I selected disinfect and surprise was when
a new dialogue box told me it was impossible to disinfect the file. The only so
lution was to press escape, but it was too late€appeared a new unnamed virus VxD
and a few random numbers. Turned out to be autorun program, which ended up bloc
king the computer. The odd thing is that after resetting the computer, it did no
t detect master file Panda Antivirus. After booting Windows, Panda had stopped w
orking because the EXE file had been deleted from the system. But what struck me
most was when I tried to reinstall your antivirus. This could not be installed,
abort the installation process.
What is a Trojan or Trojan Horse?
The Trojan has different meanings and duties. Long ago, the Trojan was a hidden
agenda that provided a fake dialog box that you should accept, after which, the
Trojan "was" with what you type then, in this case the key. After the Trojan enc
rypted your key and when we used e-mail, sent automatically to a specific email,
whatever the direction. Now the Trojan is called Back Orifice, Netbus or Deep T
roath. These Trojans are divided into two blocks, a server and client both execu
tables. Placing the file server to a remote computer and executing our client ca
n control any function of the other computer. Those are the Trojans, who have ma
de "shake" the security of Windows 95 and 9
What is a logic bomb?
It's the closest thing to a virus. A logic bomb is a self-running program that e
xpects a certain time or activity on the keyboard to operate, or put another way
, to infect the computer, modifying text, showing graphics or erasing the hard d
How secure is email?
In all, the email is not secure. Through it you can receive files "stuck" undesi
rable. In addition, email can be intercepted and read by Lamers, employing sniff
ers, programs that intercept email and more.
What is a Firewall?
A firewall is a security utility or tool that prevents certain commands or data
packets "abnormal" to penetrate our system. It is commonly translated as fire ba
rriers, which detect attacks or forced entry at the ports of our system. The fir
ewall is also called a nuke. The most popular Firewall ordinary user can use is
ZoneAlarm, which also completely freeware version known to the user. Also, since
there are several Web pages that include a Handbook for the operation of this A
re popular from the Internet? be safe use and Downloads application, which can b
e completed with VisualRoute. Far from it, among them you can download a virus "
inserted" in the program or a Trojan renamed. The most dangerous downloads are Z
IP and EXE extensions. Back Orifice server, you can easily rename and make us be
lieve that we are down another file.
How safe are Windows 95 and Windows 98?
With the debut of Back Orifice for "Cult of The Dead" Windows is no longer an is
olated and secure operating system for its network communication constraints, ex
cept the browser. Currently you have found bugs in the browser, allowing snoopin
g or stealing your hard disk files on your computer. This is known Cuartango hol
e, the most dangerous bug. The cookies of the web pages are another threat to Wi
ndows, but as much slip some kind of virus. However, the most dangerous is the E
XE file server that is shaking Back to Windows, given the recent trend of "remot
PS: Personally I add that these operating systems are really unstable, if not re
ally bad. It is preferable to use Windows XP or better Linux. : D: D: D
What is Back Orifice?
The Back Orifice is a remote control program on the computer that runs on a serv
er and client. If we put the server to a remote computer, it is possible from th
e client, to govern any function of the remote computer, including those highlig
hted opening and closing programs, control the CD, read and write and delete fil
es on the hard drive. This self-running the server is erased every time the comp
uter is turned on outside, our customer scans the selected port and when open, a
cting through him, from a menu full of tabs and client remote control options. T
he system is good to control a computer or computers on an internal LAN and desp
ite what is said, could be less harmful than a virus, but leave that door open i
s a real threat to Windows.
What is a Hacker?
Commonly mistaken for a Hacker€the hacker is the software that makes copies on C
D or ISO 7816 cards manufactured and marketed them pirates. It has no more knowl
edge than those required to duplicate discs, and is the group that the new socie
ty dirty Hackers, after Lamers.
Despite all the information that exists at this point, are still seen as hackers
who in some way or another perform any task with the computer is not considered
illegal. In short, for some media, mainly television, all are hackers. He who w
rites a virus that copies a CD or handling credit cards.
What is Netbus?
This is a pre Trojan Back Orifice and operates under the same principles that he
, at present is catching on employment of NetBus and Back Orifice by any compute
r user.
Is there a Hacker's Manual?
There are several and they are all online. Hacker's manual indicates the ten mos
t important points that every good hacker seeks in its progress towards the summ
it. The manuals are in English, but there are smaller versions in Spanish, under
the name of "novice". These manuals usually cover situations led to the "new" i
n this cyber-society and certainly not indicate how to run dangerous programs.
What tools are essential for the Hacker?
The Hacker need tools that will facilitate work on the network. These tools incl
ude packet sniffers, scanners and smart card programmers. It is also recommended
some NukeNabber mailbombing and to confront those who only serve to annoy. To e
nter other systems, "if only to see and go after" the Hacker must resort to a go
od dictionary to get the password. Currently it is necessary also in profits and
WAR IRC war, to face other enemies. A good virus sleeve aside the unwanted that
bothers us. But most important is the motivation and intuition, without which n
othing can be done.
What is PGP?
PGP, Pretty Good Private is the encryption program of choice for most users who
intend to protect your e-mail and text files. This program, known numerous versi
ons and improvements, was originally developed by Philip Zinmermam, who had his
meetings with American justice. The encryption program based on RSA or Diffie wa
s banned for export, but someone had posted on the Internet in text form, and so
meone else compiled it again in Europe. That's how PGP arrived in Europe. Curren
tly is on version 6.0 and even knows a Castilian version of this highly secure e
ncryption program. Also, the hackers must have this tool.
What is WAREZ?
Warez software is actually a "known" set that includes a crack for free installa
tion or serial number on multiple machines without paying for it. On the Interne
t has countless warez and serial numbers for most popular programs. The warez ar
e a way to crack software, bordering on the offense and that falls squarely on h
im, because it violates copyright.
What is scanning?
The best known is the Scanerport and as its name suggests, these are programs th
at allow tracing the network for open ports through which to access and manipula
te a system or introduce a virus or a Trojan. PortScan another utility is widely
known to hackers and this program no one is safe.
What is a Software Crack?
The software crack, which makes Warez, is the inclusion of a
several lines of code or codes in software log files, preventing the program exp
ires. All assessment or Shareware versions expire. The data are normally allow e
ncrypted and split into several DLL files, and even INI REG. Each program hides
the time code where he is better. The crack is to alter the data or other so tha
t the program does not recognize the expiration date. In addition, crack is also
the location of the serial number of the program. This serial number is located
through a serial number generator or generator, a greatly expanded use by crack
ers to obtain logins and serial numbers.
Is it safe to the TCP / IP?
The Internet communication protocol TCP / IP is perhaps the least secure protoco
l to ever exist, but is the standard and therefore the Hackers develop tools tha
t can continuously monitor the data stream and TCP / IP. SSL aims to be at a lev
el of security for electronic money transactions,€but has also been targeted by
hackers and thus an insecure system. The sniffers can monitor these commands, li
ke the VOYAGER monitors commands ISO 7816 cards. A secure protocol would be one
that contains variables and encrypted protocols and packet structure variables.
What is NukeNabber?
It is a program that controls all of our ports and their status, and is able to
detect an intrusion or nuke in any of the selected ports. In the case of Back Or
ifice, we can "watch" 12 346 port that is used by the Trojan and find out if som
ebody controls the port. NukeNabber is a very useful tool for the Hacker.
The prheaking is an extension of hacking and cracking. The Phreakers systems are
experts in wireless and wireline. Thoroughly familiar with the systems of tones
, curly, smart cards and the GSM system. Tron is a good example phreak, because
it had successfully cloned a GSM card. The Phreakers use their knowledge to make
free calls and are sometimes used by hackers to keep their online activities.
What is a Sniffer?
A sniffer is a utility which allows monitoring of the network and detect securit
y flaws in it or in our systems. Within the sniffers could cite other utilities
such as KSA control and SATAN, which besides looking for the weaknesses of a sys
tem, used as sniffers, ie, network monitoring and central unit. Slow internet br
owsing may tell us that there is a sniffer online.
What is Carding?
The carding is an extension of this new cyber constantly seeking to control all
electronic and computer systems of today's society. Today the introduction of cr
edit cards is massive and is present in almost all sectors such as banking, acce
ss to pay TV, electronic payment systems and controlled access. The carding is t
he study of chip cards, magnetic or optical and includes reading and duplication
of vital information. It has now been successfully cloned GSM cards, payment ca
rds and visa channels by this procedure.
Do you use the Cryptography Hackers?
More than anyone, hackers and crackers are forced to use systems
encrypted for electronic correspondence. PGP normally employ the well-known, but
other methods are also common encryption, public key provided. It is also true
that Gurus use cryptographic methods developed by them, in addition to using ste
ganography, a method that encrypts data in a picture or graphic.
What are the dictionaries?
There are two types of dictionary between the hacker community and both are esse
ntial given their content. The basic dictionary Hacker details the extent of the
new acronyms that are used routinely in this society. Thus, as described spoofi
n acronyms, nuk, zombie and crash among others. To move between the new society
is necessary to know the meaning of each of the acronyms that allows to know eve
rything about hacking, cracking, phreaking and other servers. The other major di
ctionary of real value to the crackers rather than hackers, is a dictionary of w
ords. When brute force is used to obtain passwords or passwords of a program, we
bsite or remote computer, is necessary and very common to use the dictionary, us
ually in software format. The program and / or electronic dictionary compares th
ousands of words to find the right key, a so-called brute force and which compar
es thousands of words in less than a second.
What is social engineering?
Social engineering is perhaps the basis of Hacker to get the data you are intere
sted in a conversation, and different people. It's a way to trick the other, cam
el and make him think that someone you trust, the coach of the phone company may
be. A good example of this is the telephone scam, which they call you posing as
a company technician and ask you to type a number after hanging up. This command
called ATT, allows the social engineer calls through your phone. And today is
happening in our country, so be careful. Obviously, since the date, July 2001, t
his bug has been rectified.
What is a Shas?
They are called Shas to users of programs such as Kazaa Per to Per, Gnutella, or
others. Here you just type you want to find within the application, is located
"normally *. mp3 music files" and drop the hard drive. It is the priority of Sha
sers hobby,€spend the day in front of such Kazaa and download as many MP3 files
as possible, and keep them on your hard disk to use and available to other Inter
net users. Also they could have called MP3 collectors, as these users perform th
is task compulsively.
What is a HackCarding?
Hacking The art of a SmartCard Carding goes beyond the traditional. He is curren
tly increasing the number of people who join this hobby of hacking smartcards. T
his is because there are important forums which explains and discusses the techn
iques for doing so. Such is the information that any neophyte in the field, can
become an advanced user in the handling and / or knowledge of a SmartCard. So an
yone can be an emulator, interpret or make MOSC code.
What are Manteros?
They are commonly known as sellers of pirated CDs and now DVD. They are usually
Immigrant Moroccan, Argelianos, Nigerians, ect .. "most illegal" Paperless "in c
harge of selling the merchandise which is carried out by organized gangs. This i
s the exploitation of man by man, in this case, Mafia exploits immigrant who enc
ourages piracy Subsistence and enriches the real criminals, but it remains for a
ll totally illegal action. Both he recorded, such as selling or buying. But
It is well known who bears the greatest blame. There are no Art Hack, living onl
y by some and enrich others. Manteros is said also to those immigrants who almos
t always used a blanket to offer this merchandise.
What is a WHAS?
It is now called Whasers to the Webmasters of pages to stay in them HEX files, w
hich are used to program cards such as ISO 7816, in order to emulate an original
SmartCard Conditional Access system, see Mediaguard "CSD" or Nagra "Via Digital
" both platforms badly hit by piracy code emulators. The Whasers are not the cre
ators of these codes, nor are they able to change these codes to change its oper
ation. The Whasers are widespread around the world with each country HEX files f
or each system, Irdeto, Conax, Cryptoworks ect ... Some Whasers can have very go
od knowledge of all these systems.
What is a Dump?
Carding Inside, the Dump is the dump information from the ROM and a EPROM SmartC
ard being attacked by an external worm. The trace of this information allows the
hacker to know the functioning of the internal algorithm, opcodes and tables. F
or a Cracker this information will allow you to discover bugs that exploit the s
ame SmartCard later defenses against this. For HackCarding this is a big step be
cause with this information it is possible to create cloned emulations of these
What is a worm within the WHAS?
Here the worm is the one that generates a stack overflow within a SmartCard. In
the case of the Nagra SmartCard "Property of Kudelsky" the
Worm obtains a Eprom zone information from the SmartCard. Zone that contains the
key information and information privileged channel subscription contract. This
information is part of the Conditional Access system and therefore access it or
know it is an act of crime, as this information is considered secret.
What is a backdoor on Carding?
A BackDoor this is a password that allows access HackCarding sector within a Sma
rtCard, thus obtaining the corresponding Zone Dump. The BackDoor need not be pre
sent in all SmartCard. This depends on the Conditional Access system and attacke
d. Have revealed that the systems and what not, and the key BackDoor is criminal
What is MOSC in Carding?
In Carding MOSC is the property of being able to modify a Smart Card access the
channel subscription properties, obtain operational keys or secret keys. The art
of MOSC differs between each conditional access system. So sometimes we speak o
f Datatypes and other PBM contract to modify channels. Exposing this information
is also a crime. When speaking of Conditional Access System, refers to the mode
l followed for the control of subscribers of a digital platform. So many systems
are known as Conditional Access Irdeto, Nagra, Mediaguard, Cryptowork or Viacce
s. Carding is now being so widespread among the followers of the stranger, who h
as even taken HackCarding way by the large number of followers you have this hob
by. The HackCarding allowed to influence the number of subscribers of each Platf
orm Digital affected€sometimes to increase profits and others to lose. It is not
clear who is who, who gains or who loses, but the truth is that it has unleashe
d a real battle in this sector. Currently service providers are changing their P
ay TV conditional access systems. Is this step to a war?. No one is sure that th
is is so.
The Clan of the Red and the future
Is summarized in a few pages all that is Hacker slang, and who will populate the
new supercity that is internet. Basically you have named them all, but it is cl
ear that the network contains are increasing day by day, and it is easy for new
shoots emerge in the great family of clans in the network. Freedom of expression
to Internet in all its aspects, arouses the curiosity of thousands of new Inter
net users each day. In this way information is wasted, and a Web user can access
any information "confidential" in many respects, or information that was previo
usly impossible to obtain. This information allows the true Hacker Hacker or see
king to advance their research, and simply refine their techniques, remain among
the elite. But it is also true that such information allows users to manipulate
Hacker aspiring technologies that were previously only accessible to technician
s and engineers in each branch. To cite one example, it is now possible to break
a pay-TV system without any knowledge. This is because there are pages full of
information on how to do it. Moreover, in reality the system user can afford to
download files from the network that allow you to view pay channels. I do not wa
nt to mention what channels they are well known to everyone. This implies that t
he break or crack channel daily payment is made without much knowledge. Only a f
ew know the technology and there are many that put into practice easily. This me
ans that every day can form new network of groups and people that one way or ano
ther make different use of that knowledge and that information. For now, all use
rs who take a daily forum, such a forum which deals with pay-TV systems, are cal
led Kids Rapid, called fast guys, that just a few mouse clicks can be implemente
d a complex and sophisticated crack as pay channels for free and without any eff
Henceforth, the possibility of new shoots in the Underground network and is infi
nite. Thus, the network and its people will give us an argument in the future to
write a few chapters.

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