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Definition of Chaos Chaos The term refers to an underlying interconnect is manif

ested in seemingly random events. This is a definition of chaos applied to our l

ives, but in the chaos following paragraphs will be considered from various fiel
ds and perspectives. In the turbulence of a stream is impossible to predict the
trajectory of a particle of water. However, this system is, at once, constantly
changing and always stable. If you throw a stone into the water system is not de
stabilized, which it would occur in a non-chaotic. This is a metaphor of ourselv
es: we are the same person ten years ago, but ten years ago we were trained for
a few different atoms and psychologically we are also different. Why a chaotic s
ystem is so changeable? Because everything is influenced by everything. Everythi
ng is interconnected with everything. Why is a chaotic system, at a time, so sta
ble? For the subtle interconnections that form to be all influenced by everythin
g. Sorry, I give the same answer to the question above. In chaos theory there ar
e three underlying themes: Control: Chaos theory shows that the dream of being a
ble to dominate all of nature is an illusion. We have to accept the unpredictabi
lity of chaos instead of vainly resisting the uncertainties of life. Hence comes
the following item: Creativity: It is inherent to chaos. Pact with the chaos wo
uld not overpower but to be creative participants. The subtlety: Beyond our effo
rts to control and define the reality lies the realm of infinite subtlety and am
biguity, by which we can open up creative dimensions become deeper and more harm
onious our lives. Chaotic systems are very flexible. If you throw a stone into t
he river, its collision with particles from the water does not change the course
of the river, but the chaos adapting to change. However, if the river had been
created by us with an artificial order, where every particle of water had a defi
nite path, the order had collapsed completely. Chaos is actually much more perfe
ct than our artificial order, we must understand the chaos and not try to create
a rigid order, which is not flexible or open to interaction with the environmen
t. We have always been obsessed with control, we believe that the more technical
, we will have more control over the world. But with each new technology introdu
ced above we throw a lot of problems, each of which we have to invent new techno
logy. Returning to the example of the river: if we throw a stone does not change
the channel, but if we throw a giant rock chaotic system flexibility is not eno
ugh. This is what happens on Earth: it is a chaotic system: always changing and
adapting, but if we go overboard system can be broken. In fact it's doing and wh
y we have problems with ozone, increasing global temperatures and melting ice, p
roblems with resources such as oil, etc. Learning to live in chaos would not lea
rn to control it or predict it. On the contrary, we must approach the issue from
the point of view that we too are part of the chaos, we can not consider as sep
arate elements. From that perspective we can do is live off the creativity of ch
aos, without trying to impose on us: if we relamente become part of the concept
of subject and object disappear, thus the control problem as well.
The truth is something that you live in the moment and express our individual re
lationship with the whole. There is relative, but it is an idea that can be acqu
ired and measured with the words, as if it were a fixed and static. The truth is
not reached by the technique or logic, we can not agree or disagree with the tr
uth. The truth is what holds us together and each must find it individually from
the unique conditions of their lives. The truth can be captured at any place an
d time, in small or big. However, our heads full of convictions, tastes, opinion
s and emotions do not always allow us to dedicate ourselves to observe, just wat
ch. Our prejudices, many of which are innate, limit our degrees of freedom for c
reativity. Creativity can occur, and in fact appears, at any point in our lives.
If, for example, when looking at a tree, we make an abstraction of our knowledg
e of trees and see a tree completely new, unique deviations from their branches,
knots and twists, the games air and light between the leaves. At this time we a
re seeing the truth of the tree. "Existence is beyond the power of words to defi
ne it.€Terms can be used, but none of them is absolute "(Lao Tse). Sometimes a
moment of clear insight makes us exclaim:" I have it! ". It can be a time when w
e see something that may be trivial for any other but in us has led to a bifurca
tion point in the chaotic system that is our mind, changing our perspective to c
apture the authenticity of our experience of life. Once reached this point of bi
furcation, it opens the flow of creativity in which the autoconcinecia disappear
s, time disappears completely or becomes full, we completely absorbed activity.
It is well aware of the moment and what is happening and does not exist in the m
ind not the slightest concern about the possibility of error. It has reached a p
oint of self-organization of chaos. At the moment of creativity our "self" is no
longer that society has created us, that I with categories, names, masks, exper
ience but is a self chaotic is also not me, because it is connected with the wor
ld. In fact, mental disorders are not a chaotic reality, as it seems, quite the
opposite: a self rigid and closed to the world. In chaotic creativity is very im
portant diversity. When grouped different individuals (other (sub) chaotic syste
ms) is a tremendous creative potential: they marry, each with their own creativi
ty, self-organized, to lose a few degrees of freedom, but to discover many new o
nes. It is interesting that if chaotic systems meet several degrees of freedom i
ncreases, whereas if you have to put multiple systems made artificially with art
ificial order, the degrees of freedom decrease much, if any left. The chaos in r
eligions: It is hard to scientists realized that the chaos created in the chaos
that is his particular way of calling God. But generally differ from religion *
in studying the chaos from a perhaps more objective (which also has its drawback
s) and with the idea that only a theory. * Relgion: I refer to religion in gener
al. After a thorough study leads to the conclusion that all religions are based
on the same. It seems that there are many points in common between religion and
the theory of chaos. The following sentences are findings of chaos theory, but a
re true for many religions: To fully understand something, like the human body,
we should also study the bacteria that live in it, thus should be studied throug
hout the ecosystem, and the whole earth, to understand the land should be studie
d in depth the whole universe. About that Hindu scriptures say that if you fully
understand your own body and self, it will understood everything, that is, "God
." If you have an idea of the world as a
large fractal, will reach the same conclusion, since the fractal is self-similar
at all scales and has infinite detail. Chaos theory suggests that we join with
the whole, do not try to live as separate elements, since we are part of the cha
os. Also says we are made in his likeness (the chaos). These ideas are also base
d religions. The idea of chaos theory on the observation of things, forgetting a
ll our prejudices and tastes, it is also an idea found in religion. In fact it i
s said that "the observer, observed, and the observation process become one", wh
ich translated in terms of chaos that would have to open sitem to such an extent
that is part of the great system that contains , which subject and object disap
pear, the need of the first system to exercise control over the latter. About cr
eativity Krishnamurti said that "only when there is enormous uncertainty," there
is a deep appreciation of the creative life, but saw that there is uncertainty
not only on great occasions of life and death, but in every moment life. In each
moment we have the chance to die psychologically if we can abandon prejudice, m
echanical habits, isolation, ego, image of self and the world and the concepts o
f past and future. In this way we implement the possibility of self-organized an
d creative insight that puts us in touch with the magic that lit. Many religions
hold that dualism is an illusion, or else there is a world (or perspective) mor
e real than this dualistic world. Chaos theory also points beyond the mere and e
ndless struggle between opposites, which often exist only in our ideas. Sometime
s there is some fear (in the West) to a theory resembles a religion.€But chaos
theory can not discard any data within its power, since that would be against th
eir definition, that everything influences everything. The chaos in the human bo
dy: The human body is also a chaotic system. Clearly it is impossible to predict
the route that any particle will be within our body. It is also clear that medi
cine still can not make a prediction about the evolution of the body of a partic
ular individual. However, the human body, despite the very different external co
nditions that may be exposed (climate, food, physical exertion, etc), he still m
aintains a general way. It is so resistant to change (in what may be) because ch
aotic systems are very flexible. A disease is unpredictable, but if the body did
not have the freedom to get sick with any changes to the system would collapse.
He is so flexible that system, which maintains a more or less similar for more
than 70 years, although ninglún atom which today form the body was the same for
7 years. The explanation that a system as unpredictable as the human body is so
stable is that it is a strange attractor and is full of strange attractors. The
system is always attracted to a particular role model, if we change something i
n the system as soon as it returns to the strange attractor. This does not mean
that behavior is mechanical, just the opposite: it is unpredictable. We only kno
w where you are going to tender. For example, in the heart attractor behavior is
the firing of a sequence of neurons. We know about the rhythm that should have
the heart, but it always has small irregularities. These small changes are a sig
n of heart health, a sample of the force of the chaotic system that is flexible
to changes. Heart Chaos provides a range of behaviors (degrees of freedom) in or
der to return to its normal rhythm after a change. A healthy organism, animal or
plant, is a strange attractor, each with its particular degree of freedom and d
egree of regularity. Chaos applied to artificial intelligence: The case of ants
can be compared with a neural network in the fluid
artificial intelligence (AI). Fluency in a chaotic system occurs when the connec
tions between elements change over time due to random movement or other causes.
An element (an ant, a neuron) that is still can return to activity either intera
ction or spontaneously, the spontaneous activities being totally chaotic. Thus,
low-density elements, irregular fluctuations because it would be very little int
eraction and the elements do not propagate well your changes. A large density fl
uctuations become periodic system: the activation of an element is propagated wa
veform. But between these extremes (irregularity and frequency) there is a criti
cal density, a point of bifurcation, in which the transmitted information is max
imized. The computer (the ability of a complex system to capture and process inf
ormation) often appears in nature when a chaotic system reaches a critical point
. (It is curious that all chaotic systems tend to evolve towards a critical poin
t!). To process information requires a certain degree of internal order, which a
llows temporary storage of certain information. But information has to be manipu
lated, so the disorder is necessary to allow the flow of chaotic system. The ide
a of introducing randomness in IA systems can also be seen otherwise. In chaos t
heory the randomness is just something you do not understand why it happens, is
a small portion of the fractal that shapes the world. Taking into account the pr
operties of fractals (self-similarity at different scales) you can take that por
tion of fractal and studying it from an appropriate scale (ie, discovering a cri
tical point), discover the context of fractal information within the system. Per
haps our minds work as well: more and more talk about randomness in the brain. I
n normal brain state we find two aspects: order (brain waves) and disorder. The
waves are aperiodic but allow to propagate into the bark, synchronize the billio
ns of neurons in an orderly manner. The brain is a chaotic system critical point
, capable of processing the information obtained (by use of randomness, maybe ..
.) should also be borne in mind that the brain follows certain behaviors. Chaos
in nature: fractal forms are seen in everything that is natural, and at all leve
ls.€It seems that the world of fractals fractal number and the material world a
re part of the same fractal, since they have almost identical form. The world is
a fractal autoasemeja at different scales. However mathematical fractals are mu
ch more simplified. Often, nature provides a challenge to the description: the s
elf-similarity of their shapes are combined with an endless novelty, which can n
ot be described even by non-linear algorithms. Take for example the fall of the
trees in the forest. When a tree falls leaves unclear where the light enters, co
nditions change, vegetation is greatly affected. Other times, a tree falling, dr
agging other, forming clear hundreds of square meters. The design formed the for
est clearings formed by falling trees represent a fractal structure of a critica
l point. Another example: self-organization of ant colonies. His overall behavio
r surprising: if we count the number of active individuals, over time, see that
the number fluctuates with a periodicity of about 25 minutes. Every now and noth
ing is active. This cycle of activity could be just a reflection of sync, but th
e individual activity is completely aperiodic, chaotic, without any intrinsic re
gularity. By increasing the number of individuals appears to collective behavior
that to a certain density of ants, regular oscillations begin to appear. If art
ificially change the density of ant colony redefined its borders, to return to t
he optimum density to maintain self-organized. At the critical density the syste
m behaves as a whole, halfway between order and disorder.
Macroevolution: The evolutionary process can be represented as a tree, whose str
ucture is fractal dendriforme. The regularities that appear between taxonomic gr
oups reveal the existence of laws to any taxonomic scale invariant, typical prop
erty of fractals. 99.99% of life forms that have appeared on Earth are extinct.
Let's see if there is any law on the probability of extinction of a species. If
the adjustment gives advantage to the species, it is assumed that the most persi
stent are the least likely to disappear. But the study of extinction patterns te
lls us that the probability of extinction of any group shows constant over time
and take depends on how much there on the planet. In his theory, Van Valen belie
ves that each species tries to improve its position within the ecosystem: in add
ition to interact with the physical environment interacts with the biotic enviro
nment. A change in the status of a species leads to changes in the other, the al
teration will affect, in turn, in the first, and so on back and forth endlessly.
Thus the system evolves to a critical point where we can see that certain parts
of the system remain unchanged for a long time, while others are rapidly changi
ng. The species changes only to persist, natural selection does not improve the
adaptation of the species: only the remains. Incapable of changing species becom
e extinct. The missing information: Chaos theory has to do with the inability to
predict and control, with the inability to make a full description, which some
scientists have called "the missing information." This missing information can b
e important but ... is absent. The paradoxes and koans lead us to the limit of l
ogical, rational and orderly. They force the mind to move in spiral and make log
ical repetitions while trying to solve the problem. However, there may be no sol
ution from the context in which they are framed. We say that something is missin
g, something incomplete about our concept of reality. But just the fact that we
think of such paradoxes means that we are superior to the conceptual system we h
ave created, may we be the missing information we are seeking. The paradox facin
g our desire to divide the world into dualities, to place the items in their app
ropriate categories and then raise borders around. We create a mental chaos nece
ssary for creativity, in which the mind autorreorganiza changes and their percep
tion of reality. Lorenz found and what happens when rounded to three decimal pla
ces. Both in theory and in practice, there will always be missing information, a
limitation to our knowledge. On the one hand a system as complex as the world,
there is a clear division into parts, which now prevents us from getting all the
information, on the other hand, our simple act of fishing for information, our
mere presence,€disturbs a system in unpredictable ways. Furthermore, "we can no
t get all in your pocket, because the pocket is also part of that whole." We alw
ays want to finish things but we forget the missing information. Our tremendous
desire to control human nature and the material world we have created an insatia
ble thirst for progress, accompanied by an arrogance with which we classify as p
rimitive civilizations. We are only concerned about the known and forget about t
he dimension of mystery. Indeed, it is surprising technological progress today,
but maybe we're ignoring something, than at any time, could disrupt all our know
ledge accredited. A very obvious example: At the beginning of the century, physi
cists speculate that its subject matter was running out. Soon there would be no
relevant physical aspects that might be discovered. All they were missing to sol
ve three problems: why Mercury's orbit is irregular, a discrepancy between theor
y and the amount of energy released by a black hole, and the effect of a third b
ody in the movement of two others. For the attempt to complete information regar
ding the first case led to the theory of relativity, the
second made it appear the quantum theory and the third came the chaos theory. Ea
ch of these theories have mysteries to solve. It turned out that nature is far m
ore subtle than we had imagined. So the missing information is always with us to
remind us of our limitations, appearing from time to time, which turns everythi
ng upside down, skipping our borders more established. Yet modesty is difficult
to achieve in our Western civilization, we pride ourselves on the finished, comp
leteness. We complete scientific theories, our stories and musicals always take
a final (at least until recently). On the contrary, there are cultures where the
music and the stories continue indefinitely, without this final point with whic
h we are so obsessed. Although the Sherpas of Tibet like mountain climbing, usua
lly refrain out of respect for the gods, to remain on the tops. However, imagine
a Western climber not take a picture with his feet treading the summit: that pe
rson would think we would find it mediocre and that his trip would have been inc
omplete. But there are no complete theories. A theory is a mental projection of
the infinite complexity of nature, which emphasizes the nuances within the flow
of life and uncertainty. The physicist David Bohm liked to point out that the wo
rd "theory" and "theater" from the same Greek root meaning "seeing." A scientifi
c theory is a theater of the mind, is something temporary that we abstract from
a much broader context. The context in which they are born the theory is continu
ally changing. One theory works for some time and then seems to stagnate, even t
hough we attempt to modify, until recently an emerging stage production of the m
ind. The theories are like tools of the mind and be able to be changed when need
ed. What sometimes happens is that we have just identified both as to nature wit
h a certain theory and do our best to adapt the world and mind to our theory. We
must not become slaves of a theory, not creyéndonos requires completing our th
eatrical productions. The nonlinearity of Time: We've reduced the essence of tim
e to mere quantity, and we are not aware of his qualities, completely ignore the
ir inner nature. In our postindustrial world, time has become mechanical, impers
onal, external and detached from our inner experience. While we believe the time
is a straight line thrown from the past into the future, it is difficult to rec
ount many of our internal temporal experiences, usually despise as illusions, di
sassociation, peculiarities of memory and perception, in any case nothing to do
with and essential physical nature of time. Chaos theory says there is no simple
lines in nature: any line, seen from a different scale, this is a succession of
forms of irregularities, curves, etc. The chaos also suggests that nothing has
just one, or two or three dimensions, it is "halfway" between them and that thes
e dimensions are fractal and nonlinear. Everything is also applicable to "the fo
urth dimension." Everything, from the atom to the cell, from one tree to the cos
mos, has its internal clock that measures your individual time step, the magnitu
de of the process he has experienced. According to chaos theory systems tend to
organize themselves,€preserving the internal balance while retaining a degree o
f openness to the outside world. Something similar happens with time: each eleme
nt of a system has its own unique measure of the magnitude of the internal proce
ss that is taking place on the external environment. However, the "clock" inside
of all smaller systems are related with perfectly. This connection with the env
ironment of systems that have their own temporary measure time enriches and fill
s it with dimensions. It is clear that some systems are less influenced by the e
nvironment (limit cycles) while others are very open to change. When life-threat
ening, time seems to stand still: the events happen in slow motion and we have a
world of time to decide whether to stop or accelerate to avoid a collision. It
is as if each event within the landscape
was developed as an individual time with their own measure of being and movement
. This experience of time may not be a mere illusion produced by a mind overload
ed with adrenaline, the one clear glimpse of how things really are in the dimens
ions of time. When disconnecting the mechanical time clock can experience the nu
ances of fractal time: our experience expands within the time and act in line wi
th our internal rhythms, allowing them to be in harmony with the rhythms of the
system that contains us. When we're watching the flow of a stream, listening to
the wind through the trees and the birds singing or observing the behavior of an
ts, we can feel from the microacontecimientos who, full of nuances, flowing over
us, until the flow of the waves of time larger and slower, as the Sun's motion
across the sky, the warmth of the earth, seed germination, aging trees, etc. All
of these fractal dimensions of time are curved and break even within our bodies
, and are synchronized with our internal temporal rhythms. When we are absorbed
in the contemplation of natural scenery, when we fall in love, when we are in cr
isis or when danger threatens us, these are all times when a change in conscious
ness that lets us forget our prejudices about the weather and get into rhythm di
fferent time. Also when we dream we adapt to a different time, where a long and
complex history is lived within a few seconds. We have separated the time of the
immediacy of human experience, reducing it to numbers manipulated by an equatio
n. It is clear that for a time accounting would serve no useful if it were somet
hing to fall back on itself, which is available layers and had a rich texture. N
either could be used as a commodity, as we use it now: we spend it, save it or l
ose it, but never have enough time. "T = $". We start with the season of birth a
nd we walk toward the final destination, thinking that our life is the distance
remaining before the final season: look at time as something that is eaten quick
ly, as the train swallows the rails ahead. Our goal is desperate to "fill" the m
ost of the time remaining. Divide it into years, days, seconds and even those wh
o work with computers, in microseconds. We tried to get a certain amount of thin
gs in a specific time but never get synchronized with their artificial divisions
and measures, and that creates stress and nervousness, we are torn away from ou
r true selves-our inner experience accurately rejects the equal interval. In fac
t, the analog music recordings seem to sound more "warm" the computer-synthesize
d digital sound, not to submit such measures accurate to microseconds and not ha
ving a fixed frequency and precise. There are cultures that are adjusted to othe
r types of timing: The Polynesians have been synchronized with the flow of time
in your environment. For them life runs in slow motion at dawn and dusk: at the
time that a major activity for us and what we are 30 minutes so they can be seve
ral hours. At noon the people rest and makes the least effort, so one of their h
ours is 100 minutes longer than ours. We would argue that the hours of Polynesia
ns have an unequal length, but in the experience of them a half hour of their da
y is like one of his hours of dawn, they contain the same amount of activity. In
our compulsion to improve efficiency, we forget that the intelligent work of hu
man beings is not a mere question of speed.€(There is more to see the flood of
errors received in the e-mail every day.) Rather than ask ourselves how long we
have, we can ask the question "What time is meaningless for us? No need more tim
e, but a more full time, not full in the sense of having done a lot of things, b
ut the sense of engaging with the activity to develop. Many creative artists hav
e tried to describe how they perceive at once the contemplation of a work of art
, although some details are further developed. Many composers think of a complet
e composition and are out of time, since now
the can "listen" to complete in seconds or less. Already at the time to translat
e it into notes, have to put the work in linear time. But that creativity may ha
ve required long periods of "passivity." Our individual creativity requires that
each activity takes place in good time. A creative life requires attention to t
hings in a way that allows every effort to grow in their own way from the nutrit
ional context of all other "companies" developed creative. Thus we can allow man
y creative processes take place simultaneously, because in reality are in sync,
form a system. If you were to sum up the entire time spent in a day dispusiésem
os creative and a linear time, probably exceed 24 hours a day. Some developers s
eem to have an unbreakable alliance with the fractal dimensions of time (and to
us it seems odd that they will not adapt to the clockwise). This expansive and r
ich time is available for all of us, but our industrial society conditions us to
not experience it that way: we do only one thing at a time and when we try to d
o more, do not allow them to synchronize to its own measure of time but poses co
nstraints schedules ... and usually just failing in all these tasks. You follow
your internal clock and not the artificial does not mean that each person has to
go on their own, independent of the others. When we do group work have to adapt
to a common time. The worst case would be little communication between individu
als and all have to try to adapt to a mechanical time clock. The best case would
be this one in which individuals work at home, come to understand perfectly and
, although each is following its own internal clock, miraculously turns out that
all these individual clocks are synchronized group (although they are in harmon
y temporal rhythms different dynamic, ever-changing: the strange timing is one o
f the characteristics of chaos). At any time, right now, for example, we try to
experience an eternity in just one sec ... but surely leaving just "for the week
end" or "when we have time." Scales and fractal dimensions: Scales. It is charac
teristic of fractals that are self-similarity at different scales (see enlargeme
nt of a fractal.) This property also applies to the natural world (see chaos in
nature.) For example, in the microscale of our existence, each us is one of the
world that created us. It is therefore appropriate that, in the first weeks afte
r conception, a fetus pass through shapes reminiscent of fish, amphibians and ma
mmals, through a micro-history of the evolution of chaos until it finds its own
way and own face. Dimensions. If we take a line (one dimension) and wrinkle, one
can say we get a plane, since the line no longer has a single dimension, but al
so has two: it is half done. Similarly, if we take a role we ball, we have somet
hing that is halfway between two and three dimensions. Precisely this is the cas
e of fractals. An example: The British coast, like any natural form is a fractal
(fractal dimension 1.26). Assuming that it was in the plane, do the experiment
of measuring the length of its coastline. We make a picture from a satellite and
measured the periphery. We get a certain number of miles, but if we make the ph
oto from a plane, appearing more details see the coast and, to re-measure, we ge
t a higher number. If we continue to expand and measuring the increasing number
of details, the length will continue to increase until, if we could get to measu
re with an infinite number of details, the length of the coast would be much lon
ger than was measured with few details. . Why? Because the coast line can not be
measured as being one-dimensional€but neither becomes two-dimensional. In the
middle. An interesting question is whether the dimensions really exist or is our
way of thinking that has invented. It is clear that the world could also be mea
sured with other axes than those we usually use. Things can be classified into s
ize curves or spirals. Only
would have to modify our geometric equations and temporary. Perhaps we are class
ifying all forms that come to mind within a system of linear dimensions, because
this thing called online was the first thing that came to mind. A line is a kin
d of oversimplification: to imagine an object of exactly one dimension are doing
a simplification of the dimensions (because nothing has exactly one dimension),
on the other hand, imagining a perfectly straight line are doing a simplificati
on of reality where there are no simple lines. How would imagine a reality if we
use as a reference system had been different from what we now call a straight l

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