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STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic planning is a management process that allows for a

direction to be followed by the organization with the goal of obtaining an optim

ization in the relationship between the company and its environment, ie, strateg
ic planning is the process that exploits the response that the organization must
submit to their environment before a context of change. The Planning forecasts
the futoro objectives, outlines a path to follow. All planning suffers adjustmen
ts along the way to achieve the ultimate goal. The establishment of a strategic
marketing plan involves five activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Defining the corporate m
ission. Analysis of the situation. Formulation of goals. Formulation of strategi
es. Implementation, feedback and control.
Vision: what I mean? Mission: what will I do to get there? To reach the goal wil
l generate a strategic planning process for each sector. Is that each area must
develop to meet the objectives delineated in the plan. Staff need: 1 - quantity:
No enough people. Idleness low production in February - quality: it is defined
as the ability of the company. "The easiest way to bankrupt a company is the GP.
" Lack of strategic planning, a bankrupt firm; problem of succession is a lack o
f strategic planning. Position key: It's up the organization or her nature. PPGE
: to measure quantity and quality of people to reach the vision. Technology: Sop
histication quality
Installed Capacity: Profile managerial decision is how to control that will be o
n planning. Costs: training consistent with the sale of the company. Satisfactor
y decision: Decision can do great: but I do not poso. Assignments: know the posi
tion in the company Allocation: are allocated so as to generate productivity for
the company. Reward system: a plan for jobs and wages, benefits. You can genera
te problems: A cursory search on the market; In case of requirement of high-skil
l, can make wage outside of company policies, generating internal conflicts;
Leave a good potential to take the house because no previous study of the existi
ng potentials; Fall of productivity by the absence of the occupant of the positi
on; stages of strategic planning: STEP 1 - DEFINING THE MISSION. STEP 2 - IDENTI
validated and adopted the "MASTER PLAN." STEP 7 - IDENTIFY GAPS TECHNICAL, OPERA
One can identify the EP HR as a continuous process of decision making within the
administration of people. What characterizes the EP HR is its dynamic nature an
d flexible in the face of opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strategies in t
he market in which the organization operates. RECRUITMENT OF STAFF Market: is th
e part of the environment that the company uses to conduct its operations (raisi
ng funds and bringing products). "What determines my market is the nature of my
business," Labor market: the set of employment opportunities in a region. Market
of human resources is the set of candidates or potential that exists in a regio
n. 1. real candidates: those who are unemployed and seeking employment. 2. Poten
tial candidates: those who are working but can get involved in a new job. Labor
market and market HR are interdependent - a candidate needs to fill their vacanc
ies and other jobs need to work together. Recruiting: convening compulsory to in
form the existence of vacancies (purpose), eg the person has read a newspaper, f
rom there starts the selection; Recruitment: It is a system of corporate informa
tion to candidates, to publicize job openings. It is the search for candidates i
n the HR market. - Is when the company announces the availability of places.
Information that part of the organization to market HR stating the existence of
vacancies. -Wants to attract people to the organization; of interest to the orga
nization. Tell-a wave that has the profile you want to take an adequate recruitm
ent. The purpose of recruitment is to bring candidates to the company. If the co
mpany needs to fill vacancies, it is necessary that she make the people know tha
t these places exist.€So when candidates present themselves, he can choose the b
est. The importance of recruitment is that if it is done well, it will attract g
ood candidates for the company, accelerating the process quality. Procedure: Rec
ruitment - Selection - Hire - Train - Performance Evaluation. Stages of Recruitm
ent. 1st stage: analysis of requests from employees (requests): What to fill the
vacancies? A national company that recognizes the need to fill a vacancy and in
form the HR. Define what the company wants: training, experience, age, sex, stag
e 2: analysis of recruitment sources (choice of font): Where are the candidates?
The national recruitment and selection analyzes where you can find suitable can
didates for the vacancy. Ex: junior engineer / engineering schools; joiner / nei
ghborhoods that have carpentry; Internal: is the candidate who is in the organiz
ation (making deals) Recruitment procedure: where the candidates are to fill the
vacancy within the organization, it is faster and cheaper ; To use the internal
I have to have programs trinamento. Advantages: provide for the growth of staff
; cause greater incentive among the staff and raises healthy competition among c
olleagues; Disadvantages: requires the company's training programs and staff dev
elopment to prepare employees for more complex opportunities; External: the cand
idates are out the organization (job market); external recruitment: the filling
of vacancies candidates recruited by the company in the market for HR, is used i
n cases of more time-consuming, but it is a way to bring new ideas into the orga
nization. Advantages: brings new blood and new experiences; Disadvantages: The n
ew candidate will need time to adapt to new business and new office, 3rd stage:
choice of recruiting techniques (techniques): How you attract the candidates? Th
is phase will be chosen techniques to inform the likely candidates on the vacanc
ies in the company; Technical recruitment • • Poster: I have to put where I meet
people, lower qualifications, Database Curriculum, mean rating;
• • • • • • •
Indication: It is the most widely used, low cost and is usually effective, low a
nd medium skills; Visit to schools: search and junior traineers; lower qualifica
tions, Newspaper Announcement: (problem: the impact of short duration), high qua
lifications, but can be used for the others, only have to be in the newspaper fo
r the right qualifications, recruitment closed: normally is used when the compan
y did not want to be identified. Internet: medium to high qualification; Recruit
ment agencies: outsourcing, usually uses a third party, if no one sector HR; Hea
dhunter: it works in the organization to hire high-level people, usually senior
executives and professionals a lot of feedback;
Job description - it happens in the analysis request - that the individual will
have to do? - Need and importance; SELECTION OF STAFF - is a comparison of the q
ualifications of each candidate with the job requirements and is a selection fro
m among candidates who present the most appropriate qualifications for the posit
ion vacant, the purpose of personnel selection is to put positions in existing o
ccupants adequate existing needs; 1. Qualification lower than demand - trainee,
with no experience, people leaving university, where the company will enable the
individual (a company must be able to train), 2. Qualification equals demand -
perfect, but hard to find in the labor market, 3. Higher qualification requireme
nts - the organization must escape from that individual; higher cost than benefi
t, only when you hire a rapid process; The best candidate is one who fits where
I need; Selecting a) Technical aspects Specification of function: what it will d
o, what knowledge they need to have to take over; lesser degree of error, b) Asp
ects behavioral Organizational culture X individual culture, the error is seriou
s, beliefs and values of a + - equal to the other, c) needs of the specific orga
nization Stuff the company requires the employee, eg, woman - no more than 25 ye
ars - not whether such religions is not mistakes; techniques for personnel selec
tion: method used to seek information about the candidate;
1. Interviewers: one of the most widely used, observe the behavior of the indivi
dual techniques; problem: everyone thinks they know how to interview, should hav
e script (plan) to be objective - structured or closed: use script, low-skill po
sitions; is objective ; questions are the same for all candidates - semi-structu
red: a flexible itinerary,€average skill positions - open: requests for the cand
idate to talk a little about your professional life, high-skill positions, the c
andidate and the interviewer speaks only forward the subject, the interview is a
formal approach (low and medium qualification) and informal (high rating), also
exist in the interview the negative aspects that are imprecise (evaluates the s
uitability for the post, very vaguely) and subjectivity (preferences can be infl
uenced by the interviewer). 2. Evidence of knowledge or ability: they seek to me
asure the candidate's knowledge or skills through written questions and answers;
Technical Aspect - simulation; behavioral aspect - Psychological group dynamics
- psychological and psycho 3. Final interview: after going through the whole pr
ocess is done the final interview with the boss or manager of the sector for whi
ch the candidate is. PCP - Principle of Progressive Complexity is only used when
there are a large number of candidates. The knockout stages are in the process.
Smaller number of candidates reaching the final. Human qualities in a work envi
ronment. 2. 3. 4. Poor performance and high disposal - empowering low performanc
e and low mood - Forward High performance and high available - maintaining high
performance and low mood - dislodge
Competence = knowledge skill X X attitude Competence = result / time + effort Le
arning to fight the time Note: The will to. STAFF TRAINING - is an educational p
rocess through which people acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for performa
nce of their duties;-should be a continuous process; training;-how individuals l
earn, grow, have thought. Types of Training 1. Transmission of knowledge: traini
ng to inform how the organization works, 2. Skills development: a guide to the i
mplementation of the task (job);
3. Development of attitude, behavioral training, organization speaks what is all
owed or not, how she wants the guy there in the organization; Objectives of trai
ning: preparing staff for immediate implementation of various tasks in the organ
ization, provide ongoing staff development; change people's attitudes in order t
o make employees more efficient and productive, providing excellence in work, th
e quality, accuracy and personal gratification; Arrangements Internal Training:
it is he who is planning his run for the sector's HR organization itself; + fast
and + cheap; External training: the organization outsources services Rh; longer
and more expensive; Introductory Training: given for new recruits for the adapt
ation and interaction; Training in service is done while the individual learns,
learns the service while working with colleague working hours; Technical Trainin
g Lectures, lectures, case study, discussion, workshop; dynamics: Phase 1. Needs
assessment of training: corresponds to the diagnosis, determine the problem, a
training need is in a deficiency in the post, When there is a need for training
may be due to low productivity, low quality work, poor communications, problems
of relationships between people; also occur when there is the company's expansio
n and hiring of new employees, changes in methods and work processes; The means
to make the LNT are: Performance: Make sure that employees are doing their tasks
below the level satisfactory; Note: waste, disciplinary problems; Request chief
s, calling for the training subordinates; exit interview: to interview the emplo
yee who is leaving the organization, 2. Schedule training: this part is done the
cost sheets, instructors, material, 3. Implementation of training: here runs th
e training program, 4. Evaluation of training results: it must be done to determ
ine the efficiency of training if the training has produced the desired changes
if the techniques were effective or accuracy be reviewed; assists in the promoti
on or dismissal of the employee; verify strengths weaknesses; Halo Effect : pers
onal opinion of the evaluator; PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL - is the set of measures de
signed to assess the performance of duties and responsibilities that make up the
job, the employee who occupies it;
The problem of performance evaluation process is subjective; The focus of AD nee
ds to be development: strengths and weaknesses, maintaining the strengths and we
aknesses work factors; points are that the company has to assess, the organizati
on determining factors, responsibility,€punctuality, attendance, sociability; ..
. The AD is important in feedback, give feedback to the individual if there was
no feedback rating; An AD should only be given to the outcome assessment; Conseq
uences of AD: reduce the degree of efficiency of employees, unaware of the defec
tive points of employees , employees discouraged; prejudice relations; Benefits:
To the boss: can evaluate the performance and behavior of subordinates and may
propose measures to improve the standard of behavior, can communicate with emplo
yees and explain the mechanics and objectives; To subject to: get to know the ru
les of the game is knowing your weaknesses; learns the steps that the company is
taking to improve its performance, to the organization: you can assess their hu
man potential, can identify those employees who need improvement ; can streamlin
e its HR policy, Method AD Scale graphic: The errors occur frequently, most ofte
n used, subjectivity high, evaluates the performance of people through the evalu
ation factors previously defined and graduates; Advantages: The assessment proce
ss is easy understanding; brief overview of the evaluation factors; simplifies t
he work of the evaluator; Disadvantages: does not allow flexibility to the asses
sor, subject to distortion or interference; subjectivity that tends to drive the
results of evaluations; Forced Choice: neutralize subjectivism and protectionis
m existing in the method graphic scales; Advantages: provides more reliable resu
lts; simple application; Disadvantages: design and assembly complex, the assesso
r is unaware of the outcome, it is used for personal political purposes; Outcome
assessment: it is based on a periodic comparison between the expected results f
or each employee, the findings help identify the strengths and weaknesses of eac
h individual; Feedback 360 - is an open meeting where everyone expression; a cir
cular evaluation; Advantages: fewer notes artificial; view more balanced, more c
redible, the AD search combining organizational objectives and improve performan
ce, adapt the administration of wages, stores information for future management
actions and identify training needs;
The negative effects of AD are the halo effect, which is the personal opinion of
the assessor (does not really show what should appear in the evaluation, preven
ts the factors perceived to be good or bad for individuals) and the error of cen
tral tendency is that the evaluator do not know the individual or afraid to asse
ss; whole process of evaluation and subjective, to reduce the subjectivity is ne
cessary to train the evaluator and use the formal mode. Giving feedback to asses

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